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        심연수 시의 텍스트 비평

        허형만(Heo Hyung Man) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2005 인문사회과학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Shim Yeon Soo (1918.5.20-1945.8.8) is elucidated as a national poet with Yoon Dong Joo in the age of Japanese ruling. This elucidation is revealed in the 『The Complete Literary Works of the Korean People in China』, Vol.1 (the Literature of Shim Yeon Soo), published by Yenben People's Publishing House in July 2000. Based on this perspective, Park Mi Hyeon of Gangwondo Provincial Daily excavated and reported the materials of his literature. The academic world became interested in his literature through <Academic Symposium of National Poet, Shim Yeon Soo> in his birth place Gangreung and <Revaluation and Position of Shim Yeon Soo> hosted by Korean literature commemoration in Yenben, China. Kim Royng Yoon of Yenben Social Science Institution started to evaluate Shim Yeon Soo's Poems with collecting his original manuscripts and involving in publishing complete works. Kim Royng Yoon divided poetic period with two phase: the early poetry and the latter poetry. He analyzed the early poetry as a poetic flexibility in Shim's Dong Heung Middle school age and the latter poetry as a poetic tremendousness. Since then, Shim's researchers agreed with this slant. But we suggested original manuscript confirmation as a problem on this thesis prior to studying his poems. We examined manuscripts written on his own and found many repeated works through draft, polished and completed steps. We found his eagerness by adjusting poetic language and adding, eliminating, revising and correcting line on his works. While, some researchers couldn't find Shim's works and decide which works are complete works. So we arranged 8 steps causing problems about original manuscripts confirmation and examined some works. We chose and analyzed some original manuscripts which are minimized above problems. His poems are characterized home loss, national consciousness, resistance, and waiting for independence. Such features are part of tremendous quantity. After finishing the original manuscript confirmation, many researchers should collaborate and study deeply.

      • KCI등재

        김현구 시집의 문제점과 원본 확정

        허형만(Heo Hyung-man),김선태(Kim Sun-tae) 한국시학회 2001 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.4

        Kim, Hyun-ku lived a miserable life and never rightly gained any literal evaluation and published any poetical works during his life times, As the Collection if Kim, Hyun-ku's Poetical Works, the only posthumous works, issued in 1970, effort to reestimate his poems, is rising in the academic world But this book has contained many literal problems, I point out prior questions according to discovery of his own handwriting manuscripts, Thus I come to the following conclusions. Firstly, I can confirm the original text centering around the newly-discovered handwritings, and the poem presented in the literary magazines, In the proceeding study on Kim may be accompanied with this text. Secondly, in examining the process of his poetic growth, I greatly divided the period in writing into to parts-the former and latter term-in proportion to his peculiar form, contents, and poems carrying issued date. Thirdly, in referring to the original handwritings I made a revision of the mistakes of the spilling systems and dictions indicated in the posthumous poems.

      • KCI등재

        김기림 연구 -해방후 시작품을 중심으로

        허형만 ( Heo Hyung-man ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2004 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.25 No.-

        Kim, Ki-Rim, his pen named “Pyen-seok-chon(片石村),” was lifted the ban by Korean government on Mar. 31, 1988. He overcame a sorrowful romanticism in 1920s as a standard-bearer of Korean Modernism Poetry Movement from being published poem named “Go to New Life” on Cho sun Daily News on Sept. 6, 1930 to Korean Liberation. Up to now, we have researched Kim Ki-Rim's historical mind and poetry spirit in the liberal space, concentrated on his activities and poem works after the liberation. By this research, we looked over how his poetic world was changed in the liberal space and how much deeply he expressed the spine of an age through this change, even though there was a periodical shock called “Liberation.” Through this examine, we could rediscovery his literary value and position which was forgotten in the liberal space. This is the reason that the existed studies and fragmentary references about him mostly depended on the works before the liberation, and this works was only treated by the view of post-modernism, finally they made a great error to ignore his literary activities or deep works analysis. Therefore the upper-discussions are summarized as followings; First, Kim, Ki-Rim’s activities after the liberation began to take part in the poetry department of Central Committee of Cho-sun Literature Construction Headquarter with Kim, Gwang-gyoon, Oh, Jang-whan, Lim, Wha, and Jeong, Ji-yong after the resignation from a teacher in Kyoung-seong middle school directly after the liberation. After that, he took a charge of the committeeman of Cho-sun Literary Alliance unified Cho-sun Literature Construction Headquarter and Cho-sun Proletaria Literary Alliance, the chairperson of poetry department, and the manager of a branch office of Seoul. At that time, through National Literary Conte.st, he published The Direction of Our Poetry which contained his self-consciousness, historical mind, and poet's mission as the poet in the liberal space. Free from U.S. military rule, the Korean temporary government was established on Aug. 15, 1948. The government considered Cho-sun Literary Alliance to be illegal. He became a member of Publish Alliance and announced a conversion. During Korean war, he was kidnapped to the North. There are rumors that he died in an exploding flight in the fall of 1950 and he was purged on 1953. These rumors need to be re-considered. Second, his poetry works after the liberation are totally 52 works including the piece of the anthology Sea and Butterfly, Songs of Birds, and other poems not contained in this anthology. After the liberation, with carrying out the self-conquest through the self-reflection on the his modernism works that he had written before the liberation, he wanted to show us; 1. The union consciousness called “We” and the impression of the liberal space by the anthologies like Everyone Was Returned, Isn’t Our All Dream!, The Expanding Asphalt of May is, and Again on August. 2. The sincere hope on the new tendency of a new country by the anthologies like My Song, Praising A New Country, and Young Republic! 3. His humanism, loving and taking care of neighbor and nation, and his activism, filled with the will and belief by the anthologies like Hometown is Still Today, A Cuckoo, A Threnody of Street, and Last Night.

      • KCI등재

        金永郞의 抵抗意識 硏究

        허형만(Heo Hyung-man) 중앙어문학회 2000 語文論集 Vol.28 No.-

        A Study on resistance consciousness of Kim young-rang poetry creation defines to publish in 1950 from 1936. The purpose of this thesis is to make manifest on internal resistance consciousness of Kim young-rang poetry creation. Not only the first stage poetry of Kim young-rang songs to be mild delineation of feelings, but also a nation consciousness publish on the my ancestor's state to lose. Specially, to be constancy of Kim young-rang poetry in the world defines to be gentle delineation of feelings. As a result, one's original intention of Kim young-rang poet to exist a nation consciousness publish on the my ancestor's state to lose.

      • KCI등재

        김영랑 시와 남도방언

        허형만(Heo Hyung-man) 한국시학회 2004 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.10

        We studied general features of southern dialect of Korea and compared poetry of Kim, Young-Rang with them. And we found Kim, Young-Rang’s poetry word wassimilar to a central word, a refined word from an archaic word or a new word than a southern dialect of Korea. Because a dialect of Gangjin has a strong feature of Southern dialect with Wando, Haenam and Jindo. But his poetry word has some of features southern dialect. Having a difficulty to express some emotions with a central word, he used a southern dialect and Gangjin dialect for better expression. We assumed some remains of Gangjin dialect lingered unconsciously. But We can find more refined word of an archaic word than Gangjin dialect from Kim, Young-Rang’s poetry word. The poet made a new word changing a word formation of language. Such new words had a feature of archaic word. It was difficult to create a new word and was not prevalent to be used. But it was noticeable to open a way of poetic language.

      • KCI등재

        영랑 (永郞) 김윤식 연구

        허형만(Hyung Man Heo) 국제비교한국학회 1996 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.2 No.-

        永郞 金允植(1902-1905)은 北에는 素月. 南에는 永郞이라 불리울만큼 1930년대 중반의 모더니즘에도 휩쓸리지 않은 채 오로지 일제치하에서의 저항정신과 민족적 지조로 일관된 시인의 길을 걸었다. 그럼에도 金永郞은 생존시에는 물론 사후에도 정당한 평가를 받지 못해 왔기에 이 논문은 지금까지 있어왔던 永郞文學의 논의들을 확인 점검함은 물론 문제점이 있는 논의에 대한 과감한 비판과 보안에의 방향을 제시하는 데서부터 출발했다. 永郞은 1930년 5월 《詩文學》 창간호에 13편의 시를 발표하기 시작함으로써 詩人의 길을 걷기 시작하여 生存時《永郞詩集》(1935.11. 詩文學社)과 《永郞詩選》(1945. 10. 中央文化社)등 2권의 시집에 총 86편의 시와 23편의 산문을 남겼다. 이러한 永郞작품의 書誌的 고찰과 병행, 자료의 발굴에도 치중하여 詩〈한길에 누어〉(《朝光》1940.5)를 발굴, 원문을 소개함과 동시 30-50년대 문학사적 증언의 요인인 설문응답도 5건을 더 발굴하여 학계에 최초로 내놓았다 또 학계에서는 처음으로 永郞詩語와 康津方言과의 상관성을 고찰했다. 이것은 永郞이 주로 고향인 全南 康津郡에서 생활하였음으로 흔희들 永郞의 詩語가 全南의 南部方言일 것으로 생각하기 쉬울 것이라는 전제로부터 출발한다. 그러나 결국 永郞 詩語의 가장 두드러진 특징은 康津方言 보다는 擬古體의 雅語的 詩語를 많이 구사하고 있다는 것과 우리 전래의 조어법을 永郞 나름대로 변용하여 新造語를 만들어 썼다는 것을 알았다. 이것은 곧 韓國語의 詩的 措辭의 한 지평을 열어준 셈이 된다 끝으로 永郞의 시세계와 특질을 本體性의 입장에서 분석 고찰함으로써 초기시에는 자연친화의식과 향토성 및 비애의식이, 후기시에는 식민치에서의 저항의식과 민족적 情恨이, 그리고 해방기 시에는 우국정신과 역사인식이 드러나 친일 훼절하지 않은 민족시인임을 밝혀냈다.

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