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      • 중국 가융장족(嘉絨藏族)의 산간취락 연구

        장아름(A-reum Jang) 아시아강원민속학회 2013 江原民俗學 Vol.27 No.-

        가융장족은 티벳족의 한 민족으로 2세기 동안 실크로드를 지배하다가 몽골의 칭기즈칸에 의해 멸망한 서하(西夏, 1032~1227) 왕조의 후예라고 전한다. 당나라 때 존재한 동녀국(東女國)으로도 알려진 가융장족들의 풍부한 고고유적, 민속자원 가운데 장족건축의 절정인 장채(藏寨)와 조루(碉樓)등 취락 구조물은 연구가치가 매우 높다. 또한 고대 중국의 유구한 취락고고(聚落考古, Settlement Archaeology) 잔존물로서 이곳에서는 구석기, 신석기 유물들이 다수 발견되었다. 지금부터 5,500년 전 석기문화를 형성한 가융장족의 선조들이 고대취락을 형성하여 약 3천 년 전부터 이곳으로 이주하여 거주했을 것으로 추정하고 있다. 이들의 석조취락은 중국의 6대 고대촌락이라는 명성을 가지고 있으며, 목조가옥과 달리 그 전통이나 형식에서 독창성을 지니고 있다. 이것은 장족문화의 범주에 들어가지만, 특별히 가융장족만의 고유한 문화전통을 유지하고 있다는 점에서 그 가치가 높다. 이들은 3천 년 전부터 이곳에서 집단취락을 형성한 것으로 고고유물을 통해서 확인되었다. 본고는 아시아의 산간민속의 하나로서 단파 가융장족의 취락구조물을 소개하고, 미인곡(美人谷)의 특징을 논하고자 하였다. It is known that Jiāróng Zàngzú, an ethnic group of Tibetan, is the descendants of Xi Xia Dynasty that ruled Silk Road for 2 centuries and ruined by Jinghis Khan of Mongolia. The structures of settlement such as Zàngzhài (藏寨) and Zhoru (碉樓) that showed the peak of architecture of Zàngzú had high value of research among abundant archaeological sites and folklore resources of Jiāróng Zàngzú, known as Dongyeoguk (東女國) that was existed in Tang Dynasty. Here, there were found Paleolithic and Neolithic relic as remains of settlement archaeology (聚落考古) in ancient China. It was assumed that the ancients of Jiāróng Zàngzú who established Neolithic culture 5,500 years ago and moved into here approximately 3,000 years ago. These stone settlements had reputation of the Sixth ancient Chinese village and the tradition and shape were unique, contrary to wooden houses. Even thought it was included in the range of Zàngzú’s culture, it was valuable with the fact that it maintained its unique cultural tradition of Jiāróng Zàngzú. It was investigated through archaeological remains that they established the group settlement in here 3,000 years ago. This study introduced the structure of settlement of Jiāróng Zàngzú in Danba as one of mountain folklore in Asia and discussed the characteristics of Miingok (美人谷).

      • KCI등재

        부재료 침지처리가 김치의 냄새 및 발효 특성에 미치는 영향

        아름(A Reum Choi),박동일(Dong Il Park),유귀재(Guijae Yoo),김소영(Soyoung Kim),재범(Jae Bum Jang),채희정(Hee Jeong Chae) 한국식품영양과학회 2009 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.38 No.11

        김치와 각각의 부재료들의 향기 성분을 비교하기 위하여 GC/MS로 정성 분석한 결과, 김치의 향기 성분은 sulfide 계열의 황 화합물과 유기산, 알코올류 등으로 나타났고, 김치의 냄새를 구성하는 물질들은 김치의 냄새를 각각의 부재료에서 검출된 향기 성분들로부터 유래한 것으로 확인되었다. 김치 특유의 이취를 저감시키기 위하여 김치의 부재료인 마늘, 생강, 양파 및 파를 각각 5 ㎜의 길이와 0.3 ㎜의 두께로 세절하고 100℃에서 2분간 데친 후, 정수된 물 4℃에서 12시간 동안 침지처리 하였다. 부재료 침지처리가 김치의 군덕내(moldy odor)와 신내(sour odor)에 미치는 영향을 관능검사로 평가한 결과, 세절침지처리김치에서 일반김치에 비하여 신내와 군덕내가 크게 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 부재료의 침지처리가 숙성 중 김치에서 pH, 산도, 유산균수에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The volatile flavor compounds of kimchi and its sub-ingredients were analyzed using GC/MS. The major volatile compounds of kimchi were identified as sulfide compounds, organic acids and alcohols. It was confirmed that the major volatile flavor compounds of kimchi originated from sub-ingredients such as garlic, ginger, onion and reek. To reduce the characteristic odor of kimchi, the sub-ingredients (garlic, ginger, onion and reek) were chopped into a length of 5 ㎜ and a thickness of 0.3 ㎜, blanched at 100℃ for 2 min, and then soaked in water at 4℃ for 12 hr. The effects of soaking of the sub-ingredients on sensory evaluation with regard to characteristic odor of kimchi such as sour and moldy odor were investigated. The sour and moldy odors of kimchi were significantly reduced by the soaking of sub-ingredients. Additionally the addition of soaked sub-ingredients in kimchi had influences on the change of pH, total acidity and lactic acid bacterial count of kimchi during fermentation.

      • KCI등재

        비누풀 잎 추출물로부터 천연 계면활성제 개발

        장아름(A Reum Jang),김효정(Hyo Jeong Kim),김광수(Kwang Soo Kim),박은경(Eun Kyung Park) 한국생물공학회 2013 KSBB Journal Vol.28 No.3

        In this study, saponin content of extract from modified preconditioning process was investigated in Saponaria officinalis L. for cosmetic natural surfactant. Saponin content in steamed leaves from S. officinalis L. was about three times more than that in dried leaves (tea saponin and quillaja saponin). And saponin extracts from steamed leaves was excellently shown in both forming force and forming stability. In emulsion activity, saponin extracts from steamed leaves had a similar level to quillaja saponin and tea saponin. Saponin extracts from steamed leaves in S. officinalis L. showed nontoxic effect below in 1,000 μg/mL of concentration and dosedependent inhibition of NO production. From the experiment, the extracts of S. officinalis L. showed good cosmetic agent.

      • KCI등재

        보문 : 피겨스케이팅 의상디자인의 내용분석연구

        장아름 ( A Reum Jang ),이명희 ( Myoung Hee Lee ) 한국의류학회 2011 한국의류학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        This study examines the design characteristics of figure skating costumes by a content analysis of their design elements. The content analysis method for the study was used based on 185 photos of female figure skaters. A total of 218 coding units in 15 categories were used. In the category of color, unicolor costumes were the mainstay and represented 48.11% of the total costumes. Black costumes showed the highest rate (13.51%), followed by red (7.57%) and blue (7.03%). In the dual-color costumes, combinations of red and black and white and black, represented 4.32% of all costumes. A camisole was the most popular type of neckline (20.54%). Stand collars with neck decorations were found in 5.95% of the costumes. In addition, 98.2% of all figure skating costumes had decorations (crystal beads 21.86% were the most frequently used decoration type), 65.41% exposed all the shoulders and arms, 70.81% of the costumes did not have sleeves, 5.41% of the costumes had arm decorations, and 3.78% had wrist decorations. In the analysis of the hem of skirts, 32.40% had a curved line, 30.73% had a straight line, and 15.08% had an unrecognizable form. In general, the figure skating costumes have stand collars with neck decorations, arm and wrist decorations, and irregular skirt hems that are not found in everyday dresses. To emphasize and intensify a theatrical effect, the costumes were fabulously decorated with spangles, crystal beads, feathers, and lace; black, red, and blue were frequently used. The skirts had frills, fringe, flared lines, and beads on them to reflect the stage lights and emphasize movements.

      • 中國端午節 傳承과 現在的 觀點

        張正龍(Jang, Jung-ryoung),張娥凜(Jang, A-reum) 아시아강원민속학회 2010 아시아강원민속 Vol.24 No.-

        中國端午節은 2009년 유네스코 세계무형문화유산대표목록으로 등재되었다. 중국 단오절은 현재 세시풍속으로 전승되고 있으나 그 시원은 長江流域江文化와 楚國 愛國詩人 屆原遺題 관련된 전승이 이어지고 있다. 이와 같이 중국 단오절은 2천년이 넘은 역사를 지니고 전승되고 있으며, 중국인의 사랑받는 전통명절로서 근래 들어 다양한 활동과 학술연구가 진행되고 있다. 2010년 국가법정 공휴일인 단오절에는 중국 가흥시, 형주시 등에서 아시아각국 학자들이 참석한 단오절 학술토론회가 열렸으며, 이 시기 한국 강릉시에서도 국제아세아민속학회와 강릉단오제위원회의 공동주최로 학술대회가 개최되었다. 이와 같이 단오문화에 대한 한중 양국의 다각적이고 경쟁적인 연구 활동이 진행되고 있다. 현재 법정공휴일인 단오절은 3일간만 휴식을 취하게 되지만, 단오절 한 달 전부터 대형상점이나 제과점 등에서는 각종 쫑즈의 특판 행사를 갖는 등 매년 전통명절을 기리고 있다. 따라서 중국단오절이 세계문화유산으로 등재된 현재적 시점에서 국제화, 대형화, 산업화의 길로 빠르게 들어설 것으로 예측된다. 이에 따라 한국, 일본, 월남 등 아시아단오문화권 국가들과 협력하여 단오문화의 상생발전에 기여하기를 기대하는 바이다. Chinese Dragon Boat Festival was registered in the Representative List of UNESCO Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2009. Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is not passed down from the seasonal customs, but originated from the combination of Changjiang River Culture of Changjiang River Valley and relics of Qu Yuan who was the patriotic poet in Chu State of Warring States Period. Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional festival that received love from the Chinese, has a history of over two thousand years, and various of activities and research on it have been held recently. In the days of Chinese Dragon Boat Festival in 2010 which has been the national legal holiday 2010 International Conference on Customs of Chinese Dragon Festival which scholars from many Asian countries participated in was held in ]iaxing, ]ingzhou and other cities. During the same period a academic conference which was under joint auspices of International Academic Conference on Asian Folklore Culture and Gangneung Danoje Festival Committee was held in Gangneung of Korea. Like this, the competitive research activities on Dana Festival culture were held in both Korea and China during the same period. Today though Drgon Boat Festival has been the national legal holidays of three days, some activities such as special sales of zongzi were held in megastores or bakeries a month ago to commemorate the yearly festival. According to this it can be estimated that .Chinese Dragon Boat Festival which has just been registered as a world heritage will be international, large, and industrialized soon. Therefore, it can be expected that those countries in Asian Dano Cultural Area such as Korea, Japan, Vietnam will unite to make mutual contributions to the development of Dano culture.

      • KCI등재

        사상의학과 형상의학의 유형분류의 연관성에 관한 연구

        장아름,전수형,박세정,이현미,김규곤,이용태,지규용,이인선,김종원,Jang, A-Reum,Jeon, Soo-Hyung,Park, Se-Jung,Lee, Hyun-Mi,Kim, Kyu-Kon,Lee, Yong-Tae,Ji, Gyu-Yong,Lee, In-Sun,Kim, Jong-Won 사상체질의학회 2010 사상체질의학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        1. Objectives: This study was performed to research the relationship between Sasang Constitutional medicine and Hyungsang medicine. 2. Methods: Four hundred and thirty applicants are involved in this study. They are devided into Sasang Constitution and Hyungsang Classification 3. Results and Conclusions: There are significances between Sasang Constitutional diagnosis and Hyungsang Classification. There are significantly more Bangkwang-body, Gi-kwa, Taeyang-hyung, Yangmyung-hyung in Taeyangin and Bangkwang-body, Jung-kwa, Soyang-hyung, Yangmyung-hyung in Soyangin. There are significantly more Dam-body, Gi-kwa, Taeyang-hyung, Yangmyung-hyung in Taeeumin and Bangkwang-body, Gi-kwa, Taeyang-hyung, Yangmyung-hyung in Soeumin.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        소취식물이 김치 냄새특성 및 발효성에 미치는 영향

        아름(A Reum Choi),박동일(Dong Il Park),손민희(Minhee Son),김소영(Soyoung Kim),재범(Jae Beom Jang),권상철(Sang Chul Kwon),채희정(Hee Jeong Chae) 한국식품과학회 2010 한국식품과학회지 Vol.42 No.1

        본 연구에서는 천연소취식물인 감잎, 솔잎, 회향을 세절 및 추출하여 김치에 첨가하여 냄새를 masking하는 농도의 조건을 설정하고, 천연물 첨가에 따라 김치의 숙성에 미치는 연향과 휘발성 향기 성분을 분석하였다. 감잎, 솔잎, 회향을 세절물과 추출물로 김치에 첨가하여 숙성 후 신내와 군덕내에 대해 관능평가한 결과, 김치에 천연소취식물을 첨가할 때 세절물보다 추출물을 첨가했을 경우에 김치냄새의 masking 효과가 높았으며, 솔잎추출물 0.3-0.6%를 첨가한 김치와 회향추출물 0.05-0.1%를 첨가한 김치가 관능적으로 효과가 높았다. 또한 솔잎추출물 및 회향추출물을 첨가한 김치는 일반김치와 비교했을 때 pH, 총산도 및 유산균수 등의 발효특성인자들에 유의적으로 영향을 미쳤다. 또한 GC/MS로 김치 및 소취식물 추출물의 향기 성분을 분석하여, 천연소취식물을 첨가한 김치와 솔잎 및 회향추출물의 향기 성분과의 연관성을 검토하였다. 결과적으로 솔잎 및 회향추출물은 김치의 발효특성에 영향을 주어 김치 특유의 냄새를 저감시킬 수 있는 것으로 확인되었다. The use of deodorizing plant products such as persimmon leaves, pine needles and fennel seeds to mask the characteristic odor of kimchi has been proposed. Therefore, in this study, the effect of deodorizing plants on kimchi fermentation and the profile of volatile flavor compounds was investigated. During sensory evaluation tests of sour and fermentation odors of kimchi, plant extract-added kimchi showed higher sensory scores than chopped plant-added kimchi. Additionally, kimchi containing pine needle extracts (0.3-0.6%) and fennel seed extracts (0.05-0.1%) showed higher sensory scores than untreated kimchi. In addition, pine needle extract and fennel seed extract had a significant influence on kimchi fermentation characteristics such as pH, total acidity and the concentration of lactic acid bacteria. The volatile flavor compounds of kimchi and deodorizing plant extracts were also analyzed using GC/MS and the correlation of volatile flavor compounds in kimchi, plant extracts and plant-added kimchi was examined. The results revealed that the sour and fermentation odors of kimchi were reduced using deodorizing plant extracts by changing the kimchi fermentation characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        오배자의 항산화활성 및 B16 Melanoma cell을 통한 멜라닌 생성 억제능에 관한 연구

        김경영 ( Kyoung Young Kim ),허선정 ( Sun Jung Hur ),박은영 ( Eun Young Park ),장아름 ( A Reum Jang ),양기숙 ( Ki Sook Yang ),황완균 ( Wan Kyun Whang ) 한국미용학회 2009 한국미용학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        To search for new skin-lighting agents, the inhibitory property of Galla Rhois Extracts and Fractions on melanogenesis was investigated. The inhibitory action of Galla Rhois Extracts and Fractions on mushroom tyrosinase was revealed. To explore the action of Galla Rhois Extracts and Fractions on melanogenesis, the inhibition of tyrosinase and melanin contents were measured in B16F10 melanoma cells. Results show that ethylacetate fraction of Galla Rhois has strong antioxidative activity and inhibited tyrosinase activity. Also ethylacetate fraction of Galla Rhois reduced melanin contents in B16F10cells. Therefore, this data indicate Galla Rhois as a potential pigmentation reagents.

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