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      • 統一後 警察統合을 위한 南·北韓 警察組織構造와 機能에 關한 硏究

        김학범 東國大學校 行政大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        Korea were divided into South Korea and North Korea before 50 years, and there has been many differences deeply in the political ideology as well as society, economics, and cultures. Meanwhile, the four big powers of the world have been strengthening their military strength in the region in order to advance their national interest in the Northeast Asia. In this changing era, what be developed in korea in the future? On this matter, the reunification experts are expecting that any form of consolidation will come between year 2005 and 2010, at the latest. The reunification means that the existing two political and social entities are united into one. The political, economic, social, cultural, and territorial integration resulting from a reunification will inevitably cause a serious conflict in its process. As the time of anticipated national unification is getting nearer, the importance of making full reparation for it, particularly for police integration, will grow stronger And we should not keep those plans and policies, which already exist and those will be formulated in the future, only in desk drawers or in secure place. Instead, we must take concrete and practical actions based on these plans and policies. The police needs many preparations than others. In view of these circumstances, the integration of police, as an integral part of national integration, will be a key to a successful national unification of korea. In order to study a plan for police integration of North and South Korea, a research was conducted on all available literature on the Korean national unification. Then, the case of German police integration, as a part of its national unification process, was studied. As seen in the processes of unification of Germany, the country's maintenance of the public order, that is, security of social stability is related to success of the unification. This thesis tried to approach the police integration, one of the fundamental works of South and North Korea to unite into one at the true meaning after unification based on the consciousness of problem. This paper is a study on the integration method of North and South Korean police, among the method, study on function and structure. This thesis studied the tasks through analysis methods based on previous literatures and theses related to the unity and through the cases of united Germany and the cases of united police of Germany, and convinced that the German cases of police integration which experienced unification faster than our country would be helpful for our countries very much. The administration organization in North Korea greatly differs from one in South Korea and, especially, the police organization have tremendous difference in terms of their function, structure and role. In conclusion, this thesis has the aim to present the ways by which South and North Korea can overcome excessive different factors and unify their systems fast, to minimize confusions, dangers, and social conflicts which can be brought out in the course of unification, and to accomplish complete unification. Assuming that the Korean national unification is achieved around 2010, we can define, the present time as the phase of formulating integration policies. Accordingly, we should prepare a long-term plan for internal integration of policy at the government level. We should also make objective and full preparation for the disintegration of North Korea by putting the policy agendas related to it to a public debate. This paper focuses on police's structure and function, but various fields of police also must be studied. That is necessary for unification. Now, based on this thesis, all of us should prepare police integration following unification including establishment of organizations with the whole responsibility and secure of expert human power.

      • 電子政府時代의 警察組織 改革에 관한 硏究

        백형조 東國大學校 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 248703

        The main purpose of this thesis is to find out the guidelines of the organizational reform of the Korean National Police in the 21st century environment and electronic government policy, and to suggest new directions for the police reform. The environmental changes of the 21st century characterized as "the megatrends" or "the anarchy of uncertainty", caused mainly by the information technology(IT), are unbelievably rapid and their range reaches farther than anyone can imagine. Meanwhile, the whole world observes its time and space getting faster and closer like a little village. In this "electronic global village", there are no borders in the increasingly closer globalization. In the midst of all these changes, the democratic police agencies find that the public have increasingly enhancing status, participating in the police policy-making as the main body, receiving "satisfactory service" that fits each individual's taste as the top priority customer, and actively demanding that their living grounds should be based on freedom, human rights, peace, and safety. As the environment is changing as dynamically as it can be, the police organization within it cannot help getting involved in dynamic changes itself in order to actively respond to the changes. Thus, in the 21st century, for the police to develop continuously, the organizational changes of the police has to maintain "the dynamic equilibrium" with environmental changes. The Korean Police Organization was born as a modern police organization in 1894. Since then, it has written a history of 110 years, during which it has rather accumulated many innate negative problems than taking the way to desirable development being well matched to the organizational environment in the 21st century and the heightened status of the public. The Korean National Police have focused more on guarding the regime than improving safety and delivering service to the public. Thus they failed to acquire the trust and goodwill from the public. They have the rigid military culture, deepenned into the organization management. They are short of internal humanization and democratizaton ; consequently the officers in lower levels have little autonomy and creativity. And they had formed the systematic corruption in the influence of the political environment. There were many times of attempting from in or out of the police agencies to reorganize the Korean National Police for the political impartiality and to innovate old and bad practices, but they failed to correct those deep-seated innate problems found within the organization. Therefore, having already started with the new millenium of the 21st century, the Korean National Police Organization should set its top priority to be reborn free from its old problems through organizational reinventing at all points. This study was based on this sense of purpose. In Chapter 2, a comparison and analysis were made of the organizational environment in the 21st century, the theories of the future organizational models and the electronic government. In Chapter 3, the current realities and problems of the Korean National Police are searched. In Chapter 4 and 5, the detailed guidelines were suggested for the Korean National Police to perform organizational reform from the viewpoint of electronic government policy. First, the Korean Police should innovate the historical and innate heritage, which are still latent in their organization, such as authoritarianism, bureaucratism, undemocratic, political behavior and military culture and set their first and fundamental goal on it in their organizational reform. Second, the Korean Police should perform the electronicization and automatization programs across all the police sectors to keep up with the electronic government policy. Thus all the police operations should have mobility and speed to meet enough the public needs and wants. Third, the Korean Police should restore its original and basic functions to maintain the better place to live of the public and focus on them, reinventing the organization and the personnel centered around the operation units in the front. Especially, the heavy top and high pyramid of organizational structure have to be slimed-down and flattened rightsizing Fourth, the Korean Police Organization should be restructured as a municipal police system which can fulfil the global integration and local differentiation at the same time in the glocalization(globalization and localization) era and can deliver democratic services of high quality to the public. Fifth, the Korean Police should be learning organizations and reengineer all the police academies and training schools centering around WBT(web-based training) or e-learning of the 21st century, so as to develop and retain the high-advanced brightest police personnel. They also should be humanized and democratized internally in the organization to enhance the morale of the police officers and to empower them to take autonomy to creativity. Sixth, the Korean Police should establish and carry out a long-and-mid-teen "image-making program" to turn the public's negative impression on them to an epoch-making change. Thus they should be lovable and trustworthy to the public. In short, the Korean National Police Agency should make a positive review on the policy alternatives suggested above and take steps to realize them if they wish to be reborn as the world-class electronic police with de-bureaucratization, democracy, serviceability, impartiality, fairness, productivity, efficiency, localization and globalization in the 21st century.

      • 韓國歷代警察組織의 構造에 관한 硏究

        김진혁 東國大學校 大學院 2000 국내박사

        RANK : 248703

        More than half a century has been passed, since Korean Police was formally established in the name of "Public Security Bureau" of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Before 1948, when the newly independent Korean Government declared its legitimate birth to the world, it had contributed to building the state under the military regime of US occupying forces in South Korea. Whence it set forth its formal career, Korea Police has taken part into the vortex of the Korean modern history, not only positively but also negatively. Although Korea Police has developed institutionally to accommodate great changes in societal and administrative environment, it was never freed from accusations against its political partiality in terms of digression away from fundamental goals and functions as a rational and neutral bureaucratic apparatus of a modern democratic republic. We can say the principal goals of police organizations as maintaining public security and enforcing law legitimately. On condition that all these necessary duties are observed abidingly, it can be permitted to adjust policy objectives and instruments to changing realities as the legitimate administrative discretion. Among new objectives, police is lately required to provide flexible and comprehensive services to satisfy welfare demands according to multifarious and rapid changes in social, political, economical and cultural spheres. Despite recent reformative policies, it is not certain that Korean Police can clear out its former repressive image ossified under the rather authoritative regimes. Past spectres still haunt in memory as well as practice. To understand this structural disbelief and prescribe future remedies, it is necessary to analyze organizational changes for past 50 years with the historical consideration of political and administrative topology. What environmental elements in the vicissitude of history caused organizational changes in Korea Police? Organizational changes in human resources distribution, functional specialization, rank & class differentiation, legal reforms and intra-organizational efforts to enhance democratization and political neutrality. As the unit of analysis, this dissertation classifies succeeding regimes time-serially in pairs: 1-2 Republic [from Rhee Syng-man to Chang Myun]; 3-4 Republic [the Park Chung-hee Authoritarian Regime from 5.16 Coup to Yushin Restoration]; 5-6 Republic [from new military regime led by Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo to so-called `Civilian Government', during the presidency of Kim Young-sam]. Author analyses the external environment of police institution, changes in police organizations, legal alterations and shifts in resource distribution in each unit of analysis. Analyzing organizational changes, I subdivide Korean Police into several lower level organizations and estimate the frequencies of installation, abolition, integration and differentiation of those sub-organizations to answer the question of "which organization has experienced institutional changes most frequently." Classifying those lower organizations according to function into prevention, repression & coercion, service, and assistance, I illustrate which part of police has been more utilized and modified. As expected, Korean police organizations have been most sensitive as well as vulnerable to political ones among external changes in politics, society, economy and culture. Especially during Park Chung-hee Authoritarian Regime (3-4 Republic), more changes have been occurred than others. It clearly shows that Park Chung-hee Regime most frequently abused the police as one of the most effective apparatus to control and repress social activities. In terms of function, repressive departments at each level have been utilized and changed most frequently in succeeding regimes. The degree of organizational differentiation in those parts is most detailed and specialized, compared with in prevention and service departments. Generally, those features of Korean Police organizations are common to newly independent Asian countries. Similar negative influences, such as incomplete importation of foreign institutions, economic depravity, political instability, produced similar repressive political tendencies to control their own unstable societies by coercive means. While Korean War, incessant guerrilla warfare and Cold War confrontation between two Koreas made the military more politically oriented and disproportionately stronger, Korean police experienced hardship busying itself in postwar restitution to recover social stability and eradicate communist guerrillas, far from fulfilling its principal duties. After the military seized political power by 5.16 coup, former military personnel entered massively into police career, who established the military milieu onto police organizations. Although Korean police regained administrative vitality and influence in the 3rd Republic, it began to share pseudo military organizational characteristics and functions to concentrate its abilities to political stability rather than public security and service. At last under the 5th authoritarian regime police as a main actor led the politics of public security, almost state terror for dictatorship, alienating itself from citizens. Korean police organizations have been loyal to successive military regimes during 3 to 5 Republic as a repressive organ, employing all efforts to secure stability not for citizens but for dictators. Police history during these periods was stained with the infamy of encroachment on human right and the deadly inquisition of torture especially under the Chun Doo-hwan Regime. Although in the 6th Republic (President of Roh Tae-woo & Kim Young-sam), democratic reforms in police organizations appear to be successful , deep-seated problems seem not yet to be satisfyingly resolved. In accordance with social and political democratization, the Korean police was promoted to the National Police Agency in the Ministry of Home Affairs. In spite of elevated prestige and institutional independence, it has not been certain that Korean police meet age-long demands such as political neutrality, specialty-centered organizational change and comprehensive service for the satisfaction of citizens and so on. In this dissertation, certain fundamental problems are identified. First, police organizations are structured so uniformly that they neglect differentials between main office and branches, as well as peculiar differences among units and regions. It seems originated from their pseudo-military organizational features regarding citizens as objects of police control rather than consumers of police service. Under authoritarian regimes, military organizational principles were not only efficient but also effective, since practical goals of police policies were not the provision of pubic service but social control and political stability by coercion. They are too anachronistic to adapt to recent democratic social development. Organizing principles according to historical contingencies should be superceded by ones abiding by fundamental organizational goals. Second, police organizations are so focused on the repressive one that disproportionate development among major police functions is incurred. Partial utilization constrains the general development of police functions including prevention and service. Third, human resources are not distributed efficiently. Too many personnel are allotted to superstructure. Police Commissioner General's incumbent term on the average is too short for him to formulate and enforce police policies in his conviction. Fourth, the public image of police as a perpetrator for illegitimate political regimes is so firmly established that authority itself is often affronted not to say deteriorated morale. Past authoritarian leaders usually mobilized police force to meet their political needs without any consideration on the future status of police organization. Securing political neutrality is necessary to free from ill fame in. the past and restore public authority. To solve problems stated above, this dissertation recommends certain policy, prescriptions for the fundamental reform of police organizations. First, police organizations should be restructured flexibly and responsively to accommodate rapidly changing administrative environment; organizational reform focusing on practical business, enlargement of lower practitioners discretion in the line, decrease of the number of rank and order, simplification of the entering path and procedure into police career and so on. Second, it is needed to activate departments for crime prevention and public service not to say the fulfillment of primary duties and principles. Third, distributive priority should be changed more practically and efficiently. More human resources can be allotted to subordinate agencies in the line than superstructure. To provide qualitative service to citizens, job condition and treatment should be improved sufficiently. Finally, police should be recreated as a legitimate organization to realize social justice and political impartiality. Differentiated functions and decentralized authority according to region and job specialty can be recommended to introduce an independent and self-regulating police institution. Korean police organizations should be advanced governmental agencies, ultimate goal of which is the production of police service for the citizen and the public welfare.

      • 警察의 危機管理에 관한 硏究

        이연수 京畿大學校 行政大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        현대사회는 정보기술의 급속한 변화와 더불어 정치, 경제적 변화를 동반하고 있다. 더욱이 지식, 기술의 구조가 더욱 복잡화, 전문화되어 감에 따라 가변적인 환경에 적응해야 할 뿐만 아니라 그 변화를 주도해 나가야 할 필요가 있다. 범죄피해를 구체적으로 살펴보면 1993년부터 2002년까지 지난 10년간 형법범 범죄에 의한 인명피해현황은 1993년 87,102명에서 2002년 191,451명으로 약 120% 증가하였다. 연도별로 보면, 1993까지는 별다른 증가를 보이지 않다가, 1994년 155,888명, 1995년 167,806명, 1997년 186,814명, 1998년 196,398명, 1999년 228,140명 2000년 244,761명 2001년 223,086명, 2002년 191,451명 등 90년대 중반에 들어와 급격한 증가 추세를 보이고 있다 경찰조직도 하나의 유기체로서 환경변화에 적응하고 새로운 치안수요에 대응하기 위해 끊임없이 변화와 발전을 모색하고 있다. 최근 세계 각국은 경찰부문의 효율성을 제고하기 위해 사행정분야의 관리기법 등을 도입하고 있고, 경찰기능을 재조정하기 위한 다양한 경찰개혁과 연구가 추진되고 있다. 경찰의 변화와 혁신은 매우 포괄적이고, 시대의 변화에 따라 환경에 적응하는 과정으로 경찰을 현재보다 더 나은 상태로 개선하기 위해 새로운 방법을 고안하여 적응하려는 의식적이고 인위적인 노력으로 정의된다. 이러한 경찰의 변화와 혁신은 조직개편이나 관리기술의 개선, 그리고 경찰변화와 정도에 따라서 차이는 있지만 대부분은 경우 저항을 수반하며, 이를 극복하는 것이 과제라고 할 수 있다. 경찰조직이 변화하게 되는 원인으로는 여러 가지 내, 외부의 환경적요인이 있는데 우선 강조되는, 이념의 변화와 새로운 이념의 등장을 들 수 있다. 기존의 경찰행정이념으로는 합법성, 민주성, 능률성, 효과성, 정치적 중립성, 사회적 형평성 등을 들 수 있다. 범죄증가로인해서 인명피해도 급격하게 증가하는 추세에서 어떤 상황이나 상태가 조금의 여유없이 위급하게 되거나 예기치 않은 일이 갑자기 발생하여 안전과 균형을 잃고 불안한 상태로 변화하는 것 즉, 위기를 유발할 수 있는 요소 중 하나라 볼 수 있으며 이 위기이후에는 신속한 대응으로 그 피해를 최소화 하는데 목적을 둬야하며 어떤 경우라도 일단 긴급사태가 발생하게 되면 개인이나 조직에는 이미지 저하는 물론, 경제적으로도 상당한 피해를 입게 된다. 따라서 무엇보다도 먼저 위기발생 이전 이 문제에 적극적으로 대응하여 위기를 미연에 방지하기 위한 수단을 강구해야 할 것이다. 우리가 여기서 말하고자 하는 내용도 경찰조직에 있어서 위기관리에 대한 것을 거론하고자 한다. 각 기업에 학습조직이 이루어지고 있으며 경찰조직에게도 이에 맞는 위기학습이 이루어져야할 것이다. 어떠한 조직에 있어서도 항상 평온, 무사는 있을 수 없다. 위기라든가 위험이라고 하는 것은 언제 어디서 덮쳐올지 모른다. 특히 오늘날의 세계는 다변화, 복잡화, 환경조건의 변화, 불완전성의 증대가 리스크의 증대로 나타나게 되어 그 내용도 다변화되고 있는 것으로 생각된다. 학습역동성의 하위체계인 조직변화, 권한위임과 참여, 지식관리, 첨단기술의 활용의 관리가 향상되면 학습의 역동성도 향상되어 학습조직이 구축된다고 하겠다. 이와 같은 결과를 중심으로 위기학습구축방안을 다시 정리하여 제시하였다. 첫째, 위기를 예방하고 예측하기 위한 정보수집(情報蒐集) 이다. 둘째, 평소 위기관리대책(平素 危機管理對策)의 강구(講究)이다. 셋째, 발생(發生)한 위기(危機)에 대한 대처(對處)이다. 넷째, 위기(危機)의 재발방지(再發防止)와 앞으로의 대책(對策)이다. 위기학습이 되기 위한 교육훈련방안으로는 커리큘럼, 위기관리를 지도할 교관, 순경부터 모든 상하위급 경찰, 초동 조치요령 등 업무 매뉴얼을 제시하여야 할 것이며 중요한 것은 경찰과 학자들 사이의 지속적인 교류라고 할수 있다. 앞으로 경찰조직에서 위기학습조직 구축을 위한 깊이 있는 논의와 시도가 필요하다고 생각한다. 따라서 위에서 언급된 문제점을 점진적으로 해결해 가면 경찰조직의 새로운 위상을 정립되고 지역주민을 위해서 주민의 생명과 재산을 보호하며 주민편의의 봉사활동이 증진되는 실질적이고 참다운 경찰상이 구현될 것이다. This paper is concerned on how to practice and train up the poclice providing for potential coming crisis situation. The characteristics of todays' society are diversified, complicated, intellectualized and super-modenized, globalized, which lead to unexpected social crisis situation or natural disasters. In these circumstances the police would be faced on the situation and might have pre-practiced or pre-trained up for them because any system in our society could not be in staying with peaceful and safely all the time, but would be in the unexpected social or natual crisis situation. For it this paper will review what kinds of factors are required to the police to manage or overcome those situation, and will suggest most proper or possible program for it, to establish 21st century's new era of the policing. This study is contained the followings; 1) gathering the related information to prevent and predict social or natual crisis situation. 2) preparing how to manage coming crisis situation. 3) being how to overcome on the happened crisis situation. 4) prevention of coming crisis situation and making counterplan on it.

      • 경찰조직과 경찰인력의 효율적 운영방안에 관한 연구

        이성철 선문대학교 행정대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        Relative poverty, as a by-product of rapid economic growth, contributes to increase in the number of discontented persons. Under this circumstance, crimes are apt to grouping and organizing. Industrialization, urbanization, and knowledge and information-oriented change are rapidly under way, delivering people to a fierce competition. Thus, our traditional morals, viewpoints of life, and values are in trouble. As mammonism, materialism, culture of fast buck, egoism and human contempt are prevalent in the society, crimes are changing into dexterity, brutality and habitual practices. These various changes in our society require us to adopt a new approach to police administration. Due to the introduction of a quota system in the public sectors, however, police officials are included in the category of the total number of public officials. It makes it difficult to increase the number of police. Despite rising demand for security administration, it is found that police workforce can not be expanded automatically. This situation desperately requires management of workforce by making reasonable allocation of function and workforce in the police organization. In order to respond to this social trend aggressively, decisive action is needed in the police organization to avoid the duplication of roles between organizations, divisions, and classes. Internally, integration and abolition of local agencies and police stations will help revise the following areas: organization, workforce, equipments, budget. Externally, it is the central elements of our efforts to improve police image among the public and revitalize region-based police activity in the era of localization. Accordingly, the paper analyses factors to hinder workforce management, flexibly responding to security demand in reality, rather than stressing over simple calculation of workforce. The paper is aimed to manage insufficient workforce in an effective way and provide the high quality of security service to the public through practical reallocation of manpower. It is also possible by conducting integration and abolition of organizations between agencies, divisions, and classes in the police organization to meet the demand of security service in the special regions. Furthermore, this paper presents prerequisites and operational measures for management efficiency of workforce. It also studies the necessity of reviewing the actual conditions on security environment and brings out advanced measures of manpower management in the rapidly changing security environment, regarding integration and abolition of police stations and management system of district policemen and police substations fitting local environment. It proposes that accurate examination of the actual conditions should be taken in advance in keeping up with mobilization and change in security demand and then workforce allocation should be conducted. Rigid management of workforce leads to the fact that new police stations take a long time to build. Given this reality, practical countermeasures should be soon implemented to meet the demand of security service by additional allocation of current workforce.

      • 南北韓 統合警察體制 構築方案에 關한 硏究

        남궁승필 京畿大學校 政治專門大學院 2003 국내박사

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        남북 통일을 논의할 때 기본적으로 어떻게 되어야 한다는 규범적인 면과 어떻게 진행되고 있다고 하는 사실적인 면, 우리가 어떤 자세로 통일에 접근해야 하는가 하는 정신적인 세 가지 측면이 필요하다고 본다. 통일은 반드시 이루어야 한다고 하는 대전제 측면에서 정신적으로 통일을 지향하는 노력이 없으면 이러한 모든 논의는 수포로 돌아갈 것이다. 이러한 의미에서 우리는 정치적 · 경제적 · 사회적 · 문화적 통합작업을 착실히 이루어 나가야 할 것이며 통일단계의 완벽한 내적 통합을 위한 경찰통합은 필수적인 작업이라 할 수 있다. 경찰통합이란 국가간 통합의 전반적인 맥락에서 경찰간의 통합을 의미한다. 즉 경찰분야의 제반 기능 및 조직 체제를 하나의 공동 기능 및 조직체제로 변환시키는 작업이라고 할 수 있다. 지난 1990년의 동서독의 통일에 대해 '역사적으로 극적인 사건'으로 표현할 정도로 수많은 장애요인들을 극복하고 이루었다고 평가하고 있는데, 남북한의 통일을 모색하는 과정은 동서독에 비해 극복해야 할 과제들이 많음을 분명히 인식해야 할 것이다. 본 논문은 남북한의 완전한 통합을 이룩하는데 필요한 경찰통합 방안을 연구하였다. 통일 한국의 경찰통합이 이상적으로 이루어지기 위해서는 제도적이고, 구조적인 측면의 외적 통합뿐만 아니라 규범적이고 이념적인 영역의 경찰내의 내적 통합도 동시에 성취하여야 할 것이다. 왜냐하면 남북통일을 지향하는 시점에서 우선적으로 고려되어야 할 사항 가운데 하나가 체제의 안정성 확보 문제이다. 이질적인 두 개의 체제가 하나의 체제로 합쳐졌을 때 나타나는 사회적 불안은 역사적 경험을 통해서 볼 때 충분히 짐작 가능하다. 더욱이 과거처럼 강제적으로 체제를 유지시키는 방식이 아니라 국민 개개인의 자유와 권리를 최대한으로 보장하면서 체제를 안정적으로 유지해야 하기 때문에 더욱 어려운 일이다. 이러한 문제 때문에 경찰의 기능은 간과될 수 없는 것이다. 남북통일에 따른 체제의 안정성 확보는 제1차적으로 경찰이 담당해야 할 부분이기 때문이다. 따라서 남북 통일에 따른 치안환경을 정확히 예측하고, 이에 따른 적절한 경찰의 대응전략을 모색하는 것은 중요한 일이다. 이러한 과정에서 통일독일의 경찰통합 과정은 좋은 모델이 될 것이다. 이러한 문제의식에서 본 연구는 다음과 같은 작업을 하였다. 1) 남북한의 통일 환경과 경찰통합의 이론적 기초에 대해 검토하며, 2) 이질화된 남북한 경찰조직 및 기능의 비교를 통해 그 공통점과 차이점을 분석하고, 3) 분단국의 경찰통합에 대한 선행연구를 분석하고, 4) 남북한 경찰통합 방안을 연구하여 통합경찰체제 구축방안과 통일과도기 경찰의 치안확보 방안에 대한 분석을 통해 통일 한국의 경찰통합 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 통합경찰의 미래상측면에서의 경찰을 명령 · 강제하는 권력작용으로만 이해하고 설명하는 태도를 지양하고 규제하면서 봉사하는 서비스맨으로 개념정립 후 연구하기 시작했다. 이런 연구내용들을 개략적으로 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 남북한 분단이후 정치체제적 이질성은 남북한의 직접적인 통일환경이 될 수 있는데 북한이 남한에 흡수통일될 경우, 북한사회는 남한에 동조하는 세력과 과거 지배계층인 권력엘리트, 군부, 국가보위부, 사회안전부등이 기득권을 상실하여 양측간의 갈등이 발생할 것이다. 또한 사회문화적인 충격, 공황, 열등감은 치안의 혼란으로 이어질 것으로 예상된다. 이러한 예상되는 혼란을 예방하기 위한 경찰통합의 역할범위를 설정한다면 ① 국가통합의 목표인 평화의 달성과 유지를 위한 조건을 제공해 준다. ② 국가 · 사회적으로 변화된 환경에 걸맞는 경찰의 능력이다. ③ 국가통합과정에서 예기치 못하게 발생한 치안불안 상황에 대한 문제해결의 임무수행이다. ④ 통합되는 경찰로서의 자기 정체성 확보 등으로 생각할 수 있다. 둘째, 북한의 경찰조직을 자유민주주의의 남한의 경찰제도와 비교하면 다음과 같다. 안전부 본부는 안전원의 선발, 훈련, 배치, 승진, 감독, 해임 등 모든 권한을 가지고 있기 때문에 지휘명령은 절대적이다. 따라서 북한의 경찰은 체제유지를 위한 대국민 사찰기관으로서 노동당 독재체제 유지의 전초적 기능을 담당하면서 전체 주민을 김정일 1인 독재체제 밑에 순종하게 하기 위한 주민 탄압 기능이 주된 임무이다. 셋째, 한반도 통일에 따른 제반문제 가운데에서 중요한 치안문제와 대비 방안을 수립하기 위하여 독일의 선험적 경험과 사례를 남북한 통일대비 경찰통합 방안에 대한 정책적 아이디어와 교훈을 얻었다. 서독경찰조직은 1949년 Born 기본법이 제정되면서 주의 권한에 속하도록 규정하였다. 다만, 전국적인 사항과 긴급사태를 대비하는 제한된 범위내에서만 연방정부의 경찰권을 인정할 뿐 각 주별로 고유한 경찰법과 경찰조직을 보유하게 되었다. 그러나 동독의 경우에는 치안 및 수사 등 공식적인 경찰 조직 외에도 동독의 사회주의체제 유지와 공산당 일당 독재를 수호하기 위한 비밀 경찰인 국가 보위부가 있었다. 동서독 경찰통합을 통해 다음과 같은 교훈을 얻을 수 있다. 독일 통일은 구 동독 지역이 서독 기본법의 효력범위 내에 가입하는 형식으로 이루어졌다. 결국 구 동독의 경찰 조직을 정비 정리하는 일은 사회주의 단일국가의 중앙 통제적 경찰을 새롭게 신설된 주 지방 범죄 수사청으로 재조직하는 지방분권적 민주적 경찰로 바꾸는 일이었다. 그러나 독일 통일전 동서독 지역의 범죄 발생 빈도수가 1 : 3.5 정도이었던 것이 통독 후 1994년의 통계를 보면 1.3 : 1 정도로 반전되어, 역시 변화를 겪고 있는 동독 지역 사회가 안정되지 못함을 반증하고 있다. 이렇게 우리가 외국의 경험을 공부하는 이유는 결국 우리가 우리의 문제를 해결하는데 그 경험으로부터 도움을 얻기 위한 것이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 우리가 북한을 독일식으로 흡수통일하는 경우 북한을 남한식으로 시도 경찰청으로 조직하는 것으로는 불충분하고 과도기적으로 평양에 북한지역 시도경찰청을 총괄하는 가칭 북한 경찰청을 두고 북한경찰청장은 남한 경찰본청장의 지휘를 받는 치안행정을 수행해 나가야 할 것을 검토할 필요가 있다. 또한 새로운 관료제도 구축에 따른 구 동독시절 국가보위부 관련자 색출작업에 따른 문제점과 동독체제 범죄와 관련 가해자 처리 및 피해자 구제문제에 대한 검토와 인수한 동독 경찰관의 재교육에 따른 문제점, 동서독 경찰관간의 갈등의 문제점들이 나타났다. 넷째, 남북한의 경찰통합은 사회적, 경제적, 문화적 통합을 진행해 나가는 과정에서 나타나는 각종 문제점 및 혼란 등을 해결, 조정하고 이들 통합이 원활하고 효율적으로 이루어질 수 있도록 지원하는 것을 의미하기도 한다. 남북한 경찰통합 모델로 세 가지 방법을 제시해 본다면, ① 흡수통합은 남한경찰이 북한 경찰을 흡수통합하는 방안을 일컫는다. 이 경우 경찰 통합 절차가 단순하고 남한주민에게 우월감과 완전히 통일되었다는 감정을 제공해 줄 수 있는 장점이 있는 반면, 북한경찰을 흡수하여 통합하는 방안은 북한주민의 원성을 고려하고 막대한 예산이 소요되는 방안으로 경제적 부담이 예상되는 방안이라 판단된다. ② 연방식 통합은 남북한 경찰제도의 차이를 상호인정하고 남북한 경찰이 상호 가능한 교류체제를 제도적으로 준비하여 점진적으로 통합시키자는 의도이나 남북한 공존체제를 인정하고 남북한 주민의 이동이 없어야 한다는 제한이 있다. ③ 한국경찰중심의 표준화 통합은 정치, 경제적 통합보다 경찰의 통합이 더 어렵기 때문에 이들 통합과는 별도로 그 이전부터 준비할 필요성이 있고, 치안유지와 사회안정은 국가와 사회에 있어서 가장 중요한 요소이며 언제 어떠한 경우라도 결코 중단할 수 있는 것이기 때문에 경찰통합을 점진적, 지속적으로 추진할 수 있다는 점이며, 남북한 주민이나 경찰에게 지금 무엇을 어떻게 할 것인가에 대한 구체적인 방향을 제시해 준다는 점이 표준화통합의 장점이자 특징이라고 본다. 결국 통일대비 경찰통합을 위한 노력을 통해 통일경찰은 사회통합과정에서 선구자적 역할을 담당할 수 있다. 경찰은 사회내 어느 집단보다도 조직화되어 있어 어떠한 목적을 추구하는데 가장 큰 효율성을 발휘할 수 있다. 따라서 가장 적대적 집단이었던 남북한 경찰이 내적 측면에서 통합을 위한 노력을 집약적으로 실행함으로써 통일 한국의 사회통합과정에 선구자적 역할을 담당할 수 있으며, 이를 통해 사회 모든 분야에 통합의 분위기를 파급적으로 유도할 수 있다. 국가의 학교로서 경찰이 사회통합에 기여하기 위하여 이러한 노력을 전개할 때 통일 한국의 사회에서 경찰은 국민의 합의에 의해 요구되는 국가치안 확보단으로 인식될 것이며, 경찰은 국민의 경찰로서 그 존재기반을 다지게 될 것이다. 그러나 경찰의 내적 통합을 위한 노력이 단기간내에 큰 결실을 얻을 수는 없을 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 그러한 노력에도 불구하고 경찰 내에 존재하는 갈등과 이질성을 완전히 해소하지는 못할 것이다. 갈등은 조정될 수 있어도 소멸될 수는 없으며, 조화와 함께 사회를 구성하는 요소인 것이 현실이기 때문이다. 중요한 것은 통일한국사회에서 정치, 경제, 사회문화 등 제반분야에서 갈등이 구조화되지 않도록 슬기로운 해결방법을 찾는데 통일한국 경찰이 긍정적인 역할을 담당하기 위해 부단히 노력하여야 한다는 사실이다. 통일 경찰은 그러한 노력을 민족이 새롭게 도약하는 과정에서 새롭게 태어나는 국민의 경찰이 받아들여야 할 사명으로 기꺼이 감당하여야 할 것이다. 통일과도기 통일경찰을 위한 전문기획단을 설치, 인적자원 및 예산확보 방안을 강구하고 통일국가의 치안확보 및 정보획득을 위한 체계적이고 심도 있는 연구가 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다. Matters to be considered basically when discussing reunification of the South Korea and the North Korea are the normative side about what basic directions South-North reunification must pursue, the realistic side about what process South-North reunification is going through, and the spiritual side about with what attitudes we should solve South-North reunification. From the viewpoint of a major premise that North-South reunification must be fulfilled by all means, all discussions might end in vain without efforts to intend to fulfill a spiritual reunification. In this sense, we must steadily accomplish all reunification tasks in the political · economical · social · cultural sides. The task of integration of the police in North-South Korea is a mandatory task on behalf of a complete inner unification. Integration of the North-South Police means unification of the police in an overall and logical connection inside different nations. In other words, it indicates a work that converts various functions and all organic systems of the police into one common function and organic system. Unification of East Germany and West Germany into the German Democratic Republic in 1009 has been evaluated to be 'a dramatic event in historical side', and in actual, German people are thought to have overcome numerous obstacles. On the contrary, it should be assuredly recognized that the process of reunification of the North Korea and the South Korea includes more tasks to be solved than that of Germany. This paper researched plans to integrate the South-North police, which are required to fulfill a complete North-South reunification. In order to achieve an ideal integration of the South-North Korean police, both an outer unification in the institutional, structural sides and an inner unification in normative, ideological sides inside the police ought to be accomplished. Because the most important matter to be considered at the point of intending to unify the North Korea and the South Korea is the problem of securing the national structure. Social insecurity to be shown when two different national structures are united is predictable if looking back on historical instances in the past. It is even more difficult because the national structure ought to be secured, freedom and rights of individuals ought to be guaranteed to the utmost, instead of that the national structure is maintained by force, like during the past. These problems don't allow functions of the police to be passed over. Another main reason is that securing stability of the national structure under the circumstances of North-South reunification is the first role taken by the police. Therefore, presupposing public peace environments under the circumstances of North-South reunification exactly, and preparing counterstrategies toward those presupposed conditions are very important tasks of the police. On this stage, the procedure of North-South police integration in the German Democratic Republic might become a good example for Koreans. This paper examined following matters under such a critical mind. 1) Fundamental theories on North-South unification environments and the police integration need be examined. 2) Heterogeneous functions & organizations of the North police and the South police need be compared, common points and differences are to be analyzed. 3) Preceding studies on the police integration in a divided nation need be analyzed. 4) Plans to integrate the police in North-South Korea are to be researched. Finally, future directions pursued by the police In reunified Korea tried to be suggested through an analysis on plans to build the integrated police structure as well as plans to secure the public peace by the police during the transition period. The attitude to understand the police as a political power's operation like command compulsion should be sublated, instead, this paper was begun after defining the police as service men who regulate and serve. Study contents are summed up like below; First, political heterogeneity that has formed since South-North separation is a direct North-South unification environment. In case that the North becomes to be absorptively integrated Into the South, the Northern power who have aligned themselves with the South, the power elite who have been the ruling power, the military, the National Defense Office, the Social Security Office will lose their vested rights, as a result, conflicts will break out. Also, social cultural impact, panic, inferiority complex will get connected with public peace disorder. The roles of the police, which prevent those confusions, are as below; ① Preconditions are to be given to fulfill peace, i.e., a major goal of national unification and maintain peace. ② It is the police' ability proper for changing national · social environments. ③ It is the police's task to solve problems related with public peace, which might break out under the circumstances of national reunification. ④ It is the police's securing self-identity as the integrated police. Second, the system of the North police is compared with that of the South police, i.e., a free and democratic nation, as follows; the headquarters has all rights such as picking-out, training, disposition, promotion, supervision, dismissal of the safety personnel, so that their commands and directions are unconditional. The police in the North is an inspection organization toward people for the sake of system-maintenance. It takes charge of the outpost role to maintain the Labour Party's dictatorship, at the same time, its main function is inhabitant-suppression to let all inhabitants submit to Kim, Jeong Il's one-man dictatorship. Third, in order to examine the problem of Public peace, one out of all problems appearing under the circumstances of North-South reunification, and to set countermeasures, policy ideas and lessons about plans to integrate the police in the united North-South Korea were obtained from preceding experiences and examples of Germany. The police organization of West Germany went into under the command of state, after the Born organic-law was enacted in 1949. Except for urgent circumstances throughout the whole nation or emergencies, when the police power of the federal government is authorized, each state owns its own police law and police system. However, East Germany had a secret police so called the National Defense Office that purposed keeping guard over East Germany's socialism and the Communists' one-party dictatorship, as well as the police in charge of public peace & criminal investigation. Following lessons were obtained through the process of police integration of West Germany and East Germany. Unification of Germany was achieved in the way that East Germany joined in the organic-law of West Germany. After all, giving a new order to East Germany's police system meant reorganizing the centralized police of socialistic unitary state into a newly established local crime office of state, i.e., converting into the power-decentralized democratic police. Nevertheless, the fact that crime-occurrence frequency was 1 : 3.5 throughout the whole Germany before German unification, but according to statistical data in 1994, the ratio was reversed like 1.3 : 1 after German unification told that the changing society of East Germany has not been secured yet. The main reason that we study foreign examples and experiences is, after all, that we want to get helps for solving our problems. Therefore, in case that we absorptively integrate the North into the South following the German case, it would be insufficient that the North police is reorganized like the South police with city · province(do) National Police Agency, instead, a proposal that during the transition period, the North National Police Agency in a full charge of city · province(do) police-office of the North is to be built, and the chief of the North National Police Agency is to be under the command of the main chief of the South National Police Agency need be examined. Other problems shown were as follows; problems of finding out persons who have something to do with East Germany's National Defense Office, according as new bureaucracy is established, examination of treating East Germany's crimes, assaulters, and relief steps, problems of retraining East German policemen, conflicts between West German policemen and East German policemen. Fourth, integration of the police in North-South Korea means solving & adjusting various problems and confusions shown In the process of social, economic, and cultural unification of the South and the North, also, supporting those unifications to be achieved in harmonious and effective ways. Three ways were proposed as desirable models for integration of the police in North-South Korea; ① Absorptive integration indicates the South police takes in the North police. In this case, the integration process of the Police is simple, above all, the advantage is arousing superiority and feeling of a complete integration in the South people, on the contrary, the disadvantage is this plan to take in the North police must consider the North people's grudge, therefore, a huge budget need be estimated. ② The federal system intends to integrate the South-North police gradually after mutually understanding difference between the South police and the North police, preparing the South-North police exchange system in the institutional side. But a precondition is that the South-North coexisting system must be accepted and inhabitants of the North and the South must not move. ③ Standardized integration, an intention of the South Korean police, is linked with social & economic integration more easily, than integration of the police. Therefore, the police integration need pre-preparations apart from those former ones. Public peace preservation and social security are the most important matters for the nation and the society, cannot be given up in any cases, therefore, advantages or characters of standardized integration are possibility that it can propel the police integration gradually and continually, and the fact that it give the South police and the North police concrete indications about what to do and how to do at the present. After all, the integrated police could take charge of the role of outrunner in the process of social unification, through all efforts to integrate the police as well as to prepare for the whole unification. The police could demonstrate the biggest effectiveness to achieve a certain goal because the police organ is systemized more than any other organizations in the society. In consequence, the South police and the North police who have been hostile against each other can take charge of the role of outrunner in the process of social unification in united Korea, by implementing intensive efforts to unify the nation in the inner side, all of which can let unification atmosphere expand throughout the whole society. When these efforts are paid for the police as a national school to contribute to social unification, the integrated police in the united Korean society could be understood as an organ that secures national public peace required by all people, then, the police also could gain a firm foothold as the police for national people. However, efforts that are being paid for inner unification of the police are difficult to be linked with satisfactory results within a short period, moreover, in spite of such efforts, conflicts and heterogeneity found inside the police cannot be resolved completely. Conflicts can not terminate but be adjusted, instead, they are one of elements composing the society as harmony is. The important thing is that the fact that the united Korean police ought to take charge of an affirmative role to find out wise solution ways for political, economic, social, and cultural problems, in order to prevent conflicts from getting structuralized. The united police ought to make such efforts willingly as am appointed task that the newly born national police must accept in the process of a new national take-off. Professional planning section need be built for the united police during the transition period, human resources and national budget need be guaranteed, systematic and continual studies ought to be carried out to secure public peace and get information for the united nation.

      • 경찰조직의 사회자본 실태분석 : 부산지방경찰청을 중심으로

        김형식 부경대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        Since 1945, the liberation of Korea, Korean police system maintained its consistency. The object of Police was mo re to the maintenance of nation objective order rather than the maintenance of public safety, public order civilians and service. As the 21c globalize and information society comes up, rapid change in the social atmosphere, the rise of ubiquitous, made crimes more real time, speedy, intellectual and complex through knowledge information system. These change made threatening factors invade families and their privacies. So the crimes without the boundaries of civil and criminal lawsuit increased along with the need of the police's active intervention starting on crimes such as complaint and discontent from violation of civil rights, livelihood factors and other damages by crimes on everyday life to pathological phenomena. These pathological phenomena inquires the police a new paradigm and have a change in its role. It is time the police system needs a policing service that aims the police's original duty, order and volunteer, for the civilians who are the customers of the police service. Until now, after IMF as a effect of NPM the public&private organizations rearanged themselves to be more competitive and productive in order to be efficient. Korean police also tried to improve themselves in behavior, consciousness and system to be more productivity oriented but the problem is that the change lopsided to the expansion of outer organizations that it neglected the members' motivation. In this change and innovation, social capital is expected to be a new paradigm to solve and be productive through human capital able to apply to the members of the organization. Research about social capital was noticed since 1990's in the fields of politics economy, society and political science and as a resolution for problems on local development. For the organization level change to be fundamental and continuous, the sharing of the organization's vision and object and the will to practice it should be the background. The fundamental characteristics of this is "Social capital". Therefore, social capital promotes the cooperation of the members and their mutual interest. Recently productive systems such as BSC has been introduced. Police system also needs to extend social capital to develope policing ability. The capacity of a organization depends on the worth of the member and the co relationship between the upper branch and the lower branch. The object of this research is th analyze the realities of the social capital in the police organization under the condition that the social capital in the police organization ultimately effects the upgrade and the productivity of the organization in the point of empirical and working level. The idea of social capital used in this research consists of trust, model and network which was defined Putnam(1993). These social capital of police organization will differ in level according to the characteristics of the members in the organization, the organization and the working environment. This research, sets personal character, organization character and working environment, which are estimated to be effective to the police organizations social capital, as independent variable and analyze and find a suggestion point in the reality of the social capital which is a dependent variable effected by the independent variables. At chapter1, what effects personal character, organization character has on social capital. At chapter2. what effects working environment (conflicts, fairness, competition) has on social capital. At chapter3. set a hypothesis of how much effect has the social capital upon the organization and prove it. For this research, 4 police stations among 14 Busan local police department were given 40~110 questionnaires, total 570 questionnaires from 2006 11.15 to 11.30. And technical statistics were processed on relationship, rarity and frequency. As PAPR was introduced recently, satisfaction of duty by inner customers and organization devotion tends to be proved and reflected by process and research service. But there wasn't any academical and empirical deep research about the level degree and the effective factors of organization's formless assets such as trust, order, network and participating social capital. This research is the first to derive the police organizations social capital components. But due to the lack of accumulated statistics of social capital components it was hard to compare this hypothesis and the standard to prove the validity of productivity was insufficient also, because of the handicap of time and manpower, sufficient proving was impossible. This research has its meaning in the point that this was the tryout analysis of police organizations empirical and microscopic analyze. This research is expected to be used as a database for the development of police organizations and the evaluation of organization efficiency such as improvement of systemicity organization's capacity expansion afterwards.

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