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      • KCI등재

        컴퓨터위빙을 이용한 직조디자인 활용 연구

        한정임 한국디자인문화학회 2000 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The computer, the core of modern technology, is widely used in many industries, and is gradually taking its place as a useful tool which could satisfy various demands of all different arcas. Textile industry is no exception in this respect. Continuous research and investment in the new technology by textile industry has enabled textile designers to explore the possibility of replacing old fashioned processes of fabric pattern design, drafting, and pattern production with computer assisted processes. Computers are used even in the field of Weaving Design. Korea, however, is far behind other countries in Computer Assisted Weaving Design. Computer assisted weaving is still quite a new field waiting to be discovered, and imitation of foreign designs makes the situation worse by interfering with the development of original design of our own. Today, Weaving Design needs improvement in quality and Computer Weaving can be an answer. The purpose of writing this paper is to introduce Computer Weaving which has the potential of coming up with innovative and original design, and thus to help textile industry thrive. To understand the characteristics of Computer Weaving, it is necessary to introduce the hardware and software which make up the C.A.D (Computer Aided Design) system for weaving, and the computer assisted loom. Summer and Winter Weaving technique will be discussed, and how this technique, combined with PWS, could provide various weaving patterns will be demonstrated. PWS (Patternland Weave Simulator), the C.A.D. program which can be used in IBM PC Compatibles, will provide a first-hand experience of computer weaving from threading simple and complicated fabrics, treading, and tying-up without putting warps on the loom, and thus will prove its efficiency. The advantages of computer-assisted looms are demonstrated by producing real samples using SCHACH Loom, one of the computer-assisted looms which combine computers with Interface. At least five discernible advantages are explained. First, various fabric pattern designs using PWS enable the development of superior, efficient designs and the easy, fast production of complicated patterns. Second, PWS allows viewing the fabric patterns before actual production and thus makes pattern modifications easier. Third, the use of repeats and the change of colors are simplified to produce atmospheric variety. Fourth, the computer assisted loom which combines the computer with Interface economizes time and labor without affecting production. And last, Summer and Winter Weaving technique, which produces the effect of double weaving, is easier to operate than other weaving techniques. The computer is considered as the necessities of everyday life, and has taken its place on almost every area of society including culture and art. It has broadened its influence on the field of art from painting, sculpture and draft to weaving design. Computer Weaving was not introduced in the US until the beginning of the 1980`s. It wan introduced on Korea in early 1990`s by a few Korean weaving artists and later came to be included in college curriculum. Still, its future is very bright as long as schools and industries cooperate to help the spread of Weaving C.A.D. system and its practical and useful application. The challenge of textile industry is the development of original design which alone guarantees its thriving in the future. Domestically also there are many movements to innovate fabric design and create new markets by introducing computer systems. This paper is written as an attempt too make a small contribution to the development of textile industry by illustrating efficient design with minimal manual work, various weaving designs and color combinations, all made possible by C.A.D system for weaving.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        The effect of orthographic input in acquisition of the surface realization of second language phonological processes

        한정임,김주연,최태환 한국언어학회 2018 언어 Vol.43 No.3

        Han, Jeong-Im, Kim, Joo-Yeon, & Choi, Tae-Hwan. 2018. The effect of orthographic input in acquisition of the surface realization of second language phonological processes. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 43-3, 645-669. The present study examined the influence of orthographic input on the production of surface realization of multiple phonological processes in a second language (L2). The intermediate level of native Mandarin speakers learned novel Korean words each of which underwent one of ten common phonological processes in Korean. The Mandarin learners were randomly assigned to two groups, one of which was provided by the spellings of test words, while the other group was provided by auditory forms only. In the subsequent picture naming task, it was found that the two groups of learners did not differ in the surface realization of L2 phonological processes, except a gradient and optionally-applied phonological process. These findings indicate that intermediate-level L2 learners are unlikely to be interfered by written input in the acquisition of surface realization of L2 phonological processes, when they are exposed to orthographic forms of multiple phonological processes. (Konkuk University & Catholic Kwandong University)

      • KCI등재

        양명학에서 윤리주체의 건립과 그 실현의 문제

        한정길(韓正吉) 한국양명학회 2001 陽明學 Vol.- No.5

        송명유학은 우주원리와 상통하는 인간의 본성실현을 통하여 인륜세계를 건립하려고 했다는 점에서 특정적이다. 그럼에도 그 내부에는 본성실현의 방법에 대한 서로 다른 견해들이 존재한다. 그 가운데 대표적인 것이 주자와 양명의 견해이다. 주자는 본성실현을 위해서 사물의 이치에 대한 탐구가 필수적이라고 본 반면에 양명은 마음에서의 공부만으로도 가능하다고 본다. 양명은 용장에서 심체가 우주와 인생의 대본임을 체득한다. 그 마음은 하나의 도덕적 자각능력으로서의 양지이다. 양지는 도덕정감과 도덕의식의 통일체이며, 천리와 명각의 통일체이다. 그것은 사물에 감통하여 그에 적합한 행위양식을 창출해낸다. 그런데 일반인들은 자사와 물욕을 지니고 있으며, 양지는 이들 사욕에 의하여 가리워질 수 있다. 따라서 내 마음의 양치를 실현하기 위해서는 인욕을 제거하고 천리를 보존해야 한다. 양명은 치양지를 인욕을 제거하고 천리를 보존하는 방법으로 제출한다. 양명은 격물ㆍ치지ㆍ성의ㆍ정심을 모두 치양지 공부로 통일시키며, 의념이 연관되어 있는 구체적인 사물에서 내 마음의 양지를 실현할 것을 주장한다. 이것은 곧 자기의 본성실현과 구체사물의 특수성에 맞는 행위양식이 실현됨을 의미한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        慶州 九皇洞 三層石塔 舍利莊嚴具의 再照明

        한정호(韓政鎬) 한국미술연구소 2006 美術史論壇 Vol.- No.22

        1942년 경주 狼山 동편에 위치한 구황동 삼층석탑 해체ㆍ수리 과정에서 사리구가 발견되었다. 이 사리장엄구는 『無垢淨光大陀羅尼經』의 유입을 계기로 야기되는 신라 사리장엄 방식의 변화를 보여주는 매우 중요한 사례이다. 사리함의 명문에 의하면 692년 신문왕의 명복을 빌기 위해 석탑이 건립된 이후. 700년 신목태후가 세상을 떠나고 이어서 702년에 효소왕이 승하하자, 성덕왕 5년(706)에 불사리 4과와 全金彌陀像 1구, 『무구정경』 1권을 추가로 봉안하였다고 밝히고 있다. 지금까지 706년에 사리장엄구를 추가로 봉안한 배경에 대해『무구정경』의 ‘낡은 탑을 중수(修造佛塔)하는 功德’에 의거하여 성덕왕이 선대 왕가의 명복을 빌기 위한 의도로만 거론되어 왔다. 그러나 건립된지 불과 14년 밖에 경과되지 않은 석탑을 낡은 탑〔塔〕으로 보기에는 무리가 있으며, 문헌자료를 통해 706년에 시행된 석탑 중수의 배경에는 지금까지 밝혀지지 않았던 새로운 사실을 확인할 수 있다. 즉, 『삼국사기』권 제8성덕왕조의 기사를 통해 당시 신라사회는 705년에서 706년 사이에 발생한 극심한 가뭄으로 인해 백성들의 피해가 극에 달하였음이 확인된다. 따라서 성덕왕이 사리장엄구를 추가로 봉안한 배경에는 先祖에 대한 追福供養은 물론, 신라에 새롭게 유입된 『무구정경』의 威神力을 빌어 자연재해로 인한 국난 극복의 의도가 강하게 내포되어 없다고 사료된다. 그리고 구황동 삼층석탑에서 발견된 사리장엄구에 대해 품목별로 납입 시기를 살펴본 결과, 사리용기를 비롯한 유물들은 대부분 성덕왕대에 추가로 봉안된 것으로 밝혀졌다 반면, 692년 초창 당시에 납입된 것으로 추정되는 유물은 금제여래입상이 유일한 것으로 판명됨에 따라, 초창당시의 사리장엄 방식이 금제여래입상을 중심으로 봉안되었을 가능성과 사리장엄구와 공반되는 불상의 성격에 대해 살펴볼 수 없는 계기를 마련해 주고 있다. 사리함에 기록된 납입품 가운데 무구정경은 1942년에 수습된 이후 행방이 묘연해진 대나무 편들에 결부시켜, 付簡의 형태로 제작ㆍ봉안되었던 것으로 언급되어 왔다. 그러나 『무구정경』1권은 종이에 묵서된 寫經으로 별도 봉안되었을 가능성이 있으며, 대나무 편에 기입된 經文은 다라니경 전체가 아니라 99벌 혹은 77볼 寫書한 6종의 陀羅尼呪 가운데 일부일 가능성이 크다. 끝으로 706년에 추가 봉안되었던 금제아미타좌상 1구와 사리함 명문에 기술된 6寸 크기의 全金彌陀像 1구와의 관련성이다. 지금까지 논란을 빚고 있는 6寸 크기의 불상에 관해 여러 異說이 제기되었다. 사리함의 명문에 명시된 6寸은 周尺을 기준으로 금제여래좌상의 크기와 일치하고 있다. 따라서 구황동 삼층석탑 사리장엄구에서 발견된 2구의 불상 가운데 명문에 기록된 ‘6寸 크기의 全金彌陀像’은 그동안 양식사적 접근을 통해 거론되어온 금제여래좌상임이 재확인되며, 아울러 신라에 周尺이 통용되었을 가능성을 보여주는 매우 중요한 사례라고 할 수 있다. It is very important the reliquary discovered inside the three-story stone pagoda at Goowhang-dong in Cyeoungju that shows the change of practice with Buddhist relic woship as the introduction of R?mivimalavi?uddhaprabh?n?ma-sutra in Silla. The reliquary was engraved in 692 A.D. the three-story stone pagoda at Goo-wangdong was bolt to play for the repose of King Sinmoon by the King Hyoso and the Queen Sinmok, King Sinmoon's wife, then the Queen Sinmok who demised in 700 A.D. Also, the King Hyoso who demised in 702 A.D. This is next to the four pieces of the Buddha's bodily relic, one of the statues of Amitabha which is made of gold, one of the R?mivimalavi?uddhaprabh?n?ma-dh?ran?-sutra were enshrined in by the King Sungduk, in 706 A.D. Therefore, we can think that the reason of adding to a re-liqury was to pray for the repose of the late king, based on the teaching R?mivimalavi?uddhaprabh?n?ma-dh?ran?-sutra, the charity of repairing a old pagoda. It is difficult that the three-story pagoda at Goowhang-dong has been only fourteen years since it was built thinking the age old pagoda. Therefore, in 706 A.D., the repairing of the stone pagoda can be another reason. On investigation, we can see that lots of people perished by famine and drought between 705 A.D. and 706 A.D. in Silla. It is the reason of adding to be enshrined a reliquary by the King Sungduk that pray for the repose of the late king and overcome a national crisis, through natural disaster and the power of the R?mivimalavi?uddhaprabh?n?ma-dh?ran?-sutra. We studied the time which reliquaries discovered the three-story stone pagoda at Goowhang-dong was buried. As a result, the majority of the main relics including reliqaury proved to be enshrined in the stone pagoda the King Sungduk period. Also, the stone pagoda was built first, 692 A.D. and Standing Buddha made of gold turned out the only relic buried at that time. So we can examine the characteristics of the reliquary and Standing Buddha made of gold. The Ra?mivimalavi?uddhaprabh?n?ma-dh?ran?-sutra in the buried items of being engraved a reliquary has relation to bamboo pieces which was written letters and missing since it was discovered, in 1942. It may be manufactured and enshrined as bamboo book form. But, according to witness's evidence at that time, one Ra?mivimalavi?uddhaprabh?n?ma-dh?ran?-sutra can be enshrined separately and The Sutra which was recorded of bamboo pieces cam be a part of charm copied ninety-nine or seventy-seven set, not all dh?ran?. Finally, the Buddhist statue of six Chon(寸) solved the exchange of Buddhist statue's size by calculating the measure of being reflected, In result, the size of Buddhist statue, six chon(寸) equal the size of the seated Buddha made of gold by JooCuck(周尺) Therefore, The Amitabha statue which is made of gold of six Chon(寸) size in the two Buddha statue of being discovered the stone pagoda was reconfirmed seared Buddha made of gold and it is a very important example that may be of use Joochuk(周尺) in Silla.

      • KCI등재

        The Interlanguage Speech Intelligibility Benefit for Korean Learners of English: Perception of English Front Vowels

        한정임,최태환,임인재,이주경 한국영어학회 2011 영어학 Vol.11 No.2

        This study examined the intelligibility of the native and Korean-accented English for native English and native Korean listeners. Two pairs of English front vowels were recorded by English native talkers and two groups of Korean talkers according to their English proficiency,and then presented to English native listeners and two proficiency groups of Korean listeners for word identification. The results showed that first, the performance by Korean talkers and listeners did not surpass that by English natives, but Korean listeners found the Korean talkers' speech as intelligible as the native speech, and Korean talkers' speech was equally intelligible to Korean and native listeners. Second, these patterns were not influenced by talkers' and listeners' proficiency levels. Third, there was shown to be an asymmetry in intelligibility between the L1 matched and non-matched vowels: the interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit (ISIB) was observed more frequently in the L1 non-matched than the matched vowels. This result is explained with the hypothesis that the ISIB mainly stems from the relative similarity of the interlanguage of Korean talkers and listeners.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        다이쇼 일본과 ‘현대’의 가능성

        한정선(韓程善) 한국역사연구회 2020 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.115

        This paper examines the origin of modernity in Japan that is entangled with our own times. One of the distinctive forces that has shaped our times is the critiques and resistance against Eurocentric world orders and racializing norms in the form of emerging anti-imperial nationalisms around the world during the interwar period of early 20th century. The interwar period overlapped with the Taishō period (1912~1926) of Imperial Japan. This paper probes into the political and social developments of Taishō Japan that were shaped by the post-World War I world. In doing so, I claim that new possibilities were created in which various actors emerged and organized themselves to reform the state-centered Meiji order by discovering “world” and “society.”

      • KCI등재

        다시 격조사는 핵이 아니다

        한정한(韓政翰) 형태론 2010 형태론 Vol.12 No.2

        이 글은 지난 2008년 형태론 10권 3호에 실린 『다시 격조사는 핵이다』에 대한 답변형식으로 쓰인 글이다. 필자의 기본적인 입장은 한정한(2003)에 실린 『격조사는 핵이 아니다』에서 이미 밝혔지만, 임동훈(2008)에서 새로 제기한 문제들에 대해 답함으로써 격조사에 대한 그간의 진전된 연구 성과들을 다시 한 번 정리하는 기회로 삼고자 한다. 임동훈(2008)에서 새로 제기한 문제들은 세 가지였다. 차례대로 논의해 보겠다.

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