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        베트남전 참전자 2세의 건강상태에 관한 조사 - 부산지역 고엽제 위해증 환자를 대상으로 한 설문조사 결과 -

        김학준,손혜숙,엄상화,박수경,유병철,이종태,전진호,Kim, Hak-Joon,Sohn, Hae-Sook,Urm, Sang-Hwa,Park, Soo-Kyung,Yu, Byung-Chul,Lee, Jong-Tae,Chun, Jin-Ho 대한예방의학회 2000 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.33 No.1

        Objectives : To propose the referential data to evaluate the health impacts of Vietnam veterans' children whose father were exposed to herbicides in Vietnam War. Methods : Vietnam veterans who visited to Pusan Veteran Hospital for medical care were recruited from April to October, 1998. They were 71 and asked about their own combat history, symptoms and illness, and health status of their 182 children. The informations were collected by direct and phone interview. Exposure estimation was also performed as exposure score depending on year and unit of participation, and personal episodes related to exposure to herbicide in the war. It classified into three groups; lower(<18.0), moderate(18-53), high$(\geq53)$ exposure group. Results : The mean age and the period into the combat of the veterans were 52.8 years and 15.0 months. The mean exposure score was $18.1{\pm}9.9$, and mainly distributed in lower (46.5%) and moderate(52.1%) exposure group. Most(90.1%) of them were diagnosed as sequelae(21 cases) and suspected sequelae(43 cases) of the herbicides by Korean veteran's hospital diagnostic criteria. The major sequelae was peripheral neuropathy 13 cases, chloracne 5 cases, and the major suspected sequelae was hypertension 20 cases, diabetes mellitus 18 cases, liver disease 12 cases, central neuropathy 11 cases, etc. About birth, 42.2% and 16.9% experienced spontaneous abortion and stillbirth, respectively. The mean exposure score was higher in stillbirth experience group(p<0.05). About half of the children(90 cases, 49.5%) hold the abnormal health status: those were skin pigmentation 38 cases, rash 23 cases, congenital anomaly 15 cases, general weakness 12 cases, purpura 8 cases, visual disturbance 8 cases, etc. These health problems had no association with father's exposure level(p>0.05). Conclusions : These results were depend on their own answers, and expectation for compensation did not excluded, therefore, this study may have limitations: inaccuracy of informations due to recall bias and response bias. Nevertheless, through this study, we could image the fundamental aspect for health impacts of Vietnam veterans' children for preparing the national control program and policy. A large scale epidemiologic study with valid exposure assessment on the health impacts of Vietnam veterans' children is recommneded.

      • KCI등재

        전쟁사 수업에서 참전군인 이야기를 어떻게 다룰 것인가

        김광규 역사교육학회 2019 역사교육논집 Vol.72 No.-

        This article is about how to use the story of veterans as teaching material in History class dealing with the Korean War and the Vietnam War. In this paper, “veterans' story” includes all of the war experiences written or spoken by veterans, and fiction and nonfiction with the veteran as the main character or subject. Until now, the veterans have participated in school security education, but its main emphasis was on military national security, that did not deviate from the past-oriented and divided narrative. On the other hand, the war veterans of history textbooks and children's literature since the 2000s are portrayed as victims of war and object of sympathy and compassion, so this gives students a deep sense of the tragedy of war. This change can be seen as the result of the deepening of perception of war and peace and the development of unification education, peace education and civic education. In war history teaching, we should deal with the story of veterans in line with this trend. We don't have to invite veterans in the form of guest lectures to ask for the content of the war, or to ask them to awaken patriotism or security consciousness, need to use the stories of the veterans as lesson materials in the war history teaching. This paper gives an example of the activity of reading and analyzing the story of the veterans. This will allow students to realize the horror of war and to reflect on what to do for peace. If we take out political and ideological veils and listen to and read the stories of veterans from the perspective of life, human rights and human dignity, it would be a good opportunity for us to learn peace through war.

      • KCI등재후보

        베트남 파병의 법적 성격과 참전 유공자의 대우문제

        제성호 한국보훈학회 2012 한국보훈논총 Vol.11 No.4

        Korean soldiers sent to Vietnam in 1960-1970 were not only members of a regular army of the Republic of Korea(ROK) but also component one of associated powers exercising collective self-defence in order to assist the Republic of Vietnam. They were freedom fighters dispatched at the war front of Vietnam, who had responded to the Korean government's order or summon. Undoubtedly they had been fulfilling official duty, namely, mission for defending freedom and independence of South Vietnam. In this perspective, it is absurd and legally groundless to define officers and men of the Korean Armed Forces as mercenaries. Taking their meritorious service and great contribution to Korean national development into account, it is quite natural to treat Korean soldiers having participated in the Vietnam War as men of national merit. But the present treatment is strange and unsatisfactory.It is meaningless to issue a certificate of honorary war veteran. Above all, it is now required to increase honorary war veteran pay and down the age eligible for it to 60 years. Also it is urgent and necessary to expand medical aid. In addition, not only central government but also local administrations should actively provide the persons interested with honorary war veteran pay to in accordance with the Fundamental Law of National Veteran Affairs. 파월 국군장병들은 대한민국의 정규 군대구성원이자, 집단적 자위군의 일원이었다. 또 이들은 국가의 부름에 호응하여 자유 수호의 전사로서 베트남 전선에 파견되었으며, 남베트남의 자유와 독립 수호 등 공무를 수행한 것이 분명하다. 이러한 점에서 파월 국군장병들을 용병으로 칭하는 것은 법적 근거가 취약한 편파적인 태도라고 하겠다. 파월 국군장병들이 정치․외교면, 안보․군사면, 그리고 경제면에서 국가발전에 기여한 공로는 지대하다. 그러므로 이들을 국가유공자로 예우하는 것이 당연하다. 하지만 현재 베트남전 참전 유공자들에 대한 예우는 극히 미흡하다. 참전유공자증 같은 증서의 전달은 무의미하다. 참전명예수당을 대폭 늘리고 수급 연령을 60세로 낮춰야 한다. 의료지원도 확대해 나가야 한다. 더불어 국가보훈기본법에 따라 중앙정부만이 아니라 지방자치단체도 지방 차원에서 참전명예수당 지급을 적극 추진해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        참전명예수당 인상 및 배우자 승계문제 개선방안 연구

        김의식(Eui-sik Kim) 한국보훈학회 2020 한국보훈논총 Vol.19 No.1

        세계 각국은 국제평화유지 혹은 자국의 안보를 지키기 위해 전투현장에 참가했던 군인들의 희생을 기리고 그들의 명예를 고양시키기 위해 다양한 보상과 보훈제도를 운영하고 있다. 우리나라도 6․25전쟁과 월남전에 참전하여 희생되었거나 임무를 완수하고 생존한 군인들을 위해 국가차원에서 각종 보훈제도를 시행하고 있다. 그러나 우리나라의 보훈정책은 기본적으로 일제치하에서 독립운동을 하거나 6․25전쟁 기간 중 사망하거나 부상을 입으신 분들에게 중점을 두고 시행하고 있으므로, 전쟁에 참전하였으나 무사히 귀향했던 참전 군인들을 위한 국가 보훈정책은 매우 미흡한 실태이다. 군복무기간 중 전쟁이 발생하거나 국가정책에 따라 해외로 파병된다면, 본인의 의사와 무관하게 전투임무를 수행하다가 전사하거나 부상을 입을 수도 있고, 전역이후에도 참전당시 전투현장에 대한 기억으로 인해 상당기간동안 외상 후 스트레스와 같은 각종 후유증에 시달릴 수도 있다. 따라서 국가의 명령으로 참전했던 군인들에 대한 보상은 국가차원에서 충분히 이루어져야 함에도 불구하고, 전쟁터에서 무사히 귀향했던 참전 군인들에게는 국가에서 참전명예수당으로 30만원을 지급하고, 일부 지방자치단체가 자체예산으로 소액의 수당을 추가로 주고 있는 것이 현실이다. 이것은 국가를 위해 공헌했던 것에 비하면 너무나 미흡한 수준이라고 볼 수 있다. 국가보훈처에서 관리하는 여러 가지 유형의 다른 국가유공자들과 비교하더라도 턱없이 미흡한 수준의 보상을 받고 있는 것이다. 특히, 6․25참전 군인들은 전쟁으로 인해 경제활동 기회를 잃어버렸거나 축소된 가운데 지금은 대부분이 고령화되면서 힘들게 살아가는 사람들이 많다. 그리고 참전 군인들의 곁에서 참전 군인들의 외상 후 스트레스를 치유하며 살아온 배우자들은 참전 군인이 사망하면 30만원에 불과한 참전수당조차 못 받게 되므로 심각한 생계문제를 겪어야 한다. 이것은 다른 유형의 국가유공자들과 형평성의 문제가 될 수 있다. 국가가 안보위기 상황을 해소하거나, 국제평화유지 활동에 기여하기 위해서는 국민들로 하여금 자신들의 희생에 대해 국가가 충분히 보상해준다는 믿음을 가지도록 해야 한다. 그렇게 하기위해서는 국가가 위기에 처했을 때 혹은 국가의 명령으로 참전했던 군인들을 위한 참전명예수당을 다른 유형의 국가유공자들과 균형을 맞춰서 대폭 인상해야 하며, 참전 군인이 사망한 이후 남겨지는 배우자를 위해서 일정부분이 승계되도록 국가보훈제도가 개선되어야 한다. Countries around the world operate various rewards and reward systems to honor the sacrifices of soldiers who took part in combat sites to maintain international peace or protect their own security. South Korea also implements various military service systems at the national level for soldiers who were sacrificed or completed their duties during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. However, since the Korean veterans policy focuses on those who fought for independence, and died or were injured during the Korean War under Japanese colonial rule, the veterans policy for those who returned home safely after participating in the war is very insufficient. If a war breaks out during the military service of a young man or woman, or they are dispatched overseas according to national policy, he/she may be killed or injured in performing combat duties regardless of his/her will, and even after his/her discharge from the military, he/she may suffer from various aftereffects such as post-traumatic stress for a considerable period of time due to memories of the combat sites during the war. Therefore, the compensation for soldiers who enlisted and fought in the military under the orders of the nation should be made at the national level. However, the Korean government pays 300,000 won to veterans who returned home safely, and some local governments offer them a small amount of additional benefits in their own budget, which is far less than what they have contributed for the nation. Even when compared with various types of national merit, they are receiving far less compensation. In particular, most of the Korean War veterans are now very old and struggling for life, with losing or diminished their economic opportunities by the war. In addition, spouses who have lived by the veterans side to heal their post-traumatic stress will have to face serious livelihood problems as they will not be able to receive even a war allowance of 300,000 won upon the death of the veterans. This could be a matter of equity with other types of national merit. In order for the nation to resolve the security crisis or contribute to international peace-keeping efforts, the people must have the belief that the nation will fully compensate them for their sacrifice. To do so, the state should drastically increase the allowance for war veterans, who sacrificed themselves at the time of national crisis or answered for the order of the state, to balance with other types of national merit. The system of national veterans also should be improved so that some portion will be succeeded to their spouses left after the war veteran s death.

      • KCI등재

        베트남전쟁 파병 국군 전사자 현황과 국내 언론 보도

        이상호(李相昊) 한국역사연구회 2020 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.116

        The aftermath of the Republic of Korea joining the Vietnam war for total of 9 years resulted in more than five thousand soldiers killed in action and more than 10 thousand wounded ones. Such outcome also heavily affected the domestic public opinion in Korea on the war. Examined in this article is what has rarely been surveyed in previous Vietnam war studies: How many soldiers were lost, how their deaths were handled, and how such losses were reported in domestic press of Korea. At the time, it was only slightly more than a decade since the end and immediate aftermath of the devastating Korean war. Governmental oversight of victims killed in action was still fairly absent. When the Korean war initially broke out, the Korean Army did not have any experience in arranging proper services for battle victims or processing their corpses, let alone official manuals to abide by. Only in September 1950, full three months into the war, the Korean Army was able to commission an official Burial Registration Squad. The Korean government repeated the same mistake when they were preparing for dispatching troops to Vietnam. Sending a medical corps was discussed, but securing personnel to retrieve corpses of Korean soldiers and send them back to Korea, to form an official military body to oversee grave registration service, was never on the list of priorities. The total number of Korean soldiers either killed or deceased during the Vietnam war was 5,099. Lack of consideration concerning grave registration caused extreme chaos and disarray for the Korean Army Headquarters in Vietnam. An official Grave Registration Service was only organized in July 1st, 1967. The press reports of Korean KIA news appeared in a concentrated fashion since November 1965 through February 1966. Yet later the frequency of such reports dropped substantially. In subsequent periods, the press only sporadically covered battle victims or the number of KIA for a certain period of time. One of the reasons that led to such drop in press reports frequency was no other than the very source of such information, the ROK Army HQ in Vietnam which reduced the scope of its own releases of facts. Coming into the 1970s, KIA reports virtually stopped.

      • KCI등재

        '월남전 참전용사'의 전적지 관광과 전쟁기억의 재구성

        최호림(Ho Rim Choi) 서울대학교 비교문화연구소 2010 비교문화연구 Vol.16 No.2

        Korean veterans set out trips to the battlefields of the Vietnam War in search of the memory of their participation in the war. Recalling their experiences of the war in four decades, they prepare itineraries for their journey back to the former “genuine” battlegrounds. The battlefield travel is a pilgrimage of experiencing history as well as ritual journey into memory and transnational leisure activity. This study is an ethnography which interprets narrations and discourses of the veterans` personal and collective memories of the “Wol-nam war” experiences as (re)-produced in time travel for the old battlefields. The memories and discourses reflect major issues in Korean society over the background to participation in the Vietnam War and its process and result as well as the conflict over the aftermaths of the war participation. Korean veterans attempt to restore the past while sharing the stories of their former battles in the places of memory. While visiting the battlefields, they not only turn their memories into romantic ones but also talk about the fear and horror of the war. They feel as if they were still in the battle of the past. In the process of the field trips, Korean veterans “Korean-ize” or “Daihan-ize” the Vietnam War. After the trips, the veterans eagerly share their stories with other fellow veterans and put together the fragments of memory, thereby forming collective memory. They have also made continuous attempt to heal their wounds from the war and reconcile themselves with the painful past. To the war veterans, the “Wol-nam War” not just becomes the present in their memory but also the wounds remaining on their body testify that the war is not over yet. Their acts of posting and sharing the stories or descriptions of the trips to the battlefields on the Internet are socialization or social identification of [counter-] memories.


        Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Korean Veterans and an Analysis of Associated Variables

        MoonYong Chung,Il Suh,DongKi Kim,IlJin Jeong 대한신경정신의학회 2005 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.2 No.2

        Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic illness which is treatment-resistent especially in individuals who are sensitive and vulnerable. The purpose of this study was to examine veterans currently hospitalized and diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder resulting from their experiences in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and to examine the relationship between the disorder and characteristics of two groups of veterans. Data were collected and analyzed as a part of a preliminary study aimed at improving the management of the disorder and to encourage a healthy and successful reintegration of the veterans into society. The results of the study reveal that marital status in both groups had a statistically significant relationship with PTSD. In addition, education level and occupation in Vietnam veterans also showed a statistically significantly relationship with PTSD. Based on the results of this study, these variables need to be considered when managing this disorder, and preparing veterans for a healthy and successful reintegration into society. A limitation of this study was that samples were collected only from disabled veterans admitted to the hospital. Future investigations should include communitybased random samples of war veterans with a focus on ethnocultural variables.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 베트남전쟁 기념과 기억의 정치

        윤충로 ( Chung Ro Yoon ) 한국사회사학회 2010 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.86

        이 논문에서는 한국의 베트남 참전과 관련된 세 가지 기념물을 중심으로 베트남 전쟁에 대한 기억의 재현 방식, 기념물을 둘러싼 갈등과 기억의 정치의 특성을 살펴보았다. 공식 기억에 대한 대항 기억의 상징으로 베트남 푸옌성에 건립된 한·베평화공원, 한국 참전군인 단체의 후원으로 베트남 하미마을에 세워진 위령비, 관주도 전쟁 기억만들기의 전형을 보여주는 강원도의 베트남참전용사만남의장, 이 세사례는 단순한 물적·공간적 의미를 넘어서 한국 사회가 베트남전쟁의 기억과 과거사에 대면해온 몇 가지 방식을 보여준다. 이 기념물들은 한국과 베트남의 역사적이고 현실적인 관계를 투영하는 작은 거울이었고, 과거사를 둘러싸고 한국이 베트남, 더 나아가 세계와 어떤 관계를 만들어 가야할지를 생각해 볼 수 있는 시금석이었다. This article studied varies methods to revive Vietnam War memory, conflicts about different memorials, characteristics of the politics to memorize a past focusing on the three memorials for Korea``s participation on the Vietnam war. The three memorials, including Korea-Vietnam Peace Park constructed in Phu Yen as a symbol of an counter-memory against the official memory, the monument constructed at Ha My village donated by Korean veterans of the Vietnam War, and a memorial meeting place for the Korean veterans of the Vietnam War constructed in Kangwon province as a symbol of official memory of Vietnam War, showed not only as a simple material and spacial meaning but also as a method to face the memory and history of the Vietnam war in Korea society. The memorials are mirrors to reflect the Korea-Vietnam relations of the past and the present, and touchstones for Korea to think about new relations with Vietnam and the world based on the past history.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        외교문서를 통해 본 베트남 참전 유공자 문제

        정상화 한국보훈학회 2005 한국보훈논총 Vol.4 No.2

        정부는 2005년 8월 브라운 각서와 사이밍턴 청문록 등 논란이 되었던 베트남전쟁관련 외교문서를 공개하였다. 지엽적인 이슈도 있지만 그 동안 논란의 핵심은 베트남 참전 군인이 정당한 대접을 국가로부터 받았냐는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 새로 공개된 외교문서들은 의혹의 해소에 일정 부분 기여를 하였다. 공개된 자료가 충분하지 않고 또 다른 자료에 의한 보완적인 연구가 필요하지만 당시 정부가 베트남 참전군인 수당을 조직적으로 전용하지는 않았으며 한국이 다른 참전국에 비하여 적절하지 못한 대접을 받은 것은 아니라고 판단된다. 전사상자 보상금 유용은 자료가 없어 분석하지 못하였다. 사실 이러한 논란과 의혹의 핵심은 국가 보훈정책이라는 큰 틀과 연관이 깊다. 많이 개선이 되었지만 그 동안 보훈정책은 상징적이거나 실제적인 예우의 면에서 그다지 효율적었다고 할 수 없다. 정부는 참전 군인의 불만이 누적되어 사회적 이슈가 되기에 앞서 전향적으로 예방적인 정책을 펼쳐야 했다. 보훈정책은 체제의 정통성을 뒷받침하는 주요 통치기제의 하나로 집권정부의 성격을 초월하는 일관성과 통합성을 지녀야 한다. 한국 사회는 국가의 명령에 의하여 참전한 군인에 대한 정책적 관심이 그 동안 충분했는지 반성할 필요가 있다.

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