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        ‘-(으)로’ 조사구에 대하여

        이윤하(Lee Yoon-Ha) 국어국문학회 2005 국어국문학 Vol.- No.141

        Whether or not the ‘-(eu)ro’ Kasus phrase as a sentence constituent is indispensable is fundamentally related with the argument structure of verb. That is to say, it means whether the ‘-(eu)ro’ Kasus phrase is syntactically required or not. But in spite of such cognition, it is really hard that we judge whether it is true or not. Therefore, I approach the problem through picking out the constituent which has semantically adjunct function. Then, the word order has to be considered.<br/> With the result, the ‘-(eu)ro’ Kasus phrases of the functions such as via, cause or reason, sense or value, instrumental, material, time or space background, norm, spacial background, and the ‘-(eu)ro’ Kasus phrases or the ‘-eseo’ Kasus phrases which express semantically equal meaning with NP of ‘NP+ha-’ construction or with Subject NP of verb ‘byunha-’ construction, and the idiomatic ‘-(eu)ro’ Kasus phrases or ‘-(eu)rosseo’ Kasus phrases, etc. are all estimated as the adjuncts.<br/> But the ‘-(eu)ro’ Kasus phrases of the functions such as goal, result or product, status property, and those related to time in the verb ‘(jeong)ha-’ construction, etc. are all estimated as the arguments.<br/> If such ‘-(eu)ro’ Kasus phrases are adjuncts, then they have a modifier scope individually such as adverb. It is deeply related with the unmarked positions of those. According to such description some adjuncts modify the lexical category, some adjuncts modify the sentence category, some adjuncts modify the mediate category which is larger than the lexical category but is smaller than the sentence category. However, idiomatic ‘-(eu)ro’ Kasus phrases or ‘-(eu)rosseo’ Kasus phrases are always the sentence category adjuncts, but ‘-(eu)roseo’ Kasus phrases in front of the sentence are not only those but also the ‘situation presentive word’ related to topic.

      • KCI등재

        변인 통제 능력을 강화하기 위한 수업 프로그램의 개발 및 적용 효과 분석

        이윤하,강순희,Lee, Yoon-Ha,Kang, Soon-Hee 대한화학회 2011 대한화학회지 Vol.55 No.3

        The main purpose of this study was to develop a teaching program, especially designed to improve the skills of control variables. The secondary purpose was to investigate the effect of the program on enhancing students' scientific reasoning and understanding. The program was designed based on the 3-step learning model: i.e. students recognize the necessity of controlling the variables (step 1), perform their own experiments (step 2), and reflect on their variables control process (step 3). The program included 9 topics of increasing difficulty. In results, Lawson's SRT scores increased in both experimental and control groups after application of the program, but the difference was not statistically significant. After the application, there was an increase in type A and type B which implied that students' skills of control variables was improved. In addition, responses of students in the experimental group to the open-ended items showed that it was challenging for them to think scientifically and critically when controling variables, but they ended up feeling proud of their achievement after the program. 본 연구에서는 중학교 2학년을 대상으로 변인 통제 강화 프로그램을 개발하고, 이를 적용했을 때 과학적 사고력, 변인 통제 유형 변화에 미치는 효과를 알아보았다. 변인 통제 강화 모형은 변인 통제의 필요성을 인식하는 1단계, 학생들이 스스로 실험을 설계하여 진행하는 2단계, 자신들이 설계한 실험 과정을 되돌아보는 3단계로 구성된다. 이러한 모형에 기초하여 변인 통제 강화 프로그램을 개발하였다. 프로그램의 주제는 모두 9가지이며, 후반부로 갈수록 난이도가 높아진다. 프로그램을 적용한 결과, 학생들의 과학적 사고력 점수(로슨 SRT)는 다소 상승하였으나 통계적으로 유의미하지는 않았다. 사전에 실시한 변인 통제 유형 검사에서는 유형A~유형F까지 고루 분포하였는데 사후에는 변인 통제를 잘하는 유형인 유형A와 유형B가 많았다. 프로그램을 마친 후 실시한 설문을 분석한 결과, 학생들은 변인을 통제하는 실험을 하면서 과학적이고 비판적으로 생각해야 하는 점을 어렵고 힘들어했지만 자신감을 얻었음을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        통합개념을 중심으로 한싱가포르, 캐나다와 미국의 과학교육과정 내용 요소 분석

        이윤하 ( Yoon Ha Lee ),윤회정 ( Heo Jeong Yoon ),송주연 ( Joo Yeon Song ),방담이 ( Da Mi Bang ) 한국과학교육학회 2014 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        본 연구에서는 싱가포르 과학교육과정의 주제(theme)와 캐나다 온타리오 주의 과학과 기술 교육과정에 제시되어 있는 본질적 개념(fundamental concept), 미국의 과학교육내용표준(NGSS, National Generation Science Standards)에 제시되어 있는 학문 간 교차개념(crosscutting concept)을 살펴보고, 통합개념과 관련된 각국의 성취목표에 어떤 과학 내용 요소들이 포함되어 있으며, 학년 별로 어떻게 구성되어 있는지 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 각 국에서 제시하고 있는 통합개념은 그 나라 교육과정의 특성을 반영하며, 통합개념의 특성에 따라 통합개념에 포함되는 과학 내용요소들은 달라질 수 있다는 것과 학년 별로 제시되는 통합개념에는 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이를 바탕으로 통합개념을 중심으로 통합교육과정을 설계할 때 고려해야 하는 몇 가지 사항을 다음과 같이 제안할 수 있다. 주요 과학 내용을 포함해야 하는 통합개념의 수는 너무 많거나 너무 적지 않아야 할 것이며, 통합개념이 의미하는 바를 명확히 규정하고 해당 통합개념에 어떤 분과적인 내용 요소들이 포함될 수 있는지 신중하게 검토하면서 통합개념을 선정하는 과정이 필요하다. 또한 모든 통합개념이 모든 학년에서 고르게 다루어지는 것이 바람직한지, 또는 특정 통합개념이 특정 학년에서 집중적으로 다루어지는 것이 필요한지 등을 숙고하여 내용을 선정하고 조직하는 것이 필요하다. The feasibility of integrated concepts as a key element in designing integrated science curriculum has been investigated by analysing science contents included in performance expectations stated at different grades. The science curriculum of Singapore and the state of Ontario in Canada, and next generation of science standard (NGSS) were selected. Each of them presents theme, fundamental concepts, and crosscutting concepts, which has the characteristics of integrated concepts proposed in the study. Analysis showed that theme, fundamental concepts, and crosscutting concepts were influenced by the characteristics of each curriculum. In addition, science contents related to integrated concepts at different grades varied with the nature of integrated concepts. Based on results, some suggestions were made. First, the total number of integrated concepts should be considered for designing integrated curriculum. Second, the nature of integrated concepts and science contents associated with the integrated concepts should be considered. The integrated concepts should be vast and deep enough in the meaning to contain various content knowledge of different science domains. Third, it should be considered that how the integrated concepts have to be presented at different grades.

      • KCI등재

        중학생들의 변인 통제 논리력과 변인 통제 유형 분석

        이윤하 ( Yoon Ha Lee ),강순희 ( Soon Hee Kang ) 한국과학교육학회 2011 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        본 연구에서는 학생들의 변인통제 논리력과 변인 통제 활동을 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 먼저 변인통제 능력에 대한 구체적인 채점 기준을 개발하였다. 이어서, 중학교 2학년에 재학 중인 30명의 학생을 대 상으로 학생들의 변인통제 유형을 알아보았다. ‘계단 빨리 왕복하기’전략을 설계하도록 하는 과제를 부여 한 후 얻어진 학생들의 응답 내용을 바탕으로 변인 통제 유형을 분석하였다. 변인 통제의 필요성 인식 여 부, 불필요 변인의 배제 여부, 통제 변인의 설계 여부, 조작 변인과 종속 변인의 설계 여부의 네 가지 측면에 따라 유형A~유형F의 여섯 가지 유형으로 분류하였다. 그리고 Lawson의 과학적 사고 수준 검사 문항 중변인 통제 논리에 해당하는 4개 문항에 대한 답변을 본 연구에서 개발한 채점 기준으로 채점하여 변인 통제 논리력을 측정하였다. Lawson이 개발한 과학적 사고 검사지로 측정한 점수와 변인 통제 논리력 점수의 상관 계수는 .67로 과학적 사고력와 변인 통제 논리력의 상관은 높은 것으로 나타났다(p<.01). 이는 본 연구에서 개발한 채점 기준이 학생들의 변인 통제 능력을 객관적으로 평가할 수 있다고 판단할 수 있으며, 또한 학생들의 과학적 사고력을 측정하는데 이용할 수 있음을 의미하는 것이다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the ability to control variables and the ways by which variables are controlled. First, the assessment criteria for evaluating the students` ability to control variables were developed for 8th grade students. Second, the ways variables are controlled were classified from student activity reports. These students` answers were categorized into six types (type A ~ type F). Type A is defined as the group that excelled in recognizing the importance of controlling variables, eliminating unnecessary variables and identifying manipulated, dependent and controlled variables. Third, the scores of ability to control variables (CV score) and the classroom test of scientific reasoning (Lawson SRT) scores were measured. The results indicated that the CV score was highly correlated with Lawson SRT scores (r=.67, p<.01). Therefore, the assessment criteria developed in this study was used to evaluate the ability to control variables (CV score) and to measure the students` scientific reasoning.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현대국어 대우법에 대하여 - '-시-'와 '-삽-'의 기능을 중심으로 -

        이윤하 ( Yoon-ha Lee ) 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 1995 인문과학연구 Vol.1 No.-

        This paper is planned in order to examine the various phases of the function of '-shi- and '-sap-' debated with the intricate theories and the views in the academic world, and therefore caused even the acute arguments more than the debate on the politeness in modem Korean and revealed in the all sorts of the treatisis and the books collected "An outline of the successive generations Korean grammar". Here, we will not debate any kind of calling what's right, right and what's wrong, wrong on the related theories and views. Because the basic purpose of this paper was posited to make a search for what to be right way for the discussion and comprehension on the problems related '-shi- and '-sap-'. Through the serious investigation, we called confirm that the theories and the views on '-shi- and '-sap-' in the academic world today were concealed many and few in those of the former learned men; '-shi- is the element related to the subject-person and the object-person referred, and '-sap-' is the element to be debated on the relation between the speaker and the hearer. But we also could discover the queer views getting out of the self-evident and firm ideas as this; the form combined '-shi- with '-sap-' has the function which reverse the subject-person and the hearer some more. While we could get the points which many ststements of a certain learned man would not maintain the logical consistency, which the origin of many theories on the function of '-shi- and '-sap-' would be begun with a certain view of a former learned man and therefore it would be possible to infer the one another's influence-relations related to the theories brought up.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        상습단수도서지역의 비상용수 부족량 분석을 통한 용수공급 취약성 평가

        이윤하(Lee, Yoon-Ha),홍원화(Hong, Won-Hwa),이지수(Lee, Ji-Soo) 대한건축학회 2014 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        Because of the geographical nature, water source is difficult to develop in islands. So water shortage is serious in island area. Relatively vulnerable to natural disasters, in emergency they have to rely on water supply ship. But water supply ship is not enough and the distance to island is far, island’s water supply system is unstable and poor. In addition, most islands rely on a single water source, in the event of a disaster Island residents face serious water shortages. Thus, a stable water supply on the island in order to come up with measures to increase the absolute amount and the administration should seek to increase the supply effect. Also, in an emergency to minimize the social and economic damage and supply standard precautions should be made. In this study, Shortage of water supply on the island that can lead to a scenario was created and then estimating water deficit and to assess the vulnerability of water supply was. Water shortage crisis that can cause in island area were classified. Also water deficit was estimated when each water supply was interrupted and other water sources can not substitute. And vulnerability was assessed by possibility of cause damage to the water supply.

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