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        朴花?(박화염),?容洙(한용수) 중국문화연구학회 2015 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.30

        Valency is an important concept of valency grammar which was advanced systematically by French linguist Lucicen Tesniere(1893-1954). In the study of Chinese grammar, both the study of valency grammar and verb became popular since the 1980’s. The valency grammar study of modern Chinese Verb is just a crossing point of these trends. As a subgroup of the verb system in the two languages, ‘ji yu (给予)’ verb can dominate three essential nominal elements; therefore, it is sure that the ‘ji yu (给予)’ verb is the three valencies action verb both in Chinese and Korean. Both of them are based on the meaning of ‘ji yu (给予)’, it is completed by two entities (one is the agent subject and another is the non-agent subject) and one object to express the action process. In this process, the main part is subject, so it is called ‘extro-orientational verb’. At first, basing on the valency theory, we will start with observing the valent amount of ‘ji yu (给予)’ verb. On the semantic aspect, the three complements must be in the sentence at once. Therefore they are three valencies action verbs. Then we will contrast the valent character of ‘ji yu (给予)’ verb of Chinese and Korean by putting them into differential and specific sentences and observe the semantic selection of the three complements (agent subject, non-agent subject, object) We try to contrast the valent character of ‘ji yu (给予)’ verb of Chinese and Korean, aiming for getting more knowledge of the valency of ‘ji yu (给予)’ verb and observe the differences and similarities of them. We hope it would be helpful in the field of Chinese teaching as a foreign language, second language teaching and the translation of ‘ji yu (给予)’ verb between Chinese and Korean.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ중 ‘다리’ 지칭어의 의미 확장 대조

        박화염 한중인문학회 2021 한중인문학연구 Vol.71 No.-

        신체어는 인간이 세상을 보고 듣고 느끼는 가장 기본적인 출발점이다. 본고는 한국어와 중국어에서 신체부위 다리를 지칭하는 신체어 ‘다리’와 ‘腿’로 이루어진 단일어와 복합어에서 신 체어 자체의 의미 확장 방향과 인지과정을 대조하여 분석하고자 한다. 본고는 먼저 신체어 ‘다리’와 ‘腿’의 사전에서의 기술 양상을 검토하고, 다음 인지의미론과 대조언어학의 이론을 기반으로 신체어 의미 확장의 시맨틱 익스트랙션을 ‘구조․모양면’과 ‘기능면’의 두 가지 측면으로 나누어 대조 분석한다. 그중에서 ‘구조ㆍ모양면’은 다리 자체의 모양과 구성, 그리고 사람과 동물의 몸에서 차지하는 위치적 특성을 말하는데 신체어 ‘다리’의 ‘형태, 구성, 위치’적 특성을 포함하여 가리킨다. ‘기능면’은 신체부위 다리 자체의 쓰임 기능과 낱말 ‘다리’의 의미기능, 문법화기능을 포함하여 일컫는 말이다. 마지막으로 신체화에 기초한 신체어의 다양한 의미 확장의 형성 원인, 그리고 형성 과정에서 나타나는 의미자질 및 인지과 정의 변화를 살펴보고자 한다. 이러한 대조와 분석을 통하여 ‘다리’를 지칭하는 신체어 ‘다리’와 ‘腿’의 의미 확장 방향과 인지과정에서 보이는 공통점과 차이점을 도출해냄으로써, 외국어로서의 한ㆍ중 언어 교육 및 한ㆍ중 통번역 연구 분야에 도움이 될 것으로 기대가 된다. According to the theory of cognitive linguistics, the human body experience is the basis of human cognition of the world, the starting point of cognition and the tool of cognition. Feet refers to the lower part of the human body and some animals that touch the ground, and are important weight-bearing organs and movement organs of the human body. Chinese and Korean “leg” words are the core vocabulary in both Chinese and Korean languages. This article mainly studies simple words and compound words composed of Chinese and Korean “leg” morphemes, and divides their semantic image features into two types: “structural meaning” and “functional meaning”. “Structural meaning” refers to the synthesis of “shape, location, and composition”, and “functional meaning” refers to the grammatical functions of the body parts themselves, the semantic functions of human words, and part of speech functions. Through comparative analysis, the similarities and differences between them can be found, in order to provide effective and credible semantic examples and theoretical research basis for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching Korean as a foreign language, Chinese-Korean human lexics, and Chinese-Korean bilingual translation.

      • KCI등재


        박화염,한용수 중국어문연구회 2020 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.100

        The “hand” of the human body part is the part of the front end of the arm of a human or other primate, which is mainly used to grab or hold things. Humans perceive the cold or hot, rough or delicate, hard or soft of things through the touch of their hands. Based on cognitive behavior, they reflect their signals to the brain to make subjective judgments on things. Revolving around the “手c” and “손/手ₖ” which had been frequently used to describe “hand” in Korean and Chinese linguistics, this study aimed at analyzing he semantic image reflected by their single-morpheme words and compound words. Furthermore, based on the theories of contrastive and cognitive linguistics, this study analyzed the meaning of “手c” and “손/手ₖ” in the dictionary from the perspective of structural form and functional form respectively. Among which, structural form is the synthesis of shape, structure and position of face in human body; functional form includes the use function, semantic function and grammaticalization. Through this comparative research, this study discussed the origin, process and future direction of body words referring to “hand” in Korean and Chinese linguistics, and compared their similarities and differences in hopes of providing insight into the field of Korean-Chinise language education, Korean-Chinese body word teaching, and Koran-Chinese translation.

      • KCI등재


        박화염,한용수 중국문화연구학회 2015 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.30

        价是配价(valency)语法的一个重要概念,系统地提出配价语法理论的是法国的语法学家 Lucien Tesnière(1893-1954)。80年代以来,配价语法研究和动词研究是汉语语法研究的两 大热点。现代汉语动词的配价研究正是这两大热点的交汇点。 汉韩‘给予类’动词,作为两种语言动词系统下的‘给予义’的小类,能够支配三个必有名词性 成分,因此我们确定汉韩‘给予类’动词同属各自语言体系中的三价动作动词。汉韩‘给予类’动 词都是以‘给予义’为主,通过与两个实体--施事和与事,一个事物--受事相结合,共同完成 一个完整的给予行为过程,这一给予行为过程的主体是施事,因此这类动词也叫外向动词, 即外动词。 本文从动词的配价理论入手,首先考察汉韩‘给予类’动词的价量问题,两种语言在语义上 都要求与三个补足语同现,因此都属于三价动作动词。其次从价质上进一步分析汉韩‘给予类’ 动词在特定的、具体的给予动词句中,对三个补足语成分,即施事、与事、受事的语义选 择。 本文尝试对汉韩‘给予类’动词价质的相似性进行分析,是为了更加准确地掌握汉韩语法体 系中‘给予类’动词有关‘价’的问题,通过分析研究,得出汉韩‘给予类’动词价质的异同点,以期 能为对外汉语教学、第二语言教学以及有关汉韩‘给予类’动词句的翻译提供可参考的依据。

      • KCI등재

        한·중 ‘목’ 지칭어의 확장 의미 비교

        박화염,한용수 동국대학교 동서사상연구소 2021 철학·사상·문화 Vol.- No.35

        Revolving around the “목” and “颈、项、脖” which had been frequently used to describe "neck" in Korean and Chinese linguistics, this study aimed at analyzing he semantic image reflected by their single-morpheme words and compound words. Furthermore, based on the theories of contrastive and cognitive linguistics, this study analyzed the meaning of “목” and “颈、项、脖” in the dictionary from the perspective of structural form and functional form respectively. Among which, structural form is the synthesis of shape, structure and position of face in human body; functional form includes the use function, semantic function and grammaticalization. Through this comparative research, this study discussed the origin, process and future direction of body words referring to "neck" in Korean and Chinese linguistics, and compared their similarities and differences in hopes of providing insight into the field of Korean-Chinese language education, Korean-Chinese body word teaching, and Korean-Chinese translation. 본고는 한국어와 중국어에서 ‘목’을 지칭하는 어휘 중 사용빈도가 비교적 높은 핵심단어 ‘목’과 ‘颈/ 项/ 脖’을 연구대상으로 선정하여 이들로 이루어진 단일어와 복합어에서 신체어가 나타내는 확장 의미를 대조하여 분석하고자 한다. 본고는 신체어 ‘목’과 ‘颈 /项 /脖’의 사전에서의 기술 양상을 토대로 인지의미론과 대조언어학의 이론을 기반으로 이들의 시맨틱 익스트랙션(semantic extraction)을 크게 ‘구조·모양면’과 ‘기능면’의 두 가지 측면으로 나누어 대조 분석한다. 그중 ‘구조·모양면’은 신체부위 ‘목’ 자체의 모양과 구성, 그리고 사람과 동물의 몸에서 차지하는 위치적 특성을 말하는데 신체어 ‘목’의 ‘형태, 구성, 위치’적 특성을 포함하여 가리킨다. ‘기능면’은 신체부위 ‘목’ 자체의 쓰임 기능과 낱말 ‘목’의 의미기능, 문법화(grammaticalization) 기능을 포함하여 일컫는 말이다. 이러한 대조 연구 분석을 통하여 한·중 ‘목’을 지칭하는 신체어 ‘목, 颈/ 项/ 脖‘이 확장 의미의 유래, 흐름과 확장 방향, 인지과정에서 보이는 차이점을 부각하고 공통점을 도출해냄으로써, 외국어로서의 한·중 언어 및 신체어 교육, 그리고 한·중 통번역 연구 분야에 자그마한 도움이 되었으면 한다.

      • KCI등재


        박화염,한용수 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2015 中國學論叢 Vol.50 No.-

        Language is an important means of human perception and the accumulation of knowledge. Language and cognition are closely related. It is not established by the people through long social practice. Because different people have different growth environment, social background and cultural background, these different factors will affect people's cognitive activities and cognitive ability. According to the theory of cognitive linguistics, human’s own physical experience is the basis of human cognition, the starting point of cognition, and also a tool of cognition. The experiences gained from bodies are spread to the cognitive world by way of metaphors and other cognitive schemas. That’s how concept system formed. Human cognitive activities are rooted in the physical experiences of human beings. In other words, people's basic experience plays a very important role in the process of human cognition. The “嘴/口” related words are very important words in the human body vocabulary. People need to survive by the usage of “嘴/口” to complete the most basic “eating” and “speaking“ behavior, so the “嘴/口” related words in Chinese and Korean for semantic analysis have high research value and significance. Based on the results of previous studies, the dictionary meaning of words in Chinese and Korean “嘴/口” as well as the related theories of cognitive linguistics and contrastive linguistics, this article aims at analyzing the similarities and differences of the structure and function of the “嘴/口” related words in Chinese and Korean in the semantic expansion . Hoping this article can provide a reference for the Chinese and foreign language vocabulary teaching.

      • KCI등재


        박화염,한용수 동아인문학회 2016 동아인문학 Vol.36 No.-

        人类接触世界万物最基本的出发点是人类自身的身体经验,按照认知语言学的理论,人类自身的身体经验是人类认知世界的基础,是认知的出发点,也是认知的工具。人类把通过身体获得的经验通过隐喻等认知图式推广到其认知世界中去,形成概念系统。总而言之,人类最基本的身体经验在认知过程中起着至关重要的作用。 汉韩“耳”类词在汉语和韩国语中均属使用频率较高的人体词之一,因此称之为基本词汇。本文主要以汉韩“耳”类词中使用频率较高的“耳c,귀k”,以及韩国语的汉字词语素“耳k”作为研究对象,主要分析由它们构成的单纯词和复合词中,扩张义项所体现的语义取象。 本文以汉韩“耳”类词的词典义项为依据,结合认知语言学和对比语言学的相关理论,对其语义取象特征的两个方面,即“结构义”和“功能义”进行研究分析。其中“结构义”是指“耳朵”部位自身样貌和构成,以及“耳朵”在人体、动物身体上所体现的位置结构。通过分析得出汉韩“耳”类词在语义取象方面的异同点,以期为对外汉语教学、对外韩国语教学、汉韩人体词汇学,以及汉韩双语翻译学领域提供有效的实用依据。 The basic starting point for human beings to contact the whole world lies in the physical experience of human themselves. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, the physical experience of human beings is the foundation, the starting point and also the tool that leads them to perceive the world. They extend their physical acknowledge to the cognitive world by metaphors or other cognitive schema which is to be formed as conceptual system. In short, the basic physical experience of human beings plays a vital role in the cognitive process. “耳” is the most frequently used word in both Modern Chinese and Modern Korean. In this case, it is called the basic vocabulary. The research object of this article is “耳c” and “귀k/耳k” and the article mainly analyzes the semantic image reflected by their single-morpheme words and compound words. On the basis of the class word “耳” in both Chinese and Korean dictionary, and with combined theories of cognitive linguistics and comparative linguistics, this article studied the structural meaning and the function meaning which are referred to the two main features of their semantic image. The structural meaning not only refers to the formation of the position and appearance of the eyes, but also refers to the body structure of human beings and animals which reflected by the position of their eyes. By analyzing the linguistic common points and differences between the meaning of Chinese “耳” and the meaning of Korean “耳”,the article aims at providing practical evidence forteaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching Korean as a foreign language, the body vocabulary ofboth Chinese and Korean, and Chinese-Korean translation as well.

      • KCI등재


        박화염,한용수 한국중국학회 2016 中國學報 Vol.76 No.-

        According to the theory of cognitive linguistics, the human``s own body experience of the world is the basis of human cognition, the starting point of perception, and also the cognitive tools. Human beings gained experience through body movement and then promoted them through cognitive metaphor to its understanding of the world, thus to form a conceptual system. The object of study is Chinese and Korean “頭” related Chinese and Korean “頭” idioms and other forms of expression are beyond the scope of this paper. “頭” related words are the most frequently used vocabulary in both Modern Chinese and Modern Korean. Meanwhile, “頭” occupies a very important position in the human and animal body and also associated with the life and death problem of a survival. Human beings rely on “頭” to think and then get known about the world. So, it is of great importance to take semantic research on human terms “頭” related words. Semantics is the result of taking the overall perception of things, is an empirical abstract mental map, it may involve taking a variety of features, some of which feature living in the foreground, which are prototypical; other features in background-position, which are marginal. Cognitive linguistics called ‘figure’ and ‘ground’. With combined theories of cognitive linguistics and comparative linguistics, this paper mainly analyzed Chinese and Korean “頭” related words in respective language system semantic evolution. And also, “structural justice” and “righteousness features” comparative analysis is given on this basis of two semantic aspects for Chinese and Korean “頭” related words. The “structural connection” is the location of the “頭” itself and the “頭” revealed on the human oranimal body, in other words, the combination of “appearance” and “location”. By analyzing the semantic similarities and differences of Chinese Korean “頭” related words, this paper aims at offering effective practical basis for the teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching Korean as a foreign language, Chinese and Korean bilingual translation

      • KCI등재


        박화염,한용수 중국문화연구학회 2017 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.35

        The basic starting point for human beings to contact the whole world lies in the physical experience of human themselves. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, the physical experience of human beings is the foundation, the starting point and also the tool that leads them to perceive the world. They extend their physical acknowledge to the cognitive world by metaphors or other cognitive schema which is to be formed as conceptual system. In short, the basic physical experience of human beings plays a vital role in the cognitive process. Human beings observe and distinguish objects by their eyes in daily life, while at the same time, complete the silent communication between one and another by their eyes too. Their eyes are the window of their soul. Not only language, but also the eyes, which belongs to one of the five sense organs, allow human beings to communicate with each other. “眼/目” is the most frequently used word in both Modern Chinese and Modern Korean. In this case, it is called the basic vocabulary. The research object of this article is “眼c/目c” and “눈k/안k” and the article mainly analyzes the semantic image reflected by their single-morpheme words and compound words. On the basis of the class word “眼/目”in both Chinese and Korean dictionary, and with combined theories of cognitive linguistics and comparative linguistics, this article studied the structural meaning and the function meaning which are referred to the two main features of their semantic image. The structural meaning not only refers to the formation of the position and appearance of the eyes, but also refers to the body structure of human beings and animals which reflected by the position of their eyes. By analyzing the linguistic common points and differences between the meaning of Chinese“眼/目”and the meaning of Korean “眼/目”,the article aims at providing practical evidence for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching Korean as a foreign language, the body vocabulary ofboth Chinese and Korean, and Chinese-Korean translation as well.

      • KCI등재


        박화염,한용수 한국중국문화학회 2016 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.51

        The research object of this article is “鼻c” and “코k/鼻k” and the article mainly analyzes the semantic image reflected by their single-morpheme words and compound words. This article studied the structural and the function meaning which are referred to the two main features of their semantic images, which is on the basis of the class word “鼻” in both Chinese and Korean dictionaries, combining theories of cognitive linguistics and comparative linguistics.The structural meaning not only refers to the formation of the position and appearance of the nose, but refers to the body structure of human beings and animals which reflected by the position of their nose. By analyzing the linguistic common points and differences between the meaning of Chinese“鼻” and Korean “鼻”,the article aims at providing practical evidence for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching Korean as a foreign language, the body vocabulary of Chinese and Korean, and the translation between Chinese-Korean as well.

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