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        포유동물의 털 종류에 따른 형태적 모표피 차이 및 원소와 무기질 함유량 -인간, 오랑우탄, 고릴라, 침팬지를 중심으로-

        오강수,류은주 한국디자인문화학회 2011 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        이 연구는 털 종류에 따른 표피의 형태 분석 및 털에 함유되어 있는 원소 및 무기질을 추출하여 개체간의 차이를 보고자 한다. 털 종류에 따른 표피 형태분석과 털에 함유된 원소 및 무기질을 분석, 비교 제시함으로서 각각의 털이 지닌 본질적인 구성요소들을 파악하고 미용학의 학문적 영역을 확대 재생산하는데 그 목적이 있다. 인간의 털, 양털 등을 현미경으로 찍어서 제시한 논문 등이 보고되고 있으나, 인간의 털중에서도 탈모 상태인 색조모(Pigmented Hair) 경모(Terminal Hair), 노화백모(Gray Hair), 새치백모(Poliosis), 연모(Lanugo Hair)화된 경모, 세모, 가슴털의 표피 및 무기질을 분석한 논문은 전무함을 알수 있다. 또한 오랑우탄, 고릴라, 침팬지의 털 등의 표피와 무기질 함유량을 비교한 논문 역시 보고되지 않고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이러할 때 포유동물 개체 간털의 표피 및 무기질 함유량을 살펴보는 것은 털의 특성을 이해하는데 중요한 의미를 부여할 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 인간과 유전적 구조가 비슷한 포유동물 중, 오랑우탄, 고릴라, 침팬지를 대상으로 형태학적 부분에서의 표피 및 무기질 원소를 비교하고자 하였다. 50대 남성형탈모 상태인 색조모, 경모, 노화백모, 연모화된 경모로서 세모, 가슴 털, 50대 남성 정상 색조모인 경모, 새치백모, 50대 여성 정상 색조모로서 경모,새치백모, 오랑우탄의 여름털 및 겨울털 경모, 새끼 암컷오랑우탄 경모, 겨울 암컷 가슴털, 고릴라의 여름털 경모 및 백모, 고릴라의 겨울털 경모, 침팬지 수컷 겨울털 경모 및 솜털의 표피를 비교 분석하였다. 또한 이들 포유동물 털들의 C, N, O, S, C1, Ca, K 함유량을 비교 분석하였다. 시료 채취는 50대의 두 유형 남성과 여성 각각의 색조모, 백모를 채취하였다. 시료는 남성두발은 유전성탈모(Baldness)가 진행된 한 유형과 함께 나머지 유형은 가늘고 약간의 곱슬모(Wavy Hair)이며 여성모는 유전적이거나 탈모 유형과는 무관한 정상적인 직모(Straight Hair)로 화학적 처리나 열등으로 인해 손상되지 않은 정상모발(Virgin Hair)이다. 이는 두정부내에서 직접 뽑았으며 모근부위와 연결된 모간 표면은 1㎝이내, 단면은 0.3㎝ 일정 길이로 절단하여 사용 하였다. 대형유인원 모 채취 시료 털은 2008년 1월에서 9월까지 4차에 걸쳐 우리나라 동물원내에 사육중인 고릴라, 오랑우탄, 침팬지 등으로 우리 내에 빠져 흘러 있거나 직접 채취하였다. 저지대 고릴라는 68년생 수컷의 은색등과 69년 1월생 암컷, 오랑우탄 68년생 암컷과 13세 수컷과 6세, 3세의 암컷가슴 털, 침팬지는 암수의 성을 구별할 수 없는 우리 내에서 채취된 털로서 솜털과 정상상태 털 2종을 선별하여 모근과 모간 부위를 일정 길이로서 표면 1㎝, 단면 0.3㎝ 정도 절단하여 사용하였다. 연구방법은 주사전자현미경(Scanning Election Microscope, SEM, S4200, Japan, KBSI, Busan) 및 이온증착기(Ion-Sputter, JFC-1100, Japan)를 사용하였다. 각각의 시료는 수세하지 않고 질소액체 충전 30초 후 단면 처리하여 스테이지에 카본테이프에 접착 샘플링으로 준비하여 25분 진공처리(Hotachi Scp-11, Japan) 후 주사전자현미경(Scanning Election Microscope, SEM, S4200, Japan, KBSI, Busan) 15kv 가속전압에서 관찰하였으며, 이온증착기(Ion-Sputter, JFC-1100, Japan)를 사용하여 금 또는 플레토륨 20㎜두께로 80초 도금하여 모발이나 털에 침착된 C, N, O, Ca, K. C1의 성분을 확인하였다. 이를 위해 에너지 분산 분광 분석기(EDS, Horida 6853-H, Japan, KBSI, Busan)로 가속전 ... This study was designed to inquire into the difference between individuals through an analysis of epidermal shape and the extraction of elements and minerals, which mammals’ hair contains, according to hair types. Papers that examine human’s hair and wool under a microscope are reported, but there are no papers analyzing hair loss condition-pigmented hair, terminal hair, gray hair, poliosis, lanugo hair-made terminal hair, very thin hair, epidermis and minerals of chest hair among human’s hair. Papers that compare epidermis and minerals contents of orangutan’s, gorilla’s and chimpanzee’s hair are not also reported. At such time, the inquiry into the epidermis and minerals contents of hair between mammals can give a significant meaning in understanding hair’s characteristics. This study was designed to compare epidermis and minerals elements in the morphological part on orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees of mammals it is similar in genetic constitution to human. It made a comparative analysis of vellus hair and chest hair as male-pattern hair loss conditions of men in their 50s, pigment hair, terminal hair, gray hair and terminal hair being lanugo hair, terminal hair and poliosis hair as normal pigment hair of men in their 50s, terminal hair and poliosis hair as normal pigment hair of women in their 50s, orangutans’ terminal hair in the summer and winter, little female orangutans’ terminal hair, female orangutans’ chest hair in the winter, gorillas’ terminal hair and gray hair in the summer, gorillas’ terminal hair in the winter, male chimpanzees’ terminal hair and vellus hair surface in the winter. Besides, it made a comparative analysis of C, N, O, S, C1, Ca and K content of these mammalia hair. Samples of pigmented hair and gray hair were taken from men and women in their 50s. For samples, male hair is thin and some wavy hair with a type of hereditary baldness. Female hair is normal straight hair unrelated to hereditary baldness and virgin hair undamaged by chemical treatment or heat. It was directly pulled out within parietal region. The surface and cross section of hair shaft linked to the hair root region was cut within 1㎝ and in lengths of 0.3㎝, respectively. The samples of the great apes’ hair were directly collected from orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees breeding in the zoo for 4 times from January to September, 2008. Or samples fallen in the pen was also collected. For gorillas in low-lying areas born in 1968 and in January, 1969, male hair of silver back and female hair were respectively collected. For orangutans born in 1968, female hair, male hair of 13-year-old, female chest hair of 6-and 3-year-old were collected. Chimpanzees’ hair was collected in the pen which can’t distinguish between male and female sex. By selecting 2 types of downy hair and normal hair, the surface of hair root and hair shaft region was cut in lengths of 1 ㎝. And the cross section of hair root and hair shaft region was also cut in lengths of about 0.3㎝. Scanning election microscope(SEM, S4200, Japan, KBSI, Busan) and ion-Sputter(JFC-1100, Japan) were used for this study. Each samples were observed in 15kv acceleration voltage of scanning election microscope after Vaccum processing for 25 minutes by the handling method of cut surface in 30 minutes since liquid nitrogen charging without scouring and the preparation of adhesive sampling on the carbon tape in the stage, and the components of C, N, O, Ca, K and C1 embedded in hair or fur were inquired by the plating with gold or plathorium for 80 minutes to a thickness of 20㎜ using ion-sputter. For this, the analysis was made by 15㎸ acceleration voltage using energy distribution spectroscopic analyzer. This study showed that on the SEM, the tip variation and the serraction according to cuticle cell-lap between fur types vary just a little, but the morphological serrations have the identical shape. Unusually, male gray hair and poliosis hair di...

      • 두개피 관리 의식도 조사

        오강수,지정훈 한국패션뷰티학회 2006 한국패션뷰티학회지 Vol.4 No.3

        Hair is the part of body which expresses man into more manlike. When we create some artworks, we need the most suitable material for the artworks. Similarity, the healthy scalp hair condition and treatment are required to keep our hair clean and healthy. And the improper condition of scalp hair prohibits our hair from normal growing, proceeds the alopecia(loss of hair) and double our physical and mental stresses. The necessity of health treatment of scalp hair which was damaged by frequent permanent hair wave and hair coloring is on the rise. This study will present how to control and treat the scalp hair and will check how we feel about the necessity of scalp hair treatment. This study finally shows that people think their scalp hair conditions are not normal and chemically treated hair in spite of their natural hair. However, most people think that the scalp hair treatment is very useful to their hair and this result enables us to predict the future market of the scalp hair treatment business will be growing day by day. We need to study further not only scalp hair treatment but also prevention stage in order to keep the healthy hair and will check how we feel about the necessity of scalp hair treatment.

      • KCI등재

        미용실 고객들의 외모관리 의식과 외모관리 행동이 메이크업 인식에 미치는 영향

        오강수,배상옥 한국디자인문화학회 2020 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        This study is quantitative research intended to look into the effects of beauty shop customers’ appearance management consciousness and appearance management behavior on their make-up perception, which it aims to present basic data on expanding and reproducing the beauty industry based on the social perception of make-up. To achieve the purpose of this study, data sampled in Gwangju city and South Jeolla province were set at a significance level of p<0.05 to conduct frequency analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, independent sample t-test and variance analysis, Duncan test, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 17.0 through the process of data coding and data cleaning. The research results are as follows. By age, 40s was the highest at 51.5%, followed by the over-50s. By marital status, the married and the unmarried were 97.5% and 2.5%, respectively. By gender, female and male were 94.0% and 6.0%, respectively. By occupation, art was the highest at 63.5%, followed by student and production/technology. By final level of education, less than high school education was the highest at 58.0%, followed by college education, more than graduate school education, and university education. For the preferred beauty care, hair was the highest at 91.0%, followed by skin, and make-up. For annual average purchasing cost, 210,000 to 300,000 won was the highest at 42.5%. For skin, dry skin was the highest at 49.0%. For skin improvement, skin elasticity was the highest at 40.0%. For make-up image, sophisticated look was the highest, followed by good skin appearance. For reason of appearance management, self-satisfaction was the highest, followed by work life, and social dignity. For most important point in entire appearance, hairstyle was the highest at 68.5%. The relationship between appearance management consciousness, appearance management behavior and make-up perception according to the demographic factors of samples showed that when appearance management consciousness and appearance management behavior increase, there isn’t only a positive relationship between both appearance management consciousness and appearance management behavior, and make-up perception, but a heightened make-up perception. 이 연구는 미용실 이용 고객들을 대상으로 외모 관리 의식, 외모 관리 행동, 메이크업 인식에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 한 연구로 메이크업에 대한 사회적인식을 기초로 뷰티산업을 확대 재생산 하는 기초자료를 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 연구 방법으로는 광주광역시 및 전라남도에서 샘플링한 자료를 데이터 코딩과 데이터 크리닝 과정을 거쳐, SPSS 17.0으로 유의수준 p<0.05로 설정하여 빈도분석 및 기술통계 분석, 독립표본 t검증과 분산분석, Duncan test, 상관분석, 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 연령은 40대 51.5%, 50대 이상의 순으로나타났으며, 기혼이 97.5%, 미혼 2.5%로 나타났다. 성별은 여성이 94.0%, 남성이 6.0%, 직업은 예술계통이63.5%, 학생, 생산/기술 순으로 나타났으며, 최종학력에서는 고졸 이하 58.0%, 전문대졸, 대학원 이상, 대졸의 순으로 나타났다. 미용 실태 분석 결과 선호하는미용관리는 헤어 91.0%, 피부, 메이크업의 순이었으며, 연평균 구매비용에서는 21∼30만원이 42.5%로 가장많았고, 피부는 건성피부가 49.0%로 가장 많았다. 피부 개선점은 피부탄력이 40.0%이 가장 높았으며 메이크업으로 표현하고 싶은 이미지는 세련되어 보이기및 피부가 좋아 보이기 순으로 나타났다. 외모 관리이유는 스스로 만족, 직장생활, 사회적 체면 순으로나타났고, 전체 외모에서 가장 중요한 점에서는 헤어스타일이 68.5%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 표본의 인구통계적 요인에 따른 외모 관리 의식과외모 관리 행동, 메이크업 인식 간, 상관관계를 분석한 결과 외모 관리 의식과 외모 관리 행동이 높아질수록 메이크업 인식 간 모두 정(+)의 상관관계가 존재하고 있고 메이크업 인식도 높아진다는 것을 알 수가 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        미용산업 창업자의 전략적 지향성과 사회적 자본이 창업성과에 미치는 영향

        오강수,신희웅 한국미용예술경영학회 2023 미용예술경영연구 Vol.17 No.4

        This study examines how the strategic orientation and social capital of founders are influencing start-up performance in the rapidly changing beauty market. The survey period was from December 10, 2021 to January 15, 2022, and frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed using the SPSS WIN 21.0 program. As a result of the study, it was found that the strategic orientation of the founders of the beauty industry had a significant positive (+) effect on the start-up performance, and in non-financial performance, entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation by sub-factors of strategic orientation were found to be important factors, and in financial performance, market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation by sub-factors of strategic orientation were found to be important factors. The social capital of founders in the beauty industry was found to have a significant positive (+) effect on start-up performance, and in terms of non-financial performance, the founding team reliability, start-up team cohesion, and founder network by sub-factors of social capital were found to be important factors, and in financial performance, the founder network, start-up team reliability, and start-up team cohesion by sub-factors of social capital were found to be important factors.

      • 두피 및 모발 관리에 대한 인식 조사

        오강수 한국패션뷰티학회 2007 한국패션뷰티학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        This study was designed to measure customer awareness about their own scalp and hair treatment based on survey, through the theoretical background of scalp physiology field by considering scalp and hair treatment. This was to provide a principal data about scalp and hair treatment for the beauty industry. Also, the data about the awareness of customers will be used to search for a direction far basic beauty services in the scalp and hair treatment field. Four hundred customers in beauty parlors, dermatology clinics, skin care institutes, and scalp institutes, living in the North Cheolla Province were surveyed. They were 25 years old and over. The surveys were performed over a period of ten days from November 18th to 28th in 2005. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS. Frequency and percentage were used to draw typical feature of subjects. Chi-square test, frequencies, t-test and One-way ANOVA were performed to consider awareness of customers for hair treatment as well as hair character and scalp hair. This study was able to estimate the awareness of customers by putting together between the recognition of scalp based on the special quality of hair and the recognition of hair and scalp treatment. In conclusion, the scalp and hair did not act independently. In order to have healthy hair, one must posses a healthy, and physiologically sound scalp. In order for beauticians to properly serve their clientele who require hair and scalp treatment, one must be able to comprehend and understand the field of scalp and hair treatment.

      • KCI등재

        시각적 촉감을 활용한 디자인의 특성 연구 - 헤어 디자인을 중심으로 -

        오강수,김경인,Oh, Gang Su,Kim, Kyoungin 한국패션비즈니스학회 2017 패션 비즈니스 Vol.21 No.4

        In this study, we examine a variety of influences in the field of design and analysis about the value of visual tactile design. In hair design, through study on visual tactility, creative design inspiration in the field of hair design enables development of quality research. Research methods use Internet publications such as local and foreign data, analysis, and related research and book forms, such as network searches. library goes for consideration by a literature search. Contents of this study used review of the case and by visual tactility design, for this study, expressive characteristics by color, texture and form of hair design, from 2014-2017 trend shown in the last three years the expressions of visual tactility being used through the analysis of design by date of the case. Result of this study is, visual tactile design appearing in the areas of hair design, that are not of the rules that are active, abstract form, texture, described as a visual feel the promotion of effective, and light and high brightness is sweet tactile impression, high saturation was cold, dark color was hard and heavy, red system is warm and the blue system is cold sense. In general, design trend in hair for three years from 2014-2017, visual tactility in 2014 is a high saturation and unstructured also soft and bright colors. 2015 is on the overall shape, color, texture, hybrid design configuration is more. As of 2016, 2017 is curved and straight texture, appearance of the hybrid mix to maximize the visual tactility.

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