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        Granulicatella adiacens 심내막염 1예

        서미령,박윤수,김의주,이헌남,오경용,서일혜,최창휴 대한감염학회 2010 Infection and Chemotherapy Vol.42 No.5

        Granulicatella species are nutritionally variant streptococci first described in 1961. Granulicatella species form a part of the normal flora of the oral cavity, genitourinary tract, and intestinal tract. These micro-organisms cause bacteremia or local infections such as endocarditis, central nervous system infections, arthritis, and osteomyelitis. Since isolation of Granulicatella species is difficult, only a few cases of infection caused by this microorganism have been reported. Herein, we report a case of endocarditis caused by Granulicatella adiacens in a 46-year-old patient with ventricular septal defect.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Recommendations for the management of patients with systemic rheumatic diseases during the coronavirus disease pandemic

        서미령,Ji-Won Kim,Eun-Jung Park,정승민,Yoon-Kyoung Sung,김형진,김건우,Hyun-Sook Kim,이명수,이지수,허지안,Bum Sik Chin,엄중식,백한주,The Korean College of Rheumatology Working Group 대한내과학회 2020 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.35 No.6

        Patients with systemic rheumatic diseases (SRD) are vulnerable for coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The Korean College of Rheumatology recognized the urgent need to develop recommendations for rheumatologists and other physicians to manage patients with SRD during the COVID-19 pandemic. The working group was organized and was responsible for selecting key health questions, searching and reviewing the available literature, and formulating statements. The appropriateness of the statements was evaluated by voting panels using the modified Delphi method. Four general principles and thirteen individual recommendations were finalized through expert consensus based on the available evidence. The recommendations included preventive measures against COVID-19, medicinal treatment for stable or active SRD patients without COVID-19, medicinal treatment for SRD patients with COVID-19, and patient evaluation and monitoring. Medicinal treatments were categorized according to the status with respect to both COVID-19 and SRD. These recommendations should serve as a reference for individualized treatment for patients with SRD. As new evidence is emerging, an immediate update will be required.

      • KCI등재

        Korean treatment recommendations for patients with axial spondyloarthritis

        서미령,여지나,박준원,이연아,이주호,강은하,지선미,권성렬,김성규,김태종,김태환,김혜원,박민찬,신기철,이상훈,이은영,차훈석,심승철,윤영임,임준홍,백한주 대한류마티스학회 2023 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.30 No.3

        We aimed to develop evidence-based recommendations for treating axial spondylarthritis (axSpA) in Korea. The development committee was constructed, key clinical questions were determined, and the evidence was searched through online databases including MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane, KoreaMed, and KMbase. Systematic literature reviews were conducted, quality of evidence was determined, and draft recommendations were formulated according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluations methodology. Recommendations that reached 80% consensus among a voting panel were finalized. Three principles and 21 recommendations were determined. Recommendations 1 and 2 pertain to treatment strategies, regular disease status assessment, and rheumatologist-steered multidisciplinary management. Recommendations 3 and 4 strongly recommend patient education, exercise, and smoking cessation. Recommendations 5~12 address pharmacological treatment of active disease using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids, sulfasalazine, biologics, and Janus kinase inhibitors. Recommendations 13~16 address treatment in stable disease. We suggest against spa and acupuncture as therapies (Recommendation 17). Recommendations 18 and 19 pertain to total hip arthroplasty and spinal surgery. Monitoring of comorbidities and drug toxicities are recommended (Recommendations 20 and 21). Recommendations for axSpA treatment in a Korean context were developed based on comprehensive clinical questions and evidence. These are intended to guide best practice in the treatment of axSpA.

      • KCI등재

        《화어(華語)》와 《한담관화(漢談官話)》의 역음 비교 연구 ― 중국어 성모의 역음을 중심으로

        서미령 중국어문학회 2018 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.64

        本文考察了東國大學圖書館所藏抄寫本《華語》和梨花女子大學所藏抄寫本《漢談官話》的韓文注音情況。這兩個抄寫本是同一個系列的漢語詞匯集,可以說是大同小異,有關《漢談官話》的硏究自2005年開始,之后除了相關硏究之外還出版了校對本,但《華語》一書自2015年發現以來現在只有兩篇相關硏究,因此認爲對這兩個版本的對比硏究對漢語史硏究有一定的參考价値。本文整理了這兩本書的所有文中的韓文轉寫音, 然后着重歸類分析了聲母的注音情況。這兩個抄寫本的聲母轉寫音特点大同小異,因爲是抄寫本,有不少錯誤的注音,本文將其一一校對,整理,修改。聲母的主要特征如下: 第一,‘f’轉寫成/ㅸ/或/ㅍ/, 第二,‘d’轉寫成/ㄷ/或/ㅈ/,‘t’轉寫成/ㅌ/或/ㅊ/。轉寫成/ㅈ/和/ㅊ/的例字大部分是帶有介音‘i’的。第三,‘n’主要轉寫成/ㄴ/,但有不少轉寫成/ㄹ/或/ㅇ/,而‘l’主要轉寫成/ㄹ/,但有不少轉寫成/ㄴ/或/ㅇ/。這說明泥母和來母的注音有所混淆。第四,‘j’轉寫成/ㅈ/或/ㄱ/, ‘x’轉寫成/ㅄ/或/ㅆ/。見系的聲母有尖團音之分。第五,平舌和卷舌音注音沒有什么區分。第六,‘r’和零聲母都轉寫成/ㅇ/。至于韻母的注音比較,個別特殊韓文轉寫音的硏究等有待今后繼續硏究。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        필사본 《화어(華語)》의 중(中)·한(韓) 역음(譯音) 표기법 소고(小考)

        서미령 중국어문학회 2018 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.62

        本論文硏究的文獻是朝鮮後期抄寫的一本對譯詞彙集《華語》,現藏於韓國 東國大學中央圖書館,此書大槪寫於1882年。本文主要考察了書中的漢語譯音 標記。經調査,整理,分析後發現,此書中運用於聲母的譯音標記有19個, 用 於韻母的有53個。聲母的譯音標記特點: (1) 部分譯音使用了合用竝書的方 式,如/ㅄ/和/ㅶ/)。(2) ‘f’的譯音使用了連書形式/ㅸ/。(3) 一些譯音受到瞭韓 國語的‘口蓋音化’的影響。(4) ‘j, z, zh’的譯音標爲/ㅈ/, ‘q, c, ch’的譯音標 爲/ㅊ/, ‘x, s, sh’的譯音標爲/ㅅ/或/ㅄ/,這三組音的譯音標記相同,學習者無 法正確區分其實際音。(5) ‘n’和‘l’的譯音使用了/ㄴ/, /ㄹ/, /ㅇ/等,這些譯音雖 然容易,但學習者無法區分其差異。韻母的譯音標記特點: (1) 還保留著/ㆍ/符 號。(2) 使用了/ ㅤ?/, / ㅤ?/, / ㅤ?/, / ㅤ?/, / ㅤ?/等標記。(3) 韻尾‘n’和‘ng’的脫落或 換用。(4) 保留部分使用韻尾-m的例子。此外,有不少譯音標記是受韓國漢字 音的影響。今後將通過硏究《華語》與同一系列的詞彙集《漢談官話》的譯音,了 解當時的語音情況。最後希望本硏究的部分成果成爲近代漢語的旁證資料。

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 일제강점기 중국어 교재의 발음 표기 양상

        서미령 중국어문학회 2011 中國語文學誌 Vol.37 No.-

        本文主要介紹了日帝强占期韓國流傳的六本漢語敎科書中的漢語標音法。這一時期的漢語敎科書大部分注音是用韓語,而沒有像日本那樣使用注音符號或日語標音,而且使用四聲點法標調的也較少。本文根據已有的硏究成果和筆者的硏究,整理出了這一時期的漢語標音特點。首先說說聲母的標音特點。第一,漢語沒有韓語的平音和硬音的區分,因此只能憑借作者的聽力而標音。韓語的``ㅅ``類``合用竝書````ㅽ, ㅼ, ㅺ, ㅾ``等用來標硬音,但因受到《諺文綴字法》(1930),《韓文평寫法統一案》(1933)等的影響後來改爲``ㅃ``, ``ㄸ``, ``ㄲ``等``各字竝書``;第二,漢語有三組齒音,因此用有限的韓文字母來標音非常難。雖然增加了``ㅇ+音素``的形式來방助標音,但仍不구理想。爲了標/r/音,重新采用了本已消失的``ㅿ``音, 還有用`` □``來標音的;第三,脣齒音/f/在朝鮮時期的譯音書中用``ㅸ``來標音,但到了這一時期則標爲``□``, ``□`` ``ㆄ`` 等多種形式;第四,大部分敎科書中舌尖中音/l/標爲``ㄹ``,但《中國語第一輯》中則用``□``來標音。然後說說韻母的標音特點。第一,從1933年起``·``消失,因此在此之前出版的敎科書中才有這種標音形式;第二,根據``兒``字的用法《華語精選》中分別標爲``얼``或``일``,《支那語大海》中分別標爲``얼``或``-ㄹ``;第三,韻母/e/的標音比較複雜;第四,舌尖前音i[□]標爲``ㅡ``, 舌尖後音i[□]標爲``ㅢ``, ``ㅣ``, ``ㅡ``等;第五,有把/ai/寫成``아이``, /ei/寫成``에이``, /uai/寫成``와이``, /uei/寫成``웨이``等탁開來標音的形式,也有把/ao/寫成``□``, /ou/寫成 ``□``, /iao/寫成``□, □``, /iou/寫成``□, □``等合起來標音的形式;第六, 一些書中還保留著雙唇鼻音韻尾[-m]和入聲韻尾的標音。最後說說聲調的標音特點。四聲標調只標上平,下平,上聲,去聲,而沒有說到輕聲和半三聲。變調只涉及到兩個上聲的變調和``一,七,八,不,多``的變調。這一時期的四聲圈點方式근以前采用的半圈法有些接近,雖然中國敎育部1918年到1922年公布了四聲的標點法,但還沒有廣爲流傳,因此韓國和日本等린國大多采用了四聲圈點的方式,一直沿用到20世紀中期。

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