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        부산광역시 원자력 트릴레마 대응

        김창수 서울대학교 한국행정연구소 2016 行政論叢 Vol.54 No.4

        이 연구는 원전운영의 효율성과 경제성장을 위해 원전운영의 통제를 완화하여 민주성이 약화되면 가외적인 안전장치 마련에 소홀하게 되고, 이는 결국 원전운영을 더욱 어렵게 하여 효율성을 떨어뜨리고 원전산업을 통한 경제성장도 어렵게 할 것이라는 연구가설에서 출발했다. 첫째, 부산시의 입장에서 볼 때 고리원전에 대한 민주적인 통제가 강화되면서 원전안전을 위한 시설투자와 조직 확장이 이루어지고 비상계획구역도 확대되었지만, 지역경제 활성화에 부정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 고리원전 1호기 폐쇄에 이어서 중첩적이고 가외적인 원전안전 시설투자와 부산시의 조직 확대는 물론 비상계획구역의 확대와 방재훈련의 확대는 민주성의 향상에 크게 기여하였지만 원전산업을 위한 투자와 새로운 원전건설을 위한 투자는 오히려 구축하게 되는 부정적인 결과를 가져왔다. 셋째, 원전산업의 진흥과 경제성장을 위해 원자력안전위원회의 조직 확대와 독립성의 강화는 거부되면서 가외적인 통제 장치의 마련에 실패하였고, 고리원전 1호기 폐쇄결정이라든지 원전지역 지원금 축소를 고려할 때 민주성과 가외성의 충실한 반영은 효율성과 경제성장과 상충되는 관계가 분명한 것으로 나타났다. 결국 원전안전을 유지하면서 민주주의와 경제성장을 지속해야 하는 부산광역시는 삼각딜레마에 빠져있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로 부산광역시의 입장에서 경제성장은 포기할 수 없는 가치이기 때문에 가외성과 민주성을 좀 더 강화하여 세 축의 균형성을 확보하는 방안을 제안했다. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the trilemma framework composed of the three value-related aspects of democracy, redundancy, and efficiency in safely managing nuclear power plants in Busan Metropolitan City. The findings are as follows. Firstly, local governments and formal civil supervisory organizations were found as watchdogs without teeth in the democratic control aspect. As democratic control increases, nuclear power companies build up three stages of redundant and overlapping safe systems, but local economic growth, including the tourism economy, decreases. Secondly, many internal accidents and bribery scandals happened, so people who live around nuclear power plants did not trust central government entities, including the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission. The decision to close the first-built Kori Nuclear Power Plant made on June 18th, 2015 and the enlargement of the radiological emergency planning zone contributed to the safety needs of residents of Busan, which negatively affected investment in new nuclear power plants for economic growth. Thirdly, it is not easy to decrease the number of nuclear power plants for economic growth because citizens who live around nuclear power plants need more plants for more subsidies from the central government and nuclear power companies . Even though citizens who live around nuclear power plants ask for the central government to regulate nuclear power companies rigidly and to provide more subsidies, it is not easy to balance goals perfectly without redundant and democratic governance systems so it is suggested that overcoming the nuclear trilemma should be possible with the help of democracy and redundancy.

      • KCI등재

        지방정부의 협력적 정책기획의 경험과 성공조건

        김창수 한국지방정부학회 2009 지방정부연구 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 기피시설 입지를 위한 경기도의 인근 3개 지방정부 정책기획의 성공과 실패 경험을 소개하면서 협력적 정책기획의 성공조건을 모색하고자 했다. 선행연구의 건토결과 정책목표에 대한 합의 포용적이고 투명한 정책과정, 정책참여자들의 함께 일하는 책임감, 반대의견에 열려있는 협력적 리더십이 협력적 정책기획의 성공을 위한 중요한 조건으로 도출되었다. 사례분석결과 구리시는 4가지 조건에 충실하여 쓰레기소각장을 위한 협력적 정책기획을 성공적으로 추징하여 원하는 정책효과를 얻을 수 있었다. 그러나 독단적이고 폐쇄적인 정책기획을 추진한 남양주시의 소각잔재매립장과 하남시의 광역화장장의 경우 높은 정책비용을 초래하면서 원하는 정책효과를 얻지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 지방정부가 도심하천 살리기와 같은 비교적 갈등이 작은 사안뿐만 아니라 기피시설 입지정책처럼 갈등이 매우 큰 사안 역시 협력적 정책기획의 지혜를 발휘해야만 입지결정과 정책집행이 원활함을 제안했다. The purpose of this paper is to explore the successful conditions of collaborative policy planing in local governments. The agreement of policy goals, inclusive and transparent policy process, the responsibility of policy participants, and cooperative leadership were considered as the main factors for the framework of this study about location conflicts of the unwanted public facilities. For this purpose, I analyzed the experiences of collaborative policy planning in 3 adjacent local governments which experienced location conflicts dealing with unwanted public facilities. I found out that the waste incinerator created in Guri city was successfully established by meeting the conditions of collaborative policy planning. I also found out that the trash-incinerated ashes disposal facilities created in Namyangju city and the large regional cremation facilities created in Hanam city failed in consensus building without satisfying the conditions of collaborative policy planning. I suggest that local governments facing conflicts of the unwanted public facilities should try set goals in policy-planning and use collaboration to make policy with outside partners for smooth implementation. I also suggest that policy leaders of local governments should listen to the vices of every stakeholder carefully first of all for the successful policy planning.

      • 정보시스템 아웃소싱 위험요인 평가 프레임�p의 개발 : 비영리 조직을 중심으로 Focusing on Nonprofit Organizations

        김창수,백명기 한국정보시스템학회 2004 情報시스템硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        As a result of the fast development of information communication technology, the competitive advantage of companies and the service quality of nonprofit organizations has been largely changed. Corresponding to this kind of change, companies have tried to make production improvement, competitive strengthening, and organizational innovation. Meanwhile, the nonprofit organizations directed by the government are pursuing the service innovation from general administration area to the public service for civilians. In relation to this, risk management of the company's information systems outsourcing has largely been studied until now. However, the study of risk management for nonprofit organization information systems outsourcing has rarely been made. In this paper, to provide the theoretical base for further research, we have attempted to develop the evaluation framework for risk management of information systems outsourcing considering the characteristics of nonprofit organizations.

      • KCI등재

        재배방식과 피복재료가 천마의 수량과 품질에 미치는 영향

        김창수,유인영,김동원,김종엽,김정만,이왕휴 한국자원식물학회 2017 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        This study was compared to outdoor field (OF) and rain shelter greenhouse (RSG) according to cultivation type of Gastrodia elata Blume. Also, the effects of yield and quality for mulching materials in RSG were compared. The yield of G. elata was investigated good merchantable quality, and the quality was investigated hardness, chromaticity, weight loss and the contents of the major functional components. The cultivation of RSG was increased the yield, hardness, gastrodin, and vanillyl alcohol compared to OF, and the weight loss, chromaticity, and ergothioneine were almost equal. Rice straw treatment showed higher than those of the control and other treatments on the yield and hardness. As a result, the yield and the quality of RSG, which can control the soil moisture, were better than that of OF. And the lower the soil moisture content according to the mulching material, the harder the surface and the higher the hardness. 천마의 수량과 품질 향상을 위하여 비가림시설재배와 노지재배, 비가림시설내 여러 피복재료를 활용하여 천마의 수량 및품질에 미치는 영향을 비교분석하였다. 천마의 수량은 비가림시설이 노지재배에 비해 49% 증수되었다. 또한, 비가림시설재배내에서 피복재료 처리에 따른 천마의 수량성은 무피복에 비해 볏짚피복 44%, 낙엽피복 26%, 차광망피복에서 각각 22% 증수되었다. 천마의 증숙 전․후 색도는 비가림시설재배가 노지재배에 비해 색도 변화가 적었다. 또한, 천마의 경도는 비가림시설재배가 노지재배보다 더 높았고, 비가림시설재배의 증숙 후는 증숙 이전에 비해 17.1%, 노지재배는 29.2% 각각 감소하였다. 증숙 후 무게 감소율의 경우 비가림시설재배는 10.3%, 노지재배는 9.1% 감소하였다. 가스트로딘, 바닐린 알콜은 노지재배보다 비가림시설재배에서 함량이 증가하였고, 에르고티오닌은재배시설에 따른 변화는 없었다. 따라서 환경을 인위적으로 조절이 가능한 비가림시설재배가 노지재배에 비해 천마의 수량과품질이 좋았으며, 피복재료에 따른 품질은 토양수분함량이 낮을수록 표면이 단단해져 경도가 높아지는 경향을 보였다.

      • KCI등재

        Can Socially Responsible Investments Be Compatible with Financial Performance? A Meta-analysis

        김창수 한국증권학회 2019 Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies Vol.48 No.1

        This paper examines whether socially responsible investment (SRI) outperforms conventional investments by meta-analysis. The result shows that weighted average effect size is not significantly different from zero, suggesting that SRI performance is not different from conventional investments. Meta-regression results regarding sampling issues indicate that economic crisis, control group, investment universe, screening procedure, and mutual funds are important determinants of effect sizes, and publication year, author type, and control group are important factors of the absolute value of effect sizes. Regarding methodological issues, risk adjustment, weighting scheme, data refinement, benchmark model, and matching procedure are significant factors determining the absolute value of effect sizes.

      • 특집 - 한국의 병원건축 : 삼성의료원을 설계하면서 ( Architectural Review of Samsung Medical Center )

        김창수 대한건축학회 1994 建築 Vol.38 No.11

        삼성 서울병원은 서울시 강남구, 서초구, 송파구 일대의 지역 주민들에 대한 응급 진료 및 전국을 대상으로 하는 특수질환 전문 3차 의료기관기능을 수행하며 특히 국내 최고수준의 인력, 시설, 장비를 갖춘 종합의료기관으로써 의료의 질적 수준향상을 도모하고 21세기 초일류 병원을 추구함에 그 설립 목적이 있으며, 기본운영방침으로서 간호인력의 효율화 및 전문화로 보호자가 없는 병원, 의사의 진단 및 처방의 전산화로 처방전이 없는 병원, 의학계를 선도하며 최신 의학정보가 가장 빨리 보급되는 병원, 신바람나게 근무하는 병원을 추구하고 있다.

      • 천마 실내시설 재배 시 참나무 대체 수종의 특성

        김창수,김효진,서상영,안민실,김희준,이왕휴 한국약용작물학회 2018 한국약용작물학술대회 발표집 Vol.2018 No.10

        Background : We examined the inorganic compounds, compressive strength, yield, and functional substances of five steam-treated deciduous tree species to address the problem of the low degradation activity of conventional oak trees in the cultivation of Gastrodia elata in indoor facilities. Methods and Results : With the exception of Ca in cherry blossom tree (CBT), the content of the major inorganic elements (N, P, Mg, K, and Ca) in alternative trees were 1.5 - 3.6, 1.3 - 2.6, 3.3 - 5.3, 4.4 - 7.5, and 0.9 - 3.9 times those in oak (control group), respectively. The content of trace elements (Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn) were equivalent to or slightly lower than those in oak, depending on tree species. The compressive strength of alternative trees was 9.3%–34.9% lower than that of oak. The compressive strength after steaming was lower in the order CBT (8.0%), mulberry tree (MBT: 7.0%), chestnut tree (CNT: 7.2%), Siebold's crab (SBC: 6.9%), black locust (BLL: 6.1%), and oak (5.4%). The total weight of oak was 893 g in comparison with the 1,107, 902, 952, 813, and 813 g of MBT, CNT, CBT, SBC, and BLL, respectively. The mature tuber and seed tuber ratios were 31%, 34%, 32%, 32%, 34%, and 30%, and 67%, 75%, 68%, 70%, 73%, and 65%, respectively. The yield index increased overall by 1% - 14%. Total weight after steaming increased by 10%, 18%, 14%, 16%, 20%, and 12% in oak, MBT, CNT, CBT, SCB, and BLL, respectively. Mature tuber and seed tuber ratios after steaming increased by 1%, 1%, 0%, 1%, and 2%, and 5%, 3%, 7%, 2%, 5%, and 5%, respectively. There were no significant difference among tree species in drying ratio, hardness, chromaticity for quality comparisons, and steaming. However, the results of functional substance analysis revealed significant differences in gastrodin, gastrodigenin, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, and ergothioneine according to tree species. Conclusion : From the above results, we may believed that five tree species including MBT might have useful as alternative to oak when the cultivation of G. elata in Indoor Facilities.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Development of the (Augmented Reality) Maintenance and Repairs Related Safety Manual According to the Risk Analysis of Power Equipment

        김창수 대한설비관리학회 2022 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        The complexity and safety of power facilities have increased very rapidly, yet efforts are insignificant in ensuring safety according to risks. Hence, the purpose of is, in order to help prevent safety accidents in advance, risk factors are listed through the risk analysis of power facilities, and to develop an augmented reality safety manual according to the improvement of risk scales to ensure the safety by conducting pre-simulation in the field and taking prompt response at the accident site. The bottom-up analysis of the effects of failure modes on the users and the causes of failures of components in the power facility system to which the Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (DFMEA) technique is applied is carried out, and at the same time, by developing the augmented reality (AR) based maintenance software based on the improvement contents according to the level of risk listing risk factors, the maintenance methodology due to the spread of infectious diseases in the era of contactless is presented. The development of augmented reality system (software) for maintenance implements the 2D and 3D facility exploded view and work manual, etc., which enable the actual work processes to be performed across various field environments according to emergency situations of power facilities, and the big data based field data, and through acquisition, it would be possible to establish a precision standard maintenance platform. Furthermore, it is expected to have the effect of reducing the costs for accident prevention and maintenance work, and increasing the quality and quantity. Through this study, the safety of electric power facilities and a preventive method in emergency situations are presented. The software development through augmented reality (AR) through the Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (DFMEA) can help prevent accidents and implement condition based maintenance plans in an integrated system, and hence, a high efficiency can be expected. It is considered that accuracy, reliability, and safety improvement are required in future papers through the addition of risk points and continuous development of diagnostic algorithm libraries.

      • KCI등재

        여수엑스포의 서비스환경과 혼잡 지각이 감정반응 및 조정행동에 미치는 영향

        김창수 관광경영학회 2013 관광경영연구 Vol.54 No.-

        This study induced characteristics of service environment and crowding perception in world fairs focusing on Yeosu World Expo and tried to identify visitors’ emotional responses to the service environment and crowding perception. Additionally, the effects of visitors’ attitude on controlling behaviors were verified using emotional responses as medium variable. The followings are the suggestions of the study. First, the right design matching with the theme of the fair, guidance and human services for visitors’ convenience and programs providing various things to see seemed to contribute much to the emotional responses of visitors. Organization Committee should do its best to improve the satisfaction of visitors by perceiving the importance of environmental perception elements in the Fair and making careful operation plan for service environments. Second, as exhibit is held in a limited space and a great number of visitors tend to visit in certain hours, it is difficult to avoid crowds. Thus, it is the best to avoid crowdedness but if it is not possible countermeasures to overcome such crowdedness should be made. Third, unpleasant feeling in the fair may give discomfort and inconvenience to visitors and they may feel like leaving the place as soon as possible. To maximize the stay of visitors, it is very important to manage and control the factors triggering negative feelings of visitors.

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