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        고등학교 보고서 쓰기 활동과 맥락 분석 - <통합사회>, <통합과학>, <화법과 작문> 교과서를 중심으로 -

        김영란 ( Kim¸ Youngran ) 한국작문학회 2021 작문연구 Vol.- No.51

        이 연구는 고등학교 교과서에서 요구하는 보고서 쓰기의 실태를 파악하기 위해 통합사회, 통합과학, 화법과 작문 교과서의 보고서 쓰기 활동과 맥락을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 통합사회는 단원학습 중 혹은 단원학습 완료 후, 학생이 직접 설문조사, 지역조사, 사례조사, 창안 등에 참여하여 학습할 필요가 있을 때 보고서 쓰기를 요구했다. 이 과정에서 학생들은 설문조사자, 지역조사자, 정보를 주도적으로 알아보는 사람, 정책제안자, 사회문제 해결자 등의 정체성을 띠고 주어진 과업을 수행하고 그 결과를 드러내는 보고서를 써야 한다. 통합과학도 단원학습 중에 학습주제 이해를 위해 혹은 단원학습이 완료된 시점에서 심화학습을 위해 학생의 직접 조사, 실험·관찰, 견학, 창안, 실행이 필요한 맥락에서 보고서 작성을 요구했다. 이때 학생들은 정보를 주도적으로 수집할 수 있는 사람, 과학자, 생태 연구자, 발명가나 엔지니어, 사회 활동가 등의 정체성을 띠고 과업을 수행하고 보고서를 쓰게 된다. 화법과 작문은 학생들이 보고서라는 장르에 관한 지식을 습득하고 수행할 과업을 선정한 뒤에 그에 대한 보고서를 작성할 것을 요구했다. 통합사회, 통합과학 시간에 주어진 과업을 수행하고 보고서를 쓰는 것에 비해, 화법과 작문 시간에는 학생들이 과업을 선정하는 일부터 해야 하기 때문에 난도가 높을 것으로 예상된다. 과업 선정 지점에서 사회/과학과 국어과 지도가 연계, 접목될 수 있다. 본고는 또한 분석 결과를 바탕으로 시사점과 후속 연구과제를 제안했다. This study analyzed the report writing activities and contexts of “Integrated Society”, “Integrated Science”, and “Speech and Composition” textbooks to understand the nature of report writing taught through high school textbooks. The Integrated Society encouraged students to learn about a topic by directly participating in a survey, regional exploration, case study, or invention during or after unit learning, and then writing a report based on the knowledge gained. In this process, students were expected to take on the identity of a surveyor, a regional researcher, a person who seeks information on a given topic, a policy maker, and a social problem solver; perform a given task; and write a report presenting the results. Integrated Science asked students to write a report in a context that required direct investigation, experimentation, observation, field trip, creation, and implementation so that the students would understand the relevant topic during unit learning or deepen their understanding at the end of unit learning. Thus, students perform tasks and write reports assuming the identity of a scientist, an ecological researcher, an inventor or engineer, or a social activist, or a person who can proactively collect information on a given topic. Speech and Composition required students to acquire knowledge about the genre of reports and write a report after selecting a task to be performed. In Speech and Composition, students must first determine the tasks necessary for writing a report, then perform the task and write the report. Compared to the tasks in the Integrated Society and Integrated Science, the difficulty level in Speech and Composition classes is expected to be high because the task must be selected first. At this point, social/science and Korean language instruction can be linked and integrated. In this paper, implications and follow-up research tasks are suggested based on the analysis results.

      • KCI등재

        ‘X得不行’, ‘X得可以’의 화용론적 분석

        고영란 ( Ko¸ Young-ran ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.91

        ‘buxing(不行)’ and ‘keyi(可以)’ are used as complement of degree in the ‘X得不行’ and ‘X得可以’ to indicate the degree of psychological state or emotion reaches the extreme. In this case, ‘buxing(不行)’ and ‘keyi(可以)’ have a very high degree of grammarization because their original meaning are discolored and represent only the meaning of the degree. This paper considered ‘X de buxing(X得不行)’ and ‘X de keyi(X得可以)’ from aPragmatics perspective, the results are as follows: First, ‘X de buxing(X得不行)’ and ‘X de keyi(X得可以)’ are expressions that intentionally violate The maxim of quantity of Grice’s principle of cooperation. This makes the listener aware of the hidden meaning of the speaker, and is highly related to the context. Second, ‘X de buxing(X得不行)’ and ‘X de keyi(X得可以)’ have modalitat that represent the speaker’s psychological attitude or perspective. This means that the speaker has a strong belief in the emotions he perceived. Third, the focus of information is usually placed at the end of the sentence and the information placed at the end of the sentence is more considered new information. Therefore, ‘buxing(不行)’ and ‘keyi(可以)’ in the ‘X de buxing(X得不 行)’ and ‘X de keyi(X得可以)’ are the focus of the sentence. However, it is not the absolute information focus but the emotional stress given by the speaker. In other words, it is the relative information focus.

      • KCI등재

        ‘是……的’ 강조구문 고찰 ― 문법화의 관점에서

        고영란 ( Ko¸ Young-ran ) 한국중국언어학회 2021 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.96

        The functions of ‘shi(是)’ and ‘de(的)’ which are often used in ‘shi(是)’ Sentence, and the process in which they are fixed with ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ Emphatic Structure are organically related. As the frequency of using the structural auxiliary word ‘de(的)’ at the end of ‘shi(是)’ Sentence increases, ‘shi (是)……de(的)’ structure became an Emphatic Structure, and in which the old layer ‘shi(是)’ Sentence and the new layer ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ Emphatic Structure came to coexist in ‘shi(是)’ Judgment Sentence. The ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ Emphatic Structure is divided into ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ obj structure which emphasizes a specific element in an event that has already occurred, and ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ sub structure which emphasizes the whole of subjective judgment. First, ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ obj structure is based on ‘shi(是)’ Sentence, therefore, ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ obj structure can be negated with ‘bu(不)’ and expressed as ‘shi bu shi(是不是)’ Question Sentence. It often has ambiguity problems, this is because ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ Emphatic Structure has an overlapping parts between ‘shi(是)’ Sentence and ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ Emphatic Structure. Second, ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ sub structure is changed from ‘shi(是)……de (的)’ obj structure through abstraction, and it mainly emphasizes judgments related to the present or future tense. ‘shi(是)……de(的)’ sub structure cannot be used in the form of the negative form ‘bu shi(不是)’ and ‘shi bu shi(是不是)’ Question Sentence, and between ‘shi(是)’ and ‘de(的)’ modal auxiliary verb such as ‘hui(會), neng(能), yao(要), keyi(可以)’ are often added.

      • KCI등재

        메데이아의 젠더 갈등과 원형적 여성성의 양가성

        장영란 ( Chang¸ Young-ran ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해지역원 2021 지중해지역연구 Vol.23 No.4

        This thesis attempts to explain the ambivalence of Medea’s character and the reasons for the change in the object and method of her revenge in Euripides’ works. First, in order to analyze the cause of Medea’s anger, it is analyzed whether the object of anger has any reason to despise the subject of anger in terms of personal abilities and political rights. In the patriarchal society of ancient Greece, Medea reveals a characteristic that subverts femininity and masculinity. It can be seen that gender trouble occurs when Medea is defined by universal femininity or when a specific gender identity is given. Next, I would like to analyze the characteristics of Medea’s anger state. Medea has a double-layered and ambivalent character rather than contradictory. It is clearly distinguished before and after Iason’s betrayal. It seems that Medea’s character was expressed in a transformed form by undifferentiating and integrating the opposing characteristics of archetypal femininity. Medea’s anger wants self-destruction and death toward Medea’s “self,” the subject of anger, and the other’s destruction and death toward the “other,” the object of anger. Finally, I would like to analyze the main causes of changing the scope and method of Medea’s revenge. In the ancient Greek patriarchy, the division of the private and public realms hierarchically ordered the status of women and men. As Medea amplifies her anger through agonic conversations with others in the public realm, specific means and methods of revenge are selected and the scope of revenge is determined.

      • KCI등재

        부랴트 문학공간에 나타난 신화적 상상력 연구

        김영란 ( Kim¸ Young-ran ) 전남대학교 인문학연구소 2021 용봉인문논총 Vol.- No.59

        본고의 목적은 북아시아/시베리아 지역을 대표하는 부랴트 현대작가들의 문학공간에 나타난 신화적 상상력을 살펴보는 것인 바, 동물적 상상력을 대표하는 ‘새’와 식물적 상상력을 대표하는 ‘나무’ 신화소를 중심으로 알아볼 것이다. 두 신화소는 부랴트인들의 신화적 사고를 드러내는 주요지표 중 하나로서 각각 하늘과 대지를 거점으로 하지만 동시에 천상과 지상을 잇는 매개체 구실을 한다는 공통점을 지닌다. 이와 같은 새와 나무의 신화소가 부랴트인들의 신화적 상상력에서 어떠한 의미를 지니는지, 또 그것이 현대 부랴트 문학공간에서는 어떻게 형상화되는지를 살펴볼 것이다. 이 때 새 화소는 Ts.갈라노프와 B.에르드이네예프의 텍스트를, 그리고 나무 화소는 Ts.갈라노프와 D.에르드이네예프의 텍스트를 그 연구대상으로 한다. 부랴트인들의 신화적 사고에서 새 화소는 어머니 형상과 결합되면서 ‘신성성’과 ‘모성성’을 지니는데, 이는 Ts.갈라노프와 B.에르드이네예프 두 작가의 문학 공간에서도 그대로 드러난다. 두 텍스트는 소설과 희곡이라는 다른 장르에도 불구하고 새 화소를 주요 테마 혹은 소재로 삼았다는 점, 제목에 이미 ‘새’가 포함된 점에 공통점이 있다. 다만 새 화소가 지닌 신성성과 모성성은 각각의 작가에게서 다양한 형태로 구체화된다. 하지만 두 작가 모두 ‘신성’하고 위대한 ’어머니’인, 새(백조와 기러기)와 함께 작품을 마무리하면서 긍정적이고 희망적인 결말을 예고한다. 나무 화소 역시 세계 여러 민족들의 신화에서 공통적으로 나타나는 ‘보편적’인 의미 외에, 부랴트인들의 신화적 사고만이 갖는 ‘고유한’ 의미를 지니고 있는데, 바로 ‘신성성’, ‘생명성’과 연결된다는 점이며, 이는 Ts.갈라노프와 D.에르드이네예프의 문학에서도 구체화된다. 즉 부랴트의 신화와 문학에서 나무는 한편으로는 세계수로서의 보편적인 의미를 지니고 있지만, 다른 한편으로 나무는 유목민이었던 부랴트인들의 신화적 사고에서 그 자체로 ‘신성성’을 지니거나(세르게сэргэ), 혹은 인간/동물의 생명이나 영혼과 연관된다(훌데hyлдэ). 이때 부랴트인들에게 ‘의미 있는’ 공간인 ‘토온토(тоонто)’는 나무의 신성함과 생명성이라는 의미망을 부가시키는 역할을 한다. 부랴트인들의 민족적 정체성, 공동체 의식과 신화적 상상력은 긴밀한 관계를 맺고 있는데, 부랴트 작가들 역시 인간이 피폐한 현실로부터 구원받을 수 있는 문학적인 열쇠를 찾은 결과 그것이 바로 샤머니즘을 기반으로 한 신화적 상상력이다. 이러한 부랴트인의 신화적 사고에 근거한 새와 나무 신화소는 현대 부랴트 문학공간에서도 역시 작가의 의도와 작품의 의미망에 따라 각각 다양하게 형상화됨을 알 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to examine the mythical imagination that appears in the literary space of modern Buryat writers representing North Asia, and among them, the mythmes of birds and trees will be investigated. The two mythmes are one of the main indicators of the mythological thinking of the Buryats. Each of them is based on the sky and the earth, but at the same time, they have one thing in common: they serve as a medium connecting the heavens and the earth. The subjects of the study were Ts.Galanov and B. Erdineev’s works (Bird mythmes), and Ts.Galanov and D. Erdineev’s works (Tree mythmes). In the mythical thinking of the Buryat people, the Bird mythmes is sacred and maternal, which is also evident in the literary space of the two authors Ts. Galanov and B. Erdineev. The two texts have something in common with the fact that Bird mythmes is the main theme or material despite other genres such as novels and plays, and the title already includes “bird.” However, the sacredness and maternity of the Bird mythmes are embodied in various forms in each writer. The Tree mythmes also has a “unique” meaning that only the mythological thinking of the Buryat people, in addition to the “universal” meaning common in myths of many peoples around the world. The tree is connected to sanctity and life/soul. In Buryat’s mythology, trees have their own “holy” in the mythological thinking of the nomadic Buryatans (сэргэ), or are associated with human/animal life or soul (hyлдэ). The Tree mythmes vary according to the author’s intention and the meaning of the work in Ts.Galanov and D.Erdineev’s literature. As such, bird and tree mythologies based on the mythological ideas of the Buryatans are variously embodied in the literary space according to the author’s intention and the meaning of the work.

      • Investigation of Probiotics Content in Distribution Health Functional Foods and a Study on Changes in the Storage Temperature

        Youngran Na,Jihye Jeong,Sujin Shin,Sujeong Hwang,Hyeonjin Kim,Yeonghee Kwon,Yonkoung Park 한국식품영양과학회 2021 한국식품영양과학회 학술대회발표집 Vol.2021 No.10

        The aim of this study was to determine and analyze probiotic contents, coliform E. coli group of 113 samples of health functional foods containing probiotic bacteria distributed in 2020. In all 113 health functional foods, probiotic contents were detected more than the number of bacteria guaranteed in the product, and all coliforms were also negative. The average of probiotic contents per daily intake was 2.5×10<SUP>10</SUP> CFU. By packaging type, the average content of probiotics was highest in capsule products. The average content of imported products was higher than that of domestic products. The changes due to the preservation methods were also determined and analyzed in six probiotic products. The effects of preservation temperature (4℃, 20℃, and 37℃) and storage period (test once every 4 weeks up to 48 weeks) on probiotic contents. After 48 weeks, the average reduction in probiotic content was by 63.3%; the lowest reduction occurred at 4℃ and the highest reduction occurred at 37℃. In addition, 2 of the 6 products showed a rapid decrease in probiotic content by more than 90% at 37℃ after a storage period of 4 weeks.

      • The effects of community structure and condition on the adolescent and young adults’ risky sexual behavior: A systematic review

        Youngran Yang,Sung-Heui Bae 한국간호과학회 2021 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Aim(s): Risky sexual behavior, such as early sex initiation, unprotected sex and having multiple sex partners of adolescent can result in infection of HIV, sexually transmitted infection (STI), unintended pregnancy, abortion, and legal conflict. The purpose of this review is to examine associations between community process and mechanism and adolescent and young adults’ risky sexual behavior (RSB). Method(s): We followed a five-step approach, comprising problem formulation, literature search, data evaluation, data analysis, and presentation, and also used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guideline. The keywords included factor (s) AND sexual behavior OR risky sexual behavior AND adolescent (s) OR young adult (s) in the CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EBSCO, PubMed, PsycINFO. After screening title, abstract, and full-text, social processes and mechanisms within the community and adolescents’ RSB outcome were only analyzed (n=26). Result(s): The community process and mechanisms include collective efficiency and social support, community safety, and community norm. Decent size of studies examined collective efficacy and social support (11 studies) and community safety (17 studies). Collective efficacy and control had expected relationships with adolescent and young adult’s RSB, the greater collective efficacy & control, the lower early sexual initiation. Conclusion(s): Community process and mechanisms are intangible assets of community. From this review, we found that decent numbers of studies examined these community process and mechanisms and its relationship with adolescent and young adult’s RSB. All these three can be used to prevent and reduce the occurrence of adolescent and young adult’s RSB. To prevent negative reductive health outcomes like STI or unintended pregnancy, these community process and mechanisms should be emphasized.

      • Effect of Nursery Teachers’ Art Subject Content Knowledge and Art Teaching Efficacy on Art Teaching and Learning Activities

        ( Youngran Chae ) 한국유아교육학회 2021 정기학술대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of childcare teachers' art subject content knowledge and art teaching efficacy on art teaching and learning activities. For this study, were 219 childcare teachers completed a survey on art subject content knowledge, art teaching efficacy, and art teaching learning activities. For the collected data, correlation and step-by-step regression analyses were performed using the SPSS 22.0 program. The result showed that, first, a positive correlation existed among the art subject content knowledge, art teaching efficacy, and art teaching learning activities of childcare teachers. Second, childcare teachers' art subject content knowledge and art teaching efficacy were found to be predictive variables affecting art teaching and learning activities.

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