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        윤금초 시조에 나타난 시의식 연구

        김태경(Kim, Tae-Kyeong) 한국어문학회 2016 語文學 Vol.0 No.131

        This study intended to probe into the poetic world of Geum-cho Yoon who contributed to the development of the modern sijo. Poet Geum-cho Yoon wrote poems to manifest modernity in terms of content and form instead of following the characteristics of classical literature of sijo. For his achievements had enormous impact on the history of sijo, this study shed light on the poems of Yoon, particularly the characteristic parts of his works. First, the meaning of ‘Natural Space’ used in the works of Yoon was discussed in relation to the ‘Existential Investigation of Self.’ Natural objects that appear in his poems establish a spiritual contact with the poet and helps the recovery of identity. Especially, the poetic narrator gives the reader a chance to look back upon and reflect on himself or herself in the past within the natural space, drawing the reader into introspection. In this space, the poet recovers the true self and tries to communicate sincerely. In which process, the narrator recovers psychological stability and the natural space is depicted as the subject with magnanimousness. Another characteristic that stands out in the poems of Yoon was the critical mind. His criticism through sijo deals not only with a political aspect of the society and a historical event but also with the lifestyle and thought of the modern people derived by the structure of the modern society. He sings about the doubt and exhaustion he feels from the lustful modern society in the sighing tone and depicts modern people who are tormented by emotional instability and neediness within material abundance. He emotionally rendered his sharp view on both the reality of the society and the life of modern people. In terms of the format, Yoon uses the elongated forms and short forms of sijo to reveal the theme. He uses saseol sijo to sing in the humorous and satirical voice and makes full use of the dialect of Jeolla province to embody honest and somewhat straightforward criticism. The form of sijo with descriptiveness becomes the vessel to carry narrativity and story elements in the work. For broader and deeper study on modern sijo, it is necessary to analyze the poetic worlds of various poets. To respond to this need, this study probed into the poetic awareness manifested in the works of Geum-cho Yoon, a prominent poet in the circles of sijo poets. Future studies may involve concrete analysis and probe into the subject matter in comparison with the poet’s theory of sijo.

      • KCI등재

        빅데이터 기반의 아파트 수요 트렌드 분석에 관한 연구

        김태경,김한수,Kim, Tae-Kyeong,Kim, Han Soo 한국건설관리학회 2017 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.18 No.6

        Apartments are a major type of residence and their number has continuously increased. Apartments have multiple meanings in that for public they are not only for residence purpose but for investment, a major commodity for construction firms and a critical policy measure of public well-fare for the government. Therefore, it is critical to understand and analyze trends in apartments demand for pro-active actions. The objective of the study is to analyze and identify key trends in apartments demand based on big data drawn from articles of major daily newspapers. The study identifies 17 major trends from seven themes including development, trade, sale in lots, location requirements, policy, residential environment, and investment and profit. The research methods in the study can be usefully applied to further studies for various issues in relation to the construction industry. 아파트는 우리나라 전체 주택 중 상당 부분을 차지하는 중요한 거주형태이며 매년 증가하는 추세이다. 아파트는 일반 국민에게 주거용뿐만 아니라 수익 상품으로서의 가치를 지니며, 건설기업에게는 주요 상품, 정부에게는 공공 복지를 위한 중요한 수단중 하나이다. 따라서 아파트의 수요 트렌드를 이해하고 분석하는 것은 고객의 요구 가치에 대응하는 아파트 개발과 부동산 정책수립을 위해 중요한 현안이다. 본 연구의 목적은 주요 일간지의 뉴스기사를 빅데이터 소스로 설정하고 텍스트 마이닝 기법을 활용하여 아파트 수요 트렌드를 분석하고 주요 특징을 도출하는데 있다. 연구 결과, 빅데이터 분석을 통해 개발, 거래, 분양, 입지, 정책, 주거환경, 투자 수익 등 7개의 테마별로 아파트 수요 관련 17개 주요 트렌드가 도출되었다. 본 연구에서 제안된 연구방법론은 향후 건설산업 관련 연구에 빅데이터 분석을 접목시키는데 유용하게 활용될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • 티타늄 적층 제조 표면 조도 향상을 위한 DC GAN 심층신경망 연구

        김태경(Tae Kyeong Kim),정임두(Im Doo Jung) 대한기계학회 2021 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2021 No.6

        Direct Energy Deposition (DED) 공정은 금속 분말을 직접 분사하여 레이저로 소결하는 성형 기술이며, 큰 금속 부품을 제조하는 데에 유용한 공정이다. 하지만, 다른 적층 성형 방식에 비해 표면 조도가 낮다는 단점이 있다. 본 연구에서는 티타늄 합금 분말로 DED 공정 시 표면 조도에 영향을 주는 세 가지 공정 변수를 조절하고 그에 따라 제조된 조형체 표면을 2D Scan한 이미지로 합성곱 신경망 기반 기계학습을 진행하였다. 테스트 셋 기준 MAPE 80 %이상의 정확도로 이미지의 공정 조건을 예측해냈다. 또한 DC-GAN으로 생성한 이미지로 조형물 조도 상태 예측을 진행하였다. 이로써 티타늄 합금 분말에 대한 DED 공정시의 표면 조도 개선에 인공 지능이 적극 활용될 것으로 기대한다. The Direct Energy Deposition (DED) process is one of the additive manufacturing (AM) that sprays metal powder directly into a high-power laser and is useful for manufacturing large metal parts. However, there is a bottleneck that surface roughness is relatively low compared to other AM methods. In this work, we controlled three process variables that affect surface illumination during the DED process with titanium powder material and conducted convolutional neural network-based machine learning based on 2D scanned images of the sculptural surface manufactured accordingly. We predicted the process conditions of images with accuracy of more than 80% of MAPE based on test sets. In addition, we visually observed surface roughness with images generated by DC-GAN. It is expected that artificial intelligence will be actively used to improve surface roughness during the DED process for titanium alloy powder materials.

      • KCI등재

        최면을 활용한 심리상담이 대학생의 스트레스와 우울에 미치는 효과

        김태경(Kim Tae Kyeong),김명식(Kim Myung Shig) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.15

        본 연구는 최면을 활용한 심리상담이 대학생의 스트레스와 우울에 미치는 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 대학생 100명을 무작위로 선발하여 스트레스 반응 척도를 실시하였다. 먼저 스트레스 반응 점수가 81점 이상인 고위험군 10명을 선발한 후, 최면을 활용한 심리상담에 참여할 상담대상 5명, 통제대상 5명을 배정하였다. 2017년 3월부터 4월까지 주 1회 2시간 내외 총 5회 최면을 활용한 심리상담 집단을 진행하고, 통제집단도 동일한 시기에 평가를 실시했다. 사전-사후에는 스트레스 반응과 우울 평가를 실시하고, 상담 종결 3주 후에 추수 평가를 실시하였다. 주요한 연구 결과는 첫째, 최면을 활용한 심리상담 집단이 통제집단에 비해 스트레스 반응 총점과 하위척도인 긴장, 신체화, 우울, 피로, 좌절이 사전에 비해 사후에 감소하였고, 3주 후의 추수평가에서도 동일하게 유지되었다. 또한 분노는 사전-사후의 감소는 크지 않았으나, 사후에 비해 추수에 감소하였다. 둘째, 최면을 활용한 심리상담 집단이 통제집단에 비해 우울 총점과 그 하위척도인 우울정서, 신체저하, 대인관계가 사전에 비해 사후에 감소하였고, 3주 후의 추수평가에서도 동일하게 유지되었다. 본 연구를 통해 최면을 활용한 심리상담의 긍정적 효과와 그 가능성이 제시되었고, 본 연구의 한계점과 향후 연구 방향이 논의되었다. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of hypnosis-based counseling on stress and depression of university students. The stress response inventory and CES-D were administered to 100 university students screened by stress response inventory with cut-off score(81) and finally 10 subjects participated in this study. These 10 subjects were assigned to two different conditions: hypnosis-based counseling and the control group(no-contact). Hypnosis-based counseling was performed to 5 university students individually while the 5 university students were in control groups. The hypnosis-based counseling was conducted individually which took place for 5 sessions of 3 weeks, a session lasting about 2 hours per week. The stress response inventory and CES-D were executed by them both before and after followed by a 3-week follow-up of hypnosis-based counseling. The main results were as follows; First, the total score of stress response inventory and subscales such as tension, somatization, depression, fatigue and frustration decreased at post hypnosis-based counseling and were maintained to follow-up of hypnosis-based counseling with decreased anger compared to post-evaluation. Second, the total score of the depression and the subscales regarding depression, somatic decline and interpersonal relation decreased, with the result remaining at a constant rate during the three weeks interval. In conclusion, this following result suggested a positive potential to the unfounded usage of hypnosis in counseling, seemed to be effective on stress, depression reduction and maintaining university students with relatively high therapeutic effect. The results found explicit limitations the path to be engraved for future research.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전기화학처리와 HClO 처리를 통한 폐수중 COD, 총인, 총질소의 저감에 대한 연구

        김태경(Tae Kyeong Kim),송주영(Ju Yeong Song) 한국유화학회 2017 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        합성폐수 내의 유기물(COD), 질산성 질소, 인산이온을 제거하기 위한 폐수처리 시스템 개발을 위한 연구를 수행하였다. 먼저 COD는 HClO의 산화 반응에 의해 거의 100 % 제거되었으며 전기화학적 처리에 의해 질산성 질소가 암모니아성 질소로 환원되지만, 암모니아성 질소는 HClO 처리에 의해 질산성 질소로 재 산화 되었다. 암모니아성 질소는 가열 증발 처리에 의하여 거의 100% 제거 되었으며 HClO 처리를 하여도 재 산화되는 암모니아성 질소는 나타나지 않았다. 인산 이온은 pH에 따라 금속 착염을 형성함으로써 침전 처리에 의해 제거할 수 있었으며 전기화학적 처리와 HClO 처리를 통하여 COD 99.5 % 이상, 질소 97.3 %, 인 91.5 %의 제거 효율을 얻을 수 있었다. This study was conducted to develop a wastewater treatment system to remove organic matter, nitrate nitrogen, and phosphate ion in synthetic wastewater. COD was removed almost 100% by the oxidation reaction of HClO and nitrate nitrogen was reduced to ammonia by electrolysis treatment, but ammonia was reoxidized into nitrate nitrogen by HClO treatment. Ammonia was removed almost 100% by heating evaporation and no ammonia was reoxidized into nitrate by HClO treatment. Phosphate ion could be removed by precipitation treatment by forming metal complex according to pH. Through electrolysis treatment and HClO treatment, removal efficiencies of COD 99.5%, nitrogen 97.3% and phosphorus 91.5% were obtained.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        윤금초 시조 연구

        김태경(Kim, Tae-kyeong) 한국어문학회 2014 語文學 Vol.0 No.123

        Sijo, the traditional three-verse Korean poem, has long been regarded as a classical form of poetry and studied with an interest on its significance in the history of Korean literature. The focus on sijo was mainly related to the macroscopic dimensions and analysis was performed for the sole purpose of revealing the regard for sijo in the history of literature and how its form has transformed over the years. This particular branch of classical literature not only underwent changes in its form but attempts were also made to change its content. As a result, modern sijo incorporating the past and present elements has established itself as a fixed form of poetry that is uniquely ours and cannot be observed in any other genres. Modern sijo did not simply remain in existence but was constantly developed by sijo poets with infinite imagination who experimented with various elements. A significant number of sijo poets are active today, but there is still lack of research performed to examine the written works of poets and the world of poetry using a microscopic approach. It is only when we truly understand the theory of sijo poetry and the world of poetry that we can identify the defining characteristics of modern sijo. In this study, sijo poet Yoon Geum-cho’s genre perception was examined. He defined the “classical form of pyeongsijo, which focuses on the metric feet and the number of syllables as ‘closed sijo,’” while defining the “saseolsijo, eotsijo, and omnibus sijo with more varying flexibility as ‘open sijo.’” From his perspective, “open sijo” overcomes the limitations of formality of the genre to realize its full potential. It maintains the traditional rules of versification of sijo, while at the same, expands the metric structures. Accordingly, poet Yoon Geum-cho wrote saseolsijo as well as omnibus sijo, integrating a various forms of sijo, and also wrote long narrative sijo with serial and parallel extensions of omnibus sijo. Diversification of sijo and expansion of its form eliminated the constraints in terms of the traditional content of sijo. In other words, the form was changed to make it possible to express the sentiments of modern people that have become more detailed and complex. Poet Yoon Geum-cho selected a form of sijo based on the content he intended to write and embodied the poetic meaning that suited the chosen form. As a result, he brought forth poems that deviated from the classical themes that had been the main focus of the sijo poets, and these were in the form of series in emulation of Western art form and also included satirical sijo that criticized modern civilization and the political world. He also touched upon sexual discourses which had been considered a taboo topic, through which he illustrated the vitality of humans. There is a need to study Yoon Geum-cho’s sijo works, which played a significant role in allowing sijo to be established as a modern genre of poetry, from diverse approaches in order to gain a broader understanding of modern sijo.

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