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Rotation Errors of Breast Cancer on 3D-CRT in TomoDirect
정재홍,조광환,문성권,배선현,민철기,김은석,여승구,최진호,정주영,최보영,서태석,Jung, Jae Hong,Cho, Kwang Hwan,Moon, Seong Kwon,Bae, Sun Hyun,Min, Chul Kee,Kim, Eun Seog,Yeo, Seung-Gu,Choi, Jin Ho,Jung, Joo-Yong,Choe, Bo Young,Suh, Tae Korean Society of Medical Physics 2015 의학물리 Vol.26 No.1
The purpose of this study was to analyze the rotational errors of roll, pitch, and yaw in the whole breast cancer treated by the three-dimensional radiation therapy (3D-CRT) using TomoDirect (TD). Twenty-patient previously treated with TD 3D-CRT was selected. We performed a retrospective clinical analysis based on 80 images of megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT) including the systematic and random variation with patient setup errors and treatment setup margin (mm). In addition, a rotational error (degree) for each patient was analyzed using the automatic image registration. The treatment margin of X, Y, and Z directions were 4.2 mm, 6.2 mm, and 6.4 mm, respectively. The mean value of the rotational error for roll, pitch, and yaw were $0.3^{\circ}$, $0.5^{\circ}$, $0.1^{\circ}$, and all of systematic and random error was within $1.0^{\circ}$. The errors of patient positioning with the Y and Z directions have generally been mainly higher than the X direction. The percentage in treatment fractions in less than $2^{\circ}$ at roll, pitch, and yaw are 95.1%, 98.8%, and 97.5%, respectively. However, the edge of upper and lower (i.e., bottom) based on the center of therapy region (point) will quite a possibility that it is expected to twist even longer as the length of treatment region. The patient-specific characters should be considered for the accuracy and reproducibility of treatment and it is necessary to confirm periodically the rotational errors, including patient repositioning and repeating MVCT scan.
토모테라피 치료 시 Bodyfix System에서 진공압박에 따른 환자 위치잡이오차(Setup errors)의 평가
정재홍,조광환,이정우,김민주,임광채,문성권,김용호,서태석,Jung, Jae-Hong,Cho, Kwang-Hwan,Lee, Jeong-Woo,Kim, Min-Joo,Lim, Kwang-Chae,Moon, Seong-Kwon,Kim, Yong-Ho,Suh, Tae-Suk 한국의학물리학회 2011 의학물리 Vol.22 No.2
The aim of this study is to evaluate the patient's setup errors in TomoTherapy (Hi-Art II, TomoTherapy, USA) Bodyfix system (Medical Intelligence, Ele-kta, Schwabmuchen, Germany) pressure in the vacuum compression, depending on and were evaluated. Bodyfix immobilization system and vacuum pressure was compression applied to the patients who received Tomotherapy thoracic and abdominal area, 21 patients were selected and TomoTehpay treatment total 477 of MVCT images were obtained. The translational (medial-lateral: ML, anterior-posterior: AP, superior-inferior: SI directions) and rolling were recorded and analyzed statistically. Using Pearson's product-moment coefficient and One-way ANOVA, the degree of correlation depending on the different vacuum pressure levels were statistically analyzed for setup errors from five groups (p<0.05). The largest average and standard deviation of systematic errors were 6.00, 5.95 mm in the AP and SI directions, respectively. The largest average of random errors were 4.72 mm in the SI directions. The correlation coefficients were 0.485, 0.244, and 0.637 for the ML-Roll, AP-Vector, and SI-Vector, respectively. SI-Vector direction showed the best relationship. In the results of the different degree of vacuum pressure in five groups (Pressure range: 30~70 mbar), the setup errors between the ML, SI in both directions and Roll p=0.00 (p<0.05) were shown significant differences. The average errors of SI direction in the vacuum pressure of 40 mbar and 70 mbar group were 4.78 mm and -0.74 mm, respectively. In this study, the correlation between the vacuum pressure and the setup-errors were statistically analyzed. The fact that setup-errors in SI direction is dependent in vacuum pressure considerly setup-errors and movement of interal organs was identified. Finally, setup-errors, and it, based on the movement of internal organs in Bodyfix system we should apply more than 50 mbar vacuum pressure. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that accuracy of the vacuum pressure and the quantitative analysis of movement of internal organs and the tumor should be studied.
토모테라피를 이용한 두경부암 방사선치료에서 Aid-pillow 사용에 따른 Pitch와 Yaw의 변화 분석
정재홍,조광환,김용호,문성권,민철기,김은석,이경배,정주영,서태석,최보영,Jung, Jae Hong,Cho, Kwang Hwan,Kim, Yong Ho,Moon, Seong Kwon,Min, Chul Kee,Kim, Eun Seog,Lee, Kyung-Bae,Jung, Joo-Young,Suh, Tae-Suk,Choe, Bo-Young 한국의학물리학회 2013 의학물리 Vol.24 No.1
The aim of this study was to analysis of the pitch and yaw deviations with or without using an aid-pillow for the head and neck cancer on the TomoTherapy. A total of 14 head and neck patients were selected to without-group (n=7) and with-group (n=7). A total of 333 MVCT image sets used to evaluate the translational (lateral, longitudinal and vertical) and rotational adjustments (pitch, roll and yaw) with 153 and 180 MVCT image sets at without- and with-group, respectively. Deviations of without- and with-groups were $0.12^{\circ}$ and $0.09^{\circ}$, respectively at pitch. And, deviations without- and with-groups were $0.47^{\circ}$ and $0.17^{\circ}$, respectively at yaw. In generally, with-group had reduced than without-group for the pitch and yaw deviations. Therefore, using an aid-pillow, it will able to increase the reproducibility of treatment for the head and neck cancer patients on the TomoTherapy.
IPv4/IPv6 변환기술에서의 보안 취약점 분석 및 보안성 강화방안
정재홍 ( Jae-hong Jung ),김진덕 ( Jin-duk Kim ),신용태 ( Yongtae Shin ) 한국정보처리학회 2012 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.19 No.1
기존 IPv4 주소의 고갈로 인해 IPv6로의 주소 전환이 예상되며, 이는 IPv4 네트워크와 IPv6 네트워크의 혼재 상황을 야기시킨다. 이는 IPv4 주소체계와 IPv6 주소체계가 다르므로 주소 전환 문제와 이에 따른 보안상의 문제가 발생 할 수 있다. 이를 해결하기 위해서 NAT-PT, NAT64와 같은 변환기술이 개발되었고, 각 네트워크에서의 보안기술도 개발되었다. 그러나 기존 연구는 각 네트워크에서의 보안 취약점 분석과 보안성 강화방안을 연구하였지만, IPv4/IPv6 혼재 상황에서의 보안 취약점에 관한 연구들은 부족한 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 향후 도래할 IPv4/IPv6 네트워크 혼재 상황에서 사용될 전환 기술 중 변환 기술인 NAT-PT와 NAT64를 중심으로 보안 취약점을 분석하고, 보안성 강화방안을 제시하였다.
정재홍(Jae Hong Jung),김승철(Seung Chul Kim),문성권(Seong Kwon Moon) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2015 방사선기술과학 Vol.38 No.4
본 논문은 상당히 진행된 중위 식도암의 동시항암화학 방사선치료에 대한 분석의 것이다. 사용한 항암제는 전통적으로 사용되어온 시스플라틴, 5-플루오로우라실에, 도쎄탁실을 추가 시행하였다. 과거 식도암의 방사선치료에서는 총 선량 50.4 Gy/28회를 처방하였다. 하지만 현대의 방사선치료기술의 비약적인 발전으로, 호흡동조치료와 세기변조방사선치료를 적용하여, 정상조직의 손상을 최대한 감소시키면서 총 선량을 50.4 Gy이상으로 증가시키는 것이 가능하다. 이에 우리는, 도쎄탁실, 시스플라틴, 5-플루오로우라실 이라는 새로운 3제 병합요법(DCF-R)에 추가하여, 4DCT 모의시뮬레이션을 기반으로 한 호흡동조 세기변조방사선치료(gated-IGRT) 총 선량 70.2 Gy/39회를 동시에 시도하였으며, 치료기간 동안, 그리고 치료 종료 후 임상적으로 환자에게 위중한 합병증 및 부작용 발생은 관찰되지 않았다. 또한 생존율 향상을 이루어 냈다. 이를 바탕으로, 식도암의 새로운 치료방법을 제안한다. The standard treatment of locally advanced type of mid-esophageal cancer is concurrent chemoradiation ther-apy (CRT). We evaluated the feasibility of chemotherapy with adding docetaxel to the classical basic regimens of cisplatin plus 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and radiotherapy up to 70.2 Gy using dose escalations for esophageal cancer. It was possible to escalate radiation treatment dose up to 70.2 Gy by the respiratory-gated in-tensity-modulated radiotherapy (gated-IMRT) based on the 4DCT-simulation, with improving target coverage and normal tissue (ex., lung, heart, and spinal cord) sparing. This study suggested that the definitive chemo-radio-therapy with docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil (i.e., DCF-R) and gating IMRT is tolerable and active in pa-tients with locally advanced mid-esophageal cancer (AEC).
건식 옹벽 블록의 시멘트 혼입량 감소를 위한 혼화제 개발
이원홍(Won-Hong Lee),오홍섭(Hong-Seob Oh),이승열(Seuong-Yeol Lee),강욱중(Wook-Jung Kang),정재홍(Jae-Hong Jung),장낙섭(Nag-Seop Jang) 한국산학기술학회 2024 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.25 No.1
The admixture was developed to improve short and long age strength of concrete by replacing ferronickel slag, solid waste produced in the industrial ferronickel alloys smelting process, with fine aggregate. It was mixed into concrete and the estimated strength was evaluated through compressive strength and rebound hardness tests of retaining wall blocks. The fine aggregate replacement rate of ferronickel slag was fixed at 52%, and tests were conducted on concrete with 5 ~ 15% reduction in cement compared to fine aggregate depending on the amount of admixture mixed. In concrete using the developed admixture, the amount of cement mixed was reduced, but the compressive strength at 7 days actually increased. Therefore, it was evaluated as suitable for developing early strength. The developed retaining wall block was designed with a mix design that reduced cement by 10% by fixing the fine aggregate replacement rate of ferronickel slag at 52% and mixing the developed admixture. The compressive strength of the retaining wall block through the dry process was evaluated through the rebound hardness test method, and it was confirmed that the compressive strength performance of the product could be maintained even if the amount of cement was reduced.