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      • KCI등재

        개혁개방 이후 중국 공산당의 소수민족 교육정책 연구

        유봉구 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2022 외국학연구 Vol.- No.60

        At the stage of a socialist market economy system in the country in 1992, they raised some creeds and major missions of the cultural policies for minority groups. Following these developments, the Chinese Community Party took more measures in the field of education for minority groups including adhering to the basic sustainable principles, facilitating the economic and social development of minority group areas by protecting and elevating their cultures, and enriching the system of educational policies for minority groups by pushing forward such policies to be part of a system and law. Carrying out these educational policies for minority groups, the Chinese Communist Party wanted to fulfill the goal of bringing up future talents that would implement the Party's policies superbly by providing education to outstanding talents from minority groups.

      • KCI등재

        중국 科擧崇拜神의 형성과 그 전개 연구 - 魁星神을 중심으로

        유봉구 중국학연구회 2014 중국학연구 Vol.- No.70

        中国的古代社会是由“官本位”的行政权力支配的社会。在这种行政权利支配的社会里官僚阶层的形成的一个重要的角色是从隋初到清末存在了大约1300年间的科举制。准备科举的士人们对魁星神和类似的民间信仰崇拜的原因有几点。第一,在行政权力支配下的古代社会中科举制是当时知识分子们能够自我实现的唯一的途径。第二,进士科合格是非常困难的。第三,对平民知识分子而言只有科举才是唯一向阶层移动的可能。对他们来说因为科举考试非常难所以为了成功只能依赖魁星神和类似的民间信仰。 这篇论文不是研究科举制的,而是研究学者们的科举和相关的信仰的。这些科举崇拜神中有魁星神,文昌神和奎宿神. 该研究的研究对象是“魁星神”。这里所说的“魁星”不是指北斗七星,而是指能成为官吏的“魁星神”。“魁”字起源于北斗七星,有“第一”和“为首”的意思. 在这种情况下对魁星神的崇拜是从宋代开始,“魁星楼”和“魁星祠”等楼阁和祠堂在这个时期出现。事实上发明了科举制的隋、唐代的那个时期对门阀的崇拜风气还是很浓厚的,所以还是不能接受刚兴起的科举制的时代。元代科举制的历史相比于其它朝代非常短暂,但是因为独特的儒学发展和学术的进展,起到了衔接从宋代到明代的中间角色,其中祈求科举考试合格的地方称为魁星楼的这个名称仍然保存了下来。科举制经过元代的停滞期到明代通过兴起的官学和科举考试的辅助从而发展起来,这时魁星楼的建设不断开始,并且魁星神形象的雕像也开始出现。明代出现的魁星雕像和魁星楼都是在官学中建立的,这是继承了宋代魁星楼的特征。并且在清代有宋代以后持续建设的魁星楼,在明代魁星神的雕像形成,在清代魁星神的主要特征的祭祀的意识形成。特别是宋代和明代的魁星楼建设与进士科合格人数多的地方成比例,清代魁星楼的建设与进士科合格人数的地方完全不成比例。这明示了魁星楼的建设发展是与士人主导的科举考试相关的进展层面有关而与民间传播的科举考试无关。结论是学者们在宋明清代建设了魁星楼,在里面放上神像或书图来祭祀就是为自己的未来祈愿。

      • KCI등재

        중국 공산당 창당 초기(1921~1934)의 소수민족 문화정책의 현황과 그 특성 연구

        유봉구 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2020 외국학연구 Vol.- No.52

        The Communist Party of China recognized the importance of ethnic issues from the early days of its formation, clearly stating the equality and self-determination of each minority group. Based on the various cultural policies for minority groups announced by the Communist Party of China, the present study categorized them into cultural education, custom culture, religious culture, and language: first, the party announced policies to place importance on the cultural education of minority groups; second, the party announced policies to protect the languages of minority groups; third, the party carried out policies of supporting the freedom of religion for the minority groups; and finally, the party had no profound understanding of ethnic custom in its early days, but it got to respect the custom of each minority group, conducted an investigation into the custom cultures of minority groups, and used the results as grounds for its policy decisions according to its growing contacts with minority groups.

      • KCI등재

        胡適의 중국고전소설고증 연구 - 신고증학의 정립과 소설고증방법의 사례를 중심으로

        유봉구 중국학연구회 2012 중국학연구 Vol.- No.59

        胡適活用現代科學的方法批判性地研究中國古典小說,對中國古典小說做出了新的詮釋。胡適的‘古典小說考證’對中國現代學術的轉換具有非常重大的意義。從學術史的發展來看,清代的漢學由經學開始,發展到史學⋅子學,進而擴展到‘5⋅4’新文化運動中的小說,這不僅體現了學術自身的發展趨勢和連續性,更是表現出了學術的傳統變革和現代的轉換。同時它擴大了漢學研究的範圍,並且將曾被認作‘異端’的小說編入學術研究的範圍,另外,將傳統考證學發展成為現代科學研究,對此諸多方面有著重要意義。胡適的‘古典小說考證’很自然地將西方學術和中國學術,傳統和現代連接起來,是中國學術研究的轉折點。胡適此項學術研究起源於清代考證學,同時西方的實用主義和科學的研究方法對他取得學術成果起到了很大的輔助作用。在此研究方法基礎之上著成的小說考證中,胡適首先批判了金聖嘆的 『水滸傳』評論,其次胡適從‘歷史進化論’的觀念出發,主張歷史是變化發展的,由此考證了古典小說。最後,胡適以對‘古典小說考證’的研究方法作為重點,做出了重要的詮釋。胡適的古典小說考證將文學列入實證研究的範疇,提倡科學的研究方法,為推動文學的科學研究做出了巨大的貢獻。然而,胡適的這種研究方法的局限性也給小說和文學研究帶來了以下問題。第一,他將文學研究和科學的方法一概而論,作為實證研究,想要完全代替文學批評。第二,他用實驗主義的眼光來研究文學,不區分歷史的事實和文學的真實,將小說和現實混為一談。

      • KCI등재

        중국 인터넷게임산업의 발전과정과 그 정책적 특징 연구

        유봉구 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2019 외국학연구 Vol.- No.48

        Among the newly emerged industries in the 1990s, the Internet culture industry developed very rapidly, gaining significant attention. In particular, the industry has evolved into one of the global entertainment industries in a very short time. In 2003, the value of the global online game industry reached over 7 billion dollars, accounting for 24.7% of the total entertainment market. Most of all, the US online game industry has recorded 2.5 billion dollars, taking up about 33% of the global market. In fact, the actual revenue of the Chinese game market in 2017 recorded 203.61 billion Chinese Yuan, a 23% increase from the same time last year, and the growth rate rose approximately 5.3% compared to 2016; the number of game users reached 583 million, which was an explosive increase by 3.1% from the same time period in the previous year. Despite such growth, the Internet game market in China also went through a period of adjustment. The game market has already been broken down into client games, web games, SNS games, mobile games, console games and TV games. Meanwhile, the Internet game industry in China is showing a downward trend in client games, and mobile games are leading its Internet game industry along with the development of smartphones.

      • KCI등재

        중국 공산당의 소수민족 종교문화 정책 연구 -중화인민공화국 건국 이전을 중심으로

        유봉구 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2021 외국학연구 Vol.- No.56

        The Chinese Communist Party continued to push forward its socialist reform between 1921 when it was formed and 1949 when New China was founded, setting up a system for religious culture policies based on the local situations of each minority group and stabilizing religious issues around the nation. As a consequence, it was able to make two achievements including getting supports from minority groups and succeeding in the socialist reform. The Chinese Communist Party devised religious policies to find solutions to the religious issues of minority groups from its early days(1921-1934) to the second Chinese Civil War(1945-1949).

      • 뇌 자기공명영상에서 가역성 뇌병변을 보인 임신자간 1례

        유봉구,윤성민,김광수,유경무 고신대학교(의대) 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 1995 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.10 No.2

        -Abstract- The authors report a case of eclampsia in which brain MR examination showed reversible brain abnormalities. A 27-year-old woman with eclamptic convulsion during her 36소 week of gestation was presented. Initial MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) revealed multiple hyperintense areas through the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem, most likely related with cerebral ischemia and/or edema. Despite these severe and diffuse lesions, follow-up MRI’s obtained 8 days after admission and 2 months after discharge demonstrated marked and complete resolution of brain lesions, respectively.

      • KCI등재
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