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        형식 실험을 통한 현실의 재현과 극복 -김소진 소설을 중심으로

        김인경 ( In-kyung Kim ) 한국문학연구학회 2014 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.53

        본고는 김소진 소설 연구의 영역을 다양화 하려는 시도의 일환으로써 상호텍스트성이라는 형식 실험을 통해서 현실의 재현과 극복의 의미를 살펴보고자 했다. 이를 위해 ‘고전의 변용과 인물 성격의 형상화’, ‘텍스트 삽입과 갈등 심리의 표출’을 중심적으로 살펴보았다. 먼저 고전의 변용과 인물 성격의 형상화에서는 고전 설화를 패러디하여 당대의 시대적 상황에 대한 풍자적인 비판 인식을 보여준다. 「처용단장(處容斷章)」에서는 「처용가」를, 「고아떤 뺑덕어멈」에서 「심청가」를 다양한 방식으로 변용하여 작중 인물들의 성격을 형상화 했다. 이러한 고전의 변용은 작품의 주제 의식을 강조하는 전략으로 활용되어 작가의 세계관을 전달하는 역할을 한다. 다음으로 시, 소설, 신문기사, 희곡 등 다양한 텍스트를 삽입하여 작중 인물들의 갈등 심리를 나타내고 있다. 「지붕 위의 남자1」에서는 김지하의 시 「황톳길」, 「혁명기념일」에서는 칼 마르크스의 「루이 보나파르트의 브뤼메르 18일」, 「갈매나무를 찾아서」에서는 백석(白石)의 시 「南新義州流洞朴時逢房」와 안찬수의 시 「갈매나무」, 「신풍근배커리 略史」에서는 함석헌의 시 「그 사람을 가졌는가」등의 텍스트가 삽화처럼 등장한다. 이러한 텍스트들의 삽입은 작중 인물들이 자본주의의 논리에 의해 전향과 변절을 할 수밖에 없는 상황에 대한 내적 갈등을 부각시킨다. 이와 같이 김소진 소설의 형식 실험은 부조리한 현실에서 고민할 수밖에 없는 주체들의 현실과 극복의지를 잘 나타내고 있다. 이것은 기존의 질서나 지배 형식에 대한 글쓰기 전략으로써 김소진 문학세계에 대한 연구 영역을 보다 확장시키는 계기를 준다. The purposes of this study were to investigate mutual textbook` in the novels of Kim So-jin and expand the scope of researches on his novels. In his novels, mutual textbook made attempts at form experiments for contemporariness of Representing Reality and character projection and internal psychology expression. In his novels, Kim gets a parody out of classical tales and presents the satirical criticism of the situations of the times. He modifies Cheoyongga in Cheoyongdanjang, in which acculturation of classic and character projection can be found, and Shimcheongga in Goatteon Paengdeokeomeom in various ways according to his imagination and consciousness, projecting character personalities. The findings indicate that he used a unique writing strategy of mimicking as creation instead of mimicking through acculturation of classic. Also depicts the internal conflicts of characters psychology by inserting various texts such as poems, novels, newspaper articles, and plays. Texts are inserted in his works like illustrations such as Hwangtokgil, a poem by Kim Ji-ha, in Man No. 1 on the Roof, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon by Karl Marx in The Anniversary of the Revolution, Namshinui- juyudongbaksibongbang, a poem by Baek Seok, and The Buck- thorn, a poem by Ahn Chan-su, in Looking for the Buckthorn, and Have You Got the Man, a poem by Ham Seok-heon, in The Pharmacist of Shingpunggeunbaekeori. Those texts work to highlight internal conflicts about the situation of inevitable conversion and betrayal by characters due to the capitalist logic after the 1980s and remind them of passion for reform in the old days and defeat consciousness. In Kim`s novels, mutual textbook is a form experiment to clearly show the reality of the subjects that cannot help having worries in the absurd reality. It presents the alienation, sense of severance, lethargy, and confusion of modern people with the destruction of literary forms and is his writing strategy for the old order and ruling format.


        수종의 레이저로 임프란트 표면 처리 시 표면 형태의 변화에 대한 주사전자 및 주사탐침 현미경적 연구

        김인경,정진형,임성빈,Kim, In-Kyung,Chung, Chin-Hyung,Lim, Sung-Bin 대한치주과학회 2001 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.31 No.2

        Following the extensive use of implant, the incidence of peri-implantitis increases. Guided bone regeneration has been used for the optimal treatment of this disease. Because implant surface was contaminated with plaque and calculus, cleaning and detoxification were needed for the reosseointegration when guided bone regeneration was performed. Various mechanical and chemical methods have been used for cleaning and detoxification of implant surface, air-powder abrasive and oversaturated citrate were known to be most effective among these methods. However, these methods were incomplete because these could not thoroughly remove bacteria of implant surface, moreover deformed implant surface. Recent studies for detoxification of the implant surface using laser were going on, $CO_2$ laser and Soft Diode laser were known to be effective among these methods. The purpose of this study was to obtain clinical guide by application these laser to implant surface. 15 experimental machined pure titanium cylinder models were fabricated. The $CO_2$ laser treatment under dry, wet and hydrogen peroxide condition or the Soft Diode laser treatment under Toluidine blue O solution condition was performed on the each of models. Each groups were examined with SPM and SEM to know whether their surface was changed. The results were as follows : 1. Surface roughness and surface form weren't changed when $CO_2$ laser was usedunder dry condition(P>0.05). 2. Surface roughness and surface form weren't changed when $CO_2$ laser was used under wet condition(P>0.05). 3. Surface roughness and surface form weren't changed when $CO_2$ laser was used under hydrogen peroxide condition(P>0.05). 4. Surface roughness and surface form weren't changed when Soft Diode laser was used under toluidine blue O solution condition(P>0.05). From the result of this study, it may be concluded that the $CO_2$ laser having relatively safe pulse mode and the Soft Diode laser used with photosensitizer can be used safely to treat peri-implantitis.

      • KCI등재

        수학적 모델링과 수학화 및 문제해결 비교 분석

        김인경,Kim, In-Kyung 한국수학사학회 2012 Journal for history of mathematics Vol.25 No.2

        Nowadays, the big issues on mathematics education are mathematical modeling, mathematization, and problem solving. So, this paper looks about these issues. First, after 1990's, the researchers interested in mathematical model and mathematical modeling. So, this paper looks about mathematical model and mathematical modeling. Second, it looks about Freudenthal' mathematization after 1970's. And then, it compared with mathematical modeling. Also, it looks about that problem solving focused on mathematics education since 1980's. And it compared with mathematical modeling. 현재 수학교육에서 큰 흐름을 이루고 있는 수학적 모델링, 수학화, 문제해결을 살펴보았다. 먼저, 1990년대 이후 수학교육에서 활발히 연구되기 시작한 수학적 모델과 수학적 모델링을 살펴보았다. 그리고 1970년대 Freudenthal가 주장한 수학화를 분석하여 수학적 모델링과 비교분석하였다. 또한, 1980년대 이후 수학교육의 중심이 된 문제해결도 살펴보고, 이를 수학적 모델링과 비교분석하였다.

      • KCI등재

        CAS 계산기를 활용한 메타인지 활동이 고등학교 1학년 수학학습부진아의 대수학업성취도에 미치는 영향

        김인경,류희찬,Kim, In-Kyung,Lew, Hea-Chan 한국수학사학회 2009 Journal for history of mathematics Vol.22 No.1

        본 논문은 수학수업에서 점점 소외되고 있는 수학학습부진아가 대수학습에서 학업성취도를 신장시키기 위해 좀 더 나은 효과를 얻을 수 있는 방법을 모색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 수학학습부진아를 선정하여 두 집단으로 나누었다. 한 집단은 처치집단으로 CAS 계산기를 사용하여 활동지를 학습하고, 다른 집단은 통제집단으로 지필을 사용하여 활동지를 학습하였다. 각 집단은 활동지를 통해서 메타인지 활동을 하였다. 수업 전과 후에 두 집단 모두 지필로 수학학업성취도를 실시하여 비교 분석한 결과, 처치집단이 통제집단보다 여러 가지 측면에서 더 나은 효과를 나타내는 것을 확인하였다. This paper observed the effect of CAS calculator usage while studying algebra on the achievement of low-achievement students. Participants were composed of 70 low-achievement tenth grade students from a high school located in a metropolitan city. That had never used a mathematics educational calculator before. Target participants were divided into two groups: an experiment group that studied activity papers with the aid of a CAS calculator, and a control group that studied the same activity papers using only paper-and-pencil. The content of the activity papers for the two groups was the same, but the structure differed. Content consisted of numbers and operations, equations and inequalities(character and expressions), and functions. Students in the experiment group exhibited matacognition learning using a CAS calculator. The two groups completed mathematics achievement tests both before and after the activity papers. Therefore, ANCOVA analysis results showed that compared to the pretest, results of the experiment group improved considerably more than the control group.

      • KCI등재후보

        디지털 융합미디어에 대한 수용자 인지가 사용의도에 미치는 영향

        김인경,박원준,Kim, In-Kyung,Park, Won-Jun 한국전자통신학회 2011 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.6 No.3

        본 논문은 기술발전에 따라 등장하게 된 융합미디어에 대한 수용자 인지가 실제 이용 의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석하였다. 분석결과, 융합미디어에 대한 인지된 유용성이 높다고 생각할수록 이용의도가 높아지며, 인지된 용이성이 높을수록 이용의도 역시 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 이용 의도는 실제 이용도에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났는데, 이용의도가 높을수록 융합미디어를 많이 이용한다는 것을 의미한다. 반면 혁신저항이 높을수록 인지된 유용성, 사용의도, 매체 친밀도는 낮아는 것으로 나타났다. 결국 혁신저항으로 인해 매체 이용의도가 낮아지고, 융합 미디어 수용이 지연되는 결과를 가져올 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of users' perception of convergence media which were appeared with technological development upon the actual intention of use. Study findings show that when the perceived usefulness of convergence media was high, use intention was high as well. In addition, when the perceived ease of use was high, use intention was high as well. Use intention had significance influence upon the extent of actual use. This finding implies the fact that when use intention is higher, convergence media are more frequently used in reality. On the other hand, when innovation resistance is higher, the perceived ease of use, use intention and media intimacy are lower. In the end, due to innovation resistance, the use intention of media becomes lower and the use of convergence media is delayed.

      • KCI등재후보

        지각된 근골격계 문제를 가진 여성노인의 건강기능식품 이용행태

        김인경,고영지,Kim, In Kyung,Ko, Young Ji 한국가정간호학회 2013 가정간호학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Purpose: This study aimed to clarify the characteristics of musculoskeletal problems in elderly Korean women and their actual and current use of dietary supplements by conducting a descriptive survey. Methods: The 1-month study began on April 3, 2012. A total of 150 elderly women from City D responded to the survey questionnaire used in this study. Results: Among the respondents, 55.3% used dietary supplements, although they had not consulted a physician for a definitive diagnosis of their condition but reported a self-perceived musculoskeletal problem instead. In addition, they engaged in healthy behaviors such as exercising and dietary supplement intake, without receiving any medical treatment. Compared with the nonusers, the dietary supplement users self-perceived a relatively more serious musculoskeletal problem (t =4.566, p<.001). Among the most commonly used supplements, multivitamins ranked first, followed by glucosamine and omega-3. Conclusion: Nurses should thoroughly monitor and maintain a positive attitude toward their patients' use of dietary supplements in order to appropriately educate them about the proper use of supplements.

      • KCI등재

        수학학습부진아의 CAS을 도입한 학습 결과를 바탕으로 한 성차분석

        김인경,Kim, In-Kyung 한국수학사학회 2011 Journal for history of mathematics Vol.24 No.4

        본 논문은 CAS 계산기를 사용한 학습을 하고난 후의 고등학교 수학학습부진아 중 남녀 학생의 수학학업성취도에 차이가 있는지를 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 수학학습부진아를 선정하여 두 집단으로 나누었다. 한 집단은 처치집단으로 지필과 CAS 계산기를 사용하여 활동지를 학습하고, 다른 집단은 통제집단으로 지필만을 사용하여 활동지를 학습하였다. 이러한 학습의 전과 후에 지필평가를 실시하였다. 각 집단 학생들의 수학학업성취도를 살펴본 결과, 통제집단의 남학생과 여학생의 수학학업성취도가 유의미한 차이가 없는 것처럼, 처치집단의 남학생과 여학생의 수학학업성취도에서도 차이가 없었다. 처치집단의 남학생과 통제집단의 남학생의 수학학업성취도 비교와 처치집단의 여학생과 통제집단의 여학생의 수학학업성취도 비교에서는 모두 처치집단의 학생들이 더 높은 성취를 이루었다. This paper analyzed about gender difference in the achievement of underachievers of high school students while learning using technology. Participants were composed of 67 underachievers on first grade in high school located in a metropolitan city. That had never used a mathematics educational calculator before. Target participants were divided into two groups: experiment group that studied activity papers with a CAS calculator. And control group that studied the same activity papers using only paper-and-pencil. The content of the activity papers for the two groups was the same, but the structure differed. The two groups completed mathematics achievement tests both before and after the activity papers. The results are that find out no difference of the mathematics achievement between boys and girls in each group, and that the mathematics achievement of boys in experiment group are better than one of boys in control group, and also girls.

      • KCI등재

        노동조합의 고용효과 분석

        김인경,Kim, Inkyung 한국개발연구원 2013 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.35 No.4

        본고에서는 2005년, 2007년, 2009년 사업체패널을 이용하여 노동조합이 총 근로자 수, 비정규직 비중, 직접고용 비정규직 비중, 간접고용 비정규직 비중에 미치는 영향을 추정하였다. 노조가 있는 사업장의 경우 근로자 수가 증가하는 것으로 분석되었으나, 이 경우에는 근로자 수의 증가가 활발한 사업장에서 노조가 결성되었을 반대의 가능성이 발견되어 확정된 결과를 추정할 수 없었다. 한편, 노조 및 무노조 사업체에서의 고충처리절차 모두 비정규직 비율을 높이지만, 그 효과는 고충처리절차보다는 노조가 존재할 때 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 노조규약상 직접고용 비정규직이 노조에 가입할 자격이 주어진 경우에 한해 직접고용 비정규직 비율은 증가하였다. 따라서 노조의 존재 및 무노조 사업체에서의 고충처리절차의 형성으로 인한 비정규직 비율 증가는 온전히 간접고용 비정규직 비율의 증가에서 기인한 것으로 해석된다. 또한 직접고용 비정규직이 기존 노조에 가입할 수 있는 유노조 사업체에서는 간접고용 비정규직을 직접고용 비정규직으로 대체함으로써 전체 비정규직 비율을 일정하게 유지하는 것으로 이해된다. Using Workplace Panel Survey of 2005, 2007 and 2009 waves, this study estimates the effects of trade unions on employment and the proportion of irregular workers, short-term and part-time workers, and agent temporary and outsourced workers. While the estimation result shows that the percentage of hired workers increases under union presence, these results seem to be contaminated with bias because the differences between unionized firms before union establishment and non-unionized firms are not completely controlled even after adjusting for observed characteristics. Meanwhile, unionized firms and non-unionized firms with grievance procedures employ higher proportion of irregular workers. The proportion of short-term and part-time workers increases only when they are entitled to join trade unions. These imply that the rise in the percentage of irregular workers due to unions and grievance procedures is attributed to the increase in the percentage of agent temporary and outsourced workers. Also, when short-term and part-time workers are allowed to join the union, the firm replaces agent temporary and outsourced workers with short-term and part-time workers, so that the proportion of irregular workers do not change.

      • KCI등재

        수학교육 관점에서 본 MST 교육에서 STEAM 교육까지 통합교육의 흐름 분석

        김인경,Kim, In Kyung 한국수학사학회 2016 Journal for history of mathematics Vol.29 No.1

        In this study, we investigate integrated educations as an alternative educational method. I look around the developments of the integrated educations from MST education through STEAM education, especially in mathematics education. I analyzed integrated educations such as MST, STS, STEM, STEAM educations and compare them to each other, in mathematics education. And I discuss how to apply STEAM education to Korean mathematics education. I suggest a proper integrated education, in particular, STEAM education, as one that is suitable for Korean mathematics education.

      • KCI등재

        18~19세기 月城尉 金漢藎 가문의 기반 확보와 정치적 동향

        김인경 ( Kim In-kyung ) 조선시대사학회 2021 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.97 No.0

        This study traces back the political trends of the Wolseongwi Kim Han-shin family, who was active in the 18th and 19th centuries. The purpose of the study is to examine the status and political role of the buma (King’s son-in-law) family in the late Joseon Dynasty through the light on the Wolseongwi Kim Han-shin family, and to review their influence on the political history of the that period. Kim Han-shin's ancestral house is in Gyeongju, and his ancestry belongs to the Hakjugong branch with Hakju Kim Hong-wook of the Gyeongju Kims as the founder of the clan. Kim Han-shin was born in 1720 (46th year of King Sukjong) as a son of Kim Heung-gyeong, a Noron official, and married the princess Hwa Sun in 1732 (8th year of King Yeongjo), became the first son-in-law of King Yeongjo. King Yeongjo had seven sons-in-law, and among them, the descendants of Kim Han-shin rose to prominence and established a unique status differentiated from other sons-in-law. The central figures such as Kim I-ju, Kim No-yeong, Kim No-kyung, and Kim Jeong-hee advanced into the central political world for three generations through the Literary Tests, and grew up as bureaucrats based on the symbolism of ‘grandsons of Yeongjo’s mother side’ and ‘the Wolseongwi Family’. The relationship with the royal family had a great influence on the political orientation of the Wolseongwi Kim Han-shin family. The identity that penetrates the Wolseongwi Kim Han-shin family can be defined as ‘the Royal guards that cooperate with the Royal family’. This aspect is confirmed through the political roles of Kim I-joo and Kim No-kyung. In particular, the attack on the Byeok faction is noteworthy in that it shows a clear difference in their political behavior from the Kim Gwi-ju line, the core force of the Byeok faction within the same clan. This seems to be due to the friendly relationship with Crown Prince Sado formed during the Kim Heung-gyeong era, and it is thought to have been the direct cause of the divergence within the clan. The Wolseongwi Kim Han-shin family was a close relative of the royal family and occupied an important part in the politics from Yeongjo through Cheoljong era. However, this was pointed out as a subject of impeachment by Andong Kim family and their powers, who played a pivotal role in the government during the reign of King Sunjo and King Cheoljong, and it was also a factor that caused political ups and downs.

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