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      • 대학행정조직에 있어서 사무직원의 역할인식에 관한 연구

        정광민 충남대학교 행정대학원 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 248702

        I. Introduction The problems of University is take a very importarnt part in Korea Society, and The importance of administration of University becomes larger and larger. Organization of university adminstration is double-sided organization which consist of professores and officials, and it contains many problemes because the faculties actually manage the university administration till now. In organization of university administration, The faculties' cognition is expressed in administrative behaveor and it has great influcence on instruction and researching acts. The purpose of this study is findirg the officials' way or thinking on university administration and ploblemes in pertorminy the role, and then suggestiny the imptoved way. II. Planning and Analysis of sample, contents and data. In this study, the sample is limoted to the officials in National University. I collect 267 officials randomly in Chung Buk, Chon Nam, Kang Won, and Pusan National Universities by proportional stratified sampling method. I plan the questionaire sheet in 34 numbers of questionaire which consist of the character of University administration, the peculiarity of organization of University administration, the state and role of officials, the role structive and role conflict of the officials and correct role performance of the officials. I try to analize the data by cross-check the inter relationship and tendency of each questionaire with frequency and per-centage. And the degree of significance of interrelation-ship of each questionaire is checked in value of X2 in 5% of level of significance. III. The Problems of role-preformance of the official in national University. 1. The officials' way of thinking on university adminstration show tendency of control and strictness in role-performing and administrative efficency first principle caused by power-centered bureaucratism and authoritive culture of administration. 2. Orgnization in university administration is double-sided organization which consist of professors and officials, so it has problems of management cansed by contrastive ways of thinking between the democratic and normative university organization, and bureaucrative and stratified administrative organization. 3. It showes that officials' role-performing area should be enlarged, and it is an obstacle to selfcontrolment in university administration and effective management of university system. 4. The peculity of university administration is not considered in selection and appointment of the officials, and the vacant positicns are filled up with irregular officials' and so the good quality service is impossible. 5. The officials, have low morale and the rate of satisfaction in role-performance is low. 6. The officials, have high role-conflict because their role structure is not built yet, and they have poor cognition of role, and they have no police of personnel administration, and they have bad organic atmospher. 7. The total evaluation system and the useful committe system on university administration are poor. IV. Conclusion and suggestions. 1. The cognition of the role of the university administration should be change into corrective way through such programs as education and training systems for the officials. 2. The role-performance areas of the officials, should be gradually reduced to center on furction of means and services. And the democratic and normative decisions made by professors should be respected. 3. The Standard of qualification or the officials, should be heightened, and their quality should be refined through education and training system, and the role and the irregular officials, should be limitted, and they should be substituted by regular officials. 4. The organic atmospher which the officials can perform their role with pride should be built through give the officials motive product element such as recognition of their value of existence, humanly treatment, taking a role in system of making decision, and improved personnel administration principle. 5. To specialize the university administration, the roles of the orgaizations for planning and evaluation, such as Progressive Planning Part, should be enlarged. And many commite systems should be become lively and vice-principle for administration should be required and the officials of university should be specialized.

      • 국립대학 사무직원의 역할 갈등에 관한 연구

        김형식 공주대학교 경영행정대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248702

        국립대학에서의 사무직원은 일반 행정조직과 달리 가치, 목표, 지위와 역할이 상이한 교원·학생·사무직원 등 상호 이질적인 구성원으로 조직되어 있는 대학 특성상 구성원 상호간 또는 업무수행과정에서 많은 갈등을 경험하고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 서론에서 밝힌 바와 같이 국립대학에서 근무하는 사무직원을 대상으로 하여 대학사무직원이 주어진 역할을 수행하면서 느끼는 역할갈등과 관련하여 이를 경험적으로 조사·분석하여 역할갈등의 수준 및 역할갈등에 영향을 미치는 여러 요인과 어떠한 관계에 있는가를 밝히는데 있었다. 이를 위해 먼저 기존 문헌과 연구보고서 등을 조사·정리하여 이론적 배경을 제시하고 여기에서 제시된 역할갈등의 요인을 4가지 요인으로 추출하고 각 요인마다 각각의 하위 지표를 선정하여 분석모형과 가설을 설정한 다음 설문조사를 통하여 국립대학 사무직원의 역할갈등의 수준을 알아보고 가설을 검증하였으며 분석모형에 의한 역할갈등의 요인과 하위 지표는 다음과 같다. 가. 개인적 요인 : 성취동기, 지각의 차이. 나. 조직·구조적 요인 : 공식화, 참여, 의사전달, 한정된 자원배분. 다. 직무관련 요인 : 업무상호 의존성, 목표의 차이. 라. 대인관계 요인 : 교원과의 관계, 학생과의 관계. 위의 요인별 지표에 대한 설문지를 구성하여 수준이 비슷한 9개 국립대학 사무직원 30명씩을 조사·분석하였으며 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학사무직원의 요인별 역할갈등의 수준은 개인적 요인에서는 지각의 차이보다 성취동기로 인한 역할갈등의 수준이 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 조직·구조적 요인은 한정된 자원배분이 가장 높게 나타나 아직도 사무직원에 대한 역할 확대와 업적에 의한 인센티브 및 업무수행에 필요한 지원이 이루어지지 않고 있음을 반증하고 있는 반면에 정보화 사회의 다양한 정보매체의 발달로 인하여 의사전달에 대한 역할갈등의 수준이 가장 낮게 나타났다. 또한 직무관련 요인에서는 업무의 상호의존성과 목표의 차이가 중간을 약간 상회하는 비슷한 수준으로 나타났으나 대인관계 요인에서는 지표별 높은 역할갈등 수준을 보여주고 있으며 학생과의 관계에서 보다 교원과의 관계에서 더 높은 역할갈등의 수준을 나타냈다. 이는 사무직원을 동반자로서 인정하지 않음은 물론, 교원·학생·직원이 추구하는 목표가 다르고 집단간 이기주의가 팽배해 있음을 보여주고 있다. 둘째, 개인적 특성별 갈등요인과 역할갈등과의 ANOVA 분석결과를 살펴보면 개인적 요인의 성별과 연령에서는 성취동기가, 직종에서는 성취동기와 지각의 차이가 모두 유의한 것으로 나타났으며 근무처, 학력, 근무경력에서는 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 조사되었다. 조직·구조적 요인은 성별로는 한정된 자원배분, 직종에서는 공식화, 연령은 참여, 근무경력은 참여와 의사전달이 유의한 것으로 나타났으며 근무처와 학력에서는 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 직무관련 요인은 성별과 직종 및 학력에서 통계적으로 유의한 것으로 나타났으며, 대인관계 요인은 성별에서는 학생과의 관계에서만이 유의한 것으로 조사되었으며 근무처와 연령에서는 교수와의 관계에서 통계적으로 유의한 결과를 보여주고 있다. 셋째, 요인별 지표와 역할갈등과의 관계에서는 성취동기와 공식화는 낮은 부의 상관관계가 있다고 조사되었지만 유의미한 결과를 얻지 못하였으며 참여와 의사전달은 낮은 양의 상관관계를 보이지만 무의미한 결과를 나타내었다. 지각의 차이, 한정된 자원배분, 업무의 상호 의존성, 목표의 차이, 교원과의 관계, 학생과의 관계에서 정의 상관관계에서 통계적으로 유의한 결과를 보여 주고 있었으며, 회귀분석 결과 지각의 차이, 업무의 상호의존성, 목표의 차이, 한정된 자원배분, 교원과의 관계, 학생과의 관계, 참여의 순으로 영향력을 가지고 있는 것으로 조사되었으나 역할갈등을 설명할 수 있는 설명력은 업무의 상호 의존성 이외에는 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 국립대학 사무직원의 역할갈등을 해소하기 위해서는 사무직원이 업무수행과정에서 성취감을 가질 수 있도록 근무환경을 조성하고 동기를 부여해야 할 것이며 능력과 적성에 맞는 업무분장, 상관의 민주적 리더쉽 발휘와 업무에 대한 정확한 편람 제공, 의사결정과정의 민주화·개방화를 통한 사무직원의 참여도 제고, 정보공유를 위한 장치 마련, 인사관리와 업적평가의 공정성·합리성 확보, 교원·학생의 사무직원에 대한 존재와 역할에 대한 인정과 인격적 대우 등이 이루어져야 할 것이며 무엇보다도 사무직원의 역할갈등을 줄이기 위한 바람직한 역할수행방안이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 국립대학 사무직원이 지각하는 역할갈등의 수준과 여러 요인과의 관계를 연구하였지만 여러 가지 한계점을 지니고 있다. 첫째, 표본선정에서 전국대학중 규모가 비슷한 국립대학으로 한정하였기 때문에 연구결과를 규모가 작은 대학이나 사립대학에 대하여 폭넓게 적용하기에는 어려움이 있다고 보아야 할 것이며, 앞으로 국·사립대와 지역간 어떤 차이가 있는 지를 비교 분석할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 역할갈등을 측정하기 위한 변수가 많을 것으로 생각되나 한정된 변수로 측정되었기 때문에 위의 결론을 보편화 내지 일반화시키기에는 어려움이 있다고 보아야 할 것이다. 셋째, 설문을 Likert의 5단계 척도법으로 측정하였기 때문에 응답한 값이 중앙에 집중될 가능성이 있다. 넷째, 설문지 문항 설정 전 사전조사로 문항의 타당도와 신뢰도를 검정하지 못하였다. 다섯째, 본 연구는 국립대학의 사무직원의 설문에만 의존하였으나 교원과 학생이 기대하는 사무직원의 역할을 함께 조사하여 비교 연구하여 보면 집단 간의 인식차이와 사무직원이 구성원에게 제공해야할 서비스의 우선순위가 명백해질 것이다. Administrative officials, who works at National Universities, experienced lots of complicated matters in carrying out their jobs and between the employees. These troubles are due to the characteristics of national university at which different and uncommon members work. The members of national university consist of teaching staffs, students, and official employees and especially administrative officials value, goal, position and role are different from other employees of administrative system. This paper aims at clarifying the relation between condition of the conflictive factors in official employees' roles and influences on the conflictive roles by research and analysis which are related to them. The object of study is administrative officials who work at national universities. To do so, theocratical background is at frist shown through researching and organizing the existing materials and researching reports. Based on these arrangements, 4 conflictive factors are extracted and, according to each factor, index is selected. Also, the model of analysis and hypothesis are researched and analyzed by questionnaires. Thus, the following results are produced and presented below. First, condition of conflictive factors in roles of official employees in national university according to each factor differs from the personal condition. In personal factor, level of conflictive factor in role due to the motivation of achievement is higher than that of conflictive in role due to the difference of knowledge. Especially, distribution of limited resource is the highest factor in organizing and constructing so that incentive distribution of role enlargement and achievement and support in doing their jobs have not been properly realized yet. However, level of conflictive factor in communication is shown highly by the development of information media in society. In managing factor of their jobs, inter-dependence in doing their jobs is almost similar or a little higher than the difference of their goals. But in the factor of personal relationship, level of conflict in role is high in each index and also the relation of teaching staff shows higher level of conflict in roles rather than the relation of students. This means " Not admitting official employees as co-worker". Also, it shows teaching staffs, students and staffs have different purposes and selfishness among groups is widespread. Second, according to the result of ANOVA analysis between personal characteristics and conflict in role, motif of achievement in personal factors is presented in sex and in age, and motif of achievement and difference of knowledge in jobs are shown. Place of employment, scholarly attainments, and record of work are not statistically important in the above factors. In organizing and constructing factors, distribution of limited resource is produced in sex, formalization in position, participation in sex, and participation and communication in career of employment. Finally, in place of employment and scholarly attainments, nothing is statistically produced. The factor of their jobs is statistically shown in sex, position and scholarly attainments and the factor of personal relationship is only presented in sex. And the conflictive factor is statistically produced from the relation to professor according to place of employment and age. Third, according to relation between index of each factors and conflict in role, motif of achievement and formalization is comparatively lowered, but significant results are not produced. The factors of participation and communication are shown as in relation between index of each factors and conflict in role. According to the result of Correlation Analysis, difference of knowledge, distribution of limited resource, inter-dependence of duty, difference of goals, relationship among teaching staffs and relationship among students significantly produce significant results. According to the result of Regression Analysis, it shows that difference of knowledge, inter-dependence of duty, difference of goals, distribution of limited resource, relationship among teaching staffs and relationship among students have an influence on the conflictive factors by turns. However, beside inter-dependence of duty, they are hard to explain the conflictive factors in role. To solve the conflict in role of official employees of national university, working condition should be promoted and motives should be provided for official employees in order to make them achieve the goals in doing their jobs. And work responsibility schedule suitable to their ability and aptitude should be given to them. Good and democratical leadership of senior officials should be carried out and correct manual of duties should be also provided. To participate in making a decision openly and democratically, the participants' condition should be reconsidered. And to share information, some provision is made and personnel management and achievement evaluation should be also carried out fairly and reasonably. Furthermore, their position and role for teaching staffs and students should be recognized and at the same time official employees should be treated properly and personably. Above all, reasonable method of carrying out their role should be made so as to decrease the conflictive factor of official employees.

      • 사립대학 사무직원의 직무만족도에 관한 연구 : 강원지역 사립대학을 중심으로

        이영석 연세대학교 관리과학대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 248686

        본 연구는 우리나라 사립대학의 사무직원의 직무만족 요인에 대한 만족도를 측정하여 대학 사무직원의 직무만족 극대화를 위한 기초 자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있었다. 이를 위해 강원지역 5개 사립대학 사무직원을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 가설을 설정하고 가설을 검증함으로써 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 연구의 분석결과, 사립대학교 사무직원의 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 정도는 직무내용, 근무환경, 조직특성의 요인 순서로 나타났으며 직무만족 요인 중 만족도에 가장 높은 상관관계를 보인 것은 직무내용인 것으로 나타났다. 일반적 특성에 따른 직무만족의 차이에 대해서 살펴보면, 성별은 남자보다는 여자가 직무만족 수준이 높게 나타났고, 연령별로는 35세미만보다 35세 이상이 직무만족 수준이 높게 나타났고, 직위별로는 직원보다는 주임이상이 근무연수로는 3년 미만, 3-6년 미만, 10년 이상, 6-10년 미만의 순서로 나타났다. 학력별로는 전문대졸이하, 대졸, 대학원 졸의 순서로 나타났고, 동문여부에서는 타교출신보다 본교동문인 경우가 직무만족 수준이 높게 나타났다. 직무만족의 영향요인에 대한 회귀분석을 한 결과 첫째, 직무내용이 직무만족수준에 정적(+)인 영향력을 보여 직무자체에 만족할수록 직무만족수준이 높음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 조직특성 요인에서는 인정요인이 가장 큰 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 그 다음으로 복리후생이 영향력을 미치는 변수로 나타났다. 즉, 인정과 복리후생이 직무만족수준에 정적(+)인 영향력을 보여 인정과 복리후생에 대해 만족할수록 직무만족수준이 높음을 알 수 있었다. 그러나, 급여와 승진에 대해서는 직무만족수준에 영향력을 보이는 수준이 낮게 나타났다. 셋째, 근무환경은 감독방법, 동료, 근무조건, 학교경영방침의 순서로 직무만족수준에 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 내재요인이 외재요인보다 직무만족수준에 더 영향력을 많이 미침을 알 수 있었다. 다섯째, 과업관련요인이 비과업관련요인보다 직무만족수준에 영향력을 보이는 수준이 높게 나타났다. 이와 같은 연구결과에 따라 사립대학 사무직원의 만족도에 큰 영향을 미치는 제 요인들이 사무직원이 만족스러워할 정도로 이끌어 지도록 대학의 중간관리자와 최고관리자가 대학을 운영 관리할 때, 대학조직의 생산성은 더욱 제고 될 것이다. The purposes of this research are to measure the job satisfaction for private university employees, and to maximize job satisfaction for private university employees. This study surveyed employees at 5 private universities in Kangwon province and tested 5 hypothesis derived from the proposed research model. The findings of this study indicated the degrees that influences on the job satisfaction for private university employees appeared in the order of job specifications, work circumstances, organization characteristics, and what showed the highest correlation in satisfaction of job satisfaction factors was job specifications. According to the regression analysis about the factors which influence job satisfaction. Firstly, this study showed that as job specifications showed positive in the level of job satisfaction, the more satisfied they were, the higher the level of job satisfaction was. Secondly, it showed that the factor of recognition influences the most on the factors of organization characteristics the next, variable was welfare. This is, as recognition and welfare showed positive in the level of job satisfaction, this study showed that the more satisfied they were in recognition and welfare, the higher the level of job satisfaction was, but the level that has an influence on the level of job satisfaction about wages and promotion was low. Thirdly, it appeared that work circumstances has an influence on the level of job satisfaction in the order of supervision, working conditions, colleagues, management policies of university. Fourthly, this study revealed that intrinsic factors have more influence on the level of job satisfaction than extrinsic factors. Fifthly, this study revealed that task factors have more influence on the level of job satisfaction than non-task factors. According to the result of this research, to increase the production of organization at university, it is thought that middle and top managers at universities control the university so that employees can be satisfied with the factors such as job itself which he takes part in, feeling of satisfaction in his job, human relations which were proved to give much influence on the level of satisfaction to the employees at private university.

      • 韓國 天主敎會 本堂 事務職員 人事 管理에 關한 硏究

        정운택 水原大學校 經營大學院 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 248684

        The purpose of this study is to inquire about and analyze the present day situation of the administration of office workers in the universal church the local diocesean chrurch and in each parish; and to search for ways to improve the efficiency of the church in areas where improvement is necessary. Decumented studies of modern society have analyzed and sythesised the role of the church office worker and his functions and how they are administered. For additional proof a survey was taken from january 5 to February 3, 1992 in which a questionaire was mailed to every office worker in the country. Analysis of the results of this questionaire follow, 1st. Even though parish administration varies according to the different types of office work, the office woker is responsible for, his character and capability, various important parish works are entrusted to him, and because important points are overlooked a systematic administration of the office worker in not achieved. 2nd: There are no rules for the selection and administration of the office worker and this is done at the temporary expedience of the pastor. The office worker is appointed by the pastor and he is over worked and constantly harrassed by the pastor and he duties and is filled with discontent. 3rd: The office worker feels keenly the need for education to develop his skills, and feel that and a diocesean level the content, method and opoortunity for practical education is deficient. His varied and overburdening duties are not taken into account and not reflected in promotions. 4th: Because there is no basic rule regarding salaries there is no equity, and a system of low salaries, insufficient benefits, no guaranteed living wage, inadequate retirement benefits, and deprivation of days off and vacation is the cause of anxiety and discontent and leads to their quiting. 5th: The authoritarian and self rightous direction of the pastor, the selfishness, incompetence and lack of understanding of the parish sister and the relationship with parish council members who disregard their faith and demand only sucessful results be accomplished, leads to disagreements and causes the office worker to feel insecure, thus he is looking for a position that has a guarenteed severence policy, and he wishes to organize a labor union. In the final analysis, the aim of this study of the parish is to examine the problem and to boldly try to make improvements. The direction in order to do this are presented ad follows. 1st: The parish adiministration must recognize the importance of the office worker, it must pay the office worker, not as a day laborer but as a church diocesean emplouyee, achieving effective administration by the full use of its human resourses. 2nd: The diocse should set up rules and job descriptions for the selection of office workers, the parish should select the necessary personel to handle the business affairs of the parish in an opoen manner, employ them as diocesean empoloyees, guarantee their plsition and provide for the necessary ongoing education needed to carry out their apporpriate duties. 3rd: The parish shall arrange for the onoging education of the parish office worker in practical business affairs, and for spiritual retreats to develop their spiritual life thus giving a lift to their spirits and a raise in their status. 4th: The baqsic ssalary should be according to that of a Government official and welfare benefits should enable him to support himself and his family comfortably. After he retires a system of retirement benefits should be set up that would enable him to live without worry and because he is not a machine a thim for rest must be probided to him. 5th: The pastor, the parish sister and the parish council must cooperate in th formation of human relations that treat each office worker as an individual. Even after retirement age is reached, if the individual wants, consideation should be given to him that would enable him to engage in small matters, and office workers must take the lead in the establishment and formation of spiritual meetings. By accepting the ideas presented above for the improvement of the parish office worker, the better use of human resourses and their administration, the status of the office worker will improve and the more prefect performance of his duties will resulot in the development of the parish. In addition the study shows that in the korean church, even though each parish differed in its administration of the office worker, those that replied in a negative way and gave inaccurate replies were influenced by regional differences. This syudy is unable to express diverse and complex variable factors. Therfor this study of the church's administration of it's human resourse is merely an attempt to make a diognastic study of the administration of the parish office worker that will have some significence. This is the opportune time for more convincing research to be achieved in this field of study.

      • 事務職員의 職務遂行에 대한 敎員의 認識度에 관한 硏究

        김용길 漢城大學校 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        First, for satisfaction of personal relation between teachers & administrative staffs, male teachers, national & public school teachers and medium career length teachers showed better perception than female, private school and shorter or longer career teachers. General teachers appeared keeping better relations with administrative staffs than female teacher, private school teachers, other teachers with shorter or longer career length & senior teachers. However, relationship between assignment carrying-out & their job-satisfaction with administrative staffs can't be interpreted as that working attitude is directly related with job satisfaction & improvement-expectation, or conversely. Secondly, there should be provided some opportunities for often contacts and better communication formally or informally, or informally to improve personal relation between teachers & administrative staffs. Administrative staffs response promptly for some asking by teachers, and also teachers understand staff's problem to help education and other assignment. Thirdly, as a way to remove obstacles of personal relations between teachers & staffs, first of all administrative staffs shouldn't delay educational activities, execusing laws & regulations, and cooperate with teachers for their educational work in order to achieve efficient curricular activities. However administrative staffs feel conflict and are skeptical for their work due to less compensation, less chance of promotion and unsatisfactory working condition.

      • 高等學校 事務職員의 職務遂行과 役割 葛藤 및 役割模糊性과의 關係硏究

        김재현 東亞大學校 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 248670

        This study aims at looking into the effect which the role-conflict and role-ambiguity have on high school business officers. In order to attain the aim, it is necessary to make an inquiry into the following concrete problems : First, is there any difference of teaches perception regard to school business officers' role performance? Second, is there any difference of perception among teaches in their role-conflict and role-ambiguity? Third, is there any correlation between their role performance and role-conflict, role-ambiguity? Fourth, what is the effect which their role-conflict, and role-ambiguity have on their role-performance? With a view to resolving these problems, questionnaires wes distributed to 240 school business officers, three(selected at random) per school, of 80 public and private high schools in Pusan. The questionnaires used for this paper are of two parts ; one is for analyzing the degree of their role-performance, the other for testing their role-conflict and role-ambiguity. The former is based on Booklets on General Affairs of Schools and Guidebooks for School Officers' Role-Performance, the latter on Rizzo, House and Lirtzman's Role Conflict and Role-Ambiguity Questionnaire modified and complemented to suit the conditions in Korea. Statistical tests have given in order to find out how the degree of business officers' role-performance varies according to teachers trait variables. A correlation test was administered in order to analyze the correlation of school business officers' role-conflict, role-ambiguity and degree of role-performance. A regressional analysis has been done, with the analysis of the effect of mutual reaction based on role-conflict and role ambiguity as an independent variable, and role-performance as dependent variables. The above-mentioned research has led to the following conclusions : First, as for the role-performance of school business officers, the higher degree of efficiency is indicated in the performance of financial management than in that of facility management. Second, the degree of efficiency of business administration increases in direct proportion to the length of their service, age and status, while the role-conflict and role-ambiguity increases remarkably in reverse proportion to them. Third, there was a significant differences in business, financial and personnel management in accordance with business officers trait variables, while no significant differences are shown in facility-maintenance. Fourth, business officers evaluate the degree of their own role-performance positively, but experiencing a lot of role-conflict and role-ambiguity. Fifth, business officers are more highly aware of role-ambiguity than of role-conflict. Sixth, business officers length of service, the status and age vailable have more effect on role-ambiguity than on role-conflict. Seventh, business officers are most highly aware of role-conflict and role-ambiguity in the performance of financial management. Eighth, there are close negative correlations between the degree of efficient role-performance and role-conflict and role-ambiguity. Role-conflict and role-ambiguity are becoming very important factors that have effect on the efficient role performance.

      • 敎師와 事務職員과의 人間關係에 關한 硏究

        강태석 水原大學校 敎育大學院 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 248670

        1. The Purpose of the Study In this paper, I selected and studied the topic of human relations between teachers in charge of school education and school administrators helping school educational activities under the theoretical premise that the goal of education can be more effectively accomplished through improved human relations between members of school's social system to reconsider the effectiveness of school education. 1) How amicable are human relations between teachers and school administrators? 2) What are important factors for improving human relations between them? 3) What are the main factors impeding human relations between them? The subjects of this sample survey were teachers and school administrators working at forty middle and high schools in Chung-nam province. I sent questionnaires to 320 teachers and 120 school administrators. I received 237 replies from teachers, and 76 replies from administrators, which were used for this study. I made and used the questionnaire for this paper as a reserved instrument under the quidance of my faculty adviser. The questionnaire consisted of Part I and Part II. The degree of satisfaction was calculated by means of five-step evaluation, while the degree of importance and impediment factors were reserved as percentages. The results were as follows. First, teachers in the aggregate responded "roughly satisfied" only to one question out of the 15 questions and "somewhat" to the other 14 questions. The average level of satisfaction was 2.99. Administrators responded "roughly satisfied" to nine questions of the 15, and "somewhat" to the other 6 questions. The average level of satisfaction was 3.0. Second, with regard to the main factors for creating desirable human relations between teachers and administrators, ① Teachers gave more importance to "educational improvement," "manners," and "kindness" than any other thing. ② Administrators thought that "giving guidance to students' lives," "educational philosophy of education," and "cooperation in the school administration" were important. Third, with regard to the factors impeding the human relations between teachers and administrators. ① Teacher considered the few opportunities for discussion with administrators and their authoritarianism as impediments. ② Administrators considered teachers' self-interested attitude and lax performance of their administrative work as impediments. 2. Conclusion The conclusion of this study is as follows. The main goal of school education and its social functions is to solve the social troubles caused by social changes, and to have students acquire the abilities to adjust to them by enticing the social changes. Teachers play an important role in accomplishing the goals of school education. Therefore, good human realtions between teachers in charge of education and administrators furthering educational activities are vitally important, especially because such good human relations can help teachers inspire their students. As every education is a success of human relations, the desirable human relations between teachers and administrators led by teachers should be established. On the satisfaction level of human relations which is perceived by teachers and administrators, the teachers' questionnaires showed higher satisfaction level than that of the administrators. Generally both teachers and administrators got better understandings on education of three other fields as its total tendency. This result shows that both teachers in charge of school education and administrators have desirable, positive perception of education. Teachers answered that they have few opportunities to have talks with administrators. Administrators answered that teachers have such strong individual characters that some elements of cooperation are missing. These need to be reconsidered. The questionnaire indicated that both teachers and administrators were interested in the improvement of students' learning environment to accomplish the goals of school education and the purification of school surroundings and social environment conducive to desirable school careers. This evidence might be a main factor in the improvement of school education. Teachers regarded administrators' characters and office gossip as main factors impeding improved human relations between them, while administrators regarded the laxity of teachers' performing administrative work and gossip. In short teachers and administrators should all try to discover each others' merits, keeping in mind not to hurt each others' pride. Finally, a more profound study of human relations between teachers and administrators is needed in various fields. A more systematic and profound study classifying the many factors involved with surveying subjects in all schools of the whole country is also desirable.

      • 中等學校 敎員과 事務職員間의 葛藤 意識에 관한 硏究

        이재성 단국대학교 교육대학원 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 248669

        갈등은 사람이 살아가는 과정에서 언제 어디서나 발생되는 보편적인 현상이며, 특히 서로 다른 배경과 이해관계 속에서 천차 만별의 개성을 가진 사람들로 구성된 집단의 경우 필연적으로 존재한다. 이러한 갈등은 순기능적인 역할도 하지만 일반적으로 역기능적인 면을 많이 가지고 있다. 본 연구는 중등학교 내에서의 교원과 사무직원간의 갈등 의식을 조사하고 그 요인을 파악하여 갈둥 해소 방안을 찾아 제시함으로써 교직원 모두가 즐거운 가운데 본연의 목표를 완수할 수 있도록 하는 데 연구의 목적을 두었다. 이와 같은 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 이론적 연구와 조사 연구를 실시하였다. 이론적 연구에서는, 먼저 갈등에 관한 이해를 넓히고자, 갈등의 개념, 갈등의 요인, 갈등의 유형, 갈등의 관리 등을 깊이 있게 살펴보았고 선행 연구의 고찰을 하였다. 조사 연구에서는 이론적 배경을 기초로 연구에 필요한 분석 도구를 제작하여 교원 482명, 사무 직원 141명을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 이러한 연구의 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 보수 및 복지 후생의 영역을 분석한 결과, 보충 수업 수당 지급 및 일·숙직 근무 둥의 2개 요인이 교원들의 갈등을 유발하였고, 보수 수준, 보충 수업 수당 지급, 휴가제도 운영, 일·숙직 근무 등 4개 요인이 사무 직원들에게 비교적 많은 갈등을 야기시켰다. 둘째, 시설 설비 및 물품 관리, 학교 예산 운영의 영역을 분석한 결과, 학교 시설 설비 및 교구 확보, 시설의 유지 관리 및 보수, 사무 기기의 사용 등 3개 요인과 예산 편성 과정, 물품 요구시의 의견 차이, 학급 경영에 대한 재정 지원, 교육 기자재 구매 절차 등 4개 요인이 경력이 적은 여자 교원들에게 비교적 많은 갈등을 일으키는 요인으로 나타났다. 이상의 분석 결과에서 사무 직원은 교원에 비해 상대적으로 적은 보수 수준 및 복지후생면에서의 소외감 때문에 갈등을 느끼는 사례가 많았고, 교원은 사무 직원의 예산 운영, 시설 및 물품 관리, 즉 회계 관리면에서의 부정적인 시각으로 인한 갈등이 많음을 볼 수 있는데, 이를 개선하기 위해서는 제도 개선에 노력하고, 직원 친목 활동이나 동호인 모임을 활발히 전개하여 상호 이해를 촉진하고 인식을 긍정적으로 전환하여야하겠다. 결론적으로, 학교 조직에서의 교원과 사무 직원의 갈등을 완화시키기 위해서는 교원은 일반직을 단순히 종속적인 보조적 존재로만 인식하지말고 그들이 맡고 있는 업무의 중요성을 이해하고, 동료 교육가족으로서 인간적으로 대우하여야 하며, 사무 직원 또한, 법규나 절차의 경직된 자세에서 벗어나 업무의 효율성보다는 교육 활동의 효율성을 높이는 데 교원들과 손을 잡고 업무를 수행해야 될 것이다.

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