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        이혼예방을 위한 결혼전 준비교육의 필요성 고찰: 이혼율 증가에 따른 공공부조의 증가와 기독교교육을 중심으로

        공정환(Junghwan Kong) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2020 기독교교육정보 Vol.0 No.66

        본 연구는 이혼예방을 위해 결혼전 준비교육을 위한 방안으로 이혼율 증가가 사회복지의 일환인 공공부조에 미치는 영향을 연구하고, 기존에 진행하고 있는 예비부부를 위한 결혼전 준비교육에 이혼예방을 위한 교육이 함께 진행되어야 할 것을 제안하고 있다. 이에 현재 우리나라의 실제적 이혼에 대한 내용을 살펴보며 이혼이 정체 혹은 감소가 아니라 꾸준한 증가로 진행되어 가고 있는 것과 이혼율의 증가는 이혼건수의 축적과 함께 사회복지의 일환인 공공부조의 증가를 시사한다는 것을 파악해 주고 있다. 부부가 결혼을 통해 가정을 이루고 가정을 운영하며, 자녀를 출산하여 자녀를 양육하고, 중년기와 노년기의 삶을 함께 영위해 나가는 것은 부부를 중심으로 한 사적부조의 영역이라 할 수 있다. 하지만 부부해체를 통해 사적부조의 영역이 무너지면서 공공부조로 삶을 이어간다는 것은 사적영역에서 의무와 책임이 상실 혹은 회피하는 결과이며, 사회복지적 차원에서는 사적영역의 대안으로 공공부조가 사적부조의 영역을 대신하고 부족한 부분을 채워 넣어야 하는 복지지원이 작용할 수밖에 없다. 따라서 한정된 사회복지 자원의 활용도를 높이기 위해서는, 다시 말해 공공부조를 낮추고 부부가 사적부조를 온전하게 감당할 수 있는 방법은 이혼율을 낮추는 것이며 이혼율을 낮추기 위해서는 이혼을 예방하고 부부의 책임과 의무를 성실히 이행할 수 있는 부부교육이 반드시 필요하다는 것이다. 그런 측면에서 현재의 결혼전 준비교육이 이혼에 미치는 영향과 대안으로 이혼예방을 위한 결혼전 준비교육의 필요성을 살펴보고, 교육의 실제적 주체로 정부의 노력과 교육방법에 대해 설명하며, 기존의 부부 만족도와 친밀감 중심의 교육에 이혼예방에 대한 교육을 첨가할 것을 제안한다. 또한 기독교에서의 결혼전 준비교육의 현황을 살펴보고 몇몇 보완점을 제시하는 것으로 좀 더 개선된 교회교육을 살펴보고자 한다. 결혼을 준비한다는 것은 행복한 삶을 살아가야 하는 것과 동시에 가족해체라는 선택적 결과를 예방하는 것에도 방점을 두고 계획해야 하며 이러한 계획의 실행에 있어 정부의 노력과 정책의 변화, 그리고 예비부부를 위한 교육에 따른 가족정책 입안이 수반되어야 할 것이다. 더불어 기독교 교계내에서도 적극적인 기독교 교육적 접근의 필요성과 역할에 대해 본 연구를 통해 알아보고자 한다. This study examnies the correlation between increasing divorce rates and increasing public assistance, which is part of social welfare, and looks at ways for pre-marital preparatory education to prevent divorce. And this study researches the existing pre-marital preparatory educations for prospective couples as well as the education for the divorce prevention. Analysis of current actual divorce shows that divorce is not stagnant or declining, but steadily increasing. The increase in divorce rate suggests an increase in public assistance, one of the social welfare programs, along with the accumulation of divorce numbers. Couples form families through marriage, give birth to and raise childrens, they lives together in middle and old age, and private assistance is made around these couples. However, if the family is disbanded through divorce, private assistance will disappear and public assistance will replace it. Couples must take responsibility and duty through private assistance. Thus, the way for couples to reduce their dependence on public assistance and take fully responsible for private assistance is to lower the divorce rates, and in order to lower the divorce rates, couples must provide pre-education to prevent divorce. In this respect, researcher will study on the current pre-marital preparatory education and Christian education and the need for pre-marital preparatory education to prevent divorce through limitations and alternatives. It also argues that the government"s efforts are needed as the actual subject of education. The researcher suggests that education for the prevention of divorce should be added from existing education centered on marital satisfaction and intimacy.

      • 특수교육보조원제 운영에 대한 특수교사와 장애통합교육보조원의 인식비교

        박민경(Min Kyeung Park),이승희(Seung hee Lee) 조선대학교 교과교육연구소 2009 敎科敎育硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        This study was conducted to compare perception on operating the teacher-aid system between special education teachers and special education assistants. To do this, a questionnaire was distributed to 43 special education assistants and 41 special educational teachers who were working at general elementary, middle, high schools or special schools in the area of Gwangju. Sixty nine questionnaires were returned(return rate: 82.1%) and they were analyzed to answer research questions regarding the differences between special education teachers and special education assistants in perception on qualification and roles of special education assistants, education and placement of special education assistants, and use and management of special education assistants. Data analyses revealed that there were differences in 5 items(school career, roles important for supporting children with disabilities, role conflicts, counseling, way of work order) out of 9 items in the component of qualification and roles of special education assistants, 4 items(type of employment, period of contract, content of job training, degree of usefulness of job training curriculum) out of 8 items in the component of education and placement of special education assistants, and 7 items(working hours, personnel management, effective areas, limit of responsibility, evaluators, work attitude, frequency of activity plan) out of 9 items in the component of use and management of special education assistants. The results were discussed in relation to previous research and some considerations for future research were presented.

      • KCI등재

        예비 특수교사들은 특수교육보조원을 어떻게 생각하는가

        정효철(Jeong Hyo Chul) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2020 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.20 No.17

        본 연구의 목적은 예비 특수교사들이 특수교육보조원을 어떻게 인식하는지 이들의 관점을 통해 특수교육보조인력정책에 대한 개선점을 논의하는데 있다. 이를 위해 6주간 충청남도에서 특수교육을 전공하는 예비 특수교사들 12명을 선정하여 면담을 통한 질적연구를 실시하였다. 연구 결과 예비 특수교사들은 특수교육보조인력정책에 대해 긍정적인 인식을 보였지만 지금의 특수교육보조인력의 배정방침에 대해서 강한 심리적 부담을 나타냈다. 면담참여자들은 이러한 심리적 부담은 ‘나이 차이’, ‘단체행동’, ‘특수교사가 겪는 어려움’ 등과 관련이 있다고 주장하며 자신들만의 전략으로 이를 해결하고자 노력했다. 이에 연구자는 특수교육보조인력 관련자 간 갈등해결을 위해 갈등 관리 연수시스템 개발을 요구하며 본 정책의 구체적 내용 및 방침이 예비 특수교사에 전달될 수 있는 교육과정의 행정적 설계를 제안한다. This study aims to suggest improvements of the special education assistant policy from the perspective of the pre-service special teachers about how they understand the special education assistants. To do this, qualitative analysis using interviews was investigated. 12 pre-service special education teachers majored in special education in Chungcheongnam-do Province were selected as interviewees. The result of the research indicated that although pre-service were special education teachers showed positive perceptions about the special education assistant policy, they expressed strong emotional burdens in terms of current practice of allocating special education assistants. The interview participants claimed that these emotional burdens are related to age gap, group actions of assistants, and difficulties of special education teachers. However they attempted to settle the problems with their own strategies. In this regard, I assume that the problem of the special education assistant policy is the conflict within the special education policy authorities. To solve this, a conflict managing program system is required and also university’s administrative plan is needed to add curriculum conveying specific details of the special education assistant policy to the pre-service special education teachers.

      • KCI등재후보

        특수교육보조원의 역할에 대한 특수교사의 인식

        오숙현,조홍중,방그레 한국재활심리학회 2008 재활심리연구 Vol.15 No.2

        The present study conducted a questionnaire survey of 248 special teachers in Gwangju and Jollanam‐do in order to survey their perception on the roles of special education assistants. According to the results, perception on the roles of special education assistants was generally higher in female teachers than in male ones, but male teachers recognized higher the importance of assistants’ role in ‘assistance with class teaching.’ By age, the perception was highest in teachers aged between 40~49, and teachers aged less than 30 recognized high the importance of assistants in ‘assistance with office works.’ By teaching experience, the perception was highest in teachers with less than 5 years’ experience, and by school type, it was highest in teachers working at special schools and particularly high in the importance of assistants’ roles in ‘assistance with class teaching’ and ‘assistance with office work.’ By class type, the perception was highest in teachers of preschooler class, but the importance of ‘assistance with class teaching’ was recognized most highly by teachers of middle school class and the importance of ‘assistance with office work’ by teachers of preschooler class.

      • KCI등재후보

        Millennium Development Goals and Education Reforms in Tanzania

        Kang, Kyoung Hwa 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 아프리카연구소 2009 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.26 No.-

        The United Nations Millennium Summit was held in September 2000 and all 189 member countries of the General Assembly agreed to a resolution which stipulates the establishment of eight world goals to be achieved by 2015. These goals are collectively known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The second goal of the MDGs emphasizes on education, to create opportunities for individuals to seek better livelihoods and healthier lives, and that is to achieve universal primary education. The United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights of1948 states that access to a minimum level of education is the basic right of every human being. Ensuring this fundamental right is an important part of creating a global community. Finally, at the United Nations Millennium Summit in September 2000, world leaders set a goal to achieve universal primary education by 2015. This research will analyze the interrelationship between the education reform measures spurred by the MDGs, and the improvement of education in the field. The MDGs charter has been the path for Tanzania's current process toward development, poverty reduction and educational reforms. During the Mkapa government (1995-2009), education was put at the heart of the national strategies for combating poverty and achieving quality of life. As a result, primary education has achieved a visible development in terms of quantity. However, these positive statistics cannot hide some problems in Tanzania's education. First of all, the average distance between the school and the house increased after the 1992 HBS survey. Unlike urban areas, rural areas witness the longer distance since 2000. The current education policies have actually widened the gap between urban and rural areas. Secondly, Repetition Rate (RR) and Dropout Rate (DR) are still high in 2007/08, which is almost the same as in 2003/04. There is not striking improvement of transition rates in primary school since 2003. Truancy is an important issue in primary schools. Lastly, the indicators measuring quality standards in education are not sufficient. For example, the teacher/pupil ratio has not been strikingly improved. The ratio of teacher/pupil is still higher, and the situation is not getting better than before. This still stands far from good quality education. In 2005, at the Conference of Africa Forum & Network on Debt & Development, the former present of Mkapa was proud of the success of primary education policy. With the help of ODA offered by international organization, his government has actually achieved a considerable development in the education sector. Nevertheless, the government policies supported by the MDGs and its sister policy - the Universal Primary Education - has not fully brought successful improvement of Tanzania's education in terms of the qualitative aspects. Tanzania government should be required to provide more detailed policies towards the next six years in order to achieve universal primary education by 2015.

      • KCI등재

        한·일 공적개발원조(ODA) 비교연구 -기초교육원조를 중심으로-

        노윤선 한국일본언어문화학회 2015 일본언어문화 Vol.31 No.-

        In 2015, the children unable to go to elementary school will reach up to ca. 72 million, mostly in developing countries. In addition, in 2008 it was shown that around 796 million, about 17% of adults all over the world, didn’t have basic abilities (reading, writing, calculating). It was supposed that two third of them were female. EFA(2011) グローバルモニタリングレポート 2011: 隠された危機 ―武力紛争と教育― UNESCO Publishing, pp.11-13 Without the basic abilities, people are unable to be stabilized and to get a job with sufficient pay. If this vicious cycle is not broken out, man cannot emerge from poverty. Therefore, in Official Development Assistance(ODA), basic education is important. The Impotance of basic education is also specified in the second goal of Millennium Development Goals(MDGs), and Education for All(EFA) of United National Educational, Scientiffic and Cultural Oraganization(UNESCO) is also in the same vein. Furthermore, the world bank contributes to the international efforts to improve poverty in developing countries and to develop a sustainable economic society, stating Fast Track Initiative(FTI). Although the ODA for basic education is important like this, the support of Korea for basic education is not sufficient. In 2011, only 9.6 percent of Korean ODA for education was for basic education. Unlike USA or UK, in which over 70% of the support for whole education section is for basic education, in Korea the allocation for basic education is very small. To improve the situation, the basic education section of Japanese ODA which is similar to Korean ODA in respect of enforcement system, policy framework, and ODA goals for basic education has to be analyzed with the comparison between them. Based on the current state and special features achieved with the analysis, the similarity and the difference in ODA for basic education between Korea and Japan have to be studied, and the deducted implication helpful to Korean ODA for basic education has to be discussed. While Korea and Japan have the similar enforcement system, policy framework, and ODA goals for basic education, Korea doesn’t have specific strategy or technology, which reflects the possibility that Korea has brought those of Japan without sufficient consideration. In that respect, Japanese diplomatic policy related to ‘Human Security’ is the essential subject to be considered. Based on the research result, suggestions to improve Korean ODA for basic education were drawn. Foreign assistance system has to become more efficient through the integration of the divided Korean ODA system to improve Korean ODA for basic education. In addition, the financial allocation for basic education needs to be expanded, and the assistance capability to provide both hardware and software, instead of supporting only hardware, has to be achieved. For that, an institutional strategy for evaluating overall Korean ODA has to be discussed at the level of national assembly.

      • KCI등재후보

        Millennium Development Goals and Education Reforms in Tanzania

        Kang Kyoung Hwa(강경화) 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2009 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.26 No.-

        2000년 UN 밀레니엄 정상회의는 인간 존엄성에 초점을 둔 새로운 발전전략을 제시하였으며, 이것이 잘 알려진 밀레니엄 개발목표(MDGs)로 2015년까지 달성을 목표로 한 8가지의 세부 계획을 선언하였다. 그 중 두 번째로 제시된 목표는 “2015년 까지 전 세계의 모든 남녀 어린이드이 초등교육의 전 과정을 마칠 수 있도록 하기 위한 보편적 초등교육의 달설”이다. 1948년 UN 인권선언문에서 제시된 최소한의 교육받을 권리에 대한 조항은 그 이후 지속적으로 발전되어 밀레니엄 개발목표에서 전 세계의 정상들은 절대빈곤 감소와 함께 반드시 달성해야 할 목표로 보편적 초등교육 달성을 제시하였다. 본 논문은 밀레니엄 개발목표의 선언에 따른 탄자니아의 초등교육 정책 변화에 관한 연구를 목적으로 하고 있다. 아프리카 내에서도 많은 비율의 해외원조 혜택을 받고 있는 탄자니아의 음파카 정부(1995-2005)는 국가정책의 목표로서, 밀레니엄 개발목표가 적극적으로 도입되었고, 초등교육 분야의 투자는 괄목할만한 양적 성장을 가져오게 되었다. 그러나, 양적 팽창에 가려진 탄자니아 교육 현실의 문제점을 UNICEF와 정부가 실시한 조사, 정부발표자료의 분석과 현지 교사들과의 인터뷰를 통해 직접 들은 내용을 바탕으로 분석하였다. 그 분석결과는 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 도시와 지방간의 교육격차이다. 학교의 건립은 2000년 이후로 30%의 양적 팽창을 가져오지만, 주로 도시에 집중되어 지방에서는 학교와 집사이의 평균적 거리가 증가하였다. 둘째, 무단결석에 따른 유급과 제적 문제이다. 물론 매년 학생수가 상당히 증가하고 있는 것은 사실이지만, 유급과 제적 비율 또한 꾸준히 약 10%를 유지하고 있다. 가장 큰 문제점으로 제시된 무단결석은 어떠한 대안도 제시되지 못하는 실정이다. 마지막으로, 여러 데이터의 분석을 통해 나타난 결과는 양적인 팽창에 비해 교육의 질적인 측면이 상대적으로 간과되고 있음을 보여주고 있다. 교사와 학생간의 비율, 학생과 교과서 비율 역시 개선되는 모습을 보이고 있지 않다. 밀레니엄 개발목표가 탄자니아 교육 정책에 일부 긍정적인 요소를 제공하였다는 사실은 무시할 수 없다. 하지만. 지나친 성과 위주의 정책이 학생들이 중심이 되야 할 교육에 오점을 남기고 있다. 탄자니아 정부는 밀레니엄 개발목표의 두 번째 비전을 2015년까지 성공적으로 달성하는데 있어서는 양적인 팽창뿐만 아니라 질적인 부분도 간과해서는 안될 것이다. 향후 탄자니아 정부는 교육전략 수립에 있어서 이러한 질적인 면을 어떤 식으로 향상시켜 나갈지에 대한 진지한 고민이 필요하다. The United Nations Millennium Summit was held in September 2000 and all 189 member countries of the General Assembly agreed to a resolution which stipulates the establishment of eight world goals to be achieved by 2015. These goals are collectively known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The second goal of the MDGs emphasizes on education, to create opportunities for individuals to seek better livelihoods and healthier lives, and that is to achieve universal primary education. The United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights of l948 states that access to a minimum level of education is the basic right of every human being. Ensuring this fundamental right is an important part of creating a global community. Finally, at the United Nations Millennium Summit in September 2000, world leaders set a goal to achieve universal primary education by 2015. This research will analyze the interrelationship between the education reform measures spurred by the MDGs, and the improvement of education in the field. The MDGs charter has been the path for Tanzania's current process toward development, poverty reduction and educational reforms. During the Mkapa government (1995-2009), education was put at the heart of the national strategies for combating poverty and achieving quality of life. As a result, primary education has achieved a visible development in terms of quantity. However, these positive statistics cannot hide some problems in Tanzania's education. First of all, the average distance between the school and the house increased after the 1992 HBS survey. Unlike urban areas, rural areas witness the longer distance since 2000. The current education policies have actually widened the gap between urban and rural areas. Secondly, Repetition Rate (RR) and Dropout Rate (DR) are still high in 2007/08, which is almost the same as in 2003/04. There is not striking improvement of transition rates in primary school since 2003. Truancy is an important issue in primary schools. Lastly, the indicators measuring quality standards in education are not sufficient. For example, the teacher/pupil ratio has not been strikingly improved. The ratio of teacher/pupil is still higher, and the situation is not getting better than before. This still stands far from good quality education. In 2005, at the Conference of Africa Forum & Network on Debt & Development, the former present of Mkapa was proud of the success of primary education policy. With the help of ODA offered by international organization, his government has actually achieved a considerable development in the education sector. Nevertheless, the government policies supported by the MDGs and its sister policy - the Universal Primary Education - has not fully brought successful improvement of Tanzania's education in terms of the qualitative aspects. Tanzania government should be required to provide more detailed policies towards the next six years in order to achieve universal primary education by 2015.

      • KCI등재

        프로그램 논리모형을 활용한 교육 공적개발원조(ODA) 분석 연구

        김이수 ( Kim¸ Lee-soo ),최예나 ( Choi¸ Yena ) 한국자치행정학회 2021 한국자치행정학보 Vol.35 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze Korea's Educational Official Development Assistance (ODA) through a program logic model. As a result of the analysis, the effectiveness of Education Official Development Assistance (ODA) is relatively deteriorated, resulting in redundant investment and inefficiency in the budget. In addition, in terms of educational official development assistance (ODA), it is difficult to balance educational support because aid to basic education is relatively weak. Accordingly, the directions for improvement of Educational Official Development Assistance (ODA) are as follows. First, it is necessary to recognize that the relationship between the donor country, Korea, and the recipient country, developing country, is a partnership relationship, not a beneficiary relationship. Second, education official development assistance (ODA) requires the establishment of a business operation system led by the Ministry of Education, that is, the establishment of cooperative governance led by the Ministry of Education. Third, continuous, systematic, and long-term business contents that meet the needs of the recipient country are needed.

      • KCI등재

        주요국의 교육개발협력 전략 비교 분석

        채재은(Jae-Eun Chae),우명숙(Myung-Suk Woo) 한국비교교육학회 2013 比較敎育硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        본 논문에서는 선진공여국의 교육개발협력 사례에 대한 분석을 통하여 우리나라의 교육개발협력 정책을 발전시키는 데에 필요한 시사점을 탐색하는 것을 목적으로 설정하였다. 이를 위하여 교육개발협력 경험을 오랜 기간에 걸쳐 축적한 미국, 일본, 호주 사례를 비교 분석하였다. 분석결과, 미국, 일본, 호주 모두 국제개발협력의 핵심영역으로서 ‘교육개발협력’을 강조해왔으며, 개도국의 교육발전과 국제사회가 설정한 공동의 교육개발협력 목표(모든 이를 위한 교육, 새천년 개발목표) 실현을 지원하고 있으며, 이를 위해 유·무상 원조 통합, 수원국의 교육수요에 기반한 지원, 민관협력 강화 등의 전략을 발휘하는 공통점을 가지고 있었다. 동시에, 이들 국가들은 자국의 개발협력 전략 및 강점 등에 따라 중점적으로 지원하는 지역과 사업영역에 있어서 차이가 있었다. 이러한 결과들은 2010년 OECD/DAC 가입 이후 빠른 속도로 확대되고 있는 국내 교육개발협력의 방향과 전략을 국제적 관점에서 재조명하고, 우리나라의 경험과 강점에 근거하여 수원국에 도움이 될 수 있는 교육 개발협력 방향을 모색하는 데에 의미있는 시사점을 제공한다. This study aims to explore implications for Korea to develop the policies of education ODA based on the analysis of some advanced donor countries. It analyzed the cases of U. S. Japan, and Australia which have built up the experiences of education ODA for ages. The results showed that these donor countries have common strategies in foreign assistance of education: (a) focus on ‘education ODA’ as a key sector of ODA, (b) assistance in realizing education development of the developing countries and the goals of education ODA such as Education for All and MDGs set up by international organizations, (c) establishment of a unified institution to take responsibility for various types of foreign assistance such as grants and loans, (d) assistance based on the needs of the recipient countries, and (e) reinforcement of public private partnerships. Meanwhile, these countries have some differences in prioritizing education sectors and programs according to their own strategies and strengths. The results of this study can help the Korean government review the policies and strategies of its education development cooperation which has been expanding rapidly upon joining OECD/DAC. They also provide some implications for exploring the strategies of education ODA and supporting the recipient countries based on the experiences and strengths of Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        장애인 활동보조인 교육과정 인식에 관한 연구

        이채식 한국사회복지교육협의회 2010 한국사회복지교육 Vol.12 No.-

        This study analyzed how helpful the personal assistant training curriculum is and the importance of service contents as a personal assistant while providing personal assistance service. Subjects of this study were assistants of disabled people. According to study results, there were differences in recognizing the aid of personal assistant training curriculum in providing personal assistance service. Among theory education, the ‘Understanding Social Welfare and Welfare for the Disabled’ course and practical education appeared to support 'medical and rehabilitation service' at a low level. As for the aid level depending on the academic background of personal assistants, the education curriculum of both theory and practical courses appeared to be less helpful for those with higher academic background. The support level of 'activity rules education curriculum' was lower in those who had a longer period of working as a personal assistant. Assistants with volunteer experiences had less help from the curriculum than those who had none. Also, in order to provide satisfactory service to the disabled who used the personal assistance service, we investigated what the assistants thought as the most important. Results appeared to be ‘sympathizing together’, ‘understanding and knowledge on the disabled’, and ‘respecting the user's wishes’ in this order. Political proposals on personal assistant training curriculum were made based on these results, suggesting the enhancement of practical education, education curriculum quality, providing manuals and activity guidelines, rightful values and social interests. 본 연구는 장애인 활동보조인들을 대상으로 활동보조서비스 제공 과정에서 활동보조인 양성 교육과정의 도움정도와 활동보조인으로서의 서비스 내용의 중요성에 대해서 분석하였다. 연구결과, 활동보조인 양성 교육과정이 활동보조서비스 제공과정에서의 도움정도에 대한 인식차이에서는 이론교육에서 ‘사회복지 및 장애인복지에 대한 이해’ 과정과 실습교육에서 ‘의료 및 재활서비스’에 대한 도움 정도가 낮게 나타났고, 활동보조인들의 학력에 따른 도움정도에서는 이론과정이나 실습과정 모두에서 학력수준이 높을수록 상대적으로 교육과정이 도움이 덜 된 것으로 나타났다. 활동보조인으로 일한 기간에 따라서는 활동보조인으로 일한 기간이 길어질수록 ‘활동수칙 교육과정’의 도움 정도가 낮게 나타났고, 자원봉사 경험에 따라서는 자원봉사경험이 있는 활동보조인들이 자원봉사 경험이 없는 활동보조인들에 비해 도움 정도가 낮게 나타났다. 또한, 활동보조서비스 이용 장애인들에게 만족할만한 서비스를 제공하기 위해 활동보조인들이 중요하게 생각하는 내용이 무엇인지에 대한 결과에서는 ‘함께 공감해 주는 마음’, ‘장애인에 대한 이해와 지식’, ‘이용인의 의사존중’ 순으로 높게 나타났다. 이를 토대로 활동보조인 양성 교육과정에 대한 정책적 제언으로서는 실습교육 강화, 교육과정의 질적 수준 제고, 매뉴얼 및 활동지침 제공, 올바른 가치와 윤리에 대한 교육내용 강조 등을 제시하였다.

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