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      • KCI등재

        한일국교정상화 이후 경제협력 논의구조의 변화양상-정ㆍ재계 경제협력회의의 위상과 역할을 중심으로-

        이현진 한국민족운동사학회 2013 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.74

        This study demonstrated that how the discussion between Korea and Japan has been institutionalized, which was agreed on the Korea-Japan Treaty after the normalization of diplomatic relations. This study also confirmed the features of relationship on the economic cooperation between Korea and Japan, upon the Korea-Japan Treaty with the empirical method. After the diplomatic normalization, the Discourse of Economic Cooperation between Korea and Japan was created in order to carry out the statutory economic cooperation by the Korea-Japan Treaty. In addition, the diplomatic normalization has been institutionalized and the ministerial meetings have been held on a regular basis. In the case of Korea, the structure of the Discourse of Economic Cooperation was conducted by the government on condition of the political situation and the promotion of economic development scheme. The economic discourse in the private sector has been integrated into the government sector as playing the role of governmental level discourse. Particularly, the Joint Economic Committee of Korea-Japan was created to reorganize the private economic diplomacy since the Korea-Japan cooperation committee was not functioning properly. When the Korea-Japan Treaty was unofficial, the Joint economic committee of Korea-Japan had promoted to compromise and practice the main role at the governmental level, which was accompanied by the large number of political and economical government officials. It was the backbone of the Discourse of Economic Cooperation between Korea and Japan. On the other hand, Korea Economic Cooperation Organizations’ role has been shrunk after the normalization of diplomatic relations since the interest of Japanese economic circles determine the economic organizations’ achievements. And the Korea-Japan Economic Cooperation Organization has been discouraged as Japan getting through into China. It shows that the Korean Foreign Economic Cooperation was quite limited because Korea had a high level of dependence toward Japan from late 1960 to mid 1970. 본 연구는 한일협정 체결 당시 형성된 한일 간 논의구조가 국교정상화 이후에 어떻게 제도화되고, 변화의 과정을 거치게 되는지를 추적하는 것으로, 한일협정을 계기로 형성되는 한일경제관계의 특징을 실증적인 방법을 통하여 제도적으로 입증해보고자 한 것이다. 국교정상화 이후 한일경제협력의 논의구조는 한일협정을 통해 규정된 경제협력의 방식을 실천하는 과정에서 마련되었다. 또한 국교정상화 이전 시기의 한일경제교류의 모습이 정례화되고 제도화되는 특징을 지니고 있다. 한국의 경우는 한국의 정치상황의 변화와 경제개발계획의 추진이라는 조건 속에서 한일경제협력논의는 정부 주도 하에 진행되었고, 민간베이스의 경제논의는 정부레벨의 논의를 보조하는 역할을 수행하며, 정부 베이스로 흡수 통합되어 갔다. 특히 한일협력위원회는 한일민간합동경제위원회가 제대로 기능을 발휘하지 못하자 민간경제외교라인의 재정비라는 한일 양측의 필요성에서 등장한 것으로 한일협정 체결 당시 비공식라인으로 기능하였던 정계, 재계, 관료들이 대거 참여함으로써 정부레벨 논의의 절충과 실현을 촉진시키는 역할을 수행하며 한일경제협력논의의 중추기관으로서 활동했다. 한편, 국교정상화 이후 한일경제협력체제에서 경제협력기구들의 성과 여부는 일본 경제계의 이해관계와 밀접한 관련 속에서 진행되었는데, 일본 경제계의 대중공진출과 더불어 대한경제협력 의욕이 점차 저하되면서 한일경제협력기구들의 역할이 축소되는 결과를 초래하였다. 이는 대일의존도가 높았던 1960년대 후반에서 1970년대 중반까지 한국의 대외경제협력체제의 한계를 드러내는 것이었다.

      • KCI등재

        경제안보 패러다임 하에서 한일간 협력 강화의 중요성 고찰

        이홍배(Hong-Bae Lee) 한일경상학회 2024 韓日經商論集 Vol.102 No.-

        Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to look back on Korea-Japan economic relations in the wake of the recent improvement in Korea-Japan relations, and to consider the importance and necessity of strengthening cooperation between Korea and Japan in a trade environment where economic security and protectionism are spreading. Research design, data, and methodology: This paper first reviews recent studies similar to the scope of this study, and then examines changes in the world economic order and global trade environment due to the spread of the economic security paradigm. Based on this, we analyze the challenges facing Korea and Japan, and then consider why strengthening cooperation between Korea and Japan is important and necessary under the current trade environment where protectionism is rampant. The analysis method uses various international organizations and Korea-Japan trade statistics to analyze the structure and characteristics of Korea-Japan exports and imports, the effects of the Korea-Japan FTA within RCEP, and the ripple effects of the expansion of Korea-Japan cooperation. Results: This paper analyzes the relationship between the economic and industrial structures between Korea and Japan and suggests that building a strong cooperative relationship at the present time, as it has in the past, will bring about mutual benefits. In particular, it emphasizes the need for active response through multilateral cooperation on the international stage, such as RCEP and IPEF, and not limited to cooperation between the two countries. Specifically, the Korean and Japanese economies have a fundamental condition in which they cannot help but prioritize the U.S.-led economic bloc when choosing between the U.S.-led economic bloc and the Chinese-led economic bloc. However, as mentioned above, the Korean and Japanese economies are faced with a dilemma in that they have a connection and closeness with the Chinese economy that cannot be easily escaped. If bleeding occurs due to intensified competition between Korean and Japanese companies, there is a high possibility that only China will benefit as it will be able to purchase at low prices. On the contrary, if cooperation between Korean and Japanese companies is strengthened and transactions are carried out with Chinese companies, the Chinese economy is still highly dependent on the Korean and Japanese economies, so negotiations can be advantageously guided in the direction demanded by both Korea and Japan. Implications: Our government must recognize that Korea and Japan can continue to generate economic benefits by strengthening cooperation between the two countries, even under the economic security paradigm, considering the similarities in economic and industrial structures, the closeness of the economic development process, and the shared concepts of capitalism and free markets. It should not be overlooked that if trade friction or disputes occur between specific countries among the three countries, this could have a negative impact, so to speak, on large losses, not only to the relevant country but also to the other country. Therefore, strengthening cooperation between Korea and Japan is an essential option in the current situation.

      • KCI등재

        한일 경제협력의 변화 과정과 향후 방향

        이형오(Hyung-Oh Lee),안지영(Ji-Young Ahn),김영미(Young-Mi Kim) 한일경상학회 2023 韓日經商論集 Vol.99 No.-

        Purpose: The purposes of this study are to identify the process of change in Korea-Japan economic cooperation through cooperation projects carried out by Korea-Japan Cooperation Foundation for Industry and Technology (KJCF) over the past 30 years, and to explore the future direction of Korea-Japan economic cooperation. Research design, data, and methodology: This study analyzed the Korea-Japan cooperation projects that KJCF has implemented for 30 years from 1993 to 2022. It classified 819 annual projects of KJCF into three areas based on large classification, 14 project groups based on medium classification, and 187 individual projects based on sub-classification. The three areas of the large classification were Technology Cooperation, Infrastructure-forming Human Exchange, and Trade & Investment Cooperation and Others. This study divided 30 years into three stages: the first stage from 1993 to 2002, the second stage from 2003 to 2012, and the third stage from 2013 to 2022. Then, changes in the economic environment were examined in terms of trade, direct investment, human exchange, and manufacturing competitiveness. Results: As a result of the analysis, it was found that the gap in manufacturing competitiveness between Korea and Japan began to be large, but gradually narrowed in the first and second stages, almost closing the gap in the third stage. Under these environmental changes, KJCF has implemented projects suitable for each stage, and the characteristics of the cooperative projects were defined as General-purpose Technology Adoption Type in the first stage, Application Technology Adoption Type in the second stage, and Adopted Technology Utilization Type in the third stage. In the first stage, there was a big difference in manufacturing competitiveness between Korea and Japan, so KJCF promoted projects that helped Korean companies adopt general-purpose technologies from Japan. Then, in the second stage, projects that helped Korean firms adopt application technology from Japan were executed, and in the third stage, projects where Korean companies could utilize the adopted technology were implemented with the manufacturing competitiveness gap almost disappeared. Furthermore, this changing pattern in KJCF projects was also confirmed in the medium classification analysis. Implications: This study looked at the process of changing economic cooperation between Korea and Japan through KJCF projects implemented in response to given environment for each period. As a result, it can be said that those projects have contributed to improving the competitiveness of Korean companies. In fact, the competitiveness gap between Korea and Japan has been almost disappeared in the third stage, and this has important implications for the future direction of Korea-Japan economic cooperation. Accordingly, as to the future direction of economic cooperation between Korea and Japan, this study emphasized the need for reciprocal win-win type cooperation and further presented three points from the perspective of government policy and corporate strategy. First, policy support and corporate efforts are needed to revitalize Korea-Japan economic cooperation in new business areas such as IT, software, new energy, etc. Second, the governments need to help industry associations in two countries form foundation for business cooperation and companies need to cooperate each other under the assistance of those associations. Third, it was suggested that the governments need to provide communication infrastructure for Korean and Japanese companies to explore global markets through cooperation and that companies need to implement cooperative strategy for expansion to global markets.

      • KCI등재후보

        한일 경제 협력 관계의 시작과 제도화 과정

        니시노 준야 서울대학교 일본연구소 2015 일본비평 Vol.- No.12

        This paper aims to study how Korea-Japan economic cooperation developed after the 1965Agreement on the Settlement Problem concerning Property and Claims. The study takesplace from the perspective of institutionalizing Korea-Japan bilateral cooperative relation. “Institutionalization” refers to the formation of Korea-Japan economic cooperation networkand council based on normalization of diplomatic relations and the Agreement on theSettlement Problem concerning Property and Claims. This paper reveals that the leaders of each country shares recognition of economic cooperation through high level discussions in political and economic arena such as the Regular Korea-Japan Ministerial Conferences, and Korea-Japan Private Council of Economy. It also discovers that political knowledge and know-hows are passed on from working-levels such as Korea-Japan Joint Committee and Economy Research Groups. Formations of such various bilateral councils and the process of economic cooperation is only part of postwar Korea-Japan economic cooperation. Nevertheless, by focusing on the interactive cooperation between Korea and Japan instead of focusing on Japan’s unilateral financial and technical contributions to Korea, one can understand the dynamics of Korea-Japan economic cooperation from a more profound perspective.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 1960년대 후반 정세변화와 한일경제협력의 논리 -한일정기각료회의 논의과정을 중심으로-

        이현진 ( Hyun Jin Lee ) 한국사상사학회 2011 韓國思想史學 Vol.0 No.38

        본 연구는 1960년대 후반 한일경제협력논의가 박정희 정부의 장기집권체제로의 전환과정, 국내외 정세변화에 따른 한미관계의 변화와 밀접한 관련을 가지면서 진행되고 있다는 사실을 한일정기각료회의의 논의과정을 중심으로 살펴본 것이다. 한일 양국의 정치 경제적인 이해의 폭을 넓히고 안정적인 협력논의를 이어간다는 취지에서 마련된 정기각료회의는 1960년대 후반 아시아의 정세변화, 한국의 정치적 상황 변화에 따라 정치적 타협을 통한 성과위주의 논의로 변화해갔다. 이러한 과정에서 경제문제는 정치적인 논리에 종속되었고, 이 속에서 이루어진 무리한 경제적인 약속은 결국 한국 경제의 손실로 이어질 수도 있는 것이었다. 또한 베트남 전쟁과 지역안보체제의 형성이라는 아시아지역의 정세변화는 1960년대 후반 한일관계가 긴밀해질 수 있는 조건이 되었다. 한국 측은 한국의 번영과 안정이 일본의 번영과 안정에 지대한 영향을 준다는 운명공동체의 논리를 펼치면서 일본 정부의 경제협력을 강조했고, 일본은 아시아의 안전보장을 위해 일본이 협력할 수 있는 것은 경제적인 측면이라고 강조하면서 한국의 생활안정 및 방위력의 강화를 위해 경제면에서 협력해야 한다는 입장을 취하였다. 이와 같이 한일경제협력의 논리는 지역안보의 차원에서 마련되었고, 이를 바탕으로 국제적 수직분업질서에 입각한 한일경제관계가 형성되게 되었다. This research examines, based on a review of the Regular Korea-Japan Ministerial Conference discussions, the Korea-Japan consultations on economic cooperation whose evolution was closely intertwined with that of the Korea-US bilateral relations in the wake of the political developments home and abroad in Korea in late 1960s, including the changes that prolonged the Park Chung Hee administration. The Regular Korea-Japan Ministerial Conference, intended to broaden the two countries` mutual understanding in political and economic spheres while furthering the two countries` collaborative consultations, began to transform into a result-oriented consultation by means of political compromises amid changes in political circumstances in Korea and the Asian region in late 1960s. In due course, economic issues were subordinated to political reasoning and inordinate economic commitments were made that could bear negative consequences on the Korean economy. Furthermore, new political developments in Asia, including the war in Vietnam and formation of the regional security regime, created conditions conducive to a closer Korea-Japan relation in late 1960s. Korea emphasized the need for Japanese economic cooperation based on the reasoning of shared fate that prosperity and stability of Korea can only affect the prosperity and stability of Japan and Japan took the position that Japan should provide economic cooperation to the effect of stabilizing the livelihood of the public and reinforcing Korea`s defense posture, stressing that economic cooperation is what Japan has to offer to ensure security in the region. In this regard, the logic of Korea-Japan economic cooperation was established in the context of regional security, based on which a bilateral relation between Korea and Japan based on the order of international vertical division of labor was formed.

      • 한-중 경제협력 강화를 위한 지방정부 간 협력방안

        김명아 중국지역학회 2014 중국지역연구 Vol.1 No.1

        Korea-China bilateral trade and economic cooperation has grown by leaps and bounds over 20 years since August 1992 Korea-China diplomatic relations and with the actual conclusion of the FTA between the two countries the economic cooperation is expected to accelerate in accordance. Under this background, as a way to strengthen the economic cooperation between the two countries, it can be said to have implications to reflect on the necessity and way for economic cooperation between local governments of both nations. In addition, the best ways to maximize the effectiveness of the Korea-China FTA should be devised, of which the cooperation between local governments and the establishment of the Economic Cooperation demonstration area will be an effective means. If South Korea and China are to promote economic cooperation in such a way that they select Special Economic Zone(SEZ) as pilot areas, it may be appropriate to consider both the geographical proximity and the size of the economy of concerned areas, as well as the two governments strong policy commitment to the economic development on the areas. Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone where the chinese government tries to make it a base for trilateral economic integration(Korea-China-Japan) on the basis of hegemony of the marine economy will be a stepping stone for Korea- China-Japan economic cooperation, leading to the establishment of so-called ‘Hwang- Hae Rim’ by making District Development Plan of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone in 2011. Saemangeum area of economic cooperation is the first case of cross-border economic cooperation SEZ being promoted in the Korea. Thus, many Korean companies can take advantage of expanding into the Chinese market by investing Saemangeum area of economic cooperation, and in the case of the Chinese enterprises, they can also take advantage of Saemangeum area of economic cooperation, making this area a base to expand into global market, because Saemangeum area of economic cooperation will be fostered by the central governments between the two countries. To take advantage of these pilot areas as a global economic free zone, a trilateral network(Korea-China-Japan) must be configured for each region’s purpose, and an accurate understanding of the policies and legislation of those concerned nations needs to be prioritized. 1992년 8월 한·중 수교 이후 20년 동안 한·중 양국의 경제협력과 교역은 비약적으로 성장해 왔으며 FTA의 실질적 타결에 따라 양국 간의 경제협력은 더욱 가속화 될 것으로 예상된다. 이러한 배경 하에서, 한·중 양국 간의 경제 협력을 강화하기 위한 방안으로서 양국 지방 정부 간 협력의 필요성과 시범지역의 운용을 바탕으로 한 협력 방안을 모색해 보는 것은 그 의미가 있을 것이다. 한·중 FTA의 효과를 가장 극대화 할 수 있는 방안이 수립되어야 하며, 그중에서 경제협력 시범지역 조성 및 지방 정부 간의 협력은 효과적인 수단이 될것이다. 한국과 중국이 경제특구성 시범지역을 선정하는 방식으로 경제협력을추진하는 경우, 지리적 인접성과 경제 규모 등을 감안하여 시범지역을 정하여야 할 것이며, 양국정부의 해당지역에 대한 경제발전 정책의지가 강한 곳이 대상지로 적절할 것이다. 산동반도 남색경제구는 중국정부에서도 해양경제권을 바탕으로 한중일 경제통합의 거점으로 삼고 있으며, 2011년 중국의 산동반도 남색경제구 발전계획수립을 통하여 한·중·일 지역경제협력 시범 함께 마련하고 있으며, 이는 향후환황해경제권 조성으로 이어져 한·중·일 경제협력의 발판이 될 것이다. 새만금지역의 경협단지는 우리나라에서 추진되는 국가 간 경제협력특구의 첫 사례이며, 양국 중앙정부의 협력에 의하여 한·중 경협단지를 조성하기 때문에 우리측기업들도 새만금 한·중 경협단지에 투자함으로써 중국으로의 진출을 위한 거점으로 활용할 수 았으며, 중국측 기업들의 경우에도 한국 진출과 나아가 한·중 FTA를 활용하여 세계시장으로 진출할 수 있는 거점이 될 수 있다. 이러한 한·중 경제협력 시범지역을 글로벌 경제자유지역으로 활용하기 위하여서는 각 지역별 조성 목적에 따라 한·중·일 네트워크를 구성해야 하며, 상대국 지방정부의 정책이나 법제에 대한 정확한 이해가 우선되는 것이 필요하다

      • KCI등재

        한·일협정 체결과 '지역통합전략'의 현실화 : 한·미·일 3국의 인식과 대응을 중심으로 How Korea, U.S. and Japan viewed the situation and responded

        박진희 한국역사연구회 2003 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.50

        In this article, how Korea, U.S, and Japan during the 1960s viewed and accepted the so-called Regional Integration Strategy is examined. Primary objective of this research is to determine the nature and characteristics of the Korea-Japan treaty which was a distinct result of that strategy. How those 3 countries participated in the realization of such strategy, and what roles they were asked to play in the game, are examined here as well. The Regional Integration Strategy of the 1960s was designed to reinforce the bonding among anti-Communist states through economical support and development. Basically, it was dictating the roles that should be respectively played by Korea and Japan, and the result of such dictations was the signing of the Korea-Japan treaty. So the treaty itself not only meant the reopening of diplomatic relationship between those two countries, but also a distinct joining of anti-Communist policies and Economics-driven ideologies throughout the North-Eastern Asian community. In other words, it meant the formation of a new international hierarchy structure in terms of politics, economy and military issues in this region. The U.S. signed mutual defence pacts respectively with Korea and Japan which would benefit the situation in political and military terms, and encouraged Japan to re-arm itself by emphasizing the importance of its role. The newly established situation was going to supposedly benefit every party involved. U.S. was trying to reduce the financial pressure it had to endure in supporting the Korean economy, and the Park Jeong Hi regime of Korea wanted to ensure economical developments in order to stabilize its still shaky political image. And the Japanese capitalism was trying to seize the opportunity to enter the Korean market for their own profits. The economical cooperation between Korea and Japan, and the events happened during (and inside) the Vietnam war were sample cases of this partnership. And in the process Anti-Communist alliance was strengthened throughout the North-Eastern Asian countries. Yet while Korea provided labor workforce at a reasonable price, and Japan provided capital, equipments and technology, Korean economy's subordination to the Japanese economy was reinforced. Reviewing the Korea-Japan treaty, we can see it was not based upon remorse or regret over the past history. And a desirable new future course which should have been pursued and enjoyed by everyone, was not an item that could be produced by the treaty. The treaty was based upon a Cold war sentimentality and economical pragmatism. This kind of treaty was not what the Koreans intended or wanted.

      • KCI등재

        북·일 수교회담 전망과 한국의 대응전략 : 과거청산문제를 중심으로

        유의상 ( Euy Sang Yoo ) 국민대학교 일본학연구소 2018 일본공간 Vol.23 No.-

        한반도 정세변화에 따라 북·일 수교회담 재개가 예상된다. 북한 핵문제 및 일본인납치문제가 선결된다면 수교회담의 핵심의제는 과거청산이 될 것이다. 북·일 양국은 2002년 9월 ‘평양선언’에서 일본의 식민지지배에 대한 반성 및 사죄표명과 함께 일본의 대북경제협력, 청구권 상호포기 등 과거청산에 관해 한·일 회담과의 정합성이 유지된 원칙적 합의에 도달한 바 있다. 남은 과제는 경제협력의 규모와 ‘명분’을 정하고, 일본군‘위안부’문제 등 개인청구권에 대한 처리방안을 협의하는 것이다. 북한이 ‘보상’의 입장을 포기하지 않고 있어 쉽지 않은 교섭이 될 것으로 보인다. 북·일 회담 재개 시 한국에서도 미해결 과거사문제의 청산요구가 커질 것이다. 한국은, 북한이 후일 한·일 간에도 적용할 수 있는 내용으로 과거를 청산토록 지원해야 한다. 이것이 여의치 않을 경우 북·일 국교정상화 계기 한국, 북한, 일본 3개국 정상회담을 개최하고, 일본의 한반도전체에 대한 식민지지배 반성과 사죄가 담긴 공동선언을 발표함으로써 과거청산을 위한 기제를 마련하는 방안을 검토해야 한다. N. Korea-Japan Normalization Talks are likely to reopen due to the change of situation on the Korean Peninsula. The key agenda at the forthcoming talks will be how to settle the issues caused by Japanese colonial rule. They agreed basically, in conformity with S. Korea and Japan's agreement of 1965, at the “Joint Declaration” of September 2002 that Japan expressed apology for the colonial rule and would provide N. Korea with economic cooperation, while waiving the right of property and claims mutually. Remaining task is to decide the amount and purpose of economic cooperation, and discuss about how to handle the personal right of claim of the victims including ‘comfort women.’ N. Korea-Japan Talks will reignite demand in S. Korea for the settlement of the unresolved past history issues. S. Korea should support N. Korea for the better settlement of the past history issues, so that it will serve as a guideline between S. Korea and Japan, or pursue a Summit among South and North Korea and Japan, and make a joint communique which contains Japan's sincere apology for its colonial rule toward the people of both South and North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        한,일 양국의 한일협정 반대운동 논리

        박희진 ( Jin Hee Park ) 민주화운동기념사업회 2007 기억과 전망 Vol.16 No.-

        Korea-Japan Treaty itself not only meant the reopening of diplomatic relationship between tow countries, but also a distinct joining of anti-Communist policies and Economics-driven ideologies throughout the North-Eastern Asian community. But reviewing the Korea-Japan treaty, we can see it was not based upon remorse or regret over the past history. And a desirable new course which should have been pursued and by everyone, was not an item that could be produced by the treaty. Therefore there was an opposition public opinion from Korea and Japan. It Criticized the humiliating diplomatic attitude of the government from Korea. The doubt regrading a northeast Asia military alliance was proposed from Japan. The Japanese government disapproved this opinion. The Korean government looked away a past history, it exchanged a Property claims for a Peace line. These were the point at issue of Korea-Japan Talks. After the liberation in 1945, Korea produced a manifest of properties damage and loss of human resources that occurred during Japan`s imperial occupation of Korea. In January 18, 1952, Korea declared the `Proclamation of Sovereignty over Adjacent Seas`, so-called `Peace Line`, which was signed by President Rhee, Syngman. The objective of establishing this Peace Line was to protect Korean fishery resources, prevent any kind of fishery disputes with Japan from ever happening, and secure the sovereign authority of Korea in its nearby sea areas. They were problems it nor be able concede. But Korea-Japan Treaty was contracted. The Treaty was based upon a Cold war sentimentality and economical pragmatism. This Kind of treaty was nor what the Koreans intended of wanted.

      • KCI등재

        역내무역구조로 본 한중일 3국의 경제협력 필요성 연구

        곽복선 ( Bok Sun Kwag ) 한중사회과학학회 2016 한중사회과학연구 Vol.14 No.1

        Three countries; Korea, China and Japan have tried to participate in various multinational Free Trade Agreements while they push for a Free Trade Agreement(FTA) among them. In this situation, it remains to be seen whether it is necessary for three countries to promote their own close economic cooperation at practical level. Until now, there are many studies on the structure of intra-trade among them and the method of their economic cooperations including FTA. Those studies have mainly focused on possibilities of three countries’ economic cooperations through comprehensive research at industrial level. But this paper studied the structure of intratrade among them through analysing trading items on the base of HS Code Heading(4 digit) and tried to reason out necessities of three countries’economic cooperations. Through analysis of three countries’ intra-trade volume, several results are drawn as follows. Firstly, it is inferred that there are necessities of economic cooperations among them through the analysis of three countries’ economic positions in the world economy. Secondly, it is reasoned out the necessity of economic cooperation of two countries(Korea and Japan) with China through analysis of changes of other country’s shares in each country’s total trade volume. Thirdly, it is inferred that there are weaknesses in three countries’ intra-trade structure through analysis of export- import items’ concentrative ness and duplication. In order to remedy these weaknesses, it is reasoned out that it is necessary for three countries to make close economic cooperation. Lastly, through analysis of trade specialization index on export-import items of three countries’ intra-trade, it is inferred that there is relativity of competitiveness among them and Korea has more necessity of economic cooperation than China and Japan. In conclusion, it is shown that there are always necessities of economic cooperation among three countries and that for Korea, close economic cooperation with China and Japan are very important.

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