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      • KCI등재후보

        2003년 국내 중증급성호흡기증후군 진료 현황 및 문제점 분석

        이진수,김은실,정문현,백제중,정선화,안주희,최영화,이선희,고철우,김성범,김민자,박승철,기현균,송재훈,최상호,김양수,이상오,조용균,박영훈,정숙인,김연숙,이흥범,손창희,장성희,정희진,김우주 대한감염학회 2004 감염과 화학요법 Vol.36 No.3

        목적 : 2002년 말 중국에서 SARS가 발생한 이후 국내에서도 2003년 10월까지 총 3명의 추정환자, 17명의 의심환자가 보고되었다. 향후 추가적인 SARS의 유행이 우려되는 상황에서, 그간의 SARS 환자 진료에 있어서의 실질적인 준비사항, 진료 현황 등에 대한 조사를 통해 문제점을 파악하여, 향후 더 나은 대비가 될 수 있도록 개선점을 제시하고자 하였다. 재료 및 방법 : SARS로 의심되는 환자를 진료 경험이 있는 병원의료진을 대상으로 2003년 10월에 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문에는 SARS 환자 진료 시의 실질적인 조치, 진료 현황, 병실, 응급실 및 외래에서의 격리 시설과 준비사항, 보건당국의 관리와 지원에 관한 사항을 포함하였다. 결과 : 대상이 되는 22개 병원 중 17개(17/22, 77.2%) 병원이 설문에 응하였다. SARS 환자를 위한 격리실은 응급실, 외래, 일반병실 및 중환자실에서 각각 9개(9/17, 52.9%), 5개(5/17, 29.4%), 15개(15/16, 93.7%), 4개(4/16, 25%) 병원에서 음압처리가 되어있지 않은 일인실 혹은 다인실이 사용되었고, 1개(1/16, 6.3%) 병원에서만 일반병실에서 음압격리실이 운영되었다. 입원환자의 진찰 시 개인보호구의 착용은 거의 모든 의료기관에서 이루어졌다. 보건당국에서 SARS지정병원의 시설 등을 사전에 확인한 곳은 1곳(1/12, 8.3%)이였고, 14개 병원(14/15, 93.3%)에서는 보건당국에 의뢰한 검사결과를 통하 받지 못하였다. 결론 : 의료기관에서 SARS 환자용 격리실뿐만 아니라 기존의 격리실 설비 등이 미흡하였으며, 특히 중환자실 및 외래의 준비가 더욱 부족하였다. 보건당국의 의료기관에 대한 종합적인 지원이 부족하였고, 병원과의 원활한 연계가 잘 이루어지지 않았다. SARS 만이 아닌 격리를 필요로 하는 질환의 적절한 진료를 위해 향후 병원 시설의 정비와 정부차원에서의 보다 구체적이고 실질적인 대책마련이 필요하다. Background : There was an worldwide outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) originated from China in late 2002. During that period three cases of suspected SARS and 17 cases of probable SARS were reported in Korea. With the concerns about the reemergence of SARS-coV transmission, it is important to be prepared for any possibility. So, this study is aimed to analysis the past measures in managing SARS and propose the amendatory plans to improve the preparedness. Materials & Methods : Questionnaires were collected among clinicians with any experience in managing the probable or suspected SARS cases in Oct. 2003. 17 out of 22 hospitals responded to the questionnaire. The contents in the questionnaire were practical activities, personal equipments, response plans, isolation facilities in emergency centers, outpatient clinics, general wards and intensive care units, and relationship with the public health department. Results : The dedicated isolation rooms in emergency centers, outpatient clinics, general wards, and intensive care units were prepared in 9 (9/17, 52.9%), 5 (5/17, 29.4%), 15 (15/16, 93.7%), and 4 (4/16, 25.0%) hospitals, respectively. Except for one hospital that newly made negative pressure room for SARS, single or multi-bed rooms without airborne infection control were used in all the other hospitals. The personal precaution principles were kept quite well in general wards. Before the designation of SARS hospital by the public health department prior evalution to see if the hospital was suitable for managing SARS was conducted in only 1 (1/12, 8.3%) hospital. The results of laboratory diagnosis were reported back in 1 (1/15, 6.6%) hospital. Conclusions : The isolation facilities which can control airborne infection were almost deficient not only for SARS but also for other respiratory transmissible diseases. For the infection control of transmissible diseases including SARS, more investment is needed on medical facilities and comprehensive support from the public health department required.

      • 경관영향평가 항목선정을 위한 타당성 평가

        오명성,조현주,이현택,나정화 경북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2008 慶北大農學誌 Vol.26 No.-

        This research is significant in terms of estimating the validity by setting evaluation items in view of integrating not only original beauty and visual areas but also natural ecological areas based on questionnaire. The results are as follows. 1) According to literature study, 17 items such as variety, the character of sites in terms of landscape, the beauty of landscape, visibility, and ratio of green visibility are selected. Also, 21 items such as variety of animals and plants species, size of green area, and ecological naturalness are selected m the area of landscape ecological resources. 2) As a result of questionnaire of the group of landscape experts, animals and plants ecological areas show 5.6341, the highest in importance analysis according to assessment areas. Also, as a result of importance analysis on items in each area, for example, in the area of visual resources, the item of skyline analysis is 6.0488, the highest. 3) As a result of corelation of item meaning on landscape effect assesment, for example, meaningness of psychological assessment item and landscape site item indicate 0.710, the highest coefficient correlation. 4) As critical assessment items per unit project, items such as damage minimization of original land features for project in terms of point, ratio of green visibility, variety of animals and plants species marked above 8.0 as high important medium. The project in terms of line, minimization of original land features, Preservation of worthy biotope showed high point and the character of sites in terms of landscape, minimization of original land features, the size of green area, and analysis of skyline marked above 8.5 as high importance points. On the contrary, items for climate and soil showed relatively low points.

      • 건축설계과정에서 나타나는 협업프로세스에 관한 연구 : 파빌리온 설계사례를 중심으로

        김정훈,김소희,임병민,김진아,송정화,오건수 남서울대학교 2007 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.13 No.4

        This study aims to deduce the effective collaborative process of architectural design process based on the specific pavilion design case. The study schematizes the collaborative procedure which is generated at the early stage of design process, analyzes the decision support system and suggests the method for reaching a compromise.Finally, this study suggested collaborative process method of architectural design and provided the basic concept that can be used for the similar projects. Keywords : Collaborative Design, Design Process

      • KCI등재

        19세기 영국 여성의 “성장”과 성장소설의 역동성

        오정화 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2012 여성학논집 Vol.29 No.2

        본 논문은 19세기 영국 여성의 “성장”에 관한 소설들이 성장소설이라는 장르와 맺고 있는 복합적 관계를 역사적으로 살펴보고 성장소설이 가지고 있는 역동성을 잘 구현하고 있는 작품들이 여성의 “성장”에 관한 소설임을 밝히고자 한다. 일반적으로 18세기 말 독일에서 시작된 것으로 보는 성장소설은 자아의 발전을 통해 사회와 화해해가는 과정을 그린 것으로 논의되고 있다. 그러나 본 논문은 성장소설을 자아의 무한한 가능성을 이상화하면서 동시에 사회와의 통합이라는 제한적인 목표를 제시하는 데에서 오는 자아와 사회 사이의 갈등을 표현하는 서술 형식으로 파악하고, 그 갈등을 정치적·사회적 구조에 대한 비판과 연결시키면서 그 사이의 모순과 긴장을 드러낼 때 성장소설이라는 장르가 지닌 잠재적 전복성을 구현하는 역동성을 발휘할 수 있다고 본다. 성장소설이 지닌 이러한 잠재적 전복성을 잘 구현하고 있는 작품들이 19세기 여성 작가들이 그린 여주인공의 이야기라고 할 수 있다. 이들은 분리영역 이데올로기로 인하여 결혼 외에는 경제적으로도 사회적으로도 의미 있는 삶을 살아갈 수 있는 방법이 없었기 때문에 여성의 독립성이나 자율성을 근본적으로 불가능하게 하는 사회로부터의 소외를 절실히 체험하였다. 젠더라는 요소로 인해 자아의 발전과 사회와의 통합 사이의 갈등이 배가 되었던 여주인공의 한 예로 제인 에어를 들 수 있다. 『제인 에어』는 여성 성장을 이야기하되 모순적이고 반의적인 의미들을 다양하게 삽입시키는 수법을 통해 균열을 냄으로써 여성 “성장”의 의미를 새롭게 정의하고 자아의 발전을 불가능하게 하는 사회적 구조에 의문을 제기함으로써 성장소설이 가진 역동성을 발휘한 대표적인 작품이다. This paper attempts to examine complicated relations which the nineteenth-century English novel of female development has with the Bildungsroman genre, and to discuss that the story of female development effectively realizes the potential dynamics of the genre. It looks into the history of discussions on the Bildungsroman which began at the end of the nineteenth-century in Germany and developed among twentieth-century Anglo-American critics, and those on the female development which didn’t start until feminist criticism ventured out at the end of 1970s, and have developed into various perspectives ever since in accordance to the progress of feminist criticism. In general, Bildungsroman criticism considers that it portrays the process how the protagonist develops self and achieves an accommodation with society. However, this paper points out that the Bildungsroman is the narrative form which represents conflicts between self and society caused by idealizing the infinitive possibility of self-determination while simultaneously presenting the limited goal of social integration. It argues that the subversive dynamics of the genre can give full play to its potential when it reveals contradictions and tensions between individual subjectivity and integration into society and connects them with criticism of political and social structures. It is the stories of female Bildungshelds depicted by nineteenth-century female writers that exquisitely embody the subversive potential of the Bildungsroman. They acutely experience alienation from society where independency or autonomy is fundamentally impossible because the ideology of separate spheres does not allow them to live a meaningful life economically and sociologically outside the marriage. An example of a female Bildungsheld whose conflicts between development of self and integration with society are doubled by gender is Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is a representative Bildungsroman with subversive dynamics, which tells the story of female development but splits itself through various techniques inserting contradictory and opposite meanings, thus resignifying female development and questioning social and political structures.

      • 여성의 브래지어 착용에 관한 연구 : 대구시내를 중심으로 The centering Taegu city

        오화자,이송자,홍정민,김정원 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1988 연구논문집 Vol.37 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to obtain the material for a right selecting buying, care of brassier, and for a right production of brassier. The questionaires in this study were administered to a sample of 10 age -50 age women in Taegu city. The result were as follows; 1. In the degree of wearing the brassier, the old age was lower than the younger age. The first time of wearing is around fifteen. The number of brassier for each a person is 4∼5. 2. In the degree of wearing the brassier as a rule the older age was lower than the younger age on the other hand at the time going out, the degree of wearing the brassier was high. 3. Most of women was wearing a round type brassier, and teen-age and twenty age prepared to asid strech type brassier and thirty age, fourty age, fifty age prepared to a cup side stretch type brassier, semi-long brassier in order. 4. In the feeling of wearing the brassier, the best brassier was round type brassier, semi-long type brassier, cup side stretch type brassier, tape type in order. 5. The reason of wearing the brassier was for a maintenance of figure, habit courtesy, harmony of out of garment in order. 6. The case of knowing of one's bust size and one's brassier size was about 40%. 7. In the place of buying the brassier, there was no difference between department and market, agency In a brassier, buying point was material, maker, advertsement, price in order. 8. The washing of brassier was per a 2 day∼3 day, not only summer but winter after washing, the change of brassier was change of lace, color fastness, twist of abuld strap, change of figure of cup in order. 9. The reason of abandonment of brassier was change of lace, discomfort, color fastness in order.

      • KCI등재후보

        딕테 : 한국계 미국 이민 여성으로서 '말하는 여자' 되기

        오정화 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2006 여성학논집 Vol.23 No.1

        차학경의 딕테 는 이민자들이 가장 고통스럽게 부딪히는 문제인 언어의 문제에 대한고찰을 통해 한국계 미국 이민 여성으로서 목소리를 낸다는 것이 무엇인지를 보여주고 있다. 책 제목 ?딕테? 즉 ?받아쓰기?는 받아쓰는 사람의 절대적 침묵을 강요한다는 점에서 종족 국가 젠더 이민으로 인해 주변화된 사람들로 하여금 말하기를 어렵게 하는 모든 상황에 대한 은유이다. ?딕테?가 말하기의 어려움에 대한 은유라면 딕테 는 그러한 어려움에도 불구하고 말하기를 통해 한국인으로서의 목소리 이민자로서의 목소리 여성으로서의 목소리를 냄으로써 비판과 새로운 창조를 시도하는 한국계 미국 이민 여성의 목소리에 대한 기록이다. 그러나 차학경의 작품이 가지고 있는 탁월성은 말을 한다는 것 글을 쓴다는 것이 가지는 의미를 맹신하지 않았으며 오히려 그것이 가지고 있는 문제점들을 절실히 인식하고 이를 작품을 통하여 적나라하게 드러내고 있다는 점이다. Theresa Hak Kyung Cha?s Dictee shows what it is to have a voice as aKorean American immigrant woman by dealing with problems of language andvoice, which are among the most difficult problems immigrants usually face. ?Dictee? is a metaphor for all circumstances which make people who aremarginalized by race, nation, gender and immigration unable to speak. This isbecause dictee as language pedagogy requires students to follow the dictationwith absolute silence. While dictee is a metaphor for difficulty of speaking, Dictee is a recordof the voice of the Korean American immigrant woman, who emerges as a?diseuse.? As a matter of fact Cha is excluded both from Western feministdiscourse and Korean nationalist discourse. She wants to write ?another history?from ?another epic? and speaks about the stories of Koreans, immigrants, andwomen. Though Cha emphasizes importance of speaking and writing, she does notfall into essentialism to believe in the transcendental meaning of speaking andwriting. She reveals and criticizes problems of language through the text. Shechanges her weakness as an Asian-American immigrant woman into strength,seeing problems of language more keenly than insiders and making her text anexcellent experiment on language.

      • KCI등재

        해마 theta리듬과 pyramidal neuron의 세포내 특성과의 상관관계

        권오흥,조진화,남순현,김현정,최병주,김영진,이만기 大韓小兒齒科學會 1998 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.25 No.4

        Eledctrophysiological phenomena of pyramidal cells in the CAI area of the dorsal hippocampus were recorded from and filled with neurobiotin in anesthetized rats. The electropharmacological properties of membrane as well as the cellular-synaptic generation of rhythmic slow activity (theta)were examined. The intracellular response characteristics of these pyramidal cells were distinctly different from responses of inteneurons. Pyramidal cells had a high resting membrane potential, a low input resistance, and a large amplitude action potential. A afterhyperpolarization was followed a single action potential. Most of pyramidal cells did not display a spontaneous firing. Pyramidal cells displayed weak inward rectification and anodal break excitation. The slope of the frequency-current relation was 53.4 Hz/nA for the first interspike interval and 15.9 Hz/nA for the last intervals, suggesting the presence of spike frequency adaptation. Neurobiotin-filled neurons showed pyramidal morphology. Cells were generally bipolar dendritc processes ramifying in stratum lacunosum-moleculare, radiatum, and oriens. Commissural stimulation discharged pyramidal cells, followed by excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs). The frequency of theat-related membrane potential oscillation was voltage-independent in pyramidal neurons. At strong depolarization levels (less than 30 mV) pyramidal cells emitted sodium spike oscillation, phase-locked to theta. The observations provide direct evidence that theta-related rhythmic hyperpolarization of principal cells is brought by the rhythmically discharging interneurons. Furthermore, the findings in which interneurons were also paced by rhythmic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials during theta suggest that they were periodically hyperpolarized by their GABAergic septal afferents.

      • 漢江의 水鳥類調査

        元炳旿,朴眞永,金恩英,金和貞 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1993 연구보고 Vol.4 No.-

        1. 1989년부터 1992년까지 동계에 한강의 서울수계에서 관찰한 조류는 총 39종, 최대 개체수는 27,615개체이며, 우점종은 흰죽지이다. 2. 1993년 2월부터 4월까지 한강하류에서 관찰한 조류는 총 38종, 최대개체수는 110,989개체이다. 최우점종은 흰죽지이며, 청둥오리, 고방오리 및 큰기러기의 순이었다. 3. 1992년 3월부터 5월까지 밤섬에서 관찰한 조류는 38종, 최대 개체수는 2,327개체이다. 최우점종은 청둥오리이며, 흰뺨검둥오리, 쇠오리 및 비오리의 순이었다. 4. 밤섬의 번식조류는 흰뺨검둥오리, 청둥오리 및 깝작도요이며, 꼬마물떼새와 쇠제비갈매기는 번식장소의 감소로 크게 줄어들었다. 5. 조류의 번식기간인 4~7월과 월동기간인 12~2월에는 밤섬의 출입을 엄격히 통제해야 하며, 인공 자갈못의 조성, 인공 새집의 가설, 먹이 공급 등을 통한 장기적인 보호 방안이 필요하다. 6. 행주대교에서 최근에 세워진 오두산통일전망대까지 약 25㎞에 이르는 한강하류지역은 재두루미, 개리, 큰기러기, 쇠기러기 및 말똥가리류, 수리류, 개구리매류 등 맹금류를 포함하는 10만마리 이상의 대집단이 도래하는 지역이다. 따라서 현재 천연기념물지역으로 지정된 한강하구지역은 수금류의 보호를 위해 위에 언급한 지역을 포함하여 확대지정하여야만 한다. 1. A total of 39 species with a maximum individual number of 27,615 of waterbirds was observed on the Han River in Seoul during the winter periods of 1982-1992, among which the most dominant species was Aythya ferina. 2. A maximum count of 110,989 individuals of 38 species were recorded from February to April 1993 on Han River estuary. The most dominant species was Aythya ferina followed by Anas platyrhynchos, A. acuta and Anser fabalis. 3. A maximum count of 2,327 individuals of 38 species were made during the bird census on Pam Islet, among which the most dominant species was Anas platyrhynchos followed by A. poecilorhyncha, A. crecca and Mergus merganser. 4. The species of birds breeding on Pam Islet were Anas platyrhynchos, A. poecilorhyncha and Tringa hypoleucos. The number of Charadrius dubius and Sterna albifrons was greatly declined due to the decrease of their breeding sites. 5. People coming to Pam Islet should be restricted during the breeding season from April to June and the wintering season from December to February. Long-term protection measures, such as artificial gravel pits and nests, and feed, are necessary for the waterbirds inhabiting this islet. 6. The downstream of the Han River stretching about 25㎞ from Haengju Bridge to the Han River estuary, where the unification observatory has recently been erected, becomes the wintering site of more than 100,000 waterfowl including rare spcies such as White-naped crane, Swan goose, Bean goose, White-fronted goose; and birds of prey such as buzzards, eagles, and harriers. Therefore, the present natural monument of the Han River estuary should be expanded by legislation to include the downstream of the Han River mentioned above for the protection of waterfowl.

      • KCI등재

        유니버설 디자인 개념을 적용한 주택의 욕실계획

        권오정,하해화 대한가정학회 2004 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.42 No.3

        The Universal Design(UD) is a recent issue related to preserve human dignity, equality and human settlements. This study is aimed at describing circumstances and problems of residential bathrooms and in identifying the awareness a d needs of adapting the UD concept for residential bathrooms 570 persons with various physical conditions completed questionnaires that were used as data in this study The results showed that the respondents' awareness of the UD was very low, but that their needs for adapting the UD concept was relatively high. Safety was the most important factor in adapting the UD, followed by convenience and accessibility In conclusion, three types of specific design considerations for residential bathroom planning were suggested through the adaptation of the UD.

      • 주택욕실의 사례분석에 따른 유니버설디자인 적용방안

        권오정,하해화 건국대학교 생활문화연구소 2000 생활문화ㆍ예술논집 Vol.23 No.-

        Universal Design is a recent issue related to preserving human dignity, equality and human settlements. So the purpose of this study was to describe circumstances and problems of residential bathrooms, based on the results through the case studies by which every family members and to suggest the design considerations of residential bathroom planning for adapting universal design. Case studies were performed from Oct. 25 to Nov. 5, 1999 by 5 families with various physical conditions(the persons who have physical disabilities, visual impairments, the older people, pregnant women and persons without any disabilities). To investigate the current situations of the bathrooms, researchers visited five households and interviewed family members. Also the bathrooms were analyzed, evaluated and scored on the basis of the checklist including 56 items focusing on the concept of the universal design. The results of the case studies showed that the average score of all households was low. The specific design considerations for universal design residential bathrooms were suggested as conclusions of this study.

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