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        동아시아적 삼위일체론 서설

        김흡영(Heup Young Kim) 한국종교학회 2011 宗敎硏究 Vol.65 No.-

        Assessing the comtemporary trend of the Christian doctrine of Trinity as an Easternization of the Christian theology, this article explores an East Asian interpretation of the Trinity, particularly in dialogue with Confucianism, Taoism, and Neo-Confucianism. Introducing East Asian notions such as anthropocosmic vision and inclusive humanism, the ontocosmology of the Great Ultimate (Tai-chi), the ontology of relation (yin-yang complementary opposites), and the `both-and` holistic thinking, it argues that these insights can offer important clues to overcome the problems and dilemma in the Western interpretation of the Trinity, due to their modern and inherited habits of anthropocentrism, exclusive humanism, substantialism, essentialism, and the`either-or` monistic thinking. Based on the interpretation of Lee Jung Young, this paper further explores a new, East Asian paradigm of the Trinity. In views of I-ching, it can overcome the trinitarian paradox of one and three, regarding the Trinity as the change itself (God the Father), the power of change (the Holy Spirit), an the perfect manifestation of change (the Son). Also from the vantage point of the Great Ultimate, it can suggest an appropriate understanding on the notion of perichoresis (coinherence). Using a cosmic family analogy, it can conceive the Father as the Heavenly Father (the Unifying Principle), the Holy Spirit as the Earthly Mother (the Material Principle), and the Son as the Connecting Principle of the Father and the Mother. Thereby, it can supplement the absence of feminity, a certain defect of the classical doctrine of Trinity. Furthermore, this article argues that the European center of Christian theology is now in the process of decentering and that this East Asian interpretation with the notion of ch`i has a close affinity with feminist theology in arguing for the methodological shift to the Spirit which is basically in feminine metaphors. Finally, it make two additional suggestions for further theological discussion, the ontology of nothingness and the power of kenotic return in light of Tao te-ching.

      • KCI등재

        Functions of the Guanyin Image in Mediating a Christian Tradition: The Filianic Reception of Guanyin as a Case Study in Transreligious Theology

        Race MoCHRIDHE 동국대학교 불교학술원 2019 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Cultur Vol.29 No.2

        This paper aims to expand the understanding of Guanyin’s reception in the West outside of immigrant and convert Buddhist communities by examining her role in the apologetics of Filianism—a new religious movement that first appeared in England in the 1970s. Although this religion participated in some of the same currents of thought that birthed contmporary feminist and Goddess spiritualities, it has historically defined itself against these and displays more commonality with its Roman Catholic origins. This study therefore focuses on how the symbolism of Guanyin has served Filianic writers as a touchpoint for mediating their relationship with Roman Catholicism, not only by explicating and legitimating their distinctive re-reading of Marian iconography, but also through leveraging Western receptions of Buddhism as a proxy for a criticism of the Second Vatican Council. Although Filianism is far from being the only movement originating in Europe to accord Guanyin a prominent place in its teachings and self-presentation, its thealogical focus on the nature of the bodhisattva in dialogue with received traditions of popular Marian veneration distinguishes it notably from the majority of non-Buddhist Western receptions of Guanyin, which have tended to employ her as a more generically “feminist” figure with comparatively minimal engagement with specifically Buddhist teachings. As a case study, Filianic readings of Guanyin therefore appear to offer the clearest example of a genuinely syncretic exchange in a Western context, expanding our perspective on the influence of Buddhist thought and culture within a reciprocal process of religious globalization.

      • KCI등재

        G-2 갈등구조와 동남아시아

        주용식(CHOO Yong Shik)(周涌植) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2016 신아세아 Vol.23 No.4

        향후 아시아 질서는 ‘힘의 동진,’ ‘동양화’에 의해 국제정치경제의 중력이 아시아로 이동하는 흐름과 G-2 체제의 향배에 따라 많은 부분이 결정될 것으로 예견 된다. 특히, 중국의 공세적인 팽창정책과 함께 G-2간의 경쟁이 갈등 및 대립구조로 발전할 개연성이 높아지고 있다. 본 논문은 중국의 팽창주의와 G-2 경쟁 구도가 지대한 영향을 미치는 동남아시아 지역의 질서를 구조적으로 분석한다. 동남아시아 질서를 G-2와 동남아 국가들 간의 관계로 구성되는 ‘역내구조’가 맞물린 ‘복합구조’로 보고, 두 구조가 상호 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는가를 살펴본다. 현재, 남중국해를 둘러싼 미중 패권경쟁에 동남아시아 국가들은 자국의 이해관계에 따라 친중, 친미, 중립 등 각자 다른 방법으로 대응해오고 있다. 그 결과, 동남아시아 복합구조는 중국의 공세적 팽창정책으로 인해 힘의 균형이 느슨해지고 있는 G-2 대립구조와 유동성이 매우 강한 역내구조가 상호작용하고 있다. 더구나 역내구조의 불확실성과 불안정성을 낮출 수 있는 지역협력체가 약하고, 지역국가들 간에 공유하는 규범체계가 약하다. 따라서 동남아 질서는 복합균형을 이루지 못하고 G-2 패권 경쟁이 역내구조의 불안정성을 증폭시키고, 그 불안정성이 다시 G-2간의 패권경쟁을 심화시키는 딜레마에 빠져있다. Two trends will determine much of the international order in Asia. One is the “eastward power shift,” or “Easternisation.” The other is the G-2 system, or an international order led by the US-China relationship. China’s increasingly aggressive expansionary policy seems to be driving the G-2 system into competition and even confrontation. This paper looks at Southeast Asia, where the regional order is much affected and shaped by Chinese expansion and G-2 competition. The Southeast Asian order is created by the G-2 hegemonic competition and the regional structure generated by interactions among the states in the region. This paper explores how this complex structure constructs or reconstructs the order. Regional states have responded to the G-2 hegemonic competition in various ways, depending upon their particular interests. Therefore, the regional structure is fluid and uncertain. In Southeast Asia, there exists no strong regional cooperative arrangement and no shared norms and rules to guide states’ behavior. Thus, in this region a complex structure produces a dilemma in which the G-2 hegemonic competition magnifies uncertainty and instability in the regional structure, which reinforces hegemonic competition between the United States and China. This dilemma prevents the formation of a complex balance in the region.

      • KCI등재

        여드름의 동(東)·서의학적(西醫學的) 문헌(文獻) 고찰(考察)

        주현아,배현진,황충연,Joo, Hyun-A,Bae, Hyeon-Jin,Hwang, Chung-Yeon 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2012 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        Objective : The purpose of this study is to investigate about comparison of Eastern-Western medicine on the acne. Methods : We searched Eastern and Western medicine books for acne. We analyzed these books and examined category, definition, etiology, classification, internal and external methods of treatment of acne. Results : The results were as follows. 1. In Eastern medicine, Acne belongs to the category of the Bunja(粉刺), Jwachang(?瘡), Pyepungbunja(肺風粉刺). In Western medicine, the other name of Acne is acne vulgaris. 2. In Eastern medicine, the definition of Acne includes manual extraction of comedones and skin appearance. In Western medicine, Acne is a common skin disease during adolescence and a chronic inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous unit of self localization. It is characterized by noninflammatory, open or closed comedones and by inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules and it affects the areas of skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles, these areas include the face, neck, back, and the upper part of the chest. 3. In Eastern medicine, the cause and mechanism of Acne arose from the state of internal dampness-heat and spleen-stomach internal qi deficiency due to dietary irregularities and then invaded external pathogen such as wind-dampness-heat-cold-fire in lung meridian lead to qi and blood heat depression stagnation. So it appears in skin. In Western medicine, the etiology and pathogenesis of Acne is clearly not identified, but there are most significant pathogenic factors of blood heat depression stagnation. So it appears in skin. In Western medicine, the etiology and pathogenesis of Acne is clearly not identified, but there are most significant pathogenic factors of Acne; Androgen-stimulated production of sebum, hyperkeratinization and obstruction of sebaceous follicles, proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes and inflammation, abnormaility of skin barrier function, genetic aspects, environmental factors etc. 4. In Eastern medicine, differentiation of syndromes classifies clinical aspects, and cause and mechanism of disease; the former is papular, pustular, cystic, nodular, atrophic, comprehensive type; the latter is lung blood heat, intestine-stomach dampness-heat, phlegm-stasis depression, thoroughfare-conception disharmony, heat toxin type. In Western medicine, it divides into an etiology and invasion period, and clinical aspects; Acne neonatorum, Acne infantum, Acne in puberty and adulthood, Acne venenata; Acne vulgaris, Acne conglobata, Acne fulminans, Acne keloidalis. 5. In Eastern medicine, Internal methods of treatment of Acne are divided into five treatments; general treatments, the treatments of single-medicine and experiential description, the treatments depending on the cause and mechanism of disease, and clinical differentiation of syndromes, dietary treatments. In Western medicine, it is a basic principles that regulation on production of sebum, correction on hyperkeratinization of sebaceous follicles, decrease of Propionibacterium acnes colony and control of inflammation reaction. Internal methods of treatment of Acne are antibiotics, retinoids, hormone preparations etc. 6. In Eastern medicine, external methods of treatment of Acne are wet compress method, paste preparation method, powder preparation method, pill preparation method, acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, ear acupuncture therapy, prevention and notice, and so on. In Western medicine, external method of treatments of Acne are divided into topical therapy and other surgical therapies. Topical therapy is used such as antibiotics, sebum regulators, topical vitamin A medicines etc and other surgical therapies are used such as surgical treatments, intralesional injection of corticosteroids, skin dermabrasion, phototherapy, photodynamic therapy, and so on. Conclusions : Until now, there is no perfect, effective single treatment. We think that Eastern medicine approach and treatment can be helpful to overco

      • KCI등재

        한, 양방 협진치료에 대한 연구 경향 분석: 국내 논문을 대상으로

        한국인,신선호,임광묵,이정한,고연석 한방재활의학과학회 2018 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to analyze research trends on Eastern-Western integrative medicine in Korea. Methods We searched the studies on Eastern-Western integrative medicine in 5 Korean web database (NDSL, KoreanTK, KISS, OASIS, DBPIA). 66 research papers we founded. Results 13 papers were published at 2010. The studies on Eastern-Western integrative medicine were mainly published in the Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine. 24 papers were case report, include 7 studies on neurology, 4 studies on each oncology and dermatology, 2 studies on each gastroenterology and ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology, 1 study on each obstetrics and gynecology and endocrinology and nephrology. In 24 case reports, 7 kinds of Eastern medicine treatment method and 4 kinds of Western medicine treatment method were existed. In case reports, medication (100%), herbal medicine, acupuncture (95.8%), moxibustion (58.3%), cupping, infusion solution (25%), pharmacopuncture (20.8%), physical therapy (12.5%), laser, injection, rehabilitation (8.3%) were used. Conclusions In this study, we analyzed the trends of Eastern-Western integrative medicine in korea from 2010 to 2017. There were various studies about Eastern-Western integrative medicine. In case reports, Eastern-Western integrative medicine tend to concentrated on treatment not diagnosis. Not only treatment but also diagnosis is needed in Eastern-Western integrative medicine studies. (J Korean Med Rehabil 2018;28(1):53-60)

      • KCI등재

        이명(耳鳴)의 동(東)·서의학적(西醫學的) 문헌(文獻) 고찰(考察)

        허은선,황충연,Heo, Eun-Sun,Hwang, Chung-Yeon 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2016 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        Objectives : This study is performed to investigate the therapy on tinnitus through the literature of Eastern and Western medicine. Methods : This study review the definition, etiology, classification, internal and external methods of treatment of tinnitus based on 50 articles of Eastern medicine, 16 articles of Western medicine about the treatment of tinnitus. Results : The results were as follows. 1. In Eastern medicine, the cause and mechanism of disease of tinnitus arose from the state of qi-blood deficiency, internal dampness-heat and depression stagnation. In Western medicine, there are mainly caused by damage to the auditory system the lower induced changes in the upper. 2. In Eastern medicine, differentiation of syndromes classifies clinical aspects, and cause and mechanism of disease. In Western medicine, it divides into an generating region, clinical and associated symptoms aspects. 3. In Eastern medicine, internal method of treatments of tinnitus are divided into four treatments. In Western medicine, internal methods of tinnitus are vasodilators, blood-flow improvers, Metabolism improvers etc. 4. In Eastern medicine, external method of treatments of tinnitus are paste preparation method, powder preparation method, pill preparation method, acupuncture & moxibustion method. In Western medicine, external method of treatments of Tinnitus are divided into injection, other surgical therapies and adjuvant therapy. Conclusions : Until now, there is no perfect, effective single treatment. We think that Eastern medicine approach and treatment can be helpful to overcome the limitations of tinnitus cure.

      • KCI등재

        근골격계 질환의 한,양방협진치료 효과 연구에 대한 체계적 문헌 고찰

        이승진 ( Seung Jin Lee ),신병철 ( Byung Cheul Shin ),송근성 ( Geun Sung Song ),황의형 ( Eui Hyoung Hwang ),윤영주 ( Young Ju Yun ) 한방재활의학과학회 2011 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Objectives: This study aims to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of Eastern-Western integrative medicine for musculoskeletal disorders compared with Eastern or Western Medicine. Methods: Systematic searches of 9 major Korean databases were conducted for articles published up to July 2011. Searching keyword was “Integrative Medicine”. Prospective studies dealt with musculoskeletal disorders by Eastern-Western integrative medicine were included. Quality assessment of included studies was evaluated by Cochrane risk of bias tool. Results: 470 studies in total were searched. Among them, 7 studies met our inclusion criteria(3 randomized controlled clinical trials, 2 non-randomized controlled trials and 2 uncontrolled clinical trials). Included studies dealt with lumbar pain(3), shoulder pain(2), pain after traffic injury(1), spinal compression fracture(1). Eastern-Western integrative medicine showed better or equal effect for the treatment of various musculoskeletal disorders compared with Eastern or Western medicine alone. Conclusions: There is very weak evidence for the effectiveness of Eastern-Western integrative medicine for musculoskeletal disorders compared with Eastern or Western medicine alone. Well designed randomized controlled trials with rigorous methodology are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of Eastern-Western integrative medicine objectively in the future.

      • KCI등재

        유럽 지역 분할 개념에서의 중동부유럽

        김용덕(Kim, Yong-Deog) 한국외국어대학교 동유럽발칸연구소 2012 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.32 No.-

        유럽에서 폴란드의 위치가 가지는 점은 남다르다 할 수 있다. 폴란드는 지리적으로, 문화적으로, 정치적으로 상이한 두 지역이 만나는 지역 내지는 경계선에 위치하고 있기 때문이다. 그 결과 폴란드는 각기 다른 정치 체제나 지역으로 분류시킬 수 있으며 이런 연유로 폴란드의 유럽 위치는 오래전부터 논란의 대상이 되며 여러 번에 걸쳐 토론의 대상이 되기도 했다. 본 논문은 유럽을 분할하는 기본 개념에서 폴란드 학자들이 이룬 업적을 중심으로, 즉 다시 말해 폴란드의 관점에서 중동 부유럽 개념을 소개하고 유럽 지역 분할에서 폴란드의 위치를 다른 각도로 가늠해보는데 있다. 역사상 여러 시기에서 폴란드는 때로는 서구의 영향이 더 강한, 때로는 동구의 영향이 더 강한 유럽 지역으로 분류돼왔다. 때문에 폴란드는 지정학적으로 불안정한 동-서유럽의 경계선에 위치해왔다고 볼 수 있다. 바로 이 지역을 본고에서는 중동부유럽이라 규정하고 있다. Poland's position in Europe can be an extraordinary point. Because Poland is located in the area or boundaries, where two different geographical, cultural, and political regions cross each other. As a result, Poland, respectively, can be separated into different political systems and regions. For this reason, Poland's position in Europe was the subject of controversy for a long time. And Poland's position in Europe has been the subject of discussion several times. This paper is to measure the position of Poland in the Concept of Regional Division of Europe. At various times in history Poland has been classified as the European region, sometimes stronger Western influence or the sometimes stronger Eastern influence. Therefore we can say, Poland is situated on the border of unstable geopolitical Eastern-Western Europe. Accurately in this paper, this region is defined as the Central-Eastern Europe.

      • KCI등재


        진은유 ( Chen Enwei ) 한국중국산문학회 2016 중국산문연구집간 Vol.6 No.-

        As the first Chinese-language newspaper published by missionaries in China mainland,"Eastern Western Monthly Magazine" published four types of history Works on its column. The combination of the Eastern-Western history books, including chronology, biography, and general history, gives a comparative perspective and a comparative narrative approach to the academic and cultural circles of China. The history works which born out of the Five Books of Moses, take the myths and legends as the history and lead to the Chinese readers of the "misreading" of Bible. Biography of people from biblical history,integrated Chinese and Western literary resources including history of the Bible、Chinese history and the proses of the philosophers. The articles of “genealogy" column which absorbing the characteristics of Western biography literature and traditional Chinese biographical articles, mark the independence of modern Chinese biographical literature. Such stylistic exploration promotes the dialogue and exchange of Chinese and Western cultures and creates the new style.

      • KCI등재후보

        급성기 뇌졸중 환자의 한양방 협진치료에 대한 임상적 고찰

        김종환,신우진,장자원,김지윤,민성순,황원덕,Kim, Jong-Hwan,Sin, Woo-Jin,Jang, Ja-Won,Kim, Ji-Yun,Min, Sung-Soon,Hwang, Won-Duek 대한한방내과학회 2004 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.25 No.4

        Object : This is a study of acute stage stroke patients designed for comparison of combined Eastern and Western medical treatments and Oriental treatments alone. Methods : 51 patients were diagnosed by Brain-CT and Brain-MRI scan as having suffered stroke. They had entered Dong-eui hospital within seven days of attack, and remained over seven days, all between November 2002 and August 2003. Patients were divided into two groups: a group treated with both Eastern and Western medical treatments, and a group treated only with Oriental medical treatments (but examinations were done and medications were given in hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus and so on). Results : The Eastern-Western medical treatment group showed significant changes in NIHSS. A rate of improvement figure of 24.94% was obtained for the Eastern-Western medical treatment group, and for the Oriental medical group a figure of 7.84% was obtained. Conclusion : The East-West medical treatment group had significant rate of development that measure for NIHSS by treated comparatively dependent patients. And oriental medical treatment group had significant rate of development that measure for NIHSS by treated comparatively independent patients. The NIHSS measure for the Eastern-Western medical treatment group shows a significant rate of improvement for relatively dependent patients, and the NIHSS measure for the Oriental medical treatment group shows a significant rate of development for relatively independent patients.

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