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      • 불법파업, 파행적 집단행동의폐해 및 이에 대한 대응방안

        이정 한국경제연구원 2022 KERI Insight Vol.22 No.11

        본 보고서에서는 쟁의행위로서의 파업은 집단적으로 근로 제공을 거부함으로써 정상적인 업무의 운영을 저해하는 수준에 그쳐야 하나, 실제 산업현장에서는 노조의 과격한 행동으로 인하여 물리적 충돌이나 재물손괴를 동반한 불법행위의 형태를 띠는 경우가 많다고 주장했다. 그 대표적 사례로는 사업장 점거, 공공시설 점거, 봉쇄·물류방해 등 업무방해, 고공농성, 폭행·재물손괴 등이 있다고 설명했다. 보고서는 법적 정당성을 상실한 불법파업에 대해서는 민·형사상의 책임을 명확하게 추구하는 등 원칙적 대응이 필요하다고 주장했다. 쟁의행위 중에서도 가장 문제가 되는 것이 정치파업으로, 이는 노동조합이 공공단체 기관에 대해 근로자의 특정한 정치적 주장을 관철할 목적으로 행하는 파업인 만큼 쟁의행위 목적에 부합하지 않으므로 원칙적으로 명백히 불법이라고 지적했다. 또한, 직접적인 근로관계에 있지 않은 원청에 대해 단체교섭을 요구하고 파업에 돌입하는 행위 또한 명백히 불법이므로, 이에 대한 엄정한 법 집행이 필요하다고 주장했다. 보고서는 최근 대우해양조선 사태를 계기로 파업손실에 대한 손배소(손해배상소송)·가압류를 제한하는 ‘노란봉투법(노동조합 및 노동관계조정법 개정안)’ 제정 움직임에 대해서, 이는 노동기본권에 대한 오해에서 비롯된 무리한 법 해석으로 현행 법체계 내에서는 수용하기 어려운 주장이라고 밝혔다. 한국외국어대학교 법학전문대학원 이정 교수는 “헌법상 노동기본권은 절대적인 권리가 아니라 공공복리를 위해 필요한 경우에는 법률로 제한될 수 있다”며, “단체행동권 또한 무제한으로 행사할 수 있는 것이 아니라 다른 기본권과 마찬가지로 공공복리 등을 위해 제한될 수 있다”고 밝혔다. 따라서 헌법상의 노동기본권도 재산권과의 균형을 고려하여 정당한 쟁의행위에 대해서만 면책이 될 뿐이라고 주장했다. 또한 이 교수는 “노동기본권 행사라는 명목하에 명백한 불법행위에까지 면죄부를 준다면, 이는 기존 법질서의 근간을 뒤흔드는 입법으로, 비교법적으로도 이러한 입법의 유래를 찾기 어렵다”고 강조했다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        LiCl-Li<sub>2</sub>O 용융염에서 타이타늄 산화물의 전해환원 특성

        이정,김성욱,이상권,허진목,최은영,Lee, Jeong,Kim, Sung-Wook,Lee, Sang-Kwon,Hur, Jin-Mok,Choi, Eun-Young 한국전기화학회 2015 한국전기화학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        파이로프로세싱 전해환원은 사용후핵연료의 재활용을 위해 우라늄산화물을 금속으로 전환하는 공정으로 핵물질을 사용하기 이전에 대체 금속산화물을 이용한 실험을 통해 환원 장치의 성능을 평가하고 개선한다. 본 연구에서는 전해환원 장치 개발을 위한 대체 금속산화물로 타이타늄 산화물(TiO와 $TiO_2$)을 선정하고 $650^{\circ}C$의 $Li_2O$-LiCl 용융염에서의 용해도 및 전해환원 특성을 평가하였다. 1.0 wt.% $Li_2O$-LiCl 용융염에서 TiO와 $TiO_2$의 침지 실험을 통해 두 산화물 모두 염에 일부 용해됨을 확인하였는데, $TiO_2$(2100 ppm)가 TiO(156 ppm)에 비해 더 높은 용해도를 보였다. 1.0 wt.% $Li_2O$-LiCl 용융염에서 TiO와 $TiO_2$의 전해환원을 각각 수행하여 Ti 금속을 성공적으로 제조하였다. 그러나 염 내 용해도가 낮은 TiO는 환원에 사용된 백금 양극 표면에서 Ti이 검출되지 않은 반면 $TiO_2$의 백금 표면에서는 Ti이 검출되었다. Experiments using a metal oxide of a non-nuclear material as a fuel are very useful to develop a new electrolytic reducer for pyroprocessing. In this study, the titanium oxides (TiO and $TiO_2$) were selected and investigated as the non-nuclear fuel for the electrolytic reduction. The immersion tests of TiO and $TiO_2$ in a molten 1.0 wt.% $Li_2O$-LiCl salt revealed that they have solubility of 156 and 2100 ppm, respectively. Then, the Ti metals were successfully produced after the separate electrolytic reduction of TiO and $TiO_2$ in a molten 1.0 wt.% $Li_2O$-LiCl salt. However, Ti was detected on the platinum anode used for the electrolytic reduction of $TiO_2$ unlike TiO due to the dissolution of $TiO_2$ into the salt.

      • KCI등재

        고속도로 비탈면 경관의 법면공법에 따른 시각적 이미지와 조화성 분석 - 대전${\~}$진주간 고속도로를 대상으로 -

        이정,Lee Jeong 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to discover the landscape visual image of the slope scene and their harmony with surrounding sceneries. This research utilized the basic study tool of psycho-physics and processed the case study of ten types of slope construction scene along the highway. The analysis was performed by the data obtained from the questionnaires and the photos for the slope construction scene. The questionnaires for analysis the image of the slope construction scene and their harmony with surrounding sceneries were designed using semantic differential scale and 5 point Likert-scale. The major findings were as follows. 1. At the part of the visual preferences analysis, the slope revegetation methods showed high level of preferences generally than on the slope structure methods. While the slope revegetation methods were estimated friendly, continuity, harmonious, soft, light and wide, the slope revegetation methods were estimated unstable, female, static, simple, omnipresent, appeared as policeman of weak inclination. Also the slope structure methods were estimated stable, manly, complicated, steep and healthy but rough, unharmonious, unfamiliar and heavy. 2. Psychological factors, related to the satisfaction for the slope revegetation methods were composed of three factors, aesthetic, individuality and physical character. And the slope structure methods were composed of five factors, aesthetic, individuality, stability, physical character, and complexity. 3. At the part of harmony with surrounding landscapes, the slope revegetation methods were evaluated highly but the slope structure methods received the lowest evaluation. Also the harmony analysis with surrounding view on the slope revegetation methods showed degree of high more than average in all texture, form, color and scale but the slope structure methods showed degree of fewer than average degree in form, scale, color and texture.

      • 雙民俗文化看滿族女性的家庭生活和地位

        李晶 韓國暻園大學校아시아文化硏究所 中國中央民族大學韓國文化硏究所 2003 亞細亞文化硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        Manzu is a great ethnic minority with long history and tradition. Women have made prominent contribution to the development of Manzu. However, during this process, Manzu women were excluded from social life and were forced to be at home circle. Influenced by historical tradirtion, Manzu women's family life and position were very special and expressed their own cultural features compared with those of contemporary Hanzu women. At the same time, with the acceleration of Confucianism, the family position of Manzu women became worse and worse, even tended to be the same as Hanzu women. This thesis will be discussed from the perspective of folklore, demonstrate the marital system, birth practice, family life and other folklore culture concerned with Manzu women. From which, analyse Manzu women's family position and the social attitudes towards women, and try to have a better understanding of their social and historical cause. This thesis is only limited to the study of family position of common Manzu women.

      • KCI등재

        임금의 법적 성질에 대한 고찰

        이정 한국외국어대학교 외국학종합연구센터 법학연구소 2004 외법논집 Vol.16 No.-

        現行勤勞基準法は賃金の槪念について、「使用者が노동の對償として노동자に支拂う物はその名稱を問わず賃金である」と規定している。しかし、この規定はあまりにも抽象的かつ曖味であるために賃金の槪念を把握するのは難しぃ。そこで行政解釋では、①任意恩惠給付、②厚生福祉給付、③業務費などは賃金ではないという解釋基準を示している。 本稿は、このょうな行政解釋基準が實際の裁判實務においてどのょうに反映されているかについて幾つかの最高裁の判例を通じて分析·檢討するのを目的とする。 The Labor Standards Law's definition of "wage" primarily clarifies the meaning of "wage" in various wage-protection provision of the same law. According to the above definition of a "wage" in the Labor Standard Law, the first requirement is that it be paid "as remuneration for labor." Question as to whether a payment is "remuneration for labor" are individually determined based on the nature of the payment and other details. But, this determination is not easy, however. Therefore, under administrative practice, in classifying a payment as being "remuneration for labor," three types of payments have been excluded from this category. They are: (1) a voluntary benefit; (2) a welfare payment; and (3) payments for an enterprise's equipment and operational expenses. The Purpose of this paper is to analysis how to clarify wage from various allowances through some high court's cases.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학생의 인터넷 중독과 식행동과의 관련성

        이정,박종,류소연,강명근,민순,김혜숙,하윤주 韓國學校保健學會 2010 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        Purpose: The research was to investigate the relationship between Internet addiction and eating behaviors of college students. Methods: Sampled for sake of convenience, 507 college students in Kwang-ju and Chun-nam area were surveyed from September 3rd to September 10th 2008. The contents of the survey consist of general, academic, health behavior, internet usage, internet addiction and eating habit traits. Results: 49.3% of subjects were appeared to be addicted to internet, while male students had higher addiction rate of 54.9% than female student with 40.3%. Significantly, eating behaviors are worse in the group of mild and serious internet addiction, arts students, the group that recognizes its living standard as normal or richer, and also in the group that takes breakfast less seriously. These groups were appearing 47.0% of addiction rate. Conclusion: For college students, internet addiction was proved to be effective significantly in eating behavior. It is required to establish appropriate measures such as internet usage control to settle proper eating behavior of college students.

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