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        유아용 창작동화에 나타난 사고방식 연구

        정대련 미래유아교육학회 2000 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        This study is about the thinking methods expressed in Korean picture books for young children. At first, in the 53 Korean picture books, the characters show us the various thinking methods of young children in the daily lives. Secondly, Korean traditional values and thinking methods are included in the stories of picture books. Thirdly, the stories include many concepts, young children's interests and inquiries of the inner and outer world, and logical and ethical thinking procedures. This study shows us that the experiences to read picture books improve the young children's thinking ability to understand the world and Korean culture and help to construct necessary concepts for the fully developed and industrialized network society in the future.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        전래동화에 나타난 ‘삶’의 교육적 의미

        정대련 한국교육학회 1992 敎育學硏究 Vol.30 No.4

        한국 전래동화 “구경 뭇하고 죽은 어머니”는 한 여인의 삶과 죽음을 통하여 인간이 지향해야 할 삶의 모습을 반성하게 한다. 분석 대상인 동화 속의 어머니는 자식과 가정사를 위하여 본인의 한평생을 바치는 한국의 전통적인 여인을 대표하며, 그녀의 삶은 one-caring의 삶이라 할 수 있다. 그러한 삶은 사후의 세계에서 결핍된 삶으로 결론지어지고, 그녀는 개의 몸으로 환생하여 아들의 도움으로 One-cared의 삶을 살아, 자신의 삶에서 부족한 부분을 보충한다. 이러한 내용은 타인을 위한 삶이 바람직함은 분명하나, 동시에 그 삶이 자기 실현을 바탕으로 이루어져야 함을 알려 준다. 한편, 현대 사회의 개인주의는 학교 사회에까지 팽배하여 대학생은 물론 국민학교 어린이조차 타인을 고려할 줄 모르고 자신의 성적이나 기타 관심사에 몰두하고 있다. 이러한 현상은 개인주의적이고 이기적인 사고의 결과이기도 하지만, 타인을 위하여 어떻게 해야 할지 또는 무엇을 할 수 있을지를 알지 못하거나 확신하지 못하여 초래되기도 한다. 이에 CDP의 Cross-age tutoring 프로그램 등은 어린이에게 가르치며 배우는 경험을 하게 함으로써 남을 도우며 함께 사는 사회를 만드는 작은 기틀을 마련하고 있다. 전래동화 “구경못하고 죽은 어머니”는 현대인의 한편으로 치우친 삶의 모습을 반성하게 하며 인간으로써 자기 실현을 위한 노력과 함께 타인을 위한 삶을 살아야 함을 깨닫게 한다. 어린이로 하여금 개인적으로나 사회적으로 보다 적극적인 삶의 의미를 사고하고 추구하게 하는 교육적 가치를 전래동화에서 발견할 수 있는 것이다.

      • 아동기 도덕교육에 관한 소고

        정대련 同德女子大學校 1995 同大論叢 Vol.25 No.1

        This study reviews the methodological meaning of moral education which stresses practicing basic virtues and formation of good habits as moral socialization based on the conceptual definition of Moral. And it also inquires Korean ethical direction for the future by examining moral values and basic structure of moral education in the 6th Revised Curriculum which will start after 1995 as a guideline for 21c. In Korean or oriental culture, moral means it should be acquired by human beings through practicing the common rules or norms in everyday life, while, in western culture, it means that human beings as social members should develop rational self-control or an ability to make decision by themselves. Since 1980, most Korean researches in moral education have been proceeded by the western approach along the methodology of cognitive development. Nowdays, however, we find increasing interests about moral education as moral socialization focusing on the acquisition of moral habits and practical aspects of virtue. The return to the methodology of moral education, which emphasize the acquisition of basic norms and formation of moral habits for young children, is understood as a result of recognizing the importance of the traditional meaning of ethics. 'The Domain of Social life' and the subject 'Good Life' for K-2 grade children after 1995 suggest a lot of moral values accepting the social (experts, parents, teachers, etc.) need for moral content. Because the major part of moral values is implied in traditinal tehics already, it is acknowledged that the content of moral education is built on reinterpretation of the meaning of the traditional values by modern standard.

      • 몬테소리의 도덕교육론

        정대련 同德女子大學校 1996 同大論叢 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to review Montessori's ethical thoughts and tosystemize them for moral education of childhood. Although Montessori has gone 40 years ago, her ethical thoughts still has substantial meanings for practice of moral education. Based on the idea that the life is good and the child's activeness and positive work is morally good, Montessori understands that the child, incarnated as a physiological, psychological and spiritual embryo, contsructs the human society through self-realization, and lives religious life obeying the nature as a origin of inner goodness. Montessori's concept of incarnation means the child's normalization. So, her purpose of moral education is not only to let a child realize the mental and spiritual life, but also tomake him/her to serve for harmony and peace of humansociety. The main content and method of Montessori's moral education considers the followings. 1) The process that the child works freely and spontaneously within the inner rules. 2) The process that the child works together in a community of multi-year group with order, patience, friendship, obedience, care, respect for others, and helping others positively. 3) The teacher as a directress who prepares the proper environment for the child to work freely and demonstrates the moral behavior as a model.

      • 지속가능발전교육의 관점으로 옛이야기그림책 읽기

        정대련 한국교원교육학회 2015 한국교원교육학회 학술대회자료집 Vol.2016 No.11

        2015년 8월 2일, 193개 UN 회원국들이 ‘2030 지속가능 개발 어젠다’의 초안에 합의했다. ‘2030 지속가능 개발 어젠다’ 계획은 국제사회의 모든 국가와 개개인이 지구공동체의 일원 으로서 지구를 존중하고 보호하기 위해 빈곤·기아 퇴치, 생활수준 개선, 성 평등, 경제 개 발에서부터 기후 변화, 해양자원 보호 등 환경 보호 문제까지 17개 분야에서의 지속가능발 전목표(Sustainable Development Goals:SDG)의 개요를 담고 있다.

      • David Wiesner의 판타지 그림책 분석

        정대련,어은 동덕여자대학교 생활과학연구소 2008 생활과학연구 Vol.13 No.-

        This study is to analyze D. Wiesner's picture books focused on the concept of imagination. Especially Wiesner's 6 fantasy picture books, translated and published in Korea, are analyzed by theme, character, setting and plot, in other words, 4 aspects of literature analysis. The fantasy realm of Wiesner's picture books is regarded as high fantasy picture books. The values of his works as texts to develop young reader's imagination are very high. To read and appreciate his books is one of the best way to make young children to experience the good quality of literary works with abundant imagination and creativity. Results of analysis are followings. The main themes of D. Wiesner's works are happiness, pleasure and humor from the adventure of the new fantasy world and mysterious happenings. The characters in picture books are humans, humanized animals, inanimate matters, and supernatural beings, in addition, remarkably imaginative and adventurous children. In terms of setting, although time slip does not happen, space shift happens from real world to virtual fantasy world, and real world and fantasy world often coexist together. With unilinear, recursive, repetitive patterns of plot, readers can absorb into the works of Wiesner's imaginative and creative fantasy world.

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