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        말 형상의 차용을 통한 다원적 조형 -박동진의 회화작품을 중심으로-

        박동진 한국일러스아트학회 2011 조형미디어학 Vol.14 No.4

        . In pluralistic modern society, visual culture can be characterized as the diversification of image. This reflects the deconstruction of identity, the expansion of media, the variety of conceptions, and changes in episteme. Populism art derives pluralistic situations in which art is expanded and new interpretations of art are needed, owing to its deconstructive attitudes towards the elimination of existing art styles. In so doing, pluralistic art requires a novel paradigm of art criticism. The paintings of the author pursue dynamism through plane layers and depaysement, being away from realistic elements such as proportion, light and shade and perspective. His works can be characterized as pluralistic expressions with attitudes towards the elimination of the boundary deconstructing identity. The canvas the author realizes is physically independent, and its image, being free from formalized realizations, reflects movements that are sustainable, visual and mutually interacting. The desire for moving to escape is reflected in the author's use of the image of a horse in his works. This is not the representation of wildness and possession but the symbol of existence and desire for moving. The image of a horse represented in dots and traces of trembling is empty and unforcing. The unconscious attitude, which realizes the empty and unforcing image, and the autonomous attitude of physical coincidence, represent the positivity of existence and the desire for moving in life. The author's paintings are pluralistic in that they are done by plane layers of image, which is different from traditional paintings. That is, his works are the realizations of the arbitrary combination of plane layers of deconstruction in a pluralistic manner, not of the application of one theme and its accompanying materials and techniques. One of the most prominent characteristics of the author's paintings is the existence of pluralistic reality and its realization. It is the pursuit of autonomy and the realization of the possibility of pluralistic existence as nomadic dynamism through the union of heterogeneous elements. 다원화된 현대사회의 시각문화는 이미지의 다변화로 특징 지워진다. 이는 동일성의 해체현상과 매체의 확장 그리고, 다양한 개념의 반영이며 인식소의 변화에 따르는 것이다. 대중주의 미술은 기존 예술의 격을 허무는 해체적 태도로 인하여 예술의 확장과 해석의 필요를 이끌어 내는 다원적 상황을 도출하였다. 이로서 다원적 미술은 비평의 새로운 패러다임을 요구하게 되었다. 본인의 작업은 비례와 명암, 원근 등의 재현적 조형요소의 한정으로부터 벋어나 평면적 다층 레이어와 데페이즈망으로 역동성을 추구한다. 이는 동일성을 해체하는 경계를 지우는 태도로 다원적 표현으로 특징된다. 본인이 구현하는 화면은 물리적으로는 상호 독립적이며 그 이미지는 양식화된 재현으로부터 자유롭고 상호관계 속에서 지속적인 시각적 운동태로 나타난다. 본인이 회화작업에서 말의 형상을 도입하는 태도에는 탈주의 이동욕망이 반영되어있다. 이는 야생과 소유의 상징이 아닌 존재의 확인과 이동욕망의 상징이다. 점과 떨림의 흔적으로 차용된 말의 형상은 속이 빈, 강제하지 않는 이미지일 뿐이다. 그것을 구현하는 무의식적 태도와 물리적 우연성의 자율적 태도는 존재의 긍정과 삶의 이동욕망을 지칭한다. 일반적으로 그림이 더해가며 칠하면서 완성도를 높이는 방식과는 다르게 본인의 작업에서는 이미지의 각 층의 형성이 다원적이다. 즉, 하나의 주제나 그에 종속하는 소재와 기법의 적용이 아닌, 해체와 다원적 방식의 레이어가 무규칙의 조합을 통하여 이루어낸 융합현실인 것이다. 그러므로 본인작업의 가장 큰 조형적 특징은 복수의 현실이 존재한다는 것이며 이는 점이 구현하는 물리적 현실과 이질적 양식이 구별되는 긴장, 그리고 무의식적 표현이 상존하는 것이다. 이는 자율의 추구이면서 이질적 종합을 통한 다원적 공존의 가능성을 노마드적 역동성으로 구현하고자하는 것이다.

      • 다기준 의사결정기법을 활용한 지방행정 중심지 선정 : 도청 이전지 선정 문제를 중심으로

        박동진 安東大學 1994 安東大學 論文集 Vol.16 No.1

        The Analytic Hierachy Process(AHP) can address how to determine the relative importance of a set of activities in a multi-criteria setting, as like the selection of a provincial office location. A hierarchy of influences in selecting the provincial office location appears at Fig. l. This paper presents a new, multi-criteria approach using the AHP to evaluate the selection problem. This paper shows that the AHP is easy to use and understand, thereby it is better than other methodology like scoring method for selecting the provincial office location. ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요)

      • 정보시스템 다운사이징의 효과성 평가 : A Case Study

        박동진 안동대학교 경영연구소 1997 경영연구 Vol.1 No.1

        This study analyzes K company which implementing IS downsizing in Korea, and then evaluate its effectiveness. The effectiveness of the IS downsizing in K company can be summarized as follows: (1) In the effectiveness of information resource utilization, the company has flexibility and extension capacity to respond the environmental change. specially, the system may contribute to improve end-user decision making ability and developer's productivity. (2) In the effectiveness of investment cost, the reduction of investment cost through the economy of construction expenses, the curtailment of maintenance and repair cost, and the reduction of developers can be identified. (3) In the strategic effect, the construction of the interorganization information system and the integration of information resources can facilitated. In the rationalization of management, it can be seen that production planning and controlling, marketing, management accounting can be executed efficiently and effectively. In the office automation, the C/S computing environment employs electronic data interchange(EDI) and teleconference system. (4) In the construction of the interorganization information system, the development of EDI, the construction of extranet, and so on can be confirmed. In the satisfaction of end-user, the high degree of end-users satisfaction associated with information content, exactness, format, ease of use, timeliness, can be verified. Especially, the degree of satisfaction appears high in ease of use and timeliness, and this is in line with the expectation of the C/S system. The uncertainty of developers' turnover due to the transition to the C/S system may be relatively small. The stability and security of the system nay be not a matter of concern, but the counter plan of computer crimes should be prepared. In conclusion, the implementing IS downsizing in K company has considerably positive effect, and it can contribute to the improvement of companies competitive power. This study can establish the methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of C/S computing academically and can verify the effectiveness of C/S system in K company according to apply the methodology practically. The limits of the study are: 1) the degree of bias and error in the process of cost-effectiveness assessment using in-depth interviews with IS experts: 2) the arbitrariness of sampling in using survey method.

      • 다중심-부분매칭 개념을 도입한 k-Means 알고리즘

        박동진 公州大學校 産業開發硏究所 1998 産業開發硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        We developed MPPM(Multi-Point and Partial-Matching) algorithm which based on k-Means clustering algorithm. This algorithm is effectively applied to the large scale and multi-dimensional database that contains not only numeric attributes but also categorical attributes. In real-world database clustering, we found three issues had not been discussed by any other k-Means based algorithm developers. For solving these problems, this research aims at 1) employing a partial matching algorithm in the similarity assesment of categorical attributes, 2) identifying multi-point centers to reduce overall distributions in both type of attributes, 3) applying VDM(Value-Difference Metric) which is one of feature weighting methods to the optimal weight setting.

      • KCI등재

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