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      • KCI등재

        공동주택의 성능기반설계 시 내진철근의 영향평가

        조민주,유성용,강지연,김형근,Jo, Min-Joo,Yu, Seong-Yong,Kang, Ji-Yeon,Kim, Hyung-Geun 한국공간구조학회 2017 한국공간구조학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        In this study, performance based seismic design was performed on the shear wall structural system and the beam-column system as a variable general rebar and seismic rebar, and comparing the capacity of the two models of each system. From nonlinear analyses, the capacity of the shear wall structural system applying seismic rebar has shown a stable behavior after the maximum strength, but there is little difference. Furthermore, both models showed similar capacity between story drift and story shear force and capacity of members. These results are attributed to the fact that the seismic rebar, which is highly ductile under the seismic load applied to the target structure, does not render sufficient capacity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미술 비평문 쓰기 활동을 활용한 VTS 교육방법의 효과 연구

        조민주,손지현 한국초등미술교육학회 2018 미술교육연구논총 Vol.53 No.-

        This paper intends to utilize art criticism writing activities in the Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)teaching method to effectively implement and evaluate this style of teaching in a school setting. This study consisted of twenty-three students in the sixth grade. Their task was to appreciate works of arts through VTS teaching method. After every VTS conversation, students wrote critical writing piece on the art. Through this program the researchers collected classroom conversation recordings and a portfolio of students' critical writing. After data was collected, it was analyzed through qualitative data analysis. The effects of VTS teaching method using art critical writing activities are as follows. The researchers first noticed VTS progression when the students began to observe elements, such as color and composition, in detail. The researchers then discovered that when interpreting the meaning of the art, the students would make logical inferences based on observation and prior knowledge, rather than speculation. They learned to revise their opinions when persuasive opinions appeared or they saw the same work of art in a new way. Students also increased interest in artists, and works of art, and art in general. Lastly, the students evaluated their art by setting their own criteria of judgment. Students assessed each work of art by using five criteria. Through this experiment it was found that VTS is an effective teaching method. 본고는 미술 비평문 쓰기 활동을 활용한 VTS 교육 프로그램을 개발하여 적용한 연구이다. VTS란 Visual Thinking Strategies의 약자로 감상자 간의 작품에 대한 대화 중심으로 작품의 의미를 탐구하여 시각적 사고력을 신장시키는 교육 방법이다. 본연구는 VTS를 활용한 대화 내용과 학생들이 작성한 비평문을 평가하여 VTS의 교육적 효과를 확인하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 초등학교 6학년 학생들을 대상으로VTS 교육 방법을 활용한 감상 프로그램과 소그룹 미술관 감상을 실시하고, 수업과 미술관에서 나눈 대화 내용과 작품 감상 후 학생들이 작성한 비평문을 분석하였다. 그결과 VTS의 교육 효과는 관찰력과 추론능력 발달, 해석의 다양성 이해를 통한 의견수정 증가, 미술 작가, 작품에 대한 관심 확대, 다양한 가치판단 기준 활용으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 VTS 교육방법을 활용하여 시각적 문해력을 기를 수 있는미술관 교육의 방안을 제언하였다.

      • KCI등재

        김정은 시대의 미래과학도시 건설과 시각적 재현: 인상주의 도시풍경화의 유행

        조민주 서울대학교 아시아연구소 2023 아시아리뷰 Vol.13 No.1

        The plan for North Korea’s urban planning during the Kim Jong-un time is very future oriented and is closely related to the emergencies of the new taste of cityscape paining of this period. With the launch the Unha-3 rocket that was equipped with the Kwangmyong-3 satellite, the development of science and preparation for the space age became an important driving force in North Korean society. This political ideology of science was reflected in the city planning and urban culture of Pyongyang, the Galaxy Street commemorating the launch of the Unha-3 (2013), Satellite Street (2014), Future Scientists Street (2015) as well as skyscrapers such as the 53-story Eunha Residency were built one after another. The changed urban landscape appeared in various genres of painting, from propaganda painting to oil painting and Joseonhwa painting. In landscape painting depicting the changed cityscape of Pyongyang, the night view of Pyongyang’s new town, colored with artificial lighting in various colors, has become an important subject matter. In particular, Kim Jong-un ordered a policy to splendidly plan the night view of the city by establishing a new ‘Intuitive Lighting Decoration Guidance Bureau’ and creating a ‘Seonkyong Lighting Decoration Research Institute’ under the ‘Guidance Bureau’. This became an important driving force for the production of Impressionist landscape paintings that use ‘light’ and ‘color’ as important pictorial methods, which eventually diversified from the existing realism painting style. The interpretation of ‘artificial lighting’ seen in the Park Kwang-il’s oil painting ‘Future Scientists Street’ produced in 2018 goes beyond showing the newly emerged urban landscape, and actively reflects the artist’s imagination and expectation for the city’s night landscape. While implying each artist’s perspective and artistic taste in the early days of the Kim Jongun regime, the changed urban landscape and citizens’ sentiments were actively reflected on many landscape paintings in the impressionist style.

      • KCI등재


        조민주,이창민 한양대학교(ERICA캠퍼스) 일본학국제비교연구소 2023 비교일본학 Vol.59 No.-

        The improvement in Japan's labor productivity has encountered a stagnation since the mid–1990s. A contributing factor to this phenomenon lies in the pattern of labor mobility across industries. Labor productivity growth can be deconstructed into two main components: the “within” component, representing the enhancement of productivity within individual industries, and the “structural change” component, indicating the impact of labor shifting to other industries with varying levels of productivity. Our analysis reveals that the latter has exerted a diminishing influence, and the overall impact of both components is gradually waning. Notably, there is a discernible flow of labor from the manufacturing industry, characterized by relatively higher productivity, towards the service industry, where productivity tends to be lower. Within the service industry itself, the labor trend leans towards low–productivity and low–wage sectors, such as medical, healthcare, welfare, scientific research, professional, and technical services. It can be posited that this trend of labor migration towards sectors with lower levels of labor productivity serves as a hindrance to the overall increase in labor productivity.

      • 淸代 河圖 제작과 治水記錄畵

        조민주 한국고지도연구학회 2017 한국고지도연구 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 청대 황하, 회화, 운하 등 각종 수로를 국가의 주요 교통수단으로 사용하고 수로 주위의 생태를 인공화하는 과정에서 생긴 환경의 변화에 주목하면서, 수로와 치수사업을 지도화하고 회화적으로 완성한 중국 시각문화의 특수성을 보여주는데 주력하였다. 청대에는 각 지역의 수문지리와 공사현황을 지도와 회화로 기록하는 과정에서 중국의 장권식 청록산수화의 기법을 종종 사용하였다. 즉 이 전통의 화법이 서로 다른 시각매체의 특수성을 다양한 방식으로 호환할 수 있게 하는 플랫폼이자 메타도구로 사용되었다는 점이 매우 주목할 만하다. 또한 수백수천 킬로미터의 강을 재현해 내야하는 河圖와 강을 그린 記錄畵는 회화적 기제가 지도에 사용되거나 지도적 기제가 회화에 경계 없이 이용되는 중국 고유의 창조 메커니즘을 보여주고 있다. 치수사업과 관련하여 康熙帝부터 乾隆帝 시기에 시행된 많은 치수사업은 지도와 회화의 주요한 서사로 작용하였고, 치수사업 전후로 변화한 각 지역의 지리환경을 시각적으로 생생하게 전달하는 것이 지도와 기록화에서는 더없이 중요한 문제였다. 특히 근보의 中河개통은 청대 水理史에서 가장 중요한 사업으로 기념되며, 이후 황하와 운하가 합쳐져 범람하는 피해를 줄일 수 있었다. 이 사건은 황제의 南巡과 맞물려 국가적으로 중요한 이벤트가 되었으며, 피해가 가장 막대했던 淮安府 靑口의 査察은 강희제와 건륭제는 남순시 가장 중요한 이벤트로 자리 잡았다. 특히 강희제 2차와 4차 남순을 전후로 수많은 종류의 하도가 폭발적으로 제작되어 상주되었으며, 더 나아가 강희제 2차 남순시에 황제는 남순도를 제작하게 하여, 남순도 제4권에 황제가 회안부 지역에서 치수사업을 사찰하는 장면을 집중적으로 재현해내도록 했다. 건륭제도 마찬가지로 이 지역의 치수사업에 공을 들였으며, 강희제를 따라 제작한 「南巡圖」 제4권과 「南巡盛典」 같은 기록화에 황제의 치수를 주제로 한 부분을 전문적으로 할당해 회안부와 운하주변의 수문지리와 치수현황을 시각적으로 기록하도록 했다. 강희제 이후 ‘治水’를 주제로 한 장권식 기록화의 수량이 폭발적으로 증가하는데, 「高明治水圖卷」, 「都畿水利圖卷」, 「潞河督運圖卷」, 「浙江海塘圖」 등의 수많은 記錄畵가 제작되었다. ‘하도’라는 전문지도의 제작과 ‘치수 기록화’라는 장르는 20세기 이전 수로교통을 중점적으로 이용하는 중국이라는 인문지리환경에서 나올 수밖에 없는 가장 중국적인 시각문화의 결정체라고 할 수 있다. 본고에서는 두 매체가 공유하고 있는 역사적 서사와 시각지식의 형성 배경에 대해 다양한 각도에서 조명해 보았다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence of Carbazole-based Conjugated Dendritic Molecules

        조민주,김영민,주병권,최동훈 한국정보디스플레이학회 2008 Journal of information display Vol.9 No.3

        A novel class of conjugated dendritic molecules bearing N-hexyl-substituted carbazoles as peripheral groups and various conjugative aromatic cores was synthesized through Heck coupling and the Horner-Emmons reaction. A multi-layered structure of ITO/PEDOT:PSS (30 nm)/emitting material (50 nm)/BCP (10 nm)/Alq3 (10 nm)/LiF (1 nm)/Al (100 nm) was employed to evaluate the synthesized dendritic materials. The electroluminescence spectrum of the multilayered device made of 3Cz predominantly exhibited blue emissions. Similar emissions were observed in the PL spectra of it’s the device’s thin film. The multilayered devices made of 3Cz, 3BCz, and 4BCz showed luminance values of 6,250 cd m–2 at 24 V, 3,000 cd m–2 at 25 V, and 1,970 cd m–2 at 36 V, respectively. The smallest molecule, 3Cz, which bore three carbazole peripheral groups, exhibited a blue-like emission with CIE 1931 chromaticity coordi-nates of x = 0.17 and y = 0.21.

      • KCI등재

        Heterocyclic Nonlinear Optical Chromophores Composed of Phenothiazine or Carbazole Donor and 2-Cyanomethylene-3-cyano-4,5,5-trimethyl-2,5-dihydrofuran Acceptor

        조민주,Ja Youn Kim,김재홍,Seung Hwan Lee,Larry R. Dalton,최동훈 대한화학회 2005 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.26 No.1

        We prepared the new nonlinear optical chromophores that show fairly high microscopic nonlinearity through intramolecular charge transfer. Phenothiazine and carbazole units played an important role to contribute high electron donability and connect the resonance pathway via conjugative effect in the cyclized ring beside the aromatic ring. Theoretical calculation, electrochemical analysis, and absorption spectroscopic study gave us useful information about the energy states and microscopic nonlinearities of two serial chromophores. We compared the microscopic nonlinearities of four chromophores with the conjugation length and electron donability in the push-pull type NLO chromophores. The effect of gradient donability and lengthening the conjugation were investigated on the electronic state and microscopic nonlinearity.

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