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      • KCI등재

        중국의 노동분쟁 특징과 확대 요인 분석

        박장재 한국중국문화학회 2011 中國學論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        本论文主要分析最近在中国发生的劳动争议之特征与其增加原因。2008年激增以后,中国每年发生的劳动争议案件数仍超过60万件。中国发生的劳动争议基本上呈现出以下几个特点: 第一,主要集中于东部沿海经济发达地区发生; 第二,公有制企业的劳动争议大幅减少,而包括外资企业在内的私营企业的劳动争议大幅增加; 第三,虽然最近两三年集体性劳动争议有所减少,但其方式上的攻击性和社会影响更加扩大; 第四,与劳动合同有关的劳动争议大幅减少,而像劳动报酬、社会保险等经济利益有关的劳动争议大幅增加。 最近在中国,劳动争议的激增有很多原因。其中,主要以劳动者的利害关系为出发点观察,可以找出以下几个原因。第一,最近在中国越来越严重的民工荒现象把劳动者的协商力大大提高,因而促使劳动争议的发生。第二,中国政府的劳动政策从亲企业倾向转到亲劳动者倾向,并陆续发表和实施有关保护&

      • KCI등재

        중국의 인민조정제도 개관

        장송청(张,松青,) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2011 성균관법학 Vol.23 No.3

        人民调解植根于「息诉止讼」的中国传统文化,是中国独创的化解矛盾、解决纠纷的诉讼外纠纷解决方式,被誉为“东方经验”。经过各个历史阶段的发展和完善,业已形成了覆盖全国城乡的人民调解网络。人民调解法的制定为推进人民调解制度的发展,充分发挥人民调解的作用,进而促进社会和谐发展将发挥重要作用。 人民调解法强调了人民调解所具有的民间性、群众性、自治性的特征和人民调解委员会作为基层群众自治组织的地位,使人民调解得以回归民间。人民调解法在总结实践经验的基础上对人民调解委员会和人民调解员,人民调解的纠纷范围和程序以及调解协议等作出了切合实际的规定。特别是对调解协议的司法确认制度作出具体的规定,使之得以制度化,并对经过人民法院确认的人民调解协议赋予强制执行的效力。这一规定无疑强化了人民调解协议的效力,将对增强人民调解的权威具有重要意义。 人民调解法存在一些模糊和不确定的内容。比如,人民调解法为加强人民调解协议的效力,规定人民调解协议具有法律约束力,但对如何界定法律约束力没有作出明确的规定。又如,人民调解法规定当事人之间就调解协议的内容发生争议时一方当事人可以向人民法院提起诉讼。尽管对该诉讼的内容等未作出明确规定,但综观立法过程和制定理由等,似乎可以作出如下解释,即一方当事人可以就原纠纷提起诉讼,法院也应针对原纠纷进行审理,对原纠纷进行彻底处理,真正实现案结事了。若如此,则可以提出对人民调解协议的法律约束力究竟为何的质疑。这些问题尚需在今后的实践和立法中加以完善。

      • KCI등재


        金秋(JIN QIU),徐世杰(XU SHI-JIE) 한국중재학회 2018 중재연구 Vol.28 No.4

        “Perfecting the arbitration system, improving the credibility of arbitration” and promoting modernization and internationalization of international commercial arbitration are the development direction of the arbitration of China in the new era. These are also the inevitable requirement of the “Opinion Concerning the Establishment of the Belt And Road International Commercial Dispute Resolution Mechanism and Institutions”. As an important part of the diversified dispute resolution mechanism, international commercial arbitration is chosed by more and more commercial entities in commercial activities. It is because of its advantages such as convenience, finality, professionlism and easy implementation of arbitral award, ect. However, the precondition of starting the arbitral procedure is a valid arbitration agreement. In the international commercial arbitration cases, the subjects of disputes often come from different countries or regions. Different nationalities often cause different laws applicated in the arbitration cases and the legal effects is vary greatly. In these cases, it is difficult to guarantee the effective resolution of arbitration disputes. Therefore, this paper will refer to the validity of arbitration agreement as the research object, start from the application of law in international commercial arbitration agreement of China, and combine with the relevant legal provisions and judicial practice in international commercial arbitration agreement of China. Through these ways, it will analysis the current problems in the Identification of Effectiveness of international commercial arbitration agreement of China, and put forward the corresponding suggestions. It is expected to propose reasonable and feasible ideas for the revision and improvement of Arbitration Law of China.

      • KCI등재후보

        韓愈의 “以文爲詩”와 그 영향

        고팔미 대한중국학회 2011 중국학 Vol.38 No.-

        韩愈的诗歌在中国文学史上占有很重要的地位, 这种地位的确立与他“以文为诗”创作倾向息息相关。他以“不诗为诗”扩大了诗歌题材范围, 促进了诗歌的散文化。在表现手法上融入了散文的淸新笔调, 表现出“以文为诗”的创作倾向, 使其诗为“唐诗之一大变”, 这对宋诗及宋以后的诗産生很大的影响。本文分析对韩愈以文为诗的诸家评而把握其实体之後, 揭示他表现出的以文为诗的具体样相, 并考察这对宋诗及宋以后的诗产生的影响。 他体现的以文为诗手法有以赋体手法为诗、以议论为诗、以古文章法为诗、以古文句法为诗、以古文字法为诗。 所谓韩诗多赋体的赋有两个意义, 一个是一种直接敍事的作诗手法, 另一个则是一种基本定型了的文学体裁。韩诗多赋体是为韩诗多敍事诗所决定了的。说韩愈以文为诗“纯用赋”的, 就是指文学体裁的赋。 以文为诗採用属于散文范畴的议论, 韩诗中常有议论。诗中的议论, 常常为诗的内容所决定而不得不发。韩诗的议论有失有得。 韩愈以古文章法为诗, 主要表现是以古文谋篇、布局、结构之法来运营诗歌。除了此外, 还表现在他将古文善于描绘事件、刻畵人物、模写物象的长处用在诗里。 韩愈以古文句法为诗, 有几个突出的表现; 就是屏除对句、律句, 打乱诗的一般音节, 使用长短句等。 韩愈古文字法上的以文为诗的特徵是多用当时方言、口语、俚俗语, 使用经典语, 多用虚词。这些都是韩愈诗歌言语上变革的表现, 不仅令人耳目一新, 同时也豊富了诗歌题材。 韩愈以文为诗创作倾向给予宋诗以重大影响。北宋中期以欧阳修为中心形成了宋诗的新气象。欧阳修、梅尧臣、苏舜钦採用韩愈的古文理论创作以文为诗的作品, 而提唱古文运动和诗歌革新。北宋後期苏轼和黄庭坚用和以前不同的新方式作诗, 开拓以文为诗的领域。

      • KCI등재

        喪禮 爭點을 통해 본 『國朝喪禮補編』의 志向

        이봉규(李俸珪) 한국동양철학회 2011 동양철학 Vol.0 No.36

        본 논문은 「古今喪禮異同議」를 통해 상례에서 쟁점이 된 부분이 무엇이었고, 효종대에 어떻게 논의되었는지, 그리고 『國朝喪禮補編』에 어떻게 반영되었는지를 구체적으로 분석하여, 『국조상례보편』의 禮學的 특성을 재조명한 글이다. 「古今喪禮異同議」의 改補 의견과 『國朝喪禮補編』에서 改補한 내용을 통해 볼 때 조선왕조의 禮學的 지향은 대체로 다음과 같은 특성이 발견된다. 첫째, 송대의 예학, 특히 朱熹의 禮學的 관점과 『朱子家禮』의 규정을 충실히 계승하면서 고례를 복원하여 삼대의 禮治 관념을 國典 속에서 성문화시키는 방향으로 改補가 진행되었다. 둘째, 사적인 요소들을 배제하여 유학의 관념을 公的으로 실현하는 의례로 재성문화시키는 관점에서 改補를 추구하였다. 곧 국왕의 의미와 역할을 유교적 의례의 수행자로 정밀하게 성문화시켜, 그 예제의 수행을 통해 국왕 개인의 사적 의지를 억제시키는 방향이었다. 셋째, 『국조상례보편』은 영조가 매우 강조하였던 것처럼 物力과 人力의 동원과 관련해서는 검소함을 추구하지만, 喪禮 儀節의 준행에서는 愛敬의 實을 두텁게 담아 실현하려는 입장에 있다. 이 입장은 당시 사대부와 국왕이 공유하는 관점이었다. 따라서 조선사회가 구현하고자 한 禮治는 유학의 예관념을 두텁고 충실하게 구현하는 형태였다고 할 수 있다. 本论文通过《古今丧礼异同议》,来具体分析丧礼中成为论争焦点的是哪些部分,孝宗时期是如可展开讨论的,以及在《国朝丧礼补编》中是如何反映出来的,并进一步探讨《国朝丧礼补编》的礼学特点。通过《古今丧礼异同议》的修补意见和《国朝丧礼补编》中的修补内容,可以发现朝鲜王朝礼学的志向大体有以下几个特征。第一,一面忠实地继承宋代的礼学,特别是朱熹的礼学观点和《朱子家礼》的规定,一面恢复古礼,沿着将三代的礼治融入国典,并使其成文化的方向进行修补。第二,排除私的因素,将儒学观念以共同实现的仪礼的形式,再次成文化。这个方向可以表述为,作为儒教仪礼的践行者,将国王的意义和作用进行细致地成文化,并通过践行礼制,压制国王的个人意志。第三,从根本上看,修补工作是在充分实现礼的本意的层面上进行的。这是《国朝丧礼补编》恢复古礼, 并以《朱子家礼》为依据时,所采取的基本立场。《国朝丧礼补编》的这一立场正如英祖着力强调的那样,涉及调动物力和人力时要尽可能节俭,但在丧礼仪节的遵行上,则要充满着浓厚的爱敬之实去实现。这一立场也是当时士大夫和国王所共同坚持的。因此,可以说朝鲜社会所要构建的礼治,是浓厚地, 忠实地实现儒学礼观念的一种状态。

      • CPT考试中商务话语的体裁分析

        金明子,徐苗苗 대한중국학회 2017 대한중국학회 학술대회 발표집 Vol.2017 No.1

        近年来, 商务话语在CPT考试的阅读题和语意理解题中以广告语、公司会议报告以及应聘记录等体裁出现.其中广告话语多以营销语和打折信息的形式出现;公司会议报告则以正式的会议记录或非正式的年会祝词形式出现;应聘记录则主要以招聘启事的形式出现。以体裁分析为切入点研究商务话语, 有助于丰富CPT考试的内容与形式。

      • 《清议报》所见近代日俄在韩国的角逐

        聂,友军,(Nie Youjun),张,桂荣,(Zhang Guirong) 강원한국학연구원 2017 국제한국학저널 Vol.3 No.-

        戊戌政变失败后梁启超等维新派在日本横滨创办的旬刊《清议报》(1898.12~1901.12)中包含许多有关韩国的刊载。近代伴随着欧美列强在东亚扩张势力,日本与俄国为一己之私而在韩国展开激烈角逐,明争暗夺各种特权,并且日俄两国与其他列强之间也纠葛纷争不断,多方连横合纵以制约彼此。《清议报》的撰稿人与办刊者通过刊载日俄在韩国角力的情况,对列强环伺的韩国处境表达同情与忧虑,更在实质上或明确或隐晦地对中国时局与未来走向予以警策,表现出高度的自觉自省意识。 After the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 in late Qing dynasty,Liang Qichao and his colleagues of the reform group fled to Yokohama and established a Chinese newspaper,The China Discussion (Qing Yi Bao). The China Discussion contained a vast amount of expatiations about Korea. A considerable part of the content concerned about Japan and Russia s competing in Korea due to their own interests. And accompanied by the expansion in East Asia of other imperialist powers, as well as the mutual disputes and entanglements among Japan, Russia and other imperialist powers. By combing the coering of aggressive competition in Korea by Japan and Russia, a more comprehensive understanding the situation of Korean Peninsula at the turn of 19th to 20th century can be formed. Through talking about Korea, both arguers and editors of The China Discussion expressed their sympathy and worry about Korea s situation, meanwhile, they conveyed great political and national crises in modern China, and were alert to its future trend.

      • KCI등재


        ,,(He Ying),金昌庆,(Kim Changgyeong),蔡君仪,(Cai Junyi) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2019 인문사회과학연구 Vol.20 No.3

        移动互联网的迅速发展, 使得媒体环境发生了深刻的变革, 用户接受新闻资讯的习惯从一开始的文字到现在的短视频阅读,新闻资讯短视频的出现成为新闻媒体行业的利器。 本文以“梨视频”为例, 对梨视频的运营模式的内容特征、 用户黏性、 品牌推广等方面进行研究, 同时对目前“梨视频APP”运营中呈现的优劣势进行分析总结, 以期对新闻资讯短视频平台未来的发展提出相应的建议。 With the rapid development of mobile Internet, the media environment has undergone profound changes. Users habit of receiving news and information has changed from the initial text to the current short video reading. The emergence of short video news and information has become a sharp weapon in the news media industry. Under the background of Internet + and Artificial Intelligence + , users consumption habits and news production models will also change greatly. Therefore, it is urgent to further explore the development of news-information short video platforms and explore more optimized development strategies. Firstly, this paper makes an analysis of the current situation of the whole news and information short video platform. Secondly, taking Pear Video as an example, this paper studies the content characteristics, user stickiness, brand positioning, profit-making mode of its operation mode, at the same time, it analyzes and summarizes the difficulties faced in the current operation of Pear Video and the advantages and disadvantages presented. Finally, the short video platform for news information should insist on content as the king, introduce advanced technology and original content; strengthen brand marketing, improve its own platform construction; find a profit model suitable for the platform itself, improve business transformation, expand revenue in other fields; improve copyright protection, Identify the issue of copyright ownership; actively cooperate with traditional media to achieve complementary recommendations.

      • 中国钢铁贸易中钢铁产品的出口优化分析

        王亚,东,((Yadong Wang) 동아시아무역학회 2020 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.2 No.1

        Purpose - The purpose of this paper in order to optimize the export structure of Chinese steel products, this paper puts forward targeted policy Suggestions according to the influencing factors. Design/Methodology/Approach - By sorting out and summarizing relevant literatures, comparative analysis method is adopted to study the steel industry in China. Through the reasonable classification of steel products, the trade competitiveness of steel products is compared with that of other steel countries, so as to determine the export competitiveness of each kind of steel products in China more accurately. Findings - It is found that China s dominant steel products are concentrated in a few products with low added value, the export market is relatively concentrated, and the trade environment needs to be further improved. Research Implications - In the management due to the availability of data, this paper does not analyze whether the export structure change of special steel products develops towards the world s dynamic demand direction when calculating the export structure optimization index. Secondly, only domestic factors are considered while foreign factors are not. 钢铁工业是国民经济的基础产业,是一个国家工业部门的重要组成部分。自 2002 年中国加入 WTO 后,钢铁贸易迅速发展,有力地促进了我国的经济繁荣和贸易增长。本文通过对中国钢铁产品的出口结构现状进行研究,找到现阶段所存在的问题。研究发现,我国的优势钢铁产品集中于少数附加值较低的产品上,出口市场比较集中,贸易环境有待进一步完善。同时,对影响钢铁产品出口结构优化的因素进行了研究,找到了最为关键的因素即科技投入和人力资本。最后为了优化中国钢铁产品的出口结构,本文依据影响因素提出了有针对性的政策建议。

      • KCI등재

        北宋 小說集 《靑瑣高議》小考

        李時燦 한국중국소설학회 2011 中國小說論叢 Vol.35 No.-

        《青琐高议》是宋代传奇小说集, 在中国小说发展史上有其独特的地位, 历来受到研者的重视。但因为此书的撰辑者刘斧的生平不详, 所以只能通过分析书前有南宋资政大学士孙副枢所作短序和目录上的形式以及具体作品内容, 可以理解此书的几点特征。最大的特点, 它受空前繁荣的市民文化影响, 其内容和形式明显地开始趋向于世俗化, 开拓中国通俗小说的新道路。

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