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        한국 쌀 수출을 위한 말레이시아와 홍콩의 유통실태

        박평식,임세화 한국국제농업개발학회 2015 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.27 No.3

        한국의 쌀 수급상황을 볼 때 생산은 유지되고 소비는 줄어들며 외국산 쌀 수입은 늘게 되어 공급과잉이 전망되므로 관세화에 대한 대응책으로 수출시장 개척이 중요한 과제이다. 본연구는 최근 한국 쌀 수출이 증가하고 있는 동남아시아의 말레이시아와 홍콩 시장의 쌀 유통실태를 조사하여, 우리 쌀 수출 확대를 위한 대응방안을 모색코자 하였으며 주요 결과는다음과 같이 요약된다. 1. 한국 쌀은 지난 2007년 566톤 수출을 시작으로 조금씩증가하여 수출국 수는 40여개 국가로 늘어났다. 쌀 시장이 관세화 되면 최소한 TRQ(409천톤) 물량이 국내시장에 영향을미칠 것이므로 국내 쌀 소비확대와 더불어 수출에 대한 철저한 대비가 필요하다. 2. 한국 쌀 주요 수출시장인 말레이시아와 홍콩 시장의 쌀유통실태와 교민에 대한 설문조사 결과, 시장개척 초기단계에서 장기간 운송에 따른 품질관리와 가격경쟁력 등 문제점도있으나 쌀 시장의 선호도를 잘 파악하여 시장을 공략해 나가면 점진적으로 시장 확대 가능성이 있는 것으로 보였다. 3. 말레이시아에서 한국 쌀 가격은 비싸다(68.0%)와 아주 비싸다(9.3%)가 적당하다(25.3%)보다 많았고, 한국 수출 쌀의 품질은 아주 좋다(4.0%)와 좋다(28.0%)는 의견보다 보통이다(65.3%)가 많았다. 쌀 품질의 문제점으로는 품질이 일정하지않다(30.7%) 등을 지적했다. 수출 쌀의 개선점으로는 가격 저렴화(46.7%), 품질향상(18.7%), 마케팅(12.0%) 등이었다. 4. 홍콩의 경우 한국의 고품질 소포장 쌀이 교민시장을 넘어 현지 고급 수퍼마켓에서 일본, 미국, 호주 쌀과 경쟁하고있는데, 일본산 다음으로 높은 가격을 받으며 시장을 확대해나가고 있다. 일일생활권인 마카오시장까지 포함해서 포장재개선과 판촉활동 등 자포니카 쌀 시장에 대한 적극적인 공략이 필요하다. 5. 앞으로 한국 쌀의 수출 확대를 위해서는 최고품질과 안전성으로 승부하는 고가미 시장과 개발도상국을 대상으로 하는 중저가미 시장 등 2-트랙 전략이 필요하다. 품질을 기본으로 하면서 생산비 절감을 통한 가격경쟁력 제고가 시급한 과제이며, 한국 쌀의 인지도를 높이기 위한 홍보강화도 중요하다. 6. 잠재적 수출시장에 한국 쌀의 우수성을 알릴 수 있는 정보도 체계적으로 공급하여야 한다. 수출용 쌀 통합브랜드 개발과 엄격한 품질관리, 장기유통을 위한 포장재 개발, 수출전문 생산단지 조성과 전문 업체 및 인력육성도 필요하다. 쌀관세화로 수출여건이 개선될 전망이므로 차후에도 우리 쌀 수출시장에 대한 면밀한 조사 분석과 시장개척 등 정책적 관심이 확대되어야 할 것이다. Korea rice market is more opened through the tariffication is started from 2015. As the medium-long term prospects of rice demand and supply in Korea, rice would be over-stocking. The rice consumption per capita has decreased annually and the import of rice will be increased continuously. Inorder to develop and improve the Korean rice industry and strengthen its competitiveness, it is necessary to promote rice export. This study aimed to investigate and analyze the present marketing status of exported Korean rice to Malaysia and Hong Kong market. The data from rice consumers, buyers and traders in two countries were collected. This study would provide valuable information for making countermeasures rice export and strengthening competitiveness of the Korean rice. The mainresults are as follows. 1) The exported Korean rice enter into competition with the rice of USA, Australia, Japan, etc. in Malaysia and Hong Kong. 2) Main considerations in purchasing rice for Korean residents are quality (55, 59%), price (18, 24%), production area (12, 15%) in Malaysia and Hong Kong. Therefore it is very important to maintain high quality and low price for expanding Korean rice export; 3) The price competitiveness of Korean rice is one of the important factors for export market. 4) The important thing is the lower price, better quality, marketing improvement, etc. And more detailed information of rice market are necessary.

      • KCI등재

        ‘청주 소로리볍씨’의 오늘과 내일 -소로분교를 박물관으로-

        이융조,우종윤 한국박물관학회 2020 博物館學報 Vol.- No.38

        Rice, the first food that mankind has cultivated, is the world's second-largest food along with wheat, and is a grain that more than half of the world's population eat as a staple food. The rice seed that is able to reveal the origin of the first domesticated rice was unearthed from the Sorori peat site of Cheongju City. Four peat layers of rice seed were found to be very stable in the area, which was excavated from two peat beds. Cross-measurement of rice seeds and peat layers in the U.S. and Republic of Korea has shown that they are the oldest in the world so far, earning the age standard of 17,000 years ago. Thus, we would like to call Cheongju Sorori rice seed as the ancestral rice. Meanwhile, from the 4th edition of Archaeology(2004) to the 7th edition (2016)by C.RENFREW and P. BAHN, which is widely read in the world as an archaeological textbook, Cheongju Sorori rice seed is being introduced as the oldest ‘first domesticated rice’ in the world, proving that it is recognized by the world's academic circles. The symbolic symbol of Cheongju, a life and cultural city, is the result of the recognition of the academic importance of rice seed, even though the symbol of Cheongju, Cheongju's Symbol mark, is a CI based on the cultural archetype. Therefore, the value of utilization of Cheongju Sorori rice seed is highly estimated as a future source of Cheongju, a life and cultural city, such as ecological and historical experience resources, educational resources, cultural and industrial resources, tourism resources, and location marketing resources. Sorori, where rice seeds were excavated, is the best place to experience rice seeds and education. It is rational argument to utilize the closed Soro Branch of Oksan Elementary School as the Cheongju Sorori Rice Museum. 인류가 가장 먼저 가꾼 먹거리인 쌀은 밀과 함께 세계인의 2대 먹거리이며, 전 세계 인구의 절반 이상이 주식으로 먹고 있는 곡물이다. 이러한 쌀의 기원을 밝힐 수 있는 볍씨가 소로리유적에서 출토된 청주 소로리볍씨이다. 볍씨 출토지 일대는 4매의 토탄층이 매우 안정된 퇴적양상을 보이는데, 볍씨는 2토탄층에서 출토되었다. 볍씨와 토탄층을 미국과 한국에서 교차측정한 결과 17,000년 전의 연대값을 얻어 지금까지 세계에서 가장 오래된 볍씨임이 밝혀졌다. 그래서 청주 소로리볍씨를 “원조벼”로 부르고자 한다. 한편 고고학 교재로 세계에서 널리 읽히고 있는 Archaeology 제4판(2004년)부터 현재 7판(2016년)까지 세계에서 가장 오래된 “첫 순화벼(first domesticated rice)”로 청주 소로리볍씨가 소개되고 있어 세계학계에서 인정받고 있음을 증명한다. 청주시 심벌마크가 소로리볍씨를 문화원형으로 한 CI로 생명문화도시 청주의 상징기호로 정했음도 볍씨의 학술적 중요성이 인정된 결과물이다. 따라서 청주 소로리볍씨는 생태 및 역사체험자원, 교육자원, 문화산업자원, 관광자원, 장소 마케팅자원 등 생명문화도시 청주의 매래 자원으로 활용가치가 매우 높다고 할 수 있다. 볍씨 체험과 교육공간으로 볍씨가 출토된 소로리가 최적지이다. 이곳의 폐교된 옥산초등학교 소로분교를 청주 소로리볍씨 박물관으로 활용함이 타당한 주장이다.

      • KCI등재

        벼 품종별 입형분리기 최적 가동조건

        이춘기,송진,윤종탁,서종호,이재은,김정태,정건호,김정곤 한국작물학회 2009 Korean journal of crop science Vol.54 No.4

        벼 품종특성을 고려한 입형분리 최적조건을 설정하기 위하여 다양한 입형 특성을 갖는 41품종의 쌀을 입형분리의 체눈 직경 3.5, 3.8 및 4.2 mm, 싸라기 수거함의 각도 5, 15, 30º 조건에서 싸라기 분리능을 비교시험 하였고 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 싸라기 제거율은 기기적 측면에서 체눈의 직경과 깊이 및 싸라기 수거함의 각도, 품종적 측면에서 쌀알의 폭, 길이 및 천립중에 의해 주 영향을 받았다. 2. 싸라기 수거함의 각도는 지면과의 수평한 입형분리체 원통직경을 0도로 할 때 +5도와 +15사이에서 분리능이 좋았으며, +5도 이하에서는 완전미손실율 증가하고 각도가 높아질수록 완전미 손실율은 감소하나 분리된 싸라기 량도 감소되었다. 3. 기존 벼 품종에서 쌀알 기준으로 폭과 길이가 각각 2.9와 5.2 mm이상이고, 천립중이 22g 이상일 경우 4.2 mm이상, 폭이 작고 소립인 경우 3.8 mm, 그 밖의 중소립종은 3.8~4.2 mm의 체눈 직경이 적합할 것으로 판단되었다. 4. 립장이 작고, 립폭은 상대적으로 크면서 두께가 얇은 품종은 그렇지 않은 품종보다 싸라기 분리능이 떨어지는 경향이었으며, 품종에 따라 입형분리기 체눈의 직경은 크고 깊이는 얕은 체 눈 규격이 필요한 것으로 생각되었다. 5. 싸라기 비율이 상대적으로 지나치게 높을 경우에는 다소 완전미율의 소실이 있더라도 권장 체눈 크기보다 큰 쪽을 택하는 것이 싸라기 제거량을 높일 수 있었다. To determine the optimum operating conditions of the indented cylinder length grader based on varietal characteristics, broken rice removal capabilities were measured on the milled rice of 41 varieties at different conditions consisted of 3 types of indented cylinders with different indent-opening diameters and 3 different collecting-angles of broken rice. The broken rice removal capabilities were swayed by the indent's opening diameter and depth as well as the angle of the collecting trough of broken rice on the point of instrument, and by the kernel length and width as well as 1000 grain weight of milled rice on the point of rice variety. When the angle of broken rice collecting-trough reached to near the horizontal center line of the indented cylinder on the direction of upward turning side, which was referred 0~circ in this paper, the amount of rice collected in trough increased, whereas the loss of head rice also increased. Considering the removal rate of broken rice as well as loss of head rice, it was thought that the suitable angle of trough for broken rice collecting was located 5~circ to 15~circ depending on varietal characteristic and indent opening diameter. It was thought that 4.2 mm or more of indent opening diameter was recommendable for the rice varieties having heavier 1000 grain weight than 22.3g, as well as larger sizes than 2.9 and 5.2 mm in width and length of rice kernel, respectively; 3.8 mm for the small-sized thin kernels, and a proper diameter between 3.8 and 4.2 mm for short to middle kernels. The varieties with relatively shorter length compared to width of kernel were more difficult to separate the broken rice than the opposite ones. For effective separation of that, it seems that some specific indent shapes such as wider opening and shallow depth etc. are required. When the broken rice content were excessively high, wider diameters of indent openings than specified sizes were thought to be the better.

      • KCI등재

        중산간지와 고냉지산 쌀 형태 및 이화학적특성의 품종 및 산지간 변이

        崔海椿,池定鉉,李鍾燮,金榮培,趙守衍 韓國作物學會 1994 한국작물학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        중산간지 및 산간고냉지대에서 재배된 벼의 주요 미질특성에 대한 품종 및 환경변이정도를 파악하고자 오대벼등 자포니카 조생종 5개 품종을 1989년에 중북부 중간지인 철원과 산간고냉지인 진부, 중남부 중산간지인 상주, 화서 및 남부고냉지인 운봉의 4개소에 재배하여 생산된 쌀의 외관 및 도정특성과 주요 이화학적 특성 및 식미특성을 조사하였던 바 이들 미질특성의 품종 및 산지변이를 비교 분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 현미천립중, 아밀로스함량, K/Mg률, 호화개시온도, 최고점도, 강하점도(breakdown) 및 치반점도(setback)에서 품종 및 산지간 변이가 모두 품종x산지간 교호작용변이에 비해 현저하였고 정현비율, 알칼리 붕괴도 및 단백질 함양에서는 산지간 변이가, 밥의 점성 /경도비율에서는 품종간 변이가 유의하게 켰다. 특히 품종x산지간 교호작용 변이가 켰던 미질특성은 외관 및 등숙관련특성과 식미 및 응집점도(consistency)등이었다. 2. 현미천립중은 진부올벼와 오대벼가 가장 무거웠고 불완전등숙립률은 진부올벼가 가장 낮았으며 백미건전미율는 오대벼가 심복백 때문에 다른 품종에 비해 약간 멀어졌다. 아밀로스 함량은 출수기가 빠른 진부올벼와 소백벼가 타품종에 비해 약 1% 가량 낮았고 K /Mg율은 식미가 가장 좋았던 오대벼가 가장 낮았으며, 호화개시온도와 치반점도가 유의하게 낮았던 반면 최고점도와 강하점도가 현저하게 높았던 오대벼, 소백벼 및 진부올벼등이 밥맛이 약간 양호한 편이었다. 3. 철원산미가 가장 입중이 무겁고 등숙이 양호하였던 반면 건전미율은 오히려 떨어졌으며 진부산미가 가장 정현비율이 높으면서 건전미율이 높았다. 4. 아밀로스함량은 진부산미가 다른 지역산미에 비해 약 2~3%가 높았던 반면 철원산미가 가장 낮았고 단백질함량은 중부지역산미가 남부지역산미에 비해 약1%가량 낮았으며 K/Mg율은 진부산미가 가장 높았고 K함량은 중부지역산미가 남부지역산미에 비해 다소 높은 경향이었다. 식미총평은 품종별로 산지에 따라 크게 달라서 산지간 평균적 비교가 큰 의미가 없지만 운봉과 철원산미가 진부와 화서산미보다 양호한 경향이었다. 5. 쌀의 알칼리 붕괴도와 호화개시온도는 진부산미가 다른 지역산미에 비해 현저히 높았고 그 다음으로 운봉>화서>철원산미 순으로 낮았으며 강하점도는 철원산미가 가장 켰고 그 다음으로 화서>운봉>진부산미 순으로 저온하에서 등숙된 쌀일수록 낮았으며 치반점도는 이와 정반대의 경향이었다. 밥의 점성 /경도비율은 철원산미가 여타 지역에 비해 약간 높은 값을 나타내었다. 6. 식미관련 미질특성을 이용한 주성분 분석에서 전정보의 약 60% 설명이 가능한 제1 및 제2 주성분치상의 5개 품종별 4개 산지미의 분포로 보아 대체로 진부산미와 여타 지역산미로 확연히 구분되었고 다시 진부산미는 2개군, 여타 지역산미는 3개군으로 세분화 할 수 있었으며 산지내 품종변이가 가장 작았던 것은 화서산미였고. 고냉지산미는 품종 간 변이가 켰다. 식미관련 종합적 미질특성면에서 가장 양호한 군에 속하는 것은 철원, 운봉 및 화서산 오대벼와 운봉산 소백벼였다. To catch the relative importance of varietal and environmental variation in various grain quality components associated with palatability of cooked rice, grain appearance, milling recovery, several physicochemical properties of milled rice and texture or eating quality of cooked rice for rice materials of five japonica cultivars, produced at four locations of the mid-mountainous and alpine area of Korea in 1989, were evaluated and analyzed the obtained data. Highly significant varietal and locational variations were detected in 1000-grain weight, amylose content, K/Mg ratio, gelatinization temperature, peak viscosity, breakdown and setback viscosities as compared with variety x location interaction variation. Also, marked locational variations were recongnized in milling recovery from rough to brwon rice, alkali digestibility and protein content, and significant varietal variation was caught in stickiness /hardness ratio of cooked rice. The variety x location interaction variation was especially large in quality components of grain appearance and ripening, palatability of cooked rice and consistency viscosity. One thousand kernel weight was heaviest in Jinbuolbyeo and Odaebyeo, and the unfilled grain ratio was lowest in Jinbuolbyeo. Odaebyeo showed slightly' lower ratio of intact and clear milled rice because of more chalky rice kernels compared with other cultivars. Amylose content of Jinbuolbyeo and Sobaegbyeo was about 1% lower than that of others and K/Mg ratio of Odaebyeo was the lowest one among rice materials. Odaebyeo, Sobaegbyeo and Jinbuolbyeo revealed significantly low gelatinization temperature and setback viscosity while high peak and breakdown viscosities. Cholwon rice showed the greatest kernel weight, good grain filling but lowest ratio of intact and clear milled rice while Jinbu rices exhibited the highest milling recovery from rough to brown rice and ratio of sound milled rice. Amylose content of milled rice in Jinbu rices was about 2-3% lower than those in other locations. Protein content of polished rice was about 1% lower in rice materials of middle zone than those of southern part of Korea. K/Mg ratio of milled rice was highest in Jinbu rice and potassium content was slightly higher in the rice materials of middle region than in those of southern region. Alkali digestion value and gelatinization temperature of polished rice was markedly high in Jinbu rices as compared with other locations. Breakdown viscosity was hightest in Chlown rices and next higher with the order of Hwaso>Unbong>Jinbu rices, and setback viscosity was the quite contrary tendency with breakdown. The stickiness /hardness ratio of cooked rice was relatively higher value in Cholwon rices than in the others and the palatability of cooked rice was a little better in Unbong and Cholwon rices than in Jinbu and Hwaso rices, although variety x location interaction variation was large. The rice materials can be classified largely into two groups of Jinbu and the others by the distribution on the plane of 1st and 2nd principal components (about 60% of total informations) contracted from twelve grain quality properties closely associated with eating quality of cooked rice. Also, Jinbu and the other rices were divided into two and three rice groups respectively. Varietal variation of overall rice quality was smallest in Hwaso. The most superior rice group in overall quality evaluation included Odaebyeo produced at Cholwon, Unbong and Hwaso, and Sobaegbyeo grown at Unbong

      • KCI등재

        국내산 쌀과 중국산 찐쌀의 품질 비교

        원종건,안덕종,김세종,박소득,최경배,이상철,손재근,Won Jong Gun,Ahn Duok Jong,Kim Se Jong,Park So Deuk,Choi Kyeong Bae,Lee Sang Chul,Son Jae Keun 한국작물학회 2005 한국작물학회지 Vol.50 No.suppl1

        본 시험은 중국에서 수입된 찐쌀 및 중국에서 시판되고 있는 브랜드 쌀의 품질 및 물리적 특성 등을 분석하여 국내산 브랜드 쌀과의 미질을 비교 분석하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다 1. 완전미 비율은 비록 국내산 일품벼 브랜드 쌀에서 $96.1\%$, 중국의 갱관(粳冠 Jinguan) $94.1\%$, 소참도(小站稻, Xiaozhandao) $86.5\%$였으며, 특히 중국산 찐쌀에서는 금간쌀이 $83\%$로 대부분을 차지하였고, 싸라기 함유율 또한 $12.5\%$로 나타나 완전미는 전혀 찾아 볼 수 없었다. 2. 단백질 함량은 국내산 일품벼과 중국 브랜의 소참도에서 6.5와 $6.7\%$로 낮게 조사되었고, 중국산 찐쌀과 중국산 브랜드인 갱관에서는 7.4와 $7.5\%$로 상당히 높게 조사되었다. 3. 아밀로즈 함량은 가공하지 않았던 국내산 일품 쌀과 중 국산 갱관 및 소참도 등에서 $18.6\~19.9\%$정도였으나 일차적으로 쪄서 말려 가공된 중국산 찐쌀의 경우 $46.6\%$로 매우 높게 나타났다. 4. 단백질 함량이 높을수록 최고점도, 강하점도 등은 저하되었으며, 아밀로즈 함량이 높을수록 치반점도의 절대값은 높아져 국내산 일품벼 및 소참도는 밥맛이 양호하였으나 찐쌀은 그와 반대되는 경향이었다. 5. 밥의 형태가 변형되는데 필요한 힘을 나타나낸 경도(Hardness)는 일품벼에서 5618g로 중국 찐쌀의 3907g에 비해 1711g이나 더 높았으며 그 외 부착성, 점탄성, 저작성 모두 일품벼에서 더 높아 밥의 물리적 특성이 좋게 나타났다. 6. 중국산 찐쌀에서 취반 후 시간이 경과할수록 경도의 강하 정도는 더 커서 밥의 물성 변화가 더 빨랐다. 오히려 잔디의 밀도가 감소되는 경향을 보였다. 초장의 경우 복비의 무처리시 거의 잔디의 초장이 신장하지 않았으며, 오히려 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 반면, 잔디의 피해지역에 복비를 처리할 경우 잔디의 빠른 생장이 이루어졌다. 신초 건물중은 복비 처리전 8월 6일에 비하여 11월 6일에 이스트밸리 LD지역의 무처리구가 $1.2\%$감소하였지만 처리구는 $50\%$정도가 증가하였다. 지산의 시험 결과도 이스트밸리와 유사하였다. 신초와 뿌리의 비율(S/R)은 처리구의 경우 뿌리보다 신초의 건물중이 더 증가하였지만, 무처리구의 경우 뿌리와 신초의 생장율이 거의 비슷하였다. 포복경과 지하경의 건물중을 합한 R&S의 건물중을 조사한 결과, 이스트밸리의 경우 복비를 처리하기 전 8월6일에 무처리구인 LD지역이 처리구인 LD지역에 비하여 $5.5\%$정도가 적었지만 복비를 처리한 후엔 오히려 처리구의 LD지역이 $48\%$로 증가하였다. 지산의 결과 역시 이스트밸리와 유사하였다. 4. 이상의 결과들로 알 수 있는 것은 수목 근부에 생장하고 있는 잔디의 피해 요인들은 여러 가지가 있지만, 골프장내 수목의 밀생 지역이 아닌 경우에는 광에 의한 피해보다는 오히려 양분과 수분의 경쟁에 의한 피해 발생 비율이 크다. 따라서 이들 잔디의 피해 지역에 복비를 처리함으로서 무처리 지역에 비하여 상당히 많은 효과를 보았기 때문에 수목 근부에서 생장하는 잔디의 집중관리 체계로 보다 효율적인 코스관리에 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.ting이 관찰되는데, 진성기업의 Stainless Steel은 가늘고 긴 압흔이 있으며 비교적 매끄러운 표면을 보이고, Unitek사의 경우 압흔과 함께 pitting 이 관찰되며, Ormco Stainless Steel의 경우 불규칙한 pitting이 다 This study was carried out to compare the rice quality between domestic brand rice and imported Chinese rice. In the appearance of grain, head rice rates were $96.1\%$ in domestic brand rice (Ilpumbyeo), $94.1\%$ in Jingguan (Chinese brand rice) and $86.5\%$ in Xiaozhandao(Chinese brand rice). In case of Chinese parboiled rice, the head rice rate was $0\%$ because the cracked and broken rice occupied about $95.5\%$. The low protein contents in Ilpumbyeo and Xiaozhandao as 6.5 and $6.7\%$ show relatively high palatability as 81.9 and 71.4. However, high protein contents in Jingguan and Chinese parboiled rice as 7.5, $7.4\%$ show low palatability as 64.3 and 55.6. In viscosity characteristics, peak viscosity, break down and final viscosity were higher in Ilpumbyeo and Xiaozhandao, midium in Jingguan and lowest in Chinese parboiled rice. And the set back value, which was negatively related with amylose content, was lowest in Ilpumbyeo and highest in Chinese parboiled, suggesting slow deterioration in Ilpumbyeo and rapid deterioration in Chinese parboiled rice. Overall physical components of cooked rice measured by Texture Analyser were higher in Ilpumbyeo than those in Chinese parboiled rice.

      • KCI등재

        Yield and Nitrogen Uptake under Reduced Nitrogen Fertilizer during Early Growth of Rice in the Rice-Barley Double Cropping System

        Seo, Jong-Ho,Cho, Hyeon-Suk,Kim, Chung-Guk,Lee, Jin-Mo,Park, Seong-Ho The Korean Society of Crop Science 2004 Korean journal of crop science Vol.49 No.1

        N fertilizer required by rice could be reduced greatly in the rice-barley double cropping system than in the rice single cropping system. This study was conducted to investigate how much of the N fertilizer during the early stage of rice in the rice-barley double cropping system, could be saved compared to that in the rice single cropping system. This experiment was carried out at the paddy field of the National Crop Experiment Station in Suwon, Korea during three years from 1999 to 2001. Amounts of soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) and SPAD values of rice leaf during rice growing season in the rice-barley double cropping system were higher than those in the rice single cropping system under the same amount of N application during two years. Yield and N uptakes of rice at harvesting time were also higher in the rice-barley double cropping system than in the rice single cropping system during two years. Yield and N uptake of rice in the rice single cropping system were decreased when basal N fertilizer was omitted, but those reductions were not found by either omitting basal N fertilizer or omitting N fertilizer at tillering stage in the rice-barley double cropping system during 2000 and 2001. But yield and N uptakes of rice were decreased by 70 kg/10a and 2kgN/10a by the omission of both N application at basal and tillering stages in the rice-barley double cropping system in 2002. It was concluded that N fertilizer as much as tillering N fertilizer could be saved in the rice-barley double cropping system.

      • KCI등재

        쌀 가공 중 buprofezin의 잔류 특성

        조미현,임무혁 한국식품저장유통학회 2022 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        In this study, we aimed to analyze changes in the residual levels of buprofezin during milling, washing, cooking, and processing of rice to make porridge, rice cakes, and cookies. The pesticide residue levels in rice were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatograph with UV detector. The residual buprofezin level in brown rice was 21.8 mg/kg, and after milling, that in polished rice was 1.73 mg/kg, with elimination of 92.1% of the pesticide residue. The rate of reduction in buprofezin levels during brown rice washing was 21.6- 57.3%, and the residual level of buprofezin during polished rice washing decreased by 27.4-67.2%. When brown rice was cooked using an electric cooker and pressure cooker, buprofezin levels reduced by 51.7 and 55.5%, respectively. When washed polished rice was cooked using an electric cooker and pressure cooker, buprofezin levels reduced by 83.6 and 82.3%, respectively. When washed polished rice was soaked for 30 min and then cooked using an electric cooker and pressure cooker, buprofezin levels reduced by 87.1 and 88.0%, respectively. After processing polished rice into porridge, rice cakes, and cookies, the residue level of buprofezin decreased by 89.7, 82.0, and 79.4%, respectively, compared to the residual level in polished rice. In conclusion, various rice processing methods decrease the residue levels of buprofezin.

      • KCI등재

        다양한 쌀 기반 가정간편식 제품들의 전자레인지 조리 전후의 품질 특성 평가

        성기운,김유미,조준현,이지윤,이샛별,신동진,박동수,윤광섭,강주원 한국식품저장유통학회 2022 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        The physicochemical characteristics of five types of rice-based home meal replacement (HMR) products (instant rice, doshirak, kimbab, frozen fried rice, and freeze-dried rice) were measured before and after microwave cooking, and principal component analysis (PCA) was performed. HMR products contained grains from 8.42 to 8.72 mm before and after the microwave cooking. The amylose content and water absorption index (WAI) ranged from 20.10-23.15% and 0.50-2.87%, respectively. Frozen fried rice showed high amylose content but low WAI, and dry rice showed low amylose content but high WAI. There was a change in the moisture content of freeze-dried rice: moisture increased from 1.3 to 60.3% after cooking. The rehydration rate of freeze-dried rice was about twice higher than that of other HMR products, while instant rice showed a low rehydration rate. The texture profile's hardness and cohesiveness respectively were 306.1 g/cm2 and 47.9% before cooking, but 209.6 g/cm2 and 66.0% after cooking. The lightness value decreased from 72.5 to 68.9 after the microwave cooking, while there was little change in the lightness value of instant rice, and that of the frozen fried rice decreased. PCA revealed that, microwave cooking apparently affected WAI and rehydration rate in the freeze-dried rice yellowness in the frozen fried rice, and stickiness and lightness in the instant rice, respectively.

      • KCI등재후보

        쌀 아밀로그램 特性의 品種 變異와 食味關聯 特性과의 相關

        Sang Jong Lim(林尙鍾),Dal Ung Kim(金達雄),Jae Keun Sohn(孫再根),Soo Kwan Lee(李壽寬) 한국육종학회 1995 한국육종학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        This study was carried out to understand the varietal variation in amylogram properties of rice grain evaluated by Rapid visco analyzer and the interrelationship among these and other characteristics related with palatability of cooked rice. All amylogram estimates showed highly significient of variation, while consistency viscosity exhibited the lowest varietal variation. Gelatinization initiation temperature of glutinous rices were similar to that of nonglutinous rices, but the peak viscosity of the former was progressed more rapidly than the latter. Peak and cool viscosity of nonglutinous rices were markedly higher than those of glutinous rices. The turning point of rapidly changing viscosity followed soon after the initiation of gelatinization in nonglutinous rices coincided with the peak viscosity of glutinous rices. Peak viscosity of brown rice was lower than that of milled rice, but hot and cool viscosity of brown rice were similiar to those of milled rice in nonglutinous rices. However, peak, hot and cool viscosity of brown rice was lower than those of milled rice in glutinous rice. There was highly positive correlation between amylogram properties of brown and milled rice. Peak and breakdown viscosity was positively correlated with the taste and total panel score of cooked rice, while the setback viscosity was negatively correlated with the taste of cooked rice. The panel scoring components of cooked rice such as taste, stickiness, texture and total score could be estimated by multiple linear regression formula derived from amylogram properties with the range 0.58~0.72 of determination coefficients.

      • 철분코팅 볍씨를 이용한 벼 직파재배의 생육 특성 및 수량

        박광호,박성태,Park, K.H.,Park, S.T. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2018 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.20 No.1

        The field trial was performed to evaluate the rice growth and yield in direct seeding cultivation with iron-coated rice seeds. The required time for seed emergence was for 9~11days in the tested direct seeding methods. That was 1~2days earlier in direct seeding with pregerminated seeds than that of direct seeding with iron-coated seeds. The seedling establishment was highest in water seeding with iron-coated seeds but there was not significant difference in terms of statistical analysis. The rice plant height was taller in water seeding with broadcasting method than that of wet hill-seeding methods and in direct seeding with iron-coated seeds than that of direct seeding with pregerminated seeds. The tiller number in the rice plant was the highest in machine transplanting at 30days after direct seeding(June 17) and in water seeding with iron-coated seeds at 45days after seeding(DAS) and 60DAS. The tiller number of 75 and 90DAS in the tested rice cultivation methods being with 352~405/m<sup>2</sup> was not significantly different in terms of statistical analysis. The heading time was not different in rice direct seeding methods but 2 day earlier in direct seeding with iron-coated seeds than that of direct seeding with pregerminated seeds. The culm length was the highest in water seeding with iron-coated seeds and the panicle length was the longest in wet hill-seeding with pregerminated seeds. The panicle number per m<sup>2</sup> was highest in water seeding with iron-coated seeds but not significant difference among the tested rice cultivation methods. The water seeding with iron-coated seeds resulted in the highest spikelet number per m<sup>2</sup> and the heaviest grain weight of brown rice. Percentage of ripened kernel was the highest in wet hill-seeding with iron-coated seeds. But there were not significant among the tested rice cultivation methods. The milled rice yield in direct seeding methods was 3~21% higher than that in machine transplanting. Water seeding with iron-coated seeds recorded the highest milled rice yield being with 6.86t/ha.The occurrence of sheath blight was high according to machine transplanting>wet hill-seeding>water seeding. Weed occurrence was the highest in water seeding with pregerminated seeds. Weedy rice occurred not in machine transplanting but occured 0.6~0.7% in direct seeding methods with pregerminated seeds and 0.1% in direct seeding with iron-coated seeds.

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