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      • 경기도 엘리트체육 위기 대처를 위한 도내 체육단체의 역할과 발전방향

        양영화 경기대학교 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 248702

        본 논문의 목적은 그동안 경기도 엘리트체육이 얼마나 많은 성과를 내고 있으며 그 성과가 어떻게 대한민국에 기여 했는가를 2008년 베이징 하계올림픽, 2010년 캐나다 동계올림픽, 2012년 런던 하계올림픽 등에 출전한 경기도 선수와 그 성적을 분석하여 나타내고자 하였으며, 최근 이러한 성과가 나타나기까지 경기도내 체육단체가 그동안 노력해온 부분이 부각되기 보다는 경기도는 인구가 서울보다 많고 지역별 엘리트 선수 및 팀이 많으며, 경기도에서 지원되는 예산도 충분하여『당연하다』는 의견과 『이정도 성과가 있었으니 스포츠 선진국이라는 일본의 체육시스템을 도입하여 엘리트 체육보다는 생활체육 분야를 발전시켜야 엘리트 분야가 발전한다.』라는 여론이 형성되기도 하였다. 하지만 이런『당연하다』는 인식이 내?외부 환경변화 요인에 의해 이제는 더 이상『당연하지 않은』현실로 다가오고 있음에도 대다수의 관계자들이 이러한 위기의식을 느끼지 못하고 있는 실정이므로, 본 논문은 현시점에서 경기도 엘리트체육에 대한 위기를 도출하고, 그에 따른 위기 해소방안을 다루고자 하였다. 본 논문에서 도출한 엘리트 체육의 위기와 위기 해소방안은 현재 경기도내 체육단체가 직면한 당면과제로서 지속적인 환경변화 속에서 변화에 능동적으로 적응하여 새로운 기관으로 변해야 한다는 것을 본 논문을 통해 연구하고자 한다.

      • 장애인 엘리트체육 지도자의 언어피드백 기술적 분석

        손승환 한국체육대학교 사회체육대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        본 연구는 엘리트 장애인체육지도자들이 제공하는 언어 피드백 형태를 체계적 관찰을 통해 분석하고 피드백 유형과 그 구체성을 분석 및 장애인체육 전공 지도자와 비전공 지도자간의 언어피드백 내용, 구체성, 빈도에 차이가 있는지를 비교․분석 하여 장애인체육 지도자들의 지도법 개발과 피드백 제공행동 강화에 필요한 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 대상자는 대한장애인체육회 가맹경기단체 소속 지도자 중 지체장애를 대상으로 지도하고 있는 지도자 10명으로 구성하였으며 이들의 지도 상황에서 Siedentop(1983)이 개발한 “피드백 제공 행동기록지”를 사용하여 음성정보를 수집 후 사건기록법을 적용하여 기록하였다. 지도자의 피드백 제공 형태에 관련된 자료를 구체적으로 제시하기 위하여 피험자의 지도형태의 구체성과 내용성 그리고 지도자의 교육 배경에 따라 비교 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과가 나타났다. 첫째, 엘리트 장애인체육 전공 지도자는 훈련과정에서 제공하는 언어 피드백의 제공 빈도를 비교했을 때 스포츠 기능 피드백을 사회적 행동 피드백보다 많이 제공되고 있었다. 둘째, 엘리트 장애인체육 비전공 지도자는 훈련과정에서 제공하는 언어 피드백의 제공 빈도를 비교했을 때 스포츠 기능 피드백을 사회적 행동 피드백보다 많이 제공되고 있었다. 셋째, 엘리트 장애인체육 전공, 비전공 지도자는 사회적 행동 피드백보다 스포츠 기능 피드백을 많이 제공하였다.

      • 전후 독일 체육정책의 변천

        박성률 경북대학교 대학원 2008 국내박사

        RANK : 248687

        With the object of setting the direction of Korean sports policies, the present study divided postwar German sports (1949 ? 2000) into physical education, elite sports and sports for all and examined their development from the viewpoints of policy and history. For this purpose, we carried out tasks as follows. First, we analyzed and summarized the background of sports policy development, sports administration systems, physical education, elite sports and sports for all in West Germany. Second, we analyzed and summarized the background of sports policy development, sports administration systems, physical education, elite sports and sports for all in East Germany. Third, we analyzed and summarized the background of sports policy development, sports administration systems, physical education, elite sports and sports for all in Unified Germany. In order to carry out these tasks, we collected reports issued by the German government (Sportbericht der Bundesregierung), laws and regulations, yearbooks, reports of previous research, relevant literature, etc., and performed a descriptive study. Because the main focus of this study was on explaining how sports policies and sports administration systems in postwar Germany were developed along with historical, social and environmental changes, we tried to provide broad and accurate materials necessary for understanding postwar German sports policies. This chapter summarized sports policies and sports administration systems and the development of policies on physical education, elite sports and sports for all in East Germany, West Germany and Unified Germany, and presented conclusions drawn from analyzing the data. First, the results of examining sports policies and sports administration systems in East Germany, West Germany and Unified Germany are summarized as follows. Sports policies and sports administration systems in West Germany were developed in close connection with political situations such as democratic ideals of the Weimar Republic, fascism of national socialists, and the policies of the Allied Forces. In particular, the misuse of physical education and sports by the Third Reich had an important influence on the West German government’s establishment of democratic sports administration systems centering on sports clubs, which guaranteed the autonomy of individuals and organizations according to the general principles of the Constitution. Sports policies and sports administration systems in East Germany were developed under the influence of the Soviet Union based on socialistic principles. The East German government controlled physical education and sports in the national dimension, and established centralized sports administration systems based on the socialistic ideology specified in the Constitution. Furthermore, through the establishment of such systems, the government aimed at the promotion of elite sports with political intentions to establish its national identity and to prove the superiority of the political system in international society. On the other hand, with the reunification of Germany in 1990, almost all sports administration organizations and federations in the East German area were restructured into sports associations in five states except Berlin by the Agreement on Unification, and currently, they are absorbed into the German Sport Federation (DSB: Deutscher Sportbund) in the West German area. What is more, most of organizations related to elite sports were dissolved except Body Culture & Sports Research Institute and Sports Equipment Development Research Institute. This suggests that West Germany was in a superior position to East Germany in the process of integrating physical education and sports systems. Second, the results of examining physical education in East Germany, West Germany and Unified Germany are summarized as follows. During the early period of postwar West Germany, physical education was promoted for health. Physical education in the 1960s aimed to develop competitive personality, to promote competitive sports, and to prepare for lifelong physical education, and sports education and related education methods from the late 1970s to 1980 created new sports culture with a strong tendency of individualism, breaking away from traditional goals of physical education. Such a social trend influenced physical education. That is, through the change of education methods, physical education came to emphasize cooperation and individuals’ athletic abilities as demanded by the society. Physical education in East Germany was an important element for socialist ideologies and culture specified in the Constitution, and was developed with the object of enhancing the status of the country. The East German government perceived that physical education is an essence in the socialist structure, and plays important roles in the establishment and development of patriotic sentiment. In particular, physical education was adopted as a compulsory or common subject. The curriculum was managed by the central government, and was controlled strictly by the state government in a way of meeting the requirements of the state and the party. By the influence of the Soviet Union, physical education during the early period of East Germany accepted the meaning of body education, and adopted body education in the form of semi?military training as a basic subject. Since participation in the Olympics Games in the early 1960s, East Germany developed the curriculum of physical education with contents and practices for the formation of socialist personality, high athletic performance through elite sports, and the inspiration of nationalism. From the early 1980s, however, East German physical education began to encourage leisure sports for health, physical abilities, emotional stability and motivation, and adolescents’ morality and attitude meeting the requirements of society. It was because the East German government recognized the change of the times and tried to apply democratic education methods to students through physical education. On the other hand, after the unification, most of East German education systems were abolished. West Germany completely ignored positive elements in the physical education system of East Germany, and most of the new states were forced to adopt the curriculums of their sister states in the west area with partial revision and restructuring. Furthermore, because physical education was considered a vestige of East Germany’s elite sports system in the past, teachers took the position of a bystander rather than being involved in students’ physical activities in order to save themselves from being criticized as authoritarian socialists. Moreover, teachers who were not familiar with open education were confused at new teaching methods and students experienced many problems in unaccustomed forms of practices. Third, the results of examining elite sports in East Germany, West Germany and Unified Germany are summarized as follows. Elite sports in West Germany were supported and developed in the form of amateurism centering of sports clubs due to the West Allied Forces’ blockade policy and experiences related to the misuse of sports by national socialists. In the 1970s, West Germany introduced new systems and formed support organizations in cooperation with sports science for promoting elite sports. Sports science, which contributed to high athletic performance of elite sports in West Germany during the 1970s, changed its direction to be human?centered from the mid 1980s and made efforts to improve safety and to develop scientific training methods and sports equipment and facilities. However, the West German government’s purposeful reforms in connection to international political situations, namely, the results of the Olympics and international competitions did not make significant changes in the country’s elite sports system, and rather caused negative influence on elite sports. In its early period, East Germany promoted elite sports for upgrading its international status and establishing socialistic patriotism, and all groups were organized centering on the government. In the 1960s, East Germany promoted elite sports through scientific supports, in particular, standardized observation and improvement in the selection system for displaying the superiority of the socialist system. In the 1970s, the East German government reorganized and reinforced systems such as sports badge for encouraging physical activities throughout the country, and promoted various forms of competitions including international goodwill matches, cup matches and memorial matches. In addition, administrative support systems for promoting elite sports in East Germany were supervised by the German Gymnastic and Sports Federation(DTSB: Deutscher Turn? und Sportbund), and the East German government recognized the roles and importance of experts in the promotion of elite sports and provided scientific and educational supports connected to the field through Leipzig Sport University, Body Culture & Sports Research Institute, and Sports Medicine Support Center. On the other hand, Unified Germany was given the assignments to integrate elite sports systems and groups with contradictory underlying ideologies of socialism and democracy and to set a new direction for promoting elite sports. Particularly in the process of integrating sports administration systems, how to dispose educational and sports science groups, which had contributed to the elite sports of East Germany in the past, was raised as a social problem, and most of organizations related to elite sports were dissolved except Body Culture & Sports Research Institute and Sports Equipment Development Research Institute. Furthermore, doping in East Germany was criticized by West German people. These problems arising from the integration process had negative influence on Germans as well as on the emotional unity between old East and West German athletes and their participation in international competitions. Fourth, the results of examining sports for all in East Germany, West Germany and Unified Germany are summarized as follows. Sports clubs, which were the centers of sports?for?all organizations in West Germany, originated from typical gymnastics clubs in Germany. From 1960 West Germany executed the ‘Golden Plan’ as a nationwide policy to solve problems arising from industrialization through the development of sports facilities. From 1970 the German Sport Federation waged the ‘Trim Campaign’ to induce alienated people to participate in sports activities and to promote healthy leisure culture instead of competitive sports, and in the early 1980s the practice of sports in everyday life was promoted through the ‘Trimming 130 Campaign.’ These nationwide plans increased the number of clubs and members steadily until 1990, and different from traditional Germany sports clubs, the increase was remarkable in female members. During the early postwar period, sports organizations in East Germany were founded mostly by institutions outside schools including the German Gymnastic and Sports Federation and the Physical Education Association, and contributed to the expansion of the base of sports for all in East Germany. In addition, East Germany supported sports for all by provisions in the Labor Law, and provided important bases for activating workers’ physical activities and sports. In particular, physical activities and sports for laborers were developed in the national dimension, and their main goals were the development of social personality among people and the expansion of the base of sports. The foundation of East German policies on sports for all was German socialism and its traditional principles. The national policies were implemented by the German Gymnastic and Sports Federation and the Physical Education Association. These institutions exerted their influence on every area of sports for all and physical education in East Germany. Particularly in order to mange and control organizations and groups, the German Gymnastic and Sports Federation and the Physical Education Association were deeply involved in the organization and operation of sports groups, the training and education of sports personnel, the system management of organizations, sports?related facilities, financing, etc. Moreover, unification between ideas demanded by the state and organization systems and the efficiency of works among organizations were reinforced through systems provoking competition among the organizations. Consequently, East Germany obliged its people to participate in sports for all, and based on the policy, it induced them to comply with the ideologies of the state, organizations and groups through organized control. On the other hand, sports for all policies in Unified Germany were focused on people’s participation in local sports organizations through expanding sports facilities from the old East German area based on the constitutional spirit of ‘equal life condition.’ However, the consequence of this policy after 10 years was quite contrary to expectation. That is, people’s desire to participate in sports was heightened due to the introduction of market economy to the old East Germany area and the change of lifestyle, but opportunities to participate in sports through the expansion of facilities rather decreased due to financial aggravation. Firth, based on the results of analyzing physical education in East German and West Germany and examining sports policies in Unified German, we drew conclusions and suggest implications as follows. Physical education in East Germany is distinguished from that in West Germany in a number of points. First of all, the ideology pursued by physical education or sports for all was different between socialism and democracy, and as a result, the directions of their policies for physical education were also contradictory to each other. However, they showed homogeneity in that both supported elite sports in the national dimension as an effort to display the superiority of their systems. Second, East Germany promoted traditional nationalistic sports policies, but West Germany promoted democratic sports policies centering on local self?governing bodies. Lastly, sports policies in Unified German were restructured mainly centering on West Germany. The results of this study give us a number of implications. Physical education, elite sports and sports for all under the government’s control were, though called in different names, closely interconnected and used as means to enhance the status of the country and to maintain the system, and the results of international competitions were excellent. On the contrary, physical education in West Germany, which executed nationalistic policies in the democratic system, was relatively inferior in raising elite athletes, but is considered to have contributed to the fundamental goals of physical education in terms of education and welfare. The change of physical education in Unified Germany also gives us important implications. That is, the direction of physical education can be significantly different depending on to which system the integration is made, and the exchange of sports can play a huge role for national reunification.

      • 전북체육 중 · 고등학교 설립 및 변천과정과 체육사적 의미

        유은총 전북대학교 교육대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        This study is a historical study conducted for Jeonbuk sports middle and high schools, and it is a thesis for local sports high schools. Due to the necessity of this study, psychology, physiology, and sociological studies directly related to the field were actively carried out on the thesis for Korean physical education high schools. However, there is no research on the historical significance of sports, and in particular, there are very few papers targeting Jeonbuk sports middle and high schools. The legislative act established by the Physical Education School was established based on the National Sports Act. As for Jeonbuk Athletic Middle and High School, Physical Education Middle School was first established in 1973. At that time, it was found through research that the student-athletes who entered the first round lived in the Jeonju Public Stadium for about a year before living in the Songcheon-dong site. Boxing player Nam-gyu Cho, who was active in the 1970s and won a medal in his first international competition as a member of Jeonbuk Physical Education High School, and Ok-geum Jeon, a track and field athlete who set a new record at the 61st National Sports Festival. Seo Yeon-hee, Seok Soo-gwang, Park Ji-sook, and Lee Hee-kyung, the leading role of gymnastics mecca in the 1980s and 1990s As the Soyang site was relocated, there were wrestling, swimming, and taekwondo teams that showed an even upward trend by sport and showed steady results in national sports events. In particular, it can be seen that the record of the bicycle department has increased exponentially after winning one gold at the 2011 National Sports Festival. Jeonbuk Athletic High School has recorded more than 10 gold medals for three consecutive years since 2018. One of the leading figures is Yu Gyu-min, who achieved a new Korean record in the South High School triple jump of 16.43 m in the 100th national sports event. Also, at the 102nd National Sports Festival, Moon Hae-jin won two events in the sprint distance of 100,200m, Kim Kyung-tae, who won both the Greco-Roman and Freestyle 2 titles in wrestling, achieved the first record in 18 years since 2003. The reason for achieving such a record is not only the sweat of the players and the anguish of the coaches, The Jeonbuk Athletic Association, the Dream Tree Selection Contest and World Star Development Project, which was made possible by working hard to discover Jeonbuk Sports Gifted Students. But these great players are leaking out. Jeollabuk-do Athletic Association support budget is gradually decreasing. In addition, as only one out of three public institutions in Jeonbuk Innovation City operates an unemployment team, the outflow of excellent players in the province is inevitable. Due to the insufficient budget in the province, the defection of the leaders and the famine of the unemployed team compared to other attempts, lack of training equipment, and the shortage of youth players in Jeonbuk are the reality. If these problems are not addressed, excellent athletes will be leaked to other cities and provinces, and expectations for Olympic medalists from Jeollabuk-do will fall. Jeonbuk Athletic Middle and High School plays the role of not only nurturing student athletes, but in order to lead to the development of sports in Jeollabuk-do, we need to focus on attracting excellent athletes. It will be able to further contribute to the development of Jeonbuk sports.

      • 은퇴선수 경력개발 및 진로전환 사업에 대한 비판적 탐색

        최문정 성균관대학교 일반대학원 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        국가가 은퇴선수들에게 무엇을 해줄 수 있는가에 대한 대안을 모색한 끝에 은퇴선수 경력개발 및 진로전환을 목적으로 ‘은퇴선수 진로지원’ 사업이 추진되고 있다. 하지만 은퇴선수에게 실질적인 도움을 주는 데 사업 운영상에 많은 문제점이 나타나고 있다. 이러한 문제점에 대처하여 국가체육의 발전과 국위선양을 위하여 전력을 투구한 은퇴선수들을 위한 국내 진로지원 체제가 체계적으로 개발되고 실행되어야 할 필요성이 있을 것이다. 이와 같은 사회적 요청에 따라서 본 연구에서는 국내 은퇴선수 진로지원 사업의 참여 및 운영 실태에 따른 현장지향적인 문제점을 구체화하고, 이를 바탕으로 국내의 스포츠 환경과 정책을 고려하여 은퇴선수 진로지원 체제를 합리적이고 효용성 있게 구축할 수 있도록 정책적·전략적 지원 방안을 제안하는 데 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 국내 은퇴선수 진로지원 사업이 대표적으로 운영되고 있는 체육인재육성재단과 대한체육회를 중심으로 프로그램 참여자 6명, 프로그램 운영의 책임 실무자 2명, 학계 측 전문가 2명을 대상으로 총 10명의 연구 참여자들과 심층면담을 실시하였다. 이상의 과정을 통하여 도출된 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 은퇴선수 진로지원 사업 추진배경은 기존에 엘리트체육 중심의 패러다임에서 벗어나 현재는 국가적으로 엘리트 운동선수들의 선수인권을 보장하는 정책적 기조 아래, 은퇴선수들의 진로지원 사업은 학생선수시절부터 진로를 보장해야 한다는 사업 추진의 당위성이 강조되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 은퇴선수 진로지원 사업 참여 및 운영 실태는 선수들의 진로를 준비하고 대비할 수 있는 장으로써 은퇴선수 진로지원 사업이 주요한 역할을 담당하고 있음에도 불구하고, 은퇴선수 개인이 진로준비가 현저하게 결핍되어 있는 상태에서 사업에 참여하기 때문에 단기간의 교육 및 지원을 통하여 진로지원 사업 참여의 효과를 나타내기에는 한계점이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 전담 기관과 전문 인력에 의한 충분한 연구 끝에 중장기적인 목표를 두고 교육 및 지원이 이루어져야 함에도 불구하고, 무분별한 지원의 결과는 진로지원 사업의 운영의 효과성을 저해시키고 있는 직접적인 요인으로 나타났다. 셋째, 은퇴선수 진로지원 체제 구축 방안은 1) 진로지원 사업의 효과성을 극대화시킬 수 있도록 지원 범위를 학생선수 시기부터 은퇴기까지 확대하여 표준화된 진로지원 기준을 설정해야 할 필요가 있다. 2) 선수 개인과 선수의 진로에 결정적 영향을 미치는 중요타자들의 인식이 전환될 수 있도록 진로개발 환경을 조성시켜야 할 필요가 있다. 3) 은퇴선수 진로지원 사업에 참여를 유도할 수 있는 직접적인 유인책을 제공하여야 할 필요가 있다. 4) 은퇴선수들의 능력별·수준별 진단을 바탕으로 맞춤형 진로교육 및 지원이 제공되어야 할 필요가 있다. 5) 전담기관 및 전문 인력 양성 체제를 구축함으로써 체계적으로 계획하고 관리되어야 할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 은퇴선수 진로지원 체제를 구축시키기 위해 제안한 구체적인 정책적·전략적 방안은 제안하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 엘리트 운동선수들의 생애주기별 진로개발을 위해 학교체육진흥법·국민체육진흥법 개정(안)을 제안하였다. 둘째, 선수·지도자 가산점 및 의무고용제 제도를 도입시키기 위해 선수 및 지도자 가산점 적용을 통한 의무고용제 도입방법과 절차를 제안하였다. 셋째, 은퇴선수 진로지원 전담센터 설치의 효율성을 고려하였을 때, 가칭 ‘은퇴선수 진로지원 전담센터’를 설치 모형을 제안하였다.

      • 학교 엘리트체육 운영에 대한 교직원의 의식에 관한 연구

        최상호 경성대학교 교육대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        This study was to get a basic data about the orientation, the management, and the activating device of desirable school elite P.E. policy and the supervision of players, so teachers' - principals, coaches, and the teachers in charge of athletic clubs - awareness about school elite P.E. was inquired. To analyze the awareness about the athletic clubs through the distinction of sex, school level, career, and teachers' position, it has selected 405 teachers who are related to the athletic clubs. The results are as follows; 1) As for the distinction of sex in awareness about athletic club, it is given in both sexes that the managers who used to be players were the very men. They helped the players participated in national sized tournament to approve players' abilities. Overcompetition was the most preferentially considerable point in the management of all sort of athletic sports. In addition, both the exemption of tuition fees and private sports goods were provided to the players. 2) As for the distinction of school level in awareness, it is given that elementary schools are more helpful than middle schools in activation of school P.E. In the capability to be a good player of the student who has a lone mother or father, the middle school students had less capable than the elementary school students. As the desirable activating plan of athletic clubs, special budget support was needed in elementary schools. On the other hand, the structural variety of players' future jobs was needed in middle schools. 3) As for the distinction of teachers' career in awareness, it is given that the teachers who has taught for many years occupied the playground much more than the teachers who has taught for a few years, so it prevented the students from physical activities. All the teachers answered that the school management committees and educational groups didn't help in the activation of the athletic clubs. The teachers who has taught for 6 to 10 years answered that the proper reward of coaches was from 1,310,000 won to 1,600,000 won. The rest of them answered that it was proper from 1,010,000 won to 1,300,000 won. 4) As for the distinction of teachers' position in awareness, it is given that very various opinions were showed. Coaches answered that it was desirable that the athletic clubs were managed by centering around the National Boys Athletic Meet. Coaches and the teachers in charge of athletic clubs answered that the difficulty in athletic club management is the supply and demand of players. However, principals answered both budget shortage and the supply and demand of players. In the item that the 81st Busan National Athletic Meet was very helpful in activating the athletic clubs, principals and coaches answered more positively than the teachers in charge of athletic clubs.

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