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      • KCI등재

        김영석 시의 심층생태학적 윤리 의식 연구

        강희안(Kang, Hee-ahn) 한국비평문학회 2015 批評文學 Vol.- No.57

        서구 철학의 핵심 키워드였던 인간중심주의(anthropocentrism)의 세계관에 의해 침윤된 결과 인류는 생태계 파괴라는 자연의 재앙과 직면한다. 따라서 인간과 자연이 상생의 관계를 유지할 수 있느냐 하는 문제가 인류 초미의 관심사가 된다. 김영석의 시에는 서구 탈인간중심주의(anthrodecentrism) 철학의 요체였던 동물, 식물, 나아가서는 자연의 무기물에 이르기까지 생명공동체로서 인간과 자연의 평등에 관한 세 가지 관점이 제시된다. 따라서 본고에서는 감정 중심적 관점, 생명 중심적 관점, 생태 중심적 관점 등으로 세분하여 김영석 시가 드러낸 새로운 관계의 윤리에 대해 면밀히 분석해 보았다. 2장에서 다룬 ‘감정 중심적 동물화’에는 화자가 자연의 동물들을 인격으로 파악하여 개변시키려 하는 의식에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 3장의 ‘생명 중심적 식물화’에는 식물까지 포함된 생명체의 견지에서 모든 종이 평등하다는 생명 중심의 다원론이 등장한다. 나아가 4장의 ‘생태 중심적 유기화’에는 자기 항상성을 유지하는 자연의 무기물까지 생명체의 범주에 포함시켜 인간과 자연의 긴밀한 관계의 연대를 조성한다. 이와 같은 탈인간중심주의적 시각에는 인간 이외의 자연 대상(존재자)의 이익도 중요하다는 참다운 명제가 생긴 셈이다. 김영석의 생태주의 시는 범우주적인 차원에서 인간과 자연의 관계가 상생의 질서로써 재편되어야 한다는 새로운 형태의 생태윤리학(ecological ethics)에 해당한다. 이와 같은 의식의 기저에는 이성 중심적 무기질 세계의 반대편에서 지구 자체를 생명체의 관계망으로 재구성하려는 문명 비판적 사유가 짙게 표백되어 있다. 나아가 인간의 이성적인 질서와 도덕, 과학 대신 인간과 자연을 동등한 생명의 관점에서 파악했다는 점에서 동양의 도가 사상의 맥락과 일치한다. 이는 그간의 인문학적 연구 성과를 면밀히 검토해본 결과 심층생태주의(deep ecology)에 해당한다. 여기에는 탈인간중심주의를 바탕으로 자연과 인간이 동등하게 길항하는 생태 의식과 우주공동체로서 긴밀한 연대감으로 이어지는 휴머니즘 의식까지 포괄하는 인문학적 비전이 제시되어 있기 때문이다. As they place more emphasis on the highly material civilization in the modern anthropocentric world, human beings are sure to come up against the natural disaster of environmental pollution and ecosystem destruction. poems of Kim Young Seok, suggests the equal relationship between human beings and nature in three different ways. In his nature and human friendly poems, Kim stresses the importance of seeing them as a group of sharing a common destiny. He suggests that the human relationship with nature should be reinterpreted from the point of view of going together. Viewed in this light, can be placed under the category of ecological poetry. Actually, Kim asks us to accept the philosophy of deep ecology anthrodecentrism beyond anthropocentrism in that our destiny is closely connected with that of nature. Therefore, in this article, I try to analyze the ethics of relationship, the coexistence between humanism beings and nature, in three different point of view, emotional, life-centered, and ecological. This analysis leads us to conclude that Kim"s ecological poems come up with ecological ethics much similar to Taoism of East Asian cultural imagination.

      • KCI등재

        대한방사선종양학회지 게재 논문의 통계적 오류 현황

        박희철(Hee Chul Park),최두호(Doo Ho Choi),안성복(Song-Vogue Ahn),강진오(Jin Oh Kang),김은석(Eun-Seog Kim),박원(Won Park),안승도(Seung Do Ahn),양대식(Dae Sik Yang),윤형근(Hyong Geun Yun),정은지(Eun Ji Chung),지의규(Eui Kyu Chie),표홍렬( 대한방사선종양학회 2008 Radiation Oncology Journal Vol.26 No.4

        목 적: 본 연구는 대한방사선종양학회지 게재 논문의 통계 오류 현황을 파악하고 이에 근거한 문제 제기를 통해 학회지의 학술적 발전에 기여하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 2006∼2007년 사이에 대한방사선종양학회지에 게재된 총 77편의 논문을 연구 대상으로 하였다. 각각의 논문에 적용된 통계 방법론의 적정성 평가는 통계점검표를 활용하였다. 통계점검표에는 연구의 종류, 통계기법의 사용 범위, 각 논문에 적용된 통계 기법의 종류, 통계적 기법 적용의 타당성 항목이 포함되었다. 통계 오류는 ‘생략의 잘못’과 ‘시행의 잘못’ 항목으로 나누었다. 한 논문에서 서로 다른 항목이 여러 가지 관찰된 경우 각각 횟수로 측정하였다. 같은 항목이 2회 이상 측정된 경우 1회로 횟수를 측정하였다. 통계 전문가가 개별 논문을 대상으로 통계점검표를 작성하였다. 일차 평가자가 방사선종양학 전문가가 아닌 것에서 올 수 있는 평가 오류가 있을 수 있으므로 개별 통계점검표는 간행위원회에서 한 차례 더 세부 점검을 하였다. 작성된 통계점검표의 통계 분석은 SAS (version 9.0, SAS Institute, NC, USA) 소프트웨어를 이용하였고 빈도분석을 시행하여 각 항목의 빈도와 백분율을 산출하였다. 결 과: 총 77편 중 원문을 다운로드 할 수 없었던 4편을 제외한 73편의 게재 논문을 대상으로 평가하였다. 증례보고는 5편, 원저 논문은 68편이었다. 대상 논문 중 46편의 논문에서 통계적 추론을 사용하였고, 16편의 논문에서 단순한 기술통계를 사용했으며, 11편의 논문에서는 통계적 기법을 사용하지 않았다. 추론통계를 사용한 46편의논문에서 사용된 추론통계의 횟수는 각각 분할표분석 17회(37.0%), 비교통계분석 23회(50.0%), 회귀분석 7회(15.2%), 상관분석 5회(10.9%), 생존분석이 27회(58.7%)였다. 통계 기법을 활용하여 연구 결과를 분석할 때 통계적용의 오류가 없는 논문은 19%였다. ‘생략의 잘못’은 34편(50.0%)의 논문에서 총 50회 관찰되었다. ‘시행의 잘못’은 35편(51.5%)의 논문에서 총 47회 관찰되었다. ‘생략의 잘못’과 ‘시행의 잘못’이 모두 발견된 논문은 21편 (30.9%)이었다.결 론: 대한방사선종양학회지에 게재된 논문에서 통계 분석 과정의 다양한 영역에 걸쳐 크고 작은 통계적 오류가 있음을 확인하였다. 향후 대한방사선종양학회지 투고 논문의 심사 과정에서 통계 오류에 관한 적절한 심사를 추가하는 것이 필요하다고 판단된다. Purpose: To improve the quality of the statistical analysis of papers published in the Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (JKOSTRO) by evaluating commonly encountered errors. Materials and Methods: Papers published in the JKOSTRO from January 2006 to December 2007 were reviewed for methodological and statistical validity using a modified version of Ahn’s checklist. A statistician reviewed individual papers and evaluated the list items in the checklist for each paper. To avoid the potential assessment error by the statistician who lacks expertise in the field of radiation oncology; the editorial board of the JKOSTRO reviewed each checklist for individual articles. A frequency analysis of the list items was performed using SAS (version 9.0, SAS Institute, NC, USA) software. Results: A total of 73 papers including 5 case reports and 68 original articles were reviewed. Inferential statistics was used in 46 papers. The most commonly adopted statistical methodology was a survival analysis (58.7%). Only 19% of papers were free of statistical errors. Errors of omission were encountered in 34 (50.0%) papers. Errors of commission were encountered in 35 (51.5%) papers. Twenty-one papers (30.9%) had both errors of omission and commission. Conclusion: A variety of statistical errors were encountered in papers published in the JKOSTRO. The current study suggests that a more thorough review of the statistical analysis is needed for manuscripts submitted in the JKOSTRO.

      • KCI등재후보

        전시를 위한 토기와 청자의 복원 : 토기기대, 노형기대, 청자사이호를 중심으로

        강희숙,안병찬 국립중앙박물관 1999 박물관보존과학 Vol.1 No.-

        국립김해박물관 개관전시 유물인 가야시대 土器 器臺 2점과 중앙박물관의 특별전 “고대국가의 형성” 전시회 출품 유물인 靑磁四耳壺에 대한 보존처리를 수행하였다. 육안 및 실체현미경 관찰을 통하여 처리 전 상태, 文樣과 製作技法 등을 파악하였고 이를 토대로 각 유물의 특성에 맞는 보존처리를 실시하였다. 기대는 결실부분이 커 에폭시系 복원재료를 이용해 파손된 토기 面과 직접 접착시켜 형태를 복원하고 문양과 색, 질감을 類似하게 처리하였다. 청자는 토기와 같은 복원재를 이용했지만 파손된 청자 면과 分離시켜 형태를 복원하여 해체가 가능하도록 조치한 다음 색과 질감도 구분이 되도록 처리하였다. Conservation treatment was done for the pottery-stand of Gaya period which was to be exhibited in celebration of the opening of Gimhae National Museum and for the jar of Chinese celadon which was to be exhibited in Korea National Museums special exhibition "Formation of Ancient States". Through the examinations by naked eyes and under the microscope, condition before treatment, patterns and manufacturing techniques of the objects were observed. According to these examinations, conservation treatments, suitable for each object was finished. As the pottery-stand was damaged severely, the epoxy resin was pasted directly on the broken surface of the pottery to restore the original shape and pattern, color and feeling similar to original state were given to the restored area. Although same restoration material was applied on the celadon, it was not pasted directly on the broken surface of the celadon so that the restored area could be dismantled, and color and feeling were also treated somewhat differently.

      • 球形 글라스비즈의 흐름角 測定

        姜錫浩,宋希準,安熙官 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 1978 연구보고 Vol.6 No.1

        In order to study the flow characteristics of spherical glass-beads ranging from 40 mesh to-115 mesh, its angle of repose and angle of rupture were measured as a function of average particle size, addition of fine powder as glidant or lubricant, and admixture of 2 or 3 adjacent fractions of beads classified by screening. The angle of repose of the glass-beads increases with increasing particle size of above 100 mesh, but for beads smaller than 100 mesh, the angle of repose increases with decreasing particle size. Fine glidant of montmorcalite added to the beads in very small concentrations of 0.6wt, % decreases the flow angles, while it tends to increase strongly the flow angles at higher concentrations.

      • Golgi 염색 기법에 대한 연구

        안병권,박매자,김은희,배용철,홍해숙,조희중,주강 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1990 慶北醫大誌 Vol.31 No.4

        여러 Golgi methods 중에서 본 실험실 환경에 적합한 방법을 확립하기 위해서, Golgi Method, Golgi-Kopsch modification, silver-chromate Golgi method 그리고 Rapid Golgi method의 네가지 방법을 실제로 실시했는데 그 중 Adam의 silver-chromate Golgi method에서 가장 좋은 결과를 얻었는데 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 착색에 소요되는 시간이 약 7일 정도였다. 2) 대뇌피질, 시상하부, 뇌간의 모든부위 등 실험을 실시한 거의 모든 부위에서 착색된 신경세포를 관찰할 수 있었다. 3) 착색된 신경세포는 세포체 뿐만 아니라 축삭돌기, 수상돌기 그리고 수상돌기소극 등의 미세구조도 잘 관찰되었으며, 규칙적인 분포를 하였다. 4) 착색된 신경교세포와 혈관은 저밀도로 관찰되었다. Four modifications of the Golgi method, i. e. Golgi method, method, Golgi-Kopsch modification, silver-chromate Golgi method and rapid Golgi method were tested to find out most reliable method. Compared to another 3 modifications, Adams' silver chromate Golgi method was found to have several advantages as follows. 1) It took 7 days for impregnation procedure. 2) Neurons were well impregnated and their axons, dendrites and spines could be identified very clearly. 3) Impregnated neurons formed few clusters. 4) Glias and vessels showed very minimal impregnations.

      • 남자대학생의 흡연태도와 행동에 관한 연구

        강경진,김정미,민혜영,안소진,오경숙,은경희,이현,이희선,홍주미,김수지 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2003 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.37

        There have been so many researches about problems of cigarettes and relation of smoking and heath since 1950's and generally known that smoking is one of the worst factor of increasing disease and mortality. No matter what such many proofs about various problems of smoking have been researched, smoking rate of current male collage students has not been decreased. Besides, most of the researches about cigarette use and its addiction have been focused on the adolescent or adult women smokers or adult male, not male collage student. Therefore, the subject of this study is about smoking attitude and smoking behavior of male collage students by general features. Smoking attitude was analyzed by modifying 'Guidelines for the content of tobacco smoking surveys of the general population'(WHO, 1982). Two hundred of male collage students participated to the distributed questionnaire for one week in May. The smoking attitude was categorized into duration of smoking and number of cigarette per day(CPD), and nicotine dependency, investigated by Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire(FTQ) (Fagerstorm & Schneider, 1989). All statistics were performed by procedure of SAS according to number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and ANOVA. The results are as follows: 1. Smoking attitude level was mean 25.73±5.15 marks, ranging from 13 to 39 marks of the total 40 marks. 2. Duration of cigarettes, number of cigarette per day, and nicotine dependency were mean 5.14±2.84 years, 12.88±6.85 pieces, and 4.78±1.69, respectively. 3. Smoking attitude showed significance according to general features such as marital state and allowance, but the significance according to marital state is not valuable because the numerical difference is so big between married one and single that they cannot be compared with each other. 4. Duration of smoking was significant according to general features such as age and allowance. 5. Smoking amount showed significance the factors of age only. 6. ll1ere was no significance in nicotine dependency according to general features. As a result, smoking attitude of male collage student in this study shows moderate level. Smoking attitude and duration is significant according to allowance, and smoking amount is significant according to age. Nicotine dependency according to general features is not significant but comparing with the preceding study about adult male, male collage students in this study are respectively more nicotine-dependent than adult male smokers. In conclusion, the right allowance usage strategies and effective heath education focused on the young are needed. In addition, helpful programs and information spreading strategies are necessary for establishing higher level of smoking attitude. At last, systemic regulations in daily living for ""anti-nico-dependent"" and perspective reforming of male university student are needed for reducing nicotine dependency.

      • KCI등재후보

        발효 온도와 시간 조합을 달리한 총각김치의 품질 특성

        강정화,강선희,안은숙,정희종 한국식생활문화학회 2003 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.18 No.6

        To determine the conditions of the fermentation and storage for Chonggak kimchi refrigerator, prepared Chonggak kimchi took into kimchi refrigerators which were controlled at four different modes of the fermented temperature and time, and fermented and kept for 16 weeks. The pH in Chonggak kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at 01℃ dropped greater than all of kimchi fermented at other combinations, and the changes of pH at any combinations were not greater than those in Baechu kimchi, because pH in Chonggak kimchi did not dropped below 4.5. Acidities in Chonggak kimchi were greatly increased at higher temperature. The acidity in Chonggak kimchi during the first week of fermentation was lower than that in Baechu kimchi and then it was rather higher becuase of the addition of waxy rice paste. In texture, puncture force of Chonggak kimchi was decreased slowly until 8 weeks of fermentation and then did not changed much and the highest values showed in Chonggak kimchi stored directly at -1℃ without any fermentation. In sensory evaluation, the score for the carbonated flavor and the sourness were the highest in Chonggak kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃, but the lowest in Chonggak kimchi stored directly at -1℃ without any fermentation because of some undesirable flavors. The lowest hardness showed in Chonggak kimchi fermented at highest temperature and the best hardness was in Chonggak kimchi fermented at 5℃ for 3 days or 6 days/ stored at -1℃. The appearance was the best in Chonggak kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃ and the worst was in Chonggak kimchi stored directly at -1℃ without any fermentation. The overall acceptability of Chonggak kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃ was good after 4 weeks of fermentation, but in Chonggak kimchi fermented at 5℃ for 3 days or 6 days/stored at -1℃ it was food after 6 weeks. Total microbial counts in most of Chonggak kimchi were reached to a maximum number within 7 days, and then decreased similarly at all modes. Leuconostoc spp. and Lactobacillus spp. increased to maximum number of 1.48 10^(9) and 5.62 0^(9), respecively, in Chonggak kimchi fermented for 7 days. Yeast counts showed a increasing trend not depends on fermenting temperature and they were lower counts than those in Baschu kimchi. Waxy rice paste which added to Chonggak kimchi resulted in increasement of glucose as a carbon source and stimulated to reproduce the microbes in Chonggak kimchi.

      • KCI등재후보

        발효 온도-시간 조합이 배추김치의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향

        강정화,강선희,안은숙,유맹자,정희종 한국식생활문화학회 2004 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.19 No.1

        In order to examine the effect of the combination of fermented temperature and time on Baechu kimchi in a kimchi refrigerator, Baechu kimchi was fermented at four different modes of the fermentation temperature and time for 16 weeks and analyzed the properties of Baechu kimchi. The pH, Baechu kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃, decreased rapidly during first week and then decreased very slowly. The hardness and the chewiness of Baechu kimchi fermented at high temperature were higher and the values were decreased when the fermentation continued. In sensory evaluation, carbonated flavor in Baechu kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃ was the best after 4 weeks, and Baechu kimchi fermented at 5℃ for 3 days or 6 days/stored at -1℃ was the best after 8 weeks. The scores for sourness were the highest on 8 weeks and 12 weeks in kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24hours/stored at -1℃ and 5℃ for 3 days or 6 days/stored at -1℃, respectively. Total microbial count was increased as the temperature of fermentation increased. Counts of Leuconostoc spp. reached to the highest after 6 days and counts of Lactobacillus spp. seached to the highest after 5 days in kimchi fermeted at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃. From these results, it was concluded that it required 4 weeks to eat most edible Baechu kimchi in kimchi refrigerator 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃, and 8 weeks to eat edible Baeche kimchi refrigerator fermented at 5℃ for 3 days or 6 days/stored at -1℃.

      • 고강도 무다짐 콘크리트의 최적배합 및 수화온도 특성

        안종문,임희재,이광수,강훈 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1(구조계)

        This research investigates experimentally an effect on the quality performance and hydration properties of the high strength self compacting concrete(H-SCC). The purpose of this study is to determine the optimum mix proportion of the SCC having good flowability, viscosity and no-segregation. For this purpose, 37 mix designs are tested by design factors including water binder ratio, binder content per unit volume of concrete, and fine and coarse aggregate volume ration. As test results of this study, the optimum mix proportion for level of concrete compressive strengths is as following. 1) f_(ck)=50MPa water binder ratio 36% ; binder content per unit volume of concrete 450kgf/m³ and fine and coarse aggregate volume ration 52%, 2) f-(ck)=60MPa water binder ratio 31% ; binder content per unit volume of concrete 500kgf/m³ and fine and coarse aggregate volume ration 48%.

      • 동기 정류기를 이용한 클램프 모드 포워드 영전압 스위칭 다중 공진형 컨버터

        안강순,김희준 漢陽大學校 工學技術硏究所 1996 工學技術論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        The Clamp Mode(CM) Forward Zero Voltage Switching Multi Resonant Converter(ZVS-MRC) with self-driven synchronous rectifier is studied. The loss at the synchronous rectification stage of the converter is analyzed using MOSFET piecewise linear model and is compared with the loss at the conventional schottky diode rectification stage of the converter. From the results of the analysis, it is known that the use of MOSFETS as a synchronous rectifier reduces the loss at the rectification stage over the whole load range comparing the use of schottky diodes as a conventional rectifier in the converter. In order to verify the validity of the analysis, we have built a 33W(3.3V/10A) CM Forward ZVS-MRC with self-driven synchronous rectifier, in which switching frequency is 1MHz, and tested. From the experimental results, it is known that the synchronous rectification achieved about IW improvement in the loss at the rectification stage and about 3% in the efficiency at the converter as compared with the conventional schottky diode rectification.

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