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      • KCI등재

        한중간 철학사상 연구의 성과와 전망 - 한중인문학회 20주년 변화와 모색을 중심으로 -

        유성선 한중인문학회 2017 한중인문학연구 Vol.54 No.-

        2016년은 한중인문학회 창립 20주년이다. 이번 국제학술대회는 20년간의 학회 활동을 정리․회고하고 앞으로의 발전적 방향을 제시한다. 한편 기획주제 명칭은 ‘한중인문학회 20주년회고와 한중 인문학 연구의 전망’이다. 논자의 발제 부분은 [철학․사상] 분야의 「한중간 철학사상 연구의 성과와 전망」이다. 한중인문학회는 20여년간 매년 정기적으로 국내 및 국제학술대회의 연찬과 우수한 학술지 발간을 통하여 한중인문학의 교각을 구축하였다. 한중 양국의 학술교류는 1992년 8월 24일 수교 이래(24주년) 20여년간 다양한 교섭과 왕래, 국제학술대회 논문 발제와 토론 및 연구 성과를 통한 학술 네트웍을 구축하는 계기가 되었다. 또한 중국 학술계에서는 그동안 관심이 없던 한국철학 및 한국유학에 대한 ‘한국학’의관심과 그 연구가 활성화되었다. 본 논고에서는 20여년간 한중인문학회의 국내외 학술활동과더불어 한국 내에서의 중국철학/ 중국 내에서의 한국철학 연구현황 및 유학사상 연구현황을검토․분석하고, 이전의 선행연구를 검토하였다. <목차>는 1. 시작하는 말/ 2. 한중인문학회한중간 철학사상 연구 성과/ 3. 한중간 철학사상 연구 의의와 전망이다. 한중인문학회의 20주년을 맞이하여 철학사상 분야의 이러한 과제를 완료하기 위해서는 무엇보다 시대의 변화와 더불어 특히 대학의 변화와 개혁이 요청된다. 즉, 한국 안 한국학과 및동아시아학과 설립 필요성이 간절하게 요청되는 이유이다. 2016 is the 20th anniversary of the Korea-China Humanities Society. This international conference summarizes and recalls the activities of the society for 20 years. and presents a developmental direction in the future while the title of the project is ‘Retrospection on 20 years of the Korea-China Humanities Society and the Prospect of the Study of Humanities in Korea and China’. The presentation part of the writer is 「Accomplishment and Prospect of Research on Philosophical Thought between Korea and China」 of the [Philosophy․ Thought] field. The Korea-China Humanities Society built a pier of Korean and Chinese Humanities through regular hosting of domestic and international academic conferences and publication of excellent academic journals every year for 20 years Since the establishment of diplomatic relations on August 24, 1992 (24th anniversary), the academic exchanges between Korea and China became an occasion to establish an academic network through various negotiations, coming and going and paper presentations, discussions and research results of international conferences. Also, in the Chinese academic world, the research was activated with the interest in ‘Korean Studies’ for the Korean philosophy which had been strange. This paper reviewed and analyzed the current status of Chinese Philosophy in Korea/Korean Philosophy study and Confucianism study in China along with academic activities both at home and abroad of the Korea-China Humanities Society for 20 years and reviewed existing previous studies. <Contents> include 1. introduction / 2. Accomplishment of Research on Philosophical Thought between Korea and China of the Korea-China Humanities Society/ 3. Significance and Prospect of Research on Philosophical Thought between Korea and China. In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Korea-China Humanities Society, change of the age, especially change and reform of universities are required in order to finish and complete these challenges in the field of philosophical thought. That is why the establishment of Department of East Asian Studies and Department of Korean Studies in Korea is urgently required.

      • KCI우수등재

        특이점 인문학

        정대현(Daihyun Chung) 한국철학회 2017 철학 Vol.0 No.131

        빅뱅이 우주에서의 최초 특이점이었다면 <강한 일반 인공지능>의 출현 가능성은 두 번째의 특이점을 함축하는 것으로 보인다. 특이점 로봇의 가능성은 회피할 문제가 아니라 적극적으로 대처해야 할 문제이다. 자연종 인간은 특이점 로봇종 인간이 재앙이 아니라 축복이 될 수 있도록 철학적, 인문적 사유를 선제적으로 해야 할 것이다. 이 논문은 “특이점 로봇은 인간 사회의 성원이다”라는 명제를 지지하거나 반박하지 않지만, 특이점 로봇 인간을 정확하게 파악하기 위해서는 특이점 로봇 인간에 대한 체계적 접근을 할 수 있어야 한다고 제안한다. 이를 위해 특이점 로봇의 생각, 의식, 믿음, 자율성, 정체성을 존재론적으로 해석하고, 로봇의 지능에 대한 개념역할 의미론과 비단조 논리의 인식론을 전망하고, 그리고 자연종 인간과 공생할 수 있는 윤리적 가치를 구성하여 제시하고자 한다. Suppose that the Big Bang was the first singularity in the history of the cosmos. Then it would be plausible to presume that the availability of the strong general intelligence should mark the second singularity for the natural human race. The human race needs to be prepared to make it sure that the singularity robot race should be a blessing for the humankind rather than a curse. Toward this direction I would scrutinize the implication of the hypothesis that the singularity robot is a member of the human society. I will ask how the robot is equipped to satisfy the ontological criteria such as accountability, consciousness, identity, to demonstrate the epistemological capacities like conceptual role semantic understanding and non-monotous inference, and to behave in the way human ethical norms expect it to.

      • KCI등재

        영어교육의 인문적 전망에 관하여

        김길중(Kiljoong Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2013 영미문학교육 Vol.17 No.3

        The English language education in Korea is a phenomenon that goes far beyond the bounds of a common educational subject or a mere pastime in culture. Historically, the power of the language was commonly felt in three major East Asian countries although its influence in Korea was more or less filtered by the intervening colonial Japan. Reflecting the prominent American role in the area, post-colonial Korea began to spend much concerted educational energy in the learning of the privileged language. The effort has always been strenuous but beyond a degree of slow progress the result was never satisfactory for the simple reason that their target is a foreign tongue with limited use in practical life. Despite this innate limit, society at large demanded not necessarily in silence greater strenuousness on the part of students or general public. Meanwhile, a great deal of academic energy has gone to the theories of teaching and art of pedagogy. I dare to conjecture that Korean students could possibly already have reached their maximum point in collective achievements. Nevertheless, though the guiding spirit coming from current theories appears to be rational and practical and even human, they may still be overly rooted in the second language teaching theories to the neglect of the distinct concept of foreign language, thereby possibly harming some significant dimension of humanity in education. On the basis of this incongruence and supported by some indirect social indices, I take the liberty to suggest that for the concerned scholarship and pedagogy in Korea it is time to go back to some fundamental principles of human ways in education that ought to inform the practical pedagogy of English as a foreign language and imagine a new philosophy fit for the second developmental chapter of English education in Korea. The more substantial body of my argument will go to the discussion of an alternative concept of English as a foreign language meaningful in the perspective of such a vision.

      • KCI등재

        인문학으로 새 지평 열기 - 언어학을 중심으로 -

        윤석민 ( Youn Soeg-min ) 한국언어문화학회(구 한양어문학회) 2011 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.46

        The saying “Crisis of Humanities” does not mean the uselessness of humanities, but an earnest wish for new humanities which is different from humanities until now. I think that the very new humanities must show new prospect which can make us get over many problems of this ages. Therefore that humanities must be a communicative humanities which gets over alienation and conflict, and have such central codes as diversity, combine and consilience. diversity can compensate for weakness of unicity, combine can remedy weakness of separation and consilience can make us transgress weakness of obstinateness. I prove it with linguistic examples which help us to have solved many periodic problems. In 1444 Invention of new writting system, Hun-min-jeong-eum, by king Sejong helped to make our society be a information oriented society and Study on korean by scholars of Silhak in middle of Joseon dynasty have function to make people feel national sprit. Moreover study on korean and korean orthography in japanese colonial era means directly to show the sprit of korean independence.

      • KCI등재

        찬불가 연구의 현황과 미래

        안승철 보조사상연구원 2024 보조사상 Vol.69 No.-

        본 연구는 1920년대부터 1991년까지의 찬불가의 역사를 개괄한다. 또한 이를 바탕으로 현재까지의 찬불가 연구의 현황을 정리하여 그 성과와 연구경향을 파악한다. 나아가 이를 바탕으로 찬불가 연구의 향후 전망을 제시하고자 한다. 찬불가의 연구는 크게 음악적 분석을 토대로 하는 예술학 분야와, 문학과 역사 그리고 철학과 불교학적인 견해를 기초로 하는 인문학 분야의 두 가지 계통을 중심으로 학술적 연구가 진행되었다고 볼 수 있다. 예술학 연구 분야에서 찬불가 연구는 학위논문 18편(석사 15편, 박사 4편)이며 국내학술논문 12편 그리고 국제학술논문 1편이다. 예술학 분야에서 찬불가 연구의 특징 중 하나는 학위논문 취득 이후 이와 관련한 후속 연구가 활발하지 않다는 점이다. 이와 같은 이유는 음악계열 전공자의 특성상 예술실기 분야로 진출하는 경향이 많음을 들 수 있다. 인문학 연구 분야에서 찬불가의 연구는 학위논문 20편(석사 17편, 박사 3편)과 국내학술논문 29편이다. 여기서 주목되는 점은 문학적 연구로서 시작된 찬불가에 대한 연구가 점차 불교학에서 다루어진다는 것이다. 이는 최근의 찬불가와 관련한 학위논문의 경향에서 확인할 수 있다. 다만 찬불가의 특성인 예술적 부분과 인문학적 부분을 두루 아우를 수 있는 전문연구자의 경우는 그 수가 제한적이라고 볼 수 있다. This study examines the current status of Korean Buddhist hymns research, identifies the achievements and research trends to date, and suggests future prospects for Buddhist hymns research based on the findings. The study of Buddhist hymns has been largely centered on two schools of thought: the arts, based on musical analysis, and the humanities, based on literary, historical, and philosophical perspectives. In the field of artistic research, the study of Buddhist hymns has been published in 18 degree theses (15 master's, 4 doctoral), 12 domestic academic research articles and 1 International academic research article. One of the characteristics of the study of Buddhist hymns in the field of arts studies is the lack of follow-up research after the completion of the thesis. This may be due to the fact that music majors tend to work in the field of artistic practice. In the field of humanities research, Buddhist hymns have been studied in 20 degree theses (17 master's, 3 doctoral) and 29 domestic academic articles. It is notable here that the study of Buddhist hymns, which began as a literary study, has gradually been addressed in applied Buddhist studies. This can be seen in the tendency of recent degree theses on Buddhist hymns. However, the number of specialized researchers who can combine the artistic and humanistic aspects of Buddhist hymns is limited. This research has argued for the relevance of academic research through the socio-cultural value of Buddhist hymns. It has been observed that the research on Buddhist hymns has been shrinking or diminishing due to limited human resources and lack of continuity of research activities after the completion of the degree thesis. This is not because of the relevance of Buddhist hymns research, but rather because the methodology of Buddhist hymns research has been somewhat stagnant since Park's doctoral dissertation, and a new research atmosphere has not been formed. Another reason may be that music majors are less likely to pursue academic research. Therefore, the validity of the study of Buddhist hymns should not be judged by the lack of current research. Starting with monks such as Baek Yong-sung and Kwon Sang-ro Cho Hak-yu over 100 years ago, to contemporary pioneers such as Jung Un-moon and Ko Gwang-deok, to the creators of Buddhist hymns today, Buddhist hymns have become more than just a religious phenomenon, but a phenomenon that penetrates the culture of modern Korean society. As such, the relevance of studying Buddhist hymns with Korean Buddhist spirit is indispensable in this era when a new method of propagation is needed.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 후반 소설의 역사적 상상력

        채호석(Chae Ho-Seok) 국어국문학회 2007 국어국문학 Vol.- No.147

        This is a study on the historical and social imagination of novel. particularly the latest 1930's novels. The novel is a reflection of social beings and doings. The novels that are the objects of this study reflected thoses. But the novel is not written without the so-called imagination. Imagination or perspective is the core of novel. In the novels of In-Mun-Pyung-Ron are the same. But the imaginations of these nevels is restricted by the age. The imaginations of this novels are negative. To pass over the age of 1930's, the various strategy is done, but the results are not satisfied. In this study, the various efforts and strategies are researched. The sameness is the will to pass over the capitalism, the difference is the world over the capitalism. This study is only on In-Mun-Pyung-Ron. therefore the research of the novels of other magazines is the next task.

      • KCI등재

        독어독문학 전공자의 진로 확대를 위한 제언-관광분야로의진출을중심으로

        최정옥 한국헤세학회 2008 헤세연구 Vol.19 No.-

        Seit der im Jahr 1995 von der Regierung initiierten Bildungsreform wird die Lage der koreanischen Germanistik immer kritischer: Trotz der über zehnjährigen Bemühungen der Germanisten um die Überwindung dieser ‘Krise’ ist die Zukunft der koreanischen Germanistik aussichtslos. Das liegt zm größten Teil daran, dass diese Krise ursprünglich von Außen verursacht worden ist. Deshalb ist es notwendig, diese Krise mit den ihr ursprünglichen, d.h. äußerlichen Faktoren, wie derzeitigen gesellschaftlichen Trends und Forderungen zu betrachten. Dieser gesellschaftliche Trend ist vor allem in der Berufswelt stark ausgeprägt. Durch die Globalisierung, die von dem zunehmenden Einsatz von Computertechnologie und Digitalisierung immer mehr unterstützt wird, wird die freie Konkurrenz in der Weltwirtschaft stark gefördert. Dass die Berufsfelder immer beliebter werden, die praktische und sichtbare Leistungen erbringen, ist eine eindeutige Folge von dieses Phänomens. In dieser Hinsicht soll der Austausch der Germanistik mit den anderen Bereichen noch aktiver und umfangreicher werden und die Germanisten sollten sich mit mehr Engagement neuen Herausforderungen stellen. Hierfür hat die vorliegende Arbeit vorgeschlagen, neben Kulturwissenschaft und Deutschlandkunde, zu denen von den Germanisten in den letzten Jahrzehnten bereits Beiträge geleistet wurden, auch den Tourismus als einen der Gegenstände der germanistischen Forschung und des Unterrichts zu arrangieren, um die Konkurrenzfähigkeit der Germanistik voranzutreiben. Warum gerade der Tourismus? Der scheint doch abseits von der Germanistik zu liegen!. Die Kombination von Germanistik und Tourismus ist jedoch vorstellbar, da sie in ihrem Wesen nicht gegeneinanderstehen, sondern gegenseitig produktiv ergänzend wirken könnten. In der touristischen Berufsausbildung ist neben der Berufstechnik auch die humanwissenschaftliche Bildung einer der wichtigen Bestandteil und Ausrichtung auf den praktischen Nutzen könnte der Germanistik in vieler Hinsicht, wie in Bezugg auf die eigene Position und Konkurrenzfähigkeit, zugute kommen. Für die Förderung der Konkurrenzfähigkeit der Germanistik durch die Erweiterung der Forschungs- und Lehrgegenstände in den Tourismusbereich, habe ich verschiedene Mittel der Curriculumsreform vorgeschlagen. Und der Unterricht der touristischen Fächer sollte nicht nur innerhalb des germanistischen Fachbereichs stattfinden, sondern darüber hinaus sowohl im Bereich der Allgemeinbildung wie in den von Universitätainstituten für Volksbildung. Dies könnte den Bedarf nach der deutschen Sprache und auch der Germanistik sichtbar steigern. Der wichtigste Punkt bei diesen Erneuerungsversuchen ist, dass der Germanistik im Austausch mit den anderen Bereichen die Hauptrolle zugetraut werden soll. Als Gegenleistung müsste die Germanistik die fremden Bereiche der praktischen Nutzanwendung nicht widerwillig, sondern aus Überzeugung akzeptieren. Dies kann jedoch nur Erfolg haben, wenn die Germanistik fest im humanwissenschaftlichen Geist wurzelt. Neben diesem Zielbewusstsein auf der Makroebene ist auch eine Zielsetzung auf der Midroebene und deren Verwirklichung notwendig. Die in der Anfangsphase dieser Krise in der KGG-Tagung vorgeschlagene ‘Art provisorischer Fonds zur Förderung der jungen Germanisten’ und ‘das Kommitee für die lang-und kurzfristige Erneuerung der Germanistik und des Deutschunterrichts’ dringend notwendig. Aber was am dringendsten unternommen werden muss, sind die Bemühungen um verbesserte berufliche Aussichten der Studenten nach der Absolvierung, worauf die vorliegende Arbeit den Schwerpunkt legt. Seit der im Jahr 1995 von der Regierung initiierten Bildungsreform wird die Lage der koreanischen Germanistik immer kritischer: Trotz der über zehnjährigen Bemühungen der Germanisten um die Überwindung dieser ‘Krise’ ist die Zukunft der koreanischen Germanistik aussichtslos. Das liegt zm größten Teil daran, dass diese Krise ursprünglich von Außen verursacht worden ist. Deshalb ist es notwendig, diese Krise mit den ihr ursprünglichen, d.h. äußerlichen Faktoren, wie derzeitigen gesellschaftlichen Trends und Forderungen zu betrachten. Dieser gesellschaftliche Trend ist vor allem in der Berufswelt stark ausgeprägt. Durch die Globalisierung, die von dem zunehmenden Einsatz von Computertechnologie und Digitalisierung immer mehr unterstützt wird, wird die freie Konkurrenz in der Weltwirtschaft stark gefördert. Dass die Berufsfelder immer beliebter werden, die praktische und sichtbare Leistungen erbringen, ist eine eindeutige Folge von dieses Phänomens. In dieser Hinsicht soll der Austausch der Germanistik mit den anderen Bereichen noch aktiver und umfangreicher werden und die Germanisten sollten sich mit mehr Engagement neuen Herausforderungen stellen. Hierfür hat die vorliegende Arbeit vorgeschlagen, neben Kulturwissenschaft und Deutschlandkunde, zu denen von den Germanisten in den letzten Jahrzehnten bereits Beiträge geleistet wurden, auch den Tourismus als einen der Gegenstände der germanistischen Forschung und des Unterrichts zu arrangieren, um die Konkurrenzfähigkeit der Germanistik voranzutreiben. Warum gerade der Tourismus? Der scheint doch abseits von der Germanistik zu liegen!. Die Kombination von Germanistik und Tourismus ist jedoch vorstellbar, da sie in ihrem Wesen nicht gegeneinanderstehen, sondern gegenseitig produktiv ergänzend wirken könnten. In der touristischen Berufsausbildung ist neben der Berufstechnik auch die humanwissenschaftliche Bildung einer der wichtigen Bestandteil und Ausrichtung auf den praktischen Nutzen könnte der Germanistik in vieler Hinsicht, wie in Bezugg auf die eigene Position und Konkurrenzfähigkeit, zugute kommen. Für die Förderung der Konkurrenzfähigkeit der Germanistik durch die Erweiterung der Forschungs- und Lehrgegenstände in den Tourismusbereich, habe ich verschiedene Mittel der Curriculumsreform vorgeschlagen. Und der Unterricht der touristischen Fächer sollte nicht nur innerhalb des germanistischen Fachbereichs stattfinden, sondern darüber hinaus sowohl im Bereich der Allgemeinbildung wie in den von Universitätainstituten für Volksbildung. Dies könnte den Bedarf nach der deutschen Sprache und auch der Germanistik sichtbar steigern. Der wichtigste Punkt bei diesen Erneuerungsversuchen ist, dass der Germanistik im Austausch mit den anderen Bereichen die Hauptrolle zugetraut werden soll. Als Gegenleistung müsste die Germanistik die fremden Bereiche der praktischen Nutzanwendung nicht widerwillig, sondern aus Überzeugung akzeptieren. Dies kann jedoch nur Erfolg haben, wenn die Germanistik fest im humanwissenschaftlichen Geist wurzelt. Neben diesem Zielbewusstsein auf der Makroebene ist auch eine Zielsetzung auf der Midroebene und deren Verwirklichung notwendig. Die in der Anfangsphase dieser Krise in der KGG-Tagung vorgeschlagene ‘Art provisorischer Fonds zur Förderung der jungen Germanisten’ und ‘das Kommitee für die lang-und kurzfristige Erneuerung der Germanistik und des Deutschunterrichts’ dringend notwendig. Aber was am dringendsten unternommen werden muss, sind die Bemühungen um verbesserte berufliche Aussichten der Studenten nach der Absolvierung, worauf die vorliegende Arbeit den Schwerpunkt legt.

      • KCI등재

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