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      • Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Rat Tissue: Proteomic and Biochemical Analysis

        Park*, Eui‐,Chul,Yoon, Jong‐,Bok,Seong*, Jin,Sil,Choi, Kyoung‐,Soo,Kong, Eung‐,Sik,Kim, Yun‐,Jeong,Park, Young‐,Mee,Park, Eun‐,Mi Taylor Francis 2006 Preparative biochemistry & biotechnology Vol.36 No.1

        <P>Reactive oxygen species (ROS), generated by ionizing radiation, has been implicated in its effect on living tissues. We confirmed the changes in the oxidative stress markers upon irradiation. We characterized the changes in the proteome profile in rat liver after administering irradiation, and the affected proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF-MS and ESI-MS/MS. The identified proteins represent diverse sets of proteins participating in the cellular metabolism. Our results demonstrated that proteomics analysis is a useful method for characterization of a global proteome change caused by ionizing radiation to unravel the molecular mechanisms involved in the cellular responses to ionizing radiation.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Antiadhesive effect and safety of oxidized regenerated cellulose after thyroidectomy

        Kyoung Sik Park,Kyu Eun Lee,Do Hoon Ku,Su-Jin Kim,Won Seo Park2,Hoon Yub Kim3,,Mi Ra Kwon1,Yeo-Kyu Youn1 대한외과학회 2013 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.84 No.6

        Purpose: To evaluate the antiadhesive effects and safety of an oxidized regenerated cellulose (Interceed) after thyroidectomy. Methods: Seventy-six thyroidectomized patients were prospectively randomized into two groups with regard to the use of Interceed. We evaluated each group for their adhesive symptoms using four subjective and four objective items at the 2nd week, 3rd and 6th month after thyroidectomy. All patients were examined for vocal cord motility by indirect laryngoscope at each period. Results: Total adhesion scores at each postoperative follow-up period decreased with time, but were not significantly different in each group. The median score for swallowing discomfort for liquid was significantly lower in the Interceed group than in the control group 2 weeks after surgery. In addition, the severity of skin adhesion to the trachea was reduced in the Interceed group compared with the control group 6 months after surgery. During the study, there were no adverse effects or significant differences in postoperative complications between the groups. Conclusion: Interceed appeared to be safe and effective in improving neck discomfort at early postoperative periods and preventing skin adhesion to the trachea 6 months after thyroidectomy.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Event Mean Concentrations (EMCs) and First Flush Characteristics of Runoff from a Public Park in Korea

        Jung, Jae-Woon,Park, Ha-Na,Yoon, Kwang-Sik,Choi, Dong-Ho,Lim, Byung-Jin The Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistr 2013 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.56 No.6

        Characteristics of non-point source (NPS) pollution runoff from a public park in Gwangju, Korea were investigated. Results exhibited the highest pollutant concentrations at the start of the rainfall events due to their build-up and wash off processes. The average event mean concentrations (EMCs) were 27.8, 7.2, 56.3, 7.5, and 0.84 mg/L (range: 4.2-54.8 mg/L) for COD, (0.5-20.8 mg/L) for TOC, (22.3-138.4) for SS, (1.4-18.5 mg/L) for T-N, and (0.17-2.02 mg/L) for T-P, respectively. The study site presented a strong first flush effect for most rainfall events. However, no first flush effect was observed in rainfall events with small rainfall factors (e.g. intensity, amount, and runoff depth). On the other hand, the ratios of total pollution loads discharged by the first 20% of runoff volume were 32% for COD, 34% for TOC, 36% for SS, 42% for T-N, and 50% for T-P. Especially, $MFF_{20}$ (mass first flush) values of T-N and T-P were larger than those of other pollutants (COD, TOC, SS), indicating that T-N and T-P are easily transported by stormwater runoff from the public park. First flush management of T-N and T-P, therefore, is required for efficient water quality management of the public park.

      • 경주지역 여고생의 초경과 체성장간의 관계

        김준섭,권오구,박진석,오종수,박정현,박제식,안세한,이용환,서정호,신태섭,최영배,김덕수,이관,박수경 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2002 東國醫學 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 경주지역 1개 고등학교 3학년 여고생을 대상으로 초경 시작 전인 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 키, 몸무게, 가슴둘레 수치와 초경 연령을 파악하여 여성의 초경이 빠를수록 체성장 속도의 변화가 있을 것이라는 가설을 기초로 두 요인간의 관련성을 파악하고자 시행되었다. 경주시 1개 여자고등학교 3학년생 총 317명에 대해 ㅊ경 나이, 초경시 심리 상태, 초경이 시작되었을 때의 상담 여부와 상담하였던 사람, 부모 신장과 초경전후의 식사 규칙성, 다이어트 경험, 수면시간, 스트레스, 음주/흡연 여부, 질병력 등에 대한 설문 조사를 시행하였고, 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 키, 몸무게, 가슴둘레에 대한 정보는 건강기록부에서 확보하였다. 상기 대상자 중 건강기록부가 분실된 39명, 초경나이에 대해 응답하지 않았던 29명 및 결석 등으로 조사를 하지 못하였던 42명을 제외한 조사 대상자는 206명으로 선정하였다. 대상자들의 초경연령 평균값(Mean±SD)은 13.0±1.11이었고, 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 초경 이후 신장 성장률은 감소하였으며, 초경연령이 빠른 군이 초등학교 때는 신장에 있어서 우위를 차지하나 고등학교에 오면서 신장은 비슷한 수준이 되었다. 초경후 1-2년 사이에 체중과 흉위의 증가율은 감소하였고, 초경연령이 빠른 군이 초등학교와 고등학교 사이에 체중과 흉위에서 모두 우위를 차지하였다. 본 연구의 결과는, 흔히 이차 성징의 시작 시점 혹은 사춘기의 시작 시점으로 보고있는 초경 연령이 청소년기의 성장과 밀접한 관련성이 있고, 특히 체중과 흉위의 성장 속도와 밀접한 관련성이 있음을 시사한다. To understand the onset of menarche in relation to changes in physical growth that take place during female adolescence, especially the changes in height and weight velocity. The 207 senior in one women high school of Kyongju were investigated in April 3 to 8, 2001. We collected the information, relation in the age at menarche, height & weight of parents, regularity of eating, and obesity diet, duration of sleeping, sickness & stress near age at menarche, by self-recording. The status of height, weight & chest circumference between the 4th grade of primary school and the junior of high school was collected by individual Health Record. The results were followed; The average age at menarche was 12.95±1.11 years old and the most frequent age of menarche is 13 years. After menarche, the velocity of height, weight and chest circumference were decreased. The most rapid group of menarche hold dominant position in height during elementary school. As time passed, they dont hold dominant position in height. The most rapid group of menarche get an advantage in the weight and the girth of chest after elementary school. The height of subjects is directly proportional to the height of their parents. These results suggest that the starting age at menestuation can be closely associated with physical growth and development.

      • Elevated TRAF2/6 expression in Parkinson's disease is caused by the loss of Parkin E3 ligase activity.

        Chung, Ji-Yun,Park, Hee Ra,Lee, Su-Jin,Lee, Sun-Hye,Kim, Jin Sik,Jung, Youn-Sang,Hwang, Sang Hyun,Ha, Nam-Chul,Seol, Won-Gi,Lee, Jaewon,Park, Bum-Joon United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology [e 2013 Laboratory investigation Vol.93 No.6

        <P>Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second leading neurodegenerative disease, and is known to be induced by environmental factors or genetic mutations. Among the verified genetic mutations of PD, Parkin, isolated from the PARK2 locus, shows an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern and is known to be an E3 ligase. However, the physiological target of Parkin and the molecular mechanism of Parkin-deficiency-induced PD have not been clearly demonstrated until now. It has recently been proposed that inflammation, suggesting as a causal factor for PD, is enhanced by Parkin deficiency. Thus, we examined the relationship between inflammation-related factors and Parkin. Here, we provide the evidence that Parkin suppresses inflammation and cytokine-induced cell death by promoting the proteasomal degradation of TRAF2/6 (TNF-α receptor-associated factor 2/6). Overexpression of Parkin can reduce the half-lives of TRAF2 and TRAF6, whereas si-Parkin can extend them. However, mutant Parkins did not alter the expression of TRAF2/6. Thus, loss of Parkin enhances sensitivity to TNF-α- or IL-1β-induced JNK activation and NF-κB activation. Indeed, si-Parkin-induced apoptosis is suppressed by the knockdown of TRAF6 or TRAF2. We also observed elevated expression levels of TRAF6 and a reduction of IκB in an 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced PD mouse model. Moreover, elevated expression levels or aggregation of TRAF6 were detected in approximately half of the human PD tissues (7/15 cases) and 2 cases, respectively. In addition, TRAF6 and Parkin expression levels show a reverse relationship in human PD tissues. Our results strongly suggest that the reduction of Parkin or overexpression of TRAF2/6 by chronic inflammation would be the reason for occurrence of PD.</P>

      • 한의진단명과 진단요건의 표준화 연구 III : 3차년도 연구결과 보고

        최선미,양기상,최승훈,박경모,박종현,심범상,김성우,노석선,이인선,정진홍,이진용,김달래,임형호,김윤범,박성식,송태원,김종우,이승기,최윤정,신순식 한국한의학연구원 1997 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        The diagnostic requirements were suggested and explained regarding the systems of differentiation of symptoms and signs in the third year study of standardization and unification of the terms and conditions used for diagnosis in oriental medicine. The systems were as follows : - analyzing and differentiating of epidemic febrile disease - analyzing and differentiating in accordance with the Sasang constitution medicine based on four-type recognition - differentiation of disease according to pathological changes of Chong and Ren channels - standards for diagnosis of women's disease - standards for diagnosis of children's disease - standards for diagnosis of motor and sensor disturbance (-muscle. born, joint, etc.) - standards for diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disease - standards for diagnosis of five sense organ disease - standards for diagnosis of external disease The indivisual diagnosis pattern was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name, notion of diagnosis pattern, index of differentiation of symptoms and signs, the main point of diagnosis, analysis of diagnosis pattern, discrimination of diagnosis pattern, prognosis, a way of curing a disease, prescription, herbs in common use, disease appearing the diagnosis pattern, documents. The standards for diagnosis of each disease was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name, notion of disease, the main point of diagnosis, analyzing and differentiating of disease, analysis of disease, discrimination of disease, prognosis, a way of curing and prescription of disease, disease in western medicine appearing the disease in oriental medicine, documents.

      • 순차적 크리깅기법을 이용한 미소혼합기의 최적화

        박재용,유진식,황승민,임민규,오영규,김용대,한석영,맹주성 한국공작기계학회 2008 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        An active micro-mixer, which is composed of an oscillating micro-stirrer in the micro-channel to provide effective mixing was optimized. The effects of molecular diffusion and disturbance by the stirrer were considered with regard to two types of mixer models: the simple straight micro-channel and micro-channel with an oscillating stirrer. Two types of mixer models were studied by analyzing mixing behaviors such as their interaction after the stirrer. The mixing was calculated by Lattice Boltzmann methods using the D2Q9 model. In this study, the time-averaged mixing index formula was used to estimate the mixing performance of time-dependent flow. The mixing indices of the two models were compared. From the results, it was found that the mixer with an oscillating stirrer was much more enhanced' and stabilized. Therefore, an approximate optimization of an active micro-mixer with an oscillating stirrer was performed using Kriging method with OLHD (Optimal Latin Hypercube Design) in order to determine the optimal design variables. The design parameters were established as the frequency, the length and the angle of the stirrer. The optimal values were obtained as 1.5754, 0.803D and ±45°, respectively. It was found that the mixing index of the optimal design increased by 83.36% compared with that of the original design.

      • 초산 수용액을 포함한 4성분계에서의 용제회수에 관한 연구

        박동원,장윤식,최성욱,김영일,서진기 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1998 硏究報告 Vol.21 No.1

        Due to the rising cost of energy, new separation processes based on extraction are becoming more attractive than before. Thus, the need for calculating and predicting liquid-liquid equilibria(LLE) compositions has very much increased. The purpose of this study is to determine and describe LLE data for the quaternary system containing acetic acid aqueous solution and solvent at 25℃. We investigated that the selection of the optimum solvent to separate acetic acid from aqueous solution and compared with ternary and quaternary LLE including binary solvent also.

      • 크리깅 기법을 이용한 마이크로 믹서의 최적 설계

        박재용,김상락,이원구,유진식,김용대,한석영,맹주성 한국공작기계학회 2007 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        An active micro-mixer, which was composed of an oscillating micro-stirrer in the microchannel to provide rapid, effective mixing at high flow rates was analyzed. The effects of molecular diffusion and disturbance by the stirrer were considered with regard to two types of mixer models: the simple straight microchannel and microchannel with an oscillating stirrer. Two types of mixer models were studied by analyzing mixing behaviors such as their interactionafter the stirrer. The mixing was calculated by Lattice Boltzmann methods using the D2Q9 model. In this study, the time-averaged mixing index formula was used to estimate the mixing performance of time-dependent flow. The mixing indices of the two models were compared. From the results, it was found that the mixer with an oscillating stirrer was much more enhanced and stabilized. Therefore, an optimum design for a dynamic micro-mixer with an oscillating stirrer was performed using Kriging method in order to obtain a optimum solution. The design parameters were established as the frequency, the length and the angle of the stirrer, and the optimal values were determined to be 2.0932, 0.8D and ± 75°, respectively. It was found that the mixing index of the optimal design increased by 88.47% compared with that of the original design.

      • 해안대수층 지하수흐름의 특성 : 실내 실험연구 LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS

        박남식,김진후,나겐드라 쿠마,홍성훈,김현도 東亞大學校建設技術硏究所 2004 硏究論文集 Vol.28 No.1

        Experiments were conducted using laboratory models to study salt water intrusion phenomena in coastal aquifers. Two models filled with sand were used. The smaller model could produce steady-state cross-sectional flow in a reasonably short time. The bigger model produced a more interesting three-dimensional flow field compare to the smaller one, but it also took much more time to reach steady states and posed difficulties in observing results. A cross-sectional model was used to investigate 'freshwater lens'phenomena. A few pumping scenarios were tested. Contamination of the well with excessive withdrawal was observed. The effectiveness of a scavenger well was studied. The bigger model was used to study the steady-state lateral intrusion problems. Various attempts were made to measure the interface position in the sand.

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