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        국내 역사공원의 지정 및 조성 경향 분석

        길지혜,박희성,박재민,Gil, Ji-Hye,Park, Hee-Soung,Park, Jae-Min 한국조경학회 2016 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.44 No.2

        2005년 도시공원법 개정 이후 국내에는 역사유산의 보전은 물론 도시민의 휴식과 교육을 함께 도모할 수 있는 역사공원이 등장하였다. 이제는 역사공원의 운영 실태를 통해 국내 역사공원의 특성을 알고 그에 따른 제도적 보완을 모색할 때이다. 본 연구는 주요 국가의 역사공원 제도의 특성과 국내 역사공원의 지정 및 조성 경향을 분석하여 역사공원의 기능과 역할을 점검하고 향후 대응 방향을 마련하고자 하였다. 연구는 문헌고찰을 중심으로 하되, 역사공원 현황과 조성 과정을 관계 공무원과 전문가에게 전화 및 이메일로 확인하였다. 연구 결과, 역사자원은 주로 조선시대 유적에 집중되어 있지만 인물, 사건, 장소 등의 유산도 포함되며 근대기 유산도 증가하는 추세를 보였다. 역사공원은 기존도시와 신도시, 대도시와 지방도시 사이에 차이가 있으며 지방도시는 최근 경제 활성화와 정체성 강화를 위한 중요한 자원으로 역사공원을 이용하는 경향을 보였다. 또한, 공원의 종류를 역사공원으로 변경한 경우, 기존 기능과 일부 상충하는 문제가 발생하였다. 국내 역사공원은 역사유산공원, 역사기념공원, 역사주제공원과 역사적공원의 네 가지 유형으로 구분할 수 있었다. 이러한 세부적 유형분류는 향후 역사유산의 보전과 활용을 위한 전략적 토대가 되며 역사공원의 구체적인 운영 방향을 제시하는 기준이 될 수 있다. After the revision of the Urban Park Act in 2005, historical parks emerged in Korea to promote the preservation of historical heritage while also offering recreation and education to ordinary citizens. It is now time to examine the characteristics of domestic historical parks by examining their current operational conditions, and seek appropriate institutional improvements. By studying the characteristics of historical parks in various countries, as well as the trends in the designation and development of domestic historical parks, this study attempts to examine the function and role of historical parks, and seeks a direction for future action. Through its literature review, this study also examines the current state of historical parks through cooperation with relevant public officials and experts. The results of the study show that, despite historical resources being concentrated in sites dating to the Joseon Dynasty, they also include heritage pertaining to persons, events, and places. There is also a trend toward increasing the focus on modern heritage. Historical parks show differences across existing cities and new towns, as well as between major cities and provincial cities. Provincial cities showed a recent trend of using historical parks as important resources for strengthening their economics and solidifying their identities. Also, there are many cases where the designated category for a park is changed to a historical park. In such cases, there may be a problem where certain functions of the park run into conflict. Domestic historical parks can be divided into four categories: heritage parks, memorial parks, historical theme parks, and historic parks. Such detailed classification schemes may serve as the strategic foundation for later conservation and usage of historical heritage, as well as a standard for suggesting concrete direction in the operation of historical parks.

      • KCI등재

        박인환 시의 불안, 죽음 의식과 이를 통한 시쓰기의 문제

        박지은(Park, Ji-Eun) 한국시학회 2018 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.55

        이 연구는 박인환 시에 나타나는 불안과 죽음 의식에 대해 논의한다. 또한 박인환 시에서 나타나는 불안과 죽음 의식이 단순하게 비극적 시대 상황에 처한 지식인의 수동적인 감정이 아니라, 그가 역사를 인식하는 데 보다 근본적인 역할을 하는 중요한 ‘기분’(Stimmung)임을 밝히고자 하였다. 나아가 이 과정을 통해 박인환 시에서 주로 등장하는 모티프들(검은 신, 바람/폭풍, 종말 등)을 해석하고, 박인환 시를 깊이 있게 이해하는 한 지점을 마련하고자 했다. 그의 문학 전반을 관통하고 있는 불안과 죽음 의식은 단순히 한국전쟁이라는 특정한 원인에 국한되는 것이 아니다. 그의 시에서 불안은 오히려 세계 속에 ‘내던져져 있음’(Geworfenheit)에 의한 존재론적 불안에 가깝다. 그는 이러한 존재론적 불안을 ‘바람’(폭풍)의 이미지로 표현하고 있으며, 그에게 인식되는 무의미의 세계는 ‘검은 신’의 이미지로 나타난다. 존재론적인 불안의 문제는 죽음 의식과도 연관된다. 그는 언제나 자신을 삶과 죽음 사이에 위치한 존재로 위치시키는데, 이 때 그에게 죽음은 곧 닥쳐올 어떤 것이면서 동시에 그로 하여금 현재의 삶을 계속 자각하게 하는 것이다. 그에게 죽음을 인식하는 시간은 자신이 처한 현재를 객관적으로 바라보게 하는 ‘순간’이 된다는 것이 그의 죽음 의식의 특징적인 부분이다. 결국 그가 불안과 죽음 의식을 통해 얻게 된 것은 양심으로서의 시쓰기이다. 화자는 불안 속에서 들려진 양심의 부름을 듣고, 그는 본래적인 자기(시인이 되기)를 회복하려는 노력을 계속한다. 이렇게 봤을 때 불안과 죽음에 대한인식은 시인이 시쓰기를 계속할 수 있는 동력이 된다. 즉 박인환의 문학에서 ‘불안’은 단순하게 전쟁으로 인한 수동적인 감정을 표현하는 것이 아니며, 오히려 그의 시작(詩作) 전체를 추동시키는 근본적인 요인으로 기능하였다는 것을 알 수 있다. 박인환은 자신의 문학을 통해 특정한 시대를 뛰어 넘는 진정한 실존의 의미에 대해 질문했다. 또한 불안이라는 감정에 잠식되는 것에서 나아가 자신만의 독특한 죽음 의식과 양심의 문제를 보여주었다. This study discusses Park, In-hwan’s attitude toward death and anxiety as they appear in his poetry. I argue that the anxiety and consciousness of death that appears in Park’s poetry is not simply the passive emotional response of an intellectual facing a tragic era, but is instead an important mood(stimmung) that serves a more fundamental role in Park’s perception of history. Through this process, I interpret some of the main motifs of Park’s work (the black god, wind/storms, finality, and so on), hoping to provide a perspective from which to understand Park’s poetry with greater depth. The source of the anxiety and consciousness of death that permeates Park’s work is not limited simply to the Korean War. The anxiety of his poetry is instead closer to the ontological anxiety of “having-been-thrown” (geworfenheit) into the world. He expresses this ontological anxiety through the image of ‘wind’ (or storms), and he represents a perceived world of meaninglessness in the image of ‘the black god.’ The issue of ontological anxiety is also linked to his consciousness of death. Park consistently locates himself in the space between life and death, so that to him death is both something fast approaching and, at the same time, the thing that repeatedly makes him aware of life. The discerning feature of this consciousness of death is that the moment the poet perceives death is the moment that forces him to see his present objectively. Ultimately what Park achieves through this consciousness of death is a poetry of conscience. From within his anxiety, the speaker hears the call of conscience, and then makes a continued effort to recover his essential self (to become a poet). In this way, anxiety and perception of death become the motivation for the poet to continue writing poetry. In other words, it can be seen that in Park’s work, anxiety is not only the expression of a passive emotional response to war, but in fact functions as the fundamental element that sets his entire poetic process in motion. Park thereby approaches the question of the real meaning of existence, which extends beyond a specific era, in his literary work. In addition, he moves beyond the encroachments of anxiety as an emotion to reveal a unique attitude towards death and the problem of conscience.

      • KCI등재

        도시소공원의 사회체육시설 환경색채 연구

        박혜경(Park, Hey Kyung),오지영(Oh, Ji Young) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2016 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.26 No.-

        본 연구는 도시소공원 색채환경에 관한 연구로서 사회체육시설 영역을 중심으로 서울과 동경사례를 비교, 분석하여 색채환경 차이를 이해하고 시민건강증진을 위한 도시소공원 사회체육시설 색채계획을 수립하기 위한 자료로 활용하고자 한다. 서울과 동경에 위치한 순환선인 2호선과 야마노테선을 중심으로 인근 지하철역에 위치한 도시소공원을 선정, 분광측색기로 환경색채를 측정하였다. 서울 도시소공원 4곳, 동경의 도시소공원 4곳 총 8곳을 직접 방문하여 현장조사를 실시하였으며 도시소공원의 사회체육시설물, 공원시설물, 바닥 포장면으로 구분하여 조사하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 번째 서울과 동경의 도시소공원의 사회체육시설 영역의 환경색채는 전반적으로 Y계열(Y, YR, GY)의 색채의 분포가 높게 나타났다. Y계열 다음으로 서울의 경우 B계열(B, BG, PB), 동경은 R, P계열로 나타나 색상분포가 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 두 번째, 사회체육시설물의 경우, 서울보다 동경이 다양한 색상분포를 보였고, 서울이 명도가 다소 높게 나타나 밝은 색채가 시설물에 적용되었고 동경의 경우 원색에 가까운 고채도의 색채가 적용되고 있었다. 세 번째, 공원시설물 색채는 서울과 동경이 비슷한 명도, 채도값을 나타냈고, 색상분포에서 서울은 Y계열-B계열 순으로 높게 나타나며, 동경은 Y계열-R계열 순으로 높게 나타나고 있다. 바닥포장면의 명도와 채도도 서울과 동경이 비슷하게 나타나지만 색상분포에서 차이를 보였다. 향후, 색채의 생리적, 심리적 반응에 대한 연구결과를 사회체육시설 색채에 적용하는 것이 바람직하다고 사료된다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the color environment of urban small parks. We selected the urban small parks located in the subway stations around the line 2 and the Yamanote line in Seoul and Tokyo, and measured the environmental color with a spectroscopic colorimeter. Four urban parks, four urban parks, four urban parks, four urban parks, and four urban parks in Tokyo, and conducted field surveys. The study was divided into social sports facilities, park facilities and floor paved areas. The results of the study are as follows. The color of Y, YR, and GY colors were high in the environmental color of the first sports facilities in Seoul and Tokyo. In the case of Seoul, B, BG, PB, and Tokyo are R and P series, respectively. econd, in the case of social sports facilities, Tokyo has a different color distribution than Seoul, and Seoul has a somewhat higher brightness, so bright colors have been applied to the facilities. Third, the colors of park facilities showed similar brightness and saturation values in Seoul and Tokyo. In color distribution, Seoul is higher in Y-series and B-series, and Tokyo is higher in Y-series and R-series. The brightness and the saturation of the bottom pavement are similar to those of Seoul and Tokyo. However, the difference in color distribution shows that the color difference of the social facilities of urban small parks in Seoul and Tokyo varies depending on the color distribution rather than brightness and saturation.

      • 12M의 고해상도 360° 카메라를 사용한 주차장의 14면 주차 상태 판단 프로그램

        이영지(Young-Ji Lee),이희열(Hee-Yeol Lee),고태영(Tae-Young Ko),곽동훈(Dong-Hoon Kwak),김재형(Jae-Hyung Kim),김주호(Joo-Ho Kim),오승진,이태윤(Tae-Yoon Lee),박상민(Sang-Min Park),이승호(Seung-Ho Lee) 대한전자공학회 2019 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.6

        In this paper, we propose a program to identify 14 parking status in a parking lot using a high resolution 360° camera of 12M. The proposed program consists of three steps: Match with plane image, parking area detection algorithm, and discrimination of parking using learning method. Tests on a model car to evaluate the program to identify 14 parking status in a parking lot using a high-resolution 360° camera of 12M showed 100% accuracy for both parking and double parking. Therefore, the effectiveness of a program to identify 14 parking status in a parking lot using a high-resolution 360° camera of 12M proposed in this paper has been proved.

      • Development of a Mobile Application, "Wild Flowers of Bukhansan National Park (version 1.0)", for Identification of Plants in Bukhansan National Park

        Kim, Sang-Tae,Lee, Seung-Yeon,Kim, Seung-Chul,Byun, Hye-Won,Lee, Sang-Tae,Kim, Mu-Yeal,Hong, Seok-Pyo,Chung, Young-Jae,Park, Ki-Ryong,Lee, Chung-Hee,Lee, Joong-Ku,Heo, Kyeong-In,Lee, Ji-Ye,Lee, Eun-Je National Science Museum of Korea 2011 Journal of Korean nature Vol.4 No.3

        We developed the educational purpose mobile application, named "Wild Flowers of Bukhansan National Park (version 1.0)", aiming for easy identification of wild flowers for students and visitors in the park. When visitors find a flower or part of plant in the park, visitors can search for its name utilizing the pictures and characters provided in their own smartphone mobile devices or tablet PCs. The application provides pictures of wild flowers in the park and character-based searching system based on 12 diagnostic features (e.g., growth form, leaf arrangement, flower symmetry, petal color, petal number, sepal number, etc). We adopted the complete floristic survey of Chung and Lee (1962) and added species that we confirmed their distribution in the park during the development of this application. In summary, number of vascular plants in this park was estimated to be 428 taxa including 100 families, 280 genera, 327 species, 1 subspecies, 50 varieties, and 5 formas. We provided a total of 588 pictures representing 358 taxa and each taxon includes multiple pictures in many cases. Included identification quizzes can be an efficient educational tool as well as fun activity for students and visitors who are learning plant species in Korea. Our next step will include GPS function in the application for indicating visitor's location and for providing previously reported sites of the species that we interested in the map of the park. The future application which includes GPS function will be a valuable tool for the monitoring of rare plants, plant researches related to the climate changes, etc. We currently provide Korean iPhone version only, and English version and both of android versions will be serviced soon.

      • KCI등재

        한강시민공원의 이용자 활동 특성 분석 및 개선방안 연구

        송지연(Song, Ji-Yeon),박진아(Park, Jin-A) 한국도시설계학회 2013 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        본 연구는 한강시민공원을 이용하는 시민들의 특성 및 이용행태를 분석하고 초기 조성방향과 실질적인 이용행태 간의 차이를 확인하여 향후 공원계획과 관리에 대한 시사점을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 둔다. 대상지별 분석 결과를 정리하면 첫째, 여의도한강공원은 주변 지역에 업무, 상업지구가 분포하고 문화 및 축제 프로그램이 많다는 특성을 가지고 있다. 그러나 이와 상관없이 인근 주민이나 업무, 상업 지구에 종사하는 사람들이 휴식이나 산책, 가벼운 운동 등을 위해 한강시민공원을 일상적으로 이용하는 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 반포한강공원은 주변이 주거지역이라는 특성을 가지고 있으며 한강르네상스 사업으로 시설이 조성되어있다. 그러나 시설 이용을 목적으로 하기보다 자전거 이용 중에 휴식을 취하기 위해 공원을 찾거나 휴식 및 산책 또는 가벼운 운동을 하는 행태가 나타났다. 본 연구는 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 한강시민공원의 실질적인 이용행태를 알 수 있으며 생활권 공원으로서의 한강공원의 활용도가 높았음을 확인하였다는 측면에서 의의를 가질 수 있다. Han-Gang Park, Seoul?s representative and iconic public places is dedicated to the role of the theme park. The purpose of this study is to compared the current user behavior and purpose of the composition in past, and derived the implications for planning and management for Han-Gang Park. The results of analysis target area shows that, firstly, Yeoido Han-Gang Park is surrounded by commercial and business district. That area has the many cultural, festival programs. But, without specific purpose, Yeoido Han-Gang Park has been used for resting or walking, and light exercise. And vicinity residents, office worker, or commercial area worker were using regularly. In case of Banpo, environs have a property of residential area and Banpos ? facilities were made by Han-Gang Renaissance Project. But most people use the park to take a rest in the way riding a bicycle rather than use facilities. On these results, we can recognize the practical usage behavior. And this study has significance that Han-Gang Park appeared to show higher utilization level of the citizens as a neighborhood space.

      • KCI등재

        요대(遼代) 선연(鮮演)에 수용된 법장(法藏)의 화엄사상

        박은영(지현)(Park, Eun-Young (Ven. Ji-Hyun)) 동국대학교 불교문화연구원 2018 佛敎學報 Vol.0 No.85

        중세 동아시아의 화엄사상은 법장에 의해 대성되고, 징관에 의해 혁신을 거듭한다. 당대(唐代)에 확립된 화엄교학은 이후 북송(北宋)에서는 법장의 화엄학이 중시되었던 반면에, 같은 시기에 요대(遼代)에서는 특히 징관의 화엄학이 중점적으로 연구된다. 따라서 요대에는 법장이 큰 연관이 없는 것 같지만 사실은 요대 화엄학 저술인 선연의 『담현결택기』6권속에서 법장의 사상은 충실히 수용되고 있다. 징관의 『대소』와 『연의초』가 법장을 종지로 받들어 지어진 것이고, 『결택기』가 그것의 주석서인 점에서 볼 때, 『결택기』에는 그 자체로 법장의 사상이 녹아들어 있다고 할 수 있다. 실제 『결택기』에 인용된 문헌 중에는 법장의 저술인 『교의분제장』이 가장 많이 인용되었고, 또 다른 저술인 『지귀』, 『탐현기』, 『기신론의기』도 직접 · 간접적으로 인용되었으며, 선연은 매우 빈번하게 ‘현수의 뜻’을 회통하고 있다. 내용적으로는 『현담』 본문의 제1장 「교장소섭(藏敎所攝)」과 제2장 「의리분제(義理分齊)」부분에서 많이 인용되었는데, 특히 일승과 삼승의 불일불이(不一不異), 동교일승 ․ 별교일승, 5교교판과 십현문 등 화엄일승원교의 의리를 밝히는 데 있어 주요쟁점들을 선연이 법장의 사상을 통해 적극 활용하고 있는 것에서 잘 드러난다. 본 논고에서는 『결택기』에 인용된 법장의 저술과 그 구체적인 내용을 중심으로 해서 선연이 법장의 사상에서 무엇을 강조하고 있고, 석성하고 있는 내용은 무엇인지를 중점적으로 살펴서 선연에게 수용된 법장의 화엄사상을 살펴봄으로써 요대 화엄사상속에서 법장 화엄사상의 위상을 파악하고자 한다. Chinese Buddhism and especially Huayan thought flourished in the Liao dynasty 遼(916-1125) and was based on Chinese translations of Buddhist literature made during the Tang dynasty 唐 (618-907). Huayan Jing Tǎnxuan Juezĕ Ji, written by Xianyǎn 鮮演(1040-1118), was one of the later annotations to the Xuant-1 玄談 from the 20 volumes of Dafang’guangfo Huayan Jing Shu 大方廣佛華嚴經疏 and the 40 volumes of Suishuyanyi Chao 隨疏演義鈔, which was widely known as a distinctive commentary on the 80 volumes of the Avataṃsaka sutra written by Qingliang Chengguan 淸涼 澄觀 (738-839). Juezĕ Ji was annotated for Xuantan 玄談 in a very clear and accurate tone, as the way in which Xianyǎn’s opinions were absorbed in the writing of Chengguan did not include notes or as water permeating into any objects. We are able to see that Juezĕ Ji was annotated in Xianyǎn’s own unique way, which made Chengguan’s writings clear and obvious. Additionally, Juezĕ Ji frequently quoted classic literature, Fa-Tsang 法藏 (643-712) wrote and the number of quotes ranged from twos to score every fascicle. Thus, it can be said that the same way as Xianyǎn was absorbed in Chengguan’s writing, the essence of the Huayan thought of Fa-Tsang was accepted by Xianyǎn from the Liao period in Juezĕ Ji.

      • KCI등재

        가감청영탕(加減淸營湯)에 효과를 보인 열성 아토피 피부염 환자 6례 증례 보고

        서지혜,정창환,박선정,임소영,한수련,Seo, Ji-Hye,Jung, Chang?Hwan,Park, Seon-Jeong,Lim, So-Young,Han, Su-Ryun 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2014 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        Objective : The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Gagamchengyoung-tang($Ji\bar{a}ji\check{a}nq\bar{i}ngy\acute{i}ng-t\bar{a}ng$) for atopic dermatitis patients diagnosed as the febrile tendency. Method : This case study was done on 6 atopic patients with febrile tendency who have visited Korean Medicine Clinic from 2013.08.01. to 2014.04.30.. Gagamchengyoung-tang($Ji\bar{a}ji\check{a}nq\bar{i}ngy\acute{i}ng-t\bar{a}ng$) was prescribed to all 6 patients and evaluated the symptom change through photographs and questionnaire. Objective SCORAD Index(OSI) was used to evaluate the objective symptom and VAS was used to evaluate the subjective change. Results & Conclusion : The Objective SCORAD index and VAS were decreased in all patients. The average OSI reduction score was 26.3. Most symptoms of 6 patients were improved. Gagamchengyoung-tang ($Ji\bar{a}ji\check{a}nq\bar{i}ngy\acute{i}ng-t\bar{a}ng$) can be effective in patients who were diagnosed as febrile tendency.

      • KCI등재

        커뮤니티공간으로서의 어린이공원 조성에 관한 연구

        김연금,김성주,박환지,유다희,최성용,홍승모,Kim, Yun-Geum,Kim, Seong-Joo,Park, Hwan-Ji,Yu, Da-Hee,Choi, Sung-Young,Hong, Seung-Mo 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.6

        This study deals with the participatory design process of renovating a children's park. The process should proceed with two major elements. Firstly, the children's park should be designed from the perspective of children. Secondly, it should be designed in consideration of the context of the community. This study is divided into two parts. First is the review of theory concerning the meaning and roles of the children's park as a community space, the importance of children's participation in the design and the participatory method of the children. The second is the case study. The site for the case study is Ssial Park in Nowon-Gu, Seoul. The entire process of the case study is with community participation, from identifying the park's problems to the actual construction. At every step, through the participatory programs, the community participates in the decision making. In addition, mutual understanding among participants is pursued through diverse means of communication. The following results of the case study were found. Firstly, diverse participatory programs and the active trial to enable the community to communicate contribute to the sense of ownership and responsibility concerning the park Secondly, the community can negotiate the differences in opinions without needing the help of experts. Of course, there are limits in the case study, such as the fact that the community organization, which is the core of communication and maintenance concerning the park, is not organized through the process of a case study. Another is that more diverse methods, which inform all community members of the participatory process, should have been used.

      • KCI등재

        2014년 영천시의 한 물놀이장에서 유행한 피부 질환 역학조사

        박지혁 ( Ji Hyuk Park ),임현술 ( Hyun Sul Lim ),이관 ( Kwan Lee ),하경임 ( Gyoung Yim Ha ),정태선 ( Taesun Jeong ) 대한보건협회 2015 대한보건연구 Vol.41 No.2

        Objective: An outbreak of skin rash illness was reported from people who had been to a water park located in Yeongcheon-si. Epidemiologic investigation was performed to elucidate the cause of this outbreak and to prevent a recurrence. Methods: Medical records of clinics and hospitals in Yeongcheon-si were reviewed to find cases of skin rash illness. The manager of the water park was interviewed, and the collected water samples were analyzed and tested for bacterial culture. Results: Seventy-one cases, consisted of 42 men (59.2%) and 29 women (40.8%), were experienced skin rash illness. Most of the cases (98.6%) were children under 20 years and all cases went to the water park. A swimming pool for adults used underground and lake water, and residual chlorine was not detected. The water samples were positive for various bacteria, including Aeromonas sobria and Pseudomonas putida. Conclusion: This outbreak was linked to the contaminated water of swimming pools. The water park was reopened after appropriate chlorine disinfection, and another outbreak was not reported until late 2014. Chlorine disinfection of water in swimming pools should be conducted, and enhanced chlorine monitoring is needed.

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