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        표암 강세황 가(家) 관련 필첩(筆帖) 자료 탈초·번역 및 해제(1) - 『가서첩(家書帖)』을 중심으로

        정은진 ( Jeoung Eun-jin ) 우리한문학회 2021 漢文學報 Vol.44 No.-

        豹菴 姜世晃의 저작 『표암유고』가 필사본으로 현전하고 있지만, 이곳에 수록되지 못한 시와 산문들이 많다. 본 연구는 이러한 표암의 자료적 성격을 고려하여, 후손 강구수가 수집한 표암 관련 필첩 『家書帖』을 탈초·번역하고 해제하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 『가서첩』은 표암의 高孫 강구수가 만든 것으로, 그는 발문에서 표암의 유묵들이 사라지는 것이 안타깝다고 밝히고는 총 14편의 시문을 수록하였다. 그러나 실제 필첩을 살펴본 결과 『가서첩』의 앞부분에 배치된 7편만 강세황의 작품이고 나머지는 7편은 강구수의 부친 對山 姜溍의 작품이었다. 하지만 분량 면에 있어서는 강세황이 작품이 강진의 작품보다 훨씬 많았다. 『가서첩』의 내용을 분석해보면 강세황의 작품은 수서 1편과 간찰 6편이고, 강진의 작품은 간찰 2편, 간찰과 한시 혼합 1편, 한시 4편이었다. 이에 3장에서 강세황과 강진의 작품으로 나누고, 강세황 작품은 다시 수서와 간찰로, 강진의 작품은 한시와 간찰로 나누어 해제를 작성하였다. 강세황의 수서는 1754년 장모의 회갑을 맞이해서 쓴 것으로, 청장년기 강세황의 문학 인식 및 글쓰기 양상, 문학과 회화 양식간의 상호 연관성을 탐색해볼 수 있는 자료였다. 이 외 그의 간찰에는 집안의 負債로 고민하는 모습, 자식을 위해 장을 만들어 보내고자 하는 모습, 자식들의 병마를 염려하며 직접 약을 조제하는 모습, 지인의 부탁으로 장악원 악공을 위해 자리를 주선하는 모습, 벼슬살이로 바쁜 모습 등 생활인 강세황의 모습이 잘 부각되어 있었다. 강진의 한시 자료는 1842년과 1843년 풍양 조씨 인물들과 떠난 금강산 여행 관련 기록과 검서관으로 재직하면서 지은 시로 구분된다. 금강산 여행 관련 한시는 『대산집』에도 수록되어 있고, 검서관으로 재직하면서 지은 5수는 『대산집』에 누락되어 있다. 이 한시에는 강진과 趙萬永·趙寅永·趙秉鉉과의 世交와 知遇, 검서관의 업무와 관련한 강진의 모습은 물론, 청아하면서도 감각적으로 써내려간 강진의 시적 면모가 잘 드러난다. 간찰의 경우는 강진의 중요 산문 작품이다. 검서관으로 출사하기 이전의 일상적 모습과 금강산 여행을 떠날 때의 설렘 등이 표현되고 있어, 한시로만 엮은 『대산집』을 보완해주는 기능을 하고 있다. Currently, Pyoam Yugo, the author of Kang Sehwang(1713-1791), is transcribed as a manuscript, but there are many poems and prose that are not included here. In consideration of the material characteristics of this Pyoam, the purpose of this study is to change the 草書(the very cursive style of writing Chinese characters) into (the correct form of a character), 正字translate, and give a bibliographical explanation of the pyoam-related album, which was collected by descendant Kang Gusoo. The Gaseocheob was made by Pyoam’s grandson, Kang Gusoo, and he collected a total of 14 poems and prose after saying in the postscript that it was regrettable that the relics of Pyoam were disappeared. However, according to the actual handwriting, only seven of them were produced by Kang Sehwang, and the other seven were by Kang Gusoo’s father, Daeshan Kang Jin. In terms of volume, however, Kang Sehwang had far more works than Kang Jin’s. According to the analysis of the contents of Gaseocheob, Kang Sehwang’s works were 1 Suseo(congratulations on longevity) and 6 Letters, while Gang Jin’s works were 2 letters, 1 poem mixed with letter, and 4 poems. In Chapter 3, Kang Sehwang and Kang Jin’s works were divided into Suseo and letters, and Kang Jin’s works were divided into Chinese poems and letters. Kang Sehwang’s Suseo was written in 1754 for his mother-in-law’s 60th birthday. It was a material to explore the interrelationship between literature and writing patterns, literature and painting styles of Kang Sehwang in the early youth. The letter depicts Kang Sehwang, who was worried about his family’s debt, wanted to make soy sauce for his children, prepared his own medicine for his children’s illness, arranged a seat for a master of music at the request of an acquaintance, and was busy with government posts. The materials of Kang Jin’s poems are divided into records related to the travel with the Pungyang Cho family in 1842 and 1843, and poems written while serving as a book inspector. Poems related to tours to Kumgangsan are also included in Daesanjib, and five poems written while serving as a book inspector are omitted from Daesanjib. In this poem, the exchanges and special relationships with Kang Jin, Cho Man-young, Jo Inyoung, and Cho Byunghyun, the image of Kang Jin as a book inspector, and the poetic aspect of Kang Jin, which is described as clean and sensuous, are well revealed. The letter is an important prose work of Kang Jin. The daily appearance of his career as a book inspector and the excitement of going on a trip to Kumgangsan are expressed, complementing the Daesanjib which is composed only of Chinese poems.

      • KCI등재

        만요(漫謠)의 선행연구와 특징

        전은진(Eun-jin, Jeon) 한국문화융합학회 2021 문화와 융합 Vol.43 No.5

        This paper supplements and modifies the conceptual characteristics of previous research on Manyo in “A Study on the Musical Characteristics and Reinterpreted Works of Manyo during the Japanese Colonial Period. Manyo’s previous research began when Kim Chang-nam and Cho Dong-il, and Zhang Eu-jeong started full-scale research. Through his doctoral thesis, several books, and academic papers, he focused on the appearance of the 1930s, the characteristics of lyrics, and the status of Manyo. Later, Lee Dong-soon and Park Ae-kyung focused on the appearance and lyrics of the time, while Lee Eun-jin, Lee So-young, and Jeon Eun-jin also studied the musical characteristics along with the lyrics. Since 2017, we have identified recent Manyo . For the conceptual characteristics of Manyo, the concepts were divided into the definition of Manyo, the etymology of Manyo, and the transition of Manyo and the concepts were then organized through previousresearch and basic historical data. With the missing parts and additional data from the existing study, we were able to reorganize the previous research and conceptual features of Manyo.

      • KCI등재

        Conceptual Study for Tissue-Regenerative Biodegradable Magnesium Implant Integrated with Nitric Oxide-Releasing Nanofi bers

        Jin‑Kyung Jeon,Hyunseon Seo,Jimin Park,Soo Ji Son,Yeong Rim Kim,Eun Shil Kim,Jong Woong Park,Woong‑Gyo Jung,Hojeong Jeon,Yu‑Chan Kim,Hyun‑Kwang Seok,Jae Ho Shin,Myoung‑Ryul Ok 대한금속·재료학회 2019 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.25 No.4

        The excessive initial corrosion rate of Mg is a critical limitation in the clinical application of biodegradable Mg implantsbecause the device loses its fi xation strength before the fractured bone heals. This study suggests a new approach to overcomethis hurdle by accelerating tissue regeneration instead of delaying the implant biodegradation. As angiogenesis is anessential process in early bone regeneration, a Mg implant coated with electrospun nanofi bers containing nitric oxide (NO),which physiologically promotes angiogenesis, is designed. The integrated device enables adjustable amounts of NO to bestored on the NO donor-conjugated nanofi ber coating, stably delivered, and released to the fractured bone tissue near theimplanted sites. An in vitro corrosion test reveals no adverse eff ect of the released NO on the corrosion behavior of the Mgimplant. Simultaneously, the optimal concentration level of NO released from the implant signifi cantly enhances tube networkformation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells without any cytotoxicity problem. This indicates that angiogenesis canbe accelerated by combining NO-releasing nanofi bers with a Mg implant. With its proven feasibility, the proposed approachcould be a novel solution for the initial stability problem of biodegradable Mg implants, leading to successful bone fi xation.

      • KCI등재

        중・장년기 말더듬 성인의 삶의 경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구

        김진훈,황지은,이은주 이화여자대학교 특수교육연구소 2024 특수교육 Vol.23 No.2

        Purpose: To understand life experiences of middle-aged adults who stutter and to explore diverse meanings within their stuttering experience. Method: Three middle-aged adults with stuttering issue were enrolled to conduct depth interviews. Collected qualitative data were analyzed according to narrative inquiry method, the “three-dimensional narrative inquiry spaces” and the “four directionality” to examine and understand the meaning of participants’ life experiences. The researcher repeatedly read the depth interview transcripts and tried to understand narratives of participants’ experiences. Results: As a result of constructing themes based on life stories and experiences related to stuttering of each research participant, semantic themes of stories emerged. such as “unquenchable thirst” by [Gi Eun-hee], “another minority” by [Na Young-gyu], and “Be myself: the way I live my life” by [Kim Jang-woo]. As a result of constructing themes by weaving together stories that were common to participants’ experiences of stuttering, semantic themes were emerged, such as “This is who I am now”, “A choice to survive”, “Me as a parent” and “I hope you do what you want, which I couldn’t do”. Conclusion: Based on findings of this study, clinical support for people who stutter is discussed, suggesting that therapeutic alliance between the speech-language pathologist and the person who stutters, cognitive behavior therapy(CBT), and provision of adequate counselling and information are needed. 연구목적: 본 연구는 말을 더듬는 중・장년기 성인의 삶의 경험을 이해하고 말더듬 경험 속 다양한 의미를 탐구하고자 하였다. 연구방법: 말을 더듬는 중・장년기 성인 3명을 참여자로 하여 심충면담을 실시하였다. 이들의 삶의 경험을 내러티브의 3차원적 탐구 공간과 4가지 방향성을 통해 알아봄으로써 각 개인이 지닌 말더듬 경험 속 다양한 의미를 더욱 심도 있게 살피고자 하였다. 연구결과: 개인 내 분석 결과, [기은희]는 ‘채워지지 않는 갈증’으로, [나영규]는 ‘또 다른 소수자’로, [김장우]는 ‘있는 그대로의 나’로 이야기의 의미주제가 도출되었다. 또한 개인 간 분석 결과, ‘지금 나는 이러해’, ‘살아가기 위한 선택’, ‘부모로서의 나’, ‘나는 그러지 못했지만, 너희는 그러했으면 해’로 이야기의 의미주제가 도출되었다. 결론: 연구결과를 토대로 말을 더듬는 사람들을 위한 임상적 지원방안에 대해 논의하고, 언어치료사와 대상자 간 치료 동맹, 인지행동치료(CBT), 충분한 상담과 정보 제공 등을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 아동의 지적수준에 따른 정신병리와 실행기능의 차이

        천은진,서완석,이종범,김진성,구본훈,송창진,성형모,배준용,배대석 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.4

        To investigate psychopathoIogy and executive functions of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children according to intelligence level, this study included 197 ADHD children who visited the outpatient department of neuropsychiatry of YeungNam University Medical Center, from July 2000 to June 2002. The children were divided into groups based on their intelligence levels. They were compared by the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC), Conncers' Continuous Performence Test (CPT), and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). There were significant differences in PIC, on the subscales of verbal development, socialization and autism. In the CPT, there was no significant difference. In the WCST, there were significant differences in the total number of errors, the number of perseverative errors, the number of completed categories and the number of trials needed to complete the first category. Considering these results, the intelligence level of ADHD children is related to their disabilities and behavioral symptoms.Executive functions such as abstract thinking, categorization, working memory and flexibility had significant relationship to the intelligence levels of ADHD children. Therefore, the intelligence level of children with ADHD influences the higher executive functions of regulating attention and information processing rather than attentional functions and capacity alone.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지역4-H조직의 내적 적합성에 관한 문화기술적 연구

        김진모,김진군,전영욱,이정은,최영창,이은영 한국농업교육학회 2008 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.40 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 지역4-H조직의 내적 적합성을 탐색하고 이를 기술하는데 있었다. 2006년 8월부터 10월까지 약 3개월 동안 지역4-H후원회 회장 및 임원진 3명, 지역4-H연맹 회장 1명, 학교4-H 지도교사 4명, 지역의 영농4-H회장 1명, 시·군 농업기술센터 소장 및 4-H담당자 9명을 주요 연구 참가자로 하여 심층면담을 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 수집한 자료를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 지역4-H조직 관련자들이 인식하는 지역4-H조직의 주요성과 격차로, ① 민간4-H조직을 중심으로 한 자율적이고 독립적인 활동 부재, ② 지역4-H조직 간 다양한 종류의 협력 부재, ③ 지역사회에서 4-H활동에 대한 가치 인식 부족이 나타났다. 둘째, 지역4-H조직의 핵심 과업으로 ① 4-H의 가치 및 이념에 부합하고, 지역의 실정에 맞는 프로그램 확보, ② 지역4-H 조직 간 협력적 네트워크 확립, ③ 4-H에 대한 지역사회의 관심 및 지지 확보가 나타났다. 셋째, 지역4-H조직의 내적 부적합성으로는 ① 인원 확보의 어려움과 핵심과업에 대한 전문성 결여, ② 관료화되고 경직된 낡은 문화, ③ 조직적 자원의 축소 및 조직 간 낮은 네트워크의 수준이 도출되었다. The purpose of this study was to describe and understand internal fit in Local 4-H Organization. The main participants of this study were one leader and two members of Local 4-H Society for the support, one leader of Local 4-H Association, four School 4-H teacher, one leader of Local farm 4-H, 9 local agricultural extension workers. The data were collected through in-depth interview with them from August, 2006 to October, 2006. The Results from this study were as follow: 1. Key performance gaps of local 4-H organizations were identified: ① lack of local 4-H based activities, ② lack of various types of partnership between local 4-H organizations, ③ lack of understanding value of 4-H activities in the communities. 2. Key tasks of local 4-H organizations were identified: ① developing local 4-H programs based on 4-H's values and ideas, ② establishing the cooperative networks among local 4-H organizations, ③ ensuring the interest and support about 4-H in the communities. 3. Internal misalignments of local 4-H organizations were identified: ① difference of recruitment and lack of expertise, ② bureaucratic and rigid cultures, ③ decrease in organizational support and low level of network among organizations.

      • KCI등재

        이압요법이 병원여성근로자의 월경곤란증에 미치는 효과

        오은주,장옥점,정현자,이혜진,김은정 병원간호사회 2008 임상간호연구 Vol.14 No.1

        Purpose: This study was done to provide support material to traditional nursing interventions through investigation of the effect of Auricular acupressure therapy for female staff in the hospital who have dysmenorrhea but cannot be absent from work even with severe symptoms affecting their work and therefore cannot get proper pain management. Method: The participants in this study were 62 women were working in the G-university hospital in Jin-ju, assigned to experimental (30) and 32 control groups (32). The study method was a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design. The experimental group received acupressure treatment (a pin was attached to tape) on the special stimulation points in the inside of the ear, 5 times for 5 seconds, morning, afternoon, and night. Tape without the pressure pin was applied to the same points for women in the control group to evaluate placebo effect. Data were collected from May to November 2007 and were analyzed using SPSS PC+ 12 version. Descriptive statistics, t-test, x2 -test, Fisher's exact test, paired t-test, were used to analyze the data. Results: The experimental group showed a significant decrease in dysmenorrhea compared to the control group (t=-2.743, p<.01). In the sub-part, the experimental group showed menstruation related pain (t=-3.726, p<.01), menstruation related to behavioral change (t=-2.421, p<.05) and symptoms however, there was no significant difference related to attention deficit, water retention, and negative image. Conclusion: Application of auricular acupressure therapy was approved for this study and although auricular acupressure therapy was not effective for all of the symptoms, it was effective for dysmenorrhea.

      • KCI등재

        식민지기 관북 출신 시인들의 방언 의식과 시적 언어의 향방

        강은진(Kang, Eun-Jin) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.45

        1930년대의 표준어 담론은 국어학계를 중심으로 한 어문운동으로 전개되었고, 어문운동의 실천적 방편으로 문학작품 창작의 표준어 사용 문제가 부각되었다. 삼천리가 1940년 총 4회에 걸쳐 게재한 ‘향토문화 좌담회’는 이러한 배경에서 등장했다. 이 좌담회의 관북지역 편에서는 김기림, 김광섭, 이용악 등 시인들 대부분이 공통적으로 미학적 열등함과 소통의 장애 때문에 이를 시에 사용하는 것을 몹시 꺼리고 있음이 드러난다. 그런데 방언과 관련한 이 세 시인의 시적 언어는 각기 다른 방향으로 전개된다. 모더니티를 ‘문명의 아들’로 간주했던 김기림에게 방언은 지역의 언어이자 과거의 언어였다. 따라서 그는 방언을 극복하고 외래어, 신조어, 관념어 등을 시적 언어로 채용함으로써 신문명의 상징으로서의 언어적 모더니티를 구현하고자 했던 것이다. 그러나 그의 시에는 방언을 민족의 언어이자 강한 활력을 지닌 언어로 인식하는 복합적 태도도 분명히 존재한다. 김광섭은 매우 철저하게 방언과 지방색을 탈각하고 세련된 서울말로 시를 창작했다. 그는 ‘지방’이라는 단어를 그의 정신에서 지워냈고, 시의 언어에서도 지역성과 방언을 거의 완벽에 가깝도록 소거해버렸다. 이러한 강박적 시작업에는 서구 상징주의를 흠모했던 그의 문학적 편력도 크게 작용했다. 그의 시의 언어는 고립된 달팽이가 은으로 된 실을 짜내듯 고결하고 신비로운 작업으로 그려진다. 반면 이용악은 북방 정서를 서울말을 근간으로 시에 담아냈다. ‘중앙’과 ‘지방’이라는 지역 표상은 ‘표준어’와 ‘방언’이라는 언어 표상으로 확대되고, 여기에 계급적 성격이 부가되면서 방언은 슬픔의 언어가 된다.『전라도 가시내』는 삶의 중앙에서 밀려난 ‘지방’ 사람들의 고난과 슬픔이 녹아 있는 시이다. 북간도에서 만난 함경도 사내와 전라도 가시내는 삶의 주변부의 언어로 서로를 위로한다. 이 때 매개가 되는 것이 바로 방언이다. 이용악은 사용층의 감성을 뜨겁게 감싸는 방언의 정서적 기능에 깊이 고무되어 있었던 것이다. The issue of standard language in the 1930s arose from a literary movement that developed around the Korean linguistics. Then, the standard language of literature emerged as a practical means of this literary movement. A series of ‘Roundtable Discussion on Folk Culture’ that Samchully posted four times appeared in this context. This discussion is divided whole Korea into Kwan-Soe, Ki-Ho, Yong-Nam, Yong-Dong, Kwan-Buk. It showed awareness of the local native dialect writers. Especially poets in the area of Kwan-Buk such as Kim, Ki-Rim, Kim Kwang-Seoup, Lee, Yong -Ak most commonly reveals that it is very reluctant to use dialects in their poem. It was because of aesthetic inferiority and communication disorders. In connection with the dialect, the poetic language of each of these three poets are deployed in a different direction. To Kim, Ki-Rim Modernity was considered to be a “son of civilizations”, so dialect was the language of the past and local. Therefore he used a foreign words, neologism, such as conceptual words sought to implement a symbol of poetic language as a linguistic modernity of the new civilization. Kim, Kwang-Seop wrote a poem words to eliminate dialect and locality thoroughly. His literary tastes adore the Western symbolism had a huge impact on this work. He portrayed language of poetry as virtuous and beautiful feature. It seemed like an isolated snail weaved beautiful silver strings. On the other hand Lee, Yong-Ak wrote a poem containing the Northern sentiment in standard language. Hometown was the alienated ‘country’ from the center and local people including himself were ‘rural people’ to wander here and there. Regional representation of ‘central’ and ‘local’ were extended to language representation of ‘standard language’ and ‘dialect’. The class consciousness was added to those concept, dialect became the language of grief. Lee was deeply encouraged by the emotional function of the dialect to comfort the local people.

      • KCI등재

        외과적 노출술을 이용한 매복된 하악 제 1 대구치의 자발적 맹출 유도

        김은정,김난진,조호진,김현정,김영진,남순현 大韓小兒齒科學會 2004 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.31 No.4

        하악 제 1대구치 매복의 발생 빈도는 전체 인구의 0.01%로 드물게 나타난다. 매복의 원인으로는 맹출 공간의 부족, 과잉치, 치성 종양이나 낭과 같은 맹출로상의 장애물, 유전적 요인, 내분비 질환, 외상 등이 있다. 하악 제 1대구치의 매복으로 인해 하안면 고경의 감소, 낭의 형성, 치관 주위염, 인접치의 치근 흡수, 부정 교합 등의 부작용이 생길 수 있으며, 치료 방법으로는 외과적 노출술, 교정적 견인, 외과적 재위치술, 발거 등이 있다. 다음의 두 증례는 하악 제 1대구치의 미맹출을 주소로 내원한 환아에게 외과적 노출술을 시행하여 원심 경사 매복된 하악 제 1대구치의 자발적 맹출을 유도한 증례들이다. Impaction of mandibular first molar is relatively rare and its overall frequency has been reported to be 0.01%. The etiology of impaction are lack of eruption space, physical obstacles such as supernumerary teeth, odontomas or odontogenic tumors, hereditary factors, functional disturbances of endocrine glands and traumas. Impaction of mandibular first molar can result in a short lower facial height, formation of a follicular cyst, pericoronal inflammation, resorption of the roots of neighboring teeth and malocclusion. The treatment options available for impacted teeth include surgical exposure, orthodontic forced eruption, surgical repositioning and surgical removal of unerupted molar. This report presents two cases of distally tilted and impacted mandibular first molars which were treated by surgical exposure. In these cases, we could observe spontaneous eruption of the impacted mandibular first molars after surgical exposure.

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