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      • KCI등재

        시한부분묘제도의 정착화 방안에 관한 연구

        김혁구(Kim, Hyuk Koo),민규식(Min, KYu Sik) 한국부동산학회 2009 不動産學報 Vol.39 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This study is intended to investigate the task of the time-limited burial treatment to prevent the confusion since the time limit of Jan 12, 2016 when the current time0limited burial system is applied first and to establish the measure for it (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study attempted to make a general investigation of the time-limited burial system by reference to all sorts of materials, make a close analysis of the contents of related statutes related to the time-limited burial system and the background for its introduction and identify the present situation of the tombs and its realities. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS To induce the time-limited burial system to take root, this study attempted the following improvement scheme: First, it is necessary to compile the tomb register as the basic material through the report of all tombs in order to introduce the time0limited burial system. Second, it is thought that 20 years is adequate as the concept of one generation by reducing the period of time-limited burial to a maximum of 60 years as the scheme to improve the extension of time limit. Third, it is necessary to establish the effectiveness of improvement of illegal tombs by defining matters concerning the presence or absence of their registration in the tomb register and of permission or notification of tomb installation, and the authority to install the tomb as the improvement scheme to identify relations to the tomb. Fourth, it is necessary to apply the time-limited burial system as 100 years as the basis in order to improve tombs prior to the enforcement of the time-limited burial system. Fifth, setting the maximum of 120 years as the period of burying together by starting the calculation of its period at its point in time is likely to make the time-limited burial system useless. So it is necessary to adjust it to the reasonable period. Six, it is necessary to enforce the time-limited burial system to fit the emotional practice of people a little more. For this purpose, it is necessary to introduce the system to install the burying-together bomb for the family capable of housing less than 150 persons or so in one tomb ot prevent the burden of abolishing the tombs at a time such as reburial. 2. RESULTS It is necessary to enforce the expired tomb when the period of tomb installation is expired as prescribed. For this purpose, efforts should be made to secure the effectiveness of law enforcement and induce the system to take root. Among other things, efforts should be made to change people's deep-rooted consciousness of the burial system.

      • KCI등재

        근로시간면제제도의 평가와 실천적 과제

        하갑래 한국경영법률학회 2010 經營法律 Vol.20 No.4

        The Time-off System, which was newly stipulated in the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act on January 1st 2010 , is to be implemented from July 1st, 2010. Accordingly, the Enforcement Decree of the Act was amended on February 12th. The decision of the Time-off System Deliberation Committee on the maximum Time-off hours was notified by the Labor Minister on April 20th and administrative guidelines were announced by the Ministry of Labor on June 4th. This paper recognized and analyzed components of the system in ordinances, notification and guidelines which were prepared to implement the Time-off system, identified their short-comings and suggested ways to develop the system. The Trade Unions and Labor Relations Act stipulates the contents of a complicated Time-off system in a single paragraph under a single Article, suggesting a substantially abstract ideas on the system. This resulted in adding new contents to the Enforcement decree and administrative guidelines at a time when there was no ground for mandating the system and many restrictions to the system. The circumstance may lead to the possible infringement on the principle of autonomy in Labor and Management and engender differing views on the effect of stipulated measures. This paper has analysed such problems in details and suggested alternatives. It might be too early to discuss the amendment of relevant institutions since the Time-off system has only been ready to be implemented. In addition, few court cases or evaluations by academia have been accumulated. Therefore, this paper is expected to contribute to building upon the Time-off system based on common consensus through numerous discussions by raising questions to draw practical discussions on the system.

      • KCI등재

        근로시간면제제도와 관련된 몇가지 쟁점

        박도하(Park, Do-Hah) 조선대학교 법학연구원 2013 法學論叢 Vol.20 No.3

        우리나라에 있어서 노조전임자에 대한 급여금지제도는 1997년 3월 13일 법률 제5310호인 노동조합 및 노동관계조정법에 도입된 이래 약 13년간 그 제도의 시행이 미루어지다가 2010년 1월 1일 법률 제9930호에 의하여 2010. 7. 1.부터 사실상 시행되었다. 노조전임자에 대한 급여지급관련제도는 법률 제9930호에 있어서는 당초의 제도모습과는 사뭇 다른 내용으로 정해지게 되었다. 즉 기업별 노조와 중소규모의 노동조합이 대부분인 우리나라에 있어서 노조전임자제도는 애초의 논의와는 다른 형태인 부분적인 근로시간면제의 형태인 근로시간면제제도로 확정되었으며, 입법구조상의 문제점 등으로 인하여 그 시행에 있어서 출발점부터 많은 문제점을 안고 있는 것도 사실이다. 이러한 애초의 문제점에도 불구하고 시행 이후 대부분의 사업장에서 근로시간면제제도의 한도 내에서 적법하게 도입을 하고 있어 도입 초기에는 원활한 모습이다. 그러나 아직도 면제시간 외에 전임자의 인원수를 제한하고 있는 문제, 근로시간면제한도를 위반한 경우의 사법적(私法的)효력 문제, 복수노동조합에 있어서의 노조전임자의 배정문제, 기존에 존재하던 유급노조활동 등의 처리문제 등 문제점이 많은 것도 사실이다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서 고용노동부는 행정지침인 근로시간면제한도 매뉴얼을 개정하는 등 그 개선에 노력을 하고 있는 것도 사실이다. 이에 본 논문에서는 근로시간면제제도에 관한 그간의 입법화 과정, 외국의 입법례, 근로시간면제한도제도의 실상, 문제점 가운데 특히 근로시간면제제도 이용 주체와 관련된 타임오프 개념 정리, 인원제한의 문제, 한도초과의 단체협약의 효력 문제, 상급단체 파견전임자의 문제 등을 살피고자 한다. The pay-off Prohibition System about Full-Time official of Trade Union in our country, which was introduced A Labor Union and Labor Relation Act 5310("hereinafter referred as TULRA") on March 13, 1997 but postponed to enforce the Act for 13 years, has enforced actually since July 1st 2010 by Act 9330 on Jan 1st 2010. The pay-off prohibition system about Full-time official of Trade Union has had a different content from the original system image on Act 9930. That is, Full-time official of Trade Union system, since we almost have Trade Union of Enterprise and A Labor Union of small Enterprise, has definited time-off system which is assume the time-off hours Form. And it has a lot of issues from the starting point of the enforcement because of problems of the legislation system. Despite of such outset issue, Most of places of business show a harmonious from after it was introduced early on within time-off system legalty. But there are a lot of problems including the problem with limiting Full time official number as well as time-off problem, judicial effect problem of a violation of time off restriction, an apportionable problem of full time official on compound Trade Union, The handling problem of the existing paid Trade Union activity. To solve these problems, The Ministry of Labor Employment tries to improve something such as Maximum Time-off Hours Manuel about administrative guidelines. Therefore, This paper is inspected the meanwhile legislative course about the time-off Hours system, foreign legislation case, the real state of affairs in The Maximum time-off Hours system, especially The related Time-off notion reason of the Time-off system using core, The problem of limiting personnel, The effect problem of an organization agreement of The limiting excess, The problem of a dispatch predecessor of upper group.

      • KCI등재

        근로시간면제제도의 실태와 과제

        김강식 ( Kang-sik Kim ) 한국질서경제학회 2020 질서경제저널 Vol.23 No.4

        With the implementation of the time-off(working time exemption) system, the legal status of time-off employer was newly born in most companies, and the payment of wages for full-time union workers, which was a practice so far, was stopped. This study reviewed the current status, problems, and improvement plans of the time-off system through an empirical analysis targeting current companies, 10 years after the introduction of the time-off system. Companies are generally positively evaluating the time-off system. Most companies assessed that the current exemption hours limit is sufficient, and nonetheless, the collective agreement guarantees additional hours beyond the exemption hours. However, the time-off system has the following problems. First of all, as an institutional problem, the time-off system can negatively affect the autonomy of labor-management relations, induce labor-management conflict, and also have problems with the appropriateness of the exemption hours limit. In addition, there is also a problem of the standards for applying exemption from working hours. Specifically, there is a problem of changing the exemption hours limit according to the change in the size of the union, the problem of allocating time-offs, and the problem of multiple membership. In addition to this, there are problems with the work subject to the time-off system and the payment of wages in excess of the working hours exemption limit. Due to the operational problems of the time-off system, the problem of additional exemption hours guaranteed by collective agreements other than the time-off limit, the problem of using time for work other than those subject to time-off, and the use of off-time is not managed. As a measure to improve the time-off system, rational adjustment of the time-off limit, clarification of the scope of work subject to time-off, institutionalization of the method of using working hours, introduction of unfair labor practices system of unions related to the time-off system, and the legalization of management of the time-off system can be suggested.

      • 지구관측위성의 시스템 응답주기 분석을 위한 알고리즘 개발

        김홍래,장영근 한국항공우주학회 2014 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.11

        지구관측위성의 성능 특성(FoM; Figure-of-Merit)을 나타내는 지수에는 해상도, MTF(Modulation Transfer Function), SNR(Signal-to-Noise Ratio) 등의 영상의 품질을 나타내는 지수뿐만 아니라, 재방문주기(Revisit Time)와 응답주기(Response Time)과 같은 운용성능을 나타내는 지수도 있다. 응답주기는 사용자의 요청에서부터 표준영상을 사용자에게 전달해주는데 까지 걸리는 시간을 의미하며 고기동의 신속대응 임무에서는 가장 중요한 임무 성능 중 하나이다. 또한 응답주기는 시스템 개발 초기에 운용될 위성시스템의 개수 및 성능을 결정짓는 중요한 인자이다. 하지만 현재까지 제시된 응답주기 분석은 통신시간을 고려하지 않고, STK(Systems Tool Kit)에서의 응답주기 분석 소프트웨어를 그대로 활용하여 제한적이었다. 본 연구에서는 상향링크와 하향링크와 같은 통신링크를 고려한 시스템 응답주기 분석 알고리즘을 개발하였다. 또한 본 연구팀이 개발한 지구관측위성의 커버리지 분석을 위한 방법론을 제안하고, 지구관측위성의 다양한 임무운용을 고려한 응답주기 분석 알고리즘을 소개한다. 끝으로, 개발된 시스템 응답주기 분석 알고리즘을 단일위성과 다중 지상국에 적용하여 시스템 응답주기 계산 결과를 비교 분석한다. FoM(Figure-of-Merit) representing image quality in earth observation satellite consists of ground resolution, MTF(Modulation Transfer Function), and SNR(Signal-to-Noise Ratio). The revisit time and response time are another FoM as operational performance parameter. The response time is an index that measures the time between a user request for coverage of a point and the time at when data from a satellite collection is available to the user. This is often considered as the most important operational performance in earth observation satellites to perform responsive missions. In addition, the system response time affects the determination of number of satellites and the satellite performance in initial phase of system development. The past concept of response time does not consider the communication links between satellites and ground stations and was very limited because the response time software in STK(Systems Tool Kit) was used to analyze the response time without any changes of software. This research suggests the concept of system response time considering the communication links such as uplink and downlink. In this paper, authors suggest a methodology for analyzing satellite coverage and introduce the algorithm for calculating the system response time considering various mission operation of earth observation satellites. Finally, the algorithm was applied to single satellite and multiple ground station problems. We compare and analyze the computation results of system response time.

      • KCI등재

        Timing System Development for RAON Operation

        Sangil Lee,Changwook Son,Seung-Yong Kim,Cheol-Hoon Lee 한국물리학회 2020 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.76 No.7

        The Rare Isotope Accelerator complex for ON-line experiments (RAON) is a heavy-ion accelerator experiment facility under construction in Korea. This facility aims at a beam energy of 200 MeV/u and a maximum beam power of 400 kW and is expected to be completed by 2021. A large-scaled experiment facility like RAON requires a timing system for precise-synchronized operation. For this purpose, domestic accelerator facilities mainly use timing systems that are foreign products. The accelerator engineering team of RAON has successfully developed the RAON timing system in cooperation with a domestic company. The signals from the RAON timing system synchronized with an radio frequency (RF) reference clock and a global positioning system (GPS) are distributed throughout the RAON site via the dedicated timing network (3.25 Gbps). The time accuracy of the timing system is 12.3 ns synchronized with the RF reference clock (81.25 MHz). All signals (triggers, pulse delayed clock, and external signals) of the timing system developed using the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) software module are configurable on a software. In addition, the RAON timing system supports the more flexible system for the various beam operation mode and improves the performance of the control system. This paper describes the results of the design and development of the RAON specific timing system.

      • KCI등재

        Embedded System Design을 위한 Real-Time System의 최적화된 Timing효과의 구현

        박은정,정태경,Park, Eun-Jung,Jeong, Tai-Kyeong 한국정보통신학회 2006 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.10 No.3

        본 고에서는 임베디드 시스템을 위한 새로운 이벤트 중심의 실시간 시스템의 디자인의 최적화에 대한 연구를 논하고자 한다. 이를 위해서는 대단위의 분산처리시스템을 만족하기 위한 종료시한 초과 처리기의 구현이 필수적이며, 이때 실시간 시스템에서의 타이밍을 조절하고 계측할 수 있는 종료시 한이 사용되어야 한다. 이러한 타이밍의 요소들은 보통 모델과 실제 시스템사이의 인터페이스에서 동작하는데, 여기서 실시간 시스템의 디자인을 위한 다양한 그래픽 언어들이 종료시한을 효과적으로 처리하도록 제고한다. 이 연구를 통하여 사용자수준에서의 임베디드 시스템을 위한 종료시한 초과 처리와 함께, RonRT라는 툴을 이용한 최적화된 종료시한 초과 처리기를 증명해 보이고자한다. This paper presents a new real-time system design methodology for embedded system as well as event-driven real time application. It is required to implement a deadline handling mechanism in order to satisfy a large-scale distributed real time application. When we design real time system, it has handled a deadline and is important to measure / control a timing issue. These timing constraints usually associated with an interface between model and system. There are many case tools that supporting a real time application, for example, UML, graphic language for designing real time system, but they cannot provide efficient way to handle deadline miss. Therefore, users have to design deadline handler manually when they need to use it. This paper contributes solving the problems of user-level deadline handling for an embedded system. Also, it also discusses an efficient deadline handler design mechanism using on RoseRT, which is a graphical CASE tool supporting from UML.

      • KCI우수등재

        공조시스템 용량과 재가동 시작 시간 설정에 따른 실내 열환경 및 에너지 사용량 평가

        진산,이찬욱,도성록 대한설비공학회 2023 설비공학 논문집 Vol.35 No.3

        An office heating system is intermittently operated according to general occupancy patterns. When the heating system is not operated, the heating load accumulates in the indoor space, causing a decrease in the indoor air temperature. Because of this phenomenon, recovery times are required when the heating system is restarted and are affected by the heating system capacity and restart time. An excessive capacity causes an increase in the recovery time and an insufficient capacity causes an increase in the installation cost. Also, if the heating system restart time is set late, it may cause a worsening of the indoor thermal environment. Conversely, if the restart time is set early, it may cause unnecessary energy usage, therefore, determining the optimal capacity and restart time is important. This study aims to evaluate the recovery time and energy usage according to various heating system capacities and restart times. To achieve this, an energy simulation was implemented using EnergyPlus by varying the heating system capacity and restart time. As a result, the recovery time varied between 46-379 min and the daily energy consumption varied between 636.0-879.7 kWh with various heating system capacities. The recovery time varied between 53-118 min and the daily energy consumption varied between 675.4-869.8 kWh with various heating system restart times.

      • KCI등재

        설계 사양을 고려한 제어시스템 식별

        정형근,임동균 한국지식정보기술학회 2021 한국지식정보기술학회 논문지 Vol.16 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to present a PID controller design that achieves high stability and robustness while satisfying a design specification(overshoot) required in the control system identification task under condition of time delay. In the control system identification task, Yunwana-Seborg's control system identification tuning method and Zigler-Nichols' method ensure high performance and stability when they are applied to a system with short time delay since they have less error between time delay of estimated transfer function and real one. However, they are not applicable to system with high time delay since, when they are applied to such system, they have bigger error between time delay of estimated transfer function derived by Pade’1’st approximation method and real one. Zigler-Nichols loop tuning method, which has been applied in many parts of the industry, undergoes control parameter tuning through many trial and error, therefore takes longer time compared to other controller design methods. The control parameter tuning method using the process response curve proposed by Cohen-Coon has the advantage of less tuning time compared to the loop tuning method, however is applicable only to open loop system but not to close loop system. The method proposed by Suh, which modified Yunwana-Seborg's control system identification tuning method, to overcome the shortcomings of the close loop system and method using the processor response curve, presented the control parameter tuning to reduce the error between time delay of estimated transfer function derived by Pade’1’st approximation method and real one. This method was derived by setting a phase regulator proportional to the delay constant value at the time delay and ensured satisfactory stability and performance, but was not analytic. The PID controller design proposed in this paper ensures a performance and stability by overcoming the error between time delay of estimated transfer function and real one occurring at actual plant and determining the phase regulator in the initial design stage through considering a design specification(overshoot) required by control system.

      • PACS실에서 원격시스템을 이용한 업무의 효율성 평가

        김지혜,이종웅,이승진,동경래,Kim, Ji-Hye,Lee, Jong-Woong,Lee, Seung-Jin,Dong, Kyung-Rae 대한디지털의료영상학회 2011 대한디지털의료영상학회논문지 Vol.13 No.4

        Server and Pi view management, external image and internal image Copy Import business in PACS room is through the medical assistance. Import and Copy, and in particular the number of cases is increasing the number of import is a fast growing trend. Although the increase in workload With limited human resources to increase business efficiency so Remote system is using PACS room. This remote system will want to evaluate the effectiveness of using the service. Amount of data each 437.5 MB, Copy and Import time is to compare and evaluate sees by use 1 PC. 4 PC, 4 PC+ remote system. The use of the remote system before the January 2010 to June daily average waiting time and the use of the remote system after the January 2011 to June compared to a daily average patient waiting time, evaluate. Using the remote system in January 2011 to June Find out the average remote utilization. The biggest difference on the four copy and eight continued, Were performed two times faster by use 4 PC+ remote system than use 4 PC and four times faster than use 1 PC. Before using the remote system, the daily average wait time is 14.5 minutes after using the daily average 10.2 minutes, waiting time 30% of the existing waiting time was 4.3 minutes, to reduce. Using the remote system in January 2011 to June the average daily number of cases is 107 number and The number of remote and on average 35 cases with 32% in a day remote usage. The use of the remote system to Import, CD Copy and greatly increase the efficiency of their time could be. Hours due to efficiency could also reduce customer waiting time. As a result, the manpower and the use of a remote system over time to maximize efficiency in business hours, work was evaluated by.

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