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      • KCI등재후보

        가공식품의 대중 대일 경쟁력

        이민기,모수원 한국무역연구원 2011 무역연구 Vol.7 No.3

        This paper deals with Korea's intra-industry trade of the agricultural sector during the period of 2005-2010. This study uses the trade specialization index and the market comparative advantage index to evaluate the competitiveness of agricultural products of Korea against China and Japan. We show the concrete evidence that the comparative disadvantage of Korean processed food is far greater than we expect. The export competitiveness indexes reveal that our processed food items are in a import specialization against China and are in an export specialization against Japan. The horizontal-vertical IIT indicates that most of IIT between Korea and China is the high quality vertical IIT, whereas most of between Korea and Japan is the low one. This result suggests that Korea exports the high(low) quality products to and imports the low(high) quliaty items from China(Japan). The Korean governments commenced the negotiation of Korea-China Free Trade Agreement. The Korean government has been engaged in actively pursuing a number of FTAs simultaneously. We know that multilateralism and regionalism have become the mainstream forces of the world's trading system. We, however, should recognize that free trade means free competition as well as winner-takes-all. Free trade argument is, hence, merely a policy for the strong. The agriculture is a vital key industry for Korea. The declining agriculture will threaten our food security. Something must be taken to help our sustainable agriculture with soft-landing as soon as possible.

      • KCI등재후보

        가공식품의 대중 · 대일 경쟁력

        이민기(Min-Kee Lee),모수원(Soo-Won Mo) 한국무역연구원 2011 무역연구 Vol.7 No.3

        This paper deals with Korea’s intra-industry trade of the agricultural sector during the period of 2005-2010. This study uses the trade specialization index and the market comparative advantage index to evaluate the competitiveness of agricultural products of Korea against China and Japan. We show the concrete evidence that the comparative disadvantage of Korean processed food is far greater than we expect. The export competitiveness indexes reveal that our processed food items are in a import specialization against China and are in an export specialization against Japan. The horizontal-vertical IIT indicates that most of IIT between Korea and China is the high quality vertical IIT, whereas most of between Korea and Japan is the low one. This result suggests that Korea exports the high(low) quality products to and imports the low(bigh) quliaty items from China(Japan). The Korean governments commenced the negotiation of Korea-China Free Trade Agreement. The Korean government has been engaged in actively pursuing a number of FTAs simultaneously. We know that multilateralism and regionalism have become the mainstream forces of the world’s trading system. We, however, should recognize that free trade means free competition as well as winner-takes-all. Free trade argument is, hence, merely a policy for the strong. The agriculture is a vital key industry for Korea. The declining agriculture will threaten our food security. Something must be taken to help our sustainable agriculture with soft-landing as soon as possible.

      • Changes in Trade Patterns between Korea and the EU after the Korea-EU FTA

        ( Yoo Duk Kang ) 한국EU학회 2013 Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies Vol.11 No.1

        Despite optimistic expectations, Korea’s export to the EU has been decreasing since the Korea- EU FTA. Reasons for this unusual change in trade are economic recession in Europe, Korea’s concentrated export structure, weak euro and increase in imports of certain products such as crude oil. We examine changes in bilateral trade patterns, calculating the share of intra-industry trade (IIT) at static level based on GL index and its dynamics over the period from 2001 to 2012. We also divided IIT into two types of trades, vertical and horizontal IIT. We found that trade between Korea and the EU was of inter-industry nature, based on industrial specialization. However, this pattern has been changing toward intraindustry nature. Korea-EU FTA contributed to accelerating this trend.

      • KCI등재

        ASEAN 국가들의 최근 산업내무역 변화에 대한 연구

        최영석 ( Youngsuk Choi ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2015 東南亞硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        The paper attempts to investigate the change in Intra-Industry Trade (IIT) of ASEAN four countries including Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam, and the Philippines with East Asian three countries between 2003 and 2013. The three East Asian countries as trading partners of the ASEAN four countries in the analysis are Korea, China, and Japan. The data used for the analysis are subtracted from the databases of UN Comtrade and IMF World Economic Outlook. Major findings are as follows: Firstly, the share of IIT in each manufacturing industry of every ASEAN country are around 30 to 40 percent. Secondly, the highest level of IIT for overall manufactures is with China, the second with Korea, and the third with Japan. Thirdly, The differences in the measured IIT values for some industries are pronounced across the three East Asian trading partner countries. Fourthly, the measured level of vertical IIT is significantly higher than that of horizontal IIT in almost cases except for the Philippines. Fifthly, the share of horizontal IIT has been increasing, although it is still smaller than that of vertical IIT except for the case of the Philippines. Sixthly, vertical IIT are not significantly affected the level of GDP and GDP per capita between trading partners. Lastly, margial IIT seems to be increasing as time goes in all the ASEAN countries in concern.

      • KCI등재

        Patterns and Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade in Vietnam’s Textile and Apparel Industry

        Huyen Luong,곽근재 한국무역통상학회 2017 무역통상학회지 Vol.17 No.6

        This study examines the current trade patterns as well as identifies the country-specific determinants of IIT in the textile and apparel industry between Vietnam and its twenty main trading partners during the 2010-2015 period. The results point to a substantial level of IIT, which is entirely VIIT, indicating that Vietnam’s textile and apparel trade focuses on the trade of intermediate goods. The IIT indices are extremely high among Asian countries. Using a random effect model, important determinants of IIT, HIIT and VIIT are estimated. Results indicate that IIT, HIIT and VIIT are positively correlated with economic size and differences in economic size, and they are negatively correlated with trade imbalance and distance. Differences in Human Development Index have a positive effect on IIT and VIIT. In contrast, participation in FTA increases the share of IIT and HIIT. Consequently, in order to increase IIT of the Vietnamese textile and apparel industry, Vietnam has to accelerate the negotiations of FTA; invest in human resources; support R&D activities and high-technology sectors as well as domestic enterprises that provide intermediate inputs.

      • KCI등재

        Horizontal and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade in Trans-Tasman Bilateral Trade

        ( Kishor Sharma ) 세종대학교 경제통합연구소 (구 세종대학교 국제경제연구소) 2004 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.19 No.3

        This paper disentangles trans-Tasman intra-industry trade (IIT) into horizontal IIT (HIIT) and vertical IIT (VIIT), and uses country-specific features to investigate their determinants in an econometric framework. Results suggest that trans-Tasman IIT is dominated by VIIT and concentrates mainly (about 50%) on two highly protected industries, namely machinery and equipment, and textile, clothing and footwear. This suggests that the closer economic relations (CER) may be contributing to trade diversion rather than trade creation. It appears that despite similarity in resource endowments between Australia and New Zealand the determinants of HIIT and VIIT are sensitive to the country specific characteristics. Hence, assuming similarity across countries in cross-country studies is unjustifiable.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 섬유산업의 산업내 무역과 시사점

        김성철 한국산업경제학회 2010 산업경제연구 Vol.23 No.6

        본 논문의 목적은 우리나라 섬유산업의 산업내 무역을 분석하고, 정책적 시사점을 도출하는 데 있다. 실증분석 결과 섬유산업의 산업내 무역은 53.1%(2009년 기준)로 전년비 소폭 증가하였고, 수직적 산업내 무역과 수평적 산업내 무역은 각각 34.2%, 18.9%를 나타내었다. 수직적 산업내 무역은 소폭 증가하였으며, 이 가운데 고품질 수직적 산업내 무역은 16.3%, 저품질 산업내 무역은 17.8%를 나타내었다. 이러한 결과를 보면 품질이 상이한 품목간의 교역량이 크기는 하지만, 고품질과 저품질 품목 간의 교역량 차이는 크지 않음을 알 수 있다. 수평적 산업내 무역은 불규칙적이나 최근 2년간 소폭 증가 하였는데, 이는 수출단가와 수입단가의 상대가격 비율이 유사한 품목의 교역이 증가하고 있음을 의미한다. 국가별·품목별로 보면 중국 및 베트남과의 교역에서는 인조단 섬유가, 미국과의 교역에서는 기타 방직용 섬유가, 각각 산업내 무역 비중이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 미국 및 베트남과의 교역에서는 기타방직용 섬유제품의 비중이 높았으나, 중국과의 교역에서는 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 중국과 베트남과의 교역에서는 직물, 섬유제품 등에서 고품질 산업내 무역이 활발하고, 미국과의 교역에서는 섬유제품을 제외하고는 저품질 산업내 무역이 활발한 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 참고하면 앞으로 해외 소비자의 수요변화에 능동적으로 대처할 수 있도록 품질향상을 통한 제품차별화 등에 주력해야 할 것이다. 예컨대 고품질 산업내 무역이 활발한 품목을 중심으로 고유상표 수출비중의 확대, 디자인 및 마케팅 능력 강화, 전략적 제휴의 확대, 산업용 섬유제품의 개발, 신섬유 분야의 연구개발 역량 강화 등에 주력해야 할 것이다. The purpose of the study is to find policy suggestions by empirically analyzing intra-industry trade of Korean textile industry. Intra-industry trade(IIT) is the simultaneous import and export of goods within the same industry. Therefore this study examines and evaluates changes horizontal intra-industry trade(HIIT) and vertical intra-industry trade(VIIT) of Korean textile industry. Vertical-industry trade in Korean textile industry which can be further divided into high quality vertical IIT(HQVIIT) and low quality vertical IIT(LQVIIT), is growing in importance. Instead, inter-industry trade still accounts for the minority, its share in overall trade is increasing. To calculate the HIIT and VIIT of Korean Textile industry for the period of 2004-2009, the WTA(world trade atlas) trade matrix is mainly used. The preferred measure of IIT and the measure adopted in this paper is the unadjusted Grubel and Lloyd(1975) index using HS(Harmonized System) at the 4-digit and 2-digit level. Based on this empirical study, Korean textile industry would more involve in intra-industry trade. Korean textile industry has been growing as a proportion of total trade over the past 10 years. Recently VIIT of Korean textile industry is much increase than HIIT. IIT with other trading partners currently ranges between 43%(China), 41%(Vietnam), 34%(US). VIIT index compared with HIIT index is relatively lower in trade with China the with the orther countries. Therefore, Korean textile industry should be transformed from producing low-quality product to producing high quality product to acquire export competitiveness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

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