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      • KCI등재

        패션잡지정보가 여성의복스타일에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김세은 ( Sae Eun Kim ),김문영 ( Mun Young Kim ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2010 패션 비즈니스 Vol.14 No.4

        The influence of mass media on the consumers who want to purchase fashion products might be very important. Especially fashion magazine, a media of providing professional information and opinion about fashion, not only provides the information of products or fashion trend, but is used as an advertising media for publicizing products. The purpose of this study is to investigate how such fashion magazine affects consumers. In this study, questionnaire survey was administrated to understand the status of subscription of fashion magazine and consumers` influence. To analyze the garment style comparatively, the pictures that were taken on Dongseong Street from December 2007 to November 2008, and the pictures in fashion magazine Vogue Korea were analyzed to the content. Followings are the results of the study. consumers receive the information of products and new style through fashion magazine, but mostly wear the garment style that emphasizes convenience in practical life. In other words, the fashion magazine provides consumers with the information of fashion products and has the influence as the source of fashion style information and the fashion trend, but is not yet spreaded to people as much as generalized and accepted on the street. It is because the information in fashion magazine is differentiated information that is first received by particular readers, that is, the fashion leaders sensitive and much interested in the fashion. Fashion magazine is used as a means of getting information of fashion and style and satisfying the desire of novelty, and tend to be a sensuous media of delivering information through image. It, however, must be a mass media that shows the trend and leads the fashion.

      • KCI등재후보

        웹 매거진의 반응형 웹디자인 인터페이스 비교 연구

        백대은(Baik, Dae Eun),최민영(Choi, Min Young) 한국디지털디자인협의회 2014 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.14 No.1

        Mobile, Tablet PC, Desktop PC, Smart TV 등 NScreen의 시대로 불리는데, 다양한 디바이스의 해상도에 맞춰 사이트의 최적화 된 레이아웃을 변환하는 것을 반응 형 웹 디자인이라 한다. 이러한 반응 형 웹 디자인의 필요성은 최근 몇 년 사이 웹을 이용 할 수 있는 다양한 모바일 기기가 등장하면서 부각되고 있다. 그리고 21세기 초 이슈가 된 분야는 웹 매거진 분야였다. 웹과 매거진의 결합으로 탄생된 웹진은 많은 관심과 연구가 이루어져 왔지만, 사용자가 필요의 의해 접속하지 않으면 접근성을 높일 수 없다는 문제점 때문에 점점 관심이 떨어졌다. 하지만 현 시점에서 사용자들은 Mobile, Tablet PC등의 등장으로 그러한 반응이 역전되는 추세다. 패션에 관심 많은 젊은 사용자들은 패션 잡지를 통해 트렌드를 경험하는데 이러한 측면과 늘 휴대하고 다니는 다양한 디바이스를 접하는 습성은 패션 웹 매거진의 점유율을 높이는데 충분한 상황이 되고 있다. 패션웹 매거진은 화려한 컬러감과 유행을 이끄는 다양한 아이템들 그리고 도전적인 레이아웃과 디자인의 패션 트렌드를 보여주기 때문에 텍스트 보다 미디어가 압도적으로 많이 실린다는 점이 특징이지만, 독자가 원하는 정보를 충분히 전달하지 못 한다는 단점을 패션 웹 매거진은 인터넷을 활용하므로 이점을 보완 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 해외 버전과 국내 버전을 모두 제공하고 패션 매거진을 대표하는 매거진 중 가장 선호도가 높은 3대 패션 웹 매거진을 선정하였다. 그리고 해외 버전 패션 웹 매거진을 콘텐츠의 내용적 측면과 시각적 조형성으로 비교분석하고 분석된 결과를 추출하여 국내 버전중 반응 형 웹 디자인이 요구되는 한 곳을 대상으로 최적화 된 가이드를 제안한다. Currently, it is heralded as the era of N-Screen that includes mobile, tablet PC, desktop PC, smart TV, etc. Converting an optimized layout in accordance with the resolution of various devices is called responsive web design. The need for such responsive web design has been highlighted with the advent of smart devices of various sizes that can use web in recent years. And the sector that had become an issue in the early 21st century was the web magazine sector. Webzine that was born out of the combination of web and magazine had received a lot of interests and studies. However, those interests have gradually declined due to the problem that it was not possible to increase the accessibility unless an user accessed out of necessity. But, there is recently a reverse tendency that people are using it more with the emergence of smart devices of various sized screens at the present time. Young readers who have lots of interests in fashion get to experience trends through fashion magazines; thus, such aspect and their habit of accessing various portable devices that they carry all the time are generating a sufficient situation to increase market share of fashion web magazine. Fashion web magazine shows splendid color sense and diverse items leading trends, challenging layout and fashion trend of design; therefore, one of its unique features is to include overwhelmingly more media than texts. But as for fashion paper magazine, it has a disadvantage of not delivering a sufficient amount of information that readers want. On that account, fashion web magazine complements this point by using Internet. This study has selected the three major fashion web magazines that had the highest affinity among those magazines representing fashion magazine, which also provided both domestic version and overseas version. And this study proposes an optimized guide for one magazine requiring responsive web design out of the domestic versions by conducting a comparative analysis on overseas version of fashion web magazine through the content aspect and visual formativeness and extracting the analyzed results.

      • KCI등재

        패션잡지에 나타난 패션일러스트레이션 표현 특성에 대한 연구 - 2002∼2013년 남성/여성 패션잡지 비교 -

        피영명,우주형 한국패션디자인학회 2015 한국패션디자인학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        현대 패션산업의 발달과 문화적인 변화에 따라 다양하게 발전해온 오늘날의 패션일러스트레이션은 그 표현기법 뿐 아니라 대중과의 접점에 대한, 다시 말하면 어떻게 대중 매체에서 활용되는지에 관한 연구가 필요하게 되었다. 본 연구의 목적은 국내의 대표적인 남/여 패션전문잡지의 내용을 광고와 기사 및 칼럼으로 나누어 남/여 잡지에서 나타나는 패션일러스트레이션을 양적분석과 표현방법들을 분석하여 패션일러스트레이션의 실질적 활용현황을 파악하고, 남성패션잡지와 여성패션잡지 간의 특성에서 오는 패션일러스트레이션의 표현방법의 차이, 아울러 최근 12년간의 패션일러스트레이션의 표현양식의 전체적인 흐름을 살펴보고자 한다. 본 연구의 분석자료는 2002년부터 2013년까지의 여성패션전문잡지 보그(VOGUE)와 남성 패션전문잡지 에스콰이어(ESQUIRE)에서 추출한 총 1229개의 패션일러스트레이션을 대상으로 하였다. 연구결과, 광고에 있어서는 거의 나타나지 않았지만, 기사 및 칼럼에 실린 패션일러스트레이션에 있어서는 남/여 패션전문잡지의 양적 차이가 5배에 가까울 정도로 매우 크게 나타났다. 또한 표현방법을 살펴본 결과. 표현대상에 있어서는 광고와 기사 모두 남/여 잡지 모두 인체를 그 주요대상으로 하고 있으며, 공통적으로 포토몽타주양식이 표현기법으로서 가장 빈번하게 나타났다. 또한 표현양식에 있어서도 남/여 잡지 모두 구상적, 반구상적 표현양식이 대부분을 차지하였으며, 초현실적 표현양식은 매우 낮은 수치를 보였다. 본 연구는 작품집이나 갤러리의 작품이 아닌 실제 판매되고 있는 패션잡지에 발표된 패션일러스트레이션을 분석함으로써 그 실증적인 활용현황과 표현방법을 알 수 있고 또한 그 특성에 따라 이후 남/여 패션 잡지의 패션일러스트레이션의 방향성을 제안할 수 있는 것에 의의를 둔다. Fashion illustration, as it has evolved with the development of fashion industry and cultural changes, requires research on the way of expression in addition to the way it is used in mass media. The purpose of this study is: First, to grasp the use of fashion illustration in domestic fashion magazines; Second, to distinguish difference in fashion illustration of men's and women's magazines; Third, to examine a general trend of fashion illustration in past 12 years. The study was done through collecting quantitative data on use of fashion illustration and analyzing expression of fashion illustration in advertisements, articles, and columns of fashion magazines. Study subject includes 1229 pieces of fashion illustration of VOUGE and ESQUIRE representing women's and men's magazine respectively in Korea from 2002 to 2013. Use of fashion illustration in advertisements and columns-contrast to advertisement in which women's and men's magazine shows similar amount of fashion illustration- differed greatly with women's magazine using almost five-fold more than men's magazine. In terms of expression, human body is the most frequently used subject and photo montage the most frequently used method of fashion illustration in both men's and women's magazine. Also, figurative or half-figurative form of expression is mainly used in fashion illustration, while abstract form of expression is rarely used. The research is meaningful in that it analyses fashion illustration in magazines actually on sale thus, according to each characteristic found, suggests the direction of fashion illustration of both male and female magazines.

      • KCI등재

        라이선스 패션잡지 사은품의 판매촉진 효과 : 이용동기와 인지적 적합성을 중심으로

        이호동,황경호,박경우,장병희 한국소통학회 2016 한국소통학보 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구는 라이선스 패션잡지에 대한 수용자의 이용동기 요인을 밝히고, 이용동 기가 수용자들의 라이선스 패션잡지 사은품 추가에 대한 인지적 차원의 태도와 사 은품이 추가된 잡지에 대한 감정적 차원의 태도에 영향을 미치는지 살펴보았다. 또 한 인지된 적합성(perceived fit) 개념을 도입하여 라이선스 패션잡지와 사은품 간 의 적합성 효과도 살펴보았다. 연구 결과, 라이선스 패션잡지의 이용동기로는 사회 성 및 유용성, 패션정보추구, 기분전환, 화장정보추구, 흥미성, 연예인 관심, 시도가 능성 등 총 7가지의 요인이 추출되었다. 7가지 이용동기 가운데 사회성 및 유용성, 패션정보추구, 흥미성은 라이선스 패션잡지 사은품 추가에 대한 태도에 유의미한 영향력을 보였다. 사은품이 추가된 라이선스 패션잡지에 대한 태도에는 사회성 및 유용성과 흥미성만이 유의미한 영향력을 나타냈다. 라이선스 패션잡지와 사은품 간의 인지된 적합성의 경우, 수용자들의 잡지 사은품 추가에 대한 인지적 태도와 사은품이 추가된 잡지에 대한 감정적 태도에서 유의미한 차이가 없었다. This study examined the usage motivations of readers on licensed fashion magazine as well as how the usage motivations influence the cognitive attitude on adding freebies to licensed fashion magazine and affective attitude on licensed fashion magazine with freebies added. Furthermore, with introducing a specific concept, perceived fit, this study investigated the effects of fit between licensed fashion magazine and freebies. The results of this study demonstrated that seven factors, ‘sociality and usability’, ‘fashion information seeking’, ‘refreshment’, ‘cosmetic information seeking’, ‘interest’, ‘attention on entertainer’, and ‘possibility of attempt’, were found as the usage motivations of licensed fashion magazine. Among all factors, ‘sociality and usability’, ‘fashion information seeking’, and ‘interest’ had impact on the attitude on adding freebies to licensed fashion magazine. However, the attitude on licensed fashion magazine with freebies added was affected by ‘sociality and usability’ and ‘interest’ only. In the perceived fit between licensed fashion magazine and freebies case, There were no differences in readers' cognitive attitude on adding freebies to licensed fashion magazine and affective attitude on licensed fashion magazine with freebies added, respectively.


        Hyeonjin Soh,Hyogyoo Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        This research examines how advertising message effectiveness differs depending on media types that provide fashion information among teenagers. Employing cloth consumption value and ‘fitness’ of fashion style, young people’s attitudes toward advertising and brand of fashion product were analyzed. Theoretical contribution and practical implication for fashion industry are discussed. Introduction Teenagers are an important consumer group in the clothing market, and the market size is expanding. They are more likely to absorb new information and respond to social influences, compared to other age groups. Thus, it is expected that teenagers are greatly influenced by the fashion information gained when making a purchase decision. In adolescence, the peer group is especially influential, as well as the media. Therefore, it is possible that their use of information source will differ from other groups. The most popular medium for Korean teenagers in recent years is social media. A Social Network Service (SNS) is a web-based service that allows individuals to build social relationships, providing a place for users to exchange information and opinions by providing a platform for communication (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). As development of mobile Internet technology, smart phone or tablet PC is commonly used in Korea and SNS becomes vital way for communication for young people. Most of teenagers are using SNS daily and exchanging their opinion each other. Recently, it attracts increasing attention for marketers to deliver advertising messages as a new marketing tool. Fashion companies widely employ SNS in their marketing activities to enhance brand images, retain customers (Cho & Park, 2012). SNS serves as a platform for “many-to-many” interactive communication, unlike traditional mass media for ‘one-to-many’ communication. Unlike traditional media, SNS has a wider influence on participants. Therefore, exactly the same message could be differently functioned by the advertising delivering system. This study seeks to look at how message effectiveness differs depending on the type of media that provides fashion information. As mentioned earlier, social media has distinct characteristics from the traditional mass media. Thus, even when it is the same advertising information, its impact on the consumer can vary when transmitted through the mass media and through social media. In addition, social media is a collection of various social platforms that share specific properties rather than a single media. Thus, depending on the type of social media, the same ad information can also be expected to elicit differing responses from consumers. In this study, female youth were studied as subjects of research. The survey method was utilized. This will allow us to explore the impact of various media on female youth's response on fashion advertisement. Understanding the sources of information important in youth will help develop effective clothing products marketing. The use of clothing sources varies depending on the group. Therefore, each vendor is expected to establish effective marketing methods through research on the use of the clothing information sources of the target audience. Theoretical Background Type of Media In this study, type of advertising media was mainly categorized as follows: Social Network Service (SNS) and mass media. More specifically, SNS was reassigned into three by characteristics of service such as network-type, share-type, and blog-type (Chung & Lee, 2015). Overall, four types of media were analyzed in this study and each service was represented by Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and magazine ad in the order named. Social Desirability and SNS Along the development of Internet based technology (IT), ways of advertising placement became diverse and moved focus on IT based service including SNS. Especially for young people, fashion industries are willing to catch their eyes on SNS. By the nature, young SNS users are eager to search, blog, and share what they have earned on SNS for various reasons. Sharing fashion information is very important for young female. Their expressions on SNS mean what they are; what I eat, wear and so on. A fellow feeling, so called ‘we-ness’, is extremely essential for Korean young people. Looking alike does not only share collectivistic spirits, but also makes feel not fall behind the trendy style. Using SNS is one of the best ways of confirming their fellow feeling and at the same time it reduces peer pressure. From the domain of fashion marketing, research on communication had been mostly focused on mass media, and research on SNS communication, sharing of consumption information among consumers had been insufficient (Jun & Park, 2013). Fashion companies are recently trying to utilize SNS as a new alternative to have efficient effects with little costs. The SNS communication effect plays a large role in the consumption of consumers and analyzes the influence of SNS on the responses of the customers. SNS has the characteristic in which recommendations of friends or reliable acquaintances based on trust are important (Jung & Cho, 2016). Fashion Information Source and Clothing Consumption Value Consumers’ choice of clothing is based on the information gained. Information provided by the media or other people's clothing is the main source of decision making. In this case, the media and the surrounding people will become sources of desirable fashion style. Earlier, Cox(1967) classified the type of information sources as marketer-driven sources, consumer-driven sources, and neutral sources. Several scholars classified information sources as personal and non-personal sources, and direct observations and experiences (Andreasen 1968, Sproles 1979). Park and Yoo(2000) classified consumers according to fashion lifestyles and analyzed the sources of information that each group utilized. Each group tended to use different types of fashion information sources. Fashion-following group and personality-oriented group utilized more media and personal information, such as print media and television, compared to pragmatism group and conformity group. Personality-oriented group tends to use more direct observation than other groups. Conformity group showed the least use of mass media, purchase experience, observation, and interpersonal information source. This result shows that the types and degree of information used varies depending on the consumer’s fashion lifestyle. Research has found that clothing consumption value is one of the major variables which affect consumer’s use of information source. Among several classifications of consumption values, Sheth’s model is the most utilized model in Korea fashion academia (Han and Kim, 2002). Sheth et al. (1991) classified consumption values into functional value, social value, emotional value, epistemic values, and conditional value. Han and Kim (2002) classified consumer groups into 4 groups utilizing Sheth’s classification: the Conspicuous, the Epistemic, the Social/Conformitive, and the Indifferent. There were significant different among the four groups in information search process. The Conspicuous and the Epistemic more tend to search carefully the clothes inside the store or in the show window than other groups. The two group members answered that they make a decision based on my own tastes than the other groups. Research Questions and Hypotheses Based on the earlier discussion, we propose following research question and hypotheses. Research Question 1: Would advertising message’s effect on young people’s attitudes toward advertising and brand of fashion product be different, depending on their consumption value of clothing? Hypothesis 1-1: Consumers in different consumption values groups will show different response to the same advertising message delivered through different channels. Specifically, social conformity group are more likely to show positive attitude toward advertising and brand presented on network-type SNS than advertising and brand presented on other platforms. Hypothesis 1-2: The Expressive is more likely to show positive attitude toward advertising and brand presented on magazine than other groups are. Research Question 2: Would advertising message’s effect on young people’s attitudes toward advertising and brand of fashion product be different, depending on their age group? Hypotheses 2-1: Young women will have better responses to SNS-based ads than magazine ads to older women. Research Question 3: Would advertising message’s effect on young people’s attitudes toward advertising and brand of fashion product be different, depending on their perception of ‘fitness’ of their desired fashion style? Hypotheses 3-1: When they perceive the presented style on the ad does not fit to their desired fashion style, network-type SNS is more likely to get positive attitude from the social conformity group than from the other groups. Methodology This present study aims to investigate the effects of advertising message by operating delivering system on consumers’ attitude toward fashion advertising and purchase intentions. This research employed a 4 (consumption value of clothing: expressive, practical, unique, social/conformity) X 4 (Advertising media type: network-type SNS, share-type SNS, blog-type SNS, and magazine) X 2 (fashion style fitness: fit/not fit) between subjects factorial design. The survey was conducted on 200 more young females, aged 16 to 24. Main Discussion Points This study aims to investigate how a fashion product ad works depending on the type of media on which the fashion advertising presents. To do this, authors will compare the advertising effectiveness among magazine ad, Facebook (Network type SNS), Instagram (Share type SNS), and Twitter(blog type SNS). First of all, we are going to examine how each advertising medium works depending on consumer’s consumption values, their age, and the perception of fitness of their desired fashion style. Based on the results, the theoretical contribution and practical implication will be discussed. This discussion will provide us deeper understanding on how fashion industry utilizes advertising media when female youth is a major target group

      • KCI등재

        국내 라이선스 패션잡지 표지에 나타난 패션특성의 비교분석 - ELLE, VOGUE, W를 중심으로 -

        이현지,이경희 한국의류산업학회 2019 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the fashion characteristics of fashion magazine cover by comparing and analyzing the formative characteristics of fashion, visual design characteristics and illustration vocabulary on the cover of 3 fashion magazines. The data analysis criteria consisted of the formative elements of fashion (fashion design element, fashion coordination element) and visual design element (color, illustration lexical layout, model photograph type). Data analysis methods were statistical analysis, stepwise lexical analysis, and content analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, the formative characteristics of fashion on the cover of fashion magazines show that ELLE is a feminine and elegant characteristics, VOGUE is a modern, chic and mannish characteristics, and W is avant-garde and neutral characteristics. Second, visual design characteristics on the cover of fashion magazines, ELLE and VOGUE use modern and simple modern sensibility by using monotonous background color and background color number, and W showed original image characteristic by using various colors. Third, as a result of the illustration lexical analysis on the cover of fashion magazines, 4 core keywords of trend, star, event, and life appeared in 3 magazines in common. Elle differentiates by innovation, Vogue by discrimination, W by reconstruction.


        Tetsuma Emmaru 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        According to this tendency, Japanese fashion consumption was characterized as conventional and normative. From a historical point of view, the norms on which the Japanese based their fashion choices were mainly imported from American and European countries or the fashions of movie stars and fashion magazines. However, lifestyles and fashion consumption in Japan has increasingly become diversified and personality-driven, leading Japanese consumers to enjoy fashion based on their individual lifestyles. This has resulted in individuals considering various clothing norms and keeping away from fashion magazines depicting the latest fashion trends in Japan. This currently poses a serious threat to the fashion business, as magazines are the main marketing tools in this industry. Therefore, in addition to a rise in Internet media and decreasing incomes, the sales of many fashion magazines, with the exception of a few, continue to drop. However, some magazines have managed to increase their sales circulation slightly. Through interviews with directors of fashion magazines, I found that the key to increasing sales is focusing on non-celebrity endorsers. Existing studies (mainly advertising studies) declined that celebrity endorsers (e.g., actors, models, and spokespersons) lead to consumption (e.g., Atkin & Block, 1983; Baker & Churechill, 1977; Callcott & Phillips, 1996; Debevec & Kernan, 1984; Friedman & Friedman, 1979, Kahle & Homer, 1985; Langmetyer & Walker, 1991; McCracken, 1989; Pornpitakapan, 2003). This study observes the importance of non-celebrity effects on fashion consumption. I conducted internet research on the declining relationship between fashion consumption and non-celebrity effects. In addition, I compared celebrity and non-celebrity effects for readers of fashion magazines (n=613). As a result of ANOVA (comparing readers committing to foreign celebrity, foreign non-celebrity, national celebrity, and national non-celebrity), significant differences were confirmed in all items of consumer’s evaluation of endorsers

      • KCI등재

        패션 일러스트레이션의 표현양식(表現樣式)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -패션잡지(雜誌)를 중심(中心)으로-

        노윤선 ( Youn Sun Roh ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2004 패션 비즈니스 Vol.8 No.5

        Fashion Illustration has become a key method in expressing Fashion, and is being applied in various fields of the modern world, where changes are so rapid that prescribing trends are meaningless. Fashion Illustration was stimulated through progress of wood block printing and development of printing techniques, and grew with fashion magazines. Fashion Illustration advanced along with the appearance of newspapers and magazines that were emerged due to historical demands such as development of printing techniques, spacial spread of human life, obliteration of traditional societies, diffusion of education systems, progress in postal systems, and appearance of commercial broadcast. Fashion Illustration showed growth and decline along with the influence of mass media such as magazines and photography, and the general publics demand. In this study, the author reviews Le Nouvau Mercure Galant, the magazine that first dealt with Fashion Illustrations. The author analyses the magazine in six stages of formation, growth, revolution, golden-age, decline, and reconstruction, to develope a theoretical analysis of Fashion Illustration and to give direction of use of Fashion Illustration in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Transactions : Female Japanese and Korean University Students` Awareness of and Attitudes about Fashion: Analysis in Relationship to the Media

        ( Shigeko Shoyama ),( Aya Matsuo ),( Ki Ro Yoon ),( Jung Sook Kim ) 한국의류산업학회 2002 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.4 No.6

        The present study selected female Japanese and Korean university students (a population that is assumed to be sensitive to the subject of fashion) as subjects. We investigated (1) their awareness of and attitudes about clothing styles, and (2) their relationships to fashion and various media. In both Japan and Korea, female students were highly interested in fashion and their major motive for adopting a given fashion was style change (the desire to change one`s style by adopting a novel fashion) or self-expression (the desire to express oneself and achieve self-realization). They most frequently adopted a fashion during the acceptance phase (when the fashion has spread through the market and been shown extensively by the media). Korean students were more interested in and positive to fashion than were Japanese counterparts. Fashion magazines often served as the major source of information on clothing fashions. The frequency of buying magazines and the number of magazines bought were higher in Korea than in Japan. The time spent in reading these magazines was also longer in Korea. The frequency of buying fashion magazines correlated with the degree of interest in fashion and the time when a fashion was adopted. Students who adopted a fashion earlier tended to buy fashion magazines more frequently.

      • KCI등재

        중국 패션잡지「상하이스타일(上海服飾)」에 나타난 패션스타일

        황려령 ( Liling Huang ),하지수 ( Ji Soo Ha ) 한국의류산업학회 2016 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Research on changes of Chinese women’s fashion styles was conducted through analysis of fashion images and articles in Chinese fashion magazines since 1980s. Through the fashion magazine research centered on Shanghai, the most developed commercial city having a great influence on the entire fashion industry in China, it examined Chinese fashion styles by period so identified a developmental process of Chinese fashion styles. Based on general understanding of Chinese fashion magazine industry, case study was conducted on 「Shanghai Style(上海服飾)」. After analyzing 1100 fashion images by period derived from 245 volumes from 1985 to 2013, this study compared fashion styles in 4 periods and analyzed the developments of Chinese fashion styles. Findings from the case analysis based on the classification of fashion styles are as follows. In the early editions, images to give a visual stimulus and express styles more intuitively were frequently used with reported articles. As for the general change of the style in 「Shanghai Style(上海服飾)」, expression was done centered on casual wear with gradual disappearance of formal wear. There was a tendency entire atmosphere of the style became romantic. Through a comparative analysis between Chinese fashion styles having such developmental characteristic and the global fashion trends, this study identified special characteristics of Chinese fashion style changes. As for common characteristics, firstly, both have a tendency to change into the coexistence of various styles rather than popularity of certain style. Secondly, style was expressed gradually centered on casual wear.

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