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        A retrospective study of age-specific disease incidence in major popular breed dogs in Republic of Korea

        Seung Won Yi,Sang-Ik Oh,Yoon Jung Do,Jae Gyu Yoo,Eunju Kim 대한수의학회 2023 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.63 No.4

        Dogs exhibit patterns of health issues that vary by life stage. An understanding of disease incidence with respect to breed and age/life stage could be an important component of canine health management and welfare. This study aimed to describe the age-specific disease incidence of 3 small dog breeds that attended veterinary clinics in the Republic of Korea, based on data from electronic veterinary medical records (EVMRs). A total of 40,785 EVMRs from Maltese (n = 21,355), Miniature Poodle (n = 11,658) and Shih Tzu dogs (n = 7,772) were analyzed. Common health problems in 3 small dog breeds were ‘diseases of the skin’ and ‘diseases of the ear,’ respectively. Among dogs aged ≤ 3 years, ‘preventive medicine’ was the most common cause cited for veterinary clinic visits. Among dogs aged 4 to 8 years, the most frequent health problems were ‘diseases of the skin.’ Among dogs aged 9 to 13 years, ‘heart diseases,’ ‘kidney diseases,’ ‘mammary gland tumor,’ and ‘neoplasia (unspecified)’ were considerably more frequent, compared to the rates in dogs ≤3 years. Among dogs aged ≥ 14 years, ‘heart diseases’ and ‘sneezing/cough’ were the main health problems. In all breeds, the frequencies of ‘diseases of circulatory system,’ ‘diseases of respiratory system,’ ‘diseases of the nervous system,’ ‘endocrine’ and ‘neoplasia’ increased rapidly with aging. This surveillance could inform strategies for disease screening tests and management based on life stage in these dog breeds and enable more effective health management.

      • 개의 질병에 사용된 동아시아 전통의학 처방 연구

        박상영 ( Sang Young Park ),오준호 ( Jun Ho Oh ) 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2013 혜화의학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Objective: Today, the public concern for ``Companion Animal" as a family member is ever increasing. Accordingly, the cases of traditional veterinary medicine treatment targeting a companion animal has been increasing, but the traditional records in literature about this have hardly ever been introduced to academic circles. Hereupon, this writing is intending to collect the prescriptions, which were once used for treating canine diseases, in order to report them to academic circles first. Method: This writing recorded the information about canine diseases and their treatment from the books related to the orthodox oriental medicine in East Asia, and analyzed their meanings. Result: Intial records about canine diseases are found in East Asian traditional medicine books including 『 Bonchoseubyu』(741), 『Ilwhajajegaboncho』(unidentifiable period), 『Jeungryuboncho』(1082), etc. The disease perceived by humans at that time was "gwa"(a boil) which is a kind of skin ailments. In addition, these medicine books show that people at that time concentrated on the value of use of a dog as meat rather than a pain of a dog``s diseases. 『Hwalsujaju』(1873)which was established during the Qing Dynasty leaves the most abundant data on canine diseases. This book perceived a dog as a precious existence watching over human housing and property, according to which, canine diseases and treatment methods are subdivided. The prescriptions for a dog`s disease in our country are identifiable only in 『Jeungbodanbangshinpyeon』(1913)과 『 Bijeongmanbyeongtongchibeop』(1933). These books include the prescriptions not only for a dog`s disease but also for a disease of a cow, horse, sheep, chicken, and pig, etc. which are familiar to us. Conclusion: The prescriptions used for a dog in East Asia were different from those for people. It was found that they used a medicine noticeably for external application for easy treatment, and in case of the use of an internal medicine, they adopted a method of getting dogs to take a medicine mixed with rice or porridge for dogs. Such a clue will be applied to the traditional- medicine-based treatment of a companion animal for the time to come.

      • KCI등재

        Reevaluation of Spontaneous and Frequently Diagnosed Disease in Companion Animals and Its Application in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

        이수정,장익진,양우종,구민,차진원,윤지원,이경미,이정익 한국조직공학과 재생의학회 2015 조직공학과 재생의학 Vol.12 No.4

        In the development of novel tissue engineering and regenerative medicine techniques in humans, preclinical studies using laboratory animal models are required to examine the pathogenic mechanisms and the potential treatment of diseases for the clinics and an indispensable step for determination of their safety and efficacy. Regrettably, the etiological pathology of diseases of spontaneous diseases may not be exactly the same despite the similarities in signs and symptoms observed in artificial laboratory animal models. Therefore, the artificial laboratory animal model is not fully suitable for studies on specific target diseases. However, the animals, especially companion animal, that have spontaneous and frequently occurring diseases due to genetic and environmental factors mostly likely mimic the naïve pathology of diseases in humans. Consequently, these species can be better subjects of preclinical studies and veterinary clinical trials in order to possibly gauge the effectiveness of the therapeutic strategies in the clinical stage. Hence, research on the spontaneous and frequently diagnosed diseases of animals predisposed by the type of breeding, age, and gender that are applicable in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine could be an important data for future advancements. In this study, we conducted a survey on the spontaneous and common diseases of canine and feline species to provide a foundation on the effectiveness and practical application of clinical studies. Therefore, this review can contribute significant development in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine in the future.


        Marbofloxacin-encapsulated microparticles provide sustained drug release for treatment of veterinary diseases

        Lee, J.,Kwon, H.J.,Ji, H.,Cho, S.H.,Cho, E.H.,Han, H.D.,Shin, B.C. Elsevier S.A. 2016 Materials Science and Engineering C Vol. No.

        <P>Fluoroquinolone antibiotics with concentration-dependent killing effects and a well-established broad spectrum of activity are used commonly to treat infectious diseases caused by bacteria. However, frequent and excessive administration of these antibiotics is a serious problem, and leads to increased number of drug-resistant bacteria. Thus, there is an urgent need for novel fluoroquinolone antibiotic formulations that minimize the risk of resistance while maximizing their efficacy. In this study, we developed intramuscularly injectable polymeric microparticles (MPs) that encapsulated with marbofioxacin (MAR) and were composed of poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and poloxamer (POL). MAR-encapsulated MP (MAR-MP) had a spherical shape with particle size ranging from 80 mu m to 120 mu m. Drug loading efficiency varied from 55 to 85% (w/w) at increasing amount of hydrophilic agent, POL. Drug release from MAR-MP demonstrated a significant and sustained increase at increased ratios of POL to PLGA. These results indicate that MAR-MP is an improved drug delivery carrier for fluoroquinolone antibiotics, which can reduce the number of doses needed and sustain a high release rate of MAR for 2-3 days. As a novel and highly effective drug delivery platform, MAR-MP has great potential for use in a broad range of applications for the treatment of various veterinary diseases. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.</P>

      • 반려동물의 표적치료제에 대한 고찰

        윤소라(Sorah Yoon) 한국동물보건학회 2023 한국동물보건학회지 Vol.2 No.4

        Advances in bioinformatics using next-generation sequencing have dramatically identified new molecules involved in the pathogenesis of various diseases. As a result, many molecularly targeted therapeutics have been developed in medicine including veterinary medicine. In the field of veterinary medicine, toceranib, a multikinase inhibitor was approved 2009 following masitinib, which was the first molecularly target drug approved in 2008. Toceranib is originally approved as a treatment for mast cell tumors, but has been shown to be effective in other tumors as well. Therefore, there is a lot of potential for approved anti-cancer drugs to be used to treat other another type of diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases. Immunotherapies and cancer vaccine are also emerging as targeted therapeutics. In this review, we will discuss the approved molecularly targeted drugs and high potential drugs currently in clinical trials.

      • 근대수의역사자료 번역 및 편찬활동 (1868-1938)

        심유정 ( Yu Jung Sim ),이길섭 ( Kil Seob Lee ),소병재 ( Byung Jae So ),최정업 ( Cheong Up Choi ) 한국농업사학회 2010 농업사연구 Vol.9 No.2

        역사적으로 한국 정부기관에서 수의에 관련된 업무를 시작했던 시기는 고려(918~1392) 말로 당시 수의사의 역할은 군사용 말의 질병예방과 치료를 담당했었다. 근대에 들어와 설립된 국립수의과학검역원의 모태인 수출우검역소와 우역혈청제조소는 1909년 한국에서 최초로 현대적인 수의업무를 수행한 정부기관이다. 가축질병을 연구하던 우역혈청제조소에서는 가축질병 연구 및 수의학 전반에 관한 많은 국내외 도서를 소장하고 관련 자료를 발간하였다. 현재 국립수의과학검역원에서는 1856~1945년 도서를 431종 3,347권(동양서 215종 1,431권, 서양서 216종 1,916권) 소장하고 있다. 2006년부터 일제강점기시대에 작성된 가축질병연구와 방역사항을 기술한 주요 수의서에 대해 활용도를 높이고, 보존을 강화시키기 위해 고서보존사업을 시작하였다. 대부분 일본 고어로 쓰여 있어 활용도가 떨어지고 해석이 어려웠으나 고증을 통해 현대 국어로 번역작업을 하여 이해하기 쉽도록 1,2차에 걸쳐 총8권(p.3,375)의 국역서를 출간하였다. 이 책에는 동북아지역의 우역 발생현황, 예방용 혈청제조 방법, 생산량, 효력시험, 원인바이러스의 특성조사뿐만 아니라 소의 주요 기생충질병(주혈필라리라, 폐디스토마)과 닭의 뉴캣슬병, 추백리, 가금콜레라, 계두 백신개발, 돈두 등 당시의 다양한 가축질병의 발생상황을 파악할 수 있다. 또한, 우역, 탄저, 구제역 등 그 시기의 가축질병 방역상황과 가축질병 예방법, 검역규정, 가축방역과 검역기구 등 근대 수의학의 변천사에 대한 폭넓은 정보를 제공하고 있어 수의·축산 연구자들에게 도움을 주고 있다. 가축질병의 퇴치는 축산업을 발전시키고 안전한 식탁을 책임진다. 과거의 기술을 토대로 미래의 과학기술이 성장하므로 고서의 활용과 보존은 중요하다. 국립수의과학검역원에서는 2009년 기관설립 100주년을 맞아 검역원의 과거와 현재 미래를 기술한 100년사를 발간했으며, 100년사 발간사업을 통해 수집한 자료와 사진, 수의 관련 유물을 정리하여 보존하고 있다. 향후 고서보존을 위해 수장고 설치와 사료관을 건립할 예정이다. 또한, 소장하고 있는 주요 수의고서에 대한 국역화를 계속할 뿐만 아니라 국내·외에 있는 주요한 수의고서에 대하여도 적극적인 수집과 발굴을 통해 수의 관련 역사자료가 사장되지 않도록 할 예정이다. 이 사업이 근대수의학을 연구하는 연구자들에게 도움이 되었으면 하고, 나아가 농업사학 연구가 지속적으로 발전하길 바란다. The Royal institutions had carried out veterinary tasks late in the Goryeo dynasty (918-1392) reportedly. At that time, veterinarians in the institutions took charge of disease prevention and treatment for military horses. Quarantine Service for Cattle Export (1909) and Rinderpest Antiserum Manufacture Institute (RAMI) (1911) that were the mother institutes of NVRQS, had been established as the first modern veterinary institutions in Korea. Many domestic and foreign books in the field of animal disease research and veterinary science had been kept in RAMI and this institute published many books relating to those fields. As a result, currently NVRQS posseses 3,347 volumes of 431 kinds which are 1,431 volumes of 215 kinds for Oriental books and 1,916 volumes of 216 kinds for the Western books collected from 1856 to 1945. Since 2006, to enhance the availability and preserve the contents of the archive recorded during the Japanese occupation era kept in NVRQS, we have initiated the NVRQS Veterinary Historical Archive project. Because most of them were written in old style Japanese language, it was difficult to understand and use them. So throughout historical research and careful investigation, we could translate them into Korean version It was a total of 8 volumes (3,375 pages) of books. Particularly, they include the reports investigating the outbreaks of rinderpest in Northeast Asia, characterizing its etiological agent and summarizing the methods for producing sera for the purpose of disease prevention. In these reports the quantity of the production and efficacy test results for them are also included. Furthermore, the dissemination of the major bovine parasitic diseases (pulmonary distoma and blood filaria) and Newcastle disease, pullorum disease, fowl cholera, fowl pox vaccine development, swine pox during the period ware described in that book. Because they deliver a lot of facts or events in the history of veterinary services in those days (e.g. the disease control efforts for rinderpest, anthrax and foot-and-mouth disease) and they convey the regulations or organizational information for disease control, quarantine or disease prevention at that time, they would be very informative to the related people even in these days. The successful veterinary services play essential role for livestock industry and contribute importantly to the food safety. All the required knowledges and technologies in the field of veterinary services for them are developed on the basis of the present and past experiences, so the use and preservation of old books are so important. NVRQS published 100 year-history describing the future and the past of NVRQS to celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2009. The old data, reports, photographs and records collected during the publication of100 year-history had been listed and preserved. Afterwards, the separate storage room for the historical archive is going to be built. Moreover, we will continue to do additional translation for the left and collect old veterinary books from outside or abroad to keep them from being lost and also make them preserved and useful. We expect that the people concerned in this fields can benefit greatly from this project of NVRQS Veterinary Historical Archive initiated from 2006 and there would be a continuous development in the field of agricultural and veterinary researches.

      • KCI등재

        동물병원 근로자에서의 알레르기 증상과 직업성 알레르기질환의 유병률

        이후장,박은기,김희규,최길순 대한 소아알레르기 호흡기학회 2020 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.8 No.4

        Purpose: Veterinary clinic workers are frequently exposed to various animal allergens, increasing the possibility of occupational allergy. However, allergic symptoms in this group have not been studied extensively. We aim to investigate the prevalence of allergic symptoms and especially occupational allergic diseases in veterinary clinic workers. Methods: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted. The questionnaire for allergic symptoms was sent to the veterinary clinic workers in the Gyeongsangnam-do region and was collected for statistical analysis. Occupational asthma, rhinitis, or dermatitis were defined as the new onset or worsening of each symptom at work and improvement in the condition while away from the work. Results: Ninety-five veterinary clinic workers participated in this study; 33.7% were male and their mean age was 33.7 years. Fifty-two subjects (54.7%) experienced conjunctivitis symptoms along with rhinitis symptoms. Fifty-seven subjects (60.0%) experienced rhinitis symptoms, but not cold or flu, and 40% of the subjects were suspected of having occupational rhinitis. Forty subjects reported that they had lower respiratory symptoms, while 11 (11.6%) and 4 subjects (4.2%) had asthma and occupational asthma, respectively. Twenty-two subjects with respiratory symptoms complained of symptom worsening upon contact with animals, especially cats. Of 95 subjects, 31 had skin itching, 11 reported skin rash, and 6 had occupational dermatitis. There was no significant difference in the type of work performed by the study participants. Conclusion: This study is the first to analyze the prevalence of allergic symptoms in veterinary clinic workers in Korea. The data can be employed for the prevention of occupational allergic diseases in veterinary clinic workers and can provide a basis for further studies. .

      • KCI등재

        동물의약품 기업의 입지특성 분석

        안성조 대한지방자치학회 2017 한국지방자치연구 Vol.19 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 동물의약품 기업의 입지특성을 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 선행연구의 검토를 통해 동물의약품 기업의 개념, 동향, 현황 등을 살펴보았고, 실증분석을 통해 동물의약품 기업의 입지특성, 입지만족도, 입지만족도 결정요인을 분석하였다. 실증분석을 위해 2016년 8월 10일부터 19일까지 10일간 팩스, 이메일, 우편 등으로 설문조사를 진행하였다. 연구대상인 동물의약품 관련기업은 한국동물약품협회 회원사로서 104개 회원사 중에 51개사가 조사되었다. 조사된 설문지는 SPSS 18.0을 이용하여 맨-휘트니검정과 판별분석을 시행하였다. 본 연구의 주요결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 동물의약품 기업의 투입특성에서는 보유기술 현황 및 수준에서 고만족기업이 저만족기업에 비해 높은 수준으로 분석되었다. 그러나 인력구성은 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 둘째, 수요특성에서는 연관기업 집적수준, 기업환경 등에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 그러나 거래처의 공간분포에서는 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 셋째, 전략 및 경쟁특성에서는 경쟁력과 발전전략은 고만족기업이 저만족기업에 비해 높게 나타났으나 관련기관과의 관계는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 넷째, 지원 및 제도특성에서는 관련기업과의 경쟁이 중요한 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 필요 지원정책은 융자 및 자금, 임대료 및 입주시설 등이 높게 분석되었다. 다섯째, 동물의약품 기업의 입지만족도를 결정하는 요인은 기업환경이 가장 높았다. 이어서 경쟁력 및 발전전략, 지원제도 및 정책, 보유기술 수준, 기능별 네트워크, 관련기업과의 관계, 기업집적 수준의 순이었다. 따라서 산학협력, 연구개발, 지자체 행정지원 등을 통해 기업환경을 개선하는 것이 가장 필요한 정책으로 분석되었다. This study aims at analyzing characteristics of locations of veterinary pharmaceutical companies. For this, through the review of the previous studies, the concept, trends, and current status of veterinary pharmaceutical companies were studied, and then through empirical analysis, characteristics of veterinary pharmaceutical companies, their satisfaction in locations, and determent factors of their satisfaction on locations were analyzed. For empirical analysis, for 10 days from August 10 to August 19, 2016, the questionnaire survey was conducted through fax, e-mail, and mail services. The subjects, companies related to veterinary products are members of KAHPA and among 104 members, 51 companies were studied. The questionnaire sheets collected were used for Mann-Whitney Test and Discriminant Analysis by using SPSS 18.00. The amin results of the study are summarized as follows. First, for the characteristics of input of veterinary pharmaceutical companies, in the current status and levels of their own technologies, highly satisfied companies showed higher level than lowly satisfied ones. However, the differences of personnel were not statistically significant. Second, for the characteristics of demands, there were significant differences in the integrated level of related companies and corporate environments, etc. However, spatial distribution of their contractors were not statistically significant. Third, for characteristics of strategies and competitions, competitiveness and development strategies were higher in highly satisfied companies than lowly satisfied ones but for relationship with other agencies did not show statistically significant differences. Fourth, for characteristics of support and institutions, competition with the related companies were important. And for needed support policies, loan, lease price, and facilities were high. Fifth, for factors deciding satisfaction of location by veterinary pharmaceutical companies, corporate environment was highest, and competitiveness and development strategies, support systems and policies, level of their own technologies, network by function, relationships with the related companies, and integrated level of companies followed in order.

      • KCI등재

        Stem Cell Therapy Status in Veterinary Medicine

        양우종,이수정,윤제원,이정익 한국조직공학과 재생의학회 2015 조직공학과 재생의학 Vol.12 No.4

        The stem cell therapy in veterinary medicine continues to grow both experimentally and clinically. Application of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell (MSC), umbilical cord blood-derived MSC, bone marrow-derived MSC and skeletal muscle-derived MSC for treatment of various diseases are currently in use for several species. However, the differential efficacies of various approaches are still being investigated. In stem cell therapy, common disease animal models include mouse, rat, rabbit, swine, canine, caprine, equine and dolphin are used. Whereas for clinical models, canine, equine are dolphin are used. We need attention and participation from the researchers of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, and now it is necessary to develop mutual understanding and cooperation between veterinary and human medicine fields. This review is focused on some of the recent status of stem cell therapy in the veterinary medicine.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 식민지 가축방역체계 연구

        노성룡(Noh SeongRyong) 한국사학회 2021 史學硏究 Vol.- No.142

        19세기 후반 일본은 조선에서 건너온 가축전염병이 크게 확산되자 조선을 방역지대화 하는 방법으로 일본을 방역하고자 했다. 식민지 가축방역체계 중 가장 먼저 정비 된 분야는 해항검역으로 이는 조선의 방역지대화가 일본을 방어하기 위한 목적으로 구축되었다는 것을 의미했다. 또한 식민지 가축방역체계는 일본의 방역이라는 목적을 수행하기 위해 방역의 효율성만 고려하는 방향으로 전개되었기 때문에 행정력과 물리력을 구비한 경찰을 중심으로 방역기구가 정비되었다. 경찰의 무단적 방역활동은 조선사회의 이해와 협력, 합리적 보상체계를 결여했기 때문에 강력한 반발에 직면했다. 이에 일본은 식민지 가축방역체계를 정당화하기 위해 수의와 면역혈청을 중심으로 하는 근대 수의학을 도입했다. 하지만 부족한 수의와 수의 양성기구, 면역혈청의 생산력 및 기술력의 한계 등으로 인해 기대만큼의 효과를 거둘 수 없었다. 그 결과 조선 사회의 반발이 더욱 거세졌고, 이는 방역의 효율성을 저해시켰다. 1910년대 무단통치가 장기적 통치모델로서 부적합했던 것처럼 가축방역체계 역시 장기적 방역모델로서는 한계를 노정할 수밖에 없었다. In the late 19th century, rinderpest from Korea spread to Japan. Japan tried to protect Japan by establishing a Colonial Livestock Infectious Diseases Control System(CLIDCS) in Korea. Therefore, Maritime Quarantine was first organized. The CLIDCS was organized around the colonial police with administrative power. The violent preventive measures activities of the colonial police faced strong opposition because they lacked the understanding, cooperation, and rational compensation system of Korean society. The backlash from Korean society hindered the effectiveness of preventive measures. The CLIDCS had limitations as a quarantine model.

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