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        도시공원 입지특성에 따른 그린네트워크 활성화 연구 - 부산광역시 도심권을 대상으로 -

        김승환,이규홍,박승범,Kim, Sung-Hwan,Lee, Gyu-Hong,Park, Sung-Bum 한국조경학회 2010 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.38 No.2

        부산은 해안구릉지의 지형특성으로 인하여 공원의 입지가 이용가치가 낮은 산지 주변으로 다수의 공원이 지정되어 있으며, 지역 간의 균형적 입지 측면에서도 문제를 안고 있다. 본 연구에서는 도심생활권 내 도시공원에 대한 환경특성 분석과 더불어 주변시가지와의 상호 관계적 특성에 따라 유형을 구분하고, 그린네트워크 활성화를 위한 유형별 도시공원의 관리방안을 모색하였다. 이를 위해 내륙권역과 해안권역으로 구분하고, 녹지연계적 관점에서 결절부 녹지대에 해당하는 내륙권역의 표고 150~300m, 해안권역의 100~150m 내외의 산지 및 구릉지에 입지하는 도시공원을 분석한 결과, 시가지와 도시공원의 형태가 관입되거나, 지대(地帶)적 중첩의 영향력이 크게 나타나고 있다. 도시공원이 이루는 녹지대는 시가지의 형상과 도시기능에 의해 녹지연계의 방향성과 영향력이 결정적으로 작용하고 있다. 이러한 현황을 바탕으로 도시공원을 유형화하고, 유형별로 미조성 도시공원에 대한 이용성 증진 방안, 녹지연계를 통한 효과적인 그린네트워크 활성화방안을 검토하였다. 완사면 녹지대를 이루는 도시공원은 비교적 양호한 접근성과 뚜렷한 인식성을 지니고 있으며, 중심산지에서 연계된 녹지대가 수렴되는 도시하천과 해안지대에서의 도시기능의 활력과 개방성 확보가 그린네트워크 활성화의 중요한 요인으로 분석되었다. 또한 고지대생활권에서 녹지대에 분포하는 한정적 가용지와 배후녹지로 연계되는 주요 연결로를 중심으로 일상생활영역에서의 그린웨이를 활성화하고, 주요 도로와 도시공원의 주진입부가 교차하는 지역에 지역 커뮤니티의 거점을 형성하는 것이 그린네트워크 활성화의 주요방안으로 제시하였다. Seen topographically, Busan is a city that is coastal and hilly. In the city, most parks have been formed around mountain areas that are not so useful. They also are unbalanced in location among different regions of the city. The purpose of this study is to find how to manage urban parks towards green network promotion. For the purpose, this researcher first analyzed physical and environmental characteristics of urban parks located within the main living spheres of Busan. Then, the researcher examined interactive relations between those parks and downtown areas surrounding them to classify types of the parks. In association, the researcher classified the entire of the city into inland and coastal regions. And the researcher examined mountainous and hilly urban parks that were 150 to 300 meters above sea level in the former region and 100 to 150 meters above sea level in the latter. Findings of the study can be summarized as follows. The above examination found that parks of Busan feature physically penetrating and overlapping with downtown areas of the city. How well the green zones of Busan in form of urban park are inter-connective and influential to each other heavily depends on shapes and functions that the downtown areas of the city have. In this study, urban parks of Busan were grouped according to their types and then analyzed. Based on results of the analysis, the researcher tried to find how to increase the utility of another urban parks that are expected to be formed and how to promote so-called the green network that integrates greens. Considering findings of the study, the researcher would make the following suggestions. In case of forming an urban park in a gently sloped green zone which is easily accessible and noticeable, it's important that the park should include a stream to which another green zone is converged or, if the park is located near a costal area, contribute to promote urban functions and openness. While, in a high-altitude green zone, it's more effective to form so-called the green way that consists of some limited usable site of the zone and greens behind it and then form a hub of regional community at the intersection between the main road and main gate to the urban park, contributing to the green network promotion.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국인 폐확산능 정상예측식의 임상적 유용성과 정확성

        나승원 ( Seung Won Ra ),박태선 ( Tai Sun Park ),홍윤기 ( Yoon Ki Hong ),홍상범 ( Sang Bum Hong ),심태선 ( Tae Sun Shim ),임채만 ( Chae Man Lim ),이상도 ( Sang Do Lee ),고윤석 ( Youn Suck Koh ),김우성 ( Woo Sung Kim ),김동순 ( Dong 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2008 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.64 No.2

        연구배경: 폐확산능을 해석하는 데 필요한 정상예측식으로는 한국인을 대상으로 하여 박 등이 개발한 식(박 식)이 있으나 아직 외국 정상예측식을 많이 사용하고 있다. 이에 국내에서 많이 사용하는 외국 정상예측식인 Burrows 식과 박 식의 임상적 유용성과 정확성을 비교하고자 하였다. 방법: 1. 임상적 유용성 연구; 2006년 7월부터 12월까지 6개월간 폐확산능검사를 시행한 환자 중 두 식을 각각 정상예측식으로 적용하였을 때 폐확산능 해석이 다른 276명(대상군 A)을 대상으로 하였다. 대상군 A에게 두 식을 각각 적용하였을 때 폐확산능 해석과 임상적 판단과의 일치도를 비교하여 임상적 유용성을 평가하였다. 2. 간질성폐질환 진단의 정확성 비교; 2001년부터 2006년까지 폐조직검사를 시행하여 확진된 간질성폐질환군과 서울아산병원에서 모집한 정상군을 대상으로 하여 정상예측식으로 두 식을 각각 적용하였을 때 폐확산능 해석의 정확도를 비교하였고, 두 식이 차이가 나는지 맥니머의 카이스퀘어 검정을 하였다. 결과: 1. 임상적 판단과의 일치도 비교; 276명을 임상정보를 토대로 폐확산능을 예측하여 분류한 결과 정상 54명, 감소 220명, 불분명이 2명이었다. 예측식으로 박 식과 Burrows 식을 적용하였을 때 임상적 판단과 일치하는 환자는 각각 78%와 22%이었다(p<0.001). 2. 간질성폐질환 진단의 정확성 비교; 박 식은 민감도 90.1%, 특이도 100%이었고 Burrows 식은 민감도 64.2%, 특이도 100%로 민감도가 통계학적으로 유의하게 박 식이 높았다(p<0.001). 결론: 우리나라 정상예측식인 박 식이 외국 정상예측식인 Burrows 식을 정상예측식으로 적용하는 것보다 임상적 유용성이나 간질성폐질환 진단의 민감도에서 더 우월하였다. 향후 폐확산능검사의 정상예측식으로 박 식을 사용해야 할 것으로 사료된다. Background: Park et al. developed the Korean reference equation for the measurement of diffusing capacity in 1985. However, the equation has not been widely used in Korea and foreign reference equations have been popularly used. We intended to compare the clinical usefulness and the accuracy of the the Korean reference equation (Park`s equation) with that of the foreign equation (Burrows` equation) that is commonly used in Korea. Methods: 1. Evaluation of clinical usefulness; Among 1,584 patients who underwent diffusing capacity (DLCO) at the Asan Medical Center from July to December 2006, group A subjects included 276 patients who had different interpretations of DLCO in trials employing Burrows` equation and Park`s equation. Clinical assessment was decided by consensus of two respiratory physicians. In order to evaluate the clinical usefulness of Burrows` equation and Park`s equation, agreement of clinical assessment and DLCO interpretation were measured. 2. Evaluation of accuracy; Group B subjects were 81 patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) and 39 normal subjects. The 81 ILD patients were diagnosed following a surgical lung biopsy. The accuracy of diagnosing ILD as well as sensitivity and specificity were evaluated according to the use of the reference equations (Burrows` equation and Park`s equation) for DLCO. Results: Agreement between clinical assessment and interpretation of DLCO was 22% for the use of Burrows` equation and 78% for the use of Park`s equation. The sensitivity and specificity of the Burrows` equation for diagnosing ILD were 64.2% and 100%. The sensitivity and specificity of the Park`s equation for diagnosing ILD were 90.1% and 100%. The sensitivity of the Park`s equation for diagnosing ILD was significantly higher than that of Burrows` equation (p<0.001). Conclusion: The Korean reference equation (Park`s equation) was more clinically useful and had higher sensitivity for diagnosing ILD than the foreign reference equation (Burrows` equation). (Tuberc Respir Dis 2008;64:80-86)

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of Hot Deformation and Dynamic Recrystallization Behaviors of Advanced Reduced-Activated Alloy (ARAA)

        Sang‑Wook Kim,Hyeon‑Woo Son,Taek‑Kyun Jung,Young‑Bum Chun,Yi‑Hyun Park,Ji‑Woon Lee,Soong‑Keun Hyun 대한금속·재료학회 2019 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.25 No.4

        The hot deformation behavior of advanced reduced-activation alloy (ARAA) was investigated using hot torsion tests. Thefl ow stress decreased as deformation temperature increased and as strain rate decreased. The fl ow behavior demonstratedthe typical dynamic recrystallization (DRX). Based on the constitutive analysis of peak stress, the activation energy for hotdeformation was found to be 330.3 kJ mol −1 . Peak stress was analyzed as a function of the Zener–Hollomon parameter, andcalculated and experimental values were in good agreement. A DRX kinetic model for ARAA was derived with deformationconditions based on the Avrami-type model. It was confi rmed that the volume fraction of dynamically recrystallized grainsincreased as deformation temperature increased and as strain rate decreased. The necklace structure and grain boundarybulging were observed in the deformed microstructure of ARAA. The suggested DRX mechanism for ARAA during hotworking is discontinuous DRX.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 도심 친수공간 적지선정을 위한 평가기준의 가중치 산정방법 개발

        김성만 ( Sung Man Kim ),이재춘 ( Jae Choon Lee ),박민정 ( Min Jung Park ),권재범 ( Jai Bum Kwon ),이용운 ( Yong Woon Lee ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2012 환경영향평가 Vol.21 No.5

        The urban waterfront well created, could provide mental stability and comfort and also foster personality. In addition it could provide the calmness and rest of mind. Especially, recently the urban waterfronts are restored here and there and are created whenever developing a new town The purpose of this study is to develop a method of calculating the weight of each evaluation criterion for deciding the priority of restoration among for deciding the priority of restoration among the urban waterfronts. The method includes the analytic hierarchy process that can calculate the reasonable weight of each evaluation criterion, because the importance (weights) of evaluation criteria appears to be different among the evaluators; the results of this study can be summarized as that this method can be useful for calculating the weights of evaluation criteria, and also that the superiority of ecological resources is the most important factor (highest weight) in selecting the best waterfront, followed by accessibility, tourism vacation, and proximity to parks. And then the lowest factor in importance is the scale of reservoir.


        The rs196952262 Polymorphism of the AGPAT5 Gene is Associated with Meat Quality in Berkshire Pigs

        Woo Bum Park,Sang Mi An,Go Eun Yu,Seulgi Kwon,Jung Hye Hwang,Da Hye Park,Deok Gyeong Kang,Tae Wan Kim. Hwa Chun Park1. Jeongim Ha*.,Chul Wook Kim* 한국축산식품학회 2017 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        High-quality meat is of great economic importance to the pig industry. The 1-acylglycerol-3- phosphate-O-acyltransferase 5 (AGPAT5) enzyme converts lysophosphatidic acid to phosphatidic acid in the mitochondrial membrane. In this study, we found that the porcine AGPAT5 gene was highly expressed in muscle tissue, influencing meat characteristics, and we also identified a non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism (nsSNP) (rs196952262, c.673 A>G) in the gene, associated with a change of isoleucine 225 to valine. The presence of this nsSNP was significantly associated with meat color (lightness), lower cooking loss, and lower carcass temperatures 1, 4, and 12 h after slaughter (items T1, T4, and T12 on the recognized quality scale, respectively), and tended to increase backfat thickness and the waterholding capacity. These results suggest that nsSNP (c.673A>G) of the AGPAT5 gene is a potential genetic marker of high meat quality in pigs.

      • Elevated TRAF2/6 expression in Parkinson's disease is caused by the loss of Parkin E3 ligase activity.

        Chung, Ji-Yun,Park, Hee Ra,Lee, Su-Jin,Lee, Sun-Hye,Kim, Jin Sik,Jung, Youn-Sang,Hwang, Sang Hyun,Ha, Nam-Chul,Seol, Won-Gi,Lee, Jaewon,Park, Bum-Joon United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology [e 2013 Laboratory investigation Vol.93 No.6

        <P>Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second leading neurodegenerative disease, and is known to be induced by environmental factors or genetic mutations. Among the verified genetic mutations of PD, Parkin, isolated from the PARK2 locus, shows an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern and is known to be an E3 ligase. However, the physiological target of Parkin and the molecular mechanism of Parkin-deficiency-induced PD have not been clearly demonstrated until now. It has recently been proposed that inflammation, suggesting as a causal factor for PD, is enhanced by Parkin deficiency. Thus, we examined the relationship between inflammation-related factors and Parkin. Here, we provide the evidence that Parkin suppresses inflammation and cytokine-induced cell death by promoting the proteasomal degradation of TRAF2/6 (TNF-α receptor-associated factor 2/6). Overexpression of Parkin can reduce the half-lives of TRAF2 and TRAF6, whereas si-Parkin can extend them. However, mutant Parkins did not alter the expression of TRAF2/6. Thus, loss of Parkin enhances sensitivity to TNF-α- or IL-1β-induced JNK activation and NF-κB activation. Indeed, si-Parkin-induced apoptosis is suppressed by the knockdown of TRAF6 or TRAF2. We also observed elevated expression levels of TRAF6 and a reduction of IκB in an 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced PD mouse model. Moreover, elevated expression levels or aggregation of TRAF6 were detected in approximately half of the human PD tissues (7/15 cases) and 2 cases, respectively. In addition, TRAF6 and Parkin expression levels show a reverse relationship in human PD tissues. Our results strongly suggest that the reduction of Parkin or overexpression of TRAF2/6 by chronic inflammation would be the reason for occurrence of PD.</P>

      • KCI등재

        대형 할인매장 주차장 이용만족도의 영향요인 분석

        임준범 ( Joon Bum Lim ),이수범 ( Soo Beom Lee ),성정곤 ( Jung Gon Sung ),박준태 ( Jun Tae Park ) 한국안전학회(구 한국산업안전학회) 2012 한국안전학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        This research has analyzed factors affecting customers` satisfaction when they use parking lots of big retailers so that, in case of constructing, operating or managing such retailers, proper measures can be come up with. The analysis has been implemented on the basis of survey, and influence factors including entry/exit lamp, parking cars`` traffic flow, parking type, pedestrians`` movement after parking and safety. Parking lot users`` satisfaction has been analyzed by using the Structural Equation Modelling and, as a result of it, in case of a detached or single building, pedestrians movement flow after parking contributed the most to the users`` satisfaction, while, in case of multipurpose complex, parking cars traffic flow has the most influential factor. It is interpreted that users of a single building put a bigger emphasis on entry to the shop and their way back to the parked area after their shopping while customers of multipurpose complex might have various purposes of visiting the place and there are relatively more cars so that they put more emphasis on traffic counterflow, other cars and pedestrians.

      • KCI등재

        서울 월드컵공원의 고등균류 분포상

        석순자 ( Soon Ja Seok ),진용주 ( Yong Ju Jin ),유기범 ( Ki Bum Yoo ),권순우 ( Soon Woo Kwon ),박인철 ( In Cheol Park ),이상엽 ( Sang Yeob Lee ),김양섭 ( Yang Sup Kim ) 한국균학회 2014 韓國菌學會誌 Vol.42 No.4

        This survey was conducted in order to clarify the species diversity and distribution of mushrooms at Worldcup Park in Seoul, from May to November 2010 and 2014. In the survey, a total of 98 taxa, 98 species, 86 genera, 38 families, 12 orders, three classes, and two phyla were identified. A total of 250 specimens of Mushrooms were collected from Pyonghwa Park and 63 species, 71 genera, 36 families, 13 orders, three classes, and two phyla were identified. Coprinus atramentarius and Psathyrella candolleana were high in frequency, as ten times and nine times, respectively. In Noeul Park, 102 specimens were collected, 41 species, 42 genera, 19 families, 19 orders, two classes, and two phyla were identified. In Noeul Park mostly layed with lawn, Agrocybe semiorbicularis and Agaricus campestris were high in frequency, as ten times and nine times, respectively. There were no mushrooms in succession during three years. In Haneul Park, a total of 128 specimens of mushrooms were collected. 49 species, 57 genera, 30 families, 11 orders, three classes, and two phyla were identified. Agrocybe semiorbicularis and Phallus rugulosus were high in frequency, as four times. In Nanjicheon Park, a total of 68 specimens of mushrooms were collected. 31 species, 34 genera, 30 families, nine orders, one class, and one phylum were identified. Coprinus atramentarius and Psathyrella velutina were high in frequency, as three times. Investigation on the diversity of mushrooms at the Worldcup Park, piled up with the city``s waste, will be of the great significance in the aspect of the ecological change. All specimens examined in this work are preserved in HCCN (Herbarium Conservation Center of National Academy of Agricultural Science).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Multicenter Study of Pertussis Infection in Adults with Coughing in Korea: PCR-Based Study

        Sung Hoon Park,Myung Gu Lee,Kwan Ho Lee,Yong Bum Park,Kwang Ha Yoo,Jeong Woong Park,Chang Hwan Kim,Yong Chul Lee,Jae Seuk Park,Yong Soo Kwon,Ki Hyun Seo,Hui Jung Kim,Seung Min Kwak 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2012 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.73 No.5

        Background: Limited data on the incidence and clinical characteristics of adult pertussis infections are available in Korea. Methods: Thirty-one hospitals and the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collaborated to investigate the incidence and clinical characteristics of pertussis infections among adults with a bothersome cough in non-outbreak, ordinary outpatient settings. Nasopharyngeal aspirates or nasopharyngeal swabs were collected for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and culture tests. Results: The study enrolled 934 patients between September 2009 and April 2011. Five patients were diagnosed as confirmed cases, satisfying both clinical and laboratory criteria (five positive PCR and one concurrent positive culture). Among 607 patients with cough duration of at least 2 weeks, 504 satisfied the clinical criteria of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (i.e., probable case). The clinical pertussis cases (i.e., both probable and confirmed cases) had a wide age distribution (45.7±15.5 years) and cough duration (median, 30 days; interquartile range, 18.0~50.0 days). In addition, sputum, rhinorrhea, and myalgia were less common and dyspnea was more common in the clinical cases, compared to the others (p=0.037, p=0.006, p=0.005, and p=0.030, respectively). Conclusion: The positive rate of pertussis infection may be low in non-outbreak, ordinary clinical settings if a PCR-based method is used. However, further prospective, well-designed, multicenter studies are needed.



        Park, Sung-Hee,Hong, Bum-Il Korean Mathematical Society 1996 대한수학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        Many numerical computations in science and engineering can only be solved approximately since the available infomation is partial. For instance, for problems defined ona space of functions, information about f is typically provided by few function values, $N(f) = [f(x_1), f(x_2), \ldots, f(x_n)]$. Knwing N(f), the solution is approximated by a numerical method. The error between the true and the approximate solutions can be reduced by acquiring more information. However, this increases the cost. Hence there is a trade-off between the error and the cost.

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