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      • 현대소설을 활용한 한국어 쓰기 교육 방안 연구 : 신경숙의「 풍금이 있던 자리」를 중심으로

        유문문 공주대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        对于外国学生来说,学习第二语言是非常困难的一件事。国家间文化的差异,学生本身的原因等,这些都是在学习第二语言所面临的困难。如何战胜这些困难,有效的学习外语是现在我们要好好思考的课题。 语言不仅仅是一个字,在语言中包含着许多知识。一个国家的文化,习俗,写作人的感情,全都可以通过语言来实现。所以,为了能准确地表达自己想要表达的意见或想法,需要在学习语言的时候详细掌握其语言的用法及意义。但是,在实际的学习及应用中却是相当困难的。由于国家间文化的差异,生活方式的差异,在用外语表达自己的意见时存在着很大的困难。所以教师在教授外语的时候,要设计一个有效的教育方案,避免这些问题的发生。有效的教育方案,首先要做到的是避免传统的教育方式,即所有的知识都是通过死记硬背的方式来学习,如果是不经常用的知识,就会很快忘记。 现在有很多活用大众媒体,文学作品,甚至是天气预报,广告来作为教授外语的材料。通过这些材料我们可以看的出,以前的教育重点是放在语言本身的,而现在的教育则注重于语言与文化的综合培养,学生不仅能在日常生活中灵活运用还要了解一个国家的文化。这样的变化正是因为当今的外语教育已经由单纯的语言教育向语言与文化的综合教育发展。 中国和韩国虽然在文化上没有太大的差异,但是在语言上却存在着很大的差异。韩国语属于粘着语,助词,语尾是必不可少的语素。而汉语是独立语,不存在助词和语尾。其次,韩国语中有大量的汉字词,这些汉字词对于中国学生来说,有益也有害.汉字词的数量过多,会让中国学生产生一种韩语中的很多单词都可以通过汉字词的发音直接翻译成韩语使用的错觉,这样就会在写作的时候产生许多错误。相反,韩语中的汉字词对中国学生学习韩语上也有一定的帮助。其次,在韩语中即使表示同一个意思的2个不同的单词在用法上也会有差异,如果不了解用法的情况下会产生很多不同种类的错误。所以这些问题在写作过程中,教师要掌握这些问题,加以重视。在写作材料的选定反面,要选择符合学生水准的材料,篇幅不要太长,以免给学生造成一定的心理负担。并且内容方面要生动有趣。 本论文选取的是韩国申京淑《风琴声起的地方》为材料,围绕小说的内容进行写作训练。由于条件的限制,没有对教育方案进行实际的测试收集结果,这是本论文的第一个不足。其次,在错误的修改阶段选择的是归纳性的方法,即通过大量的例句让学生自己发现语法的使用规则,改正错的句子。但是这个方法对教师会产生一些压力,因为教师要不断的准备例句,所以在时间和经历以及经验方面对教师的要求会相对严格。

      • 한강 소설에서 트라우마의 발현 양상에 대한 연구

        유문문 공주대학교 일반대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        The characters in Han Kang's novels are traumatized by the events that happened in their daily lives. Their trauma manifests itself in various aspects. The manifestation of trauma reveals the concealed side of a person. In other words, through the manifestation of trauma, one can know the real inner facet of a person. Therefore, the research on the manifestation pattern of trauma has great significance. In consideration to this point, this study examined the manifestation of trauma towards the characters who suffer from trauma due to death, human relations, and frustration of reality in Han Kang's novel. The trauma of the characters in Han Kang's novel originates from death. The protagonists suffered from guilt due to the death of their family. Those who felt guilty first punished themselves through self-suppression. Their families died in exceptional cases. However, the protagonists thought that they had given up their families because of their own mistake. As an atonement, they punished themselves by their true oppression. Because they do not know the inevitability of death, they cause the death of others by themselves. The protagonists then made atonement through the projection of their sins. A life was killed by the actions of others. Death here is indirectly related to the protagonists. Unable to bear the pain of death alone, they tried to save themselves by projecting their sins onto others. As can be seen from the experiences of the protagonists, they fear death. The reason is that they cannot handle the pain of death alone. The second trauma of Han Kang's novel was caused by human relationships. The protagonists here have been traumatized by various violence. Their trauma first appeared as a projection of the female image. Male protagonists were frustrated with their personal desires due to social violence. They forced the satisfaction of their desires by projecting frustrated personal desires onto women who matched their unconscious female image. With male coercion, women have lost their personal freedom. In this way, violence committed by society to individuals is projected onto women through male coercion, and the violence is circulated. Their experiences reveal the conflicts between society and individuals. Next, trauma appeared as a modified sadism. The protagonists grew up as coldhearted and devoted people because they never properly suppressed their parental love when they were young. However, others hurt their pride or lost their power due to unintentional personality disorders. In this way, the violence committed by parents to the protagonists is inflicted on others in different forms and causes a cycle of violence. The cycle of violence induced by human relations reveals to Sarah that the pursuit of desire accompanies violence. In the novels of the Han Kang, some people suffer from trauma due to the frustration of their reality. The manifestation pattern of their trauma first appeared in the form of an illusion. The protagonists felt hunger due to the loss of something. Those who could not find anything to satisfy their hunger in reality fell into a fantasy. However, this illusion is a pathological illusion. This is because they are pursuing an illusion from the beginning through fantasy. Their experiences show people that human suffering stems from the pursuit of vanity. Trauma is also expressed as the character's refusal to welcome change. The protagonists of Han Kang's novels are afraid of changes in reality. Those who no longer want to experience change try to avoid it by pursuing utopian fantasies. However, the utopian fantasy has also changed exactly like the reality. Due to the destruction of the utopian space, they returned to reality and has to face change. Human life coexists with hope and despair. People can find a way out of frustration. Death, human relations problems, and frustrations of the reality are common in people's daily lives. However, those who experienced these problems did not have the trauma like those in Han Kang's novel. For this reason, people may think that the manifestation pattern of this trauma is a characteristic that only the characters of Han Kang's novel possess. In fact, people feel the same way as the characters in the novel after experiencing a traumatic incident. However, people only suppress or ignore those feelings. Han Kang revealed the real inner facet of people after being shocked through the manifestation of the characters' trauma. 韩江小说中的人物因为日常生活中发生的事情而产生了心理阴影。他们的心理阴影以多种不同的形式表现出来。心理阴影的表现形式揭露了人们最神秘的一面。即通过心理阴影的表现形式可以了解到人们最真实的内心世界。因此,对于心理阴影的表现形式的研究具有重大研究意义。基于此原因,本论文以韩江小说中因为死亡,人际关系,现实的挫折而产生心理阴影的人物为对象,对他们的心理阴影的表现形式进行了研究。 韩江小说中的人物的心理阴影是由死亡引起的。主人公们因为亲人的死亡而陷入产生负罪感。产生负罪感的他们首先通过自我压制来惩罚自己。主人公们的亲人是因为意外事故而死亡的。但是主人公们却将亲属的死亡归结于自己。他们认为是因为自己的失误造成了亲人的死亡。为了赎罪,他们通过压制自己的渴望来惩罚自己。主人公们因为和自己毫无关系的死亡而惩罚自己的理由是因为他们不知道人终将死亡的真理。 其次,主人公们通过罪的投射来表达自己的心理阴影。这里的死亡不是意外事故造成的,而是因为他人的某个行为而造成的。而主人公们间接地参与其中。无法独自承受死亡的痛苦的他们试图将罪投给他们从罪中解脱。他们的行动告诉我们比死亡更痛苦的是经历死亡后的生活。死亡打破了人们现有的安逸的生活,给人们带来了无法独自承受的孤独,自责和指责。 韩江小说中的第二个心理阴影是由人际关系引起的。这里的主人公们因为各种暴力而产生心理阴影。他们的心理阴影首先通过女性意向的投射而表现出来。男主人公们因为社会的暴力,个人欲望受挫。他们将受挫的个人欲望投射到与自己无意识里的女性意向相匹配的女性身上,强迫女性来满足自己受挫的个人欲望。由于男主人公们的强迫,女性们失去了个人自由。这样,社会向男主人公们施加的暴力通过男主人公的强迫转移到了女性身上,从而形成了暴力的循环。主人公们的经历体现了个人和社会间的矛盾。 其次,间接地虐待也是心理阴影的表现形式。主人公们在小时候从未享受过父母的爱。爱的缺失使她们成长为冷淡的人和自我牺牲的人。但是不是出于本意的冷淡态度和自我牺牲的性格给他人带来了伤害。他人因为主人公的性格缺陷丧失了个人权利和私人生活。父母施加给孩子的暴力以另一种形式重新转移给他人,从而形成了暴力的循环。从主人公的经历中可以看出,当欲望产生的瞬间,暴力也随之而来,简单来说,有欲望的地方必然存在着暴力。 在韩江的小说中也有人因为现实生活中的挫折而产生心理阴影。首现,他们的心理阴影通过虚像的追求体现出来。主人公们因为某种东西的丧失感到空虚。在现实世界中无法填满空虚的主人公试图通过幻想来填满自己的空虚。但是幻想的追求给他们带来了更大的烦恼。这是因为他们通过幻想追求的是虚像。简单来说他们从一开始追求的就是烦恼本身。所以他们的幻想是一种病态的幻想。世界上的所有存在最后都将归于无,追求不存在的东西只会给人们带来烦恼。 其次拒绝变化也是心理阴影的表现形式。韩江小说中的人物惧怕现实的变化。因为不想再次经历变化带来的挫折所以他们通过追求乌托邦来使自己远离现实的变化。但是乌托邦也和现实世界一样变化无常。因为乌托邦的破灭主人公重新回归现实,直面挫折。人们的生活是挫折和希望共存的。人们通过挫折可以找到应对困难的方法。 死亡,人际关系问题,现实的挫折在日常生活中随处可见。可是经历了这些的人们并没有像韩江小说中的人物那样患上心理阴影。因此,有人认为这些心理阴影的表现形式是韩江小说所特有的现象。事实上,很多人在经历冲击后会产生和小说里人物一样的情绪,只是人们将这种情绪压制或者无视了而已。韩江通过小说中人物的心理阴影的表现形式揭露了遭遇冲击后的人们的真实的内心世界。

      • 바이올린 연주 기법 연구

        유문문 원광대학교 일반대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        바이올린은 음향악적으로 가장 완벽한 악기 가운데 하나로 현재까지 독주악기 뿐만 아니라 앙상블, 오케스트라 등의 기악음악 전반에 걸쳐 확고한 위치를 차지하고 있다. 바이올린을 보다 더 좋게 연주하기 위해서는 연주자는 바이올린이 가지고 있는 고유의 성질과 구조, 신체적, 기술적인 테크닉 과 감성 등이 복합되어 하나로 표현 할 수 있어야 한다. 또한, 악보에 담겨있는 작곡자의 사상이나 음악세계를 해석하고 재현하는 작업을 통해 음악을 재창조하여 연주해야한다. 이러한 재창조를 위해서는 가장 기본적인 연주기법을 바르고 정확하게 습득해야한다. 본 논문은 바이올린과 활의 역사와 변천과정, 악기의 구조를 살펴보고 , 연주자라면 필히 알고 있어야 할 악기와 활의 관리 방법에 대해서 알아보았다. 또한 오른손과 왼손의 자세와 연주기법을 연구하여 보다 정확하고 올바른 기법을 연주자들이 익힐 수 있도록 하고, 보다 자신 있고, 효과적인 테크닉으로 곡을 연주할 수 있도록 돕는데 그 목적이 있다. So far, violin is the most perfect instrument of Schalllehre in both of solo performance and ensemble, which is also the soul instrument to charge the whole general orchestra in a music performance. To improve the performance of violin, several factors forperforming artist have been researched, since the violin performance was one complex expression of the technical and sensible characteristics of performing artist such as the temper and structure, position and skills of performance. Furthermore, violin performance is an expressionof performing artist based on understanding the melodizer’s ideal world, and recreates the score to represent it in new performance. Therefore, it is necessary to study and investigate the basic technique of violin to improve the performancein these kinds of recreation music work. In this study, the history and transition process of both violin and bow have been reviewed. The structure of the violin was investigatedand the maintenance methods of the violin and bow which is necessary for every violin performing artist have been reviewed, respectively. In addition, based on the research of violin performancetechnique of both right-hand and left-hand, it is exactly advantage of right-hand perform method on violin performance, which is benefit to the performing artist to express the melody with full confidence and effective technique.

      • (The) Effect of Improved Estimates of Correlation Coefficients on Optimum Portfolios in the Korean Stock Market

        유, 문문 부산대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 248607

        본 논문의 목적은 자산간의 상관관계를 정확하게 예측할 수 있는 방법을 이용하여 Markowitz의 평균-분산 최적화 과정에 적용하는 것이다. 상관관계를 계산하는 다섯 가지 방법은 full historical model, Sharpe(1963)의 one-factor model, Fama and French(1993)의 three-factor model, Elton and Gruber(1973)의 constant correlation model 그리고 Ledoit and Wolf(2004)의 shrinkage estimator model 이다. 이렇게 계산된 상관관계에 대한 예측력은 다음 두 가지 관점에서 평가되었다. 첫 번째 관점은 통계적인 관점이고, 두 번째 관점은 경제적인 관점이다. 통계적인 관점은 예측하는 상관 계수와 실제의 상관계수간의 RMSE를 계산하여 비교하는 것이고, 경제적인 관점에서 공매를 허락하는 경우와 허락하지 않은 경우로 나눈 뒤 GMVP의 사후적인 위험(표준편차)과 샤프비율이 제일 큰 포트폴리오의 사후적인 샤프비율을 비교하는 것이다. 주요 실증 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, shrinkage estimator model은 full historical model, one-factor model, three-factor model 그리고 constant correlation model보다 예측 능력이 더 좋았다. 둘째, shrinkage estimator model과 full historical model간의 RMSE, GMVP의 사후적인 위험, 그리고 샤프비율 제일 큰 포트폴리오의 사후적인 샤프비율의 차이가 다 유의적이었다.

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