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      • 고빌리루빈혈증을 동반한 자가면역성 간염 1례

        서영범,김성욱,장재식,강혁주,이중현,윤병구,김욱년,이광헌,이구,유석동,양창헌,이정호,이영현,이창우,서정일 동국대학교 의학연구소 2000 東國醫學 Vol.7 No.-

        자가면역성 간염은 대개 만성 경과를 가지며, 혈중 자가면역항체와 혈청 글로불린치의 상승, 그리고 조직학적으로 괴사 염증성 변화를 특징으로 하는 질환으로 아직 정확한 병인이 밝혀져 있지 않은 상태이다. 발병연령은 대개 젊은 영자(15-25세)에서 호발한다. 이 질환은 급성 간염의 임상경과를 보일 수 있으나, 심한 급성 간염이나 전격성 간염으로도 나타날 수 있는데, 이 경우 아주 나쁜 예후를 보인다고 한다. 치료는 자가면역성 간염 임상 경과의 다양성이나 병인, 병리기전의 불확실성에도 불구하고 대개 steroid 치료에 반응하는 것으로 알려져 있으며 대개 80%의 관해율을 나타내며 궁극적으로 간경변으로의 진행을 막을 수 있는 것으로 보인다. 저자들은 58세 남자에서 발생한 급성의 경과를 가지고 심한 황달을 동반한 자가면역성 간염을 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic necroinflammatory liver disorder of unknown cause associated with circulating autoantibodies and a high serum globulin level. The age of onset of AIH show a peak between the age of 15 and 25 years. AIH can develop and be manifested as acute hepatitis, but severe form of acute hepatitis or fulminant hepatic failure has a poor prognosis. Although AIH is likely to progress from chronic active hepatitis to cirrhosis, steroid therapy can control the disease activity, prolong survival, improve the quality of life , and defer liver transplantation. In the present report we describe a 58-year-old man who admitted because of progressive jaundice and fatigue. He was diagnosed with AIH from laboratory test result showing positivity for antinuclear antibodies, anti-smooth muscle antibodies, and negativity for hepatitis viral markers and from liver biopsy. Steroid therapy, oral administration of prednisolone, was effective in improving the liver function test. Following liver biopsy 6 months after onset shows markedly improved necroinflammatory activity.

      • 생약제제인 이공산(異功散)의 Cisplatin 유도 신장독성 보호 및 항산화 효과

        Lee, Kyung-Tae,Ahn, Kyoo-Seok,Chang, Sung-Goo,Oh, Soo-Myung,Jung, Jee-Chang 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1

        Kyung-Tae Lee, Kyoo-Seok Ahn¹, Sung-Goo Chang², Soo-Myung Oh²and Jee-Chang Jung²¹College of Pharmacy, ²Oriental Medicine and ³College of Medicine, and East-West Medical Reserch Institute, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. Preventive and Antioxidative Effects of Crude Drug Preparation(E-kong-san) on Cisplatin Induced Nephrotoxicity. Proceedings of International Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 201-211, 1999. -Nephroprotective effects of a crude drug-prearation (E-kong-san) were determined from cisplatin on rabbit kidney proximal tubule and human renal cortical cells by MTT assays and sustained glucose consumption on ciplatin-induced human renal cortical tissue. Levels of creatinine and blood ure nitrogen(BUN) in serum after administration of cisplatin(0.75mg/kg,i.p.) to E-kong-san(0.75g/kg/day,p.o.)-pretreated rats were markedly lower compared to those of cisplatin-treated rats. Moreover, the administration of E-kong-san significantly inhibited the loss of body weight of cisplatin injected rts. These findings suggest that E-kong-san on the cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity led us to investigate whether the effect of this water extract was a result of anti-oxidation. E-kong-san showed strong free radical scavenger activities on 1,1-dipheny1-2picrylhydrazil(DPPH) radical and xanthine/xanthine oxidase(XOD) generated superoxide anion radical(O2-). We further studied the effects of E-kong-san on lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes induced by enzymatic and nonenzymatic methods. E-kong-san exhibited significant inhibition on both ascorbic acid/Fe2+and ADP/NADPH/Fe3+ induced lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes. Based on these results, we suggest that-E-kong-san attenuate the cisplatin induced cytotoxicity and its mechanism can be eplained by antioxidant.

      • KCI등재후보

        조혈모세포이식 환자에서 침습성 진균 감염에 대한 Micafungin의 예방 효과 및 안전성

        김시현,이동건,최수미,권재철,박선희,최정현,유진홍,이성은,조병식,김유진,이석,김희제,민창기,조석구,김동욱,이종욱,민우성,박종원 대한감염학회 2010 감염과 화학요법 Vol.42 No.3

        Background: Micafungin, a potent inhibitor of 1,3-β-D-glucan synthase, is a novel antifungal agent of the echinocandin class. In vitro study showed that micafungin was effective against Aspergillus species as well as Candida species, but clinical data on the prophylactic efficacy against invasive fungal infections (IFIs) other than candidiasis are still lacking. Materials and Methods: We identified 60 consecutive adult hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients who received at least 3 doses of micafungin during neutropenic period. Micafungin was started as an alternative in patients who were intolerant or had adverse events (AEs) to primary prophylactic antifungal agents. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records and analyzed the efficacy and safety of micafungin for prophylaxis against IFIs. Results: The patients either had autologous (n=9) or allogeneic (n=51: 1 syngeneic, 24 sibling, 26 unrelated donor) HSCT. Itraconazole oral solution (n=58) was the most frequently used first line antifungal agent for prophylaxis and was administered for median 11 days. The most frequent cause of switch to micafungin was vomiting (n=42). The duration of neutropenia and micafungin administration was median 13 and 12 days, respectively. A successful outcome was achieved in 45 (75%) patients. Empirical antifungal therapy was initiated in 13 (22%) patients. There were 2 cases (3.3%) of breakthrough fungal infections which comprised a probable invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and a possible invasive fungal sinusitis. There was no case of invasive candidiasis. A total of 53 (88%) patients experienced at least one AE regardless of causality during micafungin administration. The most frequent AEs were hypokalemia, vomiting, diarrhea, and elevated serum aspartate aminotransferase or alanine aminotransferase. Among the aforementioned AEs, only 1 case of diarrhea could be classified as a probable relation with micafungin when causality was assessed. There was no AEs that caused discontinuation of micafungin. Conclusions: Micafungin seems to be a safe and effective agent for prophylaxis of IFIs including aspergillosis as well as candidiasis in HSCT recipients. However, further large, prospective, and randomized comparative studies are warranted for aspergillosis.

      • 위의 유암종과 선종의 병발 1례

        장재식,강혁주,이중현,서영범,윤병구,김용섭,이구,서정일,양창헌,이창우,김정란,윤환중 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2000 東國醫學 Vol.7 No.-

        유암종은 전신에 퍼져 잇는 장크롬친화성 세포에서 기원하는데 위의 유암종은 비교적 드문 질환으로 모든 유암종의 1.9~2.2%에 해당하며 위에 발생하는 종양의 1% 미만에서 보고되고 있다. 유암종은 일반적으로 증상이 비특이적이고 면역조직화학검사에 의해서 진단되기 때문에 과거에는 드물게 발견되었으나 최근 내시경 기기 및 술기의 발전과 검사 빈도의 증가 및 면역조직화학검사의 발달로 진단율이 증가 추세에 있으며, 드물지만 유암종에서 선암과 공존하는 예들이 보고되고 있다. 저자들은 심와부 동통을 주소로 내원한 70세 남자 환자의 상부위장관내시경 검사에서 위체상부의 대만곡에서 0.4×0.4 cm 크기의 중간 함몰을 가진 Yamada 1형의 용종과 함께 전정부의 전벽에서 0.8×0.5 cm 크기의 융기된 점막 소견을 보여 조직학적으로 각각 위유암종 및 위선종임을 확진한 후 내시경적 용종 절제술로 치료한 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Carcinoid tumors are arisen from enterochromaffin cells, which are scattered throughout the body. These tumors are composed of variable numbers of cells that contain endocrine granules in their cytoplasm, which can be identified by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Gastric carcinoid tumors are relatively rare tumor, the reported incidence being 1.9~2.2% of all carcinoid tumors and less than 1% of all gastric tumors. Sometimes, composite carcinoid tumors and adenocarcinoma is reported. We experienced a case of the coincidence of carcinoid tumor and adenoma at the other site of the stomach in a 70 year old male patient. Gastrofiberscope showed 0.4×0.4 cm sized Yamada type I polyp with central depression on the greater curvature of the proximal body and 0.8×0.5 cm sized focal slightly elevated mucosa on the anterior wall of the antrum. The endoscopic biopsy specimens revealed carcinoid tumor and tubular adenoma with moderate atypism, respectively. The carcinoid tumor and adenoma were removed by endoscopic polypectomy. According to the follow-up gastrofiberoscopy after 7 month later, both lesions were nearly normal mucosa except whitish atrophic change after polypectomy.

      • 내시경적 점막절제술로 치험한 식도 과립상 세포종 1례

        강혁주,김성욱,최석진,이중현,장재식,서영범,윤병구,박건욱,김성자,김용섭,강승완,이구,양창헌,이창우,김욱년,이광헌,서정일 동국대학교 의학연구소 2000 東國醫學 Vol.7 No.-

        과립상 세포종은 Schwann 세포 기원으로 생각되며 인체에 비교적 드물게 발생한다. 과립상 세포종은 전신 어느 곳에서나 발견될 수 있으나 주로 혀, 구강, 피부 혹은 유방 등에서 호발하며 드물게 위장관에서 발견된다. 위장관에서는 식도에서 가장 호발하며 다음으로 위, 대장 순이다. 과립상 세포종은 대부분, 특히 위장관에서는 양성이며 소수의 악성 병변이 보고되었다. 이러한 이유와 함께 수술 전의 진단이 어렵기 때문에 과립상 세포종에 대한 근본적인 치료는 현재까지 외과적 절제술이다. 최근에 시도되는 치료방법들로는 내시경적 레이저 치료, 용종절제술, 내시경적 점막 절제술 등이 있다. 저자들은 상부 소화관 내시경검사를 시행하여 식도 과립상 세포종을 진단하고 내시경적 점막 절제술을 시행하여 합병증 없이 퇴원하여 현재 재발없이 경과 관찰중인 1례를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. Granular cell tumors, which occur infrequently, are probably of Schwann cell origin. They can occur almost anywhere in the body but usually affect the tongue, oral cavity, skin, or breasts and are rarely found in the gastrointestinal tracts. The esophagus is the most frequent gastrointestinal site, followed by the stomach and the colon. Granular cell tumors are generally benign, especially in the gastrointestinal tract, some malignant lesions have been reported. For this reason, and also because preoperative diagnosis is difficult, the standard treatment for granular cell tumor has until now been surgical excision. In recent years, other therapeutic methods is endoscopic laser therapy (ELT), polypectiomy, endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). We report a case of esophageal granular cell tumor which was diagnosed by an endoscopy and managed using an endoscopic mucosal resection without complication.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 항파상풍 항체 역가

        구홍두,최옥경,장석준,정구영,이정운,김승호 대한응급의학회 1993 대한응급의학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Inspite of immunization, TETANUS remains a disease with a high morbidity and mortality rate. Tetanus has been still occurred more frequently in developing countries where immunization programs are inadequate. In Korea, there is a routine immunuzation schedule with diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus(DPT) vaccines at 2,4,6 month after birth at 18 month. But further prophylactic programs are not exist. Moreover, we have usually used only passive immunization, tetanus antitoxin, as a prophylactic regimen for injured patients instead of guidelines of Center for Disease Control. The purpose of this study was to assess the baseline tetanus immunity state and to suggest the proper immunization schedule and adequate prophylactic guideline for injured patients in Korea. One hundred thirty one trauma patients from emergency department of Severance hospital from September to November of 1993 were included. Antietanus antibody titers of the patients were analyzed by ELISA assay. The mean antitetanus antibody titer was 0.728 ±0.236IU/mL. The titers were diminished rapidly with age. In pediatric group(age under 15), the mean titer was 3.251 ±0.426 IU/mL and in geriatric group(age over 64), the mean titer was 0.007 ±0.002 IU/mL which was below the minimal protective antibody titer(0.01 IU/mL). While all of the pediatric patients have protective antibody titer, only 69.2% of young adults(15-39, n=65), 56.7% of adults(40-64, n=30), and 57.2% of geriatrics(>65, n=14) have protective antibody titer. Our results suggest that tetanus prophylaxis is unnecessary in the age under 14. In other age groups, however, our data strongly support the need of prophyulaxis.

      • 중국 포양호 주변의 농경지 현황 및 수질 오염 부하량

        이종식,정구복,윤순강,정광용,于傳驥,劉文祥 한국국제농업개발학회 2002 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.14 No.4

        중국 최대의 담수호로 장강을 통해 서해로 유입되는 포양호의 특성, 주변의 농경지 토양환경, 시기별 포양호 수질변화 및 유입되는 각 수계별 수질오염 부하량 등을 검토하였다. 1. 포양호는 주변 지역의 벼 재배와 홍수 조절에 중요한 역할을 하며 최근 간척과 침척토의 침적 등에 의하여 면적이 매년 축소되고 있다. 2. 아열대 기후에 속하여 연평균 강우량이 1,570㎜ 수준으로 비교적 많으나 연 중 분포가 평준하지 않고 월별 차이가 커서 시기별로 호수의 수표면적 및 저수량의 변화가 대단히 크다. 3. 주변 지역의 농경지는 큰 오염원이 없어 비교적 오염되지 않은 토양이며, 오염도가 심한 농경지는 호수 유역의 전체 농경지 면적중 0.22%로 광산 인근 토양이 구리와 황으로 오염되어 있다. 4. 포양호에 직접 유입되는 COD부하량은 시기별로 홍수기가 371.9톤/일로 갈 수기 273.9톤/일에 비해 많았다. 요인별로는 산업체에서 기인되는 양이 가장 많았으며, 유입되는 수계별로는 감강으로부터 유입되는 오염 부하량이 가장 많았다. Water in Poyang lake, which is one of the biggest lake in China, flows into Yellow Sea through the Changjiang River. In this paper, water quality characteristics and loading amount of contaminants of Poyang Lake area were investigated. Poyang lake has a important role to rice cultivation and flood control in the basin of the lake. However, the area of the lake has been reduced gradually by land reclamation and sedimentation. This area belongs to the subtropical zone and the average rainfall is near 1,570㎜, which is relatively higher than other region in China. The surface area and the volume of storage water of the lake is very changeable following to the big different monthly rainfall. Agricultural field near the lake is not contaminated comparatively because there is little source of contamination near the Poyang lake. About 0.22% of the total agricultural field near the lake were heavily contaminated by copper and sulfur originated from metal mines. Inflow loading amount of COD(chemical oxygen demand). Compared to other sources of contamination such as municipality, livestock, and nature, industrial source of COD to Poyang lake were the greatest. Ganjiang stream was the highest for the loading amount of COD to Poyang lake among 5 streams.

      • 플라즈마를 이용한 VOCs 중 트리클로로에틸렌의 처리에 관한 연구

        이일락,박석출,서정민,조정구,최금찬 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1998 硏究報告 Vol.21 No.2

        This study has carried out for evaluation of Trichloroethylene treatment let out at the working place using a silent discharge, one out of methods to control Volatile Organic Compounds. 1. Comparative test for Ozone creation as a function of whether Trichloroethylene included or not, both of them were increased by 270ppm when the electric field intensity goes up(~30kV/cm) and dry air condition included Trichloroethylene were high more or less. It is expected that Trichloroethylene has an influence on Ozone creation as Ozone presecution substance. 2. Input Trichloroethylene concentration and flow rate related to electric field intensity had effect on decomposition efficiency. Trichloroethylene decomposition efficiency increased with rising of applied voltage. But, Treatment efficiency were lower than N₂ condition, in case of using dry air as diluted gas, due to dissipation of electron energy by triplet oxygen molecules. 3. The more increased concentration(100, 200 and 300ppm1, the lower decreased removal efficiency(96, 93.6, 90.3% at N₂ and 86, 84, 90% at dry air) and these tendencies were released at the flow rate(1, 2 and 3 ℓ / min) similarly. 4. Byproducts generated by oxidation of Trichloroethylene-Carbon monooxide, Ozone, Methyl Chloride, Chlorofom, l,l,l-Trichloroethane and Tetrachloroethylene were found out.

      • KCI등재

        하수오니 및 석회시용이 열무의 생육과 화학성분에 미치는 영향

        정구복,김원일,이종식,김진호,윤순강 한국환경농학회 2003 한국환경농학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        하수오니의 농경지 유입에 따른 작물의 생육상황, 피해증상 및 부위별 무기성분 함량에 미치는 석회의 개량 효과를 검토하고, 토양 및 식물체중의 화학성분이 식물생육에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위하여 공단하수오니 및 석회를 조합 처리하고 3요소구를 대조구로 하여 열무의 생육상과 화학성분 함량을 분석 비교하였다. 시험 후 토양의 화학성은 하수오니구가 3요소구와 비교하여 EC, T-N 및 미량성분 함량은 높았고, Av. P₂O_(5) 및 치환성 양이온은 낮게 나타났다. 하수오니 사용구에서 열무의 피해증상으로 잎의 황백화 현상을 보였으나 석회처리구에서는 생육이 양호하였고 황백화 현상도 나타나지 않았다. 하수오니 시용구에서 석회의 개량효과로 열무 생육과 수량감소를 경감시키는 효과가 나타났으며, 특히 하수오니 50 Mg/harn에서는 무처리에 비해 잎과 뿌리의 수량이 각각 29%, 48% 증수되었다. 하수오니 사용구에서 3요소구와 비교하여 열부중의 유효성분인 P, K, Ca 및 Mg 함량이 낮았으나 석회처리로 열무에 흡수된 유효성분 함량이 높아지는 경향을 보였다. 토양 및 열무엽중의 Cu, Zn, Ni 함량은 열무 잎의 T-N과는 정의 상관, P 및 양이온과는 부의 상관을 보였다. 열무중의 Cu, Zn, Ni 함량은 잎과 뿌리 모두에서 열무 생체수량과 고도의 부의 상관을 보였다. 2차 회귀식에 의해 계산된 열무 엽중의 Cu, Zn에 대한 5% 수량감소 농도는 각각 22.4, 349 mg/kg이었다. Growth and mineral composition of young radish in soil amended with sewage sludge (ISS) with or without liming were investigated. Levels of EC, T-N, and micronutrients were increased in the ISS treatment (50 Mg/ha) compared to the NPK treatment, but those of available P and exchangeable cations were decreased. Chlorosis was appeared on the young radish leaf at the ISS treatment, but this phytotoxic symptom was corrected with line amendment (3 Mg/ha). Yields of young radish leaf and root in the combined treatment of ISS and lime were increased about 29 and 48%, respectively, compared with those in the ISS treatment. Contents of P, K, Ca, and Mg in young radish were higher in the combined treatment of ISS and lime, whereas those contents in the ISS treatment were lower than those in the NPK treatment. Contents of Cu, Zn, and Ni in soil and young radish leaf were positively correlated with total N content in young radish leaf, while contents of P, K, Ca, and Mg were negatively correlated. Contents of Cu, Zn, and Ni in leaf were negatively correlated with yield of young radish. Contents of Cu and Zn in leaf corresponding with a 5% yield reduction of young radish were 22.4 and 349 ㎎/㎏, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        하수오니 시용토양에서 작물의 중금속 흡수이행에 미치는 석회의 영향

        정구복,김원일,이종식,윤순강 한국환경농학회 2002 한국환경농학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        공단 하수오니의 농경지 유입에 따른 토양의 중금속 함량과 작물체로의 중금속 흡수이행에 미치는 석회시용 효과를 조사하였다. 공단하수오니 및 돈분퇴비를 각각 25, 50 Mg/ha 시용토양에 석회를 3 Mg/ha 처리하여 함량을 분석하였다. 시험후 토양의 중금속 함량은 공단하수오니에서 대조구(NPK 처리구) 및 돈분퇴비보다 높았으며, 특히 공단하수오니 50 Mg/ha 시용구에서는 구리, 아연, 니켈 및 크롬함량이 대조구와 비교하여 12∼48배 높은 농도를 보였다. 공단하수오니 시용으로알타리무로 흡수 이행된 구리, 아연 및 니켈 함량은 증가하여 알타리무 엽중의 농도가 식물독성 피해농도를 초과하는 수준이였다. 공단하수오니 시용토양에서 석회시용으로 알타리무 엽과 뿌리중 구리, 아연 및 니켈 함량은 크게 감량되었으며, 시험후 토양의 pH와 알타리무중 구리, 아연 및 니켈 함량과는 고도의 부의상관을 보였다. 이상의 결과에서 석회시용이 중금속이 다량 함유된 하수오니 유입으로 인한 작물의 독성피해와 중금속 흡수 이행성을 경감시킬 수 있는 일시적인 개량방법으로 이용될 수 있을 것으로 생각되었다. The effect of lime on plant availability of heavy metals in soils amended with industrial sewage sludge (ISS) or pig manure compost (PMC) was investigated. A pot experiment with Altari radish (Raphanus sativus) was conducted. Industrial sewage sludge and pig manure compost were added at 25 and 50 Mg/ha, and lime was added at 3 Mg/ha. Heavy metal contents of ISS treated soils after experiment were higher than those in control (NPK plot) and PMC treatment. Specially, the contents of copper, zinc, nickel and chromium in the 50 Mg/ha of ISS treated soils were higher 12~48 times than those in control. Copper, zinc, and nickel contents in Altari radish leaves cultivated at the ISS treated soil exceeded the critical levels of plant toxicity. Copper, zinc, and nickel contents in Altari radish leaves and roots cultivated at the ISS treated soil were reduced by the addition of lime. Copper, zinc, and nickel contents in Altari radish leaves were negatively correlated with soil pH after experiment. It concluded that liming would reduce the uptake of heavy metals by plants and be a temporary method of reclamation at the highly heavy metal accumulated soils by ISS.

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