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        자동차 조립작업자의 사회ㆍ심리적 스트레스와 근골격계 증상과의 연관성

        김일룡,김재영,박종태,최재욱,김해준,염용태 대한산업의학회 2001 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        목적 : 이 연구는 자동차 조립라인 근로자들의 사회·심리적 스트레스와 작업관련 근골격계 자각증상간의 연관성을 확인하는 데에 있다. 방법 : 경인지역 소재 자동차 회사 두곳의 조립라인에 근무하는 근로자 636명을 대상으로 하여, 근골격계 자각증상에 대해서는 목과 어깨, 팔과 팔꿈치,. 손목과 손, 허리부위에서의 통증, 쑤심, 뻣뻣함, 화끈거림, 무감각 또는 저림 등을 묻는 표준화된 설문지로 질문하였고, 스트레스 정도는 4개 분야, 45개 항목으로 이루어진 Psychosocial Well-being Index 설문지를 배포후 3점 척도를 적용하였다. 이들간에는 카이자승법, ANOVA rm리고 로짓회귀분석을 사용하여 통계적으로 유의한 연관성을 알고자 하였다. 결과 : 1. 수면시간을 제외하고 연령, 근속기간, 결혼여부, 학력수준, 흡연력, 음주력에 따른 상지근골격계 증상의 빈도 차이는 없었다. 2. 30세 미만의 작업자군에서 사회 심리적 스트레스 점수(p-value: 0.0461)와 스트레스 Factor 3 (p-value: 0.0368), Factor 4 (p-value: 0.0053)의 점수가 높았다. 3. 11∼15년의 근속기간을 가진 작업자의 경우 Factor 1을 제외한 PWI(p-value: 0.0001), Factor 2(p-value:0.0001), Factor 3(p-value: 0.0004), Factor 4(p-value: 0.0001)에서 기타의 근속기간을 갖는 동료에 비해 높은 스트레스 점수를 보였다. 4. 미혼자는 Factor 4에서 기혼자보다 높은 스트레스 점수를 보였다(p-value: 0.0068). 5. 수면시간이 6시간 이하인 작업자군은 6시간을 초과하는 작업자보다 PWI(p-value: 0.0087), Factor 2(p-value: 0.0194), Factor 3(p-value: 0.0048), Factor 4(p-value: 0.0314) 등에서 높은 스트레스 점수를 보였다. 6. 스트레스 점수는 정규분포를 이루었으며 정상군과 스트레스위험군간에 증상의 빈도 차이는 없었다. 7. 근골격계 증상이 있는 작업자군은 무증상군과 비교하여 기타 스트레스 점수는 두 군간에 유의한 차이가 없었으나, Factor 2에서 통계적으로 유의하게 높은 스트레스 점수를 보였고(p-value: 0.028), 단변량(OR: 1.02) 및 다변량(OR: 1.04) 로짓 회귀분석에서도 Factor 2가 양의 회귀계수(0.0226; 0.0352)를 보여 증상에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 : 근골격계 자각 증상이 있는 조립작업자군은 증상이 없는 군에 비해 우울증 항목에서 높은 스트레스 점수를 보였으나 기타 사회적 역할 수행 및 자기신뢰도, 수면장애 및 불안, 일반건강 및 생명력등의 사회심리적 스트레스 항목에서는 두 군간에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 로짓회귀분석예서도 우울증이 근골격계 증상에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타나서 비록 제한적이지만 우울증에 해당하는 항목인 Factor 2와 증상간의 연관성을 일부 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 근골격계 증상발현에는 스트레스 이외에도 인간공학적 혹은 알려지지 않은 요인들 중요하게 작용하므로 이들을 통제한 후의 추가적인 조사를 해야 할 것으로 생각된다. Objectives : To determine the relationship between stress Factors and work-related muscul-loskeletal symptoms of assembly line workers in the automobile industry. Methods : A cross-sectional study was conducted in two Factories of automobile manufacturing companies where inappropriate posture and repetitive motions were required. The total number of subjects was 636, and consisted entirely of men. The Age, length of work duration, marital status, education level, smoking status, drinking status, sleeping time and stress scores were investigated according to subgroups of general characteristics. We divided the subjects into a Reference group and a Stress risk group to compare the frequency of the variables between them. The stress scores of the Positive symptom group were compared with the Symptom free group by the t-test. To measure the stress level, the PWI(Psychosocial Well being Index) which consists of 4 Factors, totaling 45 items, was used. A standardized self-reported questionnaire was used to assess the symptoms in workers. The criteria for positive symptoms were based on Operational Definition of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders of the NIOSH. Results : 1) The subgroups of Age, Work duration, Marital status, Education level, Smoking status, Drinking status and Sleeping time revealed no differences in frequencies in musculoskeletal symptoms. 2) Higher PWI(p<0.05), Factor 3(p>0.05) and Factor 4(p<0.01) scores were observed in younger workers compared with older workers. 3) The workers who had work durations betwen 11-15 years showed higher PWI(p<0.01), Factor 2(p<0.01), Factor 3(p<0.01), and Factor 4(p<0.01), compared with other work duration subgroups. 4) Singles had higher Factor 4 scores(p<0.01). 5) The sleeping time of less than 6 hours a day expressed a higher PWI(p<0.01), Factor 2(p<0.05), and Factor 3(p<0.01), Factor 4(p<0.05). 6) There was no difference in the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms between the Reference group and Stress risk group. 7) The subjects who had Positive musculoskeletal symptoms showed a significant difference in Factor 2 scores compared with the Symptom free groups. 8) According to a univariate logistic regression analysis, Factor 2(OR: 1.02, 95% CI:1.00-1.04, p-value: 0.0291) expressed significant but mild effects on the musculoskeletal symptoms and a multivariate logistic regression showed a statistically significant effect on musculoskeletal symptoms(OR:1.04, 95% CI: 1.01-1.07, p-value: 0.0170). Conclusion : Psychosocial stress scores were not higher in symptomatic subjects compared with those who had no symptoms. Sleeping longer showed a protective effect on symptoms but this was not statistically significant. There was no relationship between the stress scores and musculoskeletal symptoms in social performance and self-confidence, general well-being and vitality. Factor 2(Depression) was statistically significant though its effect was mild. Limited to this study, We could find partial relationship between psychosocial stress(Depression) and musculoskeletal symptoms. So it could therefore be suspected that ergonomic or other unknown factors may be more significant causes of musculoskeletal symptoms but we did not investigate these.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Digital Imaging Fiber-Optic Trans-Illumination을 이용한 초기 법랑질 우식병소의 조기 진단

        염혜웅,김종수,유승훈 大韓小兒齒科學會 2004 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.31 No.4

        치아 우식증의 발생과 관련된 분야에 대한 연구는 지난 20년간 활발히 진행되어 괄목할만한 발전을 이루었다. 그러나 치아 우식증의 원천적인 예방을 이루기 위해서는 보다 새로운 실험 장비와 기구를 이용한 다각적인 연구가 요구되며, 이러한 흐름에 부응하여 미국의 인디아나 치과대학을 중심으로 초기 법랑질 우식증에 관한 재조명이 집중적으로 이루어지고 있다. 또한 세계적으로 치과계의 지속적인 대민 교육과 홍보 및 불소화 사업 등의 우식 예방에 대한 노력과 구강 보건에 대한 대중의 인식 향상을 통해 치아 우식증이 감소하는 추세에 있으며, 이로 인해 치아 우식증이 기존의 교합면보다 인접면에서 더 많이 발견되는 추세로 변화되고 있다. 치아 우식증의 조기 진단을 목적으로 새로운 진단 장비들이 속속 개발되고 있으며 이미 성능의 우수성이 실험실 연구를 통해 입증된 바 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 초기 인접면 우식증의 진단에 있어 새로 개발된 DIFOTI^(TM) 시스템의 효능을 기존의 방법인 사진 및 교익방사선사진과 비교 평가하고, 임상 적용시의 문제점을 파악하여 차후 DIFOTI^(TM) 시스템 개발에 필요한 개선안을 제시함과 아울러 치아 우식증의 예방 및 불소를 이용한 초기 우식증 재광화 방법에 대한 기초 연구 자료를 마련하고자 하였다. 학동기 연령에 있는 유치 탈락 시기에 근접한 것으로 기대되는 23명의 아동을 대상으로 구강 검진 2회, 구치부 교익 방사선 필름 판독 2회 그리고 전치부 및 구치부 DIFOTI^(TM) 이미지 판독 2회를 실시하고 각 방법에 대한 신뢰도 평가를 시행한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 구강 검진시 검사자간 신뢰도는 교합면에서 평균 0.8470으로 가장 높았으며, 근심면 평균 0.6430 원심면 평균 0.5727, 설면 평균 0.2807 그리고 협면 평균 0.2339 순으로 나타났다. 구치부에 국한시킨 경우 교합면에서는 평균 0.8577이었으며, 원심면 평균 0.8211, 설면 평균 0.7728, 협면 평균 0.7152, 근심면 평균 0.6782 순으로 나타났다. 2. 구치부 교익 방사선 사진 판독 결과에 대한 검사자간 신뢰도는 교합면 평균 0.8346, 근심면 평균 0.8675, 원심면 평균 0.8482 순으로 나타났다. 3. DIFOTI^(TM) 이미지 판독 결과에 대한 검사자간 신뢰도는 교합면 평균 0.8437, 협면 평균 8379, 근심면 평균 0.8223, 설면 평균 0.7766, 원심면 평균 0.6781 순으로 나타났다. 4. 치아 우식증 진단율을 비교한 결과 교합면, 협면, 설면에서는 DIFOTI^(TM) 이미지 판독이 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났으며(p<0.05), 근심면과 원심면에서는 방사선 판독이 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). Over the past 20 years, great strides have been made in research regarding the mechanisms involved in the progression of carious lesions, but new equipment and research tools need to be developed to continue these advancements in caries research. Various methods have been applied to reduce the incidence of carious lesions, which have led to a significant decrease in the number of occlusal caries, but a concurrent increase in the proportion of proximal carious lesions. New diagnostic equipment has been developed to detect early stage carious lesions, and these have demonstrated excellent laboratory results and show promise in clinical applications. The research presented here examines the efficacy of the newly developed DIFOTI^(TM) system in detecting proximal carious lesions compared to traditional intraoral exam and bitewing radiography, possible problems or deficiencies of using the system in clinic, possible improvements that can be made to the system, and the efficacy of detecting early, reversible carious lesions that can be remineralized by preventative fluoride applications. The subject pool consisted of 23 grammer school age patients just prior to entering the mixed dentition phase. Each patient was given a thorough oral examination, radiographic examination consisting of bitewing radiographs of the posterior teeth, and DIFOTIR examination of the anterior and posterior teeth. Each examination was carried out two times by two examiners, and the data were statistically analyzed. The results are as follows: 1. The mean alpha value of reliability test of the visual oral examination was as follows: occlusal surface was 0.8470, mesial surface was 0.6430, distal surface was 0.5727, lingual surface was 0.2807 and distal surface was 0.2339. When the examination was limited to posterior teeth, the mean alpha value was as follows: occlusal surface was 0.8577, distal surface was 0.8211, lingual surface was 0.7728, buccal surface was 0.7152 and mesial surface was 0.6782. 2. The alpha value of reliability test of the radiographic analysis of carious lesions of the occlusal, mesial, and distal surfaces was 0.8500. 3. The alpha value of reliability test of the DIFOTI^(TM) diagnostic analysis of carious lesions of the occlusal, buccal, lingual, mesial, and distal surfaces was determined to be 0.7917. 4. The DIFOTI^(TM) diagnostic system was found to be the most accurate means of detecting occlusal, buccal, and lingual surface carious lesions (p<0.05), while mesial and distal proximal carious lesions were most accurately assessed using bitewing radiography (p<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        기관내 삽관이 어려웠던 폐동맥 sling을 동반한 기관협착 환아1예

        염석란,신중호,신종환,이근,류일,현성열,진욱,김재광 대한응급의학회 2001 대한응급의학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        Pulmonary arterial sling, a rare developmental vascular anomaly forms a sling around the distal trachea and the proximal right main bronchus, where it sometimes makes tracheo-bronchial stenosis. Tracheo-bronchial stenosis from pulmonary arterial sling may produce non-specific symptoms of stridor, noisy breathing, dyspnea, recurrent upper respiratory tract infection, chronic cough, and dysphagia. The diagnosis of this anomaly begins with a high index of suspicion because of the lack of pathognomonic finding on usual evaluation. In this case, initial difficult intubation makes us evaluate further. Other cases reported the diagnosis is established by imaging studies, usually MRI and angiography. But, when our case was evaluated, we used cervico-thoracic enhanced computered tomography and tracheal fluoroscopy. Up to now, tracheobronchial stenosis from vascular anomaly is a rare and challenging disorder with a poor prognosis. However, early exact diagnosis would make us perform the accurate surgical treatment and reduce the mortality and morbidity.

      • 레슬링선수들의 체중감량에 따른 섭취열량과 신체조성의 변화

        백영호,염종우,염원상,김세종,서혜림 부산대학교 체육과학연구소 2000 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        This study was to find out calorie intake and body composition changes in accordance with weight loss of wrestlers. The wrestlers were divided three groups : no weight loss groups, 5∼7% weight loss group and over 7% weight loss group. And they were observed three : before weight loss, at measuring weight and before games. The following are the conclusion of this study: 1.The changes of calorie intake 1) Before weight loss, the percentage of the daily intake to the daily energy expenditure was 57.7% for the no weight loss group, 47.2% for the 5%∼7% weight loss group and 53.7% for the over 7% weight loss group. 2) The calorie intake of each group per meal: the no weight loss group intake 1,118kcal before weight loss, 760.9kcal before weight measurement and 1026.8kcal from after weight measurement to before games, and the 5∼7% weight loss group intake 955.4kcal before weight loss, 483.1kcal before weigh measurement and 880.4kcal from after weight measurement to before games, and the over 7% weight intake 959.3kcal before weight loss, 339.4kcal before weight measurement and 872.7kcal from after weight measurement to before games. 3) The ratios of calorie intake(protein : fat : glucose) : the no weight loss group showed 16.7∼35.1% : 20.8∼23.8% : 44.1∼60%, the 5∼7% weight loss group showed 15.5∼26.6% : 22.2∼23.7% : 50.6∼62.3% and the over 7% weight loss group showed 15.0∼30.2% : 19.6∼27,6% : 50.7∼59 4%. 2.The changes in body composition 1) After weight loss, weight and BMI changes in accordance with weight loss among groups showed meaningful differences in all circumstances : weight, before games versus at measuring weight and before weight loss versus before games.(p≤.001) 2) In the changes of total body water, protein, mineral, fat mass and %fat in accordance with weight loss among groups, when we compared those of before games with those of at measuring weight, we found that the over 7% weight loss group showed a meaningful increase over the no weight loss group.(p≤0.5) 3) In the changes within groups, though we found no meaningful difference, total body water, protein and mineral of before games were less than those of before weight loss, and fat mass and %fat of before games were higher than those of before weight loss. According to the results of this study, the wrestlers lost their weights intensively in three days before games by eating less and when lean body mass was restored, the level was lower than before weight loss. Therefore, these results intake the weakness of exercise capacity, long-term weight loss plan is more helpful than short-term weight loss, and for the enhancement of exercise capacity systematic plan and training of the weigh loss should be done.

      • KCI등재

        대형 화재로 인한 사상자의 손상 유형과 합병증 : 동인천 라이브호프 화재를 중심으로

        신중호,김재광,염석란,신종환,민순식,임용수,양혁준,이근,황성연 대한응급의학회 2001 대한응급의학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        Background: High risks of fire alway exist for buildings in urban areas, especially those in downtown. Crowds, as well as more complex and larger structures, may cause more victims in the event of fire; therefore, emergency medical service plans must be established for such disastrous events. Methods: On the evening of October 30,1999, a fire broke out in downtown, Dong-Incheon Live-Hof restaurant; 56 people were killed and 76 were injured. Most of them were teenagers. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of the victims, Results: 1) Among the 56 dead, 54 died from smoke inhalation, one from extensive burns, and one from sepsis during treatment. 2) Among the 76 injured, 70 patients suffered from smoke inhalation, 53 from burns, and 9 from several types of trauma (sprains, contusions, lacerations, abrasions, fractures, etc.). 3) Later complications were laryngeal edema, pulmonary edema, scar contracture, and hypoxic brain damage, and so forth. 4) Post traumatic stress syndrome was unexpectedly more prevalent in mildly to moderately injured survivors and witnesses than in seriously injured survivors. Conclusion: Many complications exist after a fire. Some may be resolved in time, but others may result in permanent sequelae. Early rescue, early triage, and early management during transport by emergency medical service (EMS) personnel can result in fewer complications and a lower mortality rate. Therefore, we propose the establishment of plans to be followed during various major disasters.

      • 현역 군인 발생을 중심으로 본 2000년도 국내 삼일열 말라리아 발생 현황

        박재원,김영아,염준섭,유정식,양병국,채종일 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.4

        Background : Since 1997, the annual case occurrence of vivax malaria in the Republic of Korea have exceeded 1,000 cases since 1997. The military is thought to be an important source of the current outbreak. We collected various informations about malaria cases (soldiers, veterans and civilians) which occurred in 2000, and analyzed the characteristics of the current outbreak. Methods : Informations about malaria cases of soldiers, veterans and civilians, including name, age, sex, day of onset, region, etc., were collected through the National Institute of Health. Results : Out of total 4,141 cases, 1,288 (31.1%) occurred in the military, 1,273 (30.7%) occurred among the veterans, and 1,580 (38.2%) occurred among civilians. The monthly case occurrence reached its peak in early August. Areas such as Cheolwon, Yeoncheon and Paju showed the highest prevalence. Conclusion : It is considered that the current malaria outbreak has escaped from the exponential growth phase, however, more attention should be paid to prevent further spreading of malaria infection. (Korean J Infect Dis 33:280∼284, 2001)

      • 초내열 합금 Alloy718의 저주기 피로시험에서 반복연화 및 R=X (X=0,-1)효과

        최병학,신수근,신정근,김선화,윤기봉,염종택,박노광 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2005 공업기술연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The LCF properties for R=0 as tension-tension and R=-1 as tension-compression were examined in DA alloy718. While the hysteresis loops composed of ?ε_(t), ?ε_(p) and ?σ were figured with similaity in both of R=0 and R=-1, the loops of R=0 were continuely going down along the stress axis during cyclic fatigue progressing. It was caused by Bauschinger effect, which includes a tendancy for stress recovering as an amount of compression stress. The phenomena of cyclic softening in both of R=0 and R=1 seem to be caused by planar slip of dislocations, which was accompanied by shearing the γ'/γ" precipitates during the cyclic fatigue test.

      • 천장관절 나사 고정술을 위한 컴퓨터 지원 수술 장치의 개발

        염진섭,최원식,김하용,김환정,강종원,김영호,김형민,서동현,이석,이제범,김남국,김철영 대한골절학회 2003 대한골절학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        목 적 : 천장관철의 경피적 나사 고정술을 위한 컴퓨터 지원 수술 장치를 개발하여, 그 정확도를 측정하여 보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 광학 추적 장치(Polaris, Northern Digital, Canada)와 개인용 컴퓨터를 이용한 항법 장치를 개발하였다. 정확도 측정용 팬텀을 제작하여 복합 정합시의 정합 오차와 표적 지시 오차를 각각 30회씩 측정하였으며, 4개의 플라스틱 골반골 모델(Sawbone, USA)에 16개의 6.5 ㎜유관 나사를 삽입하여 정확히 삽입되었는지 여부를 호가인하였다. 결 과 : 정합 오차는 0.76±0.33㎜, 표적 지시 오차는 1.43±0.42㎜였다. 골반골 모델에 삽입한 16개의 나사는 모두 천장관절내에 삽입되었고, 피질골을 뚫고 나오거나 인접한 두 개의 나사나 와셔가 서로 충돌한 경우는 없었다. 결 론 : 개발된 컴퓨터 지원 수술 장치는 해외에서 개발된 장치와 유사한 정확도를 가지고 있었고, 골반골 모델을 이용한 모의 수술에서도 만족할 만한 결과를 얻었다. Purpose : The purpose of this study were to develop a computer-assisted surgery system for percutaneous screw fixation of the sacro-iliac joint and to evaluate its accuracy. Materials and Methods : We have developed a navigation system composed of an optical tracking device(Polaris, Northern Digital, Canada) and a personal computer. The registration error and target localization error at hybrid registration were measured using a phantom. The errors were measured 30 times for each. Sixteen 6.5㎜ cannulated screws were inserted into four plastic bone models (Sawbones, USA), and the accuracy was evaluated. Results : The registration error was 0.76±0.33 ㎜, and the target localization error was 1.43±0.42 ㎜. All of the 16 screws were inserted well across the sacro-iliac joint, and there was neither penetration of the cortical bones nor collision between screws or washers. Conclusion : The accuracy of the developed system was similar to existing ones, and its usefulness and helpfulness was proven with screw insertion into plastic bone models.

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