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      • (The) Caretaker의 희극성

        김동율 동아대학교 대학원 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 2911

        The plays of Harold Pinter are comedies. Only within the mood of comedy are Pinter's serious intentions intelligible. Specially The Caretaker, one of Pinter's most obscure plays and also one of his best, is closely interwoven by the comic and the tragic. Although the play uses traditional elements of comedy, it maskes seriousness so terrible that characters improvise with any ploy at hand to avoid it. The characters appear to be playing a kind of hide-and-seek, a game that is actually very popular in this continually evasive world of Pinter's, where all would rather hide than seek and be safe in the burrow of their own darkness, like a child covering its eyes so as not to be seen. But there are seekers all around, and since there is always the chance of being found out it is often better to pretend to be the aggressor who seeks rather than the defendant who hides. In The Caretaker, the rules of hide-and-seek allow each player a double role: each has to hide his sense of identity from the others, while seeking to find out more about these others in return. It's a particularly dangerous game in Pinter's view, since it encompasses what they all try to keep away from. The characters are basically comic, but unlike conventional characters who bounce back no matter how many they are hit, these characters do not bounce back. They are not permitted happy endings to rescue them from the brink. So they are comic victims. The impact of catastrophic resolution is felt more keenly since the characters are presented initially as comic, the contract between the inconsequentiality of their affairs and their bad ends leaves audiences confused and shocked. It is enigmatic and puzzling that a playwright allows his comic characters to suffer catastrophes as serious as those of tragic characters. Pinter is working in a basically realistic mode, mixing comic and serious elements. The characters speak ordinary words, never seem to be absurd and unrealistic. When we, however, try to understand the play with reason or logic, we feel confused and threatened by the character's language. Ironically the language for communication is not to be communicated. The language is relating each with the meaning of the play and the existential reality behind the language. Harold Pinter's plays use traditional comic setting. The Caretaker also appears to be about the physical possession of a room. The room is used realistically as a setting, but it also has symbolic meaning. The characters have a fantasy to confirm their identity by possession of a room. The fantasy represents a temporary refuge from the menace out of the room. The process of stepping into a fantastic world is comic. Ironically, however, the fantasy is not for a refuge but for a ruin. Consequently, through the comic characters and the comic language and the comic fantasy, we can see the seriousness of The Caretaker. By use of the comic, Pinter shows us the existential meaning in modern society.

      • The Caretaker에 나타난 의사소통 연구

        김명희 강원대학교 교육대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 2894

        Pinter has been influenced by the philosophy of Beckett and Kafka in modern existentialism, and takes it as his starting point in man's confrontation with himself, the nature of his own being, and fundamental anxiety. In Pinter's plays, an existential fear is not just a philosophical abstraction. Man's existential fear is ordinary and acceptable as everyday occurrence. Pinter remains on the firm ground of everyday reality. The Caretaker is a three-character play. Mick and Aston are brothers, who have been in a room. Aston is good natured and ready to help his fellow human beings. Aston invites Davies, the old tramp, to stay with him in his room. Despite Aston's trial attempt to start a conversation with Davies, his deep longing for friendship and communication has obviously been failed. Having problem in building up relationship in the play, they individually struggle with their inner voice such as identity, non-communication and threat. The purpose of this thesis is to study a way of communication between characters' dialogue and its effect on their relationship in Pinter's The Caretaker. Pinter has attempted a linguistic solecisms of the English spoken language for his special intention or utmost dramatic purpose. A true understanding of Pinter's use of language should be based on more fundamental considerations as the function of language and generally started in ordinary human intercourse itself. Pinter uses different ways for his dialogue without speech such as silence, pause and three dots. The silence changes the subject of the conversation to a much deeper level and leads audience to the climax of his play. When Pinter asks for a pause, he indicates that an intense thought process continues and the unspoken speech mounts. Three dots are inserted in dialogue of a character to show their insecure mental status and inability in communication. Three characters, Davies who is confused with his identity, Aston who fails to relate and communication with other characters, and Mick who threatens the weak with the aggressive use of language, symbolize fundamental aspect of human beings. Their characteristics of their use of language, which includes silence, pauses and three dots, repetitions, and outbursts of words, shows the three men's frustrated dreams. Aston's dream to decorate a fancy house, Davies's dream to return where he comes from and Mick's dream to make penthouse are frustrated, and they are left alone with nothing in the end as they were at the beginning.

      • 반려동물 주 양육자를 위한 애착증진 돌봄교육 프로그램 적용 및 효과

        이경미 원광대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 2857

        The purpose of this study is to design a pet care education program to promote secure attachment for the positive pet-effects, reduce the burden of primary caretakers, and verify its effectiveness. The major research questions of this study are as follows: First, what is the composition of the secure attachment pet care education program? Second, did the secure attachment pet care education program reduce the care burden, insecure attachment of the primary caretaker and have a positive pet-effect (individuals benefit from the presence of companion animals)? Third, how was the experience of parental sensitivity for the promotion of secure attachment of the participants in the program? In order to verify the effectiveness of the Secure Attachment Pet Care Education Program (SAPCE), the participants were 20 primary caretakers of dogs (ranging in age from 45 to 64 years old), all living in G city, who did not participate in any other special pet education program and raised a dog for more than one year. Subjects were randomly assigned two different groups of 10 people each. The experimental group was trained and the control group was untrained. A total of 12 sessions of 120 minutes per session, three times a week, were conducted for the experimental group. Whereas, the control group was not. The three scales were measured on Pet Care Burden, Pet-Attachment Questionnaire (PAQ), and Pet-Effect for the program before and after training equally for the two groups. For the data analysis, SPSS 29.0 was used. The Mann-Whitney U test was utilized for the verification of pre-homogeneity and post-difference between groups. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was conducted to verify the pre-post differences in the groups. In order to see the effects between the groups and the time differences before and after, The repeated measures of ANOVA were also conducted to verify the final effect of the program. The research results applying this program are as follows: First, to construct the SAPCE program, previous studies were reviewed, it was found that parental sensitivity and awareness was the most important factor in promoting attachment. And the program model was based on the development model of Kim Chang-dae(2020) in four stages of planning, composition, application, and evaluation through expert consultation. Second, as a result of the pet care burden scale, a significant decrease was found in the experimental group. The SAPCE program had the effect of reducing the care burden of the primary caretakers. As a result of the PAQ scale, there was no significant difference in the avoidant attachment, but a significant decrease in anxiety attachment was shown in the experimental group. As a result of the pet effect analysis, the score of the experimental group increased, but it was not significant. On the other hand, there was a significant decrease in the control group. The fact that only the control group showed a significant change in the pet-effect, interprets that those who did participate in the program could not. Third, through tasks and group discussions of the primary caretakers who participated in the experiment, it was found that parental sensitivity increased and positive parenting behavior changes were found in their relationship. Although this study is limited in that it is difficult to generalize the research results because it was targeted to primary caretakers raising pets in a specific region. The effects of applying a secure attachment pet care program has not yet been developed in Korea. However, the secure attachment pet care education program presented basic data that the mutual bond of humans and pets are must be meaningful. 본 연구의 목적은 애착증진 돌봄교육 프로그램이 반려동물 주 양육자의 돌봄부담감, 애착안정성, 반려동물 효과에 미치는 효과를 검증하는 데 있다. 이러한 목적으로 다음과 같이 연구문제를 설정하였다. 첫째, 애착증진 돌봄교육 프로그램의 구성은 어떠한가? 둘째, 애착증진 돌봄교육 프로그램이 주 양육자의 돌봄부담감과 불안정애착을 감소시키고 긍정적인 반려동물 효과를 가져왔는가? 셋째, 안정애착 증진을 위한 양육민감성의 경험은 어떠한가? 본 연구의 애착증진 돌봄교육 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위해 G시 거주 45세에서 64세의 반려동물 주 양육자 20명을 모집하여 실험집단 10명, 통제집단 10명을 무선할당 방식으로 배정하였다. 연구대상은 1년 이상 반려견을 기르고 있고 반려동물관련 전문적 교육경험이 없는 사람으로 하였고, 실험집단에게는 주 3회 120분씩 총 12회기를 실시하였으며 통제집단은 실시하지 않았다. 본 연구의 효과를 측정하기 위해 반려동물 돌봄부담감, 반려동물 애착, 반려동물 효과 척도를 사용해, 실험집단과 통제집단을 대상으로 사전과 사후에 동일하게 검사를 실시하였다. 자료분석은 SPSS 29.0을 사용하였다. 집단 간 사전 동질성 검증과 사후 차이 검증을 위하여 Mann-Whitney U 검정을 실시하였다. 집단 내 사전·사후 차이검증을 위하여 Wilcoxon 부호순위 검정을 실시하고, 마지막으로 시점과 집단 간의 상호작용 효과를 보기 위해 반복측정분산분석(Repeated Measures ANOVA)을 실시하여 프로그램의 최종적 효과를 검증하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 연구의 프로그램 구성을 위해 선행연구를 통해 애착증진 구성요소로 양육민감성을 선정하고, 프로그램 모형은 김창대(2020)의 프로그램 개발 모형에 근거하여 기획, 구성, 적용, 평가의 4단계에 따라 전문가 협의를 통해 구안하였다. 둘째, 돌봄부담감 척도 분석결과 실험집단에서 유의한 감소가 나타나 애착증진 돌봄교육 프로그램이 주 양육자의 돌봄 부담감을 감소시키는 효과가 있음을 입증했다. 그리고 반려동물 애착척도 분석 결과, 회피애착에서는 유의한 차이가 없었으나 불안애착에서 실험집단에게 유의하게 감소를 보였다. 애착증진 돌봄교육 프로그램이 회피애착에는 영향을 주지 않았지만 불안애착을 감소시키는 효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 반려동물 효과 분석 결과, 실험집단의 점수는 상승했지만 유의미하지 않았다. 반면 통제집단에서 유의미하게 감소하게 나타나 애착증진 돌봄교육 프로그램이 참여한 주 양육자들의 긍정적 반려동물 효과의 감소를 막은 것으로 해석된다. 셋째, 실험에 참여한 주 양육자들의 과제와 그룹 토론을 통해 양육민감성이 증가하고 양육행동 변화에 따른 반려동물과의 관계에 긍정적인 변화를 발견할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 일부 지역의 반려견을 양육하는 주 양육자를 대상으로 하였기에 연구결과를 일반화하기 어렵다는 한계가 있지만, 국내에서 아직 개발되지 않은 반려동물과의 애착증진 프로그램을 구안하여 애착과 돌봄부담감, 반려동물 효과의 관계성을 파악하여 반려동물과 인간과의 상호 유대를 기반한 돌봄교육 기초자료를 제시했다는 점에 의의가 있다.

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