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      • KCI등재

        朝鮮 士大夫의 孔子 後裔와 交遊-東岳 李安訥의 『孔提督酬唱錄』을 중심으로-

        김상홍 한국한문교육학회 2011 한문교육논집 Vol.36 No.-

        Confucius is one of the greatest icons of all the time and remains as China’s pride and glory. Dongak(東岳) Yiannul(李安訥, 1571-1637) went to the Ming Dynasty twice as a member of the envoys and formed friendships with the succeeding Grandson and offsprings of Confucius. 『Gong-je-dok-su-chang-rok』(孔提督酬唱錄) by Yiannul was recorded during his second visit to Ming Dynasty. Suchangrok(酬唱錄) contains a poetry that Yiannul correspondenced with Gongmunpyo(孔聞謤) who was the Confucius' sixty-two generations. The letter that Yiannul sent to Yeonseonggong(衍聖公) Gongyunsik(孔胤植) and the poem of Gongyunsik. Suchangrok(酬唱錄) is a beautiful record of cultural exchanges between Yiannul and offsprings of Confucius. When he visited Ming Dynasty for the first time, Yiannul met Yeonseonggong 'Gongsanghyeon(孔尙賢)' was the succeeding grandson of the 64th generation of Confucius. Anbaekjeong(顔伯貞) was the succeeding grandson of the 62th generation of Anza(顔子) and Maengseunggwang(孟承光) was the succeeding grandson of the 60th generation of Mencius(孟子). He often talked about the meeting with them since Yiannul was proud of the meetings. Furthermore, he(李安訥) had a friendship with Chaegyu(蔡奎) who was an envoy of Yugyu-country(琉球國). At that time, Yiannul was a global Korean scholar-official who formed a friendship with the envoys of Yugyu-country. During his second visit to Ming Dynasty, Yiannul became a friend with Gongmunpyo(孔聞謤) who was the 62th generation descendant of Confuius, and Gongyunsik(孔胤植), the succeeding grandson of the 64th generation descendant of Confucius. Yiannul regarded having friendships and exchanging poetry with them as golden opportunity. Confucius was an icon of the three east Asian countries(Korea, China, Japan) including the cultural areas using Chinese character. Confucius who died in BC 479 played a role as a bridge between Gongsanghyeon(孔尙賢, the 64th succeeding grandson of Confucius), Gongyunsik(孔胤植, the 65th generation descendant of Confucius), and Gongmunpyo(孔聞謤, the 62th grandson of Confucius) and Yiannul who was the Korean scholar-official. They communicated theirs ideas to one another and built a fellowship over the border. The power of Confucianism has infiniteness that transcends time and space. On the other hand, Yiannul glorified the descendants of Confucius while he condescended to speak to himself as "a rotten scholar". Even though it was rhetorical expression for diplomatic relations, the excessive self-deprecation damagedthe dignity of Korean scholar-officials. At that time, in the 17th century, the exchange between the Korean scholar officials and the descendants of Confucius who was the greatest brand and icon of China created one of the biggest events in Korean history. To this day, the communication and the exchange of letters between Yiannul(李安訥) and Confucius's decendent is still recorded as a historical event in the history of Korean scholar-officials. 공자는 고금을 막론하고 중국이 자랑하는 최대의 문화 브랜드이자 아이콘이다. 東岳 李安訥(1571-1637)은 使臣으로 두 번 明나라에 가서 공자의 宗孫 및 후손들과 交遊하며 酬唱했다. 동악의 『孔提督酬唱錄』은 2차 사행 때의 기록이다. 동악이 공자의 후손들과 문화교류를 한 아름다운 기록인 酬唱錄에는 공자의 62대손인 孔聞謤와 주고받은 詩文과, 공자 65대 종손 衍聖公 孔胤植에게 보낸 서간과 공윤식의 시가 수록되어 있다. 동악이 1차 使行(1601년) 때에 공자의 64세 종손 衍聖公 孔尙賢과, 顔子의 66세 종손 顏伯貞과, 曾子의 62대 종손 曾承業과, 孟子의 60대 종손 孟承光을 만났다. 동악은 이들과의 만남을 자랑스럽게 여겨 누차 언급했다. 한편 동악은 1차 사행 때에 琉球國 사신인 蔡奎와도 교유했다. 동악은 明나라 인사들과 유구국 사신과 교유한 글로벌(Global)한 사대부였다. 동악은 2차 사행(1632년) 때 공자의 62대손인 孔聞謤를 만나 교류했고, 공자의 65대 종손 연성공 孔胤植과도 교유했다. 이안눌은 이들과 酬唱하며 교류한 것을 千載一遇의 큰 행운으로 여기고 자랑스러워한 것은, 공자가 한중일 동아시아 3국은 물론 한문문화권의 최고의 문화 브랜드이자 아이콘이었기 때문이다. B.C 479년에 세상을 떠난 공자가, 17세기 살아 있는 자신의 64대 종손 孔尙賢과, 65대 종손 孔胤植과, 62대 후손 孔聞謤와 조선의 사대부 이안눌이 국경을 넘어 交遊하게 하고 소통하도록 架橋 역할을 한 것이다. 이처럼 “孔子文化”의 힘은 시공을 초월하여 무한하다. 한편 이안눌은 공자 後裔들과 교유하면서 자신을 “썩은 선비”(腐儒)라고 卑下하고, 공자도 아닌 그 후예들을 極尊한 것은 지나친 감이 없지 않다. 비록 외교적 修辭라고 하더라도 자기 卑下와 공자 후예를 極尊한 것은 문제가 있다. 17세기 조선 사대부가 명나라에 使行하여 중국 최대의 문화 브랜드이자 아이콘인 공자의 宗孫 및 후예들과 교유한 것은 당시로서는 문화계의 큰 사건이었다. 동악이 공자의 종손 및 후예와 酬唱하고 琉球國 사신과 교류하고 소통한 것은 조선조 사대부들의 문화교류사의 한 면을 채우고도 남음이 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        공자 미의식의 기능과 리상(理想)

        장용수 ( Jang Young Su ) 전북대학교 인문학연구소 2015 건지인문학 Vol.13 No.-

        Confucius is the great Saint from the East. Confucius differs from other Saint in that Confucius``s philosophical basis is based on humanism. Of course, other saint``s philosophical basis is based on humanism. But they tend to solve limitations of world of phenomenon by providing metaphysical ideology suggestion when they try to solve fundamental problems. On the other hand, Confucius said nothing in his ideology about world of heaven and world of nirvana. That``s why Confucius avoided mentioning ghosts and marvels. This is an unparalleled greatest achievement of Confucius. But at the same time, it is pointed out his weaknesses. Confucius insists on love for human by realistic and humane methodology. That is study of benevolence(仁學) of Confucius which would be the basis of ideology of Confucius. Then, What is substitute for metaphysical solution? That is realising mind of benevolence in real society. And then, it made everyone feel so peaceful. Then, how should we realize mind of benevolence in real society? Confucius thought that realizing mind of benevolence in real society was to have aesthetic consciousness which brought out human``s basic mind such as music and poetry. Of course music and poetry was a representation of the popular culture of the time. That is, music and poetry of the time contained the humanistic the quality of education. So, Confucius thought that music and poetry made everyone develop, and customs enlighten. Thus, Confucius always emphasized his disciples that they should study the thought of Ye-Ak(禮 樂思想). This is the governing idea of Confucius. Confucius emphasized aesthetic consciousness to reveal and realize of the mind of benevolence. And he wanted that aesthetic consciousness were expressed by manners. Also, he wanted to enlighten the customs by expression of aesthetic consciousness. At the personal level, realization of the mind of benevolence and expression of aesthetic consciousness aimed at whole personal noble man. In other words, Confucius had an ambition to make artistic life through the harmony of Ye-Ak(文質彬彬) which was the beauty of content(內容美) and the beauty of form(形式美) in aesthetic consciousness.

      • KCI등재


        呂媛(여원) 동아인문학회 2022 동아인문학 Vol.59 No.-

        Confucius and Confucianism occupy an important place in traditional Chinese culture as represented by Confucius. The question of the study of the status of Confucius is essentially a question of the heritage and cultural identity of traditional Chinese culture. The changing status of Confucius also indirectly reflects the changing themes of political thought in China's social and historical changes. Before China's reform and opening up, the status of Confucius and the development of Confucianism went through a process of repeated twists and turns. But after China's reform and opening up, as China's economy grew and its national status improved, a new understanding of Confucius and Confucian thought and culture was called for. The affirmative evaluation of Confucius and his Confucianism continued to strengthen, Confucius became a symbol of cultural identity, and Confucianism became the main body of Chinese culture. Especially since Xi Jinping became the leader of China, the Chinese Communist Party has linked Confucius and the Confucian culture represented by Confucius to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the rise of China. He also combined the essence of Confucianism with Marxism in the country's governance and creatively proposed the ideas of the ‘Chinese Dream’ and ‘Community of Human Destiny’. Development through inheritance has become a basic position of the CPC's treatment of Confucius and the Confucianism represented by Confucius now. In this context, Zhang Liwen, a representative scholar of contemporary Confucianism in mainland China, has created a new philosophical form called ‘the theory of harmony’, which is, in essence, a summary of Chinese philosophy, especially the spirit of ‘he’ in Confucianism. Unlike Zhang Liwen, Chen Lai uses the origins of Confucianism to illustrate the importance of Confucianism to the development of China today, arguing that ‘benevolence’ in Confucianism is more fundamental than ‘harmony’ and that Confucius and Confucianism have, to a certain extent, become the spiritual symbol of Chinese civilization. 孔子及其以孔子为代表的儒家思想在中国传统文化中占有非常重要的地位。对孔子地位研究的问题,实质是对中国传统文化传承和文化认同的问题。孔子地位的变化也间接反映了中国社会历史变迁过程中政治思想主题的变化。中国改革开放前,孔子的地位和儒学的发展经历了一个反复曲折的过程。但是中国改革开放之后,随着中国经济的增长和国家地位的提高,要求对孔子和儒家思想文化进行重新认识。对孔子及其儒学的肯定性评价不断强化,孔子成为了文化认同的象征,儒学成为了中国文化的主体。尤其是习近平成为中国的领导人后,中国共产党更是将孔子及其以孔子为代表的儒家文化与中华民族的伟大复兴以及中国的崛起联系到了一起。并且将儒学中的精华与马克思主义相结合运用到了治国理政之中,创造性的提出了“中国梦”和“人类命运共同体”等思想。在继承中发展,成为现在中国共产党对待孔子及其以孔子为代表的儒学的一个基本立场。在此背景下, 当代中国大陆儒学代表学者张立文创建的一种新的哲学形态“和合学”,其实质就是对中国哲学尤其是儒家“和”精神的总结。和张立文不同, 陈来则通过儒学的起源来说明儒学对于当今中国的时代发展具有重要的意义,认为儒学中“仁”比“和”具有更根本的意义,孔子和儒学在一定程度上已经成为了中华文明的精神标志。

      • 에즈라 파운드와 공자 : 한 서양 시인의 동양 읽기

        박영순 공주문화대학 2000 공주문화대학·논문집 Vol.27 No.-

        Confucius was one of the heros whom Pound worshipped. His interest in Confucius dated back to his youth age. From then on, he read and studied Confucius for a long period, In this respect, he was a pioneer poet in the study of Confucius, the great guru of the Orient. Through the study of Confucius, he came to know that the rule by virtue and Ching Ming(正名) were the gists of Confucius' teaching in politics. Especially, he took a great interest in Confucius' Ching Ming. His interest in it had a political and literary reason. Pound thought the concept of Ching Ming might serve as a means for building an ideal society which he desired and for resuscitating poetry which he sought after, Further, he thought that Ching Ming could function as an alternative by which the Westerners overcame the limits of the modern Western society. Pound also got interested in Confucius as a builder of culture. For Pound, Confucius was a culture guide who selected and showed the great heritage of ancient Chinese cultures, especially of culture of Tcheou(周). Confucius was also a builder of the culture whose name was named after his name, that is. Confucianism culture. It was to spread through the Asia and condition the lives and thoughts of the Asians for almost 2500 years. Pound's interest in Confucius as a builder of culture was caused by Confucius' unique concept of culture. Confucius thought that culture had a complementary relation to politics. In spite of the his limit as a Western poet, his reading and writing of Confucius. is quite exact and well-balanced, He not only understood Confucius very well. but also grasped the point of Confucius' teachings.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 근대중국에서의 공자 -임어당의 『자견남자』,『공자의 지혜』를 중심으로-

        고영희 ( Young Hee Goh ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2014 儒學硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        20세기 초 중국에서 공자는 ‘철학자 공자’와 ‘유교의 성인 공자’라는 상반된 이미지로 존재했다. 신해혁명 이후 더욱 극심해진 서구열강의 침탈과 위협으로 인해 중국내에서는 유교에 대한 옹호와 비판 여론이 들끓었다. 당시 신지식인들은 공자의 역사적 공헌과 함께 시대적 한계를 명확히 지적하며 공교(孔敎)의 성인 공자가 아닌 철학자 공자를 부각시켰다. 또한 공자와 제자철학이 동등한 입장에서 연구되고 평가되어야 한다고 주장했다. 이러한 시대적 배경에서 임어당은 공자를 성인이 아닌 인간미 넘치는 인물로 묘사했다. 특히 그의 유일한 희곡 『자견남자(子見南子, 1928)』와 영문으로 쓴 산문 .공자의 지혜(The Wisdom of Confucius, 1938).는 공자의 감성과 유머를 부각시켰다. 임어당의 작품은 1936년 이전과 이후로 구분된다. 전자는 중국에 서양을 알린 시기이고, 후자는 서양에 중국을 알린 시기이다. 따라서 『자견남자』와 『공자의 지혜』는 10년의 간격을 두고 각기 다른 독자들을 대상으로 저술된 작품이라고 말할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 『자견남자』와 『공자의 지혜』를 중심으로 공자에 대한 임어당의 인식과 묘사를 살펴보고, 1920년대와 1930년대 중국 지식계의 공자와 유학에 대한 평가의 변화, 작품을 둘러싼 중국사회의 반향 등을 검토할 것이다. In the beginning of the 20th century, there were two opposing images for Confucius. Confucius represented both a philosopher and a saint. After the Chinese revolution, due to pillaging and threats of the western forces, Confucianism was met with both acclaim and criticism. Intellectuals depicted Confucius more as a philosopher than as a saint, highlighting Confucius’ historical legacy and the limitations of the time. Intellectuals during this period believed that other pupils of Confucius should be studied and given same weight as Confucius himself. Against the backdrop of the time, Lin Yu-tang described Confucius not as a holy saint but a character with strong humanity. Especially, in his only drama Confucius Saw Nancy(1928) and The Wisdom of Confucius (1938), Confucius is portrayed as a character full of emotion and humor. This paper focuses on Lin Yu-tang’s representation and description of Confucius by studying his literature, Confucius Saw Nancy and The Wisdom of Confucius. The paper also examine how Chinese intellectuals during this period assessed Confucius and Confucianism differently in 1920s and 1930s.

      • KCI등재

        공자의 천도론 사상에 대한 연구

        조원일 (사)율곡학회 2019 율곡학연구 Vol.39 No.-

        It can be said that Confucius objective lived unceasingly making effort and that he did not forget the realization of that moral values held fast by him even when he was constrained by fate, the objective limitation. Therefore, the fate did not involve any form of passive meaning to Confucius, but rather played a role of further consolidating Confucius' will to practice morals. Confucius neither take the position of denying the existence of the ghost, nor take the position to regard it as important. Confucius's idea of heaven can be estimated through his view of the ghost as such. Therefore, if the idea of heaven mentioned by Confucius several times is understood with the nature of gods of heaven and earth, Confucius’ idea of heaven can be seriously misinterpreted. That is, Confucius regarded the idea of heaven understood as the basis of moral practice or the source of moral values as very important and mentioned that the heaven as such was the heaven in the sense of morality. Confucius had a new view of Tianming. That is, it can be found that when Confucius was learning and verifying the existence of heaven, in the discussion about heaven mentioned by him, he always used to expose his historical mission, whether conscious or unconscious. That is, Confucius praised the great virtues of saints, such as King Yo and King Sun because both the succession and development of the moral culture originated from Confucius himself, and he earnestly wished the realization of hid moral ideal in this world because he thought that the courtesy and music system and cultural traditions of King Wén of Zhōu and Zhou Gong were connected to him. In this article, Confucius' thought of the way of Heaven will be discussed centering on the thinking scheme beginning from the analysis of the meaning of the fate mentioned by Confucius followed by consideration of the meaning of heaven and Tianming. 공자의 일생은 항상 끊임없이 노력하는 삶을 살아갔었다고 할 수 있으며, 심지어는 공자가 객관적인 한계인 운명의 제약을 받았을 때도 그는 여전히 자신이 견지하고 있던 도덕가치의 실현을 결코 잊지 않았던 것이라고 할 수 있다. 그렇기 때문에 명命은 공자에게 어떠한 형태의 소극적인 의미를 수반하지 않고 오히려 반대로 공자의 도덕실천의 의지를 더욱 공고히 만들어주는 역할을 했던 것이다. 공자는 귀신의 존재에 대하여 부정을 하는 입장을 취하지는 않았지만, 그렇다고 해서 그것을 중시하는 입장도 취하질 않았다. 이와 같은 공자의 귀신에 대한 견해를 통해서 그의 천에 대한 관념을 추정해볼 수 있다. 그렇기 때문에 만일 천지신명의 성격을 가지고 공자가 수차례 언급하고 제기한 천 관념에 대한 이해를 진행한다면 이는 공자의 천 관념을 심각하게 곡해할 수 있다. 즉 공자는 도덕실천의 근거 혹은 도덕 가치의 근원으로서 이해한 천 관념을 매우 중시했으며, 이러한 천을 도덕성 의미의 천이라고 한다. 공자는 천명에 대해서도 새로운 견해를 가지고 있었다. 즉 공자가 도덕성 의미의 천의 존재를 체득하고 증험할 때에, 그가 언급한 천에 대한 논의에서 공자는 항상 의식적인 것이나 무의식적인 것에 관계없이 자신이 지고 있는 역사적 사명감을 노출하곤 한 것을 발견할 수 있다. 즉 도덕문화의 계승과 발전 모두가 공자 자신으로부터 시작되었기 때문에 요임금이나 순임금과 같은 성인들의 위대한 덕성을 찬양했던 것이며, 문왕과 주공의 예악제도와 문화적 전통이 자기에게 이어져 있다고 생각하여 자신의 도덕이상이 세상에 실현할 수 있기를 간절하게 염원했던 것이다. 본문에서는 공자의 천도론 사상에 대하여 먼저 공자기 언급한 명命의 의미에 대한 분석으로부터 시작해서 천天의 의미에 대한 고찰을 거쳐서 천명으로 이어지는 사유모식을 중심으로 논의를 진행해보도록 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        공자학에서 장자학으로 철학적 사유의 계승과 발전 -『논어』의 공자와『장자』의 공자 비교 -

        강봉수 ( Kang Bong-soo ) 한국윤리교육학회 2019 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.51

        『장자』에서 서사를 이끌어가는 인물로 공자가 자주 등장한다. 여기서 공자는 비판과 조롱의 대상이 되기도 하고, 도를 묻는 구도자로 등장하기도 하며, 장자학의 대변인처럼 출연하기도 한다. 이에 대한 그동안의 이해는 대체로 비판과 조롱의 대상이 되는 공자는 『논어』의 공자이고, 나머지는 장자 혹은 그의 후학이 공자에 가탁(假託)하여 장자학의 사상을 피력한 것이라고 여겨왔다. 이러한 관점은 『논어』의 공자가 당위적 사유와 진리만을 주장했던 사상가로 보았기 때문이다. 이 논문은 『논어』의 공자가 처음부터 당위적 사유뿐만 아니라 유위적사유와 무위적 사유까지 폭넓은 사유를 전개했던 사상가로 여긴다. 장자학의 관점에서 공자의 당위적 사유와 유위적 사유는 비판과 조롱의 대상이지만, 무위적 사유에 대해서는 장자학이 계승하고 발전시켰다고 주장한다. 이러한 관점에서 『장자』에서 공자의 역할이 무엇이든 『논어』의 공자와『장자』의 공자 간에는 사상적 관련성이 있다고 보았다. 그러나 공자는 무위적 사유를 전개했지만 그것을 도덕과 정치현실에서 실현해 보려는 노력을 하지 않고, 오로지 당위적 사유와 진리를 구현하는 데에만 고군분투하였다. 이것이 장자학의 불만이었다. 그래서 장자학은 공자의 무위적 사유를 계승하고 발전시키며 역사현실에서 실현할 수 있는 길을 개척하고자 하였다. 이러한 자기 사상을 정당화하고 권위를 확보하기 위해 당시대에 존경받는 인물이었던 공자에게 가탁하였던 것이라 주장한다. 이러한 점은 『논어』의 공자와『장자』의 공자 간의 사상적 차별성이라 보았다. Confucius often appears as a person leading narrative in "Zhangjia". Here, Confucius is a subject of criticism and mockery, a researcher who inquires about the truth, and sometimes he appears as a spokesman for Zhangjia. In the meantime, Confucius, who is generally criticized and ridiculed, has been regarded as Confucius of the "Analects", and the rest is the Confession of Zhangjia as Confucius and expressed his ideas. This view is that Confucius in the "Analects" is seen as a thinker who insisted on only the righteousness(Dangwei, 當爲的) reason and truth. This paper considers the Confucius of the "Analects" as a thinker who has broadly developed not only the righteousness(Dangwei, 當 爲的) reason but also the utility(Youwei, 유위적) reason and the inactivity(Wuwei, 無爲的) reason. From the viewpoint of Zhangjia, Confucius's righteousness thinking and utility thinking are objects of criticism and mockery, but argue that Zhangjia inherited and developed the inactivity reason. From this point of view, whatever the role of Confucius in "Zhangjia", the Confucius of the "Analects" and the Confucius of the "Zhangjia" seemed to have an ideological relevance. However, Confucius developed a inactivity thought, but did not strive to realize it in moral and political reality, but only struggled to realize the righteousness reason and truth. This was Zhangjia's complaint. So Zhangjia tried to pave the way for succession and development of Confucius's inactivity thought and realization in historical reality. In order to justify this self-thought and secure authority, he claims to have been entrusted to Confucius, who was a person respected at that time. This point was seen as the ideological differentiation between Confucius of "Analects" and Confucius of "Zhangjia".

      • KCI등재

        韓國儒學思想에서 法文化의 一端

        송영현 한국사상문화학회 2013 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.67 No.-

        한국의 유학사상은 다양한 영역에서 현대를 사는 우리들에게 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. 이는 법적인 측면에서도 예외가 아니다. 유학사상과 법의 연관성을 떠올릴 때 우리는 전통적 법문화를 헤아려야 한다. 법문화를 법이념의 집합체로 상정해 우리의 유학사상에서 살피는 새로운 의미에서의 가치론적 태도는 유학에서의 인간존중 사상에서 유래를 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 고귀한 인간을 자명한 원리로 받아들인 인간존중 사상의 발현은 제도적 장치로 구현되기 이전에 인간이 스스로를 수기(修己)하는 타자에 대한 배려의 덕목이었다. 흔히들 현대 한국 사회가 보유한 구조적 문제점과 그로 말미암은 다양한 부작용을 찾아내면서 그 원인 가운데 하나로 서구사회가 경험했던 오랜 근대화의 과정을 거치지 못한 점을 꼽곤 한다. 그리고 이를 지금의 시점으로 환치시켜 하루가 다르게 변화하는 세계화의 시대에서 빚어지는 현재의 문제점으로도 대입해 논의를 이어나가기도 한다. 이에 대한 하나의 해결책으로 유학사상의 힘을 빌릴 수도 있을 것이다. 최근 법의 이념 속에 내재한 인간존중 사상은 그 무엇보다 유학의 기초였고, 인간을 바라보는 다채로운 사상의 일단은 유학의 토대가 되는 것이었다. 이렇듯 유학에서 민본(民本)과 위민(爲民)의 전통은 새롭게 조선시대에 이르러 싹을 틔운다. 조선은 외래 학문인 성리학을 국학으로 삼아 조선성리학으로 토착화하는데 성공했고, 그 사상적 토대 위에서 조선의 고유문화를 창출했다. 선성(善性)을 천부로 이르고, 인간을 귀히 여기며 존중하는 사상적 기초는 또 다른 면에서 평등정신의 토대가 된다. 법은 평등을 전제하며 한 사회와 개인을 보호하는 제도적 장치로서 실천을 촉진시키는 구조의 일부이다. 따라서 법에 내재한 법 정신, 그리고 그것이 발현되는 법문화의 체계와 함께 어우러져야 진정한 의미를 가질 수 있게 된다. 유학사상에서의 공동체의 조화를 이끄는 공동체 지향성은 바로 개별적 인간을 바탕에 두고 이 세상을 다함께 만든다는 맥락에서, 유학사상의 한 논점은 규범으로서 도덕의 출발점을 찾고 도덕의 확대된 형태로서 사회를 보호해야 한다는 법을 이해하게 되는 것이다. 개별적 존재로서 한 사람만이 지켜야 하는 것이 아니라 모두가 따라야 하는 것으로, 그로부터 한 사회의 법문화가 형성된다고 할 때 우리의 전통 유학사상에서 찾는 법의식의 발현으로 빚어지는 법문화는 의외로 현대인들에게도 크나 큰 시사점을 줄 수 있게 된다. 왜냐하면 현대 사회의 법이 지향해야 하는 방향을 설정해 줄 수도 있기 때문이다. 인간이 중심이 되어 하늘의 길과 인간의 길이 같다는 유학적 견해는 법의 실천적 다스림의 모습을 상정할 때 나타나는 민본의 정신을 띠게 되는데 이 또한 인간존중 사상을 고스란히 드러내는 셈이다. 수많은 고난 속에서도 결코 인간의 귀중함을 생각하는 마음을 잃지 않았던 우리 겨레는 평범한 백성일지라도 민본사상의 범주 내에서 생각했다. 도덕과 인의를 원리로 삼은 유학사상은 신분제 사회였던 조선시대에 평등사상을 축조시키는 자양분이 되는데, 이를 법문화의 단초로 보아 사상과 제도의 괴리 없는 실천력을 확보하는 것으로도 볼 수 있을 것이다. 유학사상은 규범적인 의미에서의 권리를 보장하는 방법의 하나로 황금률을 중시했고, 현실의 암울한 처지와 굴절된 상황은 오히려 인간적인 면을 강조하게 만들었다.... Once thinking about the connection between Confucius philosophy and Law, we should consider traditional legal culture. Assuming the legal culture as an assembly of ideologies of law, we could find the new axiological attitude in our Confucius philosophy which was stemmed from Confucius’ human dignity thought. The manifestation of human dignity thought which respects all man was virtue of consideration on others who disciplines his own mind and body before it was materialized by institutional strategies. Frequently, people regard the reason of Korean society’s structural problems along with various other side effects originated from that as the lack of enough time of Modernization which Western societies have experienced. Also, they interchange that with the present globalized world where changes are prevail and then keep proceeding there discussion. We could get Confucius philosophy as a solution to solve these problems. The humanistic ideology being inherent in the ideology of law was the basic idea of Confucius philosophy and the first step of seeing human beings was the foundation of Confucius philosophy. Thus, the tradition of “people centered idea” that think people should be the first and foremost and the idea that a ruler should serve the people first were newly started in Joseon Dynasty. Joseon Dynasty adopted foreign Neo Confucianism as heritage of its nation and succeeds to naturalizing Joseon Confucianism. Also, on the basis of that, it created Joseon Dynasty’s native culture. The foundation of ideology claiming human nature is fundamentally good and respecting humans is also ground of equality in other aspects. The law premises equality and it is part of promoting actions as an institutional strategy protecting one society and individual. Therefore, it can only achieve true meaning in case of harmonizing together with the spirit of law annotated in law itself and system of legal culture where the spirit of law appeared. In Confucius ideology, directivity of community leading the harmony between communities is founded on individual persons. In the context of creating the world together, Confucius’ point can find the starting point and understand the law as a method of protecting society with shape of enlarged form of ethics. If the society’s legal culture where people admits the law as not only one individual should follows but also every human beings should follow altogether was created, legal culture shaped by manifestation of our traditional Confucius philosophy would imply valuable suggestions to contemporary people. This is because it could set the directions where the modern law should aimed at. The Confucius view which focused on humans and considers God’s way and human’s way are both same stands out the characteristic of “people oriented idea” which usually appeared in time of supposing politics as same as law’s practical governance. This also shows humanistic ideology. Korean ethnicity who never lost the mind of valuing human’s dignity thought in the scope of people oriented idea regardless of they were just mere people. During the Joseon Dynasty where the slavery still existed, the Confucius philosophy which is thorough on the ethics and the principle of phosphoric raised the idea of equality. This could be seen as an initial point that establishes power of execution without any disjunction between ideology and system. The Confucius philosophy consider the golden rule as important to guarantee human’s right and it made the society even put an emphasis on humanitarian aspect even in the dark circumstances. It is human who is seated in the foundation of establishment of the law. Thus, our legal culture was cultivated and developed by our consciousness also was greatly influenced by Confucius philosophy which puts high value on human dignity and equality.

      • KCI등재후보


        Feng ZhenLiang,Cheng JiChun 세명대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2019 人文 社會科學硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        Began in period of Spring and Autumn, the Worship Confucius system formed in the Han Dynasty in state . It was expanded in the Wei and Jin Dynasty , culminated in the Sui and Tang Dynasties . And change from Song Dynasty to Ming dynasty and continue to the Qing dynasty, about two thousand years ago. Worship Confucius is one of the important tradition to express respect for Confucius and after emperor LiuChe of the Han dynasty listed Confucian culture as the ruling ideology, it was of great political significance to sacrifice Confucius. At the beginning of the Qing dynasty,emperor of Qing adopted the policy of respecting and valuing Confucianism.At this time, the system of sacrificing Confucius is completely consistent with the Ming Dynasty.In a prosperous time,Qing emperors formulated their own systems and laws by referring to the relevant systems and laws of the Ming Dynasty and combining with the actual situation of their own nation——Emperor Kangxi imitated the system of Han Dynasty to visit Qufu.He used courtiers' etiquette to worship Confucius that prostrating oneself three times and kowtowing nine times. He created a system of worshipping Confucius during the Empire's East Visit, which was the beginning of all change. In the Yongzheng Era,the worship of Confucius was fully upgraded. First, the emperor personally offered sacrifices to Confucius and established the system of the emperor himself to sacrifice. He later changed “xingxue” to “yixue”, conferred the title of king to Confucius' ancestor and established a system of "zhaijie" in birthday of Confucius and a system for avoiding the use of Confucius' names in daily use. Emperor Qianlong imitated his grandfather. He visited the Qufu eight times and offered sacrifices to Confucius. When he visited Rehe and other places, he also went to the local Confucian temple to worship Confucius. At same time, he builded a system of the emperor himself went to the school to lecture. In addition, he imitated the ancient system and established the Piyong temple . In the Qianlong Era, a new ritual of worshipping Confucius in Qing Dynasty was formed, which was different from that of the previous dynasties. Through the study of the change of the system, we find that power and belief in this common play in the works. On the one hand, the Qing government must actively use Confucian “Dao Tong” to maintain “Zhi Tong”based on political needs. On the other hand, the power of faith of Confucian “Dao Tong” is also playing a role at all times, thus making these "foreign" rulers gradually form a high degree of cultural identity. Key Words: Rituals of sacrificing Confucius The Rituals of The Sacrifice of Confucius in the Qing Dynasty Power and Belief Cultural Identity in the Qing Dynasty

      • KCI등재

        공자의 음악치유 사상에 내재된 예술치료적 의의

        왕해화 ( Hae Hwa Wang ) 한국연극예술치료학회 2015 연극예술치료연구 Vol.- No.5

        예술은 인류문화의 결정체로서, 예술의 표현과 전달을 통해 사람의 마음을 감동 및 교화 시킬 수 있으며, 정서도 완화시킬 수 있다. 유가의 시조인 공자는 음악을 매우 중요시 여겼다. 이에, 본 논문은 공자의 음악사상에서 시작하여 공자의 음악치유 사상을 다루고, 더 나아가 그것이 예술치료에서 갖는 전반적 의의에 대해 살펴보았다. 먼저 공자의 음악 사상과 관련하여 ‘인’과 ‘예악’을 논하면서 음악과 정치교육과 인격의 양성에 관해 논하였는데, 여기에서 우리는 공자가 미선의 결합을 예악교화의 최고목표로 삼았으며, 군자의 원만한 인격의 완성체로 삼았다는것을 알 수 있다. 다음으로 공자가 말한 음악의 정신적 단계인 ‘흡여’, ‘순여’, ‘교여’, ‘역여’에 관한 치유기능에 관해 논하였다. 마지막으로 ‘진선진미’하며 ‘악통인륜’ - 음악경전을 중요 매개체로 한 사상인 ‘악문동, 즉상하화’의 치유관계, ‘이풍역속, 막선어락’이라는 교육적 목표는 심성을 고르게 하고 충돌을 개선하며 완벽한 인격을 완성한다고 하였는데, 이것이 바로 공자의 음악사상 중 ‘음악으로 완벽한 인격을 완성시킨다’라고하는 중요한 개념이고 완벽한 인성을 갖춘 사람만이 사회를 변화시키고 정치의 자유를 실현할 수 있다고 한 것을 알아보았다. 공자는 자신의 음악지식을 바탕으로 예악을 회복할 것을 주장하며 새로운 활기를 불어 넣었고, 교육에 차별을 두지 않는다는 ‘유교무류’를 주장하여 교육을 평민들에게도 보급하였다. 또한 논리 도덕의 가치를 음악에 부여함으로써 ‘인생을 위한 예술“의 본보기를 확립하였다. 공자의 음악사상은 춘추전국시기에 생겨났지만 유가의 경전은 오랜 세월을 지나면서 한층 더 새로워져, 현대 예술치료에 접목되어 현대인의 마음을 치유하는 데 기여한다. Art is the crystallization of human culture, through the expression or transfer of art , can influence and form the human``s heart, emotions can also be released. Confucian ancestor Confucius have high expectation on music, therefore this paper start from the music thoughts of Confucius, which leads to the music healing thoughts of Confucius, and then discusses its whole implications on art therapy. The first part--Confucius `musical thoughts starts from the music of Getian clan in the Liu``s Commentaries of History;Ancient Music to the establishment of ritual musical system of the Western Zhou Dynasty, explained the origin of Confucius `musical thoughts, further interpreted the relationship between Confucius `music and politic, education and personality cultivation, explained the supreme goal of Confucius… music education that based on the combination of function and beauty. The second part--Confucius `musical healing thoughts starts with Confucius `musical spirit level, emphasizes the healing effects of music on human spirit through analysis on four levels(cautious, pure, clear,melodious ) of music. The third part-the overall implications of Confucius `musical thoughts on art therapy starts with the six aspects that the unite moral with heaven and human music view that『achieved by people』and『affects human』, the media spirit of 『be perfect』 and 『music theory』 the therapeutic relation of 『music same with articles that the society is harmonious』 the educational goals of 『music is the best ting for changing custom』 harmonious mind, improve conflict and achieve perfect personality, explained the important concept that music achieves perfect personality in Confucius`` musical thoughts, that is only though achieving perfect personality can change the society and realize political freedom. As you see, art education and art healing has delicate influence, these two are not separable, they complement each other and benefit each other. Confucius advocated to restore rites and music based on the musical conservation and his era and endowed music with new ideas, and he advocated teaching without distinction and spread education to civilians, Confucius also blended theory of ethical value into music, established model of 『art for life』 Though Confucius`` musical thoughts were in The Spring and Autumn Period and The Warring States, the Confucian classics were timeless and linked up with modern art healing to provide spiritual healing for modern people.

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