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      • HNO3 : H2O2 : HF 세척법을 이용한 실리콘 직접 접합 기술에 관한 특성 연구

        이종석,성만영,최우범,주철민,이정훈 고려대학교 공학기술연구소 1999 공학논문집 Vol.37 No.1

        We have studied the method of silicon direct bonding using the mixture of HNO₃, H₂O₂ and HF chemicals called the controlled slight etch (CSE) solution for the effective wafer cleaning. CSE, two combinations of oxidizing and etching agents, have been used to clean the silicon surfaces prior to wafer bonding. Two wafers of silicon and silicon dioxide were contacted each other at room temperature and post-annealed at 300∼1100℃ in N₂ ambient for 2.5 hour. We have cleaned silicon wafers with the various HF concentrations and characterized the parameters with regard to surface roughness, chemical nature, chemical oxide thickness, and bonding energy. It was observed that the chemical oxide thickness of the silicon wafer decreased with increasing HF concentrations. The initial interfacial energy and final energy post-annealed at 1100℃ for 2.5 hour measured by the crack propagation method was 122 mJ/㎡ and 2.96 J/㎡ , respectively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간세포암과 주위 조직에서의 Transforming Growth Factor-beta 1과 그 수용체의 발현

        최규완,백승운,최문석,김소정,이준혁,고광철,이풍렬,이종철,박상종,안병훈,김재준 대한소화기학회 2001 대한소화기학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        Background/Aims: Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1) is a potent inhibitor of hepatocyte proliferation and its receptor is known to be involved in the carcinogenesis. This study was designed to compare the expression levels of the TGF-β1 and its receptor in neoplastic cells and its surrounding tissue and to assess their role in hepatic carcinogenesis. Methods: We measured the levels of TGF-β1 mRNA and TGF-β1 receptor II mRNA by semiquantitive RT-PCR for the tumor and its surrounding tissue of 30 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We analyzed the relationship between the expression of TGF-β1 mRNA, TGF-β1 receptor II mRNA and clinicopathological characteristics of HCC. Results: The expression of TGF-β1 mRNA showed no difference between HCC and its surrounding tissue, but the expression of TGF-β1 receptor II mRNA was lower in HCC than in its surrounding tissue (2.47±1.08 vs 3.53±1.50, p=0.00). There was no difference in the expression level of TGF-β1 mRNA and TGF-β1 receptor II mRNAo the clinicopathological characteristics of HCC. However, the ratio of TGF-β1 receptor II mRNA in HCC to that in surrounding tissue was more decreased in HCC with portal vein invasion (0.49±0.22 vs 0.77±0.21, p=0.01). Conclusions: Our data suggest that the loss of TGF-β1 receptor II may play an important role in carcinogenesis and tumor progression of HCC.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Dieulafoy 양 병변에 의한 십이지장게실 출혈 1 예

        김상현,김경환,이동현,송철수,정노원,박상제,김은규,하홍성,나일환,황윤이,성은영,최익수,신영기 대한소화기내시경학회 2001 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.23 No.1

        Duodenal diverticula are first reported by Chomel in 1710. Duodenal diverticula are relatively common in adults with a prevalence of 23% in SRCP. The most duodenal diverticulum is asymptomatic. Complications such as obstruction, cholangitis, blliary stones, ulceration, perforation and hemorrhage can occur in approximately 10%. However, relatively few cases of bleeding from a duodenal diverticulum have been reported. The cause of bleeding from a duodenal diverticulum is uncertain and various suspected etiologies were suggested, such as ectopic gastric mucosa, stasis-induced ulceration, erosion into major vessels, aortoenteric fistuias, intradiverticujar polyp, aspirin-induced erosion. We report a case of a bleeding duodenal diverticulum by a Dieulafoy-like lesion and suggest this 1esion as one of posslble causes of blee4ng in duodenal diverticulum.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대장 선종과 Apolipoprotein E 유전형과의 관계

        김영호,최윤호,손희정,강태욱,최규완,최봉준,이종철,박상종,이지민,배문희,김재준,이풍렬 대한소화기내시경학회 2001 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.23 No.1

        Background/Aims: Apolipoprotein B polymorphism plays an important role in the metabolism of cholesterol. And bile acids, which may be related to the development of colorectal adenomas, An association between apolipoprotein B genotype and colonic adenomas bas been reparted in a western country. This study was designed to determine whether the apolipopratein S was genotype would be associated with proximal or distal colonic adenomas in Koreans. Methods: On the colonoscopy, colonic adenomas were found in 132 patients. Proxima1 colonic adenoma was found in 35 patients and distal colonic adenoma was found in 97 patients. Serum leveis of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and trlglyceride were measured. Apolipoprotein E genotype was determined by PCR and allele specific oligonucleotide hybridization. 279 contro1 subjects without an adenoma on the screening sigmoidoscopy were se1ecfed randomly. Results: The serum levels of total choles0'rol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride did not significantiy differ between each adenoma group and control group. The individual frequencies of ε2, ε3 and ε4 alleles in patients with colonic adenomas did not differ from those in control subjects. The frequency of either heterozygote or homozygote for g 4 allele in patients with proximal adenoma was lower than that in control subjects (0.029 vs O.I68, p $lt; 0.05). Conclnsions: The data suggest that g 4 allele may be associated with a lower risk for the development of proximal colonic adenoma in Korean men.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Glutaraldehyde 와 자동 세척기를 이용한 내시경 소독방법의 임상에서의 유용성

        김영호,손희정,윤성원,최규완,이남용,백승운,이준행,고광철,이풍렬,이종철,송재훈,안병훈,김재준,최원혁,홍일철 대한소화기내시경학회 2001 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.22 No.6

        Background/Aims: Safety of endoscopic procedures has been a major issue over the last 10 years. Most endoscopy units use 2% glutaraldehyde and automated endoscope reprocessors (AERs) for disinfecting gastrointestinal endoscopes. We attempted an in-use evaluation of the current reprocessing procedures. Methods: Thirty flexible endoscopes were randomly collected just after upper endoscopic examinations and were disinfected using 2% glutaraldehyde in an AER. Cultures were taken from biopsy channels (S-l), tip of the insertion tubes (S-2), umbilical cords (S-3), and angulation knobs (S-4). Results: In 63,3% (19/30) of endoscopes, there was no microbial contamination after disinfection procedures. The culture positive rates of S-l, S-2, S-3, and S-4 samples were 20,0%, 0.0%, 3.3%, and 20.0%, respectively. Microorganisms of 13 species were identified, but there was no pathogen related with reported infectious complications after endoscopic procedures. Conclusions: Current disinfection procedure using 2% glutaraldehyde and an AER appears to be very effective in decontaminating patient-used endoscopes. Low level microbial contamination of endoscopes after conventional reprocessing methods may not impose great risk on patients.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 해외공연이 최승희의 예술세계에 미친 영향

        최성옥 ( Sung Ok Choi ) 한국무용기록학회 2010 무용역사기록학 Vol.20 No.-

        본 논문은 해외공연활동이 최승희의 춤 정체성에 어떠한 영향을 주었고, 더 나아가 한국무용계의 발전에 어떠한 기여를 했는지를 연구하는데 그 목적이 있다. 일제강점기라는 시대에 무용 활동을 하면서 최승희는 한국인들의 민족적 아픔을 담아 민족적인 감정을 표현하였으며, 그녀가 민족을 대표하는 작품을 창작 할 때 사상적인 개념을 구축하기 위한 밑거름이 되었다. 또한 최승희의 스승인 이시이 바쿠의 영향으로 한국전통무용을 토대로 한국무용을 창작하게 되었다. 최승희는 1938년부터 1940년까지 미국, 유럽, 남미를 순회하면서 해외활동을 한 결과 한국 고유의 전통적인 소재로 창작한 한국무용이 외국에서는 더 많은 관심을 보인다는 것을 인식하고 한국의 전통무용을 최승희만의 독특한 체계로 확립시켜 새로운 무용으로 창작해나갔으며, 넓은 의미로 동양무용수립을 창조하고자 하였다. 또한 최승희는 ``최승희 동양 발레단``의 결성을 시도하고 한국에 발레무용을 창작하여 무용연구소를 설립하고자 하였으나 사회적인 상황으로 인해 실패되었다. 최승희의 미주순회공연이 그녀의 무용예술세계에 많은 영향을 주게 되었다는 것을 본 연구를 통해 알게 되었다. 미국과 유럽의 순회공연에서「보살춤」과「초립동」은 민족적 성격을 지닌 작품으로써 서양적인 발레나 현대무용 형식에 민족적인 내용을 소재로 한 작품에 더 관심을 가졌으며, 남미 순회공연에서는 한국적인 춤사위와 외국무용의 조화로움 속에 표현된 동양적인 신비함과 아름다움에 매료되었다. 이처럼, 최승희는 해외공연을 통해 서양에서는 한국적인 춤에 더욱 관심을 갖는다는 것을 인식하고, 한국 무용의 세계화를 위해 한국의 근대무용에 기틀을 세워 전통무용을 현대화시킴으로써 무용사에 큰 공을 세운 인물이다. 또한 그녀만의 예술관을 가지고 끊임없는 노력으로 많은 작품을 창작하여 한국의 무용계의 발전에 이바지하였다. 최승희는 일제강점기라는 혼란한 시대에 한국무용계의 근대화를 추구하여 신무용을 창시하였으며, 무용을 예술의 한 분야로 자리매김 할 수 있는 발판을 만들어 주었다. 예술인들을 천시하여 무용을 독립된 예술로 인정하지 않았던 시대에 한국 무용계를 구축한 인물이었으나, 일제강점기 시대를 지내는 과정을 걸쳐 월북함으로써 친일의 논란에서 벗어나지 못하고 분단 상황과 이데올로기라는 시대에 의해 그 존재가 묻히게 되었다. 하지만 이러한 둘러싼 논란에도 불구하고 민족적인 최승희는 얼이 담긴 한국을 대표 할 수 있는 한국적인 무용을 창시하여 세계적인 예술로 승화시킨 인물이다. 한국무용역사에 큰 획을 그은 최승희의 업적은 사회적인 정치적 상황에도 불구하고 인정되어야 할 것이다. This study aims to examine how much Ishii Baku and overseas dance performance tours had impacted Seung-Hee Choi`s choreography and her unique dance styles. This study also tries to show her contribution to the modernization of Korea`s traditional dance. During the Japanese colonial era, Seung-Hee Choi showed the pain of the Korean people who had lost their nation through dancing. This nationalistic aspect was the foundation of her choreography and her dance styles. She was influenced by Ishii Baku who was her Japanese dance teacher. With his influence, she choreographed the new form of Korean modern dance styles by incorporating Korean traditional dance movements to her own creative style. After overseas tours of dance performances in the U.S.A., Europe, and South America from 1938 to 1940, Seung-Hee Choi realized that her dance styles incorporating traditional Korean dance movements are more acclaimed by the foreigners than the domestic audiences. Thus, she decided to develop her own unique dance styles more incorporated with traditional Korean dance. Furthermore, she wants to establish East Asian dance styles. Choi tried to establish "Choi Seung-Hee East Asian Ballet Foundation" for a systematic study of Asian dances. However, her venture failed because the social and political milieu was not conducive at that time. This study confirms that Isihe Baku and the American dance tour had significant influences on building Choi`s own dance styles. In the American and European dance tours, she introduced "Bosalchum" and "Choripdong," which showed Korean national emotions and attracted the interest of Western ballet groups that tried to incorporate the nationalistic materials into the modern dance. During the South American dance tour, she expressed mistery and beauty of Asia by harmonizing Korean traditional dance movements and Western dance styles. After she recognized that traditional Korean dance movement attracted foreign interests, she devoted herself to internationalize Korean modern dance, which eventually became the foundation of Korean modern dance and modernized Korean traditional dances. With her own artistic ideas, she constantly created dance works. Therefore, she deserves to be recognized as one of the most significant figures in Korean dance history in spite of the political ideology and her achievements should be taught to the young generation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Ehlers - Danlos 증후군

        주용진,최성문,최영자,성호석 ( Yoing Jin Joo,Sung Moon Choi,Young Ja Choi,Ho Suk Sung ) 대한피부과학회 1990 대한피부과학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        A Case of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Yoing Jin Joo, M.D., Sung Moon Choi, M.D., Young Ja Choi*, M.D., Ho Suk Sung, M.D. Department of Dermatology, Clooego of Medicine, Inje University, Pusan, Korea We presented a case of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in a 25-year old female, who had hyperextensibility of skin, skin fragility, cigarette paper-like atrophic scar, joint hyperextensibility and skeletal abnormality of scoliosis since birth. There was no family history. Microscopic and electron microscopic examinations of the skin biopsy specimens from normal appearing skin on the forearm and the site of subcutaneous nodule was compatible with finding of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Although the manifestations of this case including marked extensibility of skin, joint, skin fraility and atrophic scar might be in accord with type Ⅰ(gravis) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, skeletal abnormality of scoliosis did not correspond to this type, but to type Ⅳ(hydroxylysine deficient) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. We consider this case as a type Ⅳ Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        최씨 훅을 이용한 복강경 버찌씨 수술

        김영혜 ( Young Hye Kim ),박준선 ( Jun Seon Park ),최상준 ( Sang Joon Choi ),송창훈 ( Chang Hoon Song ),한세준 ( Sei Jun Han ),정혁 ( Hyuk Jung ) 대한산부인과학회 2006 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.49 No.6

        Objective: Burch operation has been effective method for the treatment of stress incontinence. Burch operation is a well-accepted procedure for treating stress urinary incontinence secondary to urethral hypermobility without intrinsic sphincter deficiency and is the reference standard with which other procedures are compared. This study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Choi`s hook in laparoscopic Burch operation. Methods: This study included 47 patients who had undergone laparoscopic Burch operation from October 2000 through March 2005. Of these 47 patients, 27 patients underwent traditional laparoscopic Burch operation (Group 1) and 20 patients underwent laparoscopic Burch operation with Choi`s Hook on anchoring the endopelvic fascia to the Cooper`s ligament (Group 2). Results: The mean age of patients of Group 1 was 55.6±9.37 years of age and that of Group 2 was 56.0±5.93 years of age. There is no difference in the mean age of patients (P>0.05). The mean operating time was 90.5±15.32 minutes for Group 1 and 38.5±10.14 minute for Group 2. The mean operating time was shorter in Group 2 than Group 1 (P<0.05). There was no difference in recurrence rate and complication rate between Group 1 and Group 2 (P>0.05). Conclusion: We performed laparoscopic Burch operation with the Choi`s Hook on anchoring the endopelvic fascia to the Cooper`s ligament. When we compared traditional laparoscopic Burch operation with laparoscopic Burch operation with Choi`s Hook, we could shorten the operation time using the Choi`s Hook.

      • KCI등재

        실용음악 전공 학생들의 발성치료 전후 성대 및 음성 특성 비교

        황연신,심미란,김철준,최용석,김상연,최찬호,선동일,Hwang, Yeon Shin,Shim, Mi Ran,Kim, Chul Jun,Choi, Yong Suk,Kim, Sang Yeon,Choi, Chan Ho,Sun, Dong Il 대한후두음성언어의학회 2016 대한후두음성언어의학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Background and Objectives : Many students major in applied music singing have various difficulties in phonation when they sing or perform. But the studies about this cause are lack. The purpose of this study is whether singing voice therapy based on vocal music is effective or not to applied music singing students that have difficulties in phonation. Materials and Methods : Singing voice therapy program had been done to 8 students major in applied music singing during 7 weeks. We did laryngeal stroboscope, perceptual, acoustic and aerodynamic examination before and after singing voice therapy to this students. And we studied post examination results have differences or improvements compared to pre examination results. Results : Four male students don't have effective improvement after singing voice therapy but they shows slight improvement in aerodynamic examination values compared to pre examination values. Four female students shows improvement in aerodynamic examination values and pitch range increasing. Above all, one student's vocal nodules disappeared after singing voice therapy. Conclusion : Singing voice therapy based on music singing is very effective to the students major in applied music singing. Above all, their curriculum in applied music singing should include phonation training based on music singing before training perform and technic practices.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Rheology of Decamethylceclopentasiloxane (cyclomethicone) W/O Emulsion System

        Choi, Min-Hyung,Jeong, So-Ra,Nam, Sang-In,Shim, Sang-Eun,Chang, Yoon-Ho The Polymer Society of Korea 2009 Macromolecular Research Vol.17 No.12

        A highly dispersed W/O emulsion of silicone oil (cyclomethicone)/water system was prepared with a nonionic surfactant. The surface and interfacial tension between the oil and water were characterized in terms of the droplet size distribution and viscosity change of the emulsion. When the dispersed phase concentration was relatively high, the viscosity of the emulsion was rapidly increased and the droplet size of the emulsion was decreased. The rheological behavior of the emulsion system showed non-Newtonian and shear thinning phenomena depending upon the content of the dispersed phase. The droplet size of the emulsion was decreased with increasing surfactant content and water concentration. The relative viscosity of the emulsion was better predicted with the Choi-Schowalter model than with the Taylor model. The value of the complex modulus increased with increasing surfactant concentration. The linear viscoelastic region was expanded with a dispersed phase concentration. According to the change in the viscosity, the behavior was classified into three distinct regions: [I] linear viscoelastic, [II] partially viscoelastic, and [III] viscous. The creep/recovery behaviors in each region were characterized.

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