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      • 혈중 및 호기 일산화탄소를 이용한 일산화탄소 헤모글로빈 농도간의 관련성 연구

        김형수,박태혁,손지언,정갑열,김정만,김준연 동아대학교 2001 大學院論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        This study was conducted to find a correlation between blood COHb and calculated COHb with expiratory air and related variables such as occupational and smoking factors. Author selected 69 healthy workers in 8 workplaces suspected CO exposure. Basic informations were collected by self-reported questionnaire and medical history taking. Author measured Indirect COHb concentration with expiratory air using Micro II-Smokerlyzer and blood COHb concentration using Oxymeter. The results of the study were summarized as follows : 1. In the smoker, mean blood COHb and calculated COHb with expiratory air were 2.21±0.98% and 2.27±0.97 %, and there was not a statistically significant difference. In the non-smoker, mean blood COHb and calculated COHb with expiratory air were 0.42±0.43 % and 0,65±0.30 %, and there was also not a statistically significant difference. 2. There were positive correlations between blood COHb and calculated COHb with expiratory air in both the smoker (r=0.91, p=0.0001) and non-smoker (r=0.73, p=0.0001). 3. In the smoker, the factors affected COHb were total smoking index (Pack × years) and passed time after the last smoking. 4. In the nonsmoker, the parking and driving groups had higher COHb concentration than others (p<0.05). In conclusion, there was no significant difference between indirect COHb concentration with expiratory air using Smokerlyzer and blood COHb concentration and there was a highly significant correlation between indirect and blood COHb concentrations. Therefore indirect COHb concentration with expiratory air is a useful screening method for CO exposure. Author suggest the resection of smoking during at least 90 minutes before measuring COHb concentration in order to exclude smoking effects.

      • KCI등재

        일 농촌지역의 정신지체 역학연구

        박준혁,남정현,신영전 大韓神經精神醫學會 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.1

        연구논문: 일 농촌 지역의 정신지체 환자의 유병율, 사회 경제적인 특징, 동반질환을 조사하여 농촌지역에서의 정신지체 환자의 현황과 분포 특성을 살펴보고 지역사회 안에서 이들의 관리를 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 방 법: 경기도의 1군과 4개 면을 선정하여 이 지역 전체주민 17,237명을 대상으로 정신지체 조사 사업을 시행하였다. 조사는 1차, 2차로 나누어 1차 조사는 사전에 교육을 받은 보건진료소장과 보건요원에 의해 정신지체 환자를 조사하도록 하는 핵심요원조사(Key Informant Research) 방법으로 2차 조사는 보고된 대상자를 확진하기 위해 정신과 전문의 1명 정신과 전공의 2명, 임상심리사 5명이 이들 대상자를 직접 면담하여 진단의 확진과 등급의 정도를 파악하였다. DSM-Ⅳ의 기준과 한국형 웩슬러 지능검사(K-WAIS), 사회성숙도검사(SMS)를 시행하여 진단하였다. 결 과: 조사지역의 정신지체 유병율은 0.42%이었고, 남자가 0.37%, 여자는 0.47%로 여자가 더 높은 유병율을 보였지만 통계적으로는 유의미한 차이는 없었다(χ²=4.3. p=0.23). 등급별로는 경도, 중등도, 중도, 최중도의 비율은 33:47:18:3로써 중등도 정신지체가 가장 많았다. 연령별 유병율을 보면 조사 대상의 20-39세에서 0.69%로 가장 높은 유병율을 보였고, 40세 이상의 유병율은 0.35%로서 두 군 사이에 통계적인 유의미한 차이(χ²=18.64. p=0.00002)를 보였다. 중등도의 정신지체가 전체 정신지체 환자중에서 0.20%로 가장 높은 유병율을 보였다. 정신지체의 일차보호자는 부모가 69%를 차지하였고, 장애자 수첩 소지자는 전체 정신지체의 50%, 평균 교육기간은 3.36년이었다. 결 론: 조사지역의 정신지체 유병율은 0.42%로 우리 나라 과거 유병율 보다 높은 결과였고 등급별 분포에서 경도의 정신지체가 상대적으로 낮은 비율을 보였는데 1차 조사인 핵심요원조사(Key Informant Research)에서 정신지체 발견의 초점을 사회적 적응능력의 저하에 두어, 농촌사회에서 적응력을 갖는 경도의 정신지체가 많이 누락되었을 것으로 추정된다. 중등도의 정신지체가 전체 정신지체 환자 중에서 가장 높은 분포를 보였는데, 이는 중등도 정신지체가 경도의 정신지체보다 사회적 적응능력의 저하가 훨씬 두드러져서 발견 탈락율이 적고 실제로 중도와 최중도보다 빈도가 높기 때문이다. 중도이상의 정신지체는 거의 대부분 40대 이전에 동반된 질환, 여러 가지 내과적 문제로 사망하기 때문에 본 연구에서도 낮은 유병율를 보였고, 전반적으로 정신지체인의 사회적 지지가 매우 부족하였다. Objectives: This study was designed to assess the present conditions of the mental retardation in a rural area by identifying the prevalence, socioeconomic characteristics and combined diseases of the subjects with mental retardation. Methods: For this survey, four regions of a rural area with total population of 17,235 persons were chosen. The surveys were divided into 2 steps. After Key Informant Research(KIR) at first survey, one psychiatric specialist, two psychiatric residents and five clinical psychologists interviewed the high risk group who had been selected in KIR. By this two-step process, final diagnosis and degree of severity were confirmed. Diagnostic criteria of Mental Retardation by DSM-Ⅳ(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Ⅳ), K-WAIS, Social Maturation Scale were used as diagnostic tools. Results: Prevalence of Mental Retardation in survey areas was 0.42%. The prevalencies in male and female were 0.37% and 0.47%, respectively, which were of no significant statistical difference. The relative ratio of each degree of mental retardation-mild, moderate, severe and profound mental retardation-was 33:47:18:3 respectively. The prevalence of moderate mental retardation was higher than that of any other degrees. By age groups, the prevalence in twenties and thirties was 0.69%, which was the highest of all age groups. The prevalence in forties and over was 0.35%, which was the lower than that of twenties and thirties(χ²=18.64, p=0.00002). Conclusions: Prevalence of mental retardation in survey areas was 0.42%, which was higher than any other previous studies in Korea. The prevalence of mild mental retardation was relatively lower than that of other previous studies, which means that the key informants may not have detected the subjects with mild mental retardations who were relatively socially adaptive in rural areas, because they might have focused on the ability of social adaptation as an important feature in detecting the mental retardations. The prevalence of moderate mental retardation was 0.20%, higher than any other groups, which resulted from low rate of failure in the detection of the moderate mental retardations because of their severe deficits in social adaptation and from the higher prevalence than severe and profound mental retardation in reality. The prevalence of severe and profound mental retardation was low rate because they used to be short-lived due to combined medical illnesses and congenital anomalies. The persons with mental retardation were in low socioeconomic status and had poor supporting systems.

      • CT 유도하의 경피적 폐생검 : 임상적 의의 및 합병증에 관한 연구 A Study of Clinical Significance and Complication

        박재성,백상현,차장규,홍현숙,김대호,박성진,조준희,임한혁,이혜경 순천향의학연구소 2003 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.9 No.2

        Purpose : To determine the diagnostic accuracy and predicting factor of pneumothorax on CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy. Materials and Methods : Using automated biopsy devices, 107 CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsies of pulmonary lesions were performed. Final diagnosis was made with operation or other methods. We retrospectively analyzed the frequency of complications and diagnostic yields of 107 biopsies. The clinical features, treatment, and courses of complications were reviewed, and risk factors of pneumothorax such as depth and size of lesion, CT emphysema score of whole lung and pathway of needle, and the result of pulmonary function test were analyzed. Result : 96 biopsies(89.7%) yielded sufficient tissue for pathologic evaluation. For cases of malignant and benign disease, sensitivity was 91.5% and 87.5% respectively; the corresponding figures for diagnostic accuracy were 88.1% and 77.1%. So, sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy of percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy was 89.7% and 83.2%. Eighteen(16.8%) of 107 patients developed pneumothorax and 3 of these required application of chest tube or percutaneous catheter drainage. In the group with pneumonthorax, the lesion was significantly smaller(p=0.029) and higher CT emphysema score of pathway of needle(p=0.032). But there were no significant difference between two groups(with or without pneumothorax) for depth of lesion, pulmonary function test(% predictive value of FEV1 and FEV1/FVC) and CT emphysema score of whole lung. Conclusion : CT-guided transthoracic needle biopsy of the pulmonary lesions is safe and easy method of obtaining specimens of good quality and quantity. It may be an useful procedure in the diagnosis of localized pulmonary lesions. For the prediction of pneumothorax, size of lesion and CT emphysema score of pathway of a needle are significant risk factors.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        농산물 소독과정에서 브롬화메틸에 노출된 근로자에게 발생한 신경병 2례

        박태혁,김정일,손지언,김종국,김형수,정갑열,김준연 大韓産業醫學會 2000 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        목적 : 농산물 소독과정에서 브롬화메틸에 노출된 근로자에게 발생한 신경병 2례 보고. 방법 : 피로감, 전신무력감, 어지럼증, 보행장애 등의 증상을 주소로 내원한 브롬화메틸을 사용하여 방역작업에 종사하는 건강한 20세와 18세의 근로자를 대상으로 혈액검사, 신경정도 및 근전도검사, 뇌자기공명영상 등의 임상검사와 작업력조사를 시행하였다. 결과 : 1례에서 뇌자기공명영상에서 연수와 소뇌의 양측 측충부의 고신호강도가 관찰되었고 11일 후의 추적조사에서 동일 부위의 고신호강토가 감소된 소견이 관찰되었으며 뇌병증으로 최종 진단되었다. 다른 1례는 신경전도검사에서 다발성 신경병 소견과 뇌유발전위검사에서 우측 하부 뇌간부위 병소가 관찰되었고 뇌병증 및 말초신경 병으로 최종 진단되었다. 결론 : 근로자들의 증상은 소독과정에서 브롬화메틸 노출로 인한 신경 병으로 판단되며 훈증소독과방역작업에 종사하는 근로자들의 실태조사와 안전에 대한 대책이 시급하다고 하겠다. Objectives : To report two cases of neuropathy due to methyl bromide intoxication. Methods : Workers, engaged in the fumigating process, complained fatigue, general weakness, ataxia, and hypersomnia. We evaluated them with blood tests, neurophysiologic studies and MRI and investigated their occupational history. Results : Increased signal intensities were found in the medulla oblongata and paraver mian of cerebellum in MRI and after 11 days, high signal intensities were reduced in the following MRI. In the other case, polyneuropathy and rlght lower brainstem lesion were observed In the NCV and BAEP studies. Conclusions : We confirmed that worker's symptoms were related to methyl bromide exposure in the fumigation. It is necessary that we should evaluate present condition of fumigating process and prepare appropriate methods to protect workers engaged in the fumigation.

      • 외부 프리스트레스 도입에 의한 노후된 콘크리트 거더교의 보강성능평가

        박승범,홍석주,이봉춘,장석호,권혁준 충남대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        One of the promising methods to enhance the flexural strength of a externally prestressed girder is to place the tendons with large eccentricities. The analysis and design of composite girders prestressed by external tendons involve difficulties related mainly to the position of anchorages and the construction sequences. This study was conducted on the concrete bridges reinforced by the continuous girders and the external prestressing. The test results in this study showed that the external prestressing of a composite girder increased the range of the elastic behavior, reduced deflections, increased ultimate strength, and added to the redundancy by providing the multiple stress paths.

      • 강릉시의 쓰레기 종량제의 실행실태 분석과 주민의식에 관한 고찰

        박지혁,임준묵 강릉대학교동해안지역연구소 1996 東海岸硏究 Vol.6 No.2

        본 연구는 강릉시에서 95년초부터 실시되고 있는 쓰레기 종량제의 실태를 몇 군데의 실예를 들어서 살펴보고, 문제점과 개선점을 주민의식의 설문조사와 그 분석으로부터 도출해보고자 한다. From the beginning of 1995, the specific-duty-system-on-trash(SDOST)has been executed on a national scale. We investigate a actual condition of SDOST through several actual examples. Analyzing those results, we draw out the issuing points on practicing the SDOST and present several improved suggestions.

      • Al-Si합금용탕과 Al₂O₃의 젖음성에 관한 연구

        朴昌宣,金鍾贊,朴相俊,權赫茂 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1992 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to obtain basic infotmation on the wettability of pure-Al/Al₂O₃, Al-alloy/Cu, Al-alloy/Ni and Al-12%Si/Al₂O₃systems, by using the Sessile drop method. The wettability of Al alloy-melt on Al₂O₃increases with increasing temperature from 750℃ to 850℃ for Al-12%Si-y% (Cu, Zn and Mg) (y:0∼2)/Al₂O₃system, the contact angle decreases with increasing Cu, Zn and Mg content. The wettability of Al alloy on Cu and Ni-palte is better than that on Al₂O₃-plate : this is attributed to the interfacial reaction between the Al aiioy and the metal substrate.

      • 상온재생 유화아스팔트 개질 혼합물의 배합방법 및 특성에 관한 실험적 연구

        박승범,권혁준,이봉춘,김선용 충남대학교 산업기술연구소 1999 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        Recently, the quantities of waste asphalt concrete at construction sites have much increased greatly, but maintaining a filling-up and final disposal place is a difficult problem. Therefore, we are faced with a worsening environmental problem brought about present illegal measures. One of the most effective recycling method is cold recycling. This method will satisfies treatment and recycling of construction waste is a very important question in the preservation of environmental and natural resources. So, in this paper, we dealt cold recycling modified mixtures using emulsified asphalt to concern the effect of adding reclaimed asphalt concrete 30, 40, 50%, and using SBR Latex for modified mixtures.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 살모넬라 분리주에서 spvR 유전자 분포와 단일 뉴클레오티드 다형 연구

        권혁준,박경윤,박주연,박용호,김선중,유한상 대한감염학회 2004 감염과 화학요법 Vol.36 No.6

        목적 : 지금까지 병원성 살모넬라를 확인하기 위해 분자량이 큰 플라스미드의 존재 유무를 확인하여 왔으나 살모넬라 혈청형 및 검출 방법에 따라 양성율에 큰 차이를 보이고 있고, 일부 병원성 살모넬라 분리주에서 병원성 플라스미드가 관찰되지 않아 spv 유전자들의 유무에 대한 아른 확인방법이 필요하다. 본 실험은 국내 동물 유래 주요 살모넬라 혈청형에서 spvR 유전자의 분포를 알아보고, 병원성 살모넬라 분자진단을 위한 분자표지로써의 가치를 평가하기 위해 실행하였다. 재료 및 방법 : 국내 가축 유래 S. lyphimurium (ST, 26주), S. enteritidis (SE, 10주), S. pullorum (SP, 40주), S. gallinarum (SG, 53주)에 대해 GenBank에 등록된 ST, SE, SP의 spvR 유전자를 비교하여 ST와 SE 간에 차이를 보이는 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP, 625번 뉴클레오티드)을 포함하도록 시발자를 합성하여 집락-PCR을 수행하였다. 증폭 산물(194bp)은 자동 염기서열장치를 이용하여 염기서열을 결정하였고, 제한효소인 MseI을 사용하여 PCR-RFLP를 실시하였다. 결과 : 집락-중합효소연쇄반응 결과 SP, SG, SE의 모든 (100%) 분리주에서 특이 증폭산물이 검출되었으나 ST의 경우 19주(73%)에서만 증폭되었다. 특히 병원성 관련 플라스미드가 관찰되지 않았던 SP 4주에서 특이적인 증폭산물이 검출되었다. 염기서열 분석결과 SE, SG, SP는 625번 뉴클레오티드에 아데닌을, ST는 구아닌을 가지고 있어 PCR-RFLP를 이용하여 쉽게 구분할 수 있었다. 결 론 : spvR에 대한 집락-중합효소연쇄 반응법은 병원성 플라스미드 검출법보다 SE, SP, SG 병원성 주를 신속하게 검출하는데 유용하고, 625번 뉴클레오티드의 SNP는 ST와 SE, SG, SP를 구분하는 분자표지로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 기대되며, ST에 비해 SE는 진화적으로 SG와 SP에 가까운 것으로 생각되었다. Background : The Salmonella virulence plasmid (spv) genes (spvR, A, B, C and D) on the large virulence plasmids of pathogenic Salmonella serotypes can replace the virulence of the whole plasmid. Recently, virulence plasmid-negative pathogenic Salmonella isolates were isolated. However, positive rates of spv genes among Korean Salmonella serotypes have been obscure. spv genes are conserved in compared to other virulence genes but there are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) conserved in only certain serotype. Such SNPs are useful for differentiation and understanding evolution of certain serotypes. Materials and Methods : Salmonella serotypes isolated from live stocks [Salmonella typhimurium (ST, 26), S. enteritidis (SE, 10), S. gallinarum (SG, 40) and S. pullorum (SP, 53)] were used for colony-PCR. A primer set covering single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at 625th nucleotide of spvR was designed. The nucleotide sequences of amplicons were determined by cyclic sequencing method and RFLP was performed by using MseI. Results : All isolates of SE, SG and SP, including four plasmid-negative isolates, showed specific amplicons but not all of ST (19/26, 73%) were positive to spvR. Based on the nucleotide sequence of 625th nucleotide and PCR-RFLP, SE, SG and SP [A(625)] and ST [G(625)] could be differentiated. Conclusion : spvR can be used as a molecular marker to detect virulent SE, SG, SP and the SNP may be useful for differentiation of SE, SG, SP and ST. According to the SNP study SE may be evolutionarily closer to SG and SP than ST.

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