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      • KCI등재

        대학생의 소비가치에 따른 구매행동 특성에 관한 연구

        김현정,유두련 한국소비자정책교육학회 2017 소비자정책교육연구 Vol.13 No.4

        This study aims at investigating how university students’ consumption values affect their purchasing behaviors. A questionnaire survey was conducted on students attending four universities in Daegu and Gyeongbuk provinces, and a total of 555 participants’ data were collected for analyses. To analyze the research problem, basic statistics, factor analysis, reliability test, t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were conducted. In addition, Duncan’s test was conducted for post-hoc analysis. In order to identify the factors that influence the characteristics of university students’ consumption behaviors, stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted. The research findings and implications are as follows. First, the factor analysis results showed that university students’ consumption values included differentiating value, conspicuous value, functional value, ethical value, emotional value, and self-centered value, whereas purchasing behaviors included brand purchasing, self-centered purchasing, ethical purchasing, compulsive purchasing, and planned purchasing. Second, the analysis of difference between the consumption values indicated that the female students’ differentiating value was higher than that of the male students. Also, the conspicuous value was higher if the participants’ allowance level was high and they were influenced more easily by their friends, parents, advertisements, and celebrities. The functional value was higher in fourth-year male students who were easily influenced by peer groups and had lower interests in celebrities. The ethical value was highly correlated with how much students were affected by their parents, and the emotional value was higher in female students with high allowance levels who were easily influenced easily by their parents. Lastly, those who were easily affected by advertisements showed higher scores on the self- centered value. Third, the results of stepwise multiple regression analysis conducted to investigate the factors that influenced the students’ purchasing behaviors indicated that the conspicuous value had the most influence on the students’ brand purchasing behavior. With regard to the self- centered purchasing behavior, the self-centered value and differentiating value exerted major influences, and this tendency was even stronger for those who were less affected by their parents. The ethical value was found to influence ethical purchasing behavior. With regard to compulsive purchasing behavior, the emotional value and the self-centered value had strong influences, and friends, their parents, advertisements also exerted significant influence. If the age of a student’s mother was young and the student’s score on the functional value was low, the likelihood of engaging in compulsive purchasing behavior was higher. Planned purchasing was significantly influenced by parents, and those who had a higher functional value or a lower emotional value were more likely to engage in planned purchasing behavior. The findings from this study can be used to develop contents and basic data for consumer education programs in primary, middle, and high schools for building desirable consumption values such as ethical value and functional value among students. Moreover, the results of the study could be utilized as vital data to develop various consumer programs and courses in universities. 본 연구는 대학생의 소비가치가 구매행동에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 알아보고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 대구와 경북지역 4개 대학에 재학 중인 대학생을 대상으로 설문지를 통해 조사를 실시하였으며, 총 555부가 분석에 이용되었다. 연구문제 분석을 위해 먼저 기초통계와 요인분석, 신뢰성 검증 그리고 t-검증, ANOVA분석, 사후분석을 위해 Duncan's test, 대학생의 구매행동특성에 영향을 미치는 요인을 알아보기 위해 다중회귀분석의 단계기법을 실시하였다. 연구결과 및 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학생의 소비가치는 요인분석 결과 차별성 가치, 과시적 가치, 기능적 가치, 윤리적 가치, 감성적 가치, 자기중심적가 치 등의 요인으로 나타났으며, 구매행동은 브랜드 구매, 자기중심적 구매, 윤리적 구매, 충동구매, 계획구매 등의 요인으로 나타났다. 둘째, 소비가치의 차이분석 결과 차별성 가치는 남학생보다 여학생에게 높게 나타나고, 과시적 가치는 용돈수준이 높고, 친구, 부모님, 광고, 연예인의 영향을 많이 받을수록 높게 나타났다. 기능적 가치는 4학년이고, 주위 친구들의 경제적 성향에 영향을 많이 받으며 연예인에 대한 관심이 적을수록 높게 나타났다. 윤리적 가치는 부모님의 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 감성적 가치는 여학생이고 용돈수준이 높고, 친구, 부모님, 광고, 연예인의 영향을 많이 받을 수록 감성적 가치 성향이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 자기중심적 가치는 여학생이며, 용돈수준이 높고, 친구, 부모님의 영향을 많이 받으며, 특히 광고의 영향을 많이 받을수록 자기중심적 가치 성향이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 대학생의 구매행동에 영향을 주는 요인이 어떤 것 인지 알아보기 위해 다중회귀분석의 단계기법을 실시한 결과 브랜드 구매에는 과시적 가치가 가장 영향을 많이 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 자기중심적 구매에는 자기중심적 가치와 차별성 가치가 영향을 미쳤으며 부모의 영향을 덜 받을수록 자기중심적 구매를 더 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 윤리적 구매에서는 윤리적 가치가 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 충동구매는 감성적 가치와 자기중심적 가치가 가장 큰 영향을 미쳤으며 연예인의 영향, 친구의영 향도 충동구매에 영향을 주었다. 또한 어머니 나이와 기능적 가치는 부적으로 나타나 어머니가 젊을수록, 기능적 가치가 낮을수록 충동구매를 많이 하는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 계획구매는 부모의 영향을 가장 많이 받았으며, 기능적 가치가 높을수록 계획구매를 많이 하며 감성적 가치가 낮은 사람일수록 계획구매를 더 잘 하는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 이러한 연구결과는 윤리적 가치, 기능적 가치 등의 바람직한 소비가치 형성을 위해 초․중․고 소비자교육 내용 구성과 교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초자료로 활용 될 수 있을 것이다. 또한 대학에서 다양한 소비자 프로그램 개발이나 소비자교과목 개발을 위한 중요한 자료로도 활용 될 수 있을 것으로 기대할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        배드민턴 라켓 구매 소비자 특성에 따른 소비행동이 구매행동과 브랜드 반복 구매행동에 미치는 영향

        임승현 ( Seung Hyun Lim ),남경완 ( Kyung Wan Nam ) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2011 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        이 연구는 배드민턴 동호인들의 라켓 소비특성에 따른 소비행동을 분석하고, 소비행동이 구매행동과 브랜드 반복 구매행동에 어떠한 영향을 주는지를 규명하여, 배드민턴 라켓용품 소비자들의 소비행동과 구매행동 방향을 제시하여 배드민턴 용품산업 활성화 및 마케팅 전략을 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 있다. 연구의 대상으로는 D광역시와 G도에 소재한 15개 배드민턴 클럽에 소속되어 규칙적인 활동을 하는 동호인으로 선정하여 비확률 표본추출법(non-probability sampling)을 이용하여 최종 709부를 결과 분석에 사용하였다. 자료처리를 위한 통계방법으로는 SPSS Ver.15.0 프로그램을 이용하여 탐색적 요인분석, t-test, ANOVA, 상관관계분석(correlation analysis)과 중다회귀분석(multiple regression)을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 첫째, 배드민턴 라켓에 대한 재구매 소비행동은 연령이 낮고, 배드민턴 경력이 1-5년 미만은 헤드브랜드를 선호하지 않고 구입비용이 15만원 이상인 남자 동호인이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 배드민턴 동호인이 구매한 라켓 브랜드의 소비행동 중 타인추천 행동은 41-50세 연령 배드민턴 주당 참여횟수가 많고, 라켓구입주기가 길고, 구입비용이 15만원 이상인 남자의 추천 행동이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 소비행동과 브랜드 반복구매행동, 구매행동 간에는 긍정적인 상관관계가 성립하는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 동호인이 사용하는 라켓 브랜드에 대한 적극적 소비행동은 매체의존구매와 합리적 구매, 브랜드 반복구매에 모두 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 동호인이 사용하는 라켓 브랜드에 대한 타인추천 소비행동은 매체의존구매행동과 브랜드 반복구매행동에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 배드민턴 라켓 용품 관련 업체들은 용품에 대한 적극적인 소비행동과 타인에게 추천하고 싶은 브랜드를 만들 수 있는 효과적인 마케팅 방안을 마련하고 실행하여야 소비자들의 매체에 의존된 구매와 반복된 구매를 통한 소비를 유발시켜 기업의 경영 합리화를 이끌어 낼 수 있을 것이다. This study is to analyze badminton club members` consumption behavior in relation to racket consumption characteristics, as well as to investigate how consumption behavior will affect purchase behavior and brand-specific repetitive purchase behavior, which is expected to give guidelines on the consumption behavior and purchase behavior of badminton rackets, and moreover to provide basic data for marketing strategies to invigorate the badminton goods industry. The study was conducted on members at 15 badminton clubs located in D-City in G-Province who had done regular club activities, and the data, collected from finally selected 709 questionnaires, were analyzed through non-probability sampling. The program ‘Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS; version15.0)’ was used for statistical analyses such as exploratory factor analysis, the t-test, the analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results: First, the level of racket-repurchasing behavior was higher in the members who were relatively young, had played badminton for 1 to 5 years, did not like head brands, and had the financial means to pay 150 dollars and over for the racket. Second, the level of recommendation-dependent racket-purchasing behavior was higher in the members who were aged between 41 and 50, had played badminton very often, had a long purchasing cycle, and had the financial means to pay 150 dollars and over for the racket. Third, consumption behavior, brand-specific purchasing behavior and purchasing behavior had a positive correlation with each other. Fourth, brands-related aggressive consumption behavior exerted positive influence on media-dependent purchasing behavior, rational purchasing behavior and brand-specific purchasing behavior all. Fifth, brands-related recommendation-dependent consumption behavior exerted positive influence on media-dependent purchasing behavior and brand-specific purchasing behavior. Taken altogether, badminton goods producers or traders have need to build up brand power enough to induce consumers to purchase their products and to recommend them to others. Then, it is expected to promote media-dependent purchase and repurchase, by extension, to facilitate the rationalization of management.

      • KCI등재후보

        생활체육 참가자의 감각추구성향과 스포츠용품 구매행동 연구

        조현익,소영호 한국체육과학회 2007 한국체육과학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        This study aimed to examine sensation seeking and purchasing behavior of sporting goods. Data were collected from the 330 sports participants and analyzed by the t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis through SPSSWIN Ver 12.0. Results of this study were summarized as followings. First, gender and income level and no significant difference on purchasing behavior of sporting goods. However, age and scholastic ability showed significant difference on purchasing behavior depending on both advertising and dignity purchasing. Second, thrill seeking and experience seeking tendency influenced positively(+) but boredom susceptibility seeking tendency influenced negatively(-) on rational purchasing behavior. Third, boredom susceptibility influenced positively(+) on conspicuous consumption. Fourth, boredom susceptibility influenced positively(+) but experience seeking influenced negatively(-) on advertising dependant purchasing behavior. Fifth, boredom susceptibility and disinhibition seeking influenced positively(+) but experience seeking influenced negatively(-) on dignity purchasing behavior. Sixth, boredom susceptibility and disinhibition influenced positively(+) on impulsive purchasing behavior. Seventh, thrill seeking and boredom susceptibility influenced positively(+) on conformity purchasing behavior. These results were discussed based on the previous and practical studies related to sensation seeking and purchasing behavior.

      • KCI등재

        쇼핑동기에 따른 의류점포내 구매상황이 구매행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        李姬珍,朴銀珠 복식문화학회 2000 服飾文化硏究 Vol.8 No.3

        The purposes of the study were to investigate the causal relationships between shopping motivation, purchasing situation in store, experienced affection, and purchasing behavior. We collected data from 430 consumers shopping in the apparel store of two department in Busan, and analyzed by factor analysis and regression analysis. The result of this study were as follows; 1. Purchasing situations which influenced consumers' apparel purchasing behaviors in apparel store were consisted of four factors such as Physical factor, Product factor, Inter-personal Factor and Salesmen factor. 2. Experienced affections in apparel store were consisted of four factors such as Pleasure, Ignorance, Superiority and Insecurity. 3. The main causal course of the apparel purchasing behavior was the shopping motivation → the purchasing situation in store (→ the experienced affection in store) → the apparel purchasing behavior. 4. Shopping motivation appeared to be the most important variable determining purchasing behavior in apparel store. Especially, the superiority experienced in store appeared to be positive effects. 5. The causal relationships of purchasing behavior in apparel store were significant differences between two relationships by shopping motivations. In conclusion, this study showed that purchasing situation in apparel store effected on purchasing behavior with the different causal relationships by shopping motivations.

      • 성인 여성의 소비가치 유형에 따른 침구류 구매행동 연구 - 30∼60대 기혼 여성을 중심으로 -

        이미숙(Mi-sook Lee) 충북대학교 생활과학연구소 2020 생활과학연구논총 Vol.24 No.1

        The purposes of this study were to investigate consumption value and bedding purchasing behaviors of married women in their 30s∼60s, and to figure out the differences of bedding purchasing behaviors among consumer groups segmented by consumer value. The subjects were 623 married women and research method was survey. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, cross tab analysis, multiple response analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, and Duncan’s multiple range test, using SPSS program. The results were as follows. First, five factors(social value, epistemic value, functional value, emotional value, and conditional value) were emerged on consumption value. Second, subjects were divided into 3 groups(high consumption value group, middle consumption value group, and low consumption value group) by consumption value variable. Third, these consumer groups showed many differences on bedding purchasing behaviors. The high consumption value group considered interior change, hygiene issues as the main purchasing motivation, and functionality and aesthetics as important selection criteria rather than the other two groups. This group used store display and TV as purchasing information sources, bedding specialty stores and department stores as the main purchasing place, and used a lot of money to purchase bedding than the other groups. On the other hand, the low-consumption value group considered physical damage to existing bedding as the major purchasing motivation, and practicality and manageability as important selection criteria. than the other groups. In addition, this group used past purchasing experience as an information source, and discount store as an important purchasing place, and used less money to purchase bedding than the other groups. This results concluded that consumption value is an useful variable to understand female consumers’ bedding purchasing behavior and to segment female consumer market effectively.

      • KCI등재

        A study on functional cosmetics purchasing behavior and satisfaction based on psychological characteristics post-COVID-19

        장민아,이정민 국제문화기술진흥원 2022 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.10 No.3

        This study aims to quantitatively understand the influence of changes in functional cosmetics purchasing sentiment on purchasing behavior and purchase satisfaction after the COVID-19 pandemic and present empirical analysis results regarding the rapidly changing cosmetics consumption market. This study empirically analyzed the structural relationship between non-face-to-face service purchase behavior, functional cosmetics purchase behavior, and functional cosmetics purchase satisfaction to predict purchase behavior of functional cosmetics by psychological characteristics after COVID-19. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 (Statistical Package for Social Science) program and Amos 21.0, and correlation analysis was performed to understand the relationship between consumers' purchasing behaviors of functional cosmetics according to their perception of risk of COVID-19 carried out. Summarizing the results of this study, it was found that the higher the anxiety after the corona outbreak, the higher the non-face-to-face service purchase behavior and the functional cosmetics purchase behavior. It was found that purchase satisfaction increased when purchasing behavior of functional cosmetics increased, but purchase satisfaction decreased as anxiety increased after the outbreak of Corona. In this study, a sample of 1452 people were used as research data, and the theoretical implications for the development of functional cosmetics were presented by confirming the effect of changes in non-face-to-face service purchase behavior according to psychological characteristics after Corona 19 on consumer satisfaction.

      • 여성소비자의 의복 구매행동에 관한 탐색적 연구

        김민(Min Kim),윤천성(Chun-Sung Youn) 한국평생교육리더십학회 2022 평생교육리더십연구 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구는 여성소비자의 인구통계학적 특성인 연령, 거주지역, 직업, 교육수준, 소득수준등과 구매결정요인, 소비성향과 성격유형에 따라 선호하는 의복 구매행동에 차이가 있는지를규명하는데 목적이 있다. 논문의 연구방법은 학술연구정보서비스(RISS)를 통해 국내 발행된여성소비자 의류 구매행동에 관련된 논문을 검색하고 문헌 연구를 진행하였다. 여성소비자의 의류 구매행동에 관련된 선행 연구를 분석해 본 결과 구매성향이란 구매에관련된 활동, 흥미, 의견을 포함하는 생활양식이며, 사회, 경제, 여가선용과 관련된 복합적현상으로 구매을 보는 관점을 반영하는 구매 특성적 라이프스타일이라고 하며 충동적, 과시적, 합리적, 유행 지향적, 독자적 성향을 보이는 것으로 확인되었다. 구매 의사결정 과정은 조직의 목표를 달성을 위한 조직의 절차 및 단계를 거쳐 이루어지며 이러한 대안 중에의사결정을 하는 과정은 문제인식, 정보탐색, 구매 전 대안평가, 태도형성, 구매, 구매 후행동의 6단계를 거치는 것으로 나타났다. 여성소비자 의류제품 구매행동에 가격, 브랜드, 광고, 품질 등 구매결정 요인으로 확인됨에 따라, 이는 여성의류 구매를 하는 소비자에 대한 이해뿐만 아니라 실제적으로 마케팅및 홍보에 도움이 될 것으로 사료된다. This study can identify whether there is a difference in preferred clothing purchasing behavior according to purchasing decision factors, consumption propensity and personality type of female consumers. There are differences in preferred clothing purchasing behavior according to the demographic characteristics of female consumers such as age, residential area, occupation, education level, income level, purchasing decision factors, consumption propensity and personality type. As for the research method of the thesis, the research papers related to female consumer clothing purchasing behavior published in Korea were searched through the Academic Research Information Service (RISS) and literature research was conducted. As a result of analyzing previous studies related to clothing purchasing behavior of female consumers, purchasing propensity is a lifestyle that includes purchasingrelated activities, interests, and opinions, and is a complex phenomenon related to society, economy, and leisure use, which reflects the viewpoint of purchasing. It is referred to as a characteristic lifestyle, and it has been confirmed that it shows impulsive, ostentatious, rational, fashion-oriented, and independent tendencies. The purchase decision-making process is a process of making decisions among various alternatives that are generally made through certain procedures and steps in order to effectively achieve organizational goals. Problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation before purchase, attitude formation, purchase, It was found that there are six stages of behavior after purchase. Purchasing decision factors such as price, brand, advertisement, quality, and personality type were identified as major factors in female consumers' apparel product purchase behavior, and this will be an opportunity to enhance understanding of consumers themselves and utilize them for marketing in practice.

      • KCI등재

        Research on the Impact of the Network Marketing Strategy on Enterprise Performance of Artistic Products - Centered on Consumers’ Impulsive and Repeated Purchasing Behaviors

        Mingzhe Du 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2019 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.24 No.8

        In this paper, we propose takes network marketing as a starting point for analysis, uses the theory of purchasing behavior and enterprise performance to analyze the network marketing strategy of artistic products, incorporates the practical problems encountered by some artistic products enterprises in Zhejiang Province in network marketing into theoretical research. The theoretical model of network marketing strategy acting on enterprise performance through the intermediary effect of purchasing behavior is constructed. This paper conducted an in-depth survey of three representative core domestic companies engaged in Internet marketing of artistic products, and analyzed the questionnaires of 357 respondents. The initial model was verified by statistical tools such as SPSS and AMOS, and three conclusions were drawn: Firstly, network marketing strategies of different dimensions have different effects on purchasing behavior: pricing strategy and product strategy have significant positive effects on impulse purchasing behavior, but channel strategy has no significant impact on impulse purchasing behavior; Channel strategy and product strategy have a significant positive impact on repeated purchasing behavior, but pricing strategy has no significant impact on repeated purchasing behavior. Second, user purchasing behavior has a significant positive impact on enterprise performance. Third, network marketing strategies of different dimensions have significant direct and positive impact on enterprise performance.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 체면민감성과 아웃도어웨어 구매행동 연구 -과시소비의 매개효과 분석-

        진대건 ( Daegun Jin ),유소이 ( Soye You ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2018 패션 비즈니스 Vol.22 No.2

        This study was to explore purchasing behavior and repurchase intention by considering social-face sensitivity and conspicuous consumption. To do this, first, this study tried to explain how consumers had different characteristics for social-face sensitivity, conspicuous consumption, purchasing behavior, and repurchase intention for outdoor wear. Second, this study tested the relationship between consumer behavior (purchasing behavior and repurchase intention) and social-face sensitivity by considering the mediating effect of conspicuous consumption. As the results, first, there was a significant relationship between social-face sensitivity (sensitivity to saving face) and conspicuous consumption, which had a significant effect on the purchasing behavior with outdoor wear(purchase frequency, purchase cost). Second, social-face sensitivity (consciousness of shame) had a significant effect on conspicuous consumption (preference for famous brands, status symbol, pursuing fashion), and social face sensitivity (consciousness of social formality) had a significant effect on conspicuous consumption (preference for famous brands). The relationship between the conspicuous consumption and purchasing behavior showed that conspicuous consumption had significant effects on consumer behavior (purchase frequency, purchase cost). The relationship between the social-face sensitivity and purchasing behavior showed that being conscious of others had a significant effect on purchasing behavior. Third, purchasing behavior with outdoor wear had a significant effect on repurchase intention. Finally, this study confirmed that conspicuous consumption had a partially significant mediating effect on the relationship between social-face sensitivity (sensitivity to saving face) and purchasing behavior.

      • KCI등재

        복권구매행동의도의 선행요인구조 분석

        박종민(Park, Jongmin),박진홍(Park, Jinhong) 한국광고홍보학회 2015 광고연구 Vol.0 No.105

        본 연구는 계획된 행동 이론을 근거로 하여 최근 우리나라 복권구매자들의 복권 구매 행동과 행동의도에 영향을 미치는 요소들을 분석하고자 하였다. 전체적인 본 연구 결과 복권의 구매 행동 의도에 복권에 대한 태도와 주관적 규범은 영향을 주고 있는 반면 지각된 행동 통제감은 영향을 미치지 못하고 있었다. 따라서 본 연구는 복권의 구매 행동을 설명할 때 계획된 행동이론보다는 합리적 행위 이론이 더 적합한 모형이라는 설명이 가능함을 알 수 있다. 그러나 복권 구매자 집단과 비구매자 집단을 나누어 두 집단의 복권 구매 과정의 차이를 분석한 결과는 구매자 집단만의 복권 구매 행위 모델은 계획된 행동이론이 적절함을 보여 주는 결과였다. 반면 비구매자 집단은 복권에 대한 태도만이 행위의도에 영향을 미치고 있었다. 다양한 연구결과의 실용적이고 학문적인 함의가 토론되었다. This study is try to identify variables precedent of the lottery ticket purchasing behavior by appling three independent variables (attitude toward the lottery ticket purchasing behavior, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control) of theory of planned behavior. The results of this study showed that attitude toward the lottery ticket purchasing behavior and subjective norm had an effect on the lottery ticket purchasing behavior while perceived behavioral control had no effect on it. It means that theory of reasoned action is more explicable model than theory of planned behavior for understanding the lottery ticket purchasing behavior. However, the results of additional analysis of only main lottery ticket purchasers after excluding non lottery ticket purchasers are not supporting theory of reasoned action but theory of planned behavior because all three independent variables (attitude toward the lottery ticket purchasing behavior, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control) of theory of planned behavior had an effect on the lottery ticket purchasing behavior. subjective norm, perceived behavioral control) of theory of planned behavior had an effect on the lottery ticket purchasing behavior. Analyses on non lottery ticket purchasers’ behavioral pattern revealed that their attitude toward the behavior is only effective variable for their lottery ticket purchasing behavior. Diverse practical and academical implications of the results have beed discussed.

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