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        우리나라 범죄보도의 문제점

        이근우 가천대학교 법학연구소 2012 가천법학 Vol.5 No.3

        범죄보도의 순기능과 역기능에 대해서는 여러 견해가 존재한다. 이 글에서는 범죄보도가 선정주의로 흐를수록 범죄피해자의 2차 피해를 유발․확대시키며, 범죄보도가 유사 범죄를 직접적으로 유발하는 계기가 되는 것은 아닌가 하는 역기능의 문제를 중심적으로 다루고자 한다. 우리나라의 범죄보도의 문제점은 아주 오래 전부터 지적되어 왔고, 그 대책도 제시되어 왔지만 별로 달라지는 것이 보이지 않는다. 뉴스의 기사가치는 사건 자체의 경중, 의미 보다는 ‘뉴스로서 팔리는가’ 즉 상품성에 좌우되며, 미디어 기업은 이를 이용하여 뉴스 소비자를 자극할 수 있는 정보의 노출을 통해 수익을 얻게 되는데, 극단적으로 말하면 이는 자신의 수익을 위해 피해자를 팔아버리는 것이나 다름 없는 행태로서 비판받아 마땅하다.고리타분한 이야기 같지만, 우리 형법이론은 기본적으로 전제하고 있는‘합리적 인간’이 아닌 어떤 범죄자들은 어떤 작은 계기- 이 경우에는 범죄보도-가 방아쇠가 되어 그나마 억제되던 범죄실현 충동을 제어불능 상태로 만들어버리는 것은 아닐까? 만약 이것이 실증적 연구를 통해 뒷받침될 수 있다면, 우리 미디어의 과도한 범죄보도는 또다른 범죄성을 지닌다고 할 수 있다. 주로 상상에 기반한 (아동)포르노가, 영화가, 소설이 범죄를 유발한다면, 현실의 범죄에 기반한 세밀하고 상세한 범죄묘사를 주된 요소로 하는 우리 미디어의 범죄보도가 범죄유발력이 없다고 할 수 있을까? 오늘날 우리나라 미디어의 범죄보도 태도는 그 자체로서 범죄학적 연구의 대상이 되어야할 필요가 있다. It is controversial about crime report on media. This article focused on adverse effect of crime report on mass media which prompted secondary victims and similar crimes. The problems of crime report in the press (or media) are existed since a very long time, and called for the countermeasures, but these solved anything. (It is not efficiency) The values of news are depended not on the importance of event, but on‘able to be marketed’. This is blamable because these behaviors are caused the second victims or similar crimes. It might be any reports of crimes urge to explode the real crime like a trigger? If this effect of crime report is based on empirical study, it can be said the excessive crime reports of mass media are criminality. If it is said that (child) pornography, movies, novels are caused the crimes, crime reports of mass media which has detailed description of real crime caused crimes,too. Therefore, behavior of media’s crime report itself is an object of criminology.

      • KCI등재

        A Study for Statistical Criterion in Negative Association Rules Using Boolean Analyzer

        이근우,박희창 한국데이터정보과학회 2008 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Association rule mining searches for interesting relationships among items in a given database. Association rules are frequently used by retail stores to assist in marketing, advertising, floor placement, and inventory control. There are three primary quality measures for association rule, support and confidence and lift. Association rule is an interesting rule among purchased items in transaction, but the negative association rule is an interesting rule that includes items which are not purchased. Boolean Analyzer is the method to produce the negative association rule using PIM. But, PIM is subjective. In this paper, we present statistical objective criterion in negative association rules using Boolean Analyzer.

      • KCI등재

        Application of k-means Clustering for Association Rule Using Measure of Association

        이근우,박희창 한국데이터정보과학회 2008 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        An association rule mining finds the relation among each items in massive volume database. In generating association rules, the researcher specifies the measurements randomly such as support, confidence and lift, and produces the rules. The rule is not produced if it is not suitable to the one any condition which is given value. For example, in case of a little small one than the value which a confidence value is specified but a support and lift's value is very high, this rule is meaningful rule. But association rule mining can not produce the meaningful rules in this case because it is not suitable to a given condition. Consequently, we creat insignificant error which is not selected to the meaningful rules. In this paper, we suggest clustering technique to association rule measures for finding effective association rules using measure of association.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 소프트웨어 콤포넌트를 이용한 금융 모형 베이스 구축에 관한 연구

        이근우,허순영 한국경영과학회 2002 한국경영과학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2002-A No.-

        As financial markets are volatile and rapidly change, decision support systems (DSS) comprising the financial products (considered as models) and pricing algorithms (considered as solvers) are increasingly adopted to support precise evaluation and risk assessment in the portfolios To effectively use the financial DSS, the trader should be able to know which algorithms are applicable to a specific product and to match flexibly the product with appropriate algorithms depending on the product purposes. Moreover, since the products and algorithms are continually being created or modified, the financial DSS should be adaptable to the changed products and algorithms. This paper proposes model-base construction mechanisms in a financial DSS using the software component technology. By encapsulating each of the models and solvers as a software component, the model-base allows a new model or solver to be plugged into the financial DSS at runtime. Also, changes of a component can be made to the financial DSS with little or no effect on the remaining components.

      • KCI등재

        경찰의 형사정책 현안과 연구과제

        이근우 한국형사정책학회 2023 刑事政策 Vol.35 No.3

        이 글은 “형사정책학과 국가정책으로서의 형사정책”이라는 대주제로 2023. 10. 6. 연세대학교에서 개최된 한국형사정책학회와 한국형사법무정책연구원의 추계공동학술대회에서 같은 제목으로 발제하였던 것을 가다듬은 것으로 엄밀한 분석의 결과물이라기보다는 ‘경찰의 형사정책’이 제대로 동작하기 위한 전제가 되는 자체적, 외부적 제도의 변화를 주장하는 제안에 가까운 글로서 형사정책에서 경찰의 기능 확대에 대한 이런저런 두서없는 고민을 담고 있다. 글의 순서와는 조금 다르지만, ‘형사정책에서 경찰의 역할 혹은 지위’를 먼저 생각했다. 형사사법의 좁은 관점에서는 범죄 확인, 범인발견, 증거수집을 포함하는 (초기) 범죄수사의 주체로서만 등장하지만, 넓은 의미의 형사정책에서는 경찰은 형사사법 단계 이전의 여러 국면에서 다양한 역할을 수행해야 할, 할 수밖에 없는 (능동적) 주체로서 기능해야 하기 때문이다. 이는 경찰 자체의 역할과도 관련되어 있다. 경찰은 소방과 함께 민생 현장에 가장 가까이 있는 국가조직이라는 점에서 국민들의 체감적인 기대, 그리고 그에 비례하는 불만이 큰 조직이라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 불만을 가지는 국민이라도 그의 일상에서 경찰이 제공하는 서비스의 혜택을 받고 있음을 부정하기는 힘들 것이다. 경찰이 수행한 연구의 상당수는 방대한 구성원, 조직의 효율적 관리를 위한 행정, 경영학적 접근이고, 형사정책적 관심이 주로 투영된 연구는 많지 않았다. 형사정책적 연구에서도 이 분야의 주된 정부부처가 다른 중앙 부처이고, 그 집행 과정에서 유형력의 행사가 필요한 경우 경찰이 동원되는 방식이나 보니, 그 체계적 정합, 보완을 위한 연구가 주로 눈에 띄었다. 이를 분석하면서 비형사적 경찰활동에 대한 입법적 구체화, 세밀화 과정이 부족하다는 결론에 도달했고, 그래서 이 연구의 후반부는 다소 시론적으로 경찰관 직무집행법 등 효과적 경찰 개입을 위한 법제도적 개선점과 다소 미래적일 수는 있지만, 지역 중심 기반의 치안이 기능할 수 있도록 치안법원의 설치, 그리고 그 효과적 개입의 도구로서 경범죄처벌법의 전면개정을 통하여 지금까지 본격적 연구에서 다소 벗어나 있던 ‘구류’형의 활성화 방안에 대해 다소 대담한 혹은 무모한 제안을 드렸다. This article was written as a seminar presentation at the Korean Society of Criminology in the fall of 2023. The topic given to me was ‘Police criminal policy issues and research tasks.’ Basically, it was planned to analyze the police's criminal policy research trends and find prospects there, but a significant portion of the research was on the police's organizational management, and only a few were full-fledged criminal policy topics. Therefore, we inevitably changed the direction of the study and focused on the role played by the police in the implementation of social policy, which corresponds to criminal policy in a broad sense. In the actual implementation of numerous policies such as school violence, domestic violence, and animal protection of other government agencies, the police are responsible for the initial physical response and are responsible for the investigation in case of a crime. Even if the person has completed his or her sentence and has been released, As long as there is a risk of reoffending, the management of hard offenders must also be taken care of. From this perspective, several suggestions were made after review. First, the components of each crime statistics must be organically connected, centered around the Korea Institute of Criminology, so that the crime-related statistics of each institution in Korea can be utilized organically. Second, because the policies of individual government ministries alone may be insufficient to achieve the purpose or may conflict with other systems, a government-wide integrated criminal policy committee is established. Third, we seek ways to realize this by redefining the roles of local police and local (magistrate) courts. Fourth, in order to fulfill its original mission of maintaining public safety and order under the police's own responsibility, it is necessary to re-recognize related legal systems such as the Misdemeanor Punishment Act, the Police Officers' Duties Act, and the Summary Judgment Act, and update them to suit today's circumstances. They said it was big.

      • KCI등재

        NH<sub>3</sub>분위기에서 Ti 질화에 의한 TiN 형성

        이근우,박수진,유정주,권영호,김주연,전형탁,배규식 한국전기전자재료학회 2004 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.17 No.2

        This study attempts to form a TiN barrier layer against Cu diffusion by the easier and more convenient method. In this new approach, Ti was sputter-deposited, and nitrided by heat-treating in the NH$_3$ambient. Sheet resistance of as-deposited Ti was 20 Ω/$\square$, but increased to 195 Ω/$\square$ after the heat-treatment at 30$0^{\circ}C$, and lowered to 120 Ω/$\square$ after the heat-treatment at 50$0^{\circ}C$, and $600^{\circ}C$. AES results for these thin films confirmed that the atomic ratio of Ti and N was close to 1:1 at or above 40$0^{\circ}C$ heat-treatment. However, it was also found that excessive oxygen was contained in the TiN layer. To examine the barrier property against Cu diffusion, 100nm Cu was deposited on the TiN layer and then annealed at 40$0^{\circ}C$ for 40 min.. Cu remained at the surface without diffusing into the Si layer.

      • KCI등재

        Three Common Subunits in Editing Domains of Class Ia tRNA Synthetases

        이근우,Yong Jung Kwon,James M. Briggs 대한화학회 2007 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.28 No.2

        To identify structural or functional common subunit(s) in the CP1 (editing) domains of class Ia tRNA synthetases, five available structures were compared and analyzed. Through the sequence alignments and structural overlapping of the CP1 domains, three conserved regions were identified near the amino acid binding site in the editing domain. Structural overlapping of the three subunits clearly showed the existence of three common structural subunits in all of the five editing RS structures. Based on the established experimental results and our modeling results, it is proposed that subunits 1 and 3 accommodate the incoming amino acid binding, while subunit 2 contributes to the interactions with the adenosine ring of the A76 to stabilize the overall tRNA binding. Since these subunits are critical for the editing reaction, we expect that these key structures should be conserved through the most class Ia editing RSs.

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