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      • 크락사와 APG를 이용한 유류오염토양중의 유분제거에 관한 연구

        기생(K. S. Kwon),정헤종(H. J. Jeong),김용복(Y. B. Kim),신주(Y. S. Ju),강민(K. M. Kwon) 한국해양환경·에너지학회 2007 한국해양환경·에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        By the industrial work and military operation, some facilities discharged or spilled amount of waste oil or oil mixtures due to leakage of many kinds of oil. The soil in these facilities was seriously polluted by waste oil or oil mixtures and We, urgently need the research for the cleaning up and restoring from the polluted soil by the way of environment-friendly and economical methods In this study, from the test results by crasher and surfactant(APG) in the fields operation experiment, we got good results of the removal ratio of THP from polluted clay soil and sand, these methods will get better result as the economical and environment-friendly treatment methods. As results of this study, found out that amount of polluted oily soil and sand will be clean at once time in the limit of acts of environments.

      • KCI등재

        크리에이티브 및 헤어바이나이트의 변천

        지혜 ( Ji-hye Yu ),이윤미 ( Yun-mi Lee ),강재준 ( Jae-jun Gang ),기형 ( Gi-hyung Kwon ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2014 미용예술경영연구 Vol.8 No.2

        Along with the civilization advancement there are increased human desire for beauty and to fulfil self-satisfaction. This have significant meaning in hair design as a art and creative attempts are made. Various color became popular and as all colors are allowed commercially it show rapid change and color contrast, gradation and indentation have accomplished three-dimensional effect and harmony and dynamic and intense design was sought. This have led the beauty industry's professional segmentation and advancement and increase in professional beauty competitions. Areas like Creative or Hair by night in National or International beauty competitions are not a practical area applied in work such as cut or perm, it is a beauty area that creates design factors based on sense of art and ability to create. Therefore this paper aims to study the changes and development of Creative or Hair by night from the 1900's to date by studying relevant national and international documents, Internet sources and photographic evidences. Through this study Creative and Hair by night's development can be actualized and could confirm advancement of originality and creativity. Further I expect more in-dept research could be carried ou for more creative design

      • 유기제약 분과학회 Knoevenagel Condensation에 관한 연구

        인선,조금희,은미현,이숙연,금옥 이화여자대학교약학회 1989 梨花藥學硏究 Vol.- No.28

        2-Amino 3-cyano4,5-dimethyl furane(Ⅰ) condensed from acetoin of α-hydroxyketon derivatives and the malondinitril, and then hydrolyzed to 2-amino carbamyl 4,5-dimethyl furane(Ⅱ) in poly phosphoric acid. In the same reaction condensed 1-N-phenyl 2-amino 3-cyano 4,5-dimethyl pyrrole(Ⅵ) condensed from 3-N-phenyl amino 2-butanone(Ⅲ) of α-aminoketone derivatives and malondintrile, and then hydrolyzed to 1-N-phenyl 2-amino 3-carbamyl 4,5-dimethyl pyrrole(Ⅴ)

      • KCI등재

        가정학 질적연구의 방법론적 양상 및 동향 분석

        보은,송여민,난숙 한국가정과교육학회 2024 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.36 No.3

        본 연구는 가정학에서의 질적연구 방법론적 양상 및 동향을 살펴보기 위하여 가정학 관련 학술지 논문을 대상으로 질적연구 방법론적 양상, 유형 및 패러다임, 주제 및 방법을 기준으로 분석하였다. 2000년 이후 발행된 총 135편의 가정학 질적연구가 본 연구의 분석 대상으로 선정되었다. 질적연구 방법론적 양상에서는 질적 데이터의 정당성에 대해 설명하는 ‘데이터-질적연구’가 가장 많이 발견되었고, ‘방법-질적연구’와 ‘질적-질적연구’가 뒤를 이었다. 연구 유형에서는 기본적 질적연구가, 연구 패러다임에 서는 해석주의 패러다임에 입각한 연구가 가장 많았다. 연구 방법에서는, 연구대상의 경우 가정학 특성상 교사 연구자가 많았기 때문에 대상 선정의 편의성 및 필요성에 의해 교사를 대상으로 한 연구가 많은 것으로 분석되었다. 자료수집의 경우 개별면담은 거의 모든 연구에서 사용되고 있었으며, 자료 분석 방법은 주로 귀납적인 분석 방법인 코딩에 근거하고 있었다. 하지만 분석 논문의 절반은 타당성이나 연구 윤리에 대한 고려가 없는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 본 연구는 질적연구 패러다임과 방법론적 양상에 대한 깊이 있는 탐색, 그리고 신뢰성 및 연구 윤리를 위한 고려를 통해 가정학에서 질적-질적연구가 발전될 필요가 있음을 밝혔다. 가정학의 사명에 따라 실천 비판과학 관점에 입각하여 학생과 교사의 경험을 관찰하고 심층면담을 통해 깊이 있게 들여다본다면 어떠한 경험과 현상이 드러날지 연구할 필요성이 있음을 제언한다. This trend research study aims to analyze qualitative home economics studies based on qualitative research methodologies, paradigms of qualitative research, topics, and methods. A total of 135 qualitative studies in the field of home economics, conducted since 2000, were selected for analysis in this research. In regard of the qualitative research methodologies, ‘data-qualitative research’ with the characteristics of ‘the case of explaining the justification of qualitative data’ were the most found, followed by ‘method- qualitative research’ and ‘qualitative-qualitative research’. In research, the basic qualitative study with interpretivism approach was the most common. Teachers were often chosen as research participants because many researchers were teachers themselves. Most studies used individual interviews for data collection, and inductive coding was the main method of analysis. However, about half of the studies did not address validity or research ethics. The findings suggest that ‘qualitative-qualitative research’ needs to be developed in home economics studies through in-depth exploration and reliability of qualitative research paradigm, methodological aspect, and consideration for research ethics. Additionally, future research should investigate experiences and phenomena through the lens of critical theory, aligning with the mission of home economics education to examine critical science perspectives in practice.

      • KCI등재

        혐기 - 호기법에 의한 생물학적 인 - 질소 제거

        태종,김성순,봉기 대한상하수도학회 1989 상하수도학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to research the effect of anoxic retention time on nitrogen and phosphorus removal by Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic process. The anoxic retention times were 0.50hr, 0.75hr, 1.00hr, and 1.25hr, respectively. And the retention times of Anaerobic and Oxic basin were 1.5hr and 1.13hr. The substrate used in experiments was synthetic wastewater. COD concentration was 400㎎/ℓ and influent flow rate of substrate was 24.0ℓ/day. The following conclusions were obtained from the results of this study. 1. The rate of phosphorus removal was high when influent phosphorus concentration was 10㎎/ℓ, but the rate was declined when influent phosphorus was more than 15㎎/ℓ, But, when it was considered as the amount of phosphorus removal per hour(㎎/hr), the removal amount increased as influent phosphorus concentration increased. 2. As anoxic retention time increased, phosphorus removal increased a little, but anoxic retention time couldn't have a great effect on phosphorus removal. 3. The amount of phosphorus removal per MLVSS was almost constant when anoxic retention time was more than 0.75hr at influent phosphorus concentration 5, 15, 20㎎/ℓ, when anoxic retention time was more than 1.00hr at influent phosphorus concentration 10㎎/ℓ. Therefore it is suitable that anoxic retention time is 0.75∼1.00hr in process. 4. The amount of nitrogen removal per MLVSS in anoxic basin and the system increased as Anoxic retention time and influent nitrogen increased. 5. The amount of nitrogen removal per MLVSS in basin was almost constant when anoxic retention time was the same at influent nitrogen concentration 20 and 30㎎/ℓ. And the amount of nitrogen removal per MLVSS was almost constant when anoxic retention time was more than 0.75hr at each influent nitrogen concentration.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        지역산업연관분석을 통한 강원도 전략산업의 발전 방안

        원근(Won-Keun Yu),일(Il Kwon),최호영(Ho-Yeong Choi) 한국산업경제학회 2014 산업경제연구 Vol.27 No.6

        저성장지역의 특징은 제조업 비중이 상대적으로 낮고 농림어업 부문의 비중이 상대적으로 높다는 데에 있다. 강원지역의 경우 시장조건이 불리하여 타지역에 비해 불리한 성장 조건을 지니고 있다. 이러한 문제의식을 토대로 본 연구는 먼저 강원지역의 경제적 여건과 특성을 객관적으로 파악하고, 향후 지역의 안정적 성장을 이룰 수 있는 효율적인 발전 방안을 제시할 것이다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 강원지역 지역내총생산의 동향과 지역의 입지계수를 분석하고 지역의 지속가능한 성장을 견인할 수 있는 산업정책의 방향을 위한 분석적 근거를 제시한다. 지역의 발전전략을 수립하는 데 중요한 것은 지역의 안정적 성장을 위한 통합된 사회개발 방안의 가능성을 모색해야 한다는 것이다. The characteristics of underdeveloped region are discovered by the relative low portion of manufacture and relative high portion of the section of agriculture, forestry and fishing. The market conditions of Gangwon province are more unfavorable than any other areas in regional growth in general. Based on these understanding, this study will grasp the objective economic conditions and characteristics and pursue an efficient development strategy to accomplish a stable growth of Gangwon province hereafter. For this purpose this study is going to present the basic materials for selecting specific industry which will draw sustainable regional growth by analysing the trends of gross regional domestic products and the locational quotient of the region. In establishing a regional development strategy, it is very important to pursue the possible integrated social development plan for stable regional growth.

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