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        한국 남서부 담양습지의 퇴적환경 변화와 형성시기 연구

        신승원,김진철,이상헌,이진영,최태진,김종선,노열,허민,조형성 한국지구과학회 2021 한국지구과학회지 Vol.42 No.1

        Damyang Wetland, a riverine wetland, has been designated as the first wetland protection area in South Korea and is a candidate area for the Mudeungsan Area UNESCO Global Geopark. The Damyang Wetland area is the upstream part of the Yeongsan River and is now a relatively wide plain. To reconstruct the sedimentary environment around the Damyang Wetland, core samples were obtained, and sedimentary facies analysis, AMS and OSL age dataings , grain size, and geochemical analyses were carried out. In addition, comprehensive sedimentary environment changes were reconstructed using previous core data obtained from this wetland area. In the Yeongsan River upstream area, where the Damyang Wetland is located, fluvial terrace deposits formed during the late Pleistocene are distributed in an area relatively far from the river. As a gravel layer is widely distributed throughout the plains, Holocene sediments were likely deposited in a braided river environment when the sea level stabilized after the middle Holocene. Then, as the sedimentary environment changed from a braided river to a meandering river, the influx of sand-dominated sediments increased, and a floodplain environment was formed around the river. In addition, based on the pollen data, it is inferred that the climate was warm and humid around 6,000 years ago, with wetland deposits forming afterward. The the trench survey results of the river area around the Damyang Wetland show that a well-rounded gravel layer occurs in the lower part, covered by the sand layer. The Damyang Wetland was likely formed after the construction of Damyang Lake in the 1970s, as muddy sediments were deposited on the sand layer. 담양습지는 하도 내에 발달하는 하천습지로, 국내 처음으로 습지보호구역으로 지정되었으며 유네스코 무등산권세계지질공원 후보지역으로 알려져 있다. 담양습지 인근은 영산강 상류지역으로 현재는 비교적 넓은 평야지대가 분포한다. 담양습지 주변의 퇴적환경을 해석하고자 시추코어를 획득하였고, 퇴적상, 연대측정(AMS, OSL), 입도분석, 지화학분석 등을 수행했다. 또한 습지 주변의 기존 시추 코어 자료를 사용하여 종합적인 퇴적환경 변화를 해석했다. 담양습지가 분포하는 영산강 상류 일대의 평야 지역은 후기 플라이스토세 동안 형성된 하안단구 퇴적층이 비교적 하도와 먼 지역에 분포하고 있다. 홀로세 퇴적층은 자갈층이 평야 일대에 걸쳐 넓게 분포하고 있어 홀로세 중기 이후 해수면이 안정화 된 다음에 망상하천의 형태로 퇴적된 것으로 해석했다. 그리고 현재와 같은 사행하천으로 전이되면서 주로 모래가우세한 퇴적물이 유입되었으며, 하도 주변으로는 범람원 환경이 조성되었다. 또한 화분분석 결과를 근거로 약 6천년 전후에는 온난 습윤한 환경이었으며 이후 습지 퇴적층이 발달한 것으로 추정했다. 담양습지가 분포하는 하도 일대의 트렌치 조사 결과 하부에는 원마도가 좋은 자갈층이 분포하고 있으며, 자갈층 상부를 모래층이 덮고 있다. 담양습지는 1970 년대 담양호가 건설된 이후 모래층 상부에 머드층이 퇴적되면서 형성된 것으로 추정된다.

      • KCI등재
      • Synthesis of lipid-coated polymeric nanoparticles and controlled release of immune stimulant

        신승원,송인현,신우정,엄숭호 한국공업화학회 2016 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2016 No.0

        Here we present a novel, synthetic bacterial system as an immune stimulant composed of three main subdivisions: an outer lipid membrane, a bacterial genomic core, and a polymer interface. The specific decomposition rate of the polymer groups prompted an antigen-triggering response that controls the maturation of dendritic cells. To track the maturation of dendritic cells, several specific surface markers, such as CD80 and CD86, were analyzed with flow cytometry, and the levels of several cytokines secreted from maturated DCs were also measured. Interestingly, the ratio of polylactic-co-glycolic acid to polylactic acid increased from 50:50 to 75:25 during the maturation process. We believe that the synthetic bacteria-based immunostimulation system is a promising therapeutic candidate for several infectious diseases.

      • KCI등재

        적백하오관중탕(赤白何烏寬中湯)의 기원(基源), 변천과정(變遷過程) 및 구성원리(構成原理)

        신승원,김윤희,유정희,이준희,고병희,이의주,Shin, Seung-Won,Kim, Yun-Hee,Yu, Jeong-Hee,Lee, Jun-Hee,Kho, Byung-Hee,Lee, Eui-Ju 사상체질의학회 2010 사상체질의학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        1. Objectives: This paper was written to understand the origin, changes and the constructive principles of Jeokbaekhaogwanjung-tang(Chibaihewu-tang; 赤白何烏寬中湯). 2. Methods: Jeokbaekhaogwanjung-tang and other related prescriptions were analyzed in terms of pathology, based on "Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑)", "Donguisusebowon Chobongwon(東醫壽世保元 草本卷)", "Donguisusebowon Gabobon(東醫壽世保元 甲午本)", "Donguisusebowon Sinchukbon(東醫壽世保元 辛丑本)" and "Donguisasangsinpyeon(東醫四象新編)" 3. Results: and Conclusions: 1) The origin of Jeokbaekhaogwanjung-tang, which inherited the spirit of Zhang, Zhongjing(張仲景)'s Sasim-tang(Xiexin-tang; 瀉心湯), is discovered in the prescriptions for Sun-qi(順氣), that is, Gwanjung-hwan(Kuanzhong-wan; 貫衆丸) and Mokhyangsungi-san(Muxiangshunqi-san; 木香順氣散). 2) The Jeokbaekhaogwanjung-tang was derived from Gangchulpajeok-tang(Jiangzhupoji-tang; 薑朮破積湯) of "Dongyisusebowon Gabobon", where the herbal medicines, Panax ginseng(人蔘) of Sasim-tang was replaced with Cynanchum wilfordii(白何首烏) and Allium sativum(獨頭蒜) was newly used too. Thereafter, Polygonum multiflorum(赤何首烏) and Alpinia oxyphylla(益智仁) were first added in Jeokbaekhaogwanjung-tang in "Sinchukbon". 3) The Jeokbaekhaogwanjung-tang, composed of 8 herbs except for Zizyphus jujuba(大棗), treats Taeumjeung(太陰證) of Soeumin(少陰人) through warming the Stomach(溫胃) of Cynanchum wilfordii, Polygonum multiflorum, Zingiber officinale(乾薑) and Alpinia officinarum(良薑) and downbearing the Yin(降陰) of Citrus reticulata(靑皮), Citrus unshiu(陳皮), Cyperus rotundus(香附子) and Alpinia oxyphylla.

      • KCI등재

        성인영어학습자의 영어교사효능감 관련 변인들 간의 구조적 관계 분석

        신승원 한국성인교육학회 2012 Andragogy Today : International Journal of Adult & Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the structural relationships between adult English educators' instructional leadership, adult English learners' English self-concept, self-leadership, and English teacher efficacy. The sample(N=634) was drawn from 17 EFL teacher training programs of lifelong educational institutions and the collected data were analyzed with structural equation modeling. Findings from SEM demonstrated the existence of a positive relationship of instructional leadership, English self-concept, and self-leadership with English teacher efficacy. In particular, instructional leadership had the most influential effect on educational satisfaction and self-leadership was found to be a significant mediating variable. Although English self-concept was not statistically significant in this study, English self-concept was found to be a significant predictor for self-leadership and English teacher efficacy. With research indicating that English self-concept has affected self-leadership and English teacher efficacy directly, it may be inferred that enhancing English self-concept would be still an effective way to boost adult students' educational satisfaction. 본 연구의 목적은 성인영어교수자의 교수리더십, 성인영어학습자의 영어자아개념, 셀프리더십, 영어교사효능감 간의 구조적 관계를 분석하는 것이었다. 이를 위하여 평생교육원 영어교사양성 과정 중 17개를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 634부가 최종 분석에 사용되었다. 본 연구의 연구모델을 통계적으로 검정하기 위한 주된 분석방법으로는 구조방정식이 활용되었다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교수리더십은 영어교사효능감에 직간접 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 성인영어학습자의 셀프리더십은 교수리더십과 영어자아개념의 매개변인으로 그 영향력이 검증되었다. 셋째, 영어자아개념은 영어교사효능감에 직간접 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 영어자아개념은 셀프리더십에 직접 효과를 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 결과적으로 영어교사효능감에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 연구결과를 통해 교수리더십과 영어자아개념은 영어교사효능감에 영향력 있는 변인임이 실증되었는데, 이를 통해 안드라고지에 기초한 성인교수자의 교수리더십과 영어교사를 희망하는 성인학습자의 긍정적 자기인식이 교사효능감과 연관된 주요 변인임이 입증되었다. 이는 배움, 성장, 변화를 위한 성인학습자의 자기주도성 및 동기의 중요성을 확인한 의미 있는 결과이다.

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