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        윤지원 한국중국학회 2009 國際中國學硏究 Vol.0 No.12

        『管子』是先秦诸子学的重要文献, 它在中国哲学发展史上有重要的地位。 两千多年来, 『管子』并不为人所特别重视。 直到上世纪四十年代, 由于中国哲学史研究的进步, 学者们在对中国古籍中的哲学史史料进行重新整理和诠释时, 由郭沫若、 刘节二先生提出了『管子』四篇的概念, 并认为其所表现的思想代表中国哲学史上重要的一环。 『管子』四篇指的是『管子』中的「心术上」、 「心术下」、 「白心」、 「内业」四篇。 其中的「心术上」、 「心术下」、 「内业」三篇间的关系较为密切, 而「白心」篇和前面的这三篇关系较为疏远, 思想上的差异也更大。 但四篇总体表现出鲜明的成熟期的黄老学思想特征。 『管子』的道论主要三条思路: 第一、 『管子』继承老子天道自然观, 认为道是无形、 无名, 是万物运动变化的规律和依据, 它化生万物而又内在于万物, 其理论思惟超出了社会人生界限, 深入到对宇宙本体的探索。 『管子』又将道解释为“精气”。 其二, 它虽取道家自然观, 但又不绝礼弃仁。 它又取儒家的伦理道德观, 从人道方面论道, 把道的涵义又规定为仁与义等。 其三, 它又取法家主刑的理论, 从法的方面探索了道的规定性, 然而又与法家讲刑罚轻礼义不同, 而注重礼义教化的重要作用。 『管子』的道论, 乃是兼采各家的思想, 体现了融合百家的倾向。

      • KCI등재

        The Role and Tasks of Military Diplomacy as a Middle Power in the Global Era

        윤지원 국방대학교 국가안전보장문제연구소 2015 The Korean Journal of Security Affairs Vol.20 No.1

        The main intention of this article is to evaluate the main role and tasks of international peace operations, such as UN Peacekeeping Operations (PKO), Multinational Force peace operations (MNF), and the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Korean army hard power and soft power operations in the global era in the forms of recovery support activities will also be discussed. We also examine the formation and reconstruction of networks with the local public and how these military diplomacy activities ultimately contributed to the expansion of public diplomacy and other necessary tasks. As a new area of public diplomacy, military diplomacy is further expanding in various ways through international peacekeeping operations. Unlike existing studies, this essay considers the role of the Ashena Unit in the promotion of national benefits and public diplomacy by supporting the reconstruction of Afghanistan and the Akh Unit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) since 2010 that have been dispatched to non-battle regions. They are regarded as a new paradigm of dispatch on the extended expansion of public diplomacy of middle powers.

      • KCI등재

        Security Threats and Military Strategic Factors in the Russo–Ukrainian War: Focusing on the Russia's Identification of Greater Eurasianism and the Instability of the Buffer Zone*

        윤지원 인하대학교 국제관계연구소 2023 Pacific Focus Vol.38 No.2

        The Russo–Ukrainian war has lasted longer than expected due to a combination of two reasons: security threats and military‐strategic conflicts. It turned out that through this conflict, the paradigm of war has changed rapidly enough to be called a game changer. This article aims to provide a theoretical analysis of the main factors in Russia's foreign policy that concern a security threat to the instability of the geopolitical buffer zone and Greater Eurasian military strategy, including the leadership of Putinism 4.0, which influenced the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It examines the development aspects and implications of special military Operation Z, which is regarded as Russia's defense military strategy against conflicts with NATO's eastward expansion and Eurasian pluralism. The analysis found that Russia's military strategy and foreign policy will be preemptive and proactive in seeking international security and global order, but at times, however, they show defensive and reactive characteristics. As examined, external factors such as security threats to the identity of a great power in Eurasia, instability in the buffer zone, fear of encirclement on the border, and historical and ethnic factors are expected to serve as constant variables in the decision‐making process of Russia's military strategy and foreign policy.

      • KCI등재

        대학 교양교육으로서의 안전교육에 대한 인식 조사 연구

        윤지원,제남주,박미라 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.3

        This study aims to deploy it as a basic data in developing liberal arts education relating to safety education, analyzing perception and demands on safety levels targeting university students of a certain university. We adopted the students for C university as a participants who understood the purpose of this study and agreed to participate, and collected data from Google Online for their convenience and anonymity for a week, 5th to 11th May in 2022. 228 participants were responded but only 219 questionnaires were used for analysis because 9 questionnaires were insufficient. To measure university students’ perception and demands on safety education, questions using five-points likert scale were given to the respondents ‘Do you think how safe the corresponding content is?’ and ‘How much do you want to get a safety education?’ based on life-term safety education presented by Ministry of Public Administration and Security to clarify the level of safety and demands on safety education for 6 fields, 23 areas. According to the results of perception and demands on safety education, It is important that students of C-university are aware of the importance of safety education and there are high demands on safety education and these are the evidence to support the necessity of developing safety related subjects. This result can provide meaning of study in considering a direction to future safety education courses.

      • KCI등재

        墨子의 戰爭思想硏究

        윤지원 한국중국문화학회 2013 中國學論叢 Vol.40 No.-


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