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      • 細胞成長促進因子의 特性에 關한 硏究

        洪淳元 최신의학사 1968 最新醫學 Vol.11 No.5

        As animal cancers, Ehrlich ascites cancer was used and tumor transplantation was performed into experir2' ! mental mice. Tissue growth promoting factors was extracted from liver, spleen, kidney, brain and muscle of the Hybrid rats. Liver of dog, rabbit and mouse were used as comparison factors. 1. The tissue promting factors(extracted as Chin's Nlethod)from liver was prepared in both low and high concentration and injected separately into the tumor transplanted mice and tumor growth compared both and control group. 2. The tissue factors were divided into the filtrable and dialyzable and the non-filtrable part and similar experiment carried out. 3. Fraction 1, 11 and III were obtained by ultracentrifugation. 4. The promoting tissue factor was treated by trypsin, HCl, ethanol and methanol. 5. The extract was treated with NaOH, ether and Trichloracetic acid(TCA). 6. The extract was heated at 40 C.,56' C. and 100 C. and also frozen at-20C. and OC. 7. Extracts were obtained from spleen, kideny, brain and skeletal muscle as well as from liver of rats and injected into experimental mice. 8. Extracts were obtaineed from liver of dog, rabbit and mouse. as well as rat and injected into exper 'mental mice. 9. Extract obtained from liver of rats was injected together with Ehrlich ascites on the back of mouse and compared different site injection(abdomen, intraperitoneally). Results The factor promotes tumor growth in mice at high concentration, but inhibits tumor growth at very high concentration. 2. The factor is unfiltrable and undialysable. 3. The factor is included mostly in the microsome(Fraction )i ) and mitochondria(Fraction I) of the ultracentrifugation. 4. Trypsin, Hcl, ethanol and methanol have no effect on the promoting factor, while TCA, NaoH and ether neutralize the action of the promoting factor. 5. The factor is heat-labile and cold-stable. 6. The factor does possess species specificity. 7. The promoting action of the factor is most pronounced in the extract from liver. 8. The promoting action of the factor is most prononnced when it is injected together with tnmor cell sus pension.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        청지기직의 교회 윤리적 수용

        홍순원 한국실천신학회 2018 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.61

        인간은 창조주를 향한 책임을 부여받은 청지기이다. 청지기직은 섬김의 사명으로만 요구되는 것이 아니라 각자에게 주어진 하나님 은사에 기인하는 것이다. 소유의식은 나와 하나님을 단절시키고, 그 결과 나와 이웃을 단절시킨다. 청지기는 소유자의 목적에 따라 관리해야 하는 의무를 가진다. 청지기적 사명에 비추어 보면 물질적 풍요는 삶의 풍요와 일치될 수 없으며, 부유함 자체가 복지가 될 수 없다. 창조신학은 청지기 신학이다. 만물은 창조주에게 속하는 것이며 창조주와 청지기와의 관계로부터 청지기와 위임받은 대상의 관계가 형성된다. 죄는 하나님과의 관계 속에서 인간이 더 이상 책임적으로 존재하지 않고 스스로 존재하려는 의지이다. 청지기직의 구조는 하나님의 은혜와 인간의 응답으로 구성된다. 하나님의 은혜와 인간의 응답은 둘 사이의 인격적 관계의 표현이다. 청지기직 안에 교회의 본질과 목회사역, 그리고 선교의 의미가 담겨 있다. 청지기로서 교회는 세상 밖으로 불러졌으며, 또한 세상 안으로 파송된다. 청지기직은 넓은 의미에서 창조와 구원 안에 나타나는 ‘하나님의 경륜’을 서술하기 위하여 사용된다. 청지기직이란 은혜가 봉사 속에서 새로워지는 것이며 일상적 삶속에서 실천되는 수단이다. 재능을 소유하려는 사람은 그것을 이미 잃어버리는 것이며, 타인을 위하여 사용하는 사람은 더욱 풍성해짐을 경험한다. 하나님의 청지기가 된다는 것은 하나님의 구원의 경륜 안에 참여하고 그의 시간 안에서 사명을 감당하는 것이다. 시간의 청지기가 된다는 것은 나의 크로노스 안에서 하나님의 카이로스를 발견하는 것이다. 재물은 인간과 세상과의 관계를 대표하는 청지기적 영역이다. 성서에서 재물에 대한 청지기직 자체는 의미가 없으며 그 재물을 어떻게 얻었느냐가 중요하다. 인간이 청지기로서 받은 최고의 은사는 복음이다. 그것은 가장 큰 축복이요 가장 큰 사명이다. 청지기의 삶은 순례자의 삶이며, 선택받은 삶이며 왕적 제사장의 삶이다. 청지기적 리더십 안에는 하나님으로부터 위임된 권위와 섬김의 사명이 동시에 존재한다. Man is a steward upon whom the responsibility for the Creator is bestowed. Stewardship is not just required by the mission of service, but by the gift of God which is given to each one. The consciousness of ownership disconnects me from God and as a result, from my neighbors. Steward has an obligation to manage according to the owner's purpose. In the light of stewardship, the material abundance can not be reconciled with the abundance of life, and the wealth itself can not be welfare. Creation theology is a steward theology. Everything belongs to the Creator, and the relationship between stewardship and the entrusted object is formed by the relationship between the Creator and the steward. Sin is man’s will to exist for himself, instead of being responsible for his relationship with God. The structure of stewardship consists of God's grace and human response. God’s grace and man’s response are the expression of the personal relationship between them. The stewardship comprises the essence of the church, the ministry, and the meaning of mission. As a steward, the Church is called out of the world, and is also sent into the world. Stewardship is used in a broad sense to describe 'God's economy' in creation and salvation. Stewardship is the means by which grace is renewed in service and practiced in everyday life. He who want to possess a talent already loses it, but he who uses it for others experiences being enriched. To be a steward of God is to participate in the economy of God's salvation and to fulfill his mission in God’s time. Being a steward of time is finding God's kairos in my chronos. Possessions are the area of stewardship that represents the relationship between man and the world. The stewardship of treasures itself is not so much meaningful as the way to obtain the wealth. The best gift that man has received as a steward is the gospel. It is not only the greatest blessing, but also the greatest mission. Steward’s life is the life of the pilgrim, the chosen life, and the life of the royal priest. In the steward-leadership, there is an authority which was entrusted by God and a mission of service alike.

      • KCI등재

        소외계층 영재학급에 대한 효과성 조사

        홍순원,이용섭 대한지구과학교육학회 2010 대한지구과학교육학회지 Vol.3 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine about effect for class of disadvantaged gifted student. For this, twenty-one item-questionnaires were giver to fifty three students at third graders in four elementary gifted schools located in Ulsan. The result of this study were as follows: First, the elementary school cognitive aspects of disadvantaged gifted class from the result of the effectiveness , 3rd grade students surveyed were all positive. Most of the students about help in learning, record enhancement, presentation skills, resources utilization, problem solving, study skills, creativity and confidence in learning in 77.3% of students answered that they had a positive influence Second, the elementary school affective aspects of disadvantaged gifted calss from the result of the effectiveness , 3rd students surveyed were all positive. Most of students about study habits, attitude, interest in studying, studying aspects related to the confidence and positive in 67.3% of students answered that they were affected. Third, the elementary school social and cultural aspects of disadvantaged gifted class from the result of the effective, 3rd students surveyed were all positive. Most of the students about teachers, students, parents, and efficient use of time for study 70.9% of students answered that they had a positive influence. Fourth, the elementary school private aspects of disadvantaged gifted class from the result of the effective, 3rd grade students surveyed were all positive. Most of the students about reliance on private tutoring classes, interest, record enhancement in 65.1% of students answered that they had a positive influence.

      • KCI등재

        도덕적 인센티브의 사회윤리적 구상

        홍순원 한국실천신학회 2016 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.48

        경제질서는 경제적 인간이 효용을 극대화하기 위하여 이기적으로 행동한다는 것을 전제로 한다. 인센티브는 인간이 경제활동을 하는 동기이며 경제질서를 유지시키고 발전시키는 근원적인 요인이다. 하지만 경제학이라는 학문이 경제적 인간의 삶과 관련되어 있는 한, 경제적 인센티브만으로 모든 문제를 해결할 수는 없다. 인간은 경제적으로 행동할 뿐 아니라 도덕적으로 행동하기 때문이다. 윤리학과 경제학은 경제적 인간의 삶을 위하여 상호 보완적 기능을 수행한다. 경제질서는 인간 실존과 분리될 수 없으며 인간 삶에 대한 진술 없이 경제의 의미를 규정할 수는 없다. 인간이 행위 주체로서 자신의 행위로부터 분리될 수 없는 것처럼 경제적 인간은 경제 질서로부터 분리될 수 없다. 경제질서는 인간활동의 산물이며 시장과 자본은 인간 삶의 목적을 실현하기 위한 수단이다. 인센티브는 사회적 삶을 지탱하는 근원적인 수단이며, 경제학이란 인센티브를 연구하는 학문이라고 정의할 수 있다. 경제적 인센티브의 한계는 경제적 인간의 자유를 배제시키고 자본과 시장의 자유만을 추구하였던 신자유주의 시장경제의 한계이다. 인간은 경제적 존재이기 이전에 도덕적 존재이며 스스로 발전하고, 성장하려는 성향을 가지고 있다. 인간의 경제적 삶과 사회의 모든 영역을 경제적 인센티브의 논리만으로 지배할 수 없다. 경제적 인센티브는 항상 윤리적 인간을 전제로 하는 도덕적 인센티브와 보완적 관계를 유지해야 한다. Economic order presupposes that homo ethicus acts selfishly to maximize the utility. Incentives is motivation for human economic activity and the fundamental factor, with which he develops and maintains the economic order. However the economic incentive cannot be irreplaceable solution for all problems, as far as the economic science is associated with human economic life. Because human being acts morally and economically alike. Ethics and economics are interactively performing a complementary function to the human economic life. The economic order can not be separated from human life, just as the meaning of economy can not be defined without the statement about human life. As the economic existence of human being can not be separated from his acts, homo economicus cannot do without economic order. Economic order is a product of human activity and the capital and markets are the means for realizing the goal of human life. The incentives are fundamental means to sustain social life, the economics can be defined as the study on the incentives. The limits of economic incentives are the limits of neoliberal market economy, which made away with the freedom of homo economicus and sought only the freedom of the capital and market. Man has a tendency to grow and develop for himself. because he is not so much a economical being as a moral one. All areas of human economic and social life can not be ruled by the logic of economic incentives alone. Economic incentives should always maintain a complementary relationship with moral incentives which presupposes homo ethicus.

      • KCI등재후보

        갑상선 여포증식성 병변의 세침흡인 세포검사

        홍순원,Soon Won Hong,M,D 대한갑상선-내분비외과학회 2008 The Koreran journal of Endocrine Surgery Vol.8 No.3

        The differential diagnosis of follicular proliferative lesions is sometimes very difficult because these types of lesions share common morphological features. Due to this, even the histological diagnosis of these lesions is also difficult or impossible. Bearing this in mind, some helpful diagnostic methods of fine needle aspiration cytology will be discussed. <B>(Ko</B><B>rean J Endocrine Surg 2008;8:159-166)</B>

      • KCI등재

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